Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1899, p. 2

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bobn onaiuwtn erin townehlp on bturdy tho wtb july to mr ud mm wm grtbaaoi a d lighter cmenolm- on tha hth august ro tba township of erin to mr and mri wm ohlihom a dkugbter kltenkmin aotounn friday 18th august to mr and mrs o l kitchen a daughter paihk at iuohland iowa on tuosday 92nd august tba wlfo ol dr robert h fyuo aged ca years ihnan at uaelpb on monday aist august tba wile of jamaa inuai exm p lato of tba quolpb moreurr pbrkinb at gloversvllle n y on monday 14th auguit jobu rerklna jr formerly of acton aged 21 yean b ttan jfm uss thursday august 84 1899 notes and comments a writ baa been iesaed op behalf of mr jamos cormaok jan at qaelpb against mr thomas werdell m f p or north wontwortb or 96000 damages or alleged abaauit also imprisonment and malioioas proseoutton in oonneolion with tbo north waterloo eleation the hsmburgiscbo correspondent dis- ouaaing the assertion that germany should publish oertian documents proving tbe innooenoe o dreyfua lays the answer to tbia ia that dooumonti of tola nature cannot he piodaoed or the almple reason that germany never bad anything to do with oapt dreyna lord chief justice russell o killoweo after a visit to faria aaya there ia not enough evidence against dteyfoa tj bold bim or trial however lord bnaiill baa hie english idea o teatlmony in franoe aueploions and allegatlona are almoet aa goocl aa evidence againet the priaoner the following official statement baa been iaaned the department of agriculture ia oily alive to tbe importanoe of prevent ing tbe possibility o the inlrodaotlon into canada of tbe bnbonto plagae and tbe cireotorgeneral of foblio health baa given anah inttraotione to quarantine officers aa will the department feel satis- fled proteot the pnblio health it ia ramored aa probable that tha present parliament before it dissolve will be face to faoe with a northsrses queation to conaider tha advlaability of oreatlng a oonple of new provinces in the territories mr villeneove member for friooe albert intha northwest assembly is in favor of the oreatlon of two provinces while nioholoe flood davin says only one province is needed sir charles topper in a recent interview in london regarding the alaskan boandary diapote between tbe united states and canada strongly endorsee the idea of arbitration between the two conntriea and falling that be proposes that canada oonstrnot a through una of railway to dawson city in addition to this ha endorsee sir wilfred lanriera action and is strongly in favor of closing tbe gold fields sgainit tbe citisena of the united slates chinas emperor insane ssjuiomr aug 22 tbe fekln cor respondent of the shanghai mercury says that the emperor is showing serious symptoms of insanity he is constantly mattering and laughing eleven special trains conveyed 4boo harvest hands to trie northweat tuesday toeosto aug 28 harvesters excur sions to the northweat wars held ysstsrday all day it took eleven special trains to carry tbe orowda every train ooming into toronto from the surrounding ooantry was laden with farm bands bonnd for manitoba to earn a few abekala in gather ing in the golden grain of tbe west donbtlesa some of the boys will become enamoured of the oonntry and staythere it is estimated that 4600 persons want wsst yesterday there ware 20 cars of baggage this excursion waa a reoord smasher the new weekly the laat issne of the weekly had and empire contains its own funeral notice it ia ip troth the laat iaaue of the weekly in ita present form next wask tbe new weekly hall and empire will appear it will oomprise three eightpage sections distinguished as the news agricultural and literary sections in tbe endeavor to make it dlatinotly a home paper appealing to every member of the family tbe weakly halt and empire will retain ita excellent news features and will absorb the farm and fireside strengthening il with a wider and mora varied treatment of agricultural and livsstook topiot retaining however the womans department by sit ibe oritioal talks by flaneur ita legal queries answered by barrister edward meek and its popular childrens page espeoial merit ia promised or tbe illustrated ahort and serial stories as being worthy features of the literary section neighbo news news items supplied by corres pondents and bxohanges limehousb tha lime go are having an unuinally busy season the new water wheel end- gjbt of the ontario agricultural oolege a s ii 4vm vanral in annnaab nn mnii other improvements have given tbe worka an advantage in turning out their popular brand of ontario cement graaa fires along the g t r have been numeroua tba toronto lime co have pot in a new aet of platform aoales mr and mrs l gray toronto and mlas lottie moore of acton visited at tbe home of mr john moore last week the long continued dry weather has been hard on tbe oropa and paluros ballinafad it is now estimated ibat the bodies of 2500 vlotimi of the recent hurricane at ponce island of porto bioo have been burled that 1000 persona ware injured by the atorm and that 2000 people are still mining for a buainess man to say to tbs news the aohoola reopened on monday mr graham and mr embree of brampton paid a flying vialt to friends here laat week attar a tour up to fergua elora and other place mr anderson spent aome daya visiting toronto laat week and than left for bit home in keewadin a number of our achool leaobera wheeled to muikoka laat week miaa m mokee la visiting friend here mr r campbell of southampton waa renewing ou acquaintanoea here laat week mr fowlie jr of erin filled rev mr milne pulpit very acceptably while mr milne was spending hit bolidaysclaewhere civio holiday is now a current topio of oonveraation crewsons corners mr j walker was the first in tbia vloluity to oomplete harvesting he fin ished on the 14th inat jobn ia known aa a hustler a number of our boys are talking of going to bsiny biver to work on tbe new railroad tbera mr r clancy of rockwood deliversd a very eloquent sermon in the methodist ghnrch here sunday morning of last week the methodist church will be oloaed for the next two or three weeks undergoing muoh needed repslrs it ia now in tbe hands of the contractors mist lisale lambert of gait apent her vacation with friendi in the old home here the misses mo arthur of petrolit are visiting at mm laichmans we are pleased to again have mrs eagle of cleveland a former resident of tbn place in our midst nassaoaweya over a week ago a fire broke out in wm oarradioes buah on the mountain in nassagaweya and it baa been bnrnidg ever sinoe it bss run over a thousand acres of buab has done a tremondona amount o damage and la aiill bnrning wm oarradioe is the heaviest loser besides his timber bis crop of peas has been burned jobn gallagher is suspected of atsrting the fire in order to ores another man to leave a bouse of which he wanted to get poaaesaioo and peter tebo is said to know something about tha matter mayor deacon issued a warrant for the arreat of gallagher and tebo and gave ii to chief constable bradley who taking obaa jones with him aa a special oonatable drove to tbe scene of the fire on the way tbey met gallagher coming to milton with a load of wood and the ohief oonstable let him go on making op hia mind that it would be more convenient to arrest him when he arrived in milton when the oonetablea reached the bosh they were told that tebo wss fighting tbe fire and after a long and hard acramble over rooks and logs they captured bim he tried bard to esoape but tbey handcuffed bim and then he weakened and admitted that about nine oclock on tbe night tba fire started he saw gsllaghsr going into the slashing when it first broke out on the constables return to milton tbey found gallagher arrested bim without any trouble and took bim and tebo to jail gallagher is about 85 years of age is married and has a family of 14 children champion- tha irs has extended during the week to the bath of mr peter bayers and did considerable damage it is not yet entire ly under oontrol i wimter wheat v results of test made by seventy- two ontario farmers thle season eighty varieties of wiuter wheat have been grown in the experiment depart- evbrton up a little ia equivalent to a vary sick person aaylng to a pbysioian oh no dootor i cant take any of your roedieins now lmtooaiok walt until i get better and then ill take it when the patient gets well if he ever does he will sot be in need of medicine tbe best time to advet tlee is when the need for atlmolsnt la tbe greatest and is when business is dull that throbbing headache would qulokly leave you if you used ir kings new life fills thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nsrvoua headaches they make pure blood and strong nervea and build np your health easy to take try them only 25 oents money back if not cored bold by j dr mokee druggist paper man ob dear no its too doll to advertise now wilt nnt11tlnisspick mlntstsrwu a on tuesday of last week mr and mrs benson entertained a carriage load from ouelph oonaiatlng of mrs molsan and daughter of toronto two misses sharp of hamilton and miss hewer of goelpta tbe party bad a pleasant drive out and a vary enjoyable visit returning to gutlph in the evening on tuesday evening of laat week about fifty of mr sey tones congregation met at mr o lomes when hs resided to spend a social evening with him after aome singing and speeches by a number of the friends mr jaa black read ths following address while mr john evert presented the purse bav w b bxttomi dear brother snd late paator as you sre now on ths ovs of yoor dsparture from amongst us sftar twelve months sojourn in which time you have endeared yourself to all onr hearts by yoor gentlemanly and kindly christian besrldg towards ns we take tbia opportunity of meeting bexa on this occasion to offer to yon our slnosre regrets that olraumetanoes ovsr wbleb we have no oontrol ahoald have led yon to decide to sever yoor connection with us as pastor it gives as plsesure to testify to the more than ordinary ability exercised in expounding the word and the christian spirit you have manifested on oocsalons of brotherly oom- mnnlon and intsroourss wo ardently hope and trust dear brother that wherever your fatnre soene of labor may bo those to whom yon 13 211 11 213 w 001 it s 10 191 ontario teats avoraga 0 yrs bus per acre 60 ctfl 27 0 to in dsur a rich lady enpd of br deafasm aadnofmi in tin hd by dr nicholson artlfloml ear drums hat wot 1000 to w institute ao ifau deal people unable to procure the ea drama my bate them friw apply 10 dspttrimmft x b tbo ioethnte longootk gannon oory lonctoo w england for obotoeiiigaroorotl hama and baoon go to kolftooi batcher shop next to henneyb shoe store qualities of mind and baart and will aitend to yon that kindness and consideration of wblob yon yoatajalf are so wall qualified to bestow we now present yon with this purse and bop yon will aooept it in tbe spirit in wblob it u peo not for its intrlnsls value but aa repre senting tbe kindly spirit snd loving respect wa all entertain for yon biorao m bahavur or thb cotranuunoir mr soy tone gave with mnoh feeling lengthy reply thanking them for the kindly fselidg and aollon tbey had shown him and admonishing ihem to be true to and stand together for god and hie oanae after tea they bade bim farewtil and dleperaed he left here next morning and epent the remainder of the week in bock- wood and ooelpbi preaching in gntlph trinity baptist chorob naornlog and ef eolng sunday soth on wednesday mr nell hoeaohern temchsr wheeled out from hie home in gttelph and epent a few daya with tbo bortop boye oalllng ae well on ssreral other aeqaalntanoee all enjoyed hie company ho hae jost returned from a trip to liverpool england on saturday hiee b simons arrived from london for a ahort visit at her father borne bar mr tayloref toronto preached to tbo oongnftatlon of the dledplee ohnroh last sunday morale and evening some of our yonng amen left last tuesday forthekortfaireat for at least five yeartt in eacoesnion and tbe power tt withstand tbe cold weather strength of straw amount of rust yield of grain weight per muauured bushel eto of etch variety have bean carefully dater- mined each esr the result of these practical fiell experiments at tho oolloga form the basis for tbe election of a few of tbo very best kinds for tslinn on the farms throughout tho province the oo- oporative experiments of tbe past few jeare show that those varieties which have given tbe best average results in the experiment conducted at tbe celege or fivo jeara io sooceiaiop have nearly always given good satisfaction on the farms of the provinoe in tbe autumn of 1808 seven varieties of winter wheat were used for theoooperativo tettx tbeso wero divided into threo eets with three varieties in eaoh set tso dawsons golden chsff befog used in all the sets as a bails by whioh tbe results of all the varieties shooll be compared with one another the past winter was exceptionally severe on the winter wheat orop throughout ontario consequently the number of com- phte tests is not so lares as quasi report e of buqoqsbfolly conducted cooperative ex perimsnta with winter wheat were received from seventytwo experimenters before the 13tb lost at whioh time we itrted to work up the summary result i in order to plane the information before the wheat growers at ae early a date as possible it ia interesting to know that these seven two good reports oame from po less than twentyseven counties and dlatrlots la ontario including eiaox in the west car it t in in tbe east and tho district of algomaln the north as we sow about one million acres of wheat in ontario eaflh autumn the results of tho winter wheat experiments conducted on the different farms throughout tho province are of inestiraabli value to those interested ip wheat growing the following tibia gives the compara tive yield of straw and grain per acre of of tbe varieties of winter wheat taetod on seventy two farms in 1800 straw por aero drain per acre toti weighed buifcelb dawsons golden chaff 13 89 5 stewarts champion 11 93 i early bed glawson early qeneseo qtant imperial amber bearded winter flfo qoldondrop three of the foregoing varieties have been used in tbe oo operative tests over ontario for eaoh of the past six years tbe next table giveb the average results of the six ears experiments with each of these varieties at the agricultural college and also throughout ontario o a o tests varieties avorago 0 yrs bus por acre dawaons goldon chaff 475 early genesee giant 43ji early bed olawson 5 conclcbion 1 in the average yield of winter wheat per sore tbe dawsons goldon chaff stood highest among eleven varieties tested over ontario in the year 1803 among nine varieties in eaoh of the years 1801 1805 and 1890 and among seven varietlos in eaoh of the years 1807 1808 and 1890 2 in the cooperative experiments for 1800 the stewarts champion bearded winter fife and dawsons golden ohaff oame through tbe winter tbe best and tbe golden drop tbe poorest 8 tbe early bed clawsou and imperial amber wero tbe flrbt and the bearded winter fife and stewarts cbam- were the last to maturo in 1990 4 dawsons golden chaff and the early genesee giant possessed tbe strongest straw and tbe bearded winter fife tbe weakest straw in tbe testi oftbia year 5 stewarts ohamplon and the bearded winter fife produced tho longest and the golden drop tbo shortest straw in 1810- 0 in the cooperative experiments of eaoh of the post six years the dawsons golden chaff was one of tbe least and tbe early genesee giant was one of the most affected by met 7 in 1809 all varieties were practically free from emnt whioh is nearly always the oase whsn no smut is aown with tbo wheat 6 the stewarts ohamplon and daw sons golden chaff produced the plumpest and the imperial amber and early bed olawson ibe most shrunken grain in this years teste 0 the stewarts champion and daw sons golden chaff were the most popular varietlesand the golden drop was the least popular variety with the experi menters in 1800 10 daring tbe past beven years tbe dawsons golden chaff has been an exoeedingly popular variety with tbe farmers who have been conducting these oooperalive experiments throughout on tario dibti1idot10n or skkd fob testing poiirobbb the following two seti of winter wheat varieties will be sent free by mail in one- half pound lots of each variety t- farmers applying for them who will oarefnlly test the three kinds in ths set whioh they choose and will report the results after harvest next year the seed will be sent ont in tbe order in which the spplloatlone are received as long as the supply lasts bet l set a dawsons golden ohaff dawsons goldon cbatt early genesee giant diamond grit early bed olawson gold coin each person wishing one of these sets ahoald apply as early as possible mention- log which aethedejireiandthe grain- with instructions for testing and tbe blank form on whioh to report will be furnished free of cost to his address until the supply of grain for distribution is exhausted all communications sboold bo addressed to o a zavlu agricultural college experimentalist gneiph aug 17h 1809 will bk sb he fair a frightful blunder will often eaose a horrible pure soald gut or bruise buoklens arnica salve the best in tbe world will kill the pain and promptly heal it cures old sores fsver sores ulcers boils felons corns ell skin eruptions best file cure on earth only 35 oents a box care guaranteed sold by j d bfokee droggist a special attraction ia to be provided for all lovers of una stok ej the industrial fair toronto whjoh is to be held aug 2h to sept 0 an exhibit of jersey cattle and berkshire pgs is to bo made by the famous hood farm lowe ii luass this herd has been built up by gathering to gather at groat expense of time and money the best representatives of the combination and tennessee strains and by the oxerolse of the best judgement in breeding some idea of the superiority of the flood farm jerseys may be gained from the fnot that in 1803 ht ihe worlds gair cbioago tho hood farm cow brown bessfe won the 00 and do days teats making more bultsr la a da a week a month aud throughout tie entire period of tbo tost t it tin any other oo w of any breed merry maiden alro owned at flood farm vai tho wlnuer of the grand aweepatakca award as the best individusl cow of any breed all throe tests oomblued and was the only jersey that proved herself superior to all cows in all other breeds in all teats brown bssslos hon is at tho heal of the herd he has eeveu daughters in the 14 lb list aud two sons that are producers merry maid ens sou a son of brown bessies son and tho grtat merry maiden is a young bull whose tlrst calves are now being dropped uniting as he does the blood o both the greet worlds fair wjnnerc his progeny are sure to bo good boter makers he is beyond qoebtion the mobt valuable bull in the world new books tbe advenluree of jennie baxfr jcurc allst is one of the eit books from the gifted poo of bobert birr as the reader may guebb from tbe title jennie baxters joqrnajiitio oureer was not oonqnud either to editing a womans page or holding side tvlks with girla instead she does the work of a regoltr reporter except that aa her department is tbe securing of sensational scoopa for her piper hsr work is very similar t that of a private detsptive in which role this shrewd and energetio but altogether aharming yoan4 woinsjn is fjngalaily enccefsfu of conrde an exciting love fetory f woien io the tile the book has been putliahed by tbe copp chrk company limited at the unusually low price of 15 cent it is refreshing to read a new book whioh is really new in style and novel la matter such a vcjume is mrs jjottie moaiisters new canadian ttory clipped winga mrs moalitter is the wlfo of a caialian mcthodht minuter and has bad tbe experience necessary to give interesting sketches of canadian country life her vivid poirayal of home life on the farm experiences in a hospital the young man wbo left the farm and wholesome piatares of the every day life of people whom we seem to know are captivating in style her indictment of the liquor traffic is timely tbis book will be in demand and will fill a placji very woihily in either the public or sunday school library paper 50 o cloth 00o postpaid wm brlggs fabliehor toronto the most widtly read books of tbe present day are tboie from the pen of charles sheldon author of in his steps one of his latest works the miracle at mar lb am is before aa tbia is a story of bow twelve churches virtually became one in point of effort for the advancement of tbe cause of god and ia written in snob an exciting and interesting manner that even the casual reader is entranoed the ohief character in ths story is jobn procter a faithful pastor in markham a small city of a dozen or more churches becomiug convinoed that there is a criminal waste of religious efforts through lack of oo operation among tbo churches procter leads a movement towards federa tion and ultimate onion ho is assisted by dean bindaji an episcopalian who is driven however to a sadden death through anxiety by the hostility of his oburch brethren because be invited procter to preaoh in bis pulpit his eon francis wbo ii in lovo with procters daughter jane takes np bis fathers work and william procter janes brother i is intro ducing as a iymbn ths eamo principles of obrlatian nnion ia tbs frontier town of pyramid colorado his 1 ve for bebeooa phillips the only daughter of an andover theological professor is an additional inspiration to williams bebeooa bad refused to marry william because he was not a minister and jane had refused francis bandall because be was the interest in the ttory centres in tbe way these two girls decided their fate and tbe way jobn procter realized his hopjs of see ing the twelve oharohes of markham made one paper 80 oents cloth go oents post paid william briggi publisher toronto manitoba crops winnma ang 21 tbe northern pa- oifio orop report for the week ending aug 21 shows the condition of the crops along tbe companys lines in manitoba to be flrstclass along tbe brandon and morris branohot outtlng has commenced and will be general by the middle of tbe week at emerson the harvesting is in full swing while along tbe portaga branch it will be on this week some 600 families from the vicinity of winona minn will probably oeltlo in tbe moots mounts i o piatriot in aesinibola in tbe near future pact fancy and fable have convinced people that pa loams painless corn extractor should be glvon the preference pet rid of your corns get got rid of them without palo nss fab- nams extractor and no other when you dream that somebody is pushing you over a precipice its time you looked after yonr stomach and hver you may not believe in dreams but thnt particular sort of dream is likely to come nretty near true if you n take promp m tb prevcnftit if you neglect the wnniinnr you may find that you nn nct- ually pushing yourself over jthe precipice of xi l disense into the abyss of death if dont forget l your heart and lungs mid brain find nerves arc sup plied with blood and nutriment through your stomach liver one bowels if they dp nftt do their i u w properlv if the woft is full of poisonous matter your whole tpdy will soon be full of impurity end disease nnd it is small wonder you dream of disaster dr pierces golden medical discovery purifies and enriches the blood it cleanses the whole digestive system and is an antidote for poison in the blood it is a bloodmaker and fleshbuilder nnd is good for the nerves it brings restful sleep and a clear head it contains no alcohol whisky sugar syrup or dan gerous opiates i used dr pfereca golden wedlcal diacorery j pleasant pellets and have had no tnrabft with indlfwtlot alfice writes mr w t n nh asim writer jar w thorn wmaf townsead broadwater co mot tana words fall to tell haw thankful am for the relief an i had unlftrrd ao moch and it cmttutthflpcwmu1ddomcnorood i sot down in wclfrtit to u pounds and waa sot able to work wow i weigh nearly sea and can do a day work on tba fans thorn nover was and never will ijs a uuiverbal panacea- in one remedy fpr all ills to whlokjfleeh is holr the very oaturo of many cuipltivetf 1 olng auoh that were the ormo other ud differently seated diaeauca rooted in tho eyetom of tho patient what would relieve one hi in turn would aggravate the other wo have however in quinine wine when obtained in a souud unadulterated state u remedy for many and grlnvoas ills by its gradual judicious use the frailost svbtemb are led into con- i valescenoo and strength by tho infiuonoo whioh quinine exerts on nftttjroa own restoratives it relieves the drooping bpiritbof those with whom a ohrouio state of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life la a disease and by tranquilizlng the nerves dlepossb to sound and refresh ing bleep imparts vigor to the aotion of tbe blood which being stimulated ooursco throughoot the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a neoessary result btreqgtheniog the frame and giving life to the digestive orgaus which naturally demand increauod subbtunre result im proved appolite korthtop a lyman of toronto liavo tiven to tho pnblio their quinine wine at the usual rate and guagod by the opinion of solootlbts this wine approaches nearest perfection of any the market all druggists eel it ilorirmans headnohe powders nro tit d la pen sable in my house 1 lime glvon them to my friends and they alt wnnt to set them bend mo a halfdozon boxes fl lambov cwk dcnj montour falls n y noffhans headache powders will sure any kind of headnohe la 80 minutes without causing any disagreeable after effects they are sold by all druggists in ids envelopes and 26c boxes tin norfmah phto c briiscbars obl she and did he fellow you when you eloped he yei hes living with ns yet an eatcrnrlhlug finn there are few men moro wide awake and entarprlsing than j d mokee who spares nopaina ti beoore the best of everything in bis libs for his many customers ho now haj the agenoy for dr kings new disoovory whioh surely cures consump tion coughs and colds this is the wonderful remedy that it now producing so muoh excitement all over the aoantry by its many startling cures it absolutely onres asthma bronohitis nausea and alt affection of the thro it chest and ijuoga voa can teat it before buying by calling t tbe above drug store aud getting a trial bottle free or regnlar sizs for 50 cte and 9100 guaranteed to oure or price refunded her tather from tbe head of the stairs ethel ii that young man gone ethel ia an eothio stage whisperjvawfully papa igueas my mn you dont understand the nature of an oath dont eh why idruva team of army moles ferfour months spains greatest need mr li p olivia of bracelona spain spends his winters at aiken s c wosk nerves bad caused bevare pains in tbe back of bis head on using electric bitters ameriaa greatest blood and nerve remedy all pain soon left him he says this grand medicine is what his country needs all america knows that it cares liver and kidney trouble purifies tho blood tones up tbe stomach strengthens the nervea pats vim and vigor and new life into every muscle nerve and organ of tbe body if weak tired or ailing yon need it every boltlo guaranteed only 60 cents soli by j d mokee druggist august 17m ebtablishhj ib43 hamiltons ravorilii shopping placl some secondfloor bargains heres a list that will gke you an idea of the way prices in our second floor stocks are being affected by our summer clearing sale and these are representative items they are equally as worthy values in great profusion a 1 oer the store think of all the use there 11 yet be this season for garments like these and then consider how much youll savo by taking advantage of this opportunity prope fo jsale mjmbelt of farms aud village property for sale on easy terms apply to wm hembtitbbt aoton- cattle steayed stltaed en tbo pre m ikb ot tbo tin dor ilfined loit con i hrin about lot august two year old attorn owner may linvo profior hugh mlcutoiiuon for sale rphat double iouftti cast bnuio nnd lot dlflct a ly north ot tho rrcsliyterlan uiurcli belodhidk to tbo estate of tlio into archibald camiiboll deceased for particulars apply to a j mckinnon hollcltor for tbo cxccutaru agents childrens dresses quite a large lot of children print gingham and muslin dresses in a choice selection of patterns and colorings daintily trimmed with lace insertion and frills in various styles greatly reduced in price the 75c kind reduced to 50 the 81 00 kind reduced to 65 the fti 25 kind reduced to 85 the 8t 35 kind reduced to t 00 ladles wrappers black sateen wrappers good quility fast black trimmed with ribbon formerly 83 25 now 82 00 muslin wrappers in a ariely of new figured designs in pink green and mauve made with flounce and frill trimmed yoke were 81 50 now 8t 00 linen graah skirts irish crash skirls five gored well made and perfect fitting were 8135 n 2 another line of crash skirts with strappings in white and colors five gored were 8175 now 8125 white cotton vests 6c ladies white cotton vests good quality short sleeves were 8c each now only 5 white pique skirts plain pique skirts ruegored made mall of dors receive prompt attention we prepay the freight or express to any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting to 85 or over address all letters to department s tliomas c watkins r of good quality pique heavy or fine welt formerly 83 reduced to 8200 formerly 82 75 reduced to 815 white pique skirts with flounce and strapping extra quality sty lish and well made formerly 83 50 reduced to 82 25 formerly 82 75 reduced to 82 00 shirt waist bargains 10 dozen muslin and pnnt blouses made in a variety of stylish do signs stripes checks and plaids various fashionable shades were 75c clearing at 35c plain white lawn hlouses fine quality formerly 85c and 8 clear ing at 50c 25 dozen cambric chambrcy and zephyr blouses in a large assort ment of patterns all the leading shades well made and stylish garments were 81 i 25 and 8r 35 now 50c leather belts reduced ladies black leather belts with nickel brass or leather covered harness buckle ajl about half price the 25c ones selling at 15c the 30c ones selling nt 20c t he 50c ones selling at 35c the 75c ones selling at 50c colored leather bells in brown lan blue red and green with brass nickel or leather covered harness buckles at like reductions king st east cor hughson st hamilton did jou over think of bundling our latcm work tho light of llfo i if not now h a good time to start fdco a day suro norno inako twico that uxrcrtonco or capital unnecessary tuu bnadievaahketson co llmiled drantlord outarlo a isteek of clearing special clearing sale this week the fall fairs list of the agricultural exhibitions whioh interest tree prcsa readers halton milton sept 28 20 esqaeilng qeorgstowo sept 20 industrial toronto aug 28 sept a wsstoru ijondon sept 710 eaat elgin bt thomaa bept 0h canada oantral ottawa sept 1123 wolltiley wellssley bept 12 is owen sound bept 1214 southern branttord hept 1021 northern walkerton sept 10 20 central quolpb sept 1031 north oiford woodstock sept 8123 north brant paris sept 25 90 north waterloo berlin sept 30 27 lllklogton elora bept so 27 centra brace paisley be 20 27- peel brampton sept 20 27 norlhweatarn qoderloh bept 2628 o wellington fergus sept 37 28 w wellington harrlaton sept 27 2s sooth waterloo gait bept 28 20 north perth stratford oot b 4 paslinoh aberfoyle oot 6 eramois rookwood oot 10 11 worlda fair rookton oot 10 11 erin erin oot 1020 everything savoring of stjmmer will be driven out scotch ginghams reduced swiss spot muslin reduced art muslins reduced curtains reduced millinery goods reduced ribbons at sale prices parasols reduced ladies umbrellas reduced irish table linens special sale this week irish linen towels and irish linen napkins reduced there is a special sale of shoes on also come to the sale and come in the morning it is the coolest time to shop we are ready at 8 a m valuable properly for sale tmie undorsigijod offers for vale that dcflirablo x property in tbo tbrivldr vldinto or acton comtirfalok two loin bounded by mill and joliu utrootd ana dower avouao on tlio property a ccmfortablefranio dwelling jargo uarn hard and toft wo tor ao the property will bo bold elthor on bloo or tho loia separately and with or without tho uarn 1 orma tnadu known unou application to w e smith or it j mcmwl itockwood acton wanted agents inovory dlatrlct on tho continent to tako orders for hi fill grade canadian grown nuraery stock and fckcrli lmrcoat and moat com ploto aasortwont iu tho trade taat boiling specialties superb earn plea furulahcd froo correspondence iu any language thca eositlona aro money makers and territory should e socurod at once for tho season by all hustlors looking for a good thlnfl our aafary or com mlaalon ofrora intcroat to anjouo not carnlnu 1000 00 per year liet in communication with our nearest office ao opportunity to ropraaont a welleitabllaued house ability moro imrior- tantthan experience luke bltotheitr company lutordatloualnuraorios ohiiiprilitwoijtrealrrrmoctrebtt acton civic holiday proclhmhtion whereas it baa been tbo custom for toany ycara to sot apart a day for civic holiday and wboroaa many citltonn bavo expres ed a doairo that tbn custom bo observed this year i hereby proclaim thursday 24th august a clvio holiday for this municipality in accord ancewltb a largely signed petition presented to mo and would respectfully request that all citizens would observo tbo aamo j b fcakbon ilcotu beevoa olbco august 10th 16ot jtour rarcels ot valuable property in acton for sale the following property belonging to air patkick kelly now of buffalo is offered for sale at low prlcoa and easy torma panceb 1 that una brick reaidonca and two lota on tbe corner of chorob and ouelph strsetn contain 8 rooms bard and aoft water splendid orchard ond good sarden abokz 2 good building lot 66x132 on onalph street next to alex itamatiawe new realdeooe upon wbleb is a young orchard pancus 3 the store and dwelling on mill atrmt occupied by uurncy broe wbo carry on a gtnarai bnalnaab is in splendid location central and convenient pabcbx 4 three good building lots at tb corner of young and alill streets a splendid lt for mantifaoturiog establishment owing to ita proximity to q t depot for term and partieulara enquire at tho office of w h denny young 8l acton the frank dowler co- cuelphs greatest store trunfcs for 150 club bas leather 125 gladstone bags shawl straps trunk straps steamer trunks canvas bound brass mounted 375 to 55o hi c i bbssi l a- the shoe man guclph 8 stores 10 grand trunk ivk farm laborers excursions to winnipeg and otber points in manitoba and asalnl j- moosajaw i kstaran f yorktosm oowan i good going from stations in ontario west of toronto aogast a2n4 1b0q baat of toronto aagdat ftlth stop ovsr allowed winnlpog and woat but tickets may ba osod to destination by august alat 1809 erory passenger will bo riven a cerunoato wuleu must be dopoaitod with agont immediate ly at arrival where pasaenser anally leaves tbe train on surrender of this oertiaeate on or before november 15tu rotarn tickots will bo leaned for eioo special train leaves toronto al 133 p m augnaiffindl and mth via kortb bay through colonist sleepers will bo run toronto to wlnnl tickets and all information from o t b agenta h s holmes agent aoton m o dickson dlst fassr agt toronto main 8treot planing mills acton ont john cameron arohltoot and contractor alannfaetarerofsasb doors frames afouldlliga in all styles drxssjno sail mouldwq to order on abort notloe 711 assortsd atook on band at prlooa toaa tbe times john cameron proprietor 1000 men wanted a r mann at flnmark for work on the ontar rainy river rail- road wkgbs 178 p9r dry is wonths sniohk to good meim tbis now railroad pasaea through the groat mioior and farming diatriot of rainy river and lake of the wooda apply to james matthews acton c yy if aelton cuelpl fine newjewellery store tha wellknown premises ot bavags si oo qnelph bava been in the hands of ths oarpsniers painters aud blasters for s oonpls of months and the plsos hae been oompletely trsnsforraod they have prao tially a new store with mnoh hatter light mora convenient arrangement more oom- modiona ineersral important dspartmanla and altogstber a very attractive plaoe tbia baaineiahaa boon satabliahed for fifty one years and there la ample enterprise still in tha firm for another half oentnry of soooessfnl holiness what it represents when you sit for a photograph you want the likeness to repiesent you properly when you sit to us we want the work o represent us properly our imprint ntne tjut the kraph and for our sake as well as yours we are sure to give you lifelike satisfac tory photographs photo rrtist rcton is seen on best photo when ptiopls an ploaasd they aay noth ing when thay are displeased they grumble the- nations holiday o exposition and industrial fair toronto aur 28th to sep 9 99 all upto date attractions progress the century illustrated in the worlds inventions wireless telegraphy wireless tele graphy improved x rays grand military and naval spectacles famous enjluh and american uatllcs dcpicled marvellous entalnment features the best fair the cheapest tair the creaiesranhnaltalr on earth entries oloae angnat 5th bxouratons on all unas of travel for pilre lisls entry forms and all particulars address j jwioirow pretidrjit h- j hill jfanaoer toiomo for schoo reopening new choice and artistic cover desingns for exercises and scribblers and all the necessary text bqoks and school requisites fanoy stationery a large assortment of the latest writing tablets- of artistic design good quality and popular prices all tbe newest shades in writingpap- ers with envelopes to mitten a t brown mill street acton

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