ft k volumbxxv no 10 acton ontario thtjbsday septjembeu 7 1899 pbicm three cents is published every thursday morning at thk free pressstenm printing ofllco mill street aoton ont tehsis of suubciuption ono dollar por year tions dlaoon- oybavoboon pftld has oxplrod tho date to wbiob ovory t limed all subscriptions c whon tho tlmo or wbloh the mbsorlptton le paid 1b donotod on tho addvosfl tabol advbhtibino iutka transient advortlso- nente 10 coato por nonpareil lino for first in- nertlon 3 couts por lino for each subsequent lobrtiqn contract iutks the following table shows our ratos for tbo insortlou of advortiaomouta for specified periods neitf bok apaob lvn 6 no 8 110 lho boinohpa loinohea olnahea llnoh oooo 3500 1000 600 39 00 so 00 13 00 aw 0000 1900 700 9 00 7 00 300 950 100 advertisements without specific directions frill be itiborud till forbid and obargod acoord- ngly transient advertisements must bo paid u ad van oo advorttsoraents will bo changed onoo eacb month if desired for ohangoa oftener than enoo a month tho composition moat bo paid for at regal rateg flhwigfla for contraot advertisements mns do b the offloo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmoore editor and proprietor captain stromalong sh the span o life mcl through battle to prom what dooley says dool hugh gyeih marie di dnid harum westcoti a duct with on occai doyle a pauper millionaire the cruise of the cacht dross merri man the fowler harraden the minister of state m s bradford special- the voyage ot the rutojway the isle of the virgin3roya the market place fngjerick dwellers in gothamdale the rogues march horninf double thread- fowljh gentleman player sufiiiens tace to face with napoleon ifn dl l ors it bi tewar ontr vnsimss bimtorpv john m macdonald m d c m bucckhhon to j f tjbkn m d o m offloo and rostdonae cornor mill frederick reets acton offloo hoars b to 10 30 a m 1 to 2 pm and wd pm the above anc books on days book s day sellafc lotl new lie waters bri pict waters bri fra waters b art traders bank of jjoctrg capital authorized capital paid up i 000000 700000 guelph branch wo are now issuing money ordora payablo at par at any branch of gharterod dank in cauada exoeptlofi the yukon district at tbo folio wine ratos under 610 seonta 10 to a0 locenta 90 to wo 12conta 30 to fio 14 couts highest current hatb of interest fald on sums depbsitod of 91 and upwards ntercct allowed from date of dopoait to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly t advances made to responsible farm ore op tbolr own names at tho lowost current races no charge made for col looting bales uotoa if payablo in guolpb a genera banking bublnobs transacted a jf h jones manager at tub cohns union thy oup o christ z take with trembling hand ltauiombarlug tboo whoso bruised jifo it gave in bolf abaaing lovo a world to save bavonio q chrlat though uiorltlosa i at and tby cup o christ i tako and plodgo again my llfoa boat wino sun mollowod by tby grace and trodden in j-no- purplo press of palu too poor a vintage on tby board to plaoo i tby cup o christ i tako and humbly pour my mlnglod life and tbfue tho world to bloss o mirsalo i that my unwortbinoaa tby worth transmutes into a prlooless store thy oup o christ i tako for that great feast of lifo thy doatbless lovo shall onoday oproad and drink tho eucharist of pain surceased and boo tbeo king with victory garlanded alfred h bailey tw f j r forster succkbsou to dr a s elliott lato resident ph vale ian and surgeon to vic toria hospital for hick children toronto office mill btroot lately occupied by dr elliott 1tr dryden era ear tiiooat and nohb uoloana block douglas st near p 0 guelph orvicd houns 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 0 p m sundatb 10 am to 1 p m rgqds watef6b 1ros wyndham if new street store gfuih tor lamps linoleums and oil cloths see our plppk and try our prices our motto satiscac- tlon john m bond c co hardware guolph dental aeobabtowm ontjuuo j coghlan d d s l d s dentist wong cahepuxly dome pbicbb modebatb office ovku diiowns dnoa btohe hodub evebt day fhoh 9 to 6 aon- livery bus line the undersign ago of tho well bquld athiflatahlos trains bof oarcfulf tbei dxeptf ally solicits the patron blind inform piem that d stvlah rifla oan al- iseoored k jaf ortablo bns moots jaforial a plin lo miner and b18 p s irder jm beli dds ldb dentist bflookvlllb honon guajdoatb of touonto unitensity work made satisfactory prices modorato vibitino days monday afternoon camp- bollvillo tuesday acton olqco clarks hotel friday hookwood m olean di mclea barristers solicitors notaries oonvoyancors 5co private fonds to loan office town ball acton wu a molmam jho a mclean j maokinnon dajuisxsb boliciton conveyancbb ofbice muu btroot in matthews block upbtairs b mcleod uaamanin souoiron contbtamobh main street goorgotown monot to loan vt lowest oarront rates r j monabb olopk fourth dlvtalon court county of hal- on oonvoyanoor agout flro and life asburanco kal kbtate agent monoy to loan eto orvioa rorrymanblook actoh miscellanso us henry gjrist ottawa oamada bolloitor of patents for invention oto pronare appucauonb for the canadian amor- loauvindeniopoan patent offlom and for tho isgltratlon of trade mark bond for pam- phrot thutytwo year oaperionoo f banois nunan bookbindeu wynduamst qnolph ontario ovor william store aooonnt book of all kind made to order eaiealaofeterydebiirlptlonoarefnllybound ttlincneaaltanil promptly aopo m abrlaie licenses h p moore jairavn ov maimiiaow lioensbb private office no witnesses ivqiilred issuod at retidono in the evening free press office aoton joi latdlljmet rrrlliams pbopudxtoh paid farm produce butter 1 onions poultry etc wanted alkelbald pkoduce co hcpabsons manager cor milblnlaln sta actort pite clarks hotel call blcycl feet tho 1 cbain appt dispul busa ivale jchill agent a actoa the new weliand vale b bicycle livery the per- pn city and dominion are i grades while the perfect has merits which will be tby all wheelmen it is an un- t that the welland vale wheels repairs than any other wheel le piece cranks are the best ever adopted the new de- tomatic brake gives the rider antrol right for purchasers who mean j c hiil1- f waiita are many 1 1 oan supply in my line u w hemstreet llobmaufp adotiohsbii for the counties o wellington and haltcn orders left at the prhb pbebb office acton c t my residence in acton will bo promptly ai oadedto tetais ueasonablo also money to loan on the mostfavorabl earns and at the lowest rates of interest sums of ftooand p wards fl have in stock ra heavy creamer cans airier pails tra heavy fine milk pails alvanized pails eamless pressed milk pans nd countless other dairy articles bcbsobibud 8t00k capital 113000 the welmnqton mutual fire insurance compan established 1840 head offloo quelph ot tnbuitamob on cash and mutual plan j eomlnuuiaatlonb forwrdod to my addri wox 2i or tolopbouo 08 will bo prom attended to jouh taylor agent quol aoton machine and kepair sho uenuy qntndemi proprieto- nly abb well eanipped with all the cnaehlmry nmeawy toiwut all repair to maohlu- 7ltlalnnllninllinbdu and to do 11 hshi diaorbmlktalilb woodwork rej- pw in a musiaotory manner we eu repair an siaenlna or impleraedt of any make nimmidr and flllun donai hit jtry toenuwaiivy rv andaarieuharallmplbmenta and to do 1 mmcm-ntunbhorbhoingandiner- iltklng woodwork jropair perform acton saw mills and wood y tarda i v haiiotaordabaakddaalarui lammcr aafji shlnilc wood ufo l all kind of wood in atoek afld promptly i ddlvarad to any purt offfl tswn at m ceamuabl prloaf mttudwood and alab ent itovo lulb alwaya on band talephono oommunloatlon outdoorwork roof ing etc a specialty call for quotations before placing orders for this class ol work g a pannabecker mill street aoton p s all the wants of people in town will also receive best attention 4hmm1w mall and business praotloo la the moat interesting and prae tloal oonra ot atndy in bookkeeping nd aomnnttns for boys nd girl leaving publlo and high bobooll shorthand and typewritten apeo 11 fbollltln indlvldobl taluon no olute formed parant are invited to investigate fall term will earn- menoe monday aug s3 qu6lph business college and shorthand institute j8habpfrinelpal r it limit ii n uir ji aqbnts wantedfor tha ufa and aeblevetnentfl of admiral daway tha world araataat naval hro by ktorat hahitead thf jlfalong frland and admirer of tha nattona idol overfloopegai ighfe by tenlndbaa naarly loopages halftone ltloatra tlona only 150 bnormona dsmand dig shnmlaalona ontflt free obano of a uf ma write nulok tb ddmllilon company rd floor oaiion vldg ohlaago r w barber bros papermakers geobgetown ont make a bpxouxtt of machine finished book papers man grade weekly news fitltti ifamily jlfabing they met by glance bhe didnt ask him in and after pausing a moment bo said a regretial qood- nigbt and went on down the road she bqod at the gate wstohing the retreating llraro tbo walk homo hd no been lvo ly for liow ooold olive chat ohearly at tjinralrwithh6totbflkh iqtniog and her heart hsatine indinoptly at the reoollea tion of the sirsp of gossip f flhe waa etandtuij in the vertibale waiting for htm so eohorlmarms aftar the minister now la yes and shed got the inside iraok goes home from meeting with him regular and thoy do say hes down there every week that tat all huf it meant thuf she was being watobed and tbked abooti and q bbe stood there thinking the moonlight seemed to mook her every object in the laqdaoape waa vifible in its brilliant rayp yet there was nothing in it of warmth or vitality it atraok her that ber sense of doty illuminated her path in life with similar cold pale rays she shivered in the freah spring scented air and turned to go in bof tbe ohijl and ctag of her new reaojve went w her and drqve sleep away she had been 10 lnoooently happy why could not prying eyes and gossiping tooroes have turned elsewhere for employ ment the paper need in this jonrna is from the above mills wm baeber blo- sunsavings andjlougo head office toronto ont autliarimed capital bo000ooq tenyear maturity shares are paid monthlyinstalments of 50c per share for xao months when payments cease 96o 00 aid in maturity value ttoo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton robert noble8 flour feed store plymouth binder twine agency si iyer sheaf is muxst is stboxobst is evjcmist is lonoest beat ajiot most xqoaomicul does quality eount wia you large stock on hand at the bt0rx cooper takins the artistic tailors geg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from fhe best lobms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show bur goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper a akins main st acton of oourao be came home with her any gentlemaq would he went her way and knew that mr- and mrs hopper never qarpe put nights aj for tbo weekly vfalts they were nothing bat psychology leaiops a progressive sob ool maam of ooarse mast know it and he offered to assist and she mast give it all up when she needed it so she oet her lips firmly bhe mast keep her position and couldnt afford to be talked about ii made no difference if neither had ever had a thought beyond the lesbons and no matter how hard it was to give thorn up its always well to stop befoff one gets fo of anythin she reaso ill give it all op and never speak to him again she had no idea bow she jbad depended on the lesson s until there were no mbreto which to look forward well talk it over at the psychology lesson bad grown to be her habit of meeting school room pozzies and now that there was to be no such way of solving ibem ibere were more puje3jles 10 meet- the following day was a hard one her own sad and distraught manner was not without its effect upon the obihren a full half hour of tbe noon reoeas the sohool spent as prisoners because it was found that some one bad broken off the knob of tho door and it oould only be opened from the outside and they were compelled to wait until asms one passing released them four omook brought we loo mo relief its the embarrassment of wrltiog to the minifltor that ails me she told berlf if i got that off my mind i 1 be all right and forget all about it and diligently she set to work bat eaah attempt was more unsatisfactory than the last the old folks bad retired and the oloor strook 8 so just as she signed and sealed the letter and then suddenly she remembered that the sohool report must be made to the osmmlsaloner on the morrow and the roll books were at sohool ill have to get them tonight she said to herself late as it is serves me right for being so careless going to the kitchen shed she took down tho lantern only to find it empty supply ing herself with matches she peered cautiously out upon the moonlit road and then ran awiftly the short dlstinoe to tbe bohoolhouat not seeiog the gathering clouds behind her by the light of tbe moon she unlocked tha outer door and in order not to repeat tbe experience of the morning she took up a block of wood and carefully placed it in front of the inner door to keep it from shutting the dingy lamp above her desk gave soanty light and the tiek lengthened itetlf oat ontil a muttering of thunder and dash of rain upon tha roof startled her olive was not timid as her trip to an empty sohool bouse in the dark would prove but to be sbne in a thunderstorm was the one thing tbat underved her hastily rising she looked up at the lamp it was nearly empty it would be safe to leave il to burn oat of itself and she oould more osflily find her way to tbe door but as she reached it she oame into violent collision with tbe minister he bad corns in hurriedly tripped upon the block in the doorway kicking it out of tbe way and tbe door rlammed shut behind him olive stepped back end itood trembllog bbe was astonished glad and sorry at bis appearance but more than all was she dismayed at tbe predicament in whtoh he had pltoed her and under the impnlte of these conflicting emotions she burst forth angrily there now youve shut the door what brought you here anyway i said i would never speak t you again the mlnjster ttred at her in amass ment i waa passing he espial nejdlaome what stiffly and tookrefageon the stoop from the rain finding the door ajir i oame io i did not dream that any one was hers i oan go at once of ooarse bat ho tarned only to stand belplise before tho broken knob at ouoe he under stood the situation an exclamation of imps tie no esoaped him and he crossed the room hastily and threw open wladow and heavy outside shatters while olive sat limply down and watched him the limp flloksred out bat every few eeoonds he waa visible io the lightning flashes standing np brave and strong aud un- affrigbted tho git id strength was fast leaving her aud when a lurid flabb duueed upon the floor and phyed mischievously about among the ben oho a be gave a ory of terror tbe minister hastily dosed tbo window and groped toward her is anything the matter he inquired anxloarly nothing only im afraid so afraid of the storm she moaned his heart went oat in pity for her in her weakness and sitting down ho put his arm proteotjngly about her as one would soothe a frightened oliild and said tender ly poor littli oue and olive ai orash after crash terrorized her olung to him and hid her bead on bin shoulder and sobbed and shivered and so they bat nntil tbe storm had spent itsel aud the moot bhoue again tkep she fat up abashr4 and prim i dont know how wo are to git oat sho said hopelessly how about tbe windows he lnqalred all too high and tbe cellar i opens only oat of doore theres nothing to do bat wait till some one pasies and call out we tried every way today and then she to i hm bet pfevioae experience he argse and paoed qneajily abflut the room looking out qnon the road olive closed ber eyeg and thought over the events of the inst three bouts she was perfectly eonsoioas tbat she ought to be ashamed of ber conduct daring the storm yet some how she was not aud try as ehe wonll bhe could net be rtberwiso than glad that he was with her her rtvene was broken in upon by the minister he boated himself again at herejdo saying forlornly we are likely to he kept here for some ume perhaps tilt morning i am more sorry than i can tell you yen bbe re lied i know it cant be helped i wish yoa would till me lie went on what you meant by your words when i came in like an ice wind pierolug even to her heart came the recolleotion of her yqv there waa no reply perhaps it isnt tbo proper time to aak it bqt i tbnk you owe me an explana tion olive remembered tbe written pageu addressed to him at home she cooll have johnnys compositions sent him mo explication bnt it see mod well to get ft over with at once we have been gossiped about ehe said dally and i made op my mind that id give up church and lessonb and everything rather than be talked about and you wanted to give up pysohol- ogy he asked no i did not bnt i thought it beat i understand bow it is he replied slowly i am fond of tbe lessons too and yet ive heard the gossip and ive made up my mind that id better give them up her face flashed and paled and she sat up straigbtsr and primmer than ever roen tally rejoicing that sho had suggested it first unless be continued low bat distinct ly we care enough for each other to study together all onr lives tbe sentence ended so unexpectedly tbat she caught her breath in a half bob and buried her faoe in her folded arms on tho desk in front ha leaned over herand- tenderly h coked her soft hair i shouldnt have spoken of it towht little one but it spoke itseu and yon think yoa cooll tell me he pleaded eagerly yes i think i aooli oarao tbe low reply for yon dont know now dreadful i felt when i thought i mast give np the psychology the sound of wheels suddenly awakened them to a realization of tbe present the minister baatened to call to tbe driver who speedily released him langhiog heartily over the scrape then the two men went off together leaving olive with beating heart wedged in behind the door when the farmer drove down the road the minister returned for olive 4 im so glad he didnt see me ehe said bat yoa mast promise that youll never tell and the miniatar promised chicago jieios just for fun tbey were telling how they had killed partridges eaph vicing with the other when an old negro who had been lleteniog said boss i got er whole flock of them birds oue time without bavin a gun i was in a field walking along and come up on a lot of em huddled i ooaldnt get a rockor itiati and just pulled off my boot and let it fly killtnsix and tbe others was so skeerd they went in the boot jjcrgin ky aiesntngcr hadnt yoa orter kind o be easy with tbe government on the way its ronnln the the war ebe inquired gently o i dunno replied mr corntosssi as he rifled the lsavee of a report from the agricultural department eb long et the government ondetttkes to teach bio how ter run a farm i dont see why i shouldnt git back with a few remarks about the board of strategy washing ton star papa mid hite fouroarold maggie i think you are jast the nicest roan in tha whole world and i think yoa are the ntoest little girl in tbe world replied ber father ooarse i am said maggie aint it queer how such nice people happened to get iuto tbe same family t a little foaryear old occupied an upper berth io tha sleeping oar of tbe sootoh express awakening once in the middle of the night his mother asked him if he knbw where be was toarse i do he replied im ia the top drawer household word wound by the sun a clock ia to be seea at brnsaeld whiob oomet as near to being a perpetualmotion machine as is likely t be invented j for the son does the winding tbe method by which it works is deeoribed in tbe optician a shaft exposed to the solar rays causes an up draft of air wbloh acts a fan in motion the fan aots upon a meohanlim wbloh raises tbe welim ot the clock nntil it reaches the top and then pats a brake on the fan til the weight has gone dowu a little when tbo fan is again liberated and proceeds to aot as before tilt auilolto iiciuumh we had ono of them oat back of our bouse the other night and papa said it wis tho first one tbat ever took placo in that neighborhood einoo 1 was born it waa a pretty floe show though i prefer roman caudles because you oan bol 1 them wbiob you oant anrora borettliues they being rather largo in size and too bard to be got at by boys like me which is a pretty good thing after all i guess because it looked ai if it wai hot enough to burn ours was pink and it bad sizzas of yellow light poked up through it onoo in a while juit as if the roan that set it ofl though people oonldnt see it well enough without turning a kaldomioe light on it once iu a while to show it off better when j first saw it i bought a star must have bunked into another str aud upset aomethlng bat uncle george said no it was a fire some where and wondered why ou earth we dont hear tbe fl rebells wbioh we alwaya do in oar own town wbnn theres a config uration anywhere papa said nonsense thats the new york oity and northern hgbt i bat i knew it wasnt beoauae that railroads on the other bids of town aud the aurora boreaib wasnt oook alio bad ideas on the unbjeot and went iu the cellar and bid behind the refrigerator and said o lawk 1 i think its the end of the worll and me a dinner but i didnt think it was be cause im tcctyoung to have the world coma to an end being only nine going on tin and where do i come in if everythings going to etop now and i was right the world wont right on through it and was going yet whih i was writing th mr bunker who ia our nainutsr bald the spot on the ann bad done it bat i dont see how it oooh beouuae it was several miles away at the time and besides i dont see how a spot oonld do anything hko tbat anyhow the aurora was four times aa big as tho skn and the snn was ten times aa big as tbespottao how oould it somebody die said it was an eleotri city disturbance in tho atmosphere like a thunderstorm or a greak of lightning but h wsent beoause i ket very quitt while it was going on and yoa could have heard a few drop which yoa ooaldnt if the tbander was thundering specially up on our place where it thunders like- tbander and there wasnt any lightning in i know beqanaa i hnnw lightning by sight pretty some telephone fun well having seen several of them and tbey look like snakes on fire ody tbey have poiuti where snakes have oarves i wanted f pat on my hat and coat and go over to where it was and really see bow tbey did it which i dont oee why some body didnt do because guessing what it is dont seem t3 prove much its coming in tbe nighttime makes it kind of hard to see what it is because its a pretty long trip over there and people are moat generally too tired to go off on a borealia bant after supper bat if it oame along jast about an hour after breakfast on a holiday my t wouldnt it be chased all around yours truly jounn had no use for thespeaking tube a solemn looking irishman entered a bueiness house tbo other day and walking op to one of the men employed on the lower floor asked ohan fe g a job av wurrak here 1 dont know answered tbo man addressed yonl have to bob mr hobert an pfwere is he asked the iriah- man up on the second floor was the answer shall 01 walk up an talk t him queried the seeker for employment no need of tbat replied the man just whistle in tbat tube aud hell apeak to yon pointing at the oame time to a speaking tube tbe old irishman walked over ti he tube and mow a mighty buat in mr hobert heard the whit- tie came to the tabs and inquired whats wanted down there tis oi paddy flynnl answered the irishman ar ye th boss i am replied mr hobert wh thin yelled flynn stlokyer head oat av th second ethory windy whole 01 stbep oat on the sldowalk 1 01 want to talkf ysl a trip from the back seat a sunday school teaober tells of a com ical experience he was invited to make an address at a sundayschool festival and having nothing prepared to say he tried to picture to tha ohylircn the dolefulness of uis position and asked them the question what would you do if you were compelled tostandon a platform before so many bright boys and girls who expected a speeoh from yoa and yoa had nothing to say id keep quiet said one smsll boy and bis answer immediately brought down tbe bouse andqulokly brought down the speaker too unquestionably a bride shes not been married long how do yon know f she lived in one of the tiniest little flats you ever aaw and she apoke of it as being so cozy it depends upon tbo length of time one baa bran married you know aa to whether she regards a flat as oozy or crowded chicago pol fbw men original did yoa ever nctlcehow few people sro original in things they say and do for instance one roan makes a fortune out of a simple thing immediately hundreds of others try it this is human oatare while it is gratifying to be the first man to bring out an idea the great mass must be contented to follow tbelr leaders there is one line that is always original however and that is the business of bradley- g arret son oo ltmitid ot brant ford ont beoauae they oontinnally bring out publications to salt the times and seasons tans their agents are kept steadily at it and make big money in fact no other occupation is more honorable healthful lucrative or offers haf as many opportuni ties for promotion it is a life sohool many men and women io canada today testify to tbe truthfulness ot his claim in faotit lacodoeded on all hinds that one years experience with this arm is worth more to aoy yoang man or woman than two or three years at college from an a yorkfhiro clergyman was in leeds on one of the cell raormogs last winter hhjb au english paper and desiring t call upon a parishioner whoeo house 14 some miles off he etpped inti the offioe of another parishouer with the intention of calling up the other roan by telephone and finding out how long he woul i be in his office the pastor not relishing tbe idea of tbo long wulk in the piercing cold but the second pnrishouer was not in hi office boy had tbe bin room nil to liimeolf my lad sid the pastor i winh you would call up mr dash and ana how ling be will be in his ojhoe imd if he laultuere find ont when bo will be in my qngtrn arerjoooll i dont thiok i could hod the receiver yes blr naid tho polite boy who ehall i say wanti to know bev mr blank replied lho pietor qb he drew a ohitlr np besido lho gas stove pretty soon he heard the boy say le this levennoughuteennookbt there wa a brief bilence then the boy went on yes yes ive got em hallo i la the governor in wbatu that t whos this talking why its the bev mr blank blank whats the matter with yoa lizzie this is the rev mister bistih got it dont get runny girlie what do i want to know i asked you that half an hour ago istle old man in who ia it talking 7 well ill be jipgered 1 now take the wool out of your ears mabel an do a little littemn this is the bev mitr blink i ob youve got it now have you birdie so kind of you yes yes ill forgive yoa this onco now agitite jour glnderflltb iuto tbe old mans offioe an see if hes there yea tell him the bov mister bltnk ia at the phone an wants ts know if hes oct dont be idlin round when theres souls to save look sharp if yoa arent at this point the pastor got so fldigety stop a minute my boy be besoeohinly cried but tbo boy waved him aside im getting him ho said then he tarned back t tbe phone whos this be cried who mr banner i dout want you yea this is the bev mr blank blank blank whos swearing dont get fresh bunny yob rev mr blank yes revere nod preacher you lcnowj be gaodgq to iii sc the choicest fiarb tlio awootcut graco are oft to atraugcra aliown tlio caroloaa inlun tlio frowning fuco aro jfvoti to our own wo lluttor tliobo wo scarouly know wo iloasa tho uaotluk guest and dual full uiauy a tlioujjhllobs blow ta tttobo who lovo uu boat lovo dooa not grow on ovary true nor truo hearts yearly loom alas for tboau who ouly boo tbla out acrom a tomb i but soon or lato tho fatal grows plain to all through sorrow s teat tito only folks who glvo ua pain aro tlioso we lovo tlio brat ella ivteccr wilcox churoh friday evenin prayermeellns go ft yes this is him ia old dash in there dont git gay whats that wont be baok for three months will thats all yop iti quite enough funny bunny byhy and tbe boy eummod tbe receiver iti to it hooks then he tarned to tbe perspir ing clergyman and deferentially remarked mr dash has jast stepped out sir an wont be baok for three months after this tbe worthy pastor will endeavor whenovor poiaiblo to do his own telephoning howsurb it was hank yates was a born horsetrader his father and his mothers father were horsetraders too aod spent almost as rouoh time riding over tbe illinois prairies to get or to make bargains in horseflesh as in attending to their corn and pigraising on their farms hank bad traded horses irumtbetipaahawaa taayars oil when his graudfothor bought him a texas mas ting from a herd hank swapped the mustang within twontyfoar hours for a kentucky colt which he traded to his father for a ooveted mare whose next oolt he sold to his grandfather at an advance of seventyfive dollars over the price of tbe mustang- hank was only nineteen years old when be began hie attentions to liz2io dodd in the next county and scarcely twenty when be rode over on a floe young horse to ask her to marry him they were eitting nut in front of the house in tbje starlighh and hank was getting on well with what be had ti say when he saw lizzies father critically examining bis horse hltobed down at the front gate j t i think everything in the world of joa lizzie hank was saying thats as sore as jast then he saw her father feeling at his horses feet and the instinct of the horae- trader mingled with the spirit of his wooing and he sprang to bis feet and yelled thats aa sore as that bay gelding of mine is worth forty dollars more than them little gray msrea of yourn both pot ogether 1 absentmindedness the things hixon does during bis fro qaent attacks of absent minded nees are of a character that gives his friends grave fears regarding his ianaoy tbe other day be oame oat of his house walked to the pavement threw bis right leg loti the air with a vaulting movement and fell sprawl ing to the ground a friend who oamo aloug in tune to witness this singular performance said to him why hixon what in time do you moan by suoh a ferformanco hiaou got up brushing tbo dirt from hit garment and rubbing his broisea while he baid well i thought i was getting on my wheel and hang it all i forgot that i didnt have my wheel with me 1 har pers bazar wonderful contrast as long ai tha son shlnss frequently enough and tbu machinery dues not wear i educational point ot view and financially oat the clock will keep going i it is all tbat oan be desired brevity may be tbe aoal of wit but the laughable effect is sometimes the very thing tbe speaker doint mean in the following case a word or two more would have made a clearer description but it would not have been half so funny the headmaster of the girls high sohool la describing to the class the beauty ot the alps whloh he has visited durlog his vacation and ends his lecture in these words and there with oue foot i stood on the loe of the glacier while with the other i was plucking the most beautiful flowers 1 peace of course remarked the kaiser i am entirely in favor ot peace yes but dont interrupt i am in favor of peace and i shall loose no occasion to re mind people that the only way to enjoy it is to let me have my own way washing ton star qrowing a grandmother he wa a wea litli man only three years old but very brar courageoue and unuompt ifiiog more courageous and unjv oompliinin tbu any one know for though ho wuh only a baby he had trials to bear the family bad gone to a new country iu th far wnt tho mamma this iiltli man and thd rhtor a little oldor it wus a very now country vory diffdr- eut from the city in tho east where they had left many friend relatives and near est of all a dear old grandmother the mamma was so busy in hor now home tbat bbe had lltte lime to revoioto tho babies except to see tbut they wore phan and well fed so tho little on cri were lonesome bdmttimei ub mamma found out one day in a way that brought ear to her oyea tho little threeyearil i had been very busy and qaitt making a bitf hole in the ground with nuoh earnestness of purpose that fearing the littlo fellow wuh planning some mischief ehe weut to boo what was bemu done tbe holo was com pie tod when bhe reached tho ppot and iu it had been placed eometblug that uhe took out and examined with wondering cnriobity it was tbe btrangest thtnu ti go into a bole in the ground an ell daguerrotjpe a picture of tbe dear urandmothor ut homo why biby exi 1 timed mamma what aro yon doing with this i fought said the 1 tte man with a quivering up and the pentup hntlmeas of homeaioknuus iu his voice as he tried to explain i fought ma be it i pi in ted it anozer grandma would grow saturday evemng post arctic cold white wo aro sweltering under the heat it may not be unpleasant to read a trav- leri account ot hid experience uuder lapund cold our pbysiaal eeusations are relative he eaye and the mere enum eration of so many degrees ot heat or coll gives no idea of their effect upon the eyatem i should havo frozen at honai in a temperature which i found very oomfort- abu in lapland with my solid ditt of meat and baiter and my garrnonta ot reindeer the following ib a correct scale ot the physical effects of coll calculated or the lattitnde ot sixtyfiv to seventy degrees noitl fiften degree a above zaro unpleasant ly warm zeromild ami agreeable ten degrees below zero pleasantly f rosh and bracing twenty degrees bolow zero sharp bnt not severely oold kop your angers and toca in motiou and rab your nobe occasion- ally thuty degreoa bolow zaro very ooll take particular care ot your nose and extremitiob eat tha fattest food and plenty of it forty degrees btlow zerointansoly cold keep awake at al hazards m utile up io the eyes and tost your olrcoution frequently tbat it my not stop some where before yon know it fifty dugreob btlow uero a srragtl3 for lfo tricky emphasis a woman had a pair of twin sons io oloiely alike in looks aud voico thatoftou wbon eho was not paying partiaultr atten tion she herself was liable to mistake oue for the other one day after the twins had been play ing several boura out of doors togther oue of thorn whobo name might have beon jacob oame into the boase and said mother im hungry i want a piece of pie without notioiog whioh it was she gave him the pie which he immediatfly took around lho corner ot the boase and ate then returning he and in an aggriev ed tone mother i want a piece ot pio all went well until poor esau oamo in a few minutes afterward only to discover how both be and his mother bad been cheated seaside hotel paraders stranger i should hko to see mr oitiman beasidouot d clerk no suoh name amoung our guests thats queer ido baid 1 would find bira here um 1 boe sit down and wait awhile it is about diunor lima at the 90 a woek hash houses now diamond dyes far ahead of all others practical experience has demonstrated that they are easiest to use it is the easiest matter iu the world to dye with diamond dyes as thousands of women know from praotiaal exporienoe bg using these simple home dyes ono oan make old clothing look like new and save a great many dollars in tho course of a year do not accept imitations of the original diamond dyes from any dealer no matter how strongly be may recommend them for while ho makes a larger profit on them they do not dye sb much goods nor do they equal the diamond dyes in fastness of colors yhen poor dyes aro used both your miey and labor are thrown away and tbe goods are spoiled forever use the dia mond deb only and get i he boat possible results all reliabli dealers oau supply you with tbo diamond dyor