Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 20, 1899, p. 4

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upc ever i pressed and la it not duo to nervous exhaustion things always look so much brighter when we are in good health how can you have courage vhen suffer ing with headache nervous prostration and great physical weakness would you not like to be rid of this depression of spirits how by removing the cause by taking it gives nctlvlty to all parts tmt carry away useless and poisonous materials from your body it removes the cause of your suffering because it re moves all impurities from your blood send for our book on nervousness to keep in good health you must have perfect action of the bowels ayers pills cure con stipation and biliousness vfrlto to ear occtorm rrrbsps yon wram uks to eonialt aomo amldsnt physician almut tou enndltlon than wittnufnxtyall tba partlonlars in tonr mm too win odvo a prompt ireplr wltbont oost aum ob 3 o atxr lnrsll llsss p jutsn jxtt uss thursday july 20 1b99 site f oung jroihs- tbb web m a hungry little monalo went wandering around a ourione little monaio went innreytng unknown ground sbo camtt nnto a building wltb wide inviting doors where rice and other dalntiea wore scattered on the floors ah me 1 im glad said momle oi this repmt eo nloo how very kind of eomebody to do so much for mlco bhe eutered and eho taatod how very good aho bald alaa i jmt then some horrid thing came croshidg on her bead ah mo i blgbed little mousla no otbor word ebe spoke for wltb a wire beneath ber cblo the little mooae did choke bba wriggled aod eha twlitod bhe gave a stifled gasp and then the little mooale lay deed within tbe trape tlnbt graip ah 1 foolleb litfle moneiai abroad why did yon roam you neer in tble sad plight bad boon if yon bad stayed at home dorollij fortttr her face was not fair tbe blind boy raised a rapt faoa to the light aod my mother ha aald qaeiuon- ingly tall me how aha looks again i aball find one more beautiful than all tbe rest and ory mother 1 mother i why do you not apeak 1 hia sensitive face waa turned reproach fully toward hia father you have always told me how lovely aha is she ia little not taller than my shoulder i what lord ros8e wanted to see lord rouse who built iho famoue telescope that bears bia name was an expert meobanio and was also somewhat oareless about bis dress on one occasion the carl was looking through tho enitinc- tootn ot a large manufactory he sudden ly beotme much interested in boroetlilnd he aaw anil taking out hia watoh stood looking from it to the machine with a peculiar smile on bis fsoo the engineer come alom well whats up t he growed what are oo gsjnnlng at what have you to find fault with ob auawered lord robs i am not finding fault i am calculating how long before the boiler explodes boiler explodes why youro oruzy man you get out of this well bald the earl if joo work ten minutes lodger wltb thst eoraw looso there tho boiler will certainly explode tho enmneer looked at tbe aorow iudioated jumped at it aod fastened it as soon sfl he could why didnt ou say that aoonerv he demanded why should 1 demanded lord rosso ive never jet bad an oppor tunity of seeing a boiler explode childr in c the lessons and the prayers are not wholly beyond ohildren often they can oatch little bite that oome within tbe range of their small minds but the sermons 1 it goes to ones heart to see ul to often do little darlings of five or sit years old forced to ait still through a weary half honr with nothiog to do and not ooe word of the sermon that tbey can understand moat heartily oan i sympathize wltb the little oharity and who is said to have written to soma friend i think when i grows op ill never go to obnroh no more i think ize getting sermons enough to laat me all my life but need it be bo would it be so very irreverent to let your child have a story book tp read during the termon to while away that tedioub half hour and to make church going a bright and happy memory instead of rousing the thought ill never go to oburoh no more i think not for my part i ahould love to see tho experi ment tried i am quite anre it would be s success my advice wonld be to keep some books for that apeoial purpose i would oall snob hooka sunday treats and your little boy or girl would aoon learn to look forward with eager hope to that 1t hour once so tedioua if 1 were the preacher dealing with aome subject too hard for tbe utile ones i should love to see them all enjoying their piotnre hooka midsummfir health paines celery compound the only medicine that bestows the bless ings of true health interesting testimony from a oared man charlie inf the brutes appalllnar cruelty to his thoughtless bride tbero is a oertain oblongo bride who recently deoldedlhat her husband was en unfeeliogbrulo and went borne to moth or or apeoullar aud uuuauttl reason the mother was awakened just beturo dawn one morning lost week by a sound of bobbin n and weeping outbido her own sleep dk room door her horror and astonishment at discovering her only daanhter in iho depths or apparent denotation and despair cau- wpii be im agined charlie was oruu el 1o me wailed ihe bride of a month or thereabouts mourn fully and so i on roe home but what did charlie do tbo wretuh i inquired the mother ready to bumo ihe huiband on general prhiotpes to lib qaestiod however tho brido returnol no anawer eave bitter weeping then the mother feeling that tho nase was btont her administered a nerve restorative and awoke tho bride father now my ohlld began this individual speaking with- tho authority ot one who had settled all her diftloultles from the time sbeoould walk tell me immediately what thai w ret oh of a husband of youra hab done and he shall suffer for ir what ever it is the brides ardor cooled perceptibly her voice waa almost steady as she began beretory w v t i well she commenoed bitterly her eyes flashing at the remembrance of her wronftb charlie was oat very late laut night and i thought id get up and and say sqmething to bfm when he oame home i had thought that eo long as charlie wbb going to be bo late homo id fix up my complexion a little so whon charlie got into bed in the epare room i jast forgot everything but him and went in there and and bitter sobbing again i forgot all about the beauty mask i had on and went right in with it npon me and a perfeot paroxyam of tears half drowned ber words at this point charlie must have thought i was a ghost and he threw a pillow at me chicago inter ocean klt irtffijl fe ex j what is castoria x- nsvwvvn a costly drouqht tbe drought of tbe last few yeara has oost new south wales an enormous amount ot money the hooka of tho oolony have shrunk from 06000000 to 46000000 representing a loss of 20000000 eheep if to this ib adied tbe loss of the natural iooreaae tbe shrinkage amounts to 60000000 eheep enough that is to equip a considerable sized colony in addition there has bean a loss of nearly 800000 horsee and 160000 cattle that tbe colony has been able to aurvive these terrido losses is a striking proof of energy and resourco translated into money the colony haa suffered a iobb duo to mero inadequate rainfall of from 12000000 to 20000000 sterling kno t the old man laid hia arm over the lada shoulders yoa must know now what your blindneaa would have kept you from knowing be aaid your mother is not air and beautiful now in face but her adul la what qod made for a mother when you oan see look fortbe f aoo which holda the greatest love ton will not be mistaken it wjjl be your mothers the great surgeon looked for a moment or two into the sightless eyes and then turned and laid hia hand on the falbera trembling arm only god oan maka him aee my friend he said kindly your boy waa born blind and human skill oannot help talm if you have entered into the oppressive beat uf midsummer end find yourself suffering from dyspepsia liver and kidney troubles pain in tbe baak and side head ache insomnia ard stomaoh disordars let ua urge yon to give palnea celery com pound a fair and hooest trial if you would be healthy strong and happy we fully realize the seriousness of your condition and with a desire for your phyaioal welfare we recommend paines celery compound the medietas that is now doing suoh a marvellous work for thousands of bonerera in oqr county if your doctor is unfettered by professional etiquette he will advise you to uaa the great life giver tour friends and neighbors will be pleaaed to tell you what it haa done for them in their time of dibtreas and agony tbe blind boy was the first to speak and be laid bia arm around tbe auddenly aged form of bia father oome he said let us 10 back to mother she will alwaya be beautiful to me now and they turned and gave place to tbe others fish ihe beautiful girl had parted forever from the only man she over really loved and aba waa even aadder than waa usual with her npon snob occasions tbey triad to comfort ber there are always good flsh left in the sea tbey urged yes bnt when yon otoh tbem they turn ool to be lobsters i abe exclaimed bitterly thereby showing that all a parsons bair may ootl naturally with out rendering a person entirely devoid of aecsa mr charles oomeau ot neguao n b tells of hfa terrible anfierings and bia cure by palnea celery compound as follows i oan conscientiously reoommeud palnea celery compound to all who may be suffering from dyspepsia and liver tronble for years while living in black brook i suffered from a oomplioatton of troubles and waa so bad with dyspepsia that i could not touch a morsel of food i found it diffioult to aleep and what little i did get was often broken with horrid dreams intense suffering from liver eomplalnt added to my load of agony i also bad dizziness psins in the baok and waa pale haggard and despondent i kspt doctoring aod dosing without deriving the slightest benefit and finally ga np a one dsy my dangbter who had read of a wonderful euro by palnea celery compound begged me to try one bottle of tbe fnedioine i told ber it waa no nse to throw away money but she plesded so hard that to pleaae her i bought a bottle and before it waa used up i felt belter enoonraged so much i continued with tba medloine and improved every day i am now cored thanks to palnea calery compound ton oannot wonder that i oonaidar palnas celery compound the g medloal dlaoovery in the colio and kidney difficulty mr j w wilder j p lafargevime n y writes i am bobjeot to aevero attacks of colfo and kidney difficulty and find parmeleoe pills afford me great relief while all other remedieb bave failed they are the best inedicino i have ever need in faot bo great is the power of this medicine to oleanse aod purify that diseases of almost every name and nature are driven from the body laziness travela so slowly tbat poverty soon overtakes it dr lows worm byrup la a safe euro and reliable worm expellcr acts equally well on ohildren or adults be sure you get lowe custmiu iu for infuuts nml children cnstorla in it linrmlchs substitute for castor oil paregoric drops mill soothing syrups it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance it in pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of mothers cnstorla destroys worn m and allajs fctpi-kh- ikns castoria cures dliirrliuua nntl wind colle cnstorliv viicvoh teething troubles cures constipation anil fllttulaiicy cilhtorla assimilates tho food rcfriiliitfi the stontneh niul bowels oliufnnts and children giving honlthy and nittuml sleep castoria is the cliildrenh panacea tho mothers friend castoria castoria la an excellent mctliclnc for children mothers hne repeatedly told ntc of lu good effect upon their chlllrai pr o c osoood louell man castoria tntorln 1h iu wtll mliijilul 1 children thut i lccomiliuhl it biilmlor to an pre- ttcrliitloit known to int 11 a auh1 h m 1 lltouktyn v 1 the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper unnav ttct when two women pass eaoh other on tho street and only one of them turns around to look bickit is easy to determine which one it is that is wearing bar old clothes no family living in a bilioaa country ahould bo without purraeleoa pills a few dobes taken now and then will keep the liver aotive oleanse the stomaoh and bowels from all billons matter and prevent agae mr j l price shoala martin co ind writes i bave tried a box of parrnolees fills and find them the beat medloine for fever and atfne 1 have ever used borne people oaut oven tell a he without making it bigger than it 1b oan recommend it mr eooj born berry tueoarora writes i am pleased to my tbat dr thomas eolootrlo oil is all that yon olalm it to be as we have been obing it for years both internally and externally and have always received benefit from its use it is our family medloine and i take great pleasuro iu recommending it jwo- ladies world i orgs all who are suffering to try ibis grand medloine and teat ita virtues artielio ia often a synonym for useless and expbnbive gossip is cartridge flred from tbe gun of idle cariosity probably no single drug is employed in nervous dis eases with effects so mark- edly beneficial as those of codliver oil these are the words of an eminent medical teacher another says the hy- pophosphites arc generally acknowledged as valuable nerve tonics both these remedies are combined in scotts emul- sjon therefore take it for nervousness neuralgia sciatica insomnia and brain exhaustion jo mdoftll scott oowne chuabts toronto castoria tell how milburns heart and nervti puib lake weak people strong mrs elizabeth barton brittaniast says t i speak a good word for mil- burns heart and nerve pills will pleasure they proved to mo a most excellent remedy for nervousness nervous debility and exhaustion and i can heartily recom mend them mrs poland brunswick street sayst 11 my husband suffered greatly with ner vousness complicated by heart troubles mj burns heart and nerve pills have cured him and ho now u well and strong laxaliver jake one at night be fore retiring twul pills work while you aleep without a grip or gripe curing biliousness sick headache constipation and dyspepsia and make yoa feel better in the morning novelty jf tismesjt talks i y it plays i pniff can be heard 0n rhiul a child can boxedwiffl rome record 5239 1 in txtba records acihakted 35 i n ivcfty town and viulaoe address on talking machine co london ont tronbiea and babies grow larger by nnreiok thcm milburnb sterling headache powdera acre the worst hesdnohe in from five to twenty minutes and leave no bad aftereffeotb one powder 5c 3 powdera 10o 10 powdera 25o whenever a pair of bboce feols oomfortable after but twice wearing a woman feele mad at herself for not having endarod greater pinching at llret there never was and never will bs a nnllvereal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir tbe vory nature of many ourttvch being bach that were the germs of other and differently seated dieeaueb rooted in the sybtem of the patient what would relievo one ill in tarn would aggravate tbe other wo have however in quinino wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievoaa ilia by ita gradual judioioua use the frailest ejbtoma are led into con valescenoe and strength by the influence which qaiuine exertb on natures own restoratives it relievea tbe drooping spirits of those with whom a chromo atate of morbid despondence and laok of interest in life ia a dlaeaao aud by trunqmiizing the nerves disposes to aoond and refresh- inft sleep impartb vigor to the aation of the blood whloh being stimulated ooursea throughout the veins btrengthenlng the healthy animal functions of the setem thereby noshing activity n necessary result strengthening tho frame and riving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand increased bubbtance rebolt im proved appetite northrop lyman uf toronto have cevcn to the pablia their qaiuine wine at tho usual rate and go aged by tbe opinion of acientista this wine approaches nearest perfection of any the market all druggists sell it lady by fainting in winning a faint bomotioiob a fair judiciously ouoceeda heart victoria harbor out mr joseph currier a rebpeoted ouisen of this place was so bad with rheumatism that he could not atteud to bia work two boxes of mil barn a bheumatio fuib have affected a complete oaro when a woman poes u lho way and erica before opeaking she tells a terrible story we have no hesitation in baying that dr j d kellogg s dysentery cordial is with out doubt tbe best medicine over introdnoed for dysentery diarrhoea cholera aod all summer complaints sea flioknew eto it prom ply gives relief and never falls to effect a positive cure mothers bboald never be without s bottle when their ohildren are teething if some people profited by their error it would keep them busy deolarine dividends stiff limbs mid joints you oan nearly always judge a mans character by what he thinks laughable worms those pests ot childhood are readily expelled by tbe ma of dr- lows pleasant worm syrup it is simple safe effectual and oontalns lis own cathartic price 35o for jdofonti and ohildren nia- tyfiit kb the woman who tells yoa a morel knows in her heart that yon eanl keep it any beurthan she oouldr you were a boy yourself when jou are ivmptsd to he harsh with your boy ft will do yoa flood to remsmbsr thst ycu yourself we hoy not so very iodk go- and what sort of a boy were 300 did nu mlwayri do what yoa were told to do were yon always strictly temperate truthful and honest did yon avoid bad coin pan ions as if iby were tbo plague did you speml our money fool- itlily f did yoa give oar dat and nlmhis to readlog good fiooks wera you ooniisnt in attendance opoaofaureo are there no dark pots in your record that you would lis to wipe out dora li hut become joti to deal gently with yoor boy yim nut warn him and counsel him of onnrtr but in love rather than io wrath tbe conteuted man is often a man with whom all his kinsfolk are discontented campers should tako wih them a supply qf dr towlers ext of vild strawberry thoao lio intend k cnnimar this summer aliunkl tnko with ihcnrdrrpcralcrt exlrnct of wild slraw- beny grttlng wet cncli- inp cold drinking wa ter that ia not alwnjs purcorcatingloodllint disogrcca irny biing on an attack of colic cramps and dinrrl ccn prompt tiimmcnt with dr fowlers strawberry in audi cases relieves thopiin checks tho diarrhoea amd prevents serious consequences dont tako chances of njioh- at a whole summers otitins through neglect or putting a bottle or this great diarrhoea doctor in with your supplies but see ihnt ica be remilne dr fowlers exiract of wild slran berry as most or tho imitations are highly dan- fferous miss a edwards fordwlcb oot writes last tall my little sister eight years old waa laid op wltb stiff limbs add joints even her fingers and toea were stiff and she suffered greatly alter using harvards yellow for a time she got perfectly woll and in going to sohool again a woman is uovor eo proad as- when praise of ber new hat leads her t6 ooofeus tbat it is an old one bhe trimmed ovor permanent cure of cancer some twelve years nco mrs elizabeth gilluila wife of the postmistcr of bux ton ont was taken ill uith an obscure stomach trouble w inch her physi china pronounced cancer of the stom ach nnd informed h her leas o cynicism is au indetoreet acknowledg ment that lifes worries have got the better of your cheer and courage one leu a liver pill svery night for thirty days makes a complete oaro of biliousness and constipation that is just 96 cents to be cured a man who lives on hope will spend hia old age at somebody elses expense permanent cores the great number of oases published lately showing how burdock blood bitters curse permanently snob rerlous diseases as oanoer scrofula salt rheum t erysipelas running sores eto haa abundantly proved that when b b b cures youre cured to stay cured a man with an elastio imagination ia apt io mistake it for hia conscience keep tbe bead coot and the bowels open is sensible ndvloe to follow this warm weather if the bowels do not move regolarly- tab laxaxiver pills they are small in size easy to take and do not gripe weaken or slokan hie would be short mrs gilhula q the advice of fricndi she comnunccd uking burdock blood biturt the results tliit followed were httlo short of nmrclous her hirenjjth nnd vior rt i timed und in a short timo kiio was completely cured mrs gilhula ii totuy in tho full enjoyment of good hcillli mid in ill these jcarh there has not been tho slightest reiuiti of tho trouble here is the tetter mrs gtlhuia wrott at the tune of her cure abo it four j cars no i was taken sick vithstumncli trouble mid consulted several f the loading physicians here all of whom iro noun led the disease to bo ennter of the tomiiih of ah incurable unturc and told no thit it wits hnrtlly to be expected that icon tl hvelonur afterwaicltlictwo doctors vlio ie alieiuling mc rave me up to die by tlio ndvtcc of soma of my friends vlio k uw of the virtues of burdock blood uutoi i was induced to try it and i am now h ippy to say that after usinjf part of he fit t bollto i felt so much better i was ihlc to uet up i nrn thankful to slato that am completely cured of tin disease by tho iinq of b 11 b although it had baffled the doctors for a lonfj time i nin firmly con vinced tlmt burdock blood bitters saved my life hue is the letter received from herashori tilt it rtjnr i am still in good health i thank burdock blood bitters for saving- uiy life twelve years ngo and highly recommend it to other hiiffcrcrs fionvstomncii troubles of any kind elizadktu giliiula k vory timo a woman sees a mirror she paasofljoreqeot htgyards yellow oil ourea sprains braises sores wounds outs frostbites chilblains stings of insects burns scalds contusions oto prico 25a contact wltb a sharp man is very spt to dull ones ooofldenoo in humanity economic power is etcuttd villi i l canadian steel airmotor ftmorb who fctudy economy cannot ignore the fact tl wind power i- cheapest the canadian airmotor will pay for itsell in 2 years pump all jour water kun the machinery in your barn wc have supplied the c p r the last three years with about 20 outfits also the british government in cyprus and india as well as in england egypt australia c write the onthriq jfljiilnd engin9 nd pump co li7utitd atlantic ave toronto largest manufacturers of windmills under the british flag pumps of eveiy description you can get it a parlor suite a sideoj- a bedroom set an extension table a lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements at a living profit onxy all goods delivered uxproas mall 4uami tkumi ua1iyia jul no i a til kxpiubb 6 u5o 11 cioinu vruf mall 10 02 u in 2 ifl p m 7 japm uxiircbb 10 6o0 111 mail 6 up m mixed 10 ottpnj bunday trains dolus wost10 02 a in aoiug tluflt 0 j5 a in 0 14 p id t tlmf of clomfmj maim going wott 0 40 am and 0 co p til going east 10 s3 a 111 nntl fi wp in thla timo tablo weut into efftet on bunduy juno 20th 18m acton livery bus line tho undersign otl rospoctfully sollolts tho patron ago of tho public and informs them that well equipped and stylish riga oan al ways bo sooured at his btableb a comfortable bus moots trains botwoen 9 a m and b 18 pm gnroful attontlonglvon to ovory order tho wants of commercial travel- lorn fully mot john williams prtopnretop speight brady manufacturers of s dynamos electric motors wateb motors gasoline and oas enolnes brass iron castznosto order repairing promptly done georgetown ont undertaking in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered prices to suit every ones needs j a speiqht co acton maple leaf grain geindees v 10hn jslcqoeen agent for tho above has changed his wfirc- zooms tp building on w e smiths property john street where mny be seen frost a wood bovvers and mowers both have ballbearing i bnrr p 1 a t es relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power alwaya unaranteed a trial given hundreds in use goold 8hapely fcmuirco limited brantford ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mue en fc th red birdbest to- day and cood for year g f 3 thelstilsoncliairl i when bicycle jnanufecturers and riders the world over were having trouble with their bicycle chains which in spite of nil they could do would wear and stretch it was a canadian who found a way out of the difficulty bopersliteon never keeps people from accepting 13 for a dozen parents buy mother graves worm exerminator because they know it is a safe medloine for their ohildren and an e0rotual ex poller uf worm 1 wander up afield aud list to the voice of the summtt breeae as sweet as the voice of a teltphone irl saying number please i dr wools norway plus byrup wns the first aud orlfrtlial pine preparation for cinhi ini cotds all others haviu ihe name pi no are simply imiiatiotu some of tham worthless yauthftd rec tho natural exubcranco of youth often lends to reckless ness young- pcoplu dont tako enro of themselves get ovorhenled catch cold and- y allow it to sett io on the kid- noya thoy dont realize tho linificanco of hacknehc flunk it will hoon parts away hit it docsn t urinary trou bles come tlmn diabetes b rights disease and shattered health a young- lifo has been sacrificed any help for it yc 1 1 doapf s kidney pills thcio conquerors of kidney ills nro making- tho rising generation healthy and strong- mr o gruman 503 adtjlrvtde st london ont any it my uiiirhtrr now 13 yenrn old tins hnd weak kllney nlco jn aney nnd her health aa a consoquenco lint mwnya bcon poor two boxes ot doans kidney pit i have removed every s mptomof khlnry trouble nnd rentorcd her to perfect health i am truly thankful for the frreut bene at they have conferred upon bar m the wilson chain with which red birds are fitted 3 this canadian was mr wm wilsoh one of the experts paid by this company to bring the red bird nearer a state of absolute perfection this invontlon consisted of a patent whereby the centre part of the pin was hardened giving the hardened steel pin so wcl was this rccolvcd that the lajgest chain manufactur ing establishment in the world purchased the ameaican right to produce it since then there have been many imi tations but as is always the case with imitations nono are so good an tho genuine article such as red birds are fitted with today the 60qld bicycle co limited j d mokee agent imlululumiuluiujululuiuiuaiiuiuiuiuiuittiuiuiue everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed cy for sale chopping eery day at everton mills and every luesday thursday and saturday at eden mills aivaystuying wheu no credit henry hortop sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 5go 00 aid in maturity value 100 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton cooper akins the artistic tailors geg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to hhow uui gu iii n pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated belhvarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper a akins main st acton money to patent good idea may bo secured by oar aid address the patent record baltiswn md kr f vnu wa wood kngkaviho photo fncraihc patents i promptly secured i write for our interesting lwnks invent- ort help and how von rro swindled scndtisanaghsskatoli or modtlof your invention or improvement nml wo will tell you frso our opinion m to whether it is probably patentable wo nmko n piwclalty of applications rejected in other hands highest roforonooa furnished mabxon at mabion patxttt souoitors xxpkbts civil a keolianlcal fnirtnrrrm aramiatrs of ihs polytechnic hotioot of kimlnrnlnw jlnctielan in appltd bcloncot iral tlnlvcrnty members patent law auoclntlon anicilotn waterworks association nw xntrlnnd wnter work aihoa p q 8aityon amorlatloa alton ucntlcr da boclotr of civil knglnwrm new york ufc b100 uoktrral oan tlamiabuluum0 50 years 6xpcrienoe r anas n pi tfudt maftks dittatts corvniohtsj ac sketch and description mar j onr opinion free whether an tlons jittlcloonddoiuw ilnnnbook on patents otmt frae oitiewt agency for brijicmuanta r jttaout eharss tn tbia anyons ssndl eeuunati4 without ohargs to tba scientific himrtcm hanasnmlr innirtmlikl wmklr mtaaat f iluim or njr manunn jonrnl rm as kststew

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