Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 7, 1899, p. 2

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0 s sorn 1klt in acton on monday aug just to mr nud mrs henry hell ion tuomihon at aiborove on monday aug slit to icov and mrs p w thompson a ion fatitjuiiaiihon ou friday aug 85tb at tha mauoo olnudo to itov and mra parqubarson n boil married mccoiim niiklim in toronto on wodnes day auruatuothby tbe iiov q maokay m a cftlodon albert fredarlok mocally esq of nolnou 110 to miss fannlo nloklin of cold water wljtttan fxtt ms thursday september 7 1890 notes and comments tho brltiah foreign office deniea the ulateroent oblcd to a now york newspaper that conceaalons in ibe alaskan boundary question bttween oanada and tho united states havo been deoided npon canadiun commissioner fabre- at pari fa- unveiling a tablet at henbleur in honor of cbamplain the founder of canada laid thatafter two centuries of separation from tho mother country frenoh canadian blittromained trae frenabmen dr allen haley member of tbe honse of commons for hants county la danger oqsly ill with inflammatory rheamatlam he was taken ill at windsor saverel day ago a bulletin atatea be is very low and his pbybloian entertains only alight bope of his recovery incomplete returns of the vote on the australian federal referendum bill ahow that 81 goo votes were oast for tha measure and 27000 agilnat it there an yet 4200 vctea to be conn ted but they will favor federation the lateat but till inoom pletc return ehovr a majority of 8180 jn favor of fsderation prominent military authorities state that nomo of the canadian ofsoera in the british army expeoting to go to the tranbvaal have been informed that tbe war offloo does not anticipate wax so that there la no opportunity for aervioo in south africa either for them or any canadian contingent if any canadian transvaal regiment were formed the organisers would bo expected to land the regiment in england tolly equipped toronto hamilton and winnipeg flnan- ciorb and capitalists have formed a com pany to be known as the winnipeg western land corporation the authorized capital nillbe one million dollars and tbe intention besides doing a real estate bnbineea is to ereot houses bairns and other buildinga for the occupation of bottlers and to build dwelling and business hlookainthoman g tow c north west tbe companys bead office mil bo bitnated in toronto right bon herbert aaqnitb former home beoretary in lord roeeberya cabinet addressed the british liberal aosooiation on monday he said that he was convinoed there is nothing in the transvaal situation delicate and danger ous as it is which oannot and ought not to bosafoly solved by firm prudent diplomacy i do not believe be said anything has occurred or is threatened to bring us even within ineaanrable distance of a catastro phe which would be a reproach to btateamanahip a calamity to civilization and an nlmobt inoalulabledlsaster to south africa conbuloeneral boyle the representative of tho united states at liverpool baa been calling the attention of bis government to the damage threatened to the export trade o tlierepnblioby oanadianoompetillodr ho finds that canadian goods especially canadian farm produce are securing more and more favor iu the eyes of the british bnyer and that the inevitable result is to crowd out the american article this is the legitimate result of the patient work that canadian officials have been doing for yeare both in advertising canadian wares in tho united kingdom and in inatructlng our people how beat to meet the british demand manitob whe safe nearly all the qratln is cut rand yields er show high the thbe8h ar at work winnipeg sept 6 reports of ihe pro gress of the harvest along the 0 p b hues during the paat week were reoelverj at the companys offices hero lot nlrht these reports show that 00 per oent ol tbo wheat orop in manitoba has been out salso between 40 and 60 per oent of the oati in every diatricl in the province there waa not one station that did not report wheat all out tbe weather during tbe week was on the whole very favorable and eaob day mount thousands of bnshsls of golden grain to the farmers the reports abow alao that pro gress is also being made with tbe thresh ing 85 per oent of the stations reportiog thst tbe threshers are now at work bepori of yltlds running as high as 88 bushels to tbe acre are being reoelved bare daily on the harvest excursion continued dlaorlptlon of the trip to the great northwest my laat was mailed at bat portage being closed before reaching that eater prising town business is very brisk tbere building is going ou lively a yoang stone mason waaln my hearing offered work till christmas immediately on application acres and acre of sawlogs are boomed on tho river for the sawmills to out ap quarrying is a brisk industry tbere la an abundanoe of material the scenery is magnificent with the lake and its steam boat aooommodatlod and the wilder pbioe of rooky andeoape bev alfred andrews widely known in ontario wrote some time sgo that while othera should ohooso for themselves baiadneyex ila jong ministry been in a place he liked better i tried to find the only aotonlan i knew of 8 brown son of b brown of orawaons corners but tbe yard where he was dress ing atone waa loo far off for my time a good stretoh atill of about four hours travel brought us to evidences of tbe approach of manitoba which were loudly cheered by the boys at a oouple of utile places there the fun of annoying indians threatened diaaster in one cue an indian presented a gun and in tbe other a lady half breed presented a revolver in both oases tho offender quiet ly walked in the latter the offence was throwing a stone against the womans tent the indignation of the bays waa so great against tbe hoodlum that he waa showered with stones to give him a run to oatoh the train we ran gently into winnipeg oot of darkness into the eleotrio lights reaplen- danoe allan mann being the only one in our oompany familiar with the grorand was guide when we arrived into tbo oapaclons depot building o scene in tbe waiting rooms almost defied description tbe main room about the size of aoton town hall had seats around tbe walls on two aides and several in the centre these of course were oooapied in a great measure by women the entire floor space excepting a path around waa covered with valises baskets and human beings stretched out in vsrxoua positions it was a touohing sight- women worn oot with fatigue and loss of sleep for seversl nights with ohildron sleepy tired and fretful and in some oases unable to hold up their beads our train arrived about 10 p m and at leaat one more during the night being the third and the distributing trains were nottimed to leave before 830 and 4 a m respective ly as a matter of fact the departures were about an hour later the dsaign seemed to be to hive the passengers so that several inooming trains could be sifted into the three main ostgoing lines as our train the main line west waa just ready another csme in from toronto neighborhood news rockwoqdtv the funeral of mlaa j stewart of woodtook daughter of mr d stewart of this plaotf took place on wednesday at tbs disoiplos chnroh kvertoo among tbe visitors in town for labor dly were mr l graham winnipeg mlas j mitchell meaford mlas b magee ouslph mrs e oaralang guelph mr geo stewart returned to winnipeg on toesday after a weeks visit at bii borne here bo miltdn tho judge a tiourt of revision wii hold on wednesday 20th inat tho brick house on vlctiria street belonging to jos h mogollou oakviile wa plaoed under tbe hammer ou friday last it was som for 91700 and was pur obased by br mocoll tho volunteer firemen of ontarib formed a permanent association in toronto laat week 13- f earl obiof of tbe milton brigade was eleated first vjoeprerjfjeiit the allsgsd incendiaries of tbe hasea gewoya bueb firs wers liberated last week for want of evidence at tbe trial tbe methodists of this town will hold their annual thankegiviog day it is expected to eollpse anjtbjrjg of the aind ever held bere ballirafad farmers are busy seeding this week slnoe the good rain we bad which dil so mnohgood tbo hop plokera are htarting t work this week again miss m bloxbam was oalled borne very suddenly last week mln daisy campbell hasrotnrned homo to toronto ogain mrs geo camphtll and danghtor mra collier are spending a few days in toronto this week mrs h martin of toronto is visiting her aont mrs c thompson miss b mokoohnie of binhharri bes been renewing old aucquaintances around here tbe last couplo of weekb mrs robert campbell of southampton is viafting ber father and mother of this plaoe mr and mrs eentner miss gortley of georgetown vlaited at mr d cooks on sunday hurrah for ballinafad civio holiday sept 10th come and see tbe sports and tbe grand procession the boys are sparing themselves no pains to make this the most snooeasfoll day ever held in onr village a grand ooecert at night mies a thompson la spending a few days in toronto everton the municipal fathers had no quorum monday bvenlnat but met on tuesday council met on tuesday evening at tba oll of unrbewre members ill present i a young mother who was mstedottrtubler exoept counoillora franois and murray a communication fromgvax psnoa beoker requested transfer of an amount oqnal to his taxes for the present year from the amount at his credit paid for transient traders license the committee on flnanoe presented their eighteenth report and recommended payment of accounts as follows t j b pearson supplies eleotrio light set 87 do do fire dept s so do do ata a walks s 87 do do town ball 75 do do cemetery 15 it w cblshoimgooneear coal s as n forboa mason work at power honae s3 75 canadian ueneral bleotrlo co sup- pllee sb 7b jos e bate atono for power bouse 15 90 d milla stone die for power house 8 so do teaming s 00 do work at cemetery 100 v gbeyne labor i daye 5 68 oarlock packing co steam packing 1 90 ibs 40 moved by james clark seconded by john clarke that tbe eighteenth report of tho finance committee be adopted tarried moved by john clarke seconded by james clark that the application of mr q a fannabecker for a rebate of bis taxes for 1800 115 00 in oonseqoenoe of the payment of his transient traders license paid by him be granted carried moved by james clark seconded by john clark that tho municipal officer be instructed to continue oroesing from tbe end of the sidewalk at power house aoross willow street to present walk and also to put in crossing and steps to connect on tho east side of the street carried the council then adjourned there were said to be seven trains in all this maae of humanity had to put in all or part of tbe night either in hotels wbioh were ssid to be filled up in the station or out on tho immense platform why snob treatment waa aooerded waa the indignant query that it was better cot to be dumped off at a lonely wayside station during tbe night might be questioned yet surely we might have been allowed to atay in the trains at any rate tbe scene eras an offence to canadian civilisation and would suggest some new york immigrant shed of fifty years ago it is nacre blessed to give than to reoieve brightened the oountenaooe of one of your townsmen who bestowed a heavy quilt and pillow to mrs wm tovell la not moon bettor yet having bad hood poi lu u o limbs for same weeks in tbe meantime their eldest son tbe teaoher has typhoid fever he is perhaps past tbe worst now but has been in a bad way mns minnie tovell of toronto is nurse mr taylor of toronto preaohed for the diaolplo congregation bere and mimosa last week tbe metbodiats bere are going to give an afternoon sunday school a trial tuesday of last week mre we is said good good bye to ber daughter mrs pomeroy who is now spending a week or two in toronto before leaving for ber home in pueblo colorado she with norman and irene have enjoyed a three monthsvieirwith their reiativesaround everton mr and mrs d day of buffalo left wedoeaday after spending three weeks wilb their friends among other visitors last weok were mr and mra wells waterloo nelson moore st marys mrs simpson miss wetherall mrs martlnonl of kookwood the bpworth league here purpoae having a lawn oonoert on wednesday evening 18tb at the home of mr daniel talbot reeve an excellent programme is prepared most of wbioh will be given by a guolpb colored baud tbe mnaio both vocal and inetrnmentsl will be inter spersed with recitations by noted elooo- tionists tbe lawn will be seated oomfortably refreshments sold we ex pect a splendid evenings entertainment guelph cbntral fair the fbe passu haa to tbank the pres ident and board of directors of the guelph central fair for tbe uanal favor to the press tbe central is one of the old standard exhibitions of tbe province and the directors have one of the best prlse hats and programme of htraotione offered thie year it should draw a large share of exhibit i and a great crowd of visitors from a large dlstriot who wok upon the royal city as tlieir meoca everyone should go the dates are tuesday wednesday and thursday sept lolh 20th and 21al 8ingle fares on all railways the regalar eaet bound trslo will ba bill at guelph until after tbe olose of the oonoert by the iih highlanders band on wcdneslay evening sept bqtb church courts may differ apd 8pllt halre on doc trinal polhts but may join hands for humanity in proolalmlng the virtues of dr aguaws catarrhal powders dawson to have schools books wll be shipped from wln- nlpegartd experienced tesoh- wiiiqo there winnifko sopt 2 dawaon city now oootalns an eetimuted school population of between 300 and 400 but three are no bohooj saohers or books in the diatilct and iovernmont fee4 tbe pepeaaifey of provid ing canadian text hooks and acesmodatlom for schooling an order for books bas been plaoed tbroogu mr daniel molntyre superintendent of public schools in winnipeg these bocks will be shipped on voniav to dawaoo the employment of teacborg wh be left to local aotign d d mann now in shanghai negotiations are still proceeding in regard to the rallwaycon oeoelons in the orient moxtnui sept 4th mr william maokenzle was in the city yesterday and states that his partner mr donald mann is ppw in shanghai and that negotiations areith prooeedlogwhbtogard fchlnnse railway concessions their business booming probably no one thing has caused saoh a general revival of trado at j d maeees drug store as ibeir giving away to tbeir many customers of sp pinny free trial bottles of dr kings new uiaoovery for consumption his trade is simply enormous in this very valuable remedy from the faot that it always cores and never disappoints congb colds asthma bronohilis croup and all throat and inngdiaeasee are quickly cured you can teat it before buy by setting a trial bottle free large riza 60 3 and 1 1 00 every bottle warranted catarrh that dread mennnce to human ity itlacka the high tho low tho rich tbo poor the learned and tho illlturato but dr aguewe catarrhal powder is the sovereign euro and needs no moro reliable testimony of its effioaoy to copo with and euro this diaeasa tban that auob eminent divines u9 rev w h witbrow methodist rev mungo fraeer preabyterian bmhop sweatman and other prominent leaders in ohqroh courts who have over their own signatures testified of it virluos what better evidenoe for you thut it will oure you sold by a t ilron n ribmosale thero are tlireo things iu iliu wcrl 1 wbioh deeervo no quart hj pooriey pharlaalsm and tyranny bed hot from tho gun was the ball that hit o b steadman of newark mich iu tho civil wjr it caused horrible pjoere that no treatment helped for 80 jeara then buoklens arijlja salve oured him cures cuts brqlsoe barns boils ftbns corns skin eruptions beet pile cure ou eaitb 25o a box cure guaranteed 8old by j d mceeo druggist be einoero in all yon nay or do brave hen fall victims to stomach liver and kidney troubles aa well as woman and all feel the rebolu in loss of appetite poisons in the blood backache nervousness headache and tberee no need to feel like that listen to jwgardner idaville ind he says eleotrio bitters are just tbe thing for a man when he is all run down and dont care whether he uvea or dies it did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything i conld take i can now eat anything and have a new lease on life only go cents at j d mckees drug store every bottle guaranteed milbnrns steiling headacbe powders are easy to take harmless in aotion and sure to cure any headache ip from 5 to 20 minutes a short road to health waa opened to those suffering from chronic coughs asthma brouohitis catarrh lumbago tumors rheumatism exooriated nipples or luflamed breast and kidney complaints by the introduction of the inexpensive and effective remedy dr thomas ecleotrio oil to those about to marry young men or old men who intend to marry will be pleased to learn that tbe now marriage aot is made quits simple by applying to h p moore issuer of marriage hceneob at tbe fbxe paxas office call a few days before tbe ceremony and have tha matter explained private office all business striotly private and confidential at residence in evenings to tbs dxir a rloh lady oured of desfneas andoolse in tbe head by nicholsons artlfioal ear drams bas 1000 to bis institute so that deaf pi unable to prooure the ear drams may lasafli tlweps a darnell of hayden neb writes for 12 years i waa tormented with itob- log piles tbe agony at times waa almost beyond bearing i tried a dozen or mors r socalled pile remedies without any leitleon have them freo apply to department k i benefit one box of dr agnaws ointment b tbe institute 780 eight avenue i oured me this remedy cores eoxeona new york u s a i when all else fails sold by a t brown with two sman children and who in ber gratituderemarked that ehe bed bad no sleep for this tbe fourth night and that she was nearly dead tbe wbole matter serves to show to what inconveniences annoyanoss and in dignities people will submit in the attempt to obtain worldly benefit and also in tba payment of ihe debt to overstrained nature heading to tha west to tbe west to the boms of tbe free tbe strain of the previous night forced ma to tbe upper deck to eeoure some of thesloep of which i was deprived so that i oannot thoroughly detail ihe earlier appearance of the rati prairie but i was on band at portage la prairie and found fins looking crops there but tbs prairie i what a sight to so aotonlan 1 as we rolled westward the oft- heard expression in tbe past far as the sys would reach was verified onward to our destination tbe brandon region we bled our way and left tba train at lost after about 1800 or 1800 mile of as varied scenery aa might ba imagined having had an interesting and instructive trip at tbe various stations tbs ntusl rash was mads for the platforms bat this ii ms to look for lbs inquiring farmer and snd oat bis offer but perhaps warily these gentry were sot vary numerous and soms of the eager ones became anxious and began to obenge tbslr plans of dropping off but like time and tide the train was oot mash disposed to wait and i did not hear of many engagements the eastern ontario excursion otme op through on sunday this country ass about aa much regard for sabbath observ ance in railroad matters as ontario if permitted i may give you anoitaer instalment touohing npon my impressions of the country perhaps chiefly in tbs htrvastlng aspect we are in the heat of it now j s o obater man aug slat 1899 crew8qns corners war on the tormentors 1 3 yearaof irritation torment and pain relieved and cured wich ona box of or agnewa oint ment for skin diseases and piles the fsll wheat seeding was somewhat delayed owing to tbe continuous dry weather brat la now being rushed forward quite a number from here wm tase in tbe torontojexhibltiontbis week while returning home from everton a week ago mr a murrays horse took fright at a binder in front of mr mauds mr murray was thrown from the buggy and severely braised the horse then ran away breaking the buggy and harness badly mrs n forbes bas lately reoelved word from ber brother mr h moore who is in british colombia howard is a formar crswsons corners boy and his many friends will be pleassd to learn that be is doing well we wish him every success in the golden provlnoe of the west the number from this vicinity to the toronto exblbition this year will not be as great as on former years mr j walker had a new steel wind mill of tbe goold arms rnske erected on his farm last week on sabbath morning the methodist church wblob haa been closed and under going repairs waa reopened rev s w holden delivered a very impressive sermon lo tbe morning and in the evening bev j mills of guelph addrsssed the congrega tion the attendance at both services wers large tbs collection on behalf of tbe repairs amounted to 11600 the repairing of tha oburoh bas mode a great chantte in its appearanoe it now looks like a plaoe of worship huob credit is die to mr wm worden jr of acton who had lbs contract his painting is indeed a work of art and bis work was the admiration of all who attended tbe servloes on sunday mr geo cann oar genlsl merobant is also worthy of special mention for it waa through his untiring efforts tbal tho good work of making gods honae respeolabla haa been accomplished mr alex grippe is ereotiog an addition to hla hoase msetor will ohisholm of saginaw ia visiting at bis uncles mr n forbes mies e ncllis returned borne lest week after apsodiaig some time very pleasantly with friends in malum mr j qsbtrrtj of rookwood spent sunday al mr 06 oanna mrsbenj welkins of norvel la vlaillnp bar bod mr thomas watklns of this vicinity mr j slnolalr her two children and ber sister miss laura eagle ol barnla who have beeq visiting frlende iu toronto and crewwne corners daring the past month retamad borne this wesk mr and mrs goo looker of aoton visited mr and mr cripps on sunday terry says that a eolation of blue vitriol sprinkled on a gravel walk will keep down grass and weeds the fall fairs list of the agricultural exhibitions which interest freo press readers halton milton sept 28 20 esquesing georgetown sept 20 industrial toronto ang 28 sept 0 western london sept 710 east elgin st thomas sept fj8 canada central ottawa sept 1133 wellealey welleslsy sept 13 18 owen boond sept 1214 southern brantford bept 1g 21 northern watkerton tiepi tv 20 central guelph sept 1021 north oxford woodstock sept 2123 north brant paris bept 25 26 north waterloo berlin sept 26 27 pllklngton elora sept 00 27 oeutre brace falaley bept 20 27 peel brampton sept 26 27 northwestern goderlob sept 2028 o wellington fergus sept 87 28 w wellington harritton sept 8798 south waterloo gait sept 38 20 north perth stratford oot 8 4 puslinob aberfoyle oot 6 eramosa rookwood oot 10 11 worlds fair rookton oot 10 11 erin erin oot 19 20 we woujj rnfher take e ioor ree at mid day oven if wo havo to start early and work late to make a foil day the ptn cube is not only the pleaaanteat but the sureat mennsor cure in all stomach troubles dr von stans pincappla tablets are an unfailing and dtlioious remedy far dyspop- eiaaud all tbedistreseing consequences of impaired digestion tbo j ulna of tbo pine apple abounds in vegetabla pepsin an invaluable product in that it is naturoa chief aid in digesting all kinds of food dr von stans pineapple tablti contain this grand essence of tho lusoious fruit in a consolidated form eat tbem ike oandy or let thorn dlesolve in tbe mouli tbey are effioaoions and pleasaot will at onoe relieve all the afflicting symptoms of faulty digestion and will core tbe meet inveter ate case of dyspepsia box of 00 tatlti 89 cents bold by a t brown at the railway stations in ruisia books are kept in whiob passengers may enter any complaint they may wish t make saturday all day and el snaps in ribbons 3c 5c 6c 8ho on sal all day saturday and in tl ial values in ladies fine shoel is a bonafide advance of ten pe great opportunity to buy new prices the frank guelphsgret we will offer four big 8c per ydn loing we will offer spec- jv stock and as there on shoe this is a i stylish goods at low inarler co istore property for sale anumdell of farms and village property for sale ou easy terma apply to wm hehbtkeet aoton fabm to reni yo rent 200 acich jot 80 bill con requeuing x arpiy on tiio iromlacfl or to john wathon aoton p o cattle strayed strayed on tbo prcmlrcb of tbo under- lencd lot 0 con 4 triti about 1st atirubt two y oarold otters owutir ty have proper ty after paying cbargob hugh mcctjtcheon agents 1 did jou ever tblnk of handling our illicit work tbollgbt of lifo v if not now is a good time to start 800 a day sure soma mako twlco that ex per ion co or capital brantford ontario trunks for 11 club bas leather 125 gladstone bags shawl str steamer trunks canvas bo 375 to 550 lrunk straps ilrass mounted mm sbbs i lisa j tv gi- iwrtfcpk stores the load always seems heaviett when you have reaohed very near to tbe top of the hill a beatulfal gelid cold shell una we do nor wont aeent in advance send us ayour name and addrcu and khn will send you a doien aampta packages of our 1 bhcath pgnrume snap to sell for ua at 5 0nt per pacltage when you f have sold thara return u our money isisoj ana j wo will send you free your choice of these r solid cold hbiell klnrcs as shown in cuts ona being- a very handsomely engraved band ring ihe other a 3ftone gem ring consisting of two austrian diamonds and brilliant french red ruby this perfume is the best ever placed before the public it destroys all obnoxious odors and gives the breath thst fragrant and deliswu sweetness only oblainp bio by bxaf w are making ibis oner for the punxise of in traducing our goods to lha public it being a purely business transaction and not prompted by any pallentruoplo spirit on our part universal perfume co 10 fotlttr chambvt amaut st toronto a man dragged by a wild horse would out himself loose it he could he would not have his flesh bruised and torn for a min ute if he could prevent it but many a man is dragged along by disease when be might just as well be well tbe man who is losing flesh and vi talitywho is worn- out rundown tired all the timeis on the road to death he is holding out invitation to disease consumption comes by neglect heart disease is a growth from other disorders nervous prostration doesnt come in o day take dr pierces golden medical dis covery at the first sign of failing health and you will seldom be very sick the golden medical discovery is the best bloodmaker fleshbuilder nerve-vital- izer it frees the body from all disease senna it invigorates tbe whole dlges- ve system and strengthens heart lungs and bruin hundreds of thousands of jtrateful patients have testified to its welae george ii nelaher sac of dortotl pike co sy vmusi hiitecnyeansrralwauwoiindcd dy a ball passing through my lunar i had a tkod cough almost ever alnce with shortness of freatht the allartileat change of sveather would aratiaetbecotsgrt to be so bad iwoukf have to ait rlahsdallntoie a few months an i began ssstpg dr rtemes golden medical wscovery and now can cat sleep and work and i feel use new man only that wbioh is worth keeping is worth getting toeadlns sept 7tii the right m established 1843 hamiltons favorite shopping ste are opening ttp new gboods during the past week a great many cases of new fall opened up and more are coming in every day which impres forcibly the necessity of clearing out at once whatever remains om the prices of such have therefore been marked down to the as these two representative items show 90o shirt waists for 35o rint shirt waists good quality of cloth large variety of patterns and colors were 75 and 90c clearing at only 35c 1 3a shirt waists for 6o0 cambric zephyr and ctaambray blouses balance of the seasons stock well and stylishly made large assortment of designs and shades were i r 25 and i35 the face receives the record of daily experience constant suffering from oorna will mar yoav beauly po not look anxious and discontented bat use putnams pain less oorn extraotor which will extraot that ore corn in a day without pain no wise man ever lived who did not at times make a fool ot himself a converted physician with tho aid of south american kldrtssy cure nurses hla hooe- leat case baok to health now 50c boys 41 blouses lor boo boys wash blouses in white drill and pique also linen effects with sailor collar well made and nicely trimmed were t and 5125 now 50c boys 9160 suits for 7 60 boys wash suits blouse and knickers in white jean neatly trimmed sailor collar were 9150 clearing at half price 75c 76o silks for boo taffeta suks in bla variety of broken excellent quality vel waists well worth for only have been bn us very mer goods ickly point white at terns fyllsh for jer yard 50c 112b plaids for 7 so all wool plaid dressl large variety of pattcal the minto maclcj royal stewart mac watch and gn wide- worth- 1 5 r in a jicluding ordon black inches boo plaids for 36c all wool plaid dressl large assortment of tartans ramsay land murray dresl lochiel maclachlenl s and others 40incb wa 1 35 coverings for 90o 1 french tapestry furnitu lugs 50 inches wide goo- designs and shadings quality formerly 8135 t75c- 3 in a t clan suther- seroti cenzle for 35c mall orders receive prompt attention we prepay the express to any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting over address all letters to department s thomas c watkinsl kin st east hamiltj cor hughson st home for infant wanted aqulot ghrlitlan home is deslrud for a noaltby protty girl bnbv with dark lialr and eyes four months old under very favor- ablo circumstaacos thopsraats may consent to adoption for particulars apply to box 11 fobs rirrfccfflrp valuable property for sale the undorajrnod offers for sals that desirable property ft tbo tbrlvjdg villsro of aoton comprising two lots bounded by mill and john stroata and bower avoduo on tbe property la a ccmfortable framo dwelling large earn hard and soft water o tb property will be sold either dd bloc or tbo lots separately and with or without tbo barn terms tnadoltoown upou application to w e smith or rj mcnaub mock wood aoton wanted agents in every district on tbo continent to tako orders for high grado canadian grown nursery btock and heeds largest and moat complete assortment in tbo trade fast- soiling specialties snperb samples furnished free correspondence in any isngnage tbesa gobltioni are money makers and territory sbould e secured st once for tbe season by s looking for a good tblnj onr sslsr e secured st once tor tbe season by all bustlers joking for a good tblnr mission offers interest to anyone not aarnln iisry or com- 100000 per year jet la communication with qay nearest offlea an opportunity to represent awellestablisbed boose ability more impor tant tban experience luke beothbr8 compahy u international nurseries chicago 111 montreal quo lioobester if t village of acton notice by i honor tbe judge of tbe ooocty court of tbe county pf halton at the town hall in tbe vil- ib hereby given that a court will bo bold pur suant to tbe ontario voters list aot by bis rtbej by of hi isge or aoton on thursday sept 21st 1809 at 230 oclock in the afternoon- to hear and determine tba several eomplalntaef errors and omissions in tba voters list of tbo mnnitripaht villit o a for 1 all persons having business at tbo coart axo required to attend at the said time and place tnob t moons clerk ojhe vlllana or acton dated at aoton boptember 9nd 1600 fcour parcels ot valuable prope in acton f sal thb followldft liroperty belormlxtb to ur patbiok sfillv row of buffalo is offered for sole at low prices and easy terms pabcar 1 teat one brlek residence and two lotsod the eornar of obnnbandaaelprtatreetii contains 8 rooms hard suid aof 1 water aplendld orohisrd ond good garden panosr l flood building lot as x 192 on qnalph street next to alex itamataavra now residence epon whlon la a young orchard faucki 8 tho atora and dwelling on mill atreet occupied by anrney bros wbo omrry on a general business la in splendid location central and convenient parcbx 4 threo oorner of young and alte for a manofactniiai to lta proximity to q t pod building lots at the mill btreeta a aplendld eetabliahmsnt owing 1 depot for terma and partiontera enquire at tfae office w h denny young st actpn a prominent physician writes this ot diabetes personally anttl very recently i faave never known an absolute oure bat this same pbysiolan says further that be bas noted tbe wonderful work accom plished in patients of bis by booth ameri can kidney oars patients whom he had oeassd to treat beoante in his estimation there was no ours and no hops what a tribute tbis la to tbe medical genius in tbeoomponndinjt of ibis treat remedy this kidney epeolflo it soothes heals and core tbe diseased psrts does it qniokly and permanently boll by a t brown dr pierces medical adviser sent for jl onecent atamps to cover customs and xnalllttg mly cloth binding so stamps address dr h v wercebutnslo n y 1000 men wanted by a r mann at flnmark for work on theontario rainy river rail road for school reopening new choice and artistic cover desingns for exercises and scribblers and all the necessary text books and school requisites fanoy stationery 3mrcbs 176 p6r drv ib wonthswohkto oqod9n- tbis new railroad passes through lbs great minion and farming diatriet of rainy river and lake of tha woods apply lo james matt hows aoton c w hazelton cuelph agents wantbdfor the ufa and lohtavenients of admiral pewsyt the worlde dmteat uayal bsro ily hurst balsujiad tbe llf sfong friend end admirer or the nation i lqof mt sod best book i overs lions only sjijm bborniode rfcrnaud jlig elabt by blggsst and best tail tlons only s eommlselons outfit free obanas of a life time write quick tb dominion oompany aid floor oaaton bug cbloaeo a large assortment of the latest writing tablets of artistic design good quality and popular prices all the newest shades in writing pap ers with envelopes to match a t brown mill street acton crandtrunk rjilwsv fystem lkbor dhy iloturn motets will be issued at single flrstclaas fare between all atatlons in oauada all stations in oanada to and from detroit and port huron uloh all atatlons in oanada to but not from buffalo blaek rook niagara palla and suspen sion bridge n y good aolug bept and 3rd th valid returning from destination on or before sept etb 18b0 for partlonlars as to tlckata elmplag and parlor oar aooomodatlon and ell information aprly to any agent of the grand trunk hallway system h s holmes agent aoton m o diokson dut foasr agt toronto gu6lph central fair sept 1 9 20 2 1 opens to the public tues day evening sept 19 at 6 pm attractive programme on wednesday and thursday afternoons concerts tuesday and- wednesday evenings con certs will be held inside 48th highlanders band wednesday afternoon and evening sept ao tho regalar train east will be held at gnolph until tha close of the concert on wednesday evening as this is tho first time this arrangement has been made vlsitorstrom roclcwood acton george town and points east should appereclatc h all information from j ec ddtt wh ttstdtaw president box 470 seo what it represents when you sit for a photograph you want ihe likeness to represent you properly when you sit to us wo want ihe work to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none but the best photo graphs and for our sake as well as yours wo are aura to give you ufouko satisfac tory photographs photo rrt1st rcton dont evkil to bbs geo stovels l stock of boots and shoes suitable for all classes prices reasonable stovel as a splendid line of school childrens shoes ladles street shoes misses walking shoes mens working boots mens dress shoes mens boots and leggings for tan nery wear full line of rubbers for fall wear all excellent vilui stovel oes all kinds of custom work and guar antees his own work stovel makes n syodmlty of repairing stovel las a line of boya strong hoots which he is clearing out at 30c per pair at agnbws old stand next to mblvins barber shop m1ll st acton working night and day tbs busiest and mightiest little thing thai aver waa made la dr kings new life pills every pill is a enjarooated glob ule of bsajth hat obsdges weakness into strength listlsssness into energy brainlag into mental power theyre wonderful in boildlng op the health only wo per box sold by j d atexee solid gold 38s beet gold tu1 l40 5yrsaoidjtffl7j00 bestqllmmi 100 teeperteotaavmamp globe optical cow 03 yongo strsxt toronto r4 l7ia wuh

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