volume xxv no 7 acton ontario thursday aug- u st 17 189 lriojg three cents lb vduusnkd- every thursday morning at tub free ricashteam printing ohlco uiltj stiieet aoton ont thumb ov boimcntpti oh ono dollar per year triotlyin advance all subsarlptloqb dtnoon- ttuuod when tho time for which they bavo boon paid baa oxplrod tbo da to to wblob ovory subscription 1b paid la denoted on tbo addrosa label axivbiitiaina ntkb traualont advertise ments 10 oontn por nonparull lino for first in sertion 3 cents per iluo for each subsequent insertion p oontiuot 2utkb tbo following tablo shows our ratoa 1 or tbo insertion of advertlaomontsfor poolqed periods bpaob 20 inchon tqlnahee sinohes junoh 1 1 in 6 mo 3 mo t imp 60 00 3500 so 00 600 3500 90 00 iaoo 9000 1300 700 900 700 300 fl50 loo advertisements without spool flo directions frill be lnsorted till forbid and charged accord- ugly transient advertisements must bo paid n advance advertisements will bo changed once each month if doalred for changes oftener than enoe a month the composition mast be paid for at rogulai rates obangesforoontraotadvortlbomonts mas oe a tbo omco by noon on tuesdays aceoanta pajablo monthly h p moore editor and proprietor bnsirwss birertorp medical john m macdonald m d c m auccehhon to j f uren m dcm olflco and rouidonoo corner mill fredorlok roots aeton oflloo hours too pm new books captain stromalong shaw rhc span o life mclennnn through battle to- promotion wood what doolcy says dooley hugh gycth marie di david harurn wcstcott a duet with an occnsional chorus- doyle a pauper millionaire frysrs the cruise of the cacholot bullen dross mcrri man the fowler harraden the minister of state stewart m s bradford special gun ter the voyage ot the pulo way dawe the isle of the virgins royal the market place frederick dwellers in gotham dale the rogues march horning double thread- fowler gentleman player stephens face to face with napoleon the above and other new books on sale at days book store guelph day sells cheap tho traders rank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 1 000000 700000 i to 10 30 a m 1 to 3 pm and r ljr forster bucckbsoit to dr a b elliott lato rosldont physician and surgoon to vic toria hospital for biok cbildron toronto d r dryden cyp ear throat and nose mcleans block douglas 8t noar p o guelph office houna 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 6 p m sondatb 10 am to 1 pm dental l bennett lds dentist qeobqetown ontabio jcoghlan ddslds dentibt woilk caukrully done imobs mod en ate ovpicb oven bnowna dtiuo btohb hoone evcnv day tbomotoo jm bell dds l d8 a dbntibt dbookvule honon graddatb op touonto univbbsity work made satisfactory prices moderate visitino days monday afternoon camp- bollvlllo tuesday acton omcoclarka hotel friday liockwood legal m olean mclean uarrlatera solicitors notaries convoyanoers io prlvatofunde toloan office town hall acton war a moxjxan jno a mclkin j mackinnon banalsteb bolioiton convktancbb on ice hill street in matthews block upstairs b mcleod baiuubtxb bouoirod gonvbtancen main stroot qeorgotown money toloan at lowest current rates r j mcnabb clerk fourth division cotrrt county of hal- on oouveyancor agon t fire and lato assurance koal stata agot money to loan oto oprioe ferryman sulook- a0t0n ont err miscellanso us m iss williams music of gkouojbtown sueeossor to miss ijaldlaw is prepared to give tborouhblnstraotlon in musloplano or organ in theory and practice for terms apply to miss williams at mr jas matthews residence on tuosday ovoulog of oaoh wook jbc enry qjaibt ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention eta prepares application for the canadian amor- lean mdboropoan patontoulcoe mil for the lustration el trade mark bend for pam phlet tlilrtvtwo voara oxporlonoo c1ban0is htjhan bookb1ndeb vvvndhamst qoelpli ontario oveiwllilamistoro aooonnt book oi all klutli mado to order rlodloalofelorydeaorlptlonoarofnlllioona ulinrneetiviinri promptlvdone m abbiaob fjioenbes h p uoohe lannkn ov maiuuaaa lioiinbbs priateoffloo nowltneeioerequlrod tauod at reeldeoce in the ovonlng free freu omco aoton w m h1smbtbeet lioabbd aaonbutn vox tbe ooontlee o wellington and i baltoa orders loft at th fm pun orllce aeto or mrreildenoeln aoton will b pronspoj at- ended to xeriui ueasooable alao moner to loan on the moat f arorablj nmltand at tllo lowoit ratee of intereit in umeof dooand pwarde buosonloisd b o m000 the well1nqton mutual fire insurance company eitabubhod 1840 headoffloe qubiph ont insunanob on cah and uotual plan any iiivnauloatlona forward to my addrew uox ass towariepbojo 69 will bo promptly attended to jqun tavt0br agmti guelpli aoton ilaeliiue and bepair shops henry aatndkll proprietor a bb well equipped with all the maohlner ceeouary toeioute all repabe to rnaohln- rv and urultoral roplementa and to do all kkdofitmntunhoriboelnaandencrl 2 jmlthtng woodwork ropalra performed ilslaotovy manner wo oaa repair any minlne or kiplainont of any nke ba umslng and hllnkdono acton saw mills and wood yards jkwbs brown llaltufactolleb akd dvauib iii umbrmth shtnit wood sto r i fe all vlnda t wood in itook and promptly al louy part of tbo town at axyrenvao vltb i reaaouable pricel vt mrdwood and lain cut jtoyo length alwa t on band telophono communlcatlcn waters bros pictures waters bros frames a ters bros artists goods guelph branch wo aro now issuing monov orders payablo at par at any branch of chartered bank in canada ozooptlng tbo yukon district at tbo following ratos tjuderislo bcoutb 610 to 920 10 cents 620to8b0 idconts 630 to 50 hcquib j0etrtj highest ouriient ltte of interest paid on sumo deposited of si and upwards interett allowed from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or- compounded half yearly advances made to responsible farmers on their own names at tbo lowest eurrent raios no charge made for collecting baloa notes if payable in ouolpb a general banking bubinobb transacted a f u jones manager 3o0 300 waters bros windham street new store guelph acton livery bus line tho undorsignodrespectfnlly solicits thepatron ago of tho public and inform them that well equipped and btjush rigi can al ways be secured at his atablos a comfortable bus meets trains between 9 am and 818 pm careful attention given to every order the wants of commercial travel lernf ally met john williams pnorniktoa welland vale bicycles jc kill agent acloa cnll and me the new welland vale bicycles at the bicycle livery the per fect garden cily and dominion are tho leading grades while ihe perfect ghainless has merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un disputed fact that the welland vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheel the single piece cranks ore the best attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business j c hill fifes and human beings main 8treet planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of sean doors frames moulding in all styles dressing a l and mo uldino to ordor on short notice tyh assorted stock on hand at prices to so the times john cameron proprietor there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and see our hew lines w williams mill st tw mail and business praotioe is tbe most lntarmtlna and prac tical oonrae of atudr in bookkeoplog and accounting for bojl and glrli leaving lobllo and high sehoole flhortband and typewrltlnft apeo- lal facilities individual toltlon no olanof formed parentalvo invited to inveatlsate vail term will com- menoe monday aog 88 ouhlph business college and shorthand institute 1 bhabiprlnolpal i jarriraririitiiivttiitt agents wantbdfor the lite and aoblevetbenbi of admiral dewey tho worlda sreatet naval hero by unrat halstaad ina lifelong friend and admirer of the nations idol biggest and beet book overooq pagaa eight by ten inches l nearly icopacee halftone liloetra- tlone only jfto bnonnont demand big oommailont ootat free ohanoa of a lite- time write quick tbe dominion oompany 3rd floor oaitoo aidg gbioago for bicyclists the victor acet1lenegas bicycle lamp is the proper lamp for a dark night is the most pop ular lamp lor the purpose on the market today carbide enough for eighty hours light for 25c the lamp itself sells for 300 cut of lamp sent on application 300 john m bond co- hardware quelpb cash paid farm produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted aikenhead produce co g parsons manager cor mill and main sts acton opposite clarks hotel are two distinct families and cannot live happily together fit your windows and doors with screens from symons and enjoy life alone groceries tomatoes 7c corn 8c salmon 10c best red 4 pkg corn starch 25c best ameiican coal otl ibc readymixed paints and paris green at syjvton bros cormiluamhinsts hcton cooper tfcakins the artistic tailors reg to announce to their friends and tbe public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper akins main st acton persiatic thf ra j y- rutftjrigmnfl fii fnr parity and strength when seen on our goods it meiaes tbam the standard for ttielr several fmrpoaes and its preaenoe protect yoa from mttatlons and inforibr goods look for it plant spray peralatio plant bpray contains no niinoral poison arsenic or parts green bare deatu to all lnaeet life lungf etc harmless to vegeta tion canadas only rallable spray sheep dip peralatle sheep dip is a preparation for the cure of skin dlieasos and the eradication of vermin in sheep and cattle it 1b highly modi- elnal and does its work with no draatlo or irritating effects endorsed by leading sheep raisers horse wash fersiauii horse waali la a specially proparsd modloameut for tbe ears of ikln diseases peeallar to hones and for ridding them of all loieet pasta and vermin it has a larpaailnnly refreshing sffort brlghtons the pelt and puts the kin in a thoroghly healthy condition price 100 ir 3locan wash a successfully of swine and for destroy log nits lies aod vermon generally keops the skin lu healthy condition and eusures a healthy appaaranoe in tho drawed animal for market hen house iipray a peralatio hen house powder destroy vermin ihic stock on fowl or in sboil t fectant destroying germs and imrlfylng the atmosphere ifietlihorauy they prevent roup and kludrsd diseases purchase these goods from your dealer or send to ordlreot for them wo invite oorros- poudanoe tho pickhart renfrew co limited stouffvllle ont peralatle pig vmh it sueooscfully used in all my properties t own no park i koep no horse i cant afford a stable i have no collar stored with wlno 1 sot a frugal table but still some property is mine enough to suit my notion i own a maun tain toward the west and toward the oast an ocean just tbls one mountain and one sea 0 are proporty enough forme a man of moderate circumstance a frugal man like me with one good mountain has enough enough with one good sea my mountain stretch high ouougb up whero tbo clouds are curled my ocean puts its arm around tho bottom of the world i so not fear my lea will dry my bill will last as long as i i connot glibly talk with men no gift of tongues liave i my sea and mountain talk to me expecting no reply they tell mo tales i may not tell hut tales of coimlo worth of conclaves of tbe early gods who rulodthoinfant earth talcs of an unromomberod prime told by eternity to time and so im glad tbo mountains ml no im glad i own tbe sea that tboy havo opoolal privacies which tboy impart to mo it took eternity to learn tbo talos tbey know bo well and i am glad those talob will tako eternity to tell t do not foar my sea will dry my hill will last as long as i sam walter fos fitud 3fatnily starting er jislake quito comfortable now asked craw ford of tbe jftws as he threw a rag across vaddeleura feet perfectly thanks tuertwo men ocoapied a sheltered nook oiobo t3 tbe palace hotel and crawford after arranging vsndeleura rug threw himself into a graaa oh air and lit his pipe vandeleqr oloaod hie eyes rest fully he looked pale and thin and fait left arm waa resting in a sling after a few puffs crawford buret out by jove i lent this glorioaa t what a difference there in between this and om- durman i bather all the same i liked it a lady at breakfast this tnonidg some way or other got to know that i waa craw ford tbe news man sho had also evident ly heard that yoa aud i were pretty thiok t the front as she inquired if you had completely recovered seemed quite inter ested in you old chap her name 1b sin clair sinclair yea heavens whats the matter old fellow yon do look queer well old mao yoa bee i knew her onoe engaged got chocked somehow yoa see i cant you understand crawford qaietly stooped down and- grasped vandelears hand there was a lot of quiet sympathy in that eileut hand olup vandelear was somewhat of a mystery to crawford tho 1 at tar ooold never underttind why a guooesaful novelist snob as bo waa bad given op a promising future hib hairbreadth eao apes bad been the talk of the army it was at omdnrman bii look almost oame to a close they had dragged him from beneath a heap of bodies and at flrtt every one thought that the dervish bword bad finished the mad cor respondent of the sentinel tbe shave was a close one hot uevor- theless they palled him around and now he was on the fair way to recovery after a pause crawford spoke forgive me old ohap i didnt know you see we hadnt met until after that dont apologize 1 am so confounded ly weak crawford i cant stay here i muftt get away i cant meet her again or at least not yet oh nonsense i you cant go jut when tho air is palling you around so well be- sides there is little possibility of yonr meeting aa she la not even aware of yonr being here hello theres white calling me do yoa mind my leaving you for a few mioutaa not at all in fact i am afraid iti not exaolly oomptlmentiry to yoa old fellow but i woald rather be alone for a bit yoa understand crawford comprehended and merely said i understand old man ill be back in half an hour then he qaitty walked 00 vandelear sat thinking his thought were bitter as they went baok two years aud be recalled the hearties manner in wblob thie woman had thrown him over without any peroeplible reason lie ooold never under tind it are all women the same he wonder- ei doce every woman play with a man merely t fool him in tbe end 1 bat his aogltitiooi abruptly orated aa his glance wandered down the path lu tbe direction of tbe hotel he started slightly and a flash showed itself for a moment iu bis thin features a strangely familiar figure waa ooming toward bim and his fingers nervously twisted and untwisted as he recognised tueodewomaoin sll t w wh b lestt desired to meet ills natural impulse was to get away but his weakness rendered such a proceed ing impossible in bis weak state the sight of her con jured op strange emotions he felt more keenly his own helplessness and then as he watshed her there arose in bis heart a passionate longing for sympathy and rest if only if only bah i what a foul he was as big a fool as be was ib months peralatio hen house bpray and poulhry powder destroy vermin peoullar to tho foatbered acts as a dlsln- go then aa she sauntered carelessly along a dull feeling of resent men t displaced bs previoasjaervoasuem true she might uot deign to notice bim but if she did there would be no trace of the old madnera to gratify her meanwhile the object of bis wrath utterly oblivions of exciting the alt in t ion of any one never devutso from the path that must lake her past the spot where vandelear was sittlog bat strolled along with an open book in bar had j bo immersed was mlas sinclair with her reading that she failed to notice tbe mm until aba was quite close at the first glanoe however she reoog nised bim and tbe sodden shook waa most painful bat recovering herself la a moment walked straight up to vaodeleur and held out her hand saying gantly lam so glad mr vandoleur to bio that yon are better so very glad although vandeleura heart beat quickly he was outwardly calm and coal as he replied nonchalantly except for tbe fact of feeling eak now aud then 1 am com- paritively well i tuat jou aro quite well mies sinolair yes i am very well thaukyou but- but mr crawford told me you had by to meaub recovered yet vandelear mentally anathematized crawford as he said wlib a bad imitbtion of a laugh pdhawt crawford in an awfully good fellow bat you know be occasionally con structs a mountain out a molehill pointlog to tbe scat which crawford had vacated a few minutes previously he con tinued wont yu plcaso bit down mjbb sin clair i long to have a chat with an old friend his own desire now waa to keep her and an unnatural elevation pervaded him as be bailed with almost hyiterioal deligbt tbe prospeot of showing 1mb woman bow utter ly indifferent he was to ber she heaithd a moment then quietly sat down but surely mr vandeleur abe cald 3 our wound oanuot be of ho trivial a nature as you would hav ooabelieve you were reported killed at flret all the papers eald bo aod i every one was so dreadfully sorry were they said vaudelour ironiaally sorry to say their feelings muet paaa un appreciated enough of myself however i preaumo yoa are staying here aome time be added aa he threw hia cigarette away pleano dons 1 cried mi in sinolair yon know i have no objection my tastes have not changed even in 18 months excuse me sail vaudeleur coldly thought they hri however it is of uo consequence as i smoke very little now tubacoo doesnt commend itself to invalids yon know during tho conversation miaa sinolair had been aurreptionely observing vande leur with a dull pain at her beait ehe nctid the unmictakable evidence of autterioff iu his look a ttrong dealre to tnd and nurse this man whom she loved aa a woman only loves onoe overmaetered ber and abe experienced a mad impulse to oast all con- ventionality aside and throw herself at hia feet aod cry ob my love my love i wronged yon innocently it is all a hid eous miettke wont yoa forgive only forgive tbe impulse died away however as she glanced at vandoleur and aaw the hard lines of hia mouth he will never forgive bbe thought never neither spoke for aome minutes and tbe pause was becoming awkward when a puff ot wind disarranged vandeleura rag he feebly essayed to reach for it but miaa sinolair forestalled him uud with a pieaeo allow me arranged it while doing so her hand slightly toaohed that of vandoleur oauaing tbe blood to jump madly throogh bis veins while the color flowed in her own face presently miss qfnolalr ald hebittlng- ly i have been trying for the last few minutes to to say apmt thing will yon listen i want to ask your pardon some time ago we i quarrelled with yoa apparently without any ostensible cause whatever three months ago i discovered the fact that i had dono you a grievous wrong took you some time didnt it sar castically interjected vandelear i was acquainted with the faot exactly 18 months ago the venom of bis remark almost aooroh- ohed the words on her lips bat she quiet ly proceeded please reserve your sarcasm until you have heard me not even tbe fear of your mlauudercttnding shall dttor me from per forming what i consider my right and my duty to do it is right you sboald know that i had some alight ezauaa for my apparent wanton oaprlciousness she paused a momoot resting her chin upon her hand and vandeleur stole a glanoe at her she had changed somewhat he thought grown gentler and more eubiuod and the asslonata desire drew on him to open bis arms and say i forgive all i forgive all i only love me t please go on be aald thank yoo she replied i will the 4 ot a man and a worn an is au old ttle and haa been used many times yet i purpose using it onoe again as a heading for my narrative she paused a moment to collect her thougl tt and gised st vandeleur who con tinued t gaze fctirnly seaward then she continued the man in this pattioukr oaae appear ed to live the woman very dearly and she well she rrqnited his affection vandelear cttitsd and shifted his posi tion blight ly he was a wrltir of books she contin ued and on her twenty- third birthday he presented her with the first proof of the book that had made bim famous it was a unique present and she appreciated vuilelriir conld not apeak the joy in hia heart was supremo enough to preclude all utterauoe ho merely bold her hand as if be oould never let it go presently ho drew ber gently toward him and rested his oheek against here you forgive she whispered my dear my darling i was all be eaid chicago htratd burdette and the wheel home building homo is defined aa ones own dwelling plaoe the habitual abode ot ones family but aomethln raoro than a permanent abode is aeoeassry to the real homo the mountain hermit haa a dwell ing plaoe but no home veu a fine house rlohly furnished with broad acres surrounding cultivated and edeniike though owned in fee smpte does not make a home suoh a plaoo may be ideal in location and appointments and rlohly ondowed with maani to sustain it bat if it oontaini a neatof serpents envy hatred jealously discontent a brawling wife and disobedient and ungrateful children there oattbeno horned the essential elementa especially love are lacking ho ontorod lu his bouso bis homo no more for without hearts thoro is no homo a cottage bmall and scantily supplied with worldly aomfotta may be the abode of love and contentment poverty may sometimes piuoh and tho outside world may frown but the occupants living for oaoh other are happy that ia borne a family known to the writer lived far back in the interior father and mother were plain and unlettered very poor and com polled to rear their children without the advantages of education save what waa supplied by a short term school between tbo making and tbe time for gathering tbe crops tbe word booiety in its modern sense wua not known to them tbe thing itself did not exist within twenty miles of tboir flatwooda farm the parents feared god and kept hia commandments the children like olive plants round about their table honored father and mother and loved each other and the lord it was indeed a household ot faith a real home there are thousands of such homes to wbloh fame and fortune never come borne building mast begin with the union of cue good man and one good wqman they mnst have trne ideas of their relation to god and know the mean ing ot the marriage lit in tbe beglnnlog god mads them male and female evidently intending that marriage should exist and thereby perpetuate the human race in families the germanent union of one man with one woman is the law of the race as well as tbe law of god and cannot be bet aside without bin the twain thus united are one flesh nothing therefore can be more important to men and women than the beleotion of life partners home building must begin in love suoh love as will lead the man to forsake all others and cleave to his wife saoh love as will lead the woman to choose one man above all others marriage founded on passion or entered into for oonvenlenoe or for reasons of state or for the purpose of keeping together tbe family wealth is not sure to result in happiness to tbe contract ing parties nor to the building cf an ideal home a fearfnl rlbk is run when these considerations one or all influence men and women into tbo holy estate of matri mony without entering into details or an argument we may say in this connection that it is cot always advisable for men and women to marry even though tbey love each other bat certainly they should never do so no teas affection is at tha foundation of the engagement the gharoh is explicit on the babject it holds with st paul that marriage is honorable among all men and that tbe tie ia indissoluble except for the oanfls plainly stated by our lord and is not by any to be enterprised or tikeo in hand unadvisedly bat reverent ly din erectly advisedly and in the fear of god not only so but it requires all who purpose entering into tbe holy estate to make confession if they know any lawful reason why they should not be joined together assuring them that so many as are coupled together otherwise than gods word doth allow are not joined together by god neither is their matrimony lawful if these soriptural views and requirements ware duly observed by men and women wo would have among us fewer unhappy marriages and a far larger number ot home builders and homes the experience of religion is not esseutial to a lawful marriage one man and one woman may separate themselves from all others and enter into tho estate with the purest and beat intentions and jhe marriage result in happiness but as marriage efgniflea to us the myatloal union that la between christ ant hia church the purpose of which is tha rearing of a spiritual family it would be better for all home builders not only to recognize the charoh and unite with it but thoroughly ooneecrato themselves to tbe service of god they thus put themselves in an attitude before god that enables them to claim his blessing and the necessary help in rearing their children ia the end the effort st home building will fail unices god is honored and obeyed in the household leaves she fonnd between the psges a letter it was a love icttsr written in the mans handwriting on a urge sheet ot paper and signed with hia christian name but not meant for her tbe name of tbe woman for whom it was designed waa gladys heavens 1 cried vandeleur hoarsely the hand on the wheel it was the pageof manuscript that i could never find i yes she eald q aletly it was a page of manaseript that yoa had lost she however did not discover this notil later but in her misery at what she imagined to be the mans falseness never answered his demands for an explanation never spoke to bim again shs paused for a moment overcome with emotion vandeleur gazed at her horably some time later she proceeded with difficulty a book waa published by a man entitled the hand oo tbe wheel his heroins was called gladys and the love latter thai bad destroyed the womans happiness waa reproduced almost word for word in its pages then at ian one day the news came that be had been kllloi and it nearly broke her heart thbmiddleag edwoman the woman of thirty and upward is ooming to her own not a long whilo ago it was the faahlon for novellsta to make heroines ot misses whose years rarely numbered twenty and often stopped at sixteen there seemed something attractive in the baanty and iiidooenoe of youth either the supply ran out or people began to gat tired of bread and batter fiction maidens for gradually the age of heroines has moved up and today they are frequently almost middlesged this is fitting beoauae she has out lived tho twenties a woman baa not out lived life she is oapablq of moving the world more efleotually as a matron than as a maid most of the wellknown women ot history were over thtity when they distinguished tbemsrlves sayabfelzaoi a women of mlddli age rttilns nothing of the prtlneas of youth she ib a friend who gives you sll the feminine delicacies who displays sll tbe graces all the possessions whloh nature has given to women to lease man bat who no longer eelli these qaul ties she ii hateful or lovable according to her pretentions of youth whether they exut under the epidermis or whether they are dead tho editor of tbe burlington 1awleic received enquiries from certain of inn readers who had heard that mr robert j burdttts was dead a letter of inquiry addressed to mr burdetto brought tho following reply mv dear waitk like the true frienl and loyal comradj yoa over were you do right to protest against my burial prior ti tbo autospy i am indeed very rauob ulivo not only so i havent been dead even a litl bit not once could have beeu had i wanted to be oould be yet but i dont want to be mibe i ouuht to be oven now but aa we make weekly confession we have left uudoue ihobe thiogb which we ought to have done possibly the rumor that i havo gone doad grew out of the faot that i have learn ed to ride a blcyolo i say have learned no am learning learned in one lesaon all by myself went out fn the moonlight labt friday night to learn having first looked my family in the house and forbade them to look out of the windows lid my bicyole oat en theturapika tbe bryn mwr pike a are broader than tbe way of destruoliou twice aa smooth and much cleaner itd a young bicycle a colt foaled in ob wonld give the namo but torrfre fact that i had to pay for the wheel will only say therefore in accordance with the olhica of our profession it h not the wheel any body says it ic i held bim by the withers right in the middle ot tho road and mounted without assittnce 1 dismounted in the sme independent manner got on again and proceeded to break him to saddle did i ride the first time well bay 1 people had told me liars of all ages aud both sexes that i couldnt fall if when i felt tbat i was falling i would stick out my foot i stuok out both feet aud both hunda and felt oo my bead i fell onone eido of that diabolioal wheel and then on the ctber j fell on top of it and underneath it and it made dog falls with it i fell between the wheels i fell behind the hind wheel and before the front wheel at the same time and yet dont know how i dono it i fell and thrust both lega through tbe spokes of one wheel i met a terrified man in the baggy and drove biro clear off the pike through wheelers hedge aod i dont think he has come baok yet every time i fell i slapped the pal ma of ray raw swollen throbbing bauds on tho hard inelastic pibe except tho lime i fell on my head i fell with greater variety ot landing than any man could unleaa he dropped out of a balloon and lit iu a load of furniture i loot my ooufldeuco my patienae tuy temper my clamps my lamp bell and reputation i broke one pedal the saddle and the ordinance against loud boisterous and abusive language at night i ran into everything id sight except the middle of the road i sat djwn on everything in tho township exoept the saddle i bcorched in a oiroult not fifteen feet in circumference until you could smell brimstone i made more revolutions than a southamerican republic and didnt get ten feet away from whore i started i havent been bo mauled and abr aided so thumped and beaten so braised and soratobed ainoe i left the army but i can ride 1 i dont eay i do but i can do i consider biking good for the health for the health of aome people i do 1 dout see how a physician can bring op his family unless his children have something to eat but in my own cans i reserve my de cision and do you tell brother davis to keep his obituary on tbe tttnding galley unti1 be heara from slag nine i dout believe be got 30 yet altboagb friends who have called to see me broak dowo when tbey say gpodbye and walk out of the room on tiptoe but x wouldnt mind tbat if i knew what became of my bhonlderbtados the time i ran under the hay wagon cheerfully yourd rotlent j bundette tmie aim of cukis living to do tbo aioall ilvcd iu a iiuiilu nay to do tbo kind part without liopo of pay to livo tbo cbriutllfu through a busy day and at uach uow requirement cboorful say tby will uomlno- tboeu aro not tldiiys lis truo tint wlu from mon lho flattorlng tribute of tho touguoorpon hut tbey aro things that conic to tluavons ken and horo alid now uot lees than thoro and thou tboy aro dlvluo mo noisy honors proud with drum aud ftfo they nood who live tho buaiblo selfless life of christ with rlory unbogot of strife or foolibh aims wltb vain ambitions rife tliuirvirtuob sblno bo whou our friends look back lu future days let tbat rouiouihrunco wblcb lu tbom wo ralso do this by honont work iu modoat nays ho served bla god and ua may dodio suott praise do initio and thine rev b b uoswortht in tltc examiner thoughts about amuse ments a younq mans health colonel sena a burgeon in the spanish war told a represents tivo of men why so many applications for admisoion into the army wore rejected the principal reason waa general debility tho cause ot thie well i should say a lack of natural sleep in moat oases it ia not so mqch bow a man 1b occupied during tbe daytime bnt it is tbe loss ot sleep and rest that makes tho difference young men suffer little from overwork tbey ought to be asleep hours before midnight it a mau oan give a good account of himself in tbe hours between fi and 12 p ra he will find improvement in his pbyaiolal condition the reason he chanqed sit uatfons let your reoreationa be manful not binfbl george washington rooreution h intended to the mind as whetting ia to tbo scythe ta sharpen the edge of it which otherwise would grow dull aud blunt bishop hall an old writer says those that seldom take lawful pleasure will take unlawful aud by lacing themselves too hard grow away on one side william matthews if you show me tho etylo of a mans amusements aud rocreations i will tell you what aro hia proapecta for this world and for the world to qome t d tal- mage d 1 i am conviupedboth by faith aud experi- elice that to maintain ones self on thie earth is not a hardship but a pastime it we will live bitnply and wisely henry d thoroaa it is siid tlmt lho duke of wellington when onoe looking on at the boyn engaged in their aporls in tbe playjjrouud at elton mudo the remark it wan there tbat the battlu of waterloo wan won samuel bmilod study modiwtiuu society and relaxa tion should be mixed up with mans phjaioal tu lie has intellect heart imagination taate as well aa bones and muscles and he id grievously wronged when he ia compelled to exceasivo drudg ery for bodity aubbiriteuoe anon the moment any form ot recreation be comes indispenaible to us the moment that we find it dimiuibheb instead of height ens our iutorest and do light in the regular dutic of our daily llvoi that instant we should chock ita enaroaohmont upon our time and if need be out it off oltogother william do witt hyde i d getting her moneys worth hospital experiences aro generally supposed to be sad but there ia an occasional merry oue uo tho experionoo ot mies will prove bridget rafferty had served tho best years of her lifo as a oook and uow that bbe waa wearin awn and an operation bad becomo noooaaary sho haughtily declined to go to a ward but took oue of the beat rooms tbe operation was sucoeaaful but the patisnt was allowed very little food she ovidently pondered over the situation and the result ot ber reflections waa manifested in a moat frequont uae of the eleatrio bell at berfeed mias a a novioe in her profession k would fly to her to be greeted with some trifling question or the remark i only wanted o know if yoa wero thsro as each frequent uae of ber bell suggested to the matron on that floor that miss a waa neglecting berdntio miss a remon strated and received tbe following unique explanation well you see miss here i am paying thirty dollars a week and im not seeing anything im not hearing anything and mibs im not oating anything so i jast ring the bell to get my raonoyd worth and anyways i enjoy hearing it ring just for fun did you hear tho reason why i loft my old employers said a drummer tbo other day to a few friends to this enquiry tbey all gathered around fully expecting aojrjut30djkorxmmfroniarly called by his friend tilted baok in bis chair i answered an advertisement about a new book light ot life aa the title alraok me forcibly and i found it oontaiu- ed the story of the new testament together with explanations of all the more di moult portions thus being a com plete commentary it also contains the complete lives of the apostles tbat this work was really two volumes in one embellished with some ot tho best illustra tions i ever saw the statues of the apostles were by the renowned sculptor thorvaldsod these having been reproduc ed and published iu connection with the sixteen master pie cos of ihe worldfamous blookhorst hofmann and hahn engrav ings knowing that not a family in a thous and bad tbe lives of the apostles or a com raentary and tbat tbls book woald have an enormous sale and aa my old employers oould not hold out safflolent inducement to equal tbe offer of tbe bradley garret son co limited i concluded to give up drum ming and took hold ot light of life i assqre yoa friends ibis ohsoge was the wisest lever made and i shall never regret it mistress why bridget you auroly dont consider these windows washed bridget sure i washed em nioely on tbe inside mum bo ye can lookout but i intentionally lift ibim a little dirtby on the outside bo thim aignorant jonea children nlxt door couldnt look in a student at one of the groat missionary colleges was oonduoting a prayer service and in an outburst of onthuuiasm he pray ed give us all pure hearts givo us all olean bearte givo us all sweethearts to whloh the congregation robpondod amen the euangctitt pat and his friend miko bad killtd a anako lu tbe lie da aa tho tail of the snake continued to oscillate pat remarked to his friend aod ia bo dead mike div ye think ob yiu sure aaid mike hes dead but he aint conscious of u ylt northern visitor in gcorl l eee yoa rateo hoga aluioat exclusively about horc do you find they iiay bottor than ooro and pctaloea native nlowly wei no butyorsop hlraoyer hogs dont need hoeing i berry well done the late charlee mallhowa now and then failed like aome of tbe reat o ua in meelinithia bill promptly aa lho trade- people concerned coald deairo on oca oooaaion a briak youug tailor named berry lately aucoeedod to hia fathers baeinear ent in hie ncooonl aomewbat ahead of time whereupon matthnwa with virtooaa rage eoized hia pen and wrote him tho miowinr noto yon ronat bo a goose harry to lend me yonr bill berry before it ia dne borry tfoor father the eldor berry woald have had more lonae yoa may look very blaok porry and feel very bine berry bat i dont aare a straw berry for yon and yont bill borry the wrong track there ia a rather ornsty old gentleman attending my ohnroh aaya a detroit clergyman and his abeenoo for aaverat weeka led me to call upon him he ia not a oommonioanl aud i am afraid at time that he is slightly ekoptical lie ia very pronounced iu his polllioal views and aa conversational matter ran rather short i songfal lo interest him by aaking hows politics v uows politics v be repeated without a ohauoe of connteusnoe howa politic thats a pretty quealion for yon if you want to make money faay and to aek when yon know that i haven fast write their branttord house for a i beard yon proach for the lad sevonj position like mine days boston journal