turning fray what docs your mirror say docs it tell you of some little ctrceks of gray are you pleased po your friends or the same age show this loss of power also just remember thct rsy hair never becomes darker without help whlla dark hair rapidly becomes i gray when ohoe the chanfce begin y sayers vigor will bring back to your hair the color of youth it nccr fails tit is just as cure cs thcfcjicsjtrjfcljssjiw op tbgt water quenchetffre it cleanses the scalp also and prevents the formation of dondruffjtfed ajid aoort- ishes the culbs of thaxhalr making them produce a luxu riant growth it stops the hair from falling out and ityea a line soft finish fe thethafr as well tto hmto n book on tlio italr and scalp wlilchyou ma obtuln fraa upon reqneit 1 it rou donm obtain kit til banaots you oipectett from ibo lis of lb 7i j il vlftor write the doctor abont it aodrcispit j c ats yju i ahtikbday august 21 1899 virtuu of aut hthw h m ol th hh wly t by will m wjtnmlly hw t wllnl allow he mil o dlilv orasmi llit 5tiltt mjallrtjutl villi ui huml tlio itrihsullloii bold you have tlio vitality to wllhitaud lira no soap hatha tbo entire body do not usuloct tuaiaoaoil neok in urn free hsyy tlio aaliwstm ibis wh la an eatallaratlnit inflaanss tones tits tinlirtayitam and dives to tho akin ajbealthlot oonditlon tlil am ply iepaya ftft ue trouble vved ii died in ibo winter lb will bo- an txctllent preventative of colds boidas being a aab atitoto for faeo cosmetics no chapping no ronabnoratit lbs ia nd nb dogging of the pores will if liable the pertoa who sys tematioally and regntarly takes a bath of thia sort ordinary table and rook suit will do bat will not do so well the sea aal oontalna toodiclnal properties not fournhbuwcftbort whether one exer olses or nottbo body sboold receiver anally band botb of bold or com water especially ip the apmrnar either npod rising or before retiring e b warman in the aurobt ladits home journal qeoroe washington cata loqued trying to inspire her ariair it teacberma ohargea with patriotism relates tho philadelphia ttma iknowwhi mmifltila oonntry aaid a little one her eyes bright with eicitement of suppressed information who j george washington another hand ibot np in the air the little girl waa told to apeak he waa a king she said no we dont have king in this oonntry they have king in other countries bnt in ihetjnited btatetweoall durtiggetnnn something else does any one know wbat georgeaahlngton waa thajmku ailenoe and fho iitl weraavrminkled in thonght litturfifflthat had volunteered ihv tioajdljat washington was a kissld deoidedly well if he wasnt a king he was jaok f0ught guqciss- u1ifuttuulllrvitwbuftnnood m the iftuu liitllnn of bin uhilttron over their food mplmad in ft rutfe ouo ihy at dinner you ehldrolfwr intolerable j yon turn up your uortea at everything wiioq i wna a boy 1 was ofton tfud euough to ytt dry broad to eat poor papa aald itoao tho pot of tbo family i am bq lad yon are having auoh nioo times now livldg with mamma and ua wfutt io hat str6ngeh than istiiiil h iadifllqult to reaus3 that bo fragile loojfhag a ooooarrj aa a epider n wtjb ia proportionately one of tbo ptrongcot i hinge in tfiloionce tho oicitrmry epidbre throttd woull auppot without broakinr a elgb tbreo grains now a bar of uteeloae inob in diatnetar w vtti tbo diametwofaapidorjb ihndand qaloulato what weight thoea ihreud an inob in diameter would hnppott the ooncluaioa wo arrived at ia no leas than seventy four tona which mflftnpthftj thpptrniith of the ooem idr feeble thread is aa near as poa bible aa l aa ooaijt ar hall ti tf ate ttm06 eumetat srjf tyouyiq jfolhs ovr w la ho b jubt as aweot aa aweot can bo oor woo laddio porfoctlon to bis mltuor a oo for a worl i wadna gle oor woe laddla iio looks just lilto abutter ba our woo loddlo ilka bit about him a braw i wuduor wba he fl hko ftva oorwcoladio ho pqopaaaacunnlufrae biaoen oor woo laddio bomotlmoa lioa dirty iomotimoa clean no dintia aeom to care a proen oor woo laddlo hoa ayo la mtsoblat late tr aatte oor woe laddlo but mcgity i when a a aald an dune tboro b no hla like anoatb the mono oor woo laddlo whiles bo tumbloa rloht off hla chair oor weo laddie but no re groot has he to spare ho a up agafa an after mair oor weo laddie gudo bloib an guide him a hla days oor woo laddie may ho no or bond to gather straes but ayo be found lu wisdoms ways oor woo laddie an aynowbon tirao baa oloaod hla span oor woe laddlo may be wi hla aald mitbor a tan a prinoo for ayo in yon far ian oor woo laddlo wm lyle paines celery compound saves a little girls life they didnt mind what had 8he a woman who bad been a viotim of in digestion and ia kept to dyspeptfoi diet tnoafe of the time waa recently invited to a dinner which abe was anxious to attend bhe went to her telephone and trusting to somewhat unreliable memory aha mked to be conneo tod by tbo everobliging centra with telephone 2804 when the connection was made abe began her pan- tave query withonl any pro factory la that yea doctor i want very much to go to a little d inner tomorrow night she began rapidly and do yon think tk wonld hart me if i ate jost a taate of soap and perhaps a little abo or the least trine of game and a bit of ualad or ice i really ttipk my btomaoh here abe waa interrupted by a voice from tla other end of the wire madam it aald coldly eat whatever yea please thfa ia the meteor rubber company uaeri of painee celery compound never affer disappointment tho great medicine at all timea and under all oirotim stances brings to all anfferera relief and a permanent core mr maxima martel 189 mitoheson steoji montreal tejli what paiuea celery compoaod aooerapliahad for his little daughter whoae oaaa waa oomsidered an intarable one be aaya my daughter now eight years old was afnioteevwith torribu a j naatlv aix years and we thought her case an incarable one o had several pbyaioians to attend her and ahe took medicine of all kinds but abe got worse instead of better having bad onr attention drawn to v fact that fainoa celery compound wrought oorea after all other medicines failed we procured a aopply and after a fair use of the medioine we oan report that the disease is overcome and we trust has disappeared forever our little girl is now bright strong and healthy sleeps and eats well and her blood ia now aa pars as it oan posalbly be i have great pleasure in reoom mending paines celery compound aa a cure for scrofala and blood diseases it is the best medioine in the world shakespeare has no heroes be baa only heroines raskin worms cant stay when dr lows pleasant worm syrup la used thia remedy is death to tho worms does not harm the child and is nice to take contains its own cathartic price 25 cents dirt 1b contagious if anybody doubts lethimobbervo tbajrjpejat- ilitjrej wtji all aorta of rubbish they otfer a pdatthe invitation to everybody f toae or ewoep his burplua matter into tbem if tho atreets were kept in a proper eiite of cleanliness no decent person at least wonld think of throwing anything upon the road way or in the gutters tpr l oljjo moral effect cleanly sorroundiugs begot clean habits children going to and from school are nnoonaolpuely influenced by what th standing example of nncleanlineaa io those to whom the naturally look for loading they grow indifferent and caroleaa thus the toleration of dirt op the atreels becomes not only auenaoetobjaalfh batanintiuonoe for evil consideration of this bort may have no place in tho average atdermanio mind whioh eeeme to take iib inripiratlona from mediaeval times when the public tbrooghfatfb ware tup tomtnpo sejner peter tumbledowne motto ia always leave youc farm implements in tbo field ao that they will be there when you need them next timo it la a great public benefit these siguifioan words were need in relation to dr tbomaa eoleotric oil by a gentleman who thorongbly tested its meriti io hia own cajae having been curad by it of lame less of the knee of three or four years standing it never fail a to remove aoreneas ao well tineiesfraad iff av lnoompaxablo polmonio and corrective tboprefectly square man baa he largofti circle of frlende v gained 50 ouiila i have used burdock blood blltere for dyspepsia and eick headache before i started taking it i was thin and run dowp la health two bottles have completely oured mo and since tben i have gained about fifty pounds in weight mrs ellen vaogban moulton station ont 1 ive come to kill a printer bald the little man ny printer in particular inquired the foreman qb any ono 11 do i would prefer a small one but ive got to make soma sort of a bluff at fight or leave home bid co the paper called my witea pink tea a swill affair oi3i j im vjiti tl xveselableprepijralloyirdr as similating ihetoodandregula- uhglhcslomflcksawlbovfelsof see that the facsimile signature promotesdigeslioricheerful- ticssandrest contains neither qpnintmoiniwnfl nor mineral hot narcotic jvfcfexdnrsmvanrcbnt mxjmnm msuasju- apcrfect ilemedy for constipa tion sour stonbchdwrrhoea worrnseonvubiorfejfarisn- ncss and loss of sleep is on the wrapper of eveby bottije ob castoria outorla is pat up in onetlie tottrei only it b not sold x bnlk dont allow anyeno to soli yoa anything else on the plea or promise that it is jnat as good and will answer every pur pose 49 b that you got 0abt 0 rl a talfw- sj take comfort in thia no wise man ever lived who did not at timea make a fool of himself youthful rec tho naturl exubennco of youth often luida to reuesi- ness youiig people dont take caro of themselves get loverlicitcl catch cold and allow it to settle on tlio kid- i ntfys they don t rcili7c tho sigtiificinnj or bickicht 1 think it will soon piss auiy iout ittlocsn t urlniry trou- blea come then diabetes bnjrht dibcoso and shattered health a young life hoe been sacrificed any help for it ye i doans kidney pills thtso conquerors of kidney ills nro making tho rising generation healthy and strong mra o gridman 505 adclaldo st london ont bayi my aatiirhtcr now 13 years old hnu had weak kl lncys bfnco infancy and her health aa a consequence has always been poor j wo boxes ot dean s kidney pills havo removed ovcrysymptomof kidney trouble and restored her to perfect health lam truly thnnkful for tbo srout benefit they hav conferred upon her if woman lost eden anoh aa aha alona oan reatora it whittler a madloina cheat la tbo name appro priately applied to hegyarda tallow oil it oan be nied externally or taken internal ly cnrea oota barna brolaee oontraoted oorda aliff jolnta painf ol awolllng qnioay aore throat pain in tho alomaoh kidney complaint eto frioe 26 cents then ia a woman at the beginning ol all all groat thlnga io the dair a rioh lady cored of her deafneaaaqdnotaiin ths head by dr nloholaona artificial ear drama hat tent 1000 to hla inatitnte ao that deaf peoplo amble to proonre the ear drama may have them free apply to department k 9 tbo inatitnte longoott qannera oory london w england among the viaitora to a fine art exbibiton were two old ladiea ongaged in examlnlg wilb great irilorest a itataa reproaentlng a yonng greek anderneath whioh were in orlbed the words exeonted in terra oolta where is torra ootta aaked the eider ot the two taming to her oompanloo i baveot the ieaat idea replied the other i never heard of tho plaoo before ah well observed the bnt speaker it doesnt mnoh ilgnify tho poor man who was exeonted there ia not the leaa to be pilled wherever it may be keep in mind that scotts emulsion contains the hypo- pjiosphites these alone make it of great value for all affections of the nervous system it also contains glycerine a most valuable soothing and healing agent then there is the codliver oil ac knowledged by all physicians as the best remedy for poor blood and loss in weight these three great remedial agents blended into a creamy emulsion make a remark- able tissue builder 50c and eo alldfuixbaa fcott h downe chrabu toronto i castoria for infitnta and children woman is last at theoroea and earliest at tho grave e s barriet begolar aotion of the bowels la neoeasary to health laxaliver pills arc lbs basi oooaalonal oatbartio for any family or general nse prioo 25 oanta any drng glal women are a new race reoreated since ibo world rmaivad christianity baeober anxloos mothers find dr lows worm syrnp the best medioine io expel worms children like it worms dont two stratford ladies tell low mmrns heart and herve fills hake weak people strong mrs elizabeth barton bnttamasl ays t i apeak a good word for mil- bum s heart and nerve pills with pleasure they proved to mo a most excellent remedy for nervousness nervous debility and exhaustion and i con heartily recom mend them mrs polanp brunswick street says s my husband suffered greatly with ner vousness complicated by hxart troubles milburns hear and nervo pills have cured htm and ho now is well and strong laxaliver tokeonoatn fore retiring twill pills work while you sleep without a grip or grpe curing biliousness sick headache constipation and dyspepsia and moke yea feel better in the morning if joa would be anro of keeping tho lirgo fowu pare keep bantama bcparato from the flock mrs colebto goon syraouao n y writea for yeara i coold not eat many kinds of food without prodnolng a burning exornotion pain in my etomacb i took par m alee a pilli acaordiog to directions nnder the directions of dyapepaia or indigeettod one box entirely oared me i can now eat anything i oiioobo without distressing mo in the least theso pills do not cause pain or gripping and should bo used when a catbartla is required little bibter is telling a fairy tile to her baby brother bhe says impressively and tho wloked giant seized the man and took a hrgo knife and ont out bis heart bis liver and bis bacon 1 how thin you look do you like to hear it if not take scotta emulsion twill fill oat yonr sunken eyes hollow cheeks and yonr thin hands why not have a pi amp figure dont let disnasettaal a march on yon for where 1b any author iu tho world who toaohes buch beauty as a womand ojob shakespeare there nover was and never will ba a ualivorsal panacea in ono remedy for all ilia to whioh flesh ib heir the vory nature of many cutativoh being ouoh that were tho germs of nthor and differently seated diseases rooted in tlio ay a torn of the patient wbat wonld reliovo ono ill in turn would aggravate the other wo have however in quinine wine wben obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grinvous ills by its gradual judioiona use the frailest sj storns are led into con valeecence and strength by tho mfluonoo whioh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relievos tho drooping bpints of tboso with whom a chroma state of morbid despondent and lack of interest in life ia a disease and by trantimlizing tbo norvea disposes to sound and refresh ing sloop imparts vigor to tho action of tho blood whioh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening tho healthy animal functions of tho system thereby making aotivtty a necessary result strengthening tho frame and giving hfo to tho digeativo organs whioh naturally demand inaroauod aabatanco result iro proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto have given to tho public their qqimne wins at the usual rate and guaged by tbo opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any tho market all druggists sell it women teach ob repoao civility and dignity vcltairo from wben smoke from the chimney falls in stead of rising a storm is ooming coaghi that stick to yon that other remedies aeem powerless to relieve are promptly oured by dr woods norway pine by rap try it and youll be con vinced by being cured no belter time in all tho year to drain those wet places woman is the moat perfect when the moat womanly gladstone mlaabeails naaon clover hill n 8 taya i gladly recommend laxallver pills aa they oared me completely of constipation before x bad floiabed the third bo its chief use a little boy writing a composition on the zebra the other day was requested to describe the animal and to mention what it ia useful for after deep reflection he wrote the zebra ia like a hone only striped it ohiefly used to ill nitrate tbo letter z she wasnt new a widower married a second time and his choice waa a wealthy lady about fifty yean of age when the bride and bride groom returned horns from lbs wadding lbs husband introducing tbs wire to bit ohlldrsn aaid my dear obildren kiss this lady she is the new mamma i promised to bring yon after taking a steady look at the new mamma little charlie said fa yon have bean cheated aba isnt new at all permanent cure of cancer some t welve yeara ago mrs elizabeth gtlhula wife of he postmaster of bux ton ont was taken 111 with an obscure stomach trouble which her physi cians pronounced cancer of the stom ach and informed her that herlcase of lile would bv short mrs oilhula q the advice ol friends she comnnnccd liking burdock blood bitlrs the results that followed were little short of nnrvcllouit her strength and vigor r lurmd and in a short timo she wni compumcly cured mrs gtlhula is to day in the full enjoyment ol jolkiiil i til niiil in all ththc years there has not boon the slightest return of tho trouble here is the utter mrs gtlhula wrott at lie tuns of iter cure abo it four tears ago i wn taken sick villi suinich trouble and consulted several f the h tiding ph aiciiius here all of whom fon mi iltd the disease td bo canter of the uinuli of an niltirahlo nature and told 10 t it it wns hardly to bo expected that i cu i vj long afti wardthetwodoctors who vn re attending me gave me up to die by the advice of some of my friends vho k tew of tho virtues of burdock blood ii t i i was induced to try it and i am n v li pj v to say that ofter using part of iu fii t i olllo i felt so much bettrr i was i mofit up i an thankful to ntnte that i a n iouip tkly curt d of tho disease by tha t j of b 11 u although it hnd baffled tha iki t irsforo long time i mn firmly con v i i that burdock blood bitters saved my iu a rr is ths utter received front her a short itittt fino i am still in good health i thank b0tik blood btllcrs for saving my life iti o years ngo a id highly recommend it i other hititeruts horn siomncli 1 roubles of any kind elizabeth oiliiuuu i the road to succeba is not free bumps no person bhoold go from homo without a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordis hn their possession as change of water cooking climate eta frequently brings on summer complaint and there is nothing like being ready with a sure remedy at band whioh often times saves groat suffering and frequently valuable campers should take wuh them a supply of dp fowlers ext of wild strawberry those who intend poinjr clmping this summer ht uld tako mllilhuiidi 1 on lira exir ict of w ild itraw- boriy getting wet citch- in cold drinking w a tcr ih it is not always purr orcalingloodlhat disagrees nny bring on an altick of colic cramps and dinrrhoa prompt treatment with dr fouler s strnwherry in such cosls rehccs tlicpain checks tho diarrhoea and prevents acrious consequences don t sfcjjarg take clnnces of spoil tn gr a wholo summers atttjtl fi dwdw ful outing through neglect of putting a bottle or thia great diarrhoea doctor in with your supplies but seo that it s the genuine dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry aa most of the imitauona aro highly dan- gerous a new england aobool tsaohor reoeivod the following noti o her pupil dear lives this cordial has gained for itulf a i miss plese do not push johnny to bard for tm ii f j aomaohof hlabraneaia fotellsok that he ought to bo held back a good deal or be will ran to intellsok entirely and i do not wide spread reputation for affording prompt relief from all sammor oomplalntb one may have plenty ot bread and otlll be starving for a oramb of comfort toledo ont mr lewis joboson of this place waa taken down with bbeamatism had two dootors in attendance waa getting no better three days aftor he atarted atartsd taking milbarna rbeumatio pills be was out of bed and in ono woek was well and able to go about filson are you going to tako put in that guessing contest dllson oh no theyd role me oat as a professional filson professional 1 dilsou yea you know i am oonnootcd with tbo weather bureau aro yon a sufferer with oorna k so get a boflo of holloways corn ours it has never been known to fail delre this so plese hold him back so aa to keep hia intellect from getting bigger than hla buddy an injoaring hira for life uagyarda yellow oil euros all pain in man or beast for sprains cuts bruises cations lumps swelling inflammaoon rheumatism and neuralgia it is a apooiflo troubloia like fog it looks tbiokeet when seon from a dietanoe to patent fiood idea besecaredbj aid address patent record baltlmers ms ethel so you dqnl tblok that young man whom you met last night is a ditlnity student as he claimed to be 7 dolly no when x told him i ahonld llko to havo him meet my father he said all right whore aro the gloves that aohlng head oan bo instantly re lieved by taking one ot milburns sterling headaoho powders 1 powder ba ii pow des loo 10 for 2so eight letters of the alphabet are always getting into misohief a dinner pill many persona suffer exoruelatlog agony alter paitaking of a hsaity dinner the food partaken of is like a ball of lead upon tho ttomaab and instead of being nutriment it becomes a poison to the aystom dr parmtleea vegetable pills are wonderful oorreotlvos of anoh troubles they correot aoidity open aeoretlons and oonvert ths food partaken of into healthy nutriment tbsy aro just tba medioine to take it troubled with ndlgestion or dyspepsia jufct as like as not two thirds of your suooees is duo to tho economy and tict of yonr wifo and you know it i kuglieh spavin einiment removea all hard boft or calloused lumps and tjiem tahos from horses blood spavin curbb splints ring bono sweony stifles sprains sore and swollen throat coughs oto savo 850 by tho use of one bottlo warranted tho most wonderful blemish onro ever known sold by a t brown if wo look for tho oontentod mau wo may often und him asleep when ho ought to be at work jalhing absolute novelty jtisinasit talks can heard orr pripe a child can boxedwitti operate jtofie record a am extra accords age1tkwahtd 35 very town and village address can talking machine co london ont experienced undeftiterg 1 1 i j by dealing with us you ara i assured of the most careful attention and everything i done n the mpst skillful j manner and please remem- j ber that we only charge for j erribalming in exceptional 1 cases we keep a firstclass i hearse and stock of all other j funcra supplies and at great- j ly reduced prices caskets i delivered i j a speiaht co rcton maple leaf torn mcqueen agent for the above has changed his wirc- ooms to building on w e smith s property john street where nny be seen frost wood binders and mowers grrai two sizes for any power no i has xo inch revcr sible burrs 8 inch single burrs both have ball bearing burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and last with least power always ttuaranteed a trial given hundreds in use goold shapely m u ir co limited brantford ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs n my absence mr john t- elliott whe resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqullv best 8tcel wias the best is the cheapest yi mcmullens poultry nettings ase unequalled in quality and their fencings thbt ontario wire fencinq co l flaton ontaxla abb the best prices low hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fail you write the manufacturers at picton the b greening wire co c6nbhkl bcbnts hkkilton hnd montrbkl sold also hy canadian hardware jobbers fc th red bird best to- pay and good for year the wilson cliain when bicycle manufacturers and riders the world oer wcrehaung trouble with their bicycle chains which in spite of all ttiey could do would wear and stretch it was a canadian who found a way out of the difficulty the wilson chain 3 3 with 3 m which i bed 3 birds 3 are 3 3 fitted 3 3 l i i h 0 icxkuijuj wjsbt ooma jsabt 0 35nnr 1 10 co atri fi hpoi l a nil 1 ii 1thb mall jo 02 a in 2 bt p in 7 l li ui i- xprchb 1 xprtiifl mull mlxutl 10 olp bimday irnflib clolu wot ip w b m goiii faflttods a uu it u p nt timl 01 tlohinj mail going wopt j 40 n in and 6 60 p in going last 10 2j h in and bmipni tills titno tablo moiie into oitlol on bunduy juhokjui 18jy cash paid tor farm produce butter onions eftgs poultry pork etc apples wanted aikenhead peoduce co a parsons manager cor mill and main sts ac10n opposite chrl s hotel main streot planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor bfanufaoturor olhasu dooni tramca moudjug lnallbtyloa dressing match1no and mouldino to ordor on aliort notico john cameron proprietor cooper akins the artistic tailors jjeg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and i summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call andsee us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated- bell warp- serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper akins main st acton twokvndsjofjmjbin j there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys i and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please i our customers as to style quality and prices call and sub our new lines w williams mill st this oinadian was mr wm wilson one of the experts pild by this company to bring the red bird nearer a slate of nbsoluto perfection 1 his invention consisted of a patent whereby the centre pirlof the pin was hardened giving tho hardened steel pin so wet was this received hit the lajgest chain manufactur in establishment in the world purchased the american right to produce ii since then there have been many iml ations but as is always tho case with imitations none aro so good as the genuine articlo such as red birds are fitted with to day the goold bicycle co limited j d mckee agent 3 3 3 mmmtommmmmmmiamr nts promptly secured write for our intercnttntf tioolta iment l or s help and how i on io nutncllod bond una rough akoion m model of j our intention or improvement nml wo llltclll you free our opinion n to nhctlior it is probably pntcntulila v o nml a a up 1 1 ilt i j applications rejected in other hand highest roforoncca funtlalicd kakxom sc mabion patktft solicitors bxtebts j ctrl hmhantckl fnrtnrrn 0rn1iinte of tho folytochnlc bchool nt piiulnrutiiir itacholort in apnltod bctcncftav iatii 1 i tvrnitj mcmtort rumtlsaw avsoclnllon niilcan water uflrtt auootatlon hw knulniid antcrorhi a- rq suivovori aieoclntlon iioo jjcinkr l isity of civil eiihtiictra jhew york life bidq montreal oan auahti0 duildinq wshihqtoh d 0 60 years experience dsulomv cotrniaht 4 i mot eh uid lmart4lftttl3iwl scientific jimericatt