Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 29, 1899, p. 2

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w- harhlsp caaxstoiidowin farms on wednesday slat juno by itor j a dow aravenhurat brother of tbo bride itov j a cranston fergus on weaneaaay j a dow aravenhureb de bov j a or bockwood to mil annta dow fergus vumhbuuxr at the residence of the brides jpareuta so washington strut aioveravlllo n y on wednesday slat june by bev ii uunn i walton pureell to margaret youngeat daughter of wmbenisey formerly of aeton cucubhtsrbnooh at altamont ullton on wodnosday jane net by bev d w snldar w bradford clements hardware merchant to bertha frances deaeonm b ii eldaat deogntsr of j b deacon p fl i mayor of milton the municipal council rfi ii 2mjbd btiuoiun on wedneaday june slat aroble straohen aged 83 yeara and6 months wht jutott psrftes thursday june 29 1890 the fre arid alatht cornrnlilee suggested that it wa daslrabla to appoin a new bhlrieer a new block of pavement in counoll met on monday evening in regular session 815 40 o 6a an ooa s 19 eio 18 os nei6hbhoop news neiwa itemsf i ppndenf supplied by corm land exohanataa linafad canada nat day confederation wsa consummated on july lai 1607 ana the people of tw good dominion will consequently oelebrete ha thirtyaaophd anniversary next saturday with thu anniversary there oomat to canada a oontoieptlouinebs ol tbe strength of the ooontry- on the wbolo it muil be ald that tbe expectations of those who founded confederation have been realised if tba hopes of some of the more eadgolna hae not been folflllod the donbta and fears of others have not been realise in the confederation debate in tbe british u i well aa the canadian parliamaot it mentioned that great britain was at a cost of nearly a million sterling a year for the defence of the aoattared canadian oolonles tba dominion in that i is now entirely seltsubtalrilng it has by the intaroolooial and canadian pacific systsm e oomplate railway communication from the atlsntio to tho pacific and for tna next decade railway development la likely to take the form of a etrlea of lines bating tba grand troqk the canadian paolno and the national waterways for their base and stretching out into tbe mining lands the forests and tbe wheat fields of the north in theae regions there is potential wealth which wlubeoome more and more valuable as the population of the united slates inoreate snd sa the natural resodtc afihat country ate drawn upon for food supply and for the raw material of manufactures in our mineral agricultural and timber resources we possess tbe key to tbe situation sad so long as these are not dissipated we oan eh6rfto bide oor lime we shall be gladio enlarge oar msrket of oourse but there it no necessity to make ssorlnoee to mortgage our future even for the purpose of obtaining markets there was a time when the forests of ontario wore regarded malciy aa an obstacle to settlement gradually the value of timber increased the prloee rose the government imposed oonditions more and more onsrous upon purchasers nolll ilwe found neoeeaary to stipulate for the domeitlc manufacture of logs- out in ontario the teadenoy ia to become less anxious about ending markets for oar products and more careful about oouterv- ing those which are limited in quality an observant writer says in tbe last day or two news has ooms in which ha caal a doubt on the intention of our american neighbors to enter into closer relations with canada canada is ready for more liberal relations hut awaiting the action of her nrigjstjors with very little anxiety bhjjiewng wry well under the prenijtanulons snd with every year hfvxiawbtjth end independenoe r have then exoellent reason for national pride and a reasonable degree of indepe of spirit and dominion day will be oelebrated by all good canadians with gratitude and ipyalty members all present the thirteenth report of the committee on finance recommended payment of accounts at follows n forbes atone work on dam w smith workcn atresia do work at eemeterr george worden wprk on etreotsi jto work at ceraotery a cook travel for park and dam d mills teaming h 8 holtnoa agent g t 11 freight and duty on ooaj f bice lewlaft son valrea til 113m moved by j a murray eeoondsd by james clark that the thirteenth report of the cornmittee on finance juit read be adopted carried alefterfrom the seoretary of the free library requested a grant of ten dollars for current expenses v movedby john clarke leobuded by j a hurray that theeumof ten dollara be paid the treasarer of the free library board to meet oorrent eipooees carried tbe fire and light committee reported that they bad made two appointments with tbe engineer of the fire brigade with the purposs of talking with him oer rnauaraealculated to improve tbe aervioe bail that he had failed to pot in an aes oat either oectalon it wss tcrther mated the the engloeer was ea4ioamas tbo corporation and con eneeellj wee not available in ease a fire ahoau oeeer the oommtttee rsqouted the ooasell to take action in the matter moved by john clarke eeoondsd by 1 franci tbal in oonstquenee of the per- foraseee of the duties of the engineer of fir brigade not being oonaldered satle- factory to thla oonnoll the clerk notify htm that bit servloea are no longer raqnlredoerrled thle resolution was oarried onanlmouily each member of the oonnoll expreailng himself in favor of the motion an sppllostlon from the oblef of the fire brigade for a number of pilrs of new rubber hoots was put in moved by john clarke seconded by i fraoola that the chief of the fire brigade be authorised to purohaee twelve pairs of rubber boots for tba nee of the brigade oarried moved by john clarke seoondod by 3 a murray that tbe fire and light coin mitteo are hereby authorized to engage at oboe an engineer to take obarge of the are engine carried the chairman of the committee on btreete and walks reported that a oontract had been entered into with the quelph pavement company for a block of grano lithic pavement from elgin to frederlok streets work will be done tome time during july formal notioe was arranged to be given to the lacrosse club that tbe park waa required thla evening by the fire brigade fur their garden party f counoll adjonrued at 916 ocjooki the rarjen plrly nt th i homo uf mr levi colo laatl friday evening wis a a gratifying atxfoeee tbe weather vue dellgbtfnl thoorowd waa uooj and the bntjfonday programme f igbly enjoybl miaa nioklln of aton and mr smith of brampton jendered several mnaloal eo- leotions wheal were highly enjiyed mill clara more of aoton rooited several wol oboaeay numbers and the erin baud diaeonrsed popular mualp b mr presided and bov mr bmitberman gave a brief address a canvasilng sgegt who vrtb onao- qnalnted with the dangefaof our mountain on tbe seventh line attempted to descend jt leal friday evening on bie wheef result waa aserious oapalze a jroken wheel aid a badly bruised young mm everton mr bobinioo of orangevllle 1 spsnding a week or so with bdr son ihe blacksmith mr william doffleld and grindwii willie of eden miiif visited at the hortop borne monday mies emily pearen of oueljih spent a day or two at the old home last week with her brother who we learn was kioko1 by a horse and is opnflned to hie room for stlme though not seriouely bnrt the ohildren are glad tllll week- no more tobool for awhile berry picking will be the next job for moat of them and aoine are good t it too the methodist church was filled sunday evening for rev d hharpeo last aervice here we all wish him auoceis in bh new geld of labor at vatbey wo are glad to hear that mrs wm burna who la tn theboapital laimproylog and hopes are entertained that she will aoon be home again note s and comments in the- amtrlan ilonthly bcvkx i jtetitki far july the editor rsvlewl tbe work of delegation at the hague np to dale presenting the latent phases of the armtr question with eome oonilder- auon ot its bearlcgs on the present international situation some uvation8 ovely leafjr njonth of june it iremlnently eulted to the stordy farmera pleasant recreation for aside from their enjoyable natural turroondlngt at all times ihar is ihsh a relaxation from toll suooteding ui laboriouj workntsrlnfl and preoeedlng tha equally laborious work ot the barvsstlng therefore it ii not to be wondered at that so mnoh advantage was takan of the helton farmers instltnts exonrslon to the o a 0 isat saturday from all part of the oounty thsy oame a robust jouyln teillgent lot of people providers for the maeses and the people who cannot be don without it was a pity howarar tba- at the ooteel the prospective enjoyment waa marred by the disagreeable waiting for tba cars many a cow bad been hurriedly milked and driven to paatore many a whliuug s u aud uia a dug mr j bbarbr m p p baa already proved himaslf a valnabl member of tbe islatuiw- in oonneotlon srltb the printing oozttraot for on thlng we bellave bshst been able to give the qovernmsot inforajlon which j will jes4 impromd snpply and egrsat saving in the roldrt in other ujreotlontvt flrst- rfanalnltyiia enbld him w rinismhiraevrioi- priyyieosijnmthaj mor prontlsingrspretntatva bubpor snob msoo ths wlibdrawal of lb ptlloon agalnil him beoauw there waanotarideno toofter will be hilled with vsry gsnsral tallsfaotion qualph mmiify vj in th house of oommons last friday mr dr henbterson membsr for- tbl counlyidasthailsnh mastwtlsnetal lotbe bsrhlp which wu inflleterl iilrjotbrefrist frlt lastwf m tb pml obolalm at fault thai tbe sum of iwuplaod in tb npplsmen lary wmat to naoop be lossn tba potott replied faailyvajoatoblnf poet bad bsein pmihaigiytiamarkxioi that the loesi4a4go ito th who mailed uieirmonvniio si st any other point and tba loeraatismfnl would oaruinlyb wwiilk oomplying lvrfturv uiti hendsrson tsquest the klondikbjb wealth the 8eaeortalanupvlliamtunt toaj ba fotsoo jqus jla istter from dawot dated may mlb aaa tb oleanup fuiianm amrjoni to at jatwssannift- iiitai- awanaiiriautta tied up early to the morning in the hurry to raaob the train only to hod their plaasurs shortened by the failure of the train to be on time in these days while perebnal probity may be neoesaary politician sntertslnera railway oom panies and othtrs may apparently make ogagaments with tbe publlo and break binaiwlllv iwssrtwed at the wiasopen 6 a0 jfatesatguslpb however and piooeeding to lieoeqtral eoene one of the first pbjeou vlewmiby tbo- visitor la the immedte psejtndsapr throng in front of the gymnasium opr down to helawdtiahding waiting for aomeihn fliijriyhptgynjnl xarolea la quite an aoqutremeot already kfiijltnv outhat ibsrs areperhsps at many iniiastbajargeedlooe looked in m lbsyeareiocksdoutd rtpldiy asmbjlah- fog tba generoueiyrovlde lonoh whloh bowerer in riwet ba means a good sqaare dinner and whnotf doe not the country pay for it t so do npt spars it and oerlolv tbere was no netdto this is wis arrapgsmanl whls good naefbl information may b gained by a jlslttothikooui farm there i avoided thetrouij of locking after a iunoh ouvfll 1 opmpahy dismissed aud the other adnilited f the crowd ouirid is renewed and tbua the time went on nntll at last hone jpty be amid to have gone away nnfat crew80n8 corners v- btatuto labor u now tiie ordr of the day in tbia violnity meaars 1 and j dufi completed the oreoticn of a uewbridgoovertneoreek near i ilia plnce litbt wuek mr l wittaiii tho urat lo commence haying in thla neiuliborhooil he started h inst otr j rioharilaon iutenda raleing a new barn on hie farnv hhortly a large number from here took in the haltoh excuraton to tbe 0 a o 6n saturday quite a numbtr from this place intend rlkiiigin the picno at bloomabary on dominion day mestsra a and m motiavieii of kaseajtaweya who recently purobased mr wm orippa tbresblnij and ohopplrg outfit have dlfpsecdot thtrii and bae porobaedd a uew lhiebhiig machine and onglhe mr0ripps will oopaeqaently not be on his threahiug route tblt eeunqn but- dealreetb thank bis many cuatoraera for their liberal patronage iti the paat meesre motavlah hive for several yeara been iti the threelilng boaineee having worked with mr crippv and ptboronghly onderataud their work arevtry obliging youutl men mrs e matthew and little daughter of berlin spent a few days durtnirtbe past weekeat mr it gibbollu mis irene carroll of gjup epent sunday at her home iu tlii vicinity- mr einiet b odver of st marys ppent a few days lat week at hehome of fkf r jab moors mr l crcwson of luther epsnt a few daye with fileuda laat week mr e oann of erin visited hit anolr mr oeorge oann on sunday oonnolllor and mrs murray- of anion epeht sunday at mr john murrays messrs r moalplne and- wm taylor of nassaganeya apsnt sunday at wm ijelobmans ib liqht that saves one dnrk nitrlit vdurlng the hieirc of santiago hnrbor n spnnisll torj ao boattflarted oiivlluder cover of darkncm to launch its deadly mleailc agnlnst an auicr lean war veasel if she had been struck ehe would have gone to the bottom whitt saved her w it- her bin iilnclt riiiis no it waa her searchlight the elaiuilinr white beam of light that shot straight out like a awordthrilht through the darknean revealed the approaching danger whot ia it that eaves thousand of men from death every duy in the year when the mcnittyfoey of tllsease is crcepllik imsus- pected upon them h i the white- lirjlit of science the educated imderxtnndiiir that reveals the aource of danircr slid indicates the exact pnint of attack while the ordinary doctor kronen around with the feeble tallowcandle light of ste reotyped conventional routine treatment a physician like dr k v pierce of huf falo n y instantly illuminates the sub ject with the clear dayllghrtay of practical knowledge the irresistible searchlight of advanced and liufbuatsinlng science lfii ihilm bu of no ccarkhtaiaknmni fqr i was afflicted for roilryeara says john i xlngahelni bu of no 0 fjirk ht aiimlenmni m in oiieariicst letter to dr pierce my w0 iftcrti waa extreme and the lronnlekndimll arlthstnndini the fnct thnt i trli t nt klnda of treatment after be ilcally lucapaciuited and unable to different kinds of treatment after be eomfiir pliyalcnlly llifapacltotcd on wortc at an sod after much hesitation wrote you i am very happy to state that ypiir ojlvice ha- done me great good you advbel dr plcrcea golden medical discovery aud nlrto his pleasant tcllcl i must here stale ttint they have cured me i wish tq thanlc yon inmt heart ily for what you did for me all suffering has vanished and i hove jralned ahont twcntyflve pounds in weight f used only ono bottle of golden medical plaeovery and one vial or the telleta i donothealtatetowrltetodr pierce he will aend confidential advice absolutely free send 31 onecent atdmps lo cover cost of customs audi mailing only for pnper- oavercd copy of the common sense med ical adviser clottabinding 50 stamps address dr ktv pierce buffalo n y milton the event of the weirk was tbe marriage fait wednatday of miss bertba frances deaooo m e x daughter of mayor doaoon p 8 i to mr w bradford clements hardware merchant here the interesting ceretnony mi performed at altsmont the beautiful resldenoe of tbe brides parents in the east end rev d w snider tjed the nuptial knot the young ooopis are both highly esteemed and are the rebiplenta of beary oongratulatlpns from a very wide circle ol jfriendt mr w o forsjtb direotpr of the metropolitan school of mutlo of toronto was iu town on 1 the 20th inst for the gnrpose of oondnatlng examinations among ihoie presenting themselves for elimination in first sear piano playing were six of ihe pupils of mr e w lte tbe well known mueloian these being the misses alios walker florenon harrison mlly ondmore snd ida bate all of milton effle yanfleet of kilbride snd jean bmltb of acton at two ol these oarried of these oarrfedoft 1st blass honors and two other 2nd olaas honors sod the olhora- were highly oommendsd by mr fsrorey th for their work done and general promise jhe result mutt be vary satis- jtaotory for all and they certainly speak blgbly for mriiees efficiency aa a teacher mr forsyth standing in the mualoal profession is a spffloient guarantee that the eiamlnatlodb were moat oritioal indeed the institution whioh bedlrepts viat the metropolitan sohool of moslo has largely built op its high repulatibiii upon tbe falrnea and thorbughneii of its tesohlng and examinations rockwood on suuday the methodist sunday school celebrated childrens day by deoorating ihe ohurbh with flowers and birds and giving a service in honor of blossom time a large aroh of ever greens wat ereoted at tbe front of the ohnroh and the body of the ohuroh was ornamented with hanging baskets of flowers and vines the service- consisted of recitations and songs by the ohildren dlsoriptlve of blhasom time and tongs there never was and never will ba a anilversal panaoeat in ope remedy for all ilia towhlnb 8esh is helrrthe very nature of many cuiativph being such that were the gerrnof other and differently seated diaeasea rooted iu the system of the patient what would relieve one iii in trim would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulteratedetafte a remedy for many and grinvoua ills by its gradual judlolous nee the frailest systpms are led into con walescenae and strength by the influence wblbh qululno exerts on- natures own restoratives it relieves tba drooping spirits of those with whom a cbroolo state of morbid deapondeuup end iepk of interest in life is a dliease and by tranquilislng the nerves dlapoaea to sound and refresh ing sleep impute vigor to tbo action of the blood whioh being stimulated jopurses tbrongbput ibe yelnt strengthening tho healthy animal fuuattont of the eystem thereby rnaking activity a neoesaary result strengthening the frsme snd givlcg life to the digsatlve organs whioh naturally demand inoreasod snbstsnce resoli im proved- appetite northrop ft lyman of toronto pave riven to the public their qninine- wine at the usurit rate and- gnagedby tbe opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any tbe market all druggists ssll it istjyly sltom aoton on monday night junejl 1 bay liorae with black pcinu btaodsaw toon hands two laoliea hfgh with smallfiu iiforeheaa finder will kindly return or wafamdbubomr bowor avenues i g tii r y cl to h doubt about it our clothing for men and boyb must ffljungwajea the porfootion of ourorgan and our determination to i do by every fair menns ia having iia- ettott ou our aalei whioh were never so large in the past wo sparo no p tho best we aro buying our cloth from the mills t mado in the most approved style witu the best triraini loneial s wante b anaaayplaoa only two in tho family apply at lot si oon 7 biqueslnb or writs john u liane llrnehouse p o if you left your order only you are under no obligation bu you are fully satisfied with the fit stylo and price i you want to spend only sjooon a suit we can give yougoodswlih merit tho grades ore better buying and for 8 00 j1000 and 11400 we can give vi thn ihe best judgkiof clothing r loys wanted j iv8m builnesi exponenoo notmsenui bbadteyqametbon comitjd there is nothing adds to the self respect of a b ithing theyat sul iioo up and single pants for every day cy are the coming men you than neat wellfitting clothing they are well provided for here childijj ere is head wear neck wear and foot wear pun lere at a big saving the whole outfit caa r je old men all have uomo hoajflintde reaiody lor every ill distnrckblroa nerve was the result ot ilia splendid heuth indomitable wliraod treraondoua energy are not found wnero rtoroaoh lfwer kidoqys and bowel a are oqt of order it yoa ynt tbees qaalitfes and the saooeaj they bring aio dr kogn nuw lifo fills they develop every povrer of brain and body only 25 cent at j p mckeoe progstore some people pretend to love their botohor bcoqase thoy feel they owe hi pa a great deal even when they dont like his wofgba they foelit ifl meat they ghoqld a childs sdffelilncr mr wm mokay op clifford n 8 tells of his daodhterscuhe 006 mdrs tbeo tsrlat last w vat tool are th point of interest one turd y yoaman wauls lo go baok to the expaimeutai plot jbjitt bis j pod would rathsigooysrto tb dtifyf thadsngbter wopidacoompahy iielthtrbairsvstslntlm gresnbpflatknd in jooiioatvthiwondar fnl mllwllopof xjrestrvedfrtat wlulp lb bnfpti irlh- go amongst the quints or imptnmt m psrbaps laan op agalosl trbanaaaddioeorem aland it ii a w6uorpridshi mills allows the sale of ohriilisiv jj a point of choice lutertai 1 the eollega twf gained iniamaoy another oholos vapiagvgropp by ponaljeraw halngilq is choice inddsuoh a magnloospt sweep of vision might make a by tb ebolrthe nomerbut bird adding theirmualo to the whole our presbyterian minister bev j a cranston waa married on wednesday laat to ulis annie bow of fergus by ear j a dow of oravenhurst brother ol the bride general regret was ftlt bore last week at newspf the death on wednesday evening at the home of bis parents in quelpb of arohle straohadj son of ki d blraohan7 formerly of thl place about a year ago he contracted a severe oold whioh settled into is grippe the ttonblo deroloped into oonaumptlon which resitted the beat pare and mejlloal akill soma four months ago in the hopet of gslolng renewed itrength mr slrachin wialted m ex joo and remained there for to months arriving home jdit a month sgo the trip did not oenefli him mnoh j on he contrary it appeared to aggravate the trouble peoessed bad been in- the employ of mesare o br bysp i co drygood merohsota for the past five yeara jh waa a consistent member of st andrews oburoh a garden parly isto be held it mr b harris v on the 80lb inst under the autploet of tbo epworlh league bey mresy of quelpb will be present and tb programm will be given hy the palslsy 8t jbboifv udelpb ulss mitchell kvertoo mr j slraohan kookwood and othars she was first attacked with aoute rheumatlam followpd by 6t vitus dance in a 8evare form her parents thqughtlsho could not reoovor prom the bnlerprlse brldgotrater n b wm mckay esq a wellknown and mnoh reepeoled farmer snd mtli man at clifford lunenburg oo n b relates he foliowing wonder euro ffeuted in bis family by the ate of dr williams pink prils about three years sgo my little it is a good thing it is not a crime to wish for tbinga k volcanlo ernptlonb are grand but bfelp eropttooa rob life of joy buoklens arnica salve curebtbem alio old sunning and fever soces ulcere bolloi felonb oorns warts oute brulaea i xturpt scalds gbspped hauds chilblains best pile oure onearih driven out paint and aches only 25 ots i box core gparanteed sold by j d mckee srugglet there is more money equaudered on f sat horses that are not quite faet enough ibanin any other way noblghttougllnfli thewpman who ia lovely iu face form and temper will always have friorids but one whn would be attraotivpmjjst keep her health if she is weak sickly and all run dowb she will be nervous and irritable ii abc has constipation or kidney trouble berirnpore blood will cause pimples blotches akin erruplons and a wretched complexion electric bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate atomaob llverand kidneys and to purify the blood it rives strong nerves bright eyes smooth velvety skin rlob complexion it villi mako wgoodvlooking charming woman of a run down invalid only so contb at j d mckces drug store tifbiwutlil6 north and hog vlsir bt upfifttnlatrefcbe pt wajfy jl cnapalgwjpapkfl8 a mpkim a coa nawapapar direc tory the mopt complete bvarhmuad v the new edition of the canadian newspaper directory jail issued by a m oklm 4 oouontreal ii the rnost com prebenilvs eyar itaued in this country it gives a oomplste and reliable list of the newspapera and periodical published in the domlolon of canada and newfound land with full particulars reipeotlbg thara in addition to the mass of ttatistlcsl and plhtr important information this new edition bat a now feature in its fonr newipsper maps covering tba whole dominion snd especially engraved for lbs work theae maps give in a very prominanl way tbe name and oorreol looailon of every c to and vlilane i wbjlob oos or more daoghtar elja then a child- of len years was attacked wltb acute rbeumallam it waa a terrlblbadjoasetfor over a month- ehe waacounned4p berbed aud during the most of ibitoio was utterly beipleti being unable to torn in bed or iu fact to move at til withoot help she could not even bold any thing in her band all power or uae ot nerlmbs had entirely gone and the pain she suffered set fearful by cobahinl attention after a mopth or so she began to gain a little strength and after a wtiile improved enoagb to be lauui ont of bed and ageu walked around a bit after a fashion by moaul of a aupport but now the was seised wltb a worse ailment than the rheumatism her nervous system gays way appearing cpm pletely shattered bbe shook violently all the lime and would tumble down in trying to walk in attempting to drink from a oup her hand shook so at to spill tba oonfents alt over herself 8rje was a pitiablo object the dooton were called to her sgaln aodsafd aha hadfll yilus dsnos fit the wflrat form she took the medloloe prescribed abd followed the inatrnotlona of berphyalolan for eome time bnt wllhont apparent benefit bhe wasted isfonr daughter seems to be suffering from the best no ehea jaat home from oqllege and ahobroatrated by the tamlly grammar nillifo watspvnl mr jv e lilly a prominent citizen ot banuibal mo lately had a tronderful deliveranoe from a frfghtfol death in tolling cf ithe ssys i wbb taken wltb typhoid fever that fan into pneumonia my lungs became hardened i waa so weak i couldnt oven all up in bed nothing helped me i txpeotcd to soon dio of con lumplloo when i heard of dr king new pisvaaeery one bottle gave great relief i continued to uru it- and am mil and strong i cant say too much in iteprajee- thie marvellous medicine is tho surest and quickest cure in the world ifpr all throat and long trouble regular sixes 50 oenta and tloo trial bottle free at i i mcksee drug store every bottle gnaranleed la nowjpapers are the advsntsgepf suoh a serloij pfmsps to the general sdverilser as well jpsivlourinilli will be rsdlly wajth l plstltilol have been brouuba down to lb latpatdalp snd ihe volume will bo motloseilui tplibnilneaa man l one waaatki away almost to a skeleton and we gave her up for lost about this tints i read lip a paper an aooouut of a great core of nervouaneia effeoted by dr william pink pills and resolved to try them i bought six bores and the attld girl began using them tho jgoodeffeota of the first boa were qulio apparent snd when four boxes were used shs seemsd to mppb irnprpved that the pill were dlsoontlpned she kept on improving and after a few week was as well sit ever we were told that tba oure would not ait that it was only some powerful ingredient la the pills whioh was deceiving us end that after a time the ohlld would be worse than pver all this haipruveul faise for now noarly three years she has had unbroken good beslth nerves a strong a they are made and hands sohool aprk apd houatbold work aa well as a mators perspb we have no doubt abont dr wllllanit pink pills restoring to us our little girl whom we looked upon as doomed to an early grave dr williams pink pill ars a spsolflo fnr dlsaaaea arising from snlmpotlsbsd the favorite in a horserace is the one that wins wbeu you dont bet on him isttil en if you have a nagging cough and are lotlng flesh go to a drug storo and get a bottle of shjlohs ooniupiption curs take twothirds of it and then it yon are not benefitted return the bottle- to the druggist and he will rsturn your money isnt that fair no one could ask more 88 of bo ots and 100 a bottle guelphs greatest store cattle pasture lmonaereul lih bsao ind spring eaqooaattentli vsu roeattlo addroaamrs- a watera ttfl ssi8tantt0stirasrei jwagpryj goofr opening for avboenialer or ife drclkmaker poaltldnat onoe apply bpj i 3b oaddbb carluke omt warning to the jpnfeiio rbb privilege of flahlng op jthtlianj j raublng uirougb the farm of mr john 1 lordon lot 88 eon 5 eauoealng has beet ised for a term of yeara- trespassers wuljjf cnted nccopdldg v lpton jpne aiat 1809 in atadsoat for the i ne 2qsd 1899 established hamiltons favorite shopping place line positions are money n be ssoured at once for the season by looking for a good tbfng our salary or oonl mission offers interest to i seii 7m7- wmll ur trimmed hats and bonnets and many hues of stylish untrlmmi r and fashionable millinery trimmings have been greatly reduced this june sale in most cases the reductions amount to 50 and 75 nal prices here are a few items of interest that will give you an id opd ol argalos that can be had here now ttitrajrinn hats ghorn hats at exactly half former prices and they were lent value before erly i50 reduced to 75c erly ss06 reduced to 50c leghorn hats suitable for j and garden use in white luscan formerly 35c now i2tc untrimmed hats this shapes formerly 125 5o i hats ilot of ladies colored straw i hats formerly fr and 125 50c 1 r ijwaibt bahgatns f special iine of print blouses argo variety of very stylish is checks atiipes etc in all 4 sbadea worth 7sc cambric arid muslin blouses assortment of designs and ngs stylish weilmade its worth lr aj scotch gingham blouses bus pretty stripes and check j alt the fashionable color- would be good value at 9125 bbood3 a of black figured lustres variety of good designs i styles much reduced in flowers a very large assortment of fashion able flowers at ridiculously low prices at 15c formerly from 35 to 63c spray a largo lot of- roses am others at 25c formerly 65 75c and 5 ssr spray consisting of rosesi uk popples cherries etc at 500 formerly ti and 4125 pei spray incloding roses and variety pi other flowers wanted aqbnts in every dutrlotontbeecnuntufl to take orders for high grade canadian grown koraery block ndbeljrmetmgl moat complete assortment in tlio tta4erfasta elllug nodal tlos anperb samples lurnlahsdl ires 1 eprrespoodeuoo in r jfnaasbjsh- sh btuaryx anyone notl s1oo000 per year uet in oommpnioauin uwlll our naareat offloe t opportunity to repreaont a wallmubllsbod house ability mora impr taut than experienoe iuke bb0thbb8 compah i t hml mwi mi oliloago 111 internatlcnalnurserlet montreal que boobeater ns prope in acton for sale rphb fojlpwlni baaongfng to l i patrick kfiuix vow of j3afftloj offered tor sale at low prloee and easy terms ifl pincall that fine brlok resldaueesndta lots on the corner of oburoh and qualph ttrsatl ooutalna 8 rooms hard and soft water srriendf- orebard ond good garden iim fiacar soood bulldlns lot 66xaji nalnhntrmtnaxt to- alex hamahavaa ooalph atreet neat to- alex jlamahaw idenoei upon whlohia a young orabard resli at 65c fonnerrly consisliog of corn special value tji5 per spray flowers verj faucsr 8 the store snd dwelling oal street occupied by onrnev uroa who carry a gtnaral bualnsss is iu splendid loeatl oeutral audeonvenlent ooxnerorxounsandlulirstreeta aspla aits tor a manufaetnrlng eatadalahment- ovnti piiosr 4tbroe good bupdlnljots at tulll btreota a splsi ringestablish to its proximity to o tt1 d for terms and particulars enquire a thee of v irk wivnbbrmkiva formerly 50c reduced to 35 formerly 68c reduced 10 50 fotmerly95creducedto75 hisibht plain black cashmere- stocking with double sole heel and toe pairs for ii preach pair 31 ribbed cashmere hosiery seamlesl spliced heal and too ranging froif 65c down lo 2 ia iso froncs for 10 about 1800 yards of amerii percales and crams engllj prints all this seasons goorf immense variety of good palteri in light and dark shades 32 anot inches wldo formerly lajc now s for 8a iti plea prices of everything you requtri irdersbyasallecelve prompt and careful atfiepttbn we any railway station in on tarit overfcss all letters to department s he cioany railway station in on tarioon all ord ears amounting to fi mltitsjimfiifi iiiimmmpii ulstauous lei canada to and from mlob port bnron mlob- islanevfoi kaaaaua spring n y bolau n t- 1 ofeht4rnscvfngtoairybpusei uy v ffl all etattona in canada to butmoiivv buffalo nyi black ilook ittf nlagral sy sua fjuspeoslon bridge n xy mi poon opntq piut 80th aud nwi lsxk- good returning from dsttlnatlonnot later i joxtsan 18oq forpartienlarsre tbo reduoedfsreatop on ether canadian lines tioketa aieeplnatal parlor oar acoommcrfatlon malllpfjrn hon apply to any agent of in oraodtrui ballsay sjatem j- vsjfw h b holmeri agonftiiittin vlmvadicjbpnif dlrtpaaatagttol vnr head o thesrpman who vrpald have a graceful figure should never hurry haste makes waist worse than war hundreds are killed lu war but hundreds of thopsandt ars killed by consumption there would be no deaths at all oantedby tbltterribi dlteaae if people could tip made tq understand that 8blloha cough and oonsntnptive core is a tare- remedy if taksnln the esrly staises 35 ols 50 ots and tloo a bottle drugglste will refund the money it a onro ie not effrcled sympathy like a man playing at blind- man buff is a follow feeling for a fellow pteattire aqbtnt8 wanted per the life and i aghtarament of admiral doway tbe worlds 1 grsatmt naval hero byhnrat halatead th llfsmig fftsnd and admirer ortha uatlottaiotp blofsakandbsst ovaroco peter atgntl tan tnohas nsarly 100 page halftone lllust tlona v only hm bnermoua damaud bu eommtaatont- ouuvtfria ohaooe of a 1131 ttjajbktbpamlulopoounanyj mm hson t hamlh gs torowto ont notkd ttba 9to oheha palace im aurnorire ai s8oo0o0o0o tenyear lty shares are paid monthly ir is of 50c per share for b month payments cease s6000 aid in m wluetioooo money n at 5 straight loan or repayable li cation to ly instalments on appll- ifmomlflbb agent aoton ai i just j a largo consignment ctresh turnip seed all varietiej 15c per pound or 8 lbs for tll jjroad leafed eseox iwing bapo 16 lba forjjl00 r- annual stateivlftnt rs ajiat fturr 1890 liaurxitikb totua rusxic kbtes of th bank ai deposltasnd interest- due to other banks due to agonta in oroat britain i to tma aruiunxouibla capital btook paid up 7undv dlvldsnoldue beaervea for bebste of interest bslanee carried forward assets oaab and oberiueeon band si jiapositedwitnoomlnloaaovt y aotsmmebt snd public 8onrjuosv iib iwe from other baiika stt lotas at call kotseouaoonntedao vj bank premises and beal baute other assets visit bnr china palace bond floor speolalljargaina in in ner setuj toilet betta anttea setta fresh fish received daily jal condllion of the blood or shaltetd orvi bnobas bt vitus dapue locomotor ataxlp rhsnmalltm riyiia tolatlos tb afipt stteots of la trlppe headache riltnlnair fmalejtim building snw the blood aoaallowotwki proti vbuffilv ttpl rwaay -vf-v- r sphbtpgraph you v to r you ou alt tp us we want ppiptopefty l jtauntl jassbrawed nw damn jtauuiisvaniss xltphmt wm i top v- in- iii tyrilai we aire offerinj bargains in milline next 30 days i ah those in need pf will find it to theiradiil to call and ibspectptijtm before pujcclpjel bbtainable at svmiil awaab-t- pure paris gfeteii mixes welllj white helieboreu per plants instant- louserkililfgll kills insectaui cucumber vutdft tanglefoot y m insect pbwcler moth camphor helpepecl greoiiriv vfv fe v- a4 miii stiivacrdrir kb

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