v wltrsiiw volume xxv no ib ponlibllkd jeveuy thursday morning at thk prceprcssateamprliitlupoolco viill btiu3et aoton out acton ontahio thxjhsday august 3 1890 price three- cents tbrhb or bouacntption ono dollar per year frlotlyin advauco ah subscriptions discon tinued wbou tho tlmo for which they have bean paid baa o pi rod tho dato to whioh ovory ubsorlptlonlspald is denoted on tho addreas label aovanxiaina iuteb trails on t advortlso- meats 10 oonte por nonparoil line for first in- aertion 8 cents por lino fox oaah subsequent luaruon ir oonthaot rite a the following tablo shows oor r or the insertion of advertisements for spooined porloda neiaz supply of lawn tennis rackets and balls all fresh mew goods -the- traders bank sfaob 1 vjl 0 mo 3 mo 1 wo 0000 3500 2000 600 3500 9000 1900 saooo laoo 700 200 70o 300 250 100 bolaofaoa loinoboa olnobes llnoh m without speolno directions sh b isl s ebargedtooord n must belaid ntns u b hanged onoo eaob uioncn desired for ohanvea oftener than it5fig 0om mustbeata a advertisements roue do b the office bnoon on tuesdayb accounts payable monthly hpmooite editor sod proprietor strong in hammocks prices very low day8 book store ouelph day sells cheap capital authorized l 000000 capital paid up 700000 cuelph branch wo are now issuing money orders payablo at par at any branob of chartered bank in canada oiooptlng tho yukon diatriot at tho following ratob itaetrtr under 10 b oonte 10 coats 12c0utb 11 coats wnsiiuss fiiwrtorp medical m john m macdonald m d c succitss0 to 3 f tjhen m d o m riote jj mill refroderick jy to 1033 am j 1 to 2 pm and rr f j r fctrster sucoeflsott to dr a 8 elliott jjdut phyijoucljind nnrgsnn to vic toria hoepltallor biok chlldron toronto brno 8lmot oooaplod by dr waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods highest current bate of interest fifttd on sums deponltod of si and upwards dteroet allowod from dato of deposit to data of withdrawal and paid or coinpauudod balf ysarly 57- advanaos modo to responsible farmers on thoir owu nam ob at tho lowoat current rates no charge mado for col loo ting aaloe uotoa if payablo in guolpb a genoral banking bmsiuoas transacted a f h jones mnnacr waters bros wyndham street new store for hardwood floors and cleaning woodwork of any kind the best and most easily applied preparation is 1 old floor english wax guelph d r dryden era ban throat and nobb moloana block douglas st near p o guelph ojfiob houua 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to fl pm sdndatb 10 am to 1 pan files and human bei dental li bennett lds dentist asonastowh ontabjo jcoghlan ddslds dentist wojut oaukfully done plhoes modkhate owioh ovan dnowna dnoa btohm houns e vsror day thou 0 to fl j m bell dds xds dkntibt uaookvtllb hoiroxt ghaduatb or tobonto univsnairr work mado satisfactory prlcw moderate visitino datb monday afteraoon camp- ballvllle tuosday acton oolcoolarka hotel friday ltookwood m oluean mclean barriatora solicitors notaries oouveyanoera office t wka moleam jk j mackinnon baxulibtbm bolicitob conveiancbb onick mill btroot in mattbowa block upatalra t b mcleod liawubtbb bolicirob oonvbyasceb main btroot goorgatown monor to loan at lowoit current rate r j monabb olorkl fourth dlvlalon conrt county of hal- on ooitoyanoor agent plre and lite auaranoo heal eute ajont monoy to loan oto ofoh ferryman allloolt aoton uisceimiiamso vs m iss williams music of axouobtown snoeeuor to mm laldlaw 1 prepared to glvo thoroug inaunotlob in mutlopiano or organ lntbooryandpractloo for torrna apply to mlaawllllamatmr jaa hattbewa roildonoo on tneaday evening of oaon ween are two distinct families and cannot live happily together fit your windows and doors with screens from symons and enjoy life alone crocerlas tomatoes 7c corn 8c salmon 10c best red i pkg corn starch 25c best ameiican coal oil 18c readymixed paints and paris green at sv7yon bros coswtiliammn sts tcton contains no oil or varnish welland vale bicycles dc hill agent actos call and see the now welland vale bicycles at the bicycle livery the per fect garden city and dominion are the leading grades while the perfect chainless has merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un disputed fact that the welland vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheel attkfrflrrfeny ifcw vrc- parture automatic brako gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business j c hilal malri 8treet planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor h pranana application for tho canadian amor lmnmabnropoan patent omoo and for ttoe enby gfhbt ottawa oattadi solloltor of ratonta for invonuon oto ueglatrallon 01 traao araj ntt tblrtttwoyeanolporlonoo f kanois nunan boofdindeb wyndhamst quelpb ontario ovar wiuiama store aoeonnt booka of all kloth n irloaleauotetarydeaerlpuonoarefollybonna nllnffneaivan nromptiraono m abbiaob li0bnse8 n p moobb lamrks oir hahmao liionnma prlteoffloe mowltnamerinl laiaod at residence in the evening frsapraal otnoe aotow mannfaoturor of saab doora framoi mouldlnga in all atylea drkssmo matcmvo mmmka to order on abort notieo wflll aaaortod atook on hand at prlcoa to an tbetuaes john cameron proprietor gives a perfect polished finish does not show heel marks nor scratches we are sole agents for this preparation for guelph and vicinity john m bond co- bardwarb ouelpb w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uki a spicutt of machine finished book papers and high geade weekly news tho paper used in thib joarna ib frcm tho above mills wm baeber ft bro- x3ashpaiu for farm produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted aikenhead peoduce co a parsons manager cor mill and main sts acton opposite clarks hotel w m hem8tbeex ks iilobmsbd adctiohmm for tho oonntlea of wdilngton and helton siemrs iumaoikand pwarda bubsobiuhd 8 the wellinqton mutuax f1hb insurance company etobllshol 1840 hoadoffloo oht tnbubarlob on caah o 3 p 1 oommanloatlona forwarded to my e lloii or toloplioae 63 will bo promptly attended to tavmb aan oaelpb there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall- stock is now eoming inand em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style cjuality and prfces call and bbb otjk new lines w williams mill st cooper akins the 1 artistic tailors reg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper a akins main st acton the pum 8 party tho pumpkin mado fcparty for ber frloodt one autumn ovo with tho harveot moou to act as chaperon and tho orobeatra of icatydlda and crlokota wu onggod that thoxaualc should boot the proper tono tho party place voloqtod waa tho cornflold by tbo wood whoro tbo books of corn stood soldlorllko in rcwa to graqo tbo glad occasion with a military air and to guard the timid maldi from fancied fooa tbo guests woro mlsaoa hubbard squaih in gowua of rlohasvgreea and their orook neck eoualm droitod in golden buoe and tho watormelon fanflly with all their jtlth and kin and tho carrot aad the boet with pointed ahoos tho taraloy and tho onion and tomato drosaod in red and tho popper with bor temper well in hand and the youthful dr ououmbor without m anlgbt of pain and hpfile liean from dlitant boston land tbo snoot potato brojttht of oourso bor deareit peanut ounm arid thoj tho calory were galore with tbo ljbjpd the pannip and potato h ughjwhtda wlillo tntcobbago red and turnip oamo at four tho brilliant daneo waa oponed by tbo graceful gladys hap with a vogetablo of very groat rem own tboy led tho grand cotillon with a dignity uulquo and tho waits betwoen tbo stubble up and down tboohaporon benignant amlled upon the bash ful boaux till tboy qulto forgot tboir quaint and rural ways andohoobins blubblng partners from tho fair and modest giieata boon wpro swinging through tho gay and giddy mazo tbo pumpkin served refreshments or a moat delicious sort though tbo dibh that all tho guesta proferrod was pie- wbilo tho gourd with itatoly manners passed the amber nectar round which be brought from ybndorider mill hard by ii wos tho dearest party that tho squash had over soon and the carrot and tho turnip said the same tho owlet with bis camera took a snap shot of tho ftroup and throughout tbo land waa spread the pumpkins fame good housekeeping smcrt ymitily juafcing jiov ie flipper 0ot the emews pauline and folly peters enterprising iwiqb aged 7 bad jait seen o wedding for the fir at time in their lhork hvot and were cdrrredin reproduoing the event to the beat of their remembrance pauline with a prematarelj eolama air held a last years almsoao inlier hand and flgnreil an tho ofbolatinrclerrymaor wbilfr battone in her land wai the bride tboraoat impressive part of the cere mony to their minds was tbo throwing of rice and old shoes after the departing pair and the insurmountable difflonlty of intro dnoing thla feature into their reprodbotioo oqeed them much diatifes a bride polly oomplalhed ooaldoi well throw rloe at herself and aa pauline thooght it needed a back or some kind of a conveyanoo to make the thing complete it was at leat reluctantly decided to omit this most interesting part of the marriage the wedding proceasion oonspiouoaa for a trifling oversight in the matter of a bride groom was 00 the point of starting down to the barn where the event was taking place when a young man drova into the yard and hitching the horse rang the bell to enquire for tho twins grownnp sister for a minute the children gazed at each other aa the door opened to receive him then a brilliant thought struck tbera simnl- taneoaaly off came pollys veil- and down went paulinos book thats charley bingham oome to take stater to ride gaaped polly dancing np in delight i know it aald punline excitedly and we havent a ojoate to lose you run right np to the house and get all the rioa youoan and ill borrow some of tho neighbors oh mra herriokehe panted breath lessly a moment later as she rushed into that ludys door wont yon please let me have some rice why ohild what do you wan of rice you are no having a wedding at yoor house are yon yop maam an please hurry or it will be too late bot who ia it for tor bister bae 1 shouted pauline who waa in too much harry to stop for elabor ate exptanatiow and raoed back to meet polly who bad the good fortune ti find a bag of stuff whiob the grocer had left on the kitchen table why havent they kept that pretty frqjet mrs h of ber caller mrs smith as she piokdtifw farther irritated by tlie flutter inn ribbom before their eyes swept down atreet at a runaway pace the ihoee swung baok and forth ander the oarnuge for some dlbtanoe but finally dropped off in front of the offioe of the snowavllle clipper ard editor dodge who had a realization of tbo faot that eternal vigilance is the price of news items oast his eagio oat of the window of blsianotum aanotorum in time to note the oopupants of the flying carriage the woe and the shoes in front of the cffioe door hold on john he called to the fore man who had just flnubed making up the paper gnlook the last form and take but half a column of tbo least important matter i will belmok in a le roiouies with bometbiog to nil iu so eayinp he riiehd oat and stridiog np the atreet met by chance the lady who bad been visiting mrs herrfck that nfter- noou heard about tho wedding ahe asked bim ai he drew near no bat was just going to find out about it ha answered young bingham and susie peterrt wasnt it yeb i was next door during the cere mony and it waa the qaititiost thing in tbo way of a wedding i ever board of who married thero parsouhildretb and he was the only one there datside of the family i dont brieve thoir nearest neighbors would have known anything about it if it hadnt been for the twins they wero on hand with their rice and old ahoeh atidgave the couple a good send off what was their dress queried dodge jottiug down the point nn fast an his gar rulous informant brought them out white dook skirt pink shirt waist and a plain sailor hat she looked real aweet but no one would vnspect f rtjm her dresa mr peters na ttmniig the first that afternoon to cet a piper hot wiihont htop piug to look at its uunmntt he wended hie way home and tossed tho sheet into hla wifes lap here mother ia the illuminator his favorite name for the clipper where are the twins i pot them to bed sau mrd paters oofolding the paper that they might realizo how naughty they were this after noon bnt ob what is thie bingham peters with wide distended eyaa horror and iudignation and amazement in her whole attitude she began to read the news while it waa news and decidedly fresh a pretty borne- wedding took plaoe this afternoon at the residence of our esteemed fellow citizen mr john f peters whose eldest daughter miss snaan amelia was united in marriage to mr charles gerald bingham a rlelog joung lawyer of snowa- ville the wedding waa a quiet affair indeed- only tbe tm mod late members of the brides family being present whioh was perform ed by tbe rev dr hudretb pastor of the flrat church the bride one of snowvitlea fairest daqijhterb wis plainly but moat be comidg- iyffi tbe happy obaple with rice as they started avray on a carriage trip mr and mrs bingham are popular yonng people and the clipper fain their holt of friends in extending congratulations and good wishes these wretobed children i breathed mra peters starting to her feet while pauline and polly oovored their gailty beads with tbe bedotothes dont faint mother dont 1 helps for the harvest season vatly the vkdetaulka each 1y at noon when the men arrive hot and weary from the field i quickly serve them dinner in a pleasant cool dinofngroom where no flies are allowed and which is kept darkened except during the meal hour my dinner hi composed of vegetables pre- pfured differently mobdftyfuoh snioed beans oncumbera with cream onions with cream plokled oabbage served with mash ed potatoes and cold meats some kind of fruit or pudding strawberries cherries or applet served occasionally with whipped cream for a change and ouly fresh cold water to drink after the pinner is fin ished have waiting some easy chain a pillow at easy reach in a cool place where tho men may rest and i reat also occa sionally i make ice cream and lemonade bervo it with rloh oake for a treat which my husband enjoya very mooh moat farmers relish a variety of food and they are entitled toll your neighbor the kitchen uinikonoou some of the first requisites for comfort on hot days are oool bleeplug and eaticg rooms and water for baths if desired if not shaded by trees plant vines with planning a kitchen may be made coot some have a range or kerosene stove in the shed if obliged to eat and cook in the kitchen oook the bread vegetables desserts etc early in the morning at 11 oclook a fire of chips or light wood is all that wilibe necessary that will be out whan tbo men are called to dinner make an extra pot of tea and coffee for tho hay field have lemon juice and sugar mixed ready for lemonade or make and act on ice if the drinking water is cold dont use ioe if the men he on the parlor or aittlngtoom floor dont say a word never rush or aak them to wait on you when you oan do it yourself doing things before hand givea one time to rebt and plan give tbo children a luboh at 11 and they wont be olamoroua at dinner put the little ones in tboir qribt havo the older ones wait on table k b the study of art the cbettpest way to add to onetf know ledge of art is to study the illustrated periodicals of the day every person ahoqldbe ahle to distinguish between pen- andlok aketohesand wibhdrawins pen- andink illustrauona are made eilher from original sketohes or from photoxraphb the drawings sre made about twioe tbe aie of the cat required so as to allow of anon redaction aa will movo the traoes of minor inequalities the cuta are made by tho aotion of light on acid spread over a zino surface the wash drawings are really watercolor sketohes in black and white ut are made ao ad to provide for some rednotion naoally not eo mooh as in the case of penandink sketches theee ate reproduced by being photographed the photograph being afterwards thrown with the aid of a strong light on a popper surface which 1h covered with acid those platen which are technically known aa halftones are more expensive and moro delicate than tho riua plates made from neuandink worjt photographn are reproduced in tho fame way as a wash drawing to got a color effect for a cover or afrontirpicoe two or more plates munt be uaed two plutea will give from two to four colore ah this study of pictures is interesting and tends to develop ones appreciation of tbe beautiful and to make one appreciate color proportion grace- and harmony it also has the tffect of making a perdou more observant the more one aeea iu the lifo about blm the more be la able to enjoy it the man who cannot appreciate a pretty piatare in all itedetails is not fully educated the only canadian publiuntrii whicl regularly fmployn both psnandink and watercolor artists is tho canadian affytslwetadifchmllli psnamuuk work 61 a less artistic chars cter is to be fonuil in moat canadian dailies some qf thes da vs borne of thoao days all tbo skloa will bo brighter l botno or thoao days all tho burdons bo ijghtor hearts will bo bapplorsouls will bo whiter bomoof these days t somoof tbcaordays in tbo dosorta upspringing fountalna shall splsbh while joy bolls aro ringing and lbs world wltli iti ewootcet of birds shall go singing bomo of thosb days i soma of thoao daya lot us boar with our sorrow 1 faith in the futuro its lrht wo may borrow thero will bo joy in tho goldou tomorrow borne of theso days i frank l hlanlon play is difficult perforation a health es sential kat anttuinu 0001 while i tally agree with tho arliole in a recant weeks laane tn regard to ekimmilk as a healthful and satisfying drink for farm men yet in the bot weather one soon tfres of steady diet or drink ader 20 years of experience in cooking and preparing food and drink for farmers and farmers sobs in the hay and harvest eason i find a frequent change of diet and drink is nec essary as well ai beneficial to health and happiness i use lemonade cold tea and coffee not iced hirea root beer mot ox or cherry phosphite and as a staple drink i find nothing equal to canned aweet older easily prepared and a prodnot of the farm it ia excelled by nothing else in the drink lirfe for the benefit of a few who may never have used it i will give directions how to prepare it in the fall when the older comes from the mill i oommqnoe to draw it off in pans and granite kettles or a new clean boiler oould be used and heat ltjasl to bo boiling point as soon as it starts to bubble josi at the boiling point though 16 were oanneot aoton macliine and repair shops bbnby oblndbiili proprietor a he wall oqulppad with all tho maoliinory a 5aary touaaotairil rapalra u n zr aid agrloolwral implmenwaiid to jo tu wiaafamamtliliirlionaaliiln8anaiiaral lilwrtulmuirj manner wa oaa rapnlr any njjosina or imnlamant of any ma baw nmminllindailokdon acton saw mills and wood yards jrbs brosntn mamwactobbil ahd dliui ik lumber uu sbinglc wood etc ii kind ol wood in atook and rrompmy k 1 ww oil in wwu at raaaonablo prloea 6ardwoil and x alapbon oonmanuatlob mail and business praoooe la th moat inumauns and prmo- tloal oonraa of alndr in booakooplob and aooonnuns lor boya and flrla inrlii eubllo and high bohoola ahortband aqd typowrlllnj apeo- lal faoultlm indlhdaal tnluonno olaaaealormod paranu ar inlted to intaaugat fall urm will oom- mnoo uonday ang ts qublph tam tbla word la our oopyrlgbted guaraato for parity ana btrangth whn ton on our gooaa itmaka tbem tbo aundard for thoir levoral pnrpoae and ita prmonoa protoau yon from imitation and inferior nooda look for it plant spray rdralatlo plant bpray eontatna no mlnoral polaon araentoor parlasreen bare deatii to all insect life lungf eta harmless to vegeta tion canadas only wllablo spray sheep dip paralalia bbaop dip la a preparation for tho onra of akin dlamaaa and tbe eradication of gia es teemed fellow oitizen ia roinu right dowd to interview editor dodge and while im rone joti pan write up bla obituary ill guarantee that it will bo fonnded on faot at loaat whoroa my hat bat mra petere waa diaaolved in leara and before her hnaband aacoeeded in fiud- loff hie head ooveriajr alone and anatded saiie and young bingham returned from ihelr ride in a elate of aattefaotion that even tbe clipper waa powerlese to disturb after they had read the aooount of their wedding mr bingham plnoked ap oonrage to propoto that they regard it as a propheoy aud prooeed immediately to fulfill it lire peter in the awkward nironm- ataooea in whioh tbey were plaoed approved of the idea and mr patera after time waa perauaded at a leas mnrderone looking angle end departed in rearob of parson hildreth instead of tbe moving aplrlt of the presa while mr bingham aooght the town clerk to prooure n lioense at the inleroeaeton of thoir sister the term of imprisonment was shortened for the twins and i hey emerged from their temporary confinement in a state of anbdaed joyouanenfl that found expression in s remark from polly to the eqeot that they woold play nothing bnt fonerals aftor thla bnt editor bodge nevnr really nnder aftood why mr bingham snbaoribed for the clipptr and paid down ten years in advance with the remark that be liked to enoonrage genine or why mr peters at ths name time stopped his sabsoription snd tried for a whole year to exist by borrowing his neighbors papers atlanta conatitu lion esal np tig frnlt set away down cellar and in harvest time there is nothing equal to it to qnenob thirst it is oool and pnre and contains all tbe nnlritive qualities of a good apple as to the preparation of food almost any kind tastes good and there is no reason why hearty men and hard working growing boys should not eat all kinds be it pie cake or even fried oakes snd griddle cakes and as long as oil stoves and oil la as obeap as they are no one need to make herself an unnecessary amount of labor or be injured by the heat in preparing any kind of a meal it ia all both worrying anon our woman being overworked pre paring food there is no truer nobler work for woman to do than preparing food to sustain those who are gathering into the fold tho fruit and grain that god haa given ns of ooorse i would not be understood as saying thero are no overworked woman for thero are many auoh and the reason is many time beoaaso ihe work that ehonld be evenly distributed through a family all falls on one pair of alioulderfl obildren are not properly tanght to boar their ehare of the burdens of everyday lifo husbands are negligent and forget to do the many little things that are so muoh help in rounding up tho days duties to the wife that ia not over strong if we would all do our doty in tho state of life whioh it has pleased god to call na how msny hsmes would bo happy how many weak overburdened women wony find reat jeanctto green vermin in sbeep and eattl it la highly modi- elnal and does it work with no draatlo or irritating sffmts endorsed by loading shoep raisers horse wash peralatlo horao wash is a apeolally proparad modtcomsut for ths cure of akin dlsoosea deoullar to horaoa aud for ridding thorn of all losmt pasta and vermin it has a surpasslnaly retrsabids effort brightens the pelt and puts tbe salttlo borogilyhliftby condition vrloe 100 per 31 os can pig wash psralauo fig waab la successfully used in all business college and btfifcsa shorthand institute r j siiajtr principal agknt8 wantbd for ths ufs and achievements of admiral daway tbe world by moras nirar of i unnohsst naarlv l6bpagas halftons liraatra tlona only 1 jo bnormooa demand dig flom missions onlfltfrse olianee of a lifo- time write qtilok tbe dominion oompany 3rd floor oaxton bldg cuioaco reataat naval hero by mnxas halstead tbe ufalong frlnd and admirer of the nations idol ulggast and beat book over 000 hffas 4abt by an inohss nearly 100 pages halftone lllaatr- appaaranea in the dressed hen house spray perslatle hn house rii powder destroy vsrmlu peculiar to tho featbored and poultry powder perslatle hn house spray and poultry owdsr destroy vsrmlu peculiar to tho feathored etookon fowls or in sheds aots as a dlaln- fmtant datroylog germs and purifying tbe almopbre ixaii liberally tliey prevent roup and kindred dlaeaaaa purchase tbeu gooda from your dealer or and to as direct for tbem wo invite oorree- poudenee the pickhart renfrew co limited stouffvllle ont and both ladles drew their obairs to ths window on tho side neit tbe peters bonis io natoh the oourso of svsnts more clossly ibere goes parson hildreth 1 exalelm- ed mrs smith and sure enongh that reverend gentleman was seen coming down tho steps next door having made a call upon the twiua father i though that would be a match some time but what are those obildren doing now pauline and polly in their stooklog feet were tying white ribbodt on tbe horse foretops and two pairs of smsll shoes were seen dangling under tbe car riage they had barely flniabsd tying the laal knot and skipped iutu ths barn after their bags of rice when mr bingham came ont lo get bla team ha was a desperately shy young nan and not especially observ ing being slightly agitated too it is doubt ful whether he would have notloed bad his horses turned into praoolng xebras during his abssnoe and it is not strange that the ribbons aud otbor decoration failed to attrnot his attention pretty miss sue patera next appeared to take her plaoe in the ostrlsge and mr bingham bad just gathered up ihe reins preparatory to tbe atsrt when a oloudbnrst of rloe enveloped him tbo oarriage tbe horses aud a good share ot the people on tbe street the horses started with a jump and perepiratipn is essential to health writea edward b warmau in tho augubt laditui home journal a person fb good health never buffers from tbe heat or oold unless unduly exposed one may be in convenienced by exoessive perspiration bot it is a condition of health rather to bo sought than to be avoided too much of a good thing however is nob desirable proper fare of the body proper diet proper exeroise with proper bathing will prodnoe the normal condition in which condition tbe heat will not oppress any one let me especially caution agtinbt the too sudden obeoking of perspiration millions of oanale or tubea from the inner part of the body open their little months st tbe burface end through these ohaonelr ss careless as the flow of time a fluid containg the waste and impuritieb ot the eystem ia pabbing outward and ia emptied out of the skin this flnid must have exit or we die in a few hours if itdoes not have vent at the surface of the body it rnnst have borne internal oaoape nature abhors shocks sb shv does a vacuum oold contracts tbem and tho fluid is at first arrested then dammed np ond then it rebounds if these mouthb aro grad ually clobed nature has time to adapt herself to the olroumelances by opening her channels into the great internal water ways ot the body snd no barm follows hence tbe safety sud wisdom of cooling off slowly after any exertion and tbe danger of cooling ot rapidly under ihe same olrcnmstanceb eucourago perspiration under proper condltionu and with proper precautions always keep tho surface of ot the body warm and oleau and at this eeabon you will be insntally morally and physically bound onodoea not need to bo a very profound btudont of play to dlrcover that play s not tho dolug of easy things as somo have supposed the amount of energy pot iuto bunting lisbtug skating bioyoling ball- playni lolviug puzzles and playing ohelikora chose eto proves to the mist obbliat observer that pay is not always easy closer ubaorveru reudily discover tho truth tht the ubsrm of rhiny plays deprnd upon tbulr difficulty it la true that play is ouo ol tho best means of rest and recreation as is now ijuilo goneratiy reooijuizod not however leoause it is easy but beuiwidu onii hcuomes absorbed iq forms uf activity diffuront from those oalled forth in his daily work und often thrao fundumentl in ruoo development rcnuvation aud equilibrium of tho whole system are thus brought ubjut touch more perfectly than by merly btopping work in order torrgt or by doing eomolhiag that reiiiireii lillftffjrl itnd titimillui rijueut oarelnl miuliort of ihe liirtphieb nf noted mvu linve hiiowii that in most otttem they vrarolwlriri play in boyliuui und that muny o tlietu kept tlio piny iihtiuol hii their hiii mn wiiilnvti urtnt uipiiiy for piny usually have great uituily fur work the churuoleriitiu of pluy is tiot ease but tho feoliiik of power in doing things moro or 1eb difficult without uouatraint and compulsion the inataot that one feols that a thing mubf bo done it is no longer pluy but work too many rules constraining one to do a thing iu a certain way have bomutliiiig of tboaama ffeot ot compulsion in play tho aotivity or the eud if there id auy outuide reward or ponlahmerjt attached the pleasurs and advantage of playactivity at once disap pear tbe professional ballplayer if therefore notreally aplayer but a worker- play ia alao heightened when it oalls forth the fundnioutal forms of activity of the hntuab race in constructing overepmiog dimoulliest attacking defending snd 00oporating that bavo occupied mankind for ageb from play as a faotor in sooial aud educational beforms by e a kirbpatrick in tbo american monthly ittview oj revitwa for august oems of thought just for fun i thooght you advertised yoor borne fare said the summer boarder indignant ly wal replied farmer comtassal thats what youre gettln oaoued peaebes canned tomattuses canoed corn beef and condensed milk tbe earns as youre nsed to the reason he chanqed sit uations qettffrenbo sir frederick qoldsmld tells an amusing anecdote about tbe oonstrnotlon tinder his superintendence of a telegraph line from bagdad in asia minor lo the persian ospital of teheran the frontier line between turkey and persia was so undefln- able that a traot of no lass than seventeen miles ot land over whioh the telegraph would have to be osrrled wss in dispute etoh of the two countries olairning ths right lo its possession now ths sngincering storss whioh onr government supplied to tbe turkish oovornmsnt differed from those supplied to tbe persian government the former had wooden telsgraph polsa tbe latter iron ones ths pfrllsn government in their jesl oos hatred of ths turks feared tbst if woodsn polss wore erected across ths disputed territory posterity woold regard tbem as a proof that tbo territory was torkiah on the other hand the turks objeoted to iron poles being nsed lest in the foturs they should be addoosd by persia as evidence that tbe land waa hera the way sir frederick contrived lo get out ot ths difficulty did aredil to his ingsn- oity snd resouroe be set up first a woodon pole then an iron one then another woodsn then sn iron again and so on teventcsn miles did you bear tbe reason why i left my oldemployers said a drummer the other day to a few friends to this enquiry hheyajugatbsroaronn4jnnyeapeotlng to hesr a good story as tom familiarly called by his friend tilted backln his chair i answered an advertisement abont a nsw book light of lite- aa tbe title atrnck ms forcibly snd i fonnd it contain ed the story ot the new testament together with explanations of all tbe more difonh portions thus being a com plete commentary it also contain the oomplete lives of the apostles j that this work wss really two volumes in one embellished with some ot the best illnittra- tlona i ever saw tbe ststnss of the apostles wsrs by tbe renowned sculptor tborvaldsou these having been reproduc ed and published iu connection with tbe sixteen masterpieces of tho worldfamous blockhoral hofmann itnd ihun engrav ings knowing that not a family in a thous and bad the lives ot tbe apostles or a com mentary and thattbls boob would have an enormous sale and as my old employers oould not hold ont safflolent inducement 10 eqnsl ihe offer of the bredlsy garreteon oo limited i oonoloded lo give op drum ming and took hold of flight of life i assure you friends tbuohsnge was tbe wisest i ever made and i tball never regret it if yon want to make money easy and laugh ex teachers who require written oxcusos for tardinebs from parents of pupils some timet reoeivo vory arautdiig notes ilero arc fow specimens from n number re oeived some tiuio ago dear air please cxouao jamett for late- nebs i knoaded him after brekuat please forgive billy for being tardy i who mending hid coat the third exoose goes moro into details but is none the less interesting mister sir my jason had to be late to day if is hla blsnebs to milk our oow she kioked jaso in the back today when bs wasnt looking or thinking of her aotin sohethot hisbaok was broke bnt it aint but it it ia black aud blue and tho pane kept him late wo woold git rid ot that oow it we oould tbi id the fourth lime she kicked jsse but novr kioked him late before so excuse bim for me a girl absent for half a day brought tbe following satisfactory exonse miss teeoher my dotocrs absents yes terday was unavodabel ber ahoet had to be balfsonled snd she had a sore throte her knostltnihnn is delikit snd it she is absent any more yon oan knew that it is en aoonnt of onavodable sickness or some thing else a boy absent tor halt a day laid the following explanation on his masters desk dear sir plesso excuse henry no went to gfaodpipasfnrneralwitbme this forenoon t have been promising him for aeveral weeks that he might it he was good and lis bsi besn very good so i kept my word irreverelslckoneofour perils and misohievous is ths irrsvsrent scornfnl oss of tbe tongue that often vulgarises ths very temple of sweetness and purity writes bev newell dwighl hlllis d v in the august xoifiea home journal no person ot refinement and oolture oan doubt that irreverence is one of the perils of our day iu former times men entered the cathedral riob with colored glass with marble and rlotoros and rare tapeatries tn whitewash the frescoes smasb statues and use the paintings and tapestries for doormats but it has boon reserved for oar generation to enter ths temple of revereooe to destroy all ideale to rob tbe noble names of their grsndeur and ihe uohlest plaoes ot thoir majesty to day vulgarity permits sanctity to attach to few objects or idea in 1800 when athena revived the olympian games and america sent its renressntstives there jooroed to that anoleut land a vender ot patent mediolnes who was dlsoovsrsd sinoerity andbonesty oarry ono through many diflionltiea which all the arts he oan oraft because everyone stands npon bis guard against him and snspeots plots and designs where ibere are none intended insomuch that though he speaks wiih all the einoerty that la possible yet nothing he saith oan be believed stillingfleet twofold is the experience in which wo need compassion and fellowship in tho time ot responsibility and in the lime of temptation these are the two greet lone linesses nl lifo the loneliness of the height andlhe lonolineaa of the deep in which tbe heart ucods to bo sure of more than boiog remembered and watched god is uot a god far away lie deaoouda he comos to our aido ho battled for and suffers with his own george adam smith refinement is ninro of spirit than an booomplibtaroont all tho books ol eli- quotto that have been written oauuot make a person relinod trite rrtiiiement springs from a gentle unsolliili heart without a refined spirit a lelluod life is impossible llazartl it isllim oneness ot tho souls lifo with gods life that at onoo makes us try to bo like him and brio forth our uulikonebd to him it is tbe at oooo of asplra- tion the moro humbling philips brooks tho finest of poetry ie always between the lines that is tho main bouroe ot tho endless pleasure poetry gives j the nnlckeu- od imagination of tho reaiior sots hoars and feels all that tbo limits nf languago necessarily omit john davidson cold teeth not all oold id hate to psy that womans dentist bills said a buluess man to a friend on a south side l train the other day aoroes the sislo from tho men was a woman who showed enoogh gold every time shs opened her month lo make a man want to leave and try hit fortunes in the klondike two ot her upper teeth had been replsced by pieces ot bnrnshied metal and one of her lower teeth also had a 22 oarat sheen about it her companion had only ono gold tooth bot she kept it doiog the work of three by a constaut smile tbate another case of tho old adage all that glitters is not gold remarked the busin6asminbfriond oaeoftha dental npvoltlea makeb gold tooth posblhls to sny one at a small cost and without oven saoriboing a healthy inoisor to make room for tbe metal for a qoarter you oan get a shell that can bo stuck over any front tooth and with an exouse to smile yon oan present a regular gold mine to the aston ished pobllo actresses first sosoted tho gold tooth and then tbe yankee man got an idea in a short time there waa an epidomio ot gold teelb the novelty man came out with his plated shells and sold them like bot cakes no ono but the dentist has any kick against tbe imitation gold tooth and as a dskzlor ii ia bard to boat tbe womans teeth may be the real atuff but i believe shs oap sljp them off when she wants to and got thorn platod when they get tarnished ohioago inter ocean nr iras b i zjs n i- etioklng an advertisement of his porous alternating wood and iron lor the fast write their brantferd house for a ft rf p aff pnugr plats i position like mine r photoqu by heat a sensatlve plato exposed to dsrk heat waves will ultimately become affected wltn the pi lo still oovered the same result would occur from light waves suoh as prooeed from the sunlight a fair task is to oxpose an aluminium disk to lb aolion x raya penetrate this melj it is probable that heat waves s