Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxv no acton ontario thursday august 10 1890 price three cents it v3he tton jfrce fjms ib pudlibukd j every thursday morning at tub free fresssteamlrintlngofllco mill btiteet acton ont tunua ov snbcmittonoiio dollar per year strictly in advance all bubsorlptloim discon tinued whan tha time for which tbey havo boon paid haa expired tbo dato to which overy subscription is paid 1b douotod on thp address label advttivriblno it atkb transient advorlioo- menti 10 aonts per nonparoll lino for first in sertion 3 couts per lino for oaoh subsequent insertion qohtoaot iutkb tho following tablo shown our rates for tho lnaortlou of advertisements for specified periods newsupply of lawn tennis rackets and balls all fresh new goods space 1 vn s mo 8 ho mo 6000 3300 9000 000 3500 2000 1900 360 e 2000 1900 700 900 700 soo 960 100 adtflrtlaomontb without speclfla directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ogly transient advertisements must be paid n advance advertisements yrl bo ohangod opoe each month if desired for ohangos of tenor than enceamonth the composition must bo paid for atregulsa rates changes for oontraobadvortlsomoqts mas oo n tbo office by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmoore editor and proprietor usnubh 9xrctortr tohn m macdonald m t c m successoe to j f uren m d o m ouloo and roslddnoe corner mill frodorlok roeta acton offloo hours f to 1033 am l to 2 pm and tot pm strong in hammocks prices very low days book store guelpb day sells cheap waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods d r p jr forster successor to dr a b elliott lato resident physician and burgeon to vic toria hospital for 81ok ohlldron toronto ofck mill btroot latuly occupied by dr elliott tr dryden ete eab touoat and kobe moloans block douglas 6k noarf o quelpu office houns 10 n to 1 pm and 3 to 0 pm bondatts 10 am to 1 pm li bennett lds dentist abonastowk okuo jcoghlan dpsl ds dentibt wollk caakvuxly done paiobs modkiute orvich ovsin bownaxnca btoub uouaa jsveuy dat ynom 0 to 0 jm bell ddb ldb dentist unookvlllk uomoa ghaduatb ov toiionto univxbity work made batlafoctory prlcos modorate visiting days monday afternoon camp- bollvlllo tuesday acton omco clarks hotel friday hockwood zjcoal m olean mclkan barrister solicitors notaries oonvoyancore o private fnnds to loan offloo town hall acton wm a molkan jmo a molkah a j nlicfclnnon uauuistkli bomoiton convkyanceb ore ice mill btroot in matthews block upstairs jb mcleod uaniiibten bolioiron convbtahceh main btroot georgetown monov to loan at lowest curront rates r j fdonabb cjlutk fourth division court county of hal- on qonvoyapccr agont flro and lit o assurance ileal kstato agent mouoy to loon etc oipviob 1urryinaasulock aoton ont miscellaneo vs m iss williams music of gkouabtqwn successor to mist iialdlaw is propared to give thorough instruction in music piano or oruaq in thoory and practice for tonus- apply to miaswllunuisat mr jos matthews resldonco on tuesday ovonlog of oooh woek h enry gribt ottawa oajiada solicitor of patents for invention eta prepares applications for tbe canadian amer ican and european patent offlcos and for the uesiicratlon of trado marks bend for pam phlet thirty two years exportonco f 1ranois nunan bookbinder wyndham st gaelpb ontario overwilhamsbtore account books of all kinds mode to order ertodicals at every desorlptlonoarsf allybonnd allnr hett a ptomptfy done m arbiaoe licenses 11 e moore jpttb or mahiuaok licenses prlvato office no witnesses roqulrod issuod at rusldence in the evening free press offloo auton w m hjbmbtreet llcbnobd adotlohkbb fortuajckitintieioxwohington and hal ton ordora left at tbe fabh rpbvbrufflosraetonox- tmyresidonoeln aeton will he promptly av aaus4 lo terms ueatouabie also money to loan on the most favorable unsmdl at the lowest rates of interest in sums of nk and pwardt 8ubboriuud stock capital 133000 vhe well1nqton mutual fire insurance company estabushod 1840 head office qublph ont inburatoe on oosh and mutual plan any commuuloatlons forwarded to my address box 393 or tolopbotia cd will ba pro mptly attended to j dun tayc0b agent ouelph aoton machine and repair shops hknuy gltlndkll proprietor aue wu equipped with all the tnoohlnory neoaosary to execute all repairs to machin ery and smrieultaral implements and to do all kluils of teamnttiog horseshoalng and gsnsral blaokavolthlqg woodwork rspalrs ueriormed iu asatlsfactorir jmanner we earn repair any moohlhst ot implement tifany make- saw ummlnk and fluna don acton saw mills and wood yards jfc7kbs brosntn makuvaotonitn akd dbalbb xk tittubor bath ahtagto wood etc it kinds of wood in stock and promptly delivered to any part of the town at reasonablo prlaes uardwob4 and slabs eat stove utigth alway on ban d tslephoae eomutanleatlod waters bros wyndham street new store guelph acton- livery bus line tho undorblgnodrospeotfully solicits thepatron ago of tho public and informs thorn that wall equipped and styluh rigs ban al ways be secured at his stables a comfortable bus moots trains between 9 am and 8u8 pm careful attention given to every order the wants of commercial travol- lersfallymet john williams w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont wakx a specialty of machine finished book papers an high grade weekly news tha paper need in this journa is from the above mills wmbabbeb bko welland vale bicycles jc hill agent acton call and sco the new welland vale bicycles at the bicycle livery the per fect garden city and dominion are ihe leading grades while the perfect chaioless has merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un disputed fact that the welland vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheel the single piece cranks are the best attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business j c hill- everton and eden mills the place lo go for the best flour ran middlings chop food 6tct tor sate vhopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont axtttiorimed capital 6oooooo tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for z20 months when payments cease 6000 aid in maturity value fioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton lu44uuj u 41 r mail and basiness practice is tbe most interesting and prac tical course ot study in bookkeeping and accounting for boys and girls leavlag publlo and high befaools huortband and typewrltlot spec ial facilities individual tuition no vnusebormodr parcou an tamed to lovestlfate ball term will com mence monday ang 96 qublph basiness college and shorthand institute j sharp prinolpal ag r nts wanted for the life and achievements of admiral dewey the worlds breatest naval hero by marat halstead tbe felong friend and admirer of the nations idol bujaest and best book overfioo pages eight by ten inebes nsarly 100 pages halftone l tlona osuy- 1ml bnormons demand big eommlsmons ootflt free ohsnoe of a life time write quick tba domlulon company 3rd floor oaxton bldg chleogo traders bank of canada capital authorlied- capital paid up 000000 700000 guelph branch wo are now isbuidr money orders payablo at par at any branch of chartered uauk in canada oxeoptlng tbo yukon district at tbe following rates uudor10 8 oonta 10 to 920 10 cents s20 to 830 luoonta 30 to 950 14 cents hiqhebt current rate op inteubst- fiold on sums deposited of 41 and uimards dtaroet allowed from dato of doposlt to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly 1 advances mado to roeponslblo farnion on their own names at tho lowobt- current rates noobargo mado for collecting sales no toe if payablo in guelph a genoral banking business tranaactod a f it jones manager tyaetxn ivhjsw wb kept store r for hardwood floors and cleaning woodwork of any kind the best and most easily applied preparation is old floor english wax contains no oil or varnish gives a perfect polished finish does not show heel marks nor scratches we are sole agents for this preparation for guelph and vicinity john m bond co hardware qttelpb speight brady manufacturers of dynamos elkctric motobs water motors oasolinb anv gas shaotes brass iron castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont files and human beings are two distinct families and cannot live happily together fit your windows and doors with screens from symons and enjoy lifealono groceries tomatoes 7c corn 8c salmon roc best red i pug corn starch 25c best amciican coal oil isc readymixed taints and parisgrcen at svtwton bros coriutruumnln srs hcton farmers wants arc many bnt i can supply all in my line i have in stock extra heavy creamer cans strainer pails extra heavy fine milk pails galvanized pails seamless pressed milk pans and countless other dairy articles outdoorworic roof ing etc a specialty call for quotations before placing orders for this class of work c a pannabecker mill street acton p s all the wants of people in town will also receive best attention this word li onr eotirrlfibted guaranto for fqrity and btnngth whan on on onr gooa- it malci tuflm tho standard for tuslr savaral frarpoms and its presence protects yon from mttatlona and inferior good xjook for it plant spray rerslatlo plant bpray contains no mineral polsonersenlo or parls greq buro doatb to all insoot life lungi eto harmless to vegeta tion canadas only reliable- spray sheep dip iorslatio sheep dip la a preparation for tho care of skin diseases and the eradication of varmln in sheep and cattle it is highly medi cinal and does its work with no drastlb or irritating effects endorsed by leading sheep raisers horse wash perslatlo horse wash is s specially prepared medicament for the cure of skin diseases peculiar to horses and for ridding thorn of all insect peats and vermin it haa a surpassingly refreshing effort brightens the pelt and put the skin in a tboroglily healthy oohdltion prioe 100 per 81 os can pig wash rerslatlo pig wssh is successfully uied in all oasee of skin diseases of swine and for destroy lug nits hoe and vormon generally keeps tbo skin in healthy condition aiid euauree a healthy appearance in the dressed animal for market and poultry powder hen house spray perslatlo hen honse spray and poultry powder destroy vermin peculiar to tho feathered stock on fowls or in sheds acts ts a dtsln- fee tan i destroying germ and purifying tho atmosphere used liberally thoy prevent roup and kindred diseases purchase these goods from your dealer or send to ua direct for tbotn we invite corres pondence tha pickhart renfrew co limited stouffvllle ont do you remember brouier joe tho dear old daya when wo x embarked in brisk commercial life as hopeful as oould be investing all tho hoardfed wealth of ooppor cents and dimes and going into bankruptoy at least a dozen- umos a dozon tlmoa at least i say but fauoy it was moro wo fallod and ato our stock of goods- when we kept storo wo oponod in the coalhouse onoe with eighteen gaudy sticks of candy iu an old fruit jar aickelpur ehasod elx and having fifteen cents wo stocked as far as it would go buying direct from mr mean the grocery man you know dut not a oustnmor appeared i very muchf deploro to say in fact none ever asme when we kept storo one time you sold your rags and bones and i gavo you a whip which you bad coveted for half a working partnership and invoicing aomo peppermint somo pins and indigo wo opened in the haymow with our spirits all aglow we thought tho pins and bluo wouldluro houso- koopere by the score bnt nocr a person came to buy when we kept storo wo vigorously advertised in sheets most neatly penned but if the people read our bills thoy did not comprehend or comprehending trusted not morchanls of tender years but mostdlscouraglngly stuck in trade to llr hoars driving us by the scantiness of patronage once moro toeatourodlble assets when we kept storo trading in wheat ivo managed to lay op v amount and you i understand possess a pretty bank acoount llnd provldenco bos treated us extremely well as men but sometimes i look baokand wlab that onoo jnatonco again we two might for an hour or so be boys just ss before eating tho stock whloh failed to sell when we kept storo chicago jtccord tkd jfamili ikading doln th s jvlistake oao mornidk frank qtann baddlod up his horao and rodo oat aorosa poiaum rido k bin way to tbe ljttlo town of sorougeoat- jubt after be bad paeaed john thortone honse and while he was still on thortono farm he met old man barton gregg and barton were neighbors and friends and neither of them being in any hurry they stopped for a little friendly chat tbey spoke ol the weather and the otopa exobanged a few itemb of local interest and disoniaed the prices of firm prodaote then by and by when these common a object had been disposed of baitoo said i dooi know whether there it anything in it frank but t hear it whispered about that youve got some notion of getting married gregg obuokled noftly half oloaed hie oyes aud noddod his head with a knowing air well if 1 did have a notion of that kind i reckon there wouldnt be nothlo wrong about it he replied what moat her name be frank brown she is a widow neither greg nor barton was aware of the faot but nevertheless jaac over the fence which ran by the bide of tho road there was a man oronohed among some bashes lieteoing intently t every word they uttered l widow brown barton aald quebtlou- iogly to himself widow brown is sho young and goodlooking she 1b young and goodlooking enoagh forme got any money or property ob f 10000 in cash and a small farm she jast received the money last week got it from ber fathers estate baok out bnt im not marrying her for that under stand 7 of course not but still tbe money will come in handy well i must jog on got a little ploughing to do this after noon barton started forward but when he had gone a few steps be stopped again oh say ba oalled back youd better not lot old thornton know youre going to marry for if yob do hell out in and upset yoor plana i gaesa there no danger of that gregg replied with a laugh no doubt he would if he monld but furtinstily he oant maybe he oant bnt im not sore of it hes a longheaded old cbsp and a power ful sobemer gregg and barton rode away and no soodsr werethftyl of tiht than tbe man behind tbe fence arose to bis feet and danced about with joy it was john thornton himself and he would hot have misbed what he bad heard for a great deal tborton was greggs bitterest enemy and a more vfndfottve and unrelenting enemy no man ever had for years he had worked against gregg and had been quiok to embrace every opportunity to injure him and thwart him in bis uoder- tkfdgs why be was so bitter against gregg doesnt matter it ie sufficlent to aay that it was not greggs fault when thorton learned from the conver sation jast passed that gregg was going to marry hie first thought waar how ti pre vent it and ha was not long in hitting on a plan now it so hsppened that thornton was a widower and oonsequeoty in shape to do a little something la tbe matrimonial way himself he thought of this and the plan upon which he hit was jast to go ti the widow brown ahead of gregg and try to iodnoe her to change ber mind and marry him i know tho widder drown he mused an if i aint mooh mistaken shell be wllllo enoagh to have me shes shown disposition to be sweet on m for some time bat i aiul never encouraged her because she wasnt jest to my fancy bnt ill take ber now in order to knock gregg bnt even if she is old and toothless and a vixen to boot then that 110000 it wouldnt oome in eo bad neither i kuphh id married her lonuago if id kuown ehu waa going ti have all thttt mouey coming her way heohuoklod with a hat failed air and was immensely pleased willi himself he thanked hla btata that he happened to be at work that morning in a part of the field bo near where gregt and barton met add ft waa luoky ha told himself that he recognized the two mens voioea and sneak ed op to the fence to hoar what they were flaying he bad thwarted gregg more than once but to beat him out of 10000 thst woud be the cap elieuf of tho btaok thornton went home puou his best clothes saddled hie borne and rode away havfng decided on a plan he proposed to act oh it immediately he rode direct to tho domicile of the widow brown and there he btopped tbe widow was ataudiog in the front door when he came up he looked at her closely for a momant and involuntarily shaddered he knew before that she waa distreaaingly homely but that was tbe first time it had occurred to him that she was really hideous it would be a bitter pill he acknowledged to tie himeelf to snoh a creature as that for life and for an instant be wavered but he remembered gregg and that 910000 and recovered bu fortitude at onoe be dumoootad and went in and the widow received biro groioaaly he talked awhile on other aabjeots thoo he abut bis eyes aud asked her to marry him a little to his burprlne abe consented readily he bad expected her to show a disposition to bold to gregg and he bad calculated to have to nee parauaslou with her in order to win her over however he was gtad that she was ao easily won and straightway proposed that they marry next day to thin proposition she agreed without demur or bebitrttion he refrained from mentioning greggu naruo aud he waa particularly oareful not to ltt ber know that he bad any inti mutton of ber rioh inheritance ho wanted hr to rebt under tbe impression that be waa marrying her solely for heraolf he went borne in high apiritb aud when he met gregg on the road be felt bo strong ly iuolined to orow over him that it was with difficulty be rtttained himself as it was he tossed bis boad with a superior look and smiled knowingly but even in tbat moment ot exultation he found hinnelf vfidhing that tbo widow was not quite eo homely and sour as to bo altogether repul sive the next day tho weddlug took place tt the widowd houhe and immediately aftr ward thornton ataitd back home with his wife greggs houeo was two or three miles out of the way but libwas eo anxious to ltt gregg kuow bow completely he had defeated him that ho drove around tbat way he was disappointed in finding gregg not at home where is be he asked of gregga housekeeper i dont know she replied but i think he has gone somewhere to ltt married and who id ho going to marry i won der i think it is some mrs brown thornton chuckled ho had played it on his rival better than he expected he had snatched his bride and her foitnno right out of his hands wouldnt gregg feel cheap when be discovered howamooth- i ly and oouipletaly he had been- beaten thornton was so completely pleased that he was almost tempted ti embrace and kiss hie new wife in spit of all her home liness ad he drove off ho called back to gregga housekeeper 1 have just been and got married ray eelf and i wish yon would tell grege about it when he comes homo tall him id be pleased to have him cull over and viait ua and bring his wife when he gets one two days passed thornton neither flaw nor heard anything of gregg ho was only bligbtly surprised at this gregg was at home no doubt sulking over his defeat it occured to him that he could make bis rivalddefent more bitter by tantalizing him a little accordingly be hitohod op his horses and took his wife out for a ride he drovo straight to greggs bouse he would par ade his wife and his happiness right before greggb eyea bare enough when he drove up there waa gregg silting on tho front porch he was alone snd thornton imagined dlsoon bolale thornton chuckled and bis face beamed with joy he had made his rival feel tbe sting of defeat and now he would press the sting in deeper he stopped at tbe gate and spoke g regit nodded to hlrn in return oome out aud let me introduce you to my wife thornton oalled grrgg arose slowly after a little hesita tion and came down tbe walk ho was not pleased at receiving a visit from thornton and his face and mpvements showed it thorutou saw greggs hesita tion and ascribed it to the wrong oaase he oonoluded that it was all owing to bis defeat its a great thing to havo a good wife thornton went on and i dont see how armarh 1 vesw i tboot- onejl yea its a great thing gregg assented no doubt of that then why dont yon get yourself one thornton asked breaking into a loud ooorse laugh i did bear the other day that yon waro thinking of marrying right soon did you yes in fact i was told that you had gone away to get married well that waa true was eh t why didnt yon marry then had yoor woman gone baok on yon or had some other man ont you ont neither i did marry hero oomes my wife now mary let me make you acquainted with mr and mrs thornton mrs gregg name forward and smilingly acknowledged the introduction she was quite young and very pretty and her manners were ohariulug thornton thought her one of the handsomest women he had ever seen by the way grrgg oontlnued it la rather a peculiar coincidence that thorn ton and i should marry the same day and both of us marry women of tho same name eh 1 itow that i thornton orled why yon married a mrs brown didnt you 7 yes well my wife was a mrs brown thornton turned pale and then red and he trembled all over he saw in a moment thtit a grcm miatake had been made and that he waa the victim bat ho oould blame nobody but himself tie imd married tbe wrong mrs brown that was all his ounnlng had overreached itself for once he sprang into his buggy and drovo furiously away without another word he did not apeak to bis wife all the way home ho felt bitter toward ber and wished with all his heart that ehe was on tho other side of tbe earth i have acted ihe fool worse than thompsons colt be thought i have tied mybelf for life to this old vixen and i didnt interfere with gregg at all im an old idiot buffalo new his raisin he was apparently a raw uuwbhed specimen of the possum ridge typo of humanity and had evidently come from one of the most remote corners of that peculiar section of missouri evidently it was tho first time ho had ever strayed so far from his native heath and the strange sights the country seat afforded had a be wildering effect upon him he was a tall angular loosejointed young fellow with long hair a little scattering crop of dis couraged and frostbittenlooking whiskers when bo bad moised around town looking at the wonderful twostory batldiqg aud spelling out the aigns over the doors of the stores and shops he went out to tbe railroad station to take a ride on the train determined to ruk his life if uecesaary to enjoy the novelty of the thing he walked up to the btatlon waiting room door which was closed and knocked ot course no one gave him any heed he waited awhile then knooked again still no one answered him an hour or more passed in this way then a policeman came along and noticing the young mans antias stopped and accosted him asking wbatare you trying to do here the young fellow looked tho offi ler over blowly and oarefully a scarad expression coming over hia face and at last he faltered out timidly i haint doin nobody no hurra mistor abore i haint well what are you knookiug on thia door for tbe offioeraakod haint this tho railroad deepot the possum ridger questioned iu turn yes couldnt yon see that it is i thought it wnz but i mowed tbat i roust be mistaken well youre not what do you want to do anyway i reckon i want to git in get in what iu this yero railroad deepot woll then why dont you go in tv i cant seem to make nobody hear in thar when i knock wby do you waut to make anybody hear why so theyll invite mo in great scott l i been knooltin bear nigh bout an hoar i guess an nobody dont pay no tontion t me great land i say dont yon know ouopghto enter a roil road station without waiting to be invited what you mean how am i goiu to git in thont im invited just walk in of ooorse jest bolt in tbout koootdn like i didnt have a speck o raiaiu 7 certainly tho young man bbook his head huh he said i been too veil brought np for that mister fop always told roo never to go in nobodys house thout knook- in an i novor do evonmong tbe ueighbora op dar on fossom ridge no aires didnt you see all those people going in and out and no one 8 topping to knock at the door yes i did but i lowed they were sorter homo folks here well theyre not yon goon in reckon it will ohoro be all right certainly it will an it wont be illtempered an show the want o proper raibin of course not go on in he hesitated a moment then he said wall stranger i reobou ill ohanst it pears like its mouty illmannered but i guess yoq wouldnt fool me i want to bhow my ratals but i oant stand here an knook all day punishment that really hurts mamma the prettiest ohild story that i have seen lately is in frenob a mother tells her little girl that became aha has been naughty bhe will not kisn her for a week before two days have gone by the childs hpi hanger so for her mothers kiss that abe begs her not to punish her any more the mother says no my dear i told you that 1 should not klas yon and i mast keep my word but mamma mamma says the little girt would it be breaking your word if you should kiss me just onoe tonight when im asleep boston trantcript the reason he chanqed sit uations did you hear tbe reason why i left my oldmployersaiti-adrummar-thejather- day to a few friends to this enquiry they all gathered around fully expecting to hear a good story as tom familiarly called by bis friend tilted back in his ohair i answered an advertlgementvrtbont a new book light ot lite as tho tills struck me forcibly and i found it contain ed the story of the new testament together with explanations of all tbo more difficult portions thus being a com plete commentary it also contains the complete lives of the apostles that this work was really two volumes in one embellished with some of the best illustra tions i ever saw tbe ststuss of tha apostles were by tha renowned soul p tor tborvaldsou these having been reproduc ed and published in connection with the sixteen masterpieces ot the worldfamous blookhonl hofmann and hahn engrav ings knowing that not a family in a thous and had the lives of tbs apostles or a com mentary and that this book would have an enormous sale and as my old employers could not bold out anffiolent inducement to equal tbe offer of the bradley garret sou co limited i oonoluded to give up drum ming and took hold of light of life i assure you friend tbla obtnge was the wisest i ever made and i shall never regret it if you want to make money eaay and fast write their brentford house for a position like mine things to leave undojje wo cannot do evorthiog we might do any day wo can think ot a hundred thingswe would like to do vmts of court esy and kindness perhaps of helpfulness or aympathy affairs of business mattorb of pleasure nod aelfimprovotueut but it will not be pobsiblo for us with our lim- iutiooa of time aud strength to do more than tm of these possiblo hundred thing it la important therefore that wo learn what tbtnga to leave undone there iu a wlbdora of neglecting as well as a wiodoin of faitbfolaeas in doing how ahull we know what things not to do la there any taw of boteotion any principle which should guide us in decid ing what we should leave undono among the many things that invite ua we may set it down a a first rulo tbat tho duties whloh bolong to our common calling should always have the prece dence we most not negleot thepo how ever urgent otber calls may be if a boy is in school ha school task must receive hib thought and oaaupy his time to tho exolusion of every other occupation uulil thoy have been mastered if a young man is in a business poaition of any kiud the duties of hib position must be atteadod to with punctuality promptness and fidelity before he has a minute for anything else a guodnaturtd philanthropist was walk- no matter how many interests may spojrtgalqug the docks ono suuday morning peal to bis sympathy or hia deaire or how eager he may ba to respond to tbe appeals he haa ho right to liaten to ono of them until he is free from his allotted tasks for the day if a young woman is a teacher to a bobool ber engagement binds ber to per form the duties of her posltlou during ceittln hours of five daye every week for a definite number of months in the year there mjy come to ber many opportuni ties of doing other things poor people may need care and help sick neighbors may require visiting and watchiug with through long nights mission work mty appeal for helpers young pjoplod tnect- loga may aeek hor services in a certain lino of work in whioh bhe excels it would be very easy for her to bo always going some where on somo good errand bat thia young woman will make a serious miatake if ehe thinks that it is her duty to do all these good and beautiful thing whioh make their appeal to her heart tier first thing that to which god hat oalled her aud for which she has been sacredly set apart is her work as a teacher not only is she to devote tho regular nobool hoars to specific duties bat beeides ehe must give all the time necobeary for conscien tious and careful preparation for her tasktv and also must seoure suoh roesearo of reataa will lit her for her duties all this work is hers by divine gift and if eho i tarns aside to any other task though it be a religious service she is robbing god everything else that offers muat be neg- leoted resolutely until this work baa been done well enough to preeent to her maater thia feaobiug is very important it matters not what ones rogutur calling may be the commonest daily work or the most lowly office whatever it js it must always be first in ones thought uud iu tho occupation of onea lime there must be poekimping of ones daily tasks even a prayer meeting ia not so sacred as ones ordinary duty whioh fills the same hoar sometimes good people get wrong opin ions upon this subject thoy imagine that because it is a religious service or noma holy task tbey may be excused for neg lecting a moroly secular duty or for being late for some engagement tboro havo been men who failed utterly bringing ruin upou themselves and their families because they neglected their business in running to prayer meetings or looking after what tbey called religions interests there have boeo women whoso homes buffered and whose bhildren were left unoared for while they wero attending conventions or looking after some social sanitary or religious affair outside it should bo set down as an invariable and inexorable rule that general appeals to interest and aympithy aro to be de nied until ones sacred work has been faithfully done nothing is ao binding upon ns as the doty we have engaged to do after all this doty haa been performed with oonscienloqh fidelity then wo may think of doing tbe other things whioh wo may find to do still tho question waits what shall we do and what shall wo neglect there is room always for wise choosing there is a vaat difference in the value and importance of the various opportunities or appeals whloh come to aa and we bribuld choose those things whioh bring the greatest good to otherb or leave the deepest permanent result sometimes the most sacred ube of a leisure hour is rest or bright cheerful recreation to fit one for the serious tasks and duties which wait on the morrow but we shoutd always remember that we have a duly of not doing and that many calls for our time and strength mast be firmly deolioed not every open door opens to a doty not every opportunity must be embraced there are fleet things whioh must never be neglected nor dis placed though a thousand appeals clamor iorodrattehtiqn when jeans said seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness he did not mean prayer meeting andslok calls and social vjaits he meant the great duties and occupations which belong in eaoh day for most of us these fill our walking hours what we shall do iu our leisure we shall learn if we are ready al ways to follow the masters leading welhprhtg friendship insurance time path to victory hay i will i an then btick to it yob sir i fhats tlio way to do it notbiiii ovur won i guusu worth tho wlnhlu for uulosi ouo ia willln for to work haint no prizos for a shirk vox tho lord or eo tuuy say hatoh a iiulttur unyway bpoaiu ut a sottln lion d but ilttlu whllo an tlioti gallivant orrouiid until all hor eggs hud gut a chill hpoao ohod over uiitoli a thiuk undornoath hor floppln whifj suo wont do that way aud honco houh i bay have common hiiijho eb a boy iliad to do lots o tilings i tinted to had to work an old concern namely tbo olddoshor churn didnt novor duetto ynuso la my path o duty oauso knowod at if i stopped todrooui buttor d all go back to cream if a ship was lowed to co rvory way thowindb d blow wondor ifd would git orround to a harbor safe an sound oucbs its boat for ship or miin to bo guided by a plan cuooso your task an whfapor mill win i must an win i will i la ii uulutin governor in a hogshead that hero may be saoh a thing as car rying insurance too far ia indicated by tbo case of mr mnloahy and mr mulhooly two irish gentlemen though they wero known to be great friends they were one day observed to pass each other in tbe itreet without a greeting why mnloahy a friend asked in as tonishment have you and mulhooly quarreled that we havo not i said mr mnloahy with earnestness there seemed to he a ooolenosa between you when you passed just now thats the insurance of our friend ship 1 dont understand whoy thin its ibis way mulhooly and i are that devoted to wan another tbat we oant bear the idea of a quarrel and ss we are both moighty qutok tempered weve resolved not to ah pake to wan another at all 1 london titblu when he found a boy asleep in a hogbhead he bhook him until he wai wideawake and then opened the following conversa tion what aro you doiug here boy i slept hero all night sir tor i had no other place to sleep in how u tbat have you no rather or mother who takes care of yon my fatligrdriukabirund i dont know where he a i have to takocaro of myself for my mother is dead hhe died not long ago and at tho mention or her name tho hoys eyea filled with tours well como along with mo ill give you a homo aud look after you ua will aa i can tho olilld thai adopted on tho wharf was taken to happy homo no waa eont to a common school urterwardt employed asaolerkin tho ntore of hia benefactor when he beoamo of gp his friend and benefactor bir to him iyou have been a faithful and honest boyand man and if you will mke threo promises i will fqr- nlah yon with letters of oredit oo that you can start buoineas in tho west on yoor own acoonnt what promieea do you wish mo lo make inquired the young man fira that you will not driuk intoxicat ing liquora of any kind i agree to that second that yon will not uhs profane language i agree lo that third that you will not becomo a pclitioiao i agree to that tho yonng man started in busineb in tho west and by minding hia own busi- neeb in a few yearn ho became a rich man at the close of the vyar ho came eftat and called upon his friend and adopted father in the course of a happy interview tho philanthropist asked hia adopted son if he had kept hib total abatiuouce pledge yob air waa tho answer havo you abstained from tho use of profauo speech yes sir have you hud anything to do with politioa tim visitor lliu adopted bcritporhaps i bhould havo said bluahoj ojxd said without myconaent i waa mimitodjor governor of my state and olectod- i am now on my way to washington to transact important business for tbe state did ever a hogshead turn out ho good a thing as a teetotal governor bafore it had to be em pled of ita wine before it could bo a shelter for the little arab who ran wild in that wilderneaaof raarblo and mortar tho great city of now york tho streets and wharfs of tho great met ropolis of commoroo invite missionary effort and tho writer hopes that the little waifs afloat on tho wave of the outward life will not bo neglected george w ban- gay in national ttniptrancc advocate how to bathe many a tired ovorworkod homowife realizes tbe benefits to be derived from regular and systematic bathing just before retiring at night it ia often neglected however on the plea that im jubt too tired to do anything but drop right into bed after the days work ia ovor by following this bint for quiok bathing it will soon bo a source of surprise to tlnd how greatly refreshed and rested the body will be after this rapid bath whioh requires so little time got enoagh tarkish towe1iu by tljo yard remnants may often bo aecured to make two pairs of thumbleaa mittenb jubt large enough to slip over the thumb and allow the hand to atretoh hat aho a large roogh towel and a generoub supply ot tepid water and of course some good soap and if there la no bath tub iu the house a piece of ollolotb on which to stand with another towel or oarpet remuant spread over it this is all- that -will- horequircdforths quick bathing after taking everything off btand on tbe oiloloth or towel in front of your basin slip your miiteus on and dip ihem iu the water squeeze tho drips from tho mittens soap woll unci rub the body all ovor begtn- idg with tho nook and ending with the toes then take off the mittens and lay them down besldo tbo habin all the soil of tha body will bo in those mittens take your second pair of mittous blip ihem on and go ovor tho body again rinsing tho mittens several timos then give the whole body a brisk and rapid rubbing with tho towel bathing thus rests and strengthens a tired body it takes only from eight to tou minutes to wash and rinse and thoroughly dry from top to toe and to rinse ont tbe mittens for another bath after using it is well to put the mittens in the air to sweeten and havo them boiled onoe a week to keep them cleau and pleasant to improve the comploxion ono should keep the pores open and this systematic bathing will ba of the greatest benefit in this reapeot as well as rostlog and strength ening the body it will be well to wbbii and dry the face before undressing for the bath wash the faoe and ears with very hob water and then put in sufficient oold water to make it tepid for the body hope is the feeling we still havo is all gone

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