Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 13, 1899, p. 2

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ahcomid evcrtoa on wednoiday july cili to mr andmrf fiovtaooiil a sou married gkhl iaiibomj in bt joeoplib ohurob hnflilo on wedneioky juno 38 by itov fatbor urciticr john uettl to allco inraoui fclicf iluftalo died meadows in ouolph kmemoa mondowa eon oljawoh aioadonb of itookwood aged olgbt unydkk lu guelpb ontuosday jujyub frod urjdeu souofdr drytlnn agod light cars t ktton fttc ub thubbday july 13 1800 notes and comments tbo ontario agricultural college has ent out a special bulletin to dairymen announcing that the bacteriological depart menl ii ready to investigate any diffloullios in llio way of impure water bad flavors eto at the factories or baoterial iofeotion of any kind there oan be no more important jwork than this done tor oar ohoeie factories and oreameriea makers freriuoiiily novo diflloultiea in tbe way of bad liavora in tho milk oheeso or butter which if placed in tbe bands of a skillful baoteriolorist or chemist valnablo truths might be found ont in addition to supply inr moans to remedy tbo difbooltj it is hoped that our dairymen will take advantago of prof harristons offer as work of this nature will be of great value to the indnstry prof robertson leaves for great britain about the middle of the montb in tho interest o canadian farm produotb where it is expected that the good work accom plished last season by bim will be repeated a few more years of suoh work will make canadian food products known in evsry oily and shire town in the united kingdom prof robertson ib at present tibitlng tho government dairy stations in the northwest territories where mr j w mitchell has recently been appointed superintendent in place of j a kiniella who went to new zealand as assistant to mr roddick dairy commissioner for tbat colony mr mitobell has efficiently tilled the position of instructor in the milk testing at the provincial dairy schools guelpb dnring the past three winters and will no donbt give a good aooounl of himself in onr great western country where be lias spent several summers as raansger of one of the government dairy stations neighbo news news i to in 9 supplied by corres pondents and exohangea dockwood lraeruon meadows tirod about oib t yearu eon of jauiee meadows t ihifl place did of blood poisoning nt ill general hospital luet week aha funeral took place on satiird ty at thai neurit cemoti ry mr johu btraqliun ib spending a few ddjfl atr brampton a garden party is to bo bcld at mr j no ramsay by tho presbyterian church in a ooupleof weeks limehouse mm wm nickoll of sarmu is vitiung friends here miss kato bharpc who baa boen tcutli ing sohool at foabody iibb returned home for tbe holiday a miss uqlo kennedy who baa bcort suffering for tbo past few weeks from tho effect of running a nail in her foot b not improving as fabt tta her many friends would wish mtasra charles und gcorgo mooro ar- viaitini their parents here everton mr hugh black wab he bpeaker in the dlbolplo church sunday oyonlng mr soyton having special serucoa in ijramoea woalvsajs appreciate nud ure beneqlted by mr black h prcnablna his text was roman a 8th ch 1st verse the mothodibta are well suited wttta their now minister miss ada hunter of wiarton ib vidiynfe a number of her relatives tn eramoaa mr and mra d tovell aoton are spending some weeks with friendo here mrs poraery now of colorado formerly of toronto has been visiting her sister there and is now with nor mother mra wellb she brought one daughter and only son with her mra weatherion waa pleased to have with her on sunday her mater m law mrs treie of dora also mrs tretu daughter and hudband of georgetown mr and mrs j grlndell went to mr horlop a at eden mills on sunday crewsons corners to the hague conference adjourn till spring london july 8 a telegram from bt petersburg aaaertu tbat tbe hague conference will adjourn at the end of july tbe members agreeing tore assemble in the spring and daring tbe interval emperor niaholas will visit the principal european court a against fiqht1no filipinos cincinnati ohio juiyo a meeting to protest bgatnat the war in the philippines was held here last ofght the prlnoipal address waa by prof l laughliu of chioago university rev hugo g elaenlohr and ldwin barritt smith of chicago letters approving the meetings object were read by judge rufas b smith rabbi phllipson bishop vinoent loqis f post editor cbioigo independent nd others resolutions were adopted dc nouncldg the war aa unholy and demand ing it diseontinaanoe smallpox in toronto mild caae dlaoovered in west end house quarantined mrs thornton wife of john thornton drover residing at 47 delaney orescoot waa discovered to be suffering from small pox between 6 50 and 0 oclock tuesday evening and waa moved to the isolation hospital the house from whioh she was taken has been placed under quarantine and will be watohed day and night all tbe inmates will be compelled to andtrgo vaccination dr bheard stated last night jhtj every precaution to prevent the wedding bell a will pnal joyfully on the glorious 12ib two of oar highly esteem ed youag people ara to bo made poo fuller particulars will appear next week a garden party under the anspicrs of he methodist ohtmh of this place will be held on mr m crewsona lawn on wednesday evening ibe 10 th of july tbe oommittce are bpariou uo pains to make it the bent of tha caaron rev 8 w holden delivered one of the moat impressive sermons ever preached ia tbe methodint church here on bubo lb observance last buuday morning next sunday rev jas harrip of guelpb will preach here mr m orewson jr haa purobabed a- new 12 horse power waterloo engine to operate his steam drill he goea to ouelph next week to drill three wclla there mr aod mrs wm j coleman and master ernest of brantford bpont a few jays last week very pleasantly with mr and mrs j h cripps of the mapleb mr coleman who haa hcon ill for so pie time is we are glad to bay much improv- ed in health miss emma walking of this vicinity is visiting friends in norval mtdses li io and mary raraahaw spent a few days daring the week with friends in aoton senator sanford drowned on monday upoet from a small 8at while flbhlner in muekoka that morning wim himkiib munktili july lu while lldhiug nciir his owu inland tlnu morning at 11 o olook senator ban con in c0nipin with a jonn lady visitor were upbut two j j lint kirlb ntarby heard tluir cull a for help wl en thty arrived ilie iiinuatl to oavo tho oung 1 id seeing it e senator a bo 1 which could ho easily roaohod wilh un oar they managed to got it to ihoro but were unable to resubiitute lim they then crossed tho hay to mr baker a island for liqp ho immediately uent to wiudormere for medical aid dr cotton of toronto left at ouco for the senators plaoo but arrived too late to render any aattiatunoe senator sanford wqb ono of the best kuown men in canada ilia high atanding in bubinesa as a largo manufacturer of clothing in hamilton uud head of tho big house owuing the retail stores ui various cities known ub cm hall his leading position in tho moihodlet dcnqml nation and hia muniiiconco to all rolijiona und philanlhroplo movemertp induced tho fpderal minibtry under sir john maodonalt tooull nm to tjo enate mr satfor i honoxer wnu not nnllvc in po itic1 recent i though he oij lyoil tin fuendehip and catcem of sir john abbott sir john thompson und many other leading public men ho wan a ganototu friend to nil the pharitjaa in hamilton and during several eummcrs placed hla pretty and commodious summer aottagu al burlington beach at the dupoia of nn organization of ladies in hamilton to provide a aummor home for youog women after he plan of the y m c a homo at the toronto island repeating tho onerous aot this j far senator san ford was a loading member of centenary methodist church ifamilton fiid was a patron of mutic hawng atwajn subecribed freely to high olaan musical events and cducattd noersl young people pob chflioi lulent but without mono he waa a popular ciunn und hid large business jdtcreatb gno him a commanding plaoo in bo itrs in uio arnbitloqs city hib fuctory m hamilton id ono of tho largest of the kind lu canada uud his wealth has been eattroatid at above a million he occnpied cue of the finest homes in ilimliton and hi- place in muskfika b a beautiful house 1 1 a pretty location senator sun ford had ono son who died a few oarb ago and bis daughter was rnnrncd ojear ngo lu london england wealth at torontos door the bis ley team the copper ore at parry sound ib found to be or the most fabulous richness disease from spreading was being taken mrs thornton returned recently from visiting friends at yoangstown n y and is believed to have carried the disease with lier from that place riots over all quiet in london the city council takea hold today losnon ont joly 10 there 1 nothing now to report to day in the strike situation the oars are running as tbey have been of late with an occasional passenger citizens ara attending to their ordinary business as usual the mlllta men ordered here for duty in batches of 26 men tsoh from windsor ingtrsol gait and gaslpb together with a detaohment of cavalry have arrived id tbe city and are now camped on carllngs heights the city council were in session daring the forenoon and ratified tbe mayors action tbey will request tba union man to hand id a written statement before 10 a m to- morrow to lay before tbe council arbitration c the connoll also ordered the street railway co tornn their carj 17j boars a day accord log to contract instead of topping at 7 p to aa at present freight rates to oo up onicado joly 8 eastbound freight rales are to be advanced on july 34 but tbe advanced figures sod details sllll remain to be settled by tbe presidenls outstaodlog con t nets and other difficul ties in eld on i to a gsnsral restoration of ratts bare io far prevented a final agresmint tbt frelgutmen have agreed upon a higher soheduls of rates and submitted it to the preidnta tba dew grain rates will be considerably in advance of ibe present rates which are down to ibe lowest basis export pro vision ratei are to be increased five osnti ibe present rate baln 2qosots and domes co provision raise will remain at tbelr prssen figure t 95 osnta the presidents ba substantially agreed upon tba rette end only a question of detail remain to be eeltjsd bulky cami joly 11 the national rifle association a great annual carnival ib now in fall swing the com petit iod b really started to day although the meeting opened yesterday afternoon with revolver praotice for prizes at tbo stiokledown range the canadians are on the ground end all look it enough to do their whole duty tbey are comfortably housed in their pretty baogalow which in decoration and general aspeot differs very little from its appearance last year the weather ib exceedipgly hot and the wind to day was peculiarly shifty for those art the butts borne of the team nevertheless went into tbo open cbmpatitions more for the practice than with the idea of capturing any of tbo leading prizes bergt major hoggins of the lrih made a couple of very good targets in the golden fenn and premier ijicnt gilchrist and sergt crowe auo put in some bullseyes at these ranges tho golden penny fi an nnsquaded competition which is open to all comers from to day until next monday seven abots kneeling at 200 yards first prize a gold medal tho alee of a penny five drawings for second and third valued at five gal peas and 45 in money prlres added the premier is also an open un- sqaaded competition for the aame period sevan shots at goo yards first prize a 31 coventry bicycle and 100 in money prises the canadians commenced their first rifle contests hero to day in tho premier oorn petition of the anuuml meeting of the national rifle association the conditions being seven ehote at 000 yards crowe and hapglns scored 84 equalling tbe best score in ibe golden fenny com petition eeren shots at 200 yards hugglns and giclirut made ftl equalling the hfghoit score madr having a dreadful time uncle samasoldlere in the philip pines ara now llvlngr almost entirely in water manira july 0 it has been raining and storming aim oat constantly for two days and tbd country along the american south and bay lines is liberally flooded the soldiers are auffsring great discomfort the 18th infantry regiment at pasay is in the worst position beln praotioally snrroundsd by water tba bridges that were used for getting supplies have been wa bed away and somo of the companies are now st pirated by stream six feet det p in many oases the men are sleeping with t fret of water beneat th i nn the wiihiu the paia few week a ic hua hogun to be known that copper ore of almost in credible richness has been discovered at parry sound but it would appear that but few of toronto s numerous noting meu have given tho matter serious attention situated within two miles of parry sound and witbm a mllo of the ottawa parry sound hallway is tho mcgowo mine which in copper oro throws in the shade any other copper deposit yet din covered tbo story of tho rnino reads lijfo a fafry tale the future of the mao no ono oan i p day fortell hero on tbo uboro of one of the mopt piotureequo of the many charm ing lakes of that locality a man named mcgowan owned a rocky farm some indications of mineral induced local people a couple of year a ago to organize a company to bpy it and ex pi oro for ore no one in tbo company bad any knowledge of mm tog their oapital waa small and lacking mining knowledge and tho moujy to engage thoio who possessed it tho reaalto naturally wero disappointing until last year when a boy who wbb swimming on the edge of the lake found a chunk of almost pure copper then tbe oompany changed their operations to that bpot but there being a oouple of fcot of water cover in the reck tbelr efforts oven thoro were not buccobbful in tho meantinio7an american mining what to do with qthe boy a aonierfaiiuii vas held a short time ago betneon hustand and wife concerning the future wtlmo of their only eon iho rhotber was fur kuing blm a profctaiou but ihe f hilar thought tha prof of bioub wore urowdej aid huctrd btnrtm thelioy in mercantile lift iho father a leaaon fur bini opprsrd to his sou muring profession 1 lift- was that he hud a brm lie r who uhild tr clever hnd nothiu to show for his jcara of labor but a more living aud a jood big account on the debit aide tbe niuiiey spent in eduouting inmaclf lhe futhur alihouh nit btiving the education nf his brother had some ycura uflo naol with tho drtinle garrutsun co li mi to j of urautford ont ilrnt tie cauvasblug ugent being promotod frcm tiroo to timo until now he wno in the very front rank with thia company and malting lots of money ijo has ulso seen a lot of the world bving boon sent to australia south africa lnglund and tho united tptutos it wn therefore not to wondered that ho wart opposed to his buii inking up a profession and tho non in pi stiuii ha i i liking for uiouny an i travil it wtis llnttlly deolikd ilrnt io ouht t follow in iho footatcps of hu father uud aiillst with ihie old lulitibfu piibluhing ilotisn nptinhy an lie hid jtlh rci ived a j w 1 nulark 1 1 tor from ilicm mpll ill tin mill hi tint 1 1 t it o it it llu m nlui ll dt irth tallitliliptluli iti bite llin iii tiu blginulng it in t any to mm lit limner it oen on iho moro it lupltuh al ii u jlml yik whin lin notiyh lirlim mid it n tkfh loitcurn tt- with hhllvh u lough hi 1 oonsnninmu juro 1c uts f0 tils tniil si 00 a butih your niuiui rifiiiidi ii if it falls to euro i gool tld of corn onti thing a farmer tlooan t caro to hnvo orniva 1 nln ill the appetite of a ooat isiuvludby all poor lyh ptlui whimo stonitich und imr aro out of onltr vii agc hou i kpow lint r ving i ni w liiu i ills iho wondtrftil bhhihii ti il liver rrtned givi a u cpkti liil itppolltr eouiid digestion timl a riulur bodily huhlt tiat iiiauren purfect honhh m ml grout enorg unl j o it j 1 mkmi drtiu aiore he fooled the suroeons all doctors totd hetnik haiiiiuon of west jiftereon q after sutrii g i roouiha from ltectul pialuls hu would die anions k costly opt rat ion was porform ed hut ho ourod himself with five boxes af buckle arniui uslvo the surest pile euro on earth aud the bebt halve in the world 2t cents u hex sold by j d mikcr jriijmt- glokious news expert named torbcb who bad spent part of tho three previous j ears in the locality and oxamtood almost every claim of value learning of the boy a discovery and finding tbat the time hsd oomo when s waa no longor probnble iuterented st lul capitalists cama quickly to parry sound boaght up all the mineral claims which he had previously selected and then when ho bad secured thern all bought the mogow an itdelf just ten weeka ago a company wsb formed oalled the parry bound copper mining oompany compoaed of air forbes aod bis st paul associates this company fok over tho mcgowim mine and several thousand acres of tholnineral landd euleot ed by forbes this was but ten weeks ago with a thorough kuowledgo of min ing and with ample means aud a stuff of trained employes thoy have in these few weeks simply worked wonders tbelr flrat step was to tower tbe lake by drainage so that instead of working ia its waters as their unskilled predecessors bad done ibey were working in dry rock inside of theao ten weeks tbey quarried from tbe rook at this point on the properly ore to the value of soma 300 0h and the dumps are a perfect marvel of tho most brilliant hneil rook tunning in value as high as honaande of dollars a ton the smeller returns from new york for the ural six osrl taken from the quarry cornea from u f p c washita i t ue writes four bottles- of uieotno bitters has cured mr brewer of scrofula whioh had cauued her treat suffering for years terriblo borea wontd break out on her face and head and tho beat dootora could gueuo help but her cure ib completo and her health is excellent this fabovvs what thousands have proved that e eotrio bittera ia tbo beet blood purifier kuown ita tbe auprirne remedy for ecz tetter salt rbeuro ulcere bolls aud running boreb it stimulates liver kidaejg and bowels oxpola poibona helps digestion biiilda qp the strength only 50 oentp sold by j i mokeo droggibt guaranteed fatal barn raising one man killed and sixteen others injured dr fcows worm arap is a safe sore and reliable worm mptller acta equally well on obitdrem or adults be sore you get ifo what an intellectual sppearanos those frlealea tbe girls wear upon their fottabsads give them gftytts yellow qu odrta ipralnr sores wounds onta frosjtbfftes kjtlnga of iustots bornsacalds which aro elevated on oraokar bosen oompany cooke when preparing the meal stand knee uep in water some of tho road leading to pasay are simply impus able and the rice aslds on all sides are one great lake a uuu win i nlaw over several tenia of he tecond reserve hoplia tfanilla day is linpoislhk or navigation hy either uutloties or casnoe and no vessels are leaving ihe barber tbe united states tranportoentennui le ready to sail for ban franclsotf with discharged soldiers bat the latter have lo sis around the waterfront all day drench ed to ihe skin waiting for a laaoob to tka them to the steamer the river pnvik at d all ihe other alresmsars woien end the oily sirsets at all low points arrf oovsred siih water gave a clear profit of over 7030 over and above all freight and smeller charges it has been stated that but few toronto men srem to have caught on but one sterna to have madu up to some extent for apithj of the ntighbors for he has just returned after completing tha organization of a gigantic corporation oompised of st pan and canadian oipllaluta and the purchase from th br paul owner of all tho mineral properties nof inoluded in the parrj sound copper co this torn any will be anuounod in ufewdas seals are disappearing wai srnr wash july10 c w clarke who is hwui hmii of the government in olmriie of ho seal iitlntid io ilehring sea arrived here tc d ue left thn islnnd on june 14th flu mid the provisions of lhe pans tribunal aro totally inadtqnate j am obitfldttiiv ihnt setl life h nnt onr senth as great as in former yearr the destruction of lhe herd in still prugrrsdrg kinder pelagic sealing about three ont of eery five killed are reoovered tho otber two sinking pully three frmale seals sre killed to two males mr clarke reports that ihrrs were no pelavlo ssalrrn around thi inland vkhm ire left bat he was told th ihe tivet had mathrred and n as follow- niit the ffal herd on ttn retnrn fropi south evatera he also reported a big ishjidn pal oh along ibe aleutian islands ximiton out july 8 a barn raiblng bold i ant evening on the farm of john convey ninth canoebbion kincardine was tho ocoasiou of a terrible aooident iu which one man was killed and bixteeu others wero injured the barn was ono of tbo largest in this part of thn country and every thing went satisfactorily ontil the fpurlh bent was being lifted when a little too much pushing shoved the bent in too far aud down it fell npou tho men beneath fratbtrentrwwchfottowotf wbaonftobfi remembered by the rpectatora all their hvos lying underneath tbo fallen timbers were noarly a score of men cut bruised and with broken hmbp lour doctors were summoned at once din mokenzia was picked up with both of his legs broken act hi hip aroasbed torribl he was also hurt internally everything poasiblo was done far hira but ho diod abont eleven p m the next seriously hurt was damps bogt he had some ribs broken besides being hurt otherwise internally it aannot bo bald a yet how seriously kennoth meljeod wis hurt about the head and rendered auooneclous hut if ib not thought that he is fatally injured with tho exoeption of mr johnston who is badly injored nono of tbe other sustained serious injuries j be re wero a oonple of broken arms and and wrists but oats and brulaos comprised the remainder of the injuries v 31 un ii n toi a uliu imm if hi bus cortih on both feot but he ih it hiippior stronger und wker man if ho uses rntuuma pninlcaa corn i ilractor hu 1 t eta ri 1 of tho unsithtly corns pamuuitly mi i at unit if tho hog hnd itrt iliuicu tf drinlth prubnbly it would trtltt i t bier discovered liy a woman another rtat jihl hi iiih bun in irli an i that toe by it tulv in this omitry uieeaso fubtenrd iia uiimuiioh upon htir ami fur uuvon junrt uh itlmtooii lt biotiit tcb p hut in r mihi oriih worn nnttiminul und until imiikmi inunineiit lor tbrre uionttih lu imithfd lrinoh millv mil could not wh hl llntilly disuovorol i way h nutiry hy pur ohuuini of uh a tot dc nf dr ktut a nnw dlcocry for onnuiii tl u unit inm no muoh relieved n tultiiig ilrnt doin ihnt hiio slept alt night and 1th two hjitlo ling been absolutely nri 1 iliriutno in mm ijtillicr jul hum writpji w 0 ilitmnicu a o l hlinlhy n lrul ll nltk drill i lore un 1 1 ii i vrr little bntlles frto nt i itin nr bihu f0 i gd i ti it i 1 i umiiu nt nr m ding ny 1 dui the other dm t m1 1 lin 1 1 i frien i flow hi will i in i i it l if ll himh hi ttlii ii iii uh ii i- limt iii tl til t r till cllllll hi i if ii hit tjtliirth intuitu hi run over 11111 mil m i wll l l l ii h it h h nl tin i tint i iiimiiiipll i h lojiiing und ynil hit i ik hi i l ott uh i i li wiy in yli p oonniitiiptloii 1 1 i i i hi n null i lio ny in ii i tn if lull h i i i ml iloh it 1 ihh llllll mimhiiptiv mr jtt to utti anil til hla h tth m n y fofuiidid if it fulu in nu n hi ii i if h vvitu a fruili if imiiim tlmriglit tin 1 1 vi r tint put my inniih n in id v mill m fi hi ni in uft the ache will slop if you tn it n jioitmnii n illiidiili 1mtuurn j im ilrnt mttikr rttlilr 1 1 tulu tliohi mini imiei i r any klnjl of lion im in from utiyimimp 1 tli ly imrniicjhh illrukinilih t lit u nnir fullott ihn mmiii ti it ic t hi bunt htuduho remedy eur jtroiuruj h0ffman5 deadacfio powders ant ftom in 10r envelopes anil 21a imxis by ilriiftrlalh ivtrv i i r the llomoau brt to llrlilbflmrk out uptodate goods by our advanced system of pur chasing goods we are enabled to place before our patrons the latest designs and makes to be found in european markets within a mini mum limit of time last week we passed through the customs a num ber of the choicest weaves in black blister crepons manufactured for the early fall trade ladies it will pay j ou to inspect these aood before buying 1 licy will be cut ill drebs and skirt lengths to suit the buyer the uvanlt dowler co cuelphs greatest store wanted abiihewd careful solum ninn ot good cbsraotr in oacb townlilf of caoado good wugoa buliieinmixiricnconotchiintlnl iibadle1 oa1u1btboj ooujw caltlepastuite tftltlo iiiiturtl clioap by iho binson or j montb oniooacrcancarcrueoiiicoruoin with uuhii on 1 i hi u creek gool attention olvoii to tattle aildrpte mrs a v f londoti iload gnuh b or niiply to mr ltoljurt llllton on tho i rouilhcr for inrthcr larticuluri warning to the public rmie privlloro of fliny on uo hliunn x runufne throuhhtbo farm of mr john a gordon lot m con 5 equeiiiir lina bin looicd for a torin of yeaxa treapftabcrn will l u proaocutcd accordlug to law it j mcnauh i or tno i cnetc aotoo juno 21 ht im jlji the right house lhtaiu ihlllu 18 iiamii ions lavokiti siioi i ing 1iacl dress gcoods specialsr sihncrou lines of irca matcnils chpccially suinhlt jr summer weir irt ijwcf rin htr afw a tficm w hdaniels of toronto has puruiibcd the jaiiiilkisc blsi ncss of t- 8- ward acton and will he pleased to recent icon tin uancc of tho pitronage with which mr ward wis favorld and 1 fair shire of the business of the community gcnerilly shaving haircuttlngr and all barber work done in firstclass style satisfaction js assured to every customer first class up to dale work in all depart mr daniels ia tho originator and manu facturer of daniels hair grower a rnirellou3 disccery fir curing bald ness jiair falling out ind nil eruptions or irritations of the scalp the only remedy ever known to produce a new growth of hair on a bild heid a feu well known citizens of acton ire using this remedy and hive succeeded in getting a good growth of hair their names ind references may be had at this shop remedy will also pro dupe aironp moustichc in from tvele to fifteen weeks ten treatments of remedy for tml will he miiled to any address on receipt of 25 els vmdanieter- mill st aoton navy summer gorges nivy setside series for bathir iiiiib ind navy oatinf series for children s wear all woo 40 inches wldt 25c i inc i rench nay serges all ool relnhle qualities fist dye 46 inch regulir coc for 3 50 inch rejuhr 75c for 45c 56 inch regular 81 for 75c coating serges in all the best shades of navy suitable for bolting coslumei c inch all wool special at 55c and jpc shirt waist bargain cambric shirt waists in a very iirge nnety of patterns checks nnd plaids bias aid cross stripes all the fashionable shades these garments ire thoroughly well mide m the litest style and ire worth as high as ue are selling them tt 65c wash goods i rench piques in white grounds with striped pitterns in pink miue navy and black 32 inch formerly 40c now 25c piques in white grounds with plaid patterns in miutc red navy green and blue formerly i now ioc white duck in stripe and fancy patterns 30 inch formerly 20c now 15c lucked muslins in plain colors blue and maue formerly 32c now 12j shepherd checks a hrje varlely of black and while shepherd checks all sizes of check good reliable qualities fast djc 40 inches wide per yard 25c 44 inches wide per yard 40c 46 inch regular 60c for 45c 46 inches wide per yard 10c black ind white shepherd checks silk and wool mixtures regular alue90c for table linen espcctii suitible summer use v dependable mikes 65c for ever day large range of lnbleached table damask in anous patterns including ferns rosebuds chrysant hemums etc co inch 5 and 35c 66 inch 45 s up to 75c 72 inch 4g 75c up to 81 00 elri heatv pure linen loom tablmgs erj good wearing makes 60 inches wide 30 and 33c 66 inches wide 50c 72 inches wide 65c bleached linen tabling 72 inches wide irish linen in fern and leaf patterns extnnlue at 80c mall orders receive prompt attention we prepay the freight or express to any nil way stttiori in ont tno on all orders amounting to j or over address all letters to department s thomas c watkins king at east hamilton cor hughson st everton and eden mills 1 he place lo go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed 8tc for sale chopping omiry diy ai licrton mills ind every tuesday thursday nnd siturdny at tden mills aliys buying whent no credit henry hortop ybic cut did you ever notict the mm in the witchfiiflr towtr doen it tr occur to you that the liven of ovtrj lmnjr person on n train frcqtieiitlj iwpemfmiuu prompt ness ami inulllfrciicl with ninth lu move the fw itch lcvirs tindc r hit control if men could only realize lion umall n thin tuny net nt the cnticnl tiiktant to s the m from n dnngirmis trnclc 011 to one of perfect hnfifj iiil jcarly dint lis from lung unease h would be lest by tunny thousands i lifwl n reanlnr consumptive rough of which i wns nrmhl nnd cvcrjikwiy cmitloucd niul wnrtted me coiicernlnn it yan mr a l novottiy i o iiojc 1437 ntw tu in n ttlirnifi emit tetter to ilr k v i krec of liurtnlo n y when i sinned to take jour mc llcitic i wan iosiiik nvtght rafidh i whs vcr pntc nntl hnil no appetite whnlevcr 1 hitctt throe liottles of dr rlrrcc s tohleu mctllcnl iiitcoery nnd now my condition in chniiircd cntlrch i do not cotirti nt nil i hnve irulncit cikih nomuts fn weight have kshied ntj licnltliv ct lor niul my appetite is tnormom 1 can nnd it 111 recommend yqtir iitedldnc q everybody who mny he iti need pr it nn it is a sure cure nml no humbhur as no many other patent medicines are it is hy far the superior of nil one chapter of drv pierces trent thhn mud page illustrated book the people common sense medical adviser tells of nearly one huildrecl men nnd women thus cromptly switched from the track of death y this matchless remedy this book in sent free for the bare cost of customs apd nihil ing 31 one cent stamps at cloth boaiiu for so tatana 7villiinerv we arc offering special bargains in millinery for the next 30 days all those in need of such will find it to their advantage to call and inspect our goods before purchasing elsewhere e bcollins tendeb8wantei rphnpeks wiuhoraeoive 1 up to rliia3 21s t jl inst for tbo tmilcliofi of two clouds und a fence st actonh ubllo hcbool 1 laui bii 1 fpeci ftcatlons may ho aeon at kiiff iiiphh oiliru tho lowest or any teudar not nticibtin tuy aocoptod tendars will also bo rocolvtj it tl satno time for uio talo of tho old bullillim ui 1 woodshed uulldinft is a feood frame wx sultsblo for driving shed etc lfy ofdrr ltobditi hoi airs chairman of gouimetuc valuable eesidence ami lot in acton for sale rpiiluuduruigacd offer for tulu um lino property 1 11 tho corner of main nud ktcr btreets acton bolonrlntt to tbo cuato of tl o lato hobert lloyco un iho property is a well built brick bouie story and a balf bovod rooms kltcbon pantry eta tbe boqie jn good repair bss aolt water thcro aro a nu rubor of fruit trees a good garden and a largo stable tbe property situated in a denlrsblo part of tbo town for terms and particulars apply to toalab iloyce krerton george lough j rand vally or illiam ue5istdlit acton wanted agents in every district on the coo tin tl t to tako orders for b j fib grade canadian grown nursery btock and heed largest ant most complete assortment lu tbe trade rant selling specialties superb samples furnlsbel froe correspondence la any language ibtio poaltlpns are moaoy makers and territory hbould bo secured at onco for tbe season by all bustlers looking for o good tblug our salary or com mission offers ta tores t to anyone not earning 1000 00 por year get in communication with our nearest office an opportunity to represent a veil established house ability mora lmpor taut than experience luke brothers company international hursarios cblcago 111 montreal que kocli ester n i h our jf arcels ot valuable prdperty in acton for sale the followlnft property bolonclng to air patitick keuiv row of buffalo ii offered for aaio at low pricosi and etity tormo pabcfij 1 that floe brick rcsldonco and two lots on tbe corner of oburob and ouelpti streatn contains 8 rooms bard and 89ft walotviplondtd orchard ond sood bartfen pincel 2 good building lot 00x112 ou guelpb street next to alnx llamitisws new residence upon which is a young ornuard pincki 3 the store and dwelling on mu1 streot occupied by cinruey urob who carry on a general business is in splendid locution central and convenient pincet 4 tbree good bulldiug lots at liiu corner of young and mill btreets a tpleadld sits for a mstnufaaturing estarjlisbmuut own u to its proximity tog t jb depot for terms and particulars ontjuireattl oouico of w n di vsy youuf6t actoi notice to ceedit0ks of the estate of archibald campbell late of the ullage of acton in the count of halton esquire deceased pursuant to tno statutes in that bolinlf notioo is beroby given tbat all j oraoun having any claim ocalnst tbo estate of tbo naid archibald campbell who diod on or about tbo twenty second day of may a u 1809 aro requlrod to send by post prepaid or to otber wise deliver to a j mackinnon of tho sail village of acton solicitor for tbo executors o tbo said oatate on or before tbo thirty flrat dsy of july a d 1890 a statement containing tbo narao address and particulars of ttinfr cirilbb and of tbe seen ri ties if any held by ttieui luly verified by statutory declaration aud tako notion that after tno lost menuonod date tbo ball executors will proceed to distribute tbo bbbois of uio sold deceased among those entitle thereto having regard only to tbo claims of which notice shall have boen roceivod as above required and that tbe oxecutois trill not bo liable for tbe said assets or any part tbo roof eo distributed to any person or persona of whoio claim they shall not then have bad notlco a j maokinnon solicitor for james mcdonald and msrirct elisabeth campbell tho exocutora borein listed tho 3rd day of july a d 1bot notice to creditors at what it represents when you sit for a photograph you wint tho likeness to reptescnt you properly when you ait to us wo want tho ork to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none but the best photo graphs and for our sake as well a yours we aro sure to give you lifelike sat is fa c tory photographs h rh7usshh3ji photo hhtist kcton robert nobles flour feed and seed store rennie s improved new stuush sugr beet turnips raanje s priso purple top elephant fftuts westbury mangles hew glint youovv mammoth yellow carrots ixaproved white solid gold 284 best clold fill 1 so ojradoldfill 100 beat ginaaeh 100 wp luunntoo porfoot aatlataouoij globe optical co 03 yong strvst toronto j- grand trunk ivzzk cheap excursions 10 minnesota and ooiiir trip to com me nee on jolv lfltu or 181b ibm hot urn trip to bo completed on or bflfora sspt 12tbjp t ittb 18w itoturu tickets ean bo nurouasod jrom all offonts and at all statlous of the grand trunk hallway bjstem in ontario aud guobeo at fare and one third of the currant second class one way fare any farther partloula relating to rates accom mo3tlon ato from h 8 holmes agent aoton m o dickson diat paaar agt toronto dvrart essex rmp9 seed there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our spring stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and 8kb our new unxs in the matter of the estate of john allan the elder late of the township of erin in the county of wellington gentleman deceased notice 1b ueroby given parsnant to cliaptor 199 11 s o 1897 tbat all crodllora and otlior pettortfl bavins any claim against tbu oatata of tba aald jobn allan docooaod who dioa on or abont tbe thlrtoonth day of jano a d 1890 at tbo said township of erin arc ueraby roqnlrod to sand by post prepaid or otberwlso dellvor to b h prfnglo brampton solicitor for tbo executors of tbo will of tbe said deoeased on or beforo tho twontr aecond day of joly a d 1890 a etatoraont in writlrjb of tbelr natnos addrasaos and descriptions together with full particulars of tbelr claim or olaims duly verified by btatutarr declarations and tbo natura ot tbe aoourlty or securities tif any hold by thorn and notice la hereby furuier jtivou that after the said twonttaocond day of july a d itfw tbe said axeoutors v111 proceed to distrluuto tuo p 4 to raong uio persona entitled thereto having resard only to tbo olaims of vrbich notice shall bavo boen rocolvod by them and will notbellablofottbo asiots or any part thereof to any person or persons of vbose claim or olaims tbey shall not then have roceivod notloa it ii pllinole brampton 01 solloltor for executors james sbarpo itoohaldo p o duncan campbell cheltenham p o n cxeeutoro datod at brampton this fonrtb day of july llf j aqknts wanjbdlfor tho life aud aoblbvemonta of admiral davroy tbo worltl a prealeat naval hero by marat balatoad tlio biggest and beet book oiar so0 pages eight by ksi bs svi unanoo of a 1 to- sl5 w williams mill st seasonable articles obtainable at browns drug store pure paris green mixes well wilh wmcr white hellebore persiatic plant spray instant louse killer kills insects on rose bushda cucumber vinos etc tanglefoot insect powder moth camphor helpnpper crude carbcjlic acid creolin a mill street act n t brown

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