v vied monrbitiiat saranoo lake n y on tuesday uiornlnu august lit jessie t tfontoltb dnugbtor ot tbo lata john monteltb of hamilton aud stepdaughter of mrs uontelth ot acton aged 83 yean marr1ev hmitnitnhan lowah at tbo residence of tbo bridos parents waldemar wednesday floth july by jtav b w hoi den assisted by bevs gounds niagara b l coboa and w d maason qraud valley rev qeorgo smtthor- man of trafalgar to annie daughter of tbos loruai esq uuokikaium kiixioim on tuesday auguit int at tbe rosldonoe of tbo brides parents motaguo street quolphi by bev h martin pastor ion oburcb annie wllla nldckt to walter uarristor at pi daugbtorof john w kllgour bsq to walter 13 uijoktubuam h a l l b law quolpb t ttan jm fires thursday augusb 8 1699 neighbo news i now a items supplied by corres pondents and exchanges rockwood a very interesting lecture was delivered by the rev w it bey tone on friday ntgbk hla description o gettysburg was- perhaps the most enjoyable bis manner is veryi pleasant and bis delivery exoellent kot a very large audio no was in attendance a urge number from the village attend ed the garden perky at kden mills last tbarbday evening mrs jno farrisp of tit ianl twjnn is visitiug friends io the villaga mias amy and messrs 8 and j wilthk called on rookwood iriond this week ballinafad notes and coma snts there was an increase in the note cir culation ot tbo chartered banks last month of 2085000 tbe dominion note circula tion last month was 242864gg an inorsase for the month of 1120000 justiae odler at oroodo hall on taos day granted an order for inspection of ballots in the north waterloo eleatloa protest- the respondent is louis j briothaupt tbo liberal member eleot and the order was granted on tbe affidavit of william mckay reade mr thomas bain m p for booth wentworth was elected to succeed the late bir james fid gar qb speaker for tbe house of commons on tuesday he was proposed by the premier bir wilfrid lanrier seconded by hon mr fielding and the nomination was graoefolly bupporled by sir charles tapper and carried ouanimoasly by tbe house when the iron ore deposit of eastern ontario the georgian bay and tbe rainy river country are opened np this province will become a big competitor ef mlobiftan and minnesota in the supply ot ore these two states in the north and alabama in the south have a practical monoply of the supply of ore in tbe united states qlobe in tbe progress of tbe world the editorial department of tbe review of re views for august the questions oon- neoted with the manila censorship and beoretary algers resignation are discussed and also tbe differences between beoretary gage and the civil servloe reform league there is also some comment on the buffalo conference of political and social reformers tbe london alumutg fotte rome correspondent says according to news reoeived here tbe victory over spain and the growth of imperialism in tbe united states has led the large booth american ropnblios to talk of an alliance against the united states and it is alleged that tbe preliminaries of snob an alliance bave been concluded between brazil and argentina soientiuo knowledge haa been perverted to tbe uses of blackmail by a grate anetria medioal student who endeavored to obtain 10qq0 florins from a rich old ady by threatening to open a bottle of assorted deadly baoilli in faer room if she did not pay up when arrested bottles stolen from the bacteriological labratory and containing tbe microbes of several diseases were found in bis possession vermont iisultdmilssswtfiiili iidr inam 10 edocato tbe people better in matters of hygiene and is provid ing for unity and uniformity of action on tbe part of these officials this is to be dono through meetings of the health officers tinder tbe direction of tbe stats board of health the london daily ntw cays tbs most interesting news to day about the trans val crisis is tbe vote of sympathy with the utiranders in tbs boer republic pawed with such unanimity by tbe canadian parliament on monday the pau uall gaxeue says the resolution and tbe manner in which it was received carries a moral weight impossible to ignore tbe dally telegraph sys it would be difficult to overrate tbe moral significance of tbe inoident berry picking time ia almost over farmers are busy at their harvests of spring grain oowin bborlius new barn will soon be ready for his grain miss maud ot toronto isvialtiog at mr geo yemens i mr joe bborlil of london spent sun day with bis parents here miis campbell of aotoo ppeut bunday at mr geo campbells mr j belts paid tbe fad a flylug visit this week quite a number from bere attended the lacrosse match at aoton on saturday and report a good time kentner bros bave got a new traction engine they will make things fly now evefton mrs ta niton of grand mere que who hoe been with friends in guelpb borne weeks was with mr and mrs hosklng all last week they were neighbors in grand mere as well as acquaintances in kngland tbelr home until a few yean ago mr and mrs mo lei ian of miltod were tbo guests of mr j black monday mr wm moore and two children of bi marys pent tbe past week with relatives and friends in this vioinity mr and mrs n barolay of nasaaga weys were at mr j hsnbidres sunday mr t talbot druggist of new york is over for a few holidays with his mother and friends wm mceaohern of guelpb wheeled ont wednesday to renew old acquaintances returning thursday mr and mrs wm forester returned to oakvllle tuesday after spending a week with the foresters and motrie families 0 georgetown tbls town seemed about as mnoh inter ested in actons game with gait last saturday aa tbe aoton people themselves tbey were also very jubilant over tbe result at last we are to have a new band stand it is being erected on main street south of hills bakery civio holiday thursday august 17tb the council bas located a splendid bed of gravel on mr w hosres place and the papermill road is now receiving a much- needed coat ol it tbe fire inspector came to town labt week and sonnded tbe alarm to find out bow efficient oar brigade ia here is the result bell rung at 11 s6j two reels and 18 men 11 3bj hook and ladder wagon 11 8t two streams from one hydrant 1140 the streams ware strong eooogh to if waa very eatlfactory and tbe response to ibo alarm a recordbreaker herald tbe railway enbaldea ae brought down in tbe boon lest week by tbe minister of railways and oonali oall for a total ex penditure of 10540895 of wbioh 11217- 120 ia revotea summarized tbe atate- moot la aa follow revotea am 110 mile at 18300 1 670220 new totee 819 milea at 8300 2813000 ontario tnd belny blvcr m0 milea- at waoo 890000 st lawrouoe bridge- lo0oo00 other bridge in quebec 1201426 bridge in nova bootia 183750 total hmo- 306 unvotes hallway 1597130 bridge 60000 tjtel tl 047120 total dew votaa railwaye and bridge 14808- 105 literary notes tbe methodist magazine for angoel hie no leaa tban eleven admirably illustrated artlolea among them are tbe beerat hlcory of fiinoe biamarok founded oo the very frank diary in two large volume of berr boaob tbe iron ohanoellore aeorotary tbla la one of the beat numbers of thia family magazine yet iesned jaat tbe thing for anmroer readipg toronto william brigga montreal o w goatee halifax 8 p hneatia 12 00 year 100 for aix month milton tbe lawn social at the methodist far- aonage laat friday evening waa a great anooee tbe evening waa delightful tbe programme highly entertaining and tbe large aaaembly appreciated tbo proceed ings annmberof bfiltonfane went to toronto on tbe gaelph olvio holiday exooraion bar w e while of grace ohnrob la holidaying at hia old home in mew brune wick hon g o mokindeey la apendlng a few days in hie old town he will abortly go to tbe seaside for hia health 1 jt w elliot barrieter and john irvine lefs on tuesday on their wbeela for owen sound o e hoorabay barriiter baa gone to hnekoka for an baling lira h t lafage of toronto viailed relative here laat week a- joint tbrmhing waa held on tuesday by w j clements and w a lawrenoe ou farm of tbe former altnated inaide the corporation 400 hnahela of fine wheat waa tbe reeull h f naeblt grain bnyer reoeived tbe flrat new wheat of tbe eeaeon on iba 35th inee from w j clement base line champion k number of oar olttaeua went to aoton laat saturday to witneea tbe blic lacroiie matob tbay have very nice tliinga to aay of tbe game put up by aoton y sir jambs edqar fs dead i the speaker of the house of com mons paeaes away after a brief illness toronto aug i sir tamea d cdrar speaker of tbe house of oommonp died at his roaidence lilt btoor utrett jeaiurdtty evening shortly beforo 7 oolooh while the uewa of hn death comes rather sud denly in view of tho fact that it was not konerally it now u tbat hib oonditiou was very aerlau at tho pame tlmo it was not entirely unsuspected for tho paat few yoarb htb health liad heeu poor as ho was sutteriug from onaomia aud a jour ago went south to rocoporato his f tailing vigor his- friends wore li rat alar rued at his condition when a week ago lust tues day illness compelled bin to lay down hib duties at ottawa and come home for a rest aud medioal treatment ii o wa hen buffering from a form of brightd disease and an operation was deemed ncpeieafj t dr powell came np from ottawa tor the purpose of performing tbe operation and this was buooerjifully done a aoqple of days i a tor he bad sinbe been very weak there was very little ohangoltr-bjsoou- dition when the medioal men observed i tbat tbelr patient had taken a turn or the worbp but it was not thought that the end wh so tl h piased away rather quickly a few ml no tea hofqra boooi qojork ia tho evening atthetlmuof hia death the two sons james and putnam idgr and lady edgar were at the bedside james d edgar was a native of lower qapsdft and was born aaguit 10 tb 1b41 his father was janiea rdgar one ot tlie family- of edgars ot keitlioak forfar shire bootland for thirty three years he has been almost contluuoaaly in public life ooanguttli 1800 he was elected speaker of the house p jouimona by the unanimous vote of ho members aod fchie position he re t lined until the time of hs death in 1808 be was fmtber honored by the queen being made a kolubt com mander of 8t miobael and bt george sir james fedgar married in 1805 matil da tbe second daughter of t g ritiout of ttronts the family oonbietad of his eldest daughter jkfand caroline her enters katharine beatrloe and margartt qgilvie james frederick the eldest son a partner in the arm of edar malone ot which concern his father was the senior member oscar pel bam a professor in victoria college william wilkle in tbe outwa library and william keithook who is attending sohool preparatory to entering tbe military college at kingttoo some observations nervous dyspepsia the agony u over for weeks and week the interest in the lacrosse uume of saturday grew more and more intouse until the intensity reaohed such a climax of tcmeral lutorest as baa boldnm been witncsfloil in previnns atliletio gamep munioipurl r itolitkul e1etlion or even cviuroh mattera ordinary every day life own now receive eomo attention mo wonder if eome benighted countryman wondered at ihe ilcsed placoi of buaiueep and tho quiet btrtets on saturday after noon while our local puper with lommeudttblo oul for public moralp brings to taevt tho drawing of hay on sunday tbo community hi teueral quht take alarm at the deaden- inn of the publio oonaoiouoo local j uocording to many complainants by almost rxrslhtetit sunday labor and to quite up eitteut bometimeh a yooddeal neurer aoton hun bannookburn sohool it mi not be out of place for observer to obdervo that the fuel pitcsu fulfllte in large degree tho midbion of a useful local educator by its cleanness of moral tone fromtvarious souroea como the tebtlmgoigs from pmb1io nipn bftt i ia the oleanest loeil sheet in outario who ever read a referauoi even lo n pn3 tight lu it that our oltibus generally appreoiaito it may beevldenoed by the large contract of the delivery boye aud the way outside aotonians have it follow them to tboir distant homes i will also observe that this tribute is unsolicited arid unexpected by the mau at the helm ousanven a youimouady in trenton released from suffering sho suffered untold agony from stomach troubles and sick hoadaoho8dr williams pink pills cured hor cftewsons corners the eound of the busy threshing machine is again beard in these parts a few from this vioinity attended tho anniversary services in the nissagaweya presbyterian obnroh on sunday some one who haa the welfare of horses and rigs at heart have placed notfuea on the new bridge near iho corner to walk yoor horses as it ia unsafe to do otherwise the brtdge which was built about two months ago is baid to be in a more dangor- oun condition than the old one erected thirty j ears ago owing to the communion seriico for this circuit being held in rook wood next sunday tbero will bo no eervice in the oh u rah here we are pleased to state that sir m crewsou ar who haa been confined to hie bouse for some time with a aore foot has now almost recovered quite a number from here attended tbe garden party at mr ramsey kden mills tf r nlr mt ftfci ey were delighted with the knne and of course cheered for aoton mr w a lecbman spent a couple of days this week in toronto mr and mrs a hemstreel trafalgar spent sunday at mr wm murrays nas- sagaweya miss ethel kentner of ballinafal spent sunday at mr t forbes mrs bothwoll and her two little daugh ters of chicago are visiting at mr john murrays laurier and m premier and president may meet in new york state an a few daya hotel cham plain n y august 1 news that there is the probpect of a con ference between sir wilfrid laurier and president moeinley on the queetion of tbe alaska boundary caused mnoh discussion here yesterday it was announced hero last night that sir wilfrid la a tier will visit hotel cbam- plaln for atuyot a couple of weeks after the canadian parliament li prorogued which will be in about a week advertising in prosperous times whirs the experiences of tbe sacoeasfnl merchant shows that continuous adver tising is always profitable the regular uae of the advertising oolumnd ot a pop ular newspaper duriog tlmeb of pros perity such as now prevail is especially beneficial not only is money at hand among parohisirs jqt now bnt tho desire lo bay goods is more general and the tradesman wbopromptly lnformbthe publio by means of his adveitlaementi tbat be has desirable wares to bell may feel en re that he will be tbo recipient of the profitable patronage of the people the fall fairs list of the agricultural exhibitions whloh interest froo press readers halion milton sept 28 20 esqaening georgetown sept 20 industrial toronto aug 28 sept 9 western tendon sept 7 10 bast xagin bt thomas sept fig canada central ottawa sept 11 113 wolleeley wollealey sept 12 18 owen sound sept 1214 southern braniford sept 1021 northern watkerton sept 1920 central ouolph sept 1921 north oxford woodutock sppt 2123 north braut phiii sept 25 20 north waterloo berlin sept 20 27 pilbmgton elora sept 20 27 centre bruce paisley sept 20 27 peel brampton sept 20 27 norlbwestern qoderfch sept 2028 g wellington fergus bepr 27 28 w wellington harrieton sept 27 28 south waterloo gait sept 28 29 north perth stratford oot 3 4 pnslinoh aberfoyle oof 0 v frarpnfii uorkwoqd cnl in 11 frotii tbolouriur tronlon out some gtirn ho wo nhrteii tlio cno of wm pioucnug trillion buin mrtd of iqjity 7 locomotor atiixih ho uhh not ublo lo j move and waa conqu to hiu bed for weeky upou itdvico lm tried dr williams pink pills and linmediuiely obi hi tied relief uo is atill frco from 1 ho tertible excruoiating uftuction uul enjoya active robust heulih we huve just learned of anolhor poqilne cure throuuh uingdr williams pink pilla it ie tho oase of miss oabsia wny uiiuihib bren un oouto buflercr from limt common foo of humanity and tho foundation for many other ills dycpeobia for nearly eight jeara mina wuy suffered untold agomos with sick headachcr nd pauin in tho stomach sho tried mver duliord with out any mtawal btuillt a j ear ueo sho on mo in live with n frioud in trcutnu mrti w i4 oerbyrluro and was so reduced that sho could not hit up au hour sho feared her trouble would drive her crazy she waa advined to try pr williamd pink pills sho replied ii it oho had used a box beforo aud they hid dono hor no good it was urged that aba oould not how for relief from ono box and she comnbcod thorn again sho oothinued u6j the pills throughout tr 0 jossjwith theresult that she oompletelj recovered ijorheaub- her appetite is good she balflm fleah rapidly and ia able to attenrttsaasiu bcr household duties she voluntarily offers this testimony afl u tnbate of gratitude for the benefit she bag derived with tbe hope tbat others suffering as sho iiib may be induoed to try thia health retiring remedy mrs derbjttbire adds her testi mony to the correctness of the statements tit mlsb way allow me to add ihit for four or five years lbo- editor of this paper has buffered from 140 itching me that attacked all hia joints and all the ointments within reach failed to banish it ho took dr williams pink ptlle last jour and is nearly well dyspepsia rheumatism sciatica partial paralysis neuralgia locomotor ataxia nervous headache nervous prostration ktdneut tropblp and dieeaccs depending upon framors in iht blood emhas ecrofula ohronlo eryslpelap eto all disappear before a fair treatment with dr will fame pink pill a they give a healthy low to pale and sallow complexions and build up and renew the entire bybtem sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxen for 92 60 by addressing tbo dr williams medicino co brookville out dq not bo persuaded to take some substitute the why and the wherefore why is it that our trade grows daily in quantity and agents if you want to make s j bo and expenses dally liandlo the unlit of iilfo this huadlcy gauuc1son oo llioltod lirauttord ont for sale that iloilo rourli ciint linbho und lot dlrtut y uortli ot tlio prnabytorinti oliuroti balonuldu to tho uetata of tlio lato archibald oatutibol dtcoahld i or particulars apply to a j sickrknon bolioitor for tho exoautora why is it that our bargain lists are carefully exam ined why is it that on bargain mornings the customers are sometimes waiting for us to uncover the goods so eager are they to secure first choice and still we might ask why because we meet the conditions that go to secure progress because we have kept faith with the public in our advertising not deviating one iota from the truth 1 because therejs no juggling of prices here business is conducted on strait honest principles hr because we have built on the right foundation selling stxittly for cash we have not to add on the three cents hfafeand the five cents there to make up on your cash pur- enrps die loss sustained on the bad debts of others ji because we do not pretend to give you something for nothing to induce you to purchase for cash while at the same tinte that something comes out of the extra amount you have had to pay for your goods in consequence the frank dowler co cuelphs greatest store wanted aggnth in evory district on tbo continent to tako ordera for liifili bra do canadian brown nurnoo block and tivtda lurycht and most complete assortment iu tbo trade fait oiling specialties buncrb eaiupjes furnlflicd free corrobpoqdence in auy language then eosltlona aro mqnev makorband territory abould o secured at once for the benson by all buttleri looking for a good thing our salary or com mlbnibn offlm interest to anyone not earning 1000 00 per year uot in communication with our nsarcat ofllco an opportunity to roprcseut a well oitablibhcdjiquao ability moro impor tant than cxptrtefico luke bbothers company intornatioual nurbcrlos cblcoap iii montreal quo uocbestor n y a provincial reputation hamiltons marble works guelpb is tbe scene of very active operations at present he will bhip shortly monuments for ereoliod at ssruia bidgetowo london berlin hamilton stratford gait and other points no better indication of tho superior work and material supplied by this old aod reliable establishment than tho unsolicited orders from a distance whloh come to mr j h hamilton tbe proprietor a large shipment of bweediah snd boot oh granito has just been reoeived and inoludea a number of attractive new designs sixteen members oone 8r james edgar la the sixteenth member who haa died durlngr the present parliament paint your checks not with paint on tbe outside that is easily washed off pat tbs color on from within sootts emulsion fills the cheeks with rich red blood it is a color that stays too georgetowns cmo holiday on th ore- pay 17th augobt sciatica the most certaiu way of avoiding the disagreeable is never to break tho seal of a letter ttxttttsiusjs the ache will stop if yon take noffnrrona ilcadneli powders tbo first ponder seldom falls tho second never for any kind ot headache from any cause risi tlvely harmless disagreeable elk is never follow tbo ntirost qiilcuoti best headache romody over prepared august ist the right house established 843 hamiltons tavorite shopping place most unusuhl bhrgrins can be had at this store during our big summer clearing sale many lines of worthy goods in eery department are selling at ridiculously low prices an opportunity like this for money saving isnt often met with and you should make f the most of it here are a few items that will gueyou an inkling of the way wenre selling things nowadays valuable eesideice and lot in acton for sale the underifened offer for ealo iba flno property on tho cornorof main and river bt roots acton beloiiriuk to tbo citato of the lato kobertltoyco on tbo pro urty is a well built brick liousoatory and a balf seven rooms kitchen pantry eto the bouse is in good repair liae soft water tbero are a nanjbor of fruit treoo a good gardoa and a large stable tbo property is situated in a desirable part of tbo town for terms and particulars- applyto josiah itoy ce kvorton george tough tiraud valloy or william dbmstbeet aoton jjour jfarcels ot valuable property in acton f sa the following property belonging to mr 1at hick kelly row ol buffalo is offered for sale at low prices and easy terms panorl 1 tbat flno brick residence and two lots on tho corner of church and gnolph streets contains 8 rooms hard and soft wator splendid orabard ond good garden lnckl 2 good building lot gc x 133 on gnelph btroet next to alnx itaimhaws now residence upon tvhiob la a young orchard fancfii 3 tbo store and dwelling on mill street occupied by rjurney llros who carry on a general business is la splendid location central and oonvoqlont fabcbt 4 throe good building lots at the corner of young and mill btroota a splendid site for a man ufaoturing establishment owing to its proximity to q t depot for terms and particulars enquire at tbo office v h denny young sl aoton powders are sold in 10c envelop and zv boxes by drugrlbts vtryu lu i the uotnaan drag to llrldhfliunt 0 it the bravest man is a coward when be thinks he la going to tfet mixed up in a aoandal that tlirobbinff huulaclic would quickly leave you if you used or kings new lite pills thousands of sufferers bavo proved their matobless merit for blck and nervous bosdaohes they make pure blood aud strong nerves and build up your health eisy to tako try them only 2f cents money back if not oured sold by j d mokee druggist it is easier to bit upon forms than it is to stand upon oereroonlea ioo shirt waists for 50 cents white lawn blouses fine quality with three rows of tucking in the front detachable linen collars full range of sizes well worth fti each selling nt 5 colored cambric blouses in a large and comprehensive assortment of patterns including fashionable stripes checks and plaids all the leading colors worth 75 90c and 1 00 each selling at 50c ladles belts reduced styhbh black leather belts with nickel or leather covered harness buckle were 30 and 35c now 20c were 25c reduced to 15c were 35 and 45c now 25c w6f sjc reducedto 65c colored leather belts in tan brown green navy and cardinal vilh nicklo k or leather covered harness buckle were 15c reduced to 10c were 20 aod 25c now 15c were 25 to 35c now t 20c were 40c reduced to 25c were 45 to 60c now 35c were 75c reduced to 50c wash dress goods cotton delaines 27 inches wide small fancy and striped desjgns were 8jc now 5 american ginghams in plaids and stripes navy green blue pink mauve and red 27inlh reduced to 6jc ginghams in a anety of neat striped patterns some in roman stripe were 15 and i2c now 10c piqnes inwhite grounds with stripes in blue black navy and pink others in blue ground with white stripes were 18c now lijc piques in navy pink and blue with white stripes also in white grounds with plaid and stripe patterns in various shades were 15c now 10c french piques in white with mame nay pink or black stripes 32- inch were 40c now 20c scotch ginghams in red and mauve checks with black stripes were 40c now t 20c unuuut white salt nparasois with various striped and brocaded designs quite new and stylish werei 50 reducedto 1 00 were x 85 reducedto 1 25 plain cream silk parasols pure silk pretty bandies were i3 50 now 100 plain white satin dechene parasols rood bright finish various neat handles were 90c now 65c colored silk parasols in plain colors and shot effects were 9275 now 175 were 2 now 1 25 mall orders receive prompt attention we prepay the freight or express to any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting to 95 or over address all letters to department s will not be hung ottawa aug 1 edward elliott now id wbitby jail was sentenced to bo execut ed on the 17th of auguit for tbs murder ot so old man because be wanted ti gt a qnaitsr tue trial judge was jatttoe mt- mabon elliott is ony sixteen yeas of age be killed the old man with a poker bli ease haa been report upon by the minis- tar of jotioe abd the cabjntt baa dseldrd ty comma ts the sentence to imprisonment for life in the kingston psnitsntiary oustic the beautiful grounds of mr john blaoobfleld were tbo poene of a most enjoyable and sooosssfal gathering last thursday evening a garden purty in aid of tbo fandsof bt peters charob attracted nearly all tbs msmbsrs of the eottftregation in tbe oastio mission and qoito a number from gaelph fergus bock wood and other places among those present from a dis tance were iter father west goderioh dr ratledia detroit mr and mrs john bir james edgar is tbe sixteenth mem ber elected to serve in tho present parlia ment who ban died since the 28 rd june 1890 the list is as follow- but not quite in the ordrr of deaths becbard iberville bergln cornwall clark north gray cameron west horop dopont bagot edgar west ontario fauvel bonaven- tore oeoffrlon vereheres quay levis ives sborbrooke jamiesoo winnipeg mccarthy north bimooe ferry west prince wood brookville canadas c1reatest fair an enterprising firm the aro few men mors wide awake and enterprising than j d mokee who spares no pains to seooro the best of everything in hie line for bis many customers he now bos tbe agency for dr kings new discovery whloh surely cures consumption ootsghs and oolds this is tbo wonderful remedy tbat is now prodoofng se mnoh exeiument all ovar tbo 000 n try by its many startling cores it absolutely oures asthma bronchi lie nausea and soil affec tions of tbs throat inns and chest too eaotosm wore baying by oall log at tho abfrtv alig tors ma got a bottle free or rsgsiforjsvfor so cents and 91 00 guar- townw core or priee refunded mcmabon andmise- aoniomombtrar chicago rev father feeny tbe popular and beloved pastor of tbe church gave bis many gaests a hearty welcome and waa unremitting in bis efforts to contribute to tbefr comfort and pleasure tbe ladles supplied en appetising tea at 7 oclock and about 0 80 a most enjoyable programme wave opened and carried ont aoder the capable direction of major mutrle m p p ah tbe numbers of tho programme were well rendered and received with marked manifestation of delight tbe selections by tbe fenm- band were one of the most enjoyeble fa tares of tbe evening mrs kloepfsr received a oordlal welcome at ber her old homo aod reoic besotlf ally messrs gallaher reamer aud edwardswere in splendid voice snd were repeatedly encored tbe recitations by bijm bymiot and mlts momavbon were rendered with ranch grace and expression t his j ear will mark the coming of ago o canadas groat fair and industrial expo sition which will be held in toronto from august 28th to sept uth it is just is one of the most painful and torturing diseases no 000 need endure torments any longer milburna rhsamatlo pill bave cured some of tbe worat oase and never fail to give prompt relief from the pain 50o a box all druggists linos toronto kibibltlon it very frequently happsns that the sum mer girl ovorshsdows the summer man tbe trial of wm pun ton tho naptueo aokolerk will teko place on 8pt loib a 000 rd log to tbe chank ot venae the trial will toko place in cobourg loiteai of nap- was established as en annual institution under the present management daring thai time it has luoreaied five fold in every direction and to day oan fairly lay claim lo have aiaumed a national obaracter last year upward of 800000 people attended and this year suoh arrangements are being made as will warrant tho expec tation of a atill larger attendance many entirely new features will be presented while tho nhiblu with an inorsseed amount given in prizes totalling 135000 will undoubtedly orowd tbe six hundred thousand dollars worth of boildlngs to their utmost the uau trilllant mililmry spectacles will be given illustrating recent famous feats of arms 011 land and sea by both enuland and arxmrios and arrange rnanl have been mtdu for an illustration of wireless telegraphy wirelehs telephoning snd the improved x ras in short the exhibition will be more than ever np to date scnldrd her hand mrs t wannatnaker frankfort out says i scalded my bandery badly and then took eold in ik it swelled and was very painful bat half a bottle of hagyards yellow oil oared t completely stop women from exercising common sense you cant do it as the old rhyme runs tim nianb a fbol wlio irlct liy force tiraklll to torn tlm current of a womans wilt for f bite will tlio will ymi inir ilopcnd ont ami if alio wont alio wont to tfierea an end niitv common sense tells a woman that when shes nick she needs a doctor common sense tells a woman tltnt in disease the first question is not pf mnn or woman but of recognized medical ability common sense applied to advertisements which invite women to write to n wouinn because she is n womnn and umkrsuitkls women will show the wometo to n ppc tiled to that its no use to write to any wo tun u about disease unless that womnn is a physician common sense used in the reading of advertisements will discover hint no claim is made in them to a phjfllcinnn knowl- edge or diplnnm atntttiatts not bccntiae thc claim would be mornlly ctilpitblc ns a lie but because it would be icgnlh pun- ishnble nn a fraud the law permits you to masquerade as n doctor in nu ndvtrtfnc- ment just so long as you dont actually claim to be a doctor or put m d after your name thats vliv tit- niucrtlsenicnt is worded write to a woihan intcatl of write to a doctor common sense hm brought more thnn hairnmilllon women nfflictod with some form of female dienne to ir r v pierce as one of the most expert pin ftlcimih hi the united states in the trcntmciit of ft inula diseases dr pierce in n ftpccmlint ho has given more than thirty years or active practice to the treatment of fctunlc dis eases dr pierce is not n physician by courtesy he is a physician regularly frnwf- i unfed fefrnlly empowered to practice and with thirty years of experience in the treat ment of diseases of women which he has made his specialty the offer of free consultation by letter made by dr pierce is a real offer an honest offer it is an offer backed by n medical institution with s world wide reputation a staff of nearly a score of regularly grad uated physicians a practice which reachca every state in the union and a record of more than half a million women treated and ninetyeight ont of every hundred perfectly cured write to a doctor thats the first thing write to ifte doctor thats the next thino the womans doctor is dr r v pierce of the invalids hotel buffalo n v thomas c king st east cor hughson 8t fe atkins hamilton voteits list1899 munic1pautiy of the village of acton in the county of halt notiob ia boroby given tbat 1 hvo tnina mlttcd or doliverod to tbo poraons moa w hdaniels it doesnt muck matter to a woman whether clouds have silver linings or not it only her gowns have silken dftbn a frightful ihumler will often cuuso a horrible burn eoald cut or bruise rnrklens arnica balte the best in world will kill the pafo and promptly deal it curcsvold sorep fever sorea uloers boils felons oorna all skin eruptions best pllo cure on earth ouly 25 cents a box ooro g bold by j d mckoe druggist the woman who hesitates at an auolion sale sometimes wins by lesing sin ius orcnttst need mr r p omtia of daroofonn spain epends his wtnterh at aitten 8 o weak nerves had caused severe pains in iho back of bis head on using eleotrio biltore americas rrealest dlood and norvo rem edy all pain soon loft him iio eaye ihia grand medicino is what hia country needs all america kuowa that it ourch liver and kidney trouble purlues the blood tones up tbe stomach strengthens the nerves puis vim vigor and new lifo into ovary muuule nerve and organ of tho body if weak tired or ailing you noed it every bottlo roafanteed only co cents bold j d mokro druguiht tho mail who serves hia friends is alwsva busy quirk tin thought the maddening toothache stops when norvlliue that wonderful nervepain euro is applied to the tootn nervillno is pos- the fnss paxss lo tbo end of tbe year i ve nevcrfaling remedy for toothache foraocentr and all nerve pains tjs advised and try it of toronto has purchised the barherinq busi ness of t 8 ward acton and will be pleased to receive acontin- unnce of the patronage with which mr ward was favored ana a fair share of the business of the community generally shavfnft halrcuttlng and all barber work done in first class style satisfaction is assured to every customer first class uptodate work ip all depart ments 3r hv it 4 mr daniels is the originator and manu facturer of daniels hair grower a marvellous discovery for curing bald ness hair falling out and nil eruptions or kirritations of the scalp the only remedy ever known to produce a new growth of haironabnld head a few wellknown citizens of acton are using this remedy and hnve succeeded in getting a good growth of hair their names and references may be had at this shop remedy willalso pro duce a sirong moustache in from twelve to fifteen weeks ten treatments of remedy for trial will be mailed to any address on receipt of 25 els robert nobles flour feed store tloned in lectlona 8 and 0 of tbo ontario voters iilat act the copies required by 3a4d boououb to be transmitted or delivered of tbo list made pursuant to satd aol or all persons appearing by tno laat revised aaaosiment ltoll of tho bala municipality to be entitled to vote in tbe said municipality at elections for members of the ijggtblativo assembl and at muulclpl elec tions and tbat tbe said llet waa flrat postod on at my office at tbo vulafio of acton in nald county of balton on tbo 30th day of july iwo and remains there for lubisction elocton aro callod upon to oxamlno tbe paid list and if any amissions or any other orrors aro found therein to tako tmmtidlato prccoud- lngs to bavo tbo said errors cor roc ted according to law dated at tbo vulago or acton tblatlb day of july 18m thus t mooue clork of tho municipality of acton ifttinql comimqi coming t p smith scientific eve specialist lfaduatc new ynrlc plithtlclplui and tnnto 0iiuil college call early and avail yourself of his valuable services as this is a rue opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested frce of charge no guess work but a scientific certainty difti cult cases accurately fitucl ail wokk guakasiued ttfti mrcr call at nrlf to hon- wult beat agnew8 hotel acton one day only thursday 3rd august grand trunk r al lway system hie tourist route of america w h daniels mill st aoton plymouth binder twine agency silver sheaf is pubxst is strongest xsxvkhest is longest best nd most economic does quality count with you large stock on hand at tux btobb the modern vestibule coaches pulman andjdinlng car service are uptodata vettibnlo trains dally between hamilton bottalo niagara palls detroit and chicago and tho beat servloe la also via this route to ottawa montreal quebec portland eto a great var- letv of toon embracing tlio ob arming muakoka midland and nlnlmina lakes ooorslan flay maoklnao dulutlitbouband islands bt law rence iuver montreal quebeo baguonay itlvor seaooaat resorts euroio etc 1- iunatrated publications maps and full and reliable information may be obtained from h s holmes agent aoton m o dickson diet pasar agt toronto main 8treet planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of tinli door kraino moulding fn all stylos drssswo matcama and moulding to ordor on tiiort notloo fvll anortod took on uand at prlooe tola tb tlmt john cameron proprietor seasonable articles obtainable at browns drug store pure paris green mixes ucll with wnfer white hellebore persiatic plant spray instant louse killer kills insects on rose bushes cucumber lines etc tanglefoot insect powder moth camphor helpepper crude carbolic acid crcolin a t brown mill strett acton what it represents when you sit for a photograph you want the likeness to rcptcscnt you properly when you sit to us we want tho work to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none but the best photo graphs and lor our sake us well as yours wo aro sura to give you ltfcllke satisfac tory photographs h rhmshkw photo hhtist tccton a vumww