to i of nothing belter to icor the lining of your throat and lungs it is better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia only keep it up long enough and you will succeed in reducingyour weight losing your appetite bringing on a slow fever and making everything exactly right for the germs of con sumption stop coughing and you will get well ztyers cherry pectoral cures coughs of every kind an ordinary cough disap pears in a single night the racking coughs or bronchitis are soon completely mas tered and if not too far along the cough of con sumption are completely cured ask your druggist for one dr ayers cherry pectoral plaster cheapeninoa license of it will aid the action of the cherry- pectoral if yon hare nny compltlnt ir list- i ever mid ileitro tho b medloxl iw1eo you onn pomlbly obtain write lu freely you whireeclvea prompt reply but may ba o great value toynu aridreu dh j c aykr lowell van she was a prelly yountf woman looking oat for bargains and for tba marriage ifooqbfi office the philadelphia htcord in reporting the result pays that bhe stood on buth street looking timidly up at the trphan court building there waa another girl with her but not bo pretty i think this io the plaoe said tho pretty young woman well uok tbo next man that ooraee along yea i as i was aayinkr george and t had a talk yesterday and we deoidod that as we were eoon to bo married wo mant be economical and besides be on tbo lookout for bargains of all sorts so wait i hero is a man can yoo tell me elr if thia la the marriage license office the man aaid it was and the two young women went inside odo of tbo clerks in the front offloe looked up at thmrvnd the pretty one said will you please direct me t the marriage hoense counter i mean depart ment t theyoang clerk looked at his fcllow- olerki plainly flaying by it they are leap year girls then be nebered the young women into clerk birds offioe how maob are your marriage licenses asked the pretty one the genial cupid smiled and said fifty cents always queried the girl ive oltan looked for your advertisement in the news papers and i nerer found it but dont you ever have bargain days that is i mean isnt the price ever reduced clerk bird trying hard to keep from laughing explained the workings of the office and the young girls went away disappointed by t ttaa jxtt ttsaa thursday september 7 1890 ffifr foxing jollts hoy want a grocar tackod upon his door a bit of paper this it bore boy wan tod i at the desk apply pay buroi flrit not ry high within two days at early morn a grocer a baby boy was born his little brother wild with joy said to bit father heros your boy tko down the notloe on the door for you wont need it any more then added this were got a price i now dont it pay to advertise lighting the pyramids electricity a plan is now under consideration by the british government forlighting the pyramids by electriolty and the installation of an eleotrio power transmission plant of 25000 horse power the plan involves the creation of a power generating plant at the assouan falls on the biver nile and its transmission over a distance of 100 miles through the cottoncrowing districts where ii is thoagh the provision of cheap power from this aoaroo will permit the building of cotton foctoriej part of the sehome contemplates the lighting from thfs source qttboictetlotoaifi of the pyramids and alio the operation of pumping machinery for irrigating large areas of desert landa along the nile it is also call it oysters the physician iti charge of nil insane asylum in ohio prescribed a largo dono of castor oil for one of the inmates a man of great atreugtb aqd wild- unmauagoat le temper tbo attendant who had been oommiflaionod to administer tho nauseous dose foresaw that bo was likoly to hod tho task moro or less dillloult and therefore fok with him eovarol assistant ou rottohtng the lunatics oell thoattoud- ant put on a matteroffact air and oup m hand stepped iumda tho door the mad man defluod hit pnrposo ustuntly and rushed furiously upon him tbo atten dants were loo quick for him however and after a severe etrngvle throw him down and attempted to pinion bid arms the man fought like a tiger but found himself overmatched suddenly hobeome porfectly quiet and putting bis hand to his mouth baid in a whiepor to tbo ohief attsndant gall it oy stars the attendant was a man of great natur al shrewdness as dealers with tho insane need to be and at onoo understood the lunatios meaning directing the wonder lng assistants to release the patient he took tbe cop from the shelf on which it had beon set approaching tho oray man made him a low bow and said in a tone of oeremomoub politeness good morning mr smith will yon try this dteb of very fine oysters the lunatlo bmiled pleasantly returned the bow with one still lowor and answered thank yon very muob you are very kind so saying be took the cop and drained it with every appearance of the deepest satisfaction ah bald he as he flntahed the dose and smacked bis lips cfaobo aro indeed fine tbe finest oyaters i have ever tasted he had saved bis selfrespect and had tangbt bis keepers an excellent lesson id their own line el tt what is achievinq his ambition stated that an amerioan company is likely to receive tbe contract for this work happy men and women palnes celery compound has given them new health and long and by the way asked the old school mate what baa become of mosely who used t talk so much about devoting his life to uplifting mankind 1 did he go into the ministry 7 no answered the other schoolmate ho is in tbe tlavstor business castoria cuhturliv is for infnnts and children castorln is a lmrmlchs substitute for castor oh paregoric drops mid soothing syrups it contains neither opium morphiuo nor other narcotic substance it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions or mothers cnstoria destroys worms and allnjs fovcrisli- ncss cnstoria cures dinrrhcoa and wind colic cnstoriii s teotldngr troubles cures constipation nnd flntlllelicy cnstoria assimilates tho food regulates tho sttlmocli and bowels of infants and children riling healthy nnd nntural sleep cnstoria is tho childrens pmincen tho mothers friend castorla castorln is nn excellent medicine for children mothers hnve repeatedly told me of its fcoou cflcct upon their children xh g c osqood lowell mats castoria castorln is o will nilupud to tliililicii thnt i iccomincnd it an stijnn ir to nuy ire acripticti known to mc h a aucliklt m v jimokhny y the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapp s years of life the new teachers at alma colleqe torontonensi 1806 i a splendidly printed and illustrated volume recording many itema of interest relating to the university graduate o that year among these graduates were miss mary o roirell b a and miss e m i moors b a who have beon recently added to the stall of alma ladies college st thomas ont sg heads of the departments of english and boienoe respectively tho estimation in whioh these yoonj ladles wars held by thsirfllowetndenls may be gath fr thousands made well during- the summer months mrs cilhula how to be strong and happy in the autumn season- the biographical notion in toronto- nesia we read the folloicing the elements of sweetness and light tbe products of religions develop ment in oharaoter have more attractive force than any other thing mary c rowell has won the the hearts of all her fellow students through tbe ailent disbna- ion of this force toleration and a steadfast sdheraooo to present dnty make her an inspiration to those around her daring parts or her third and fourth years miss bowcll was president of the y w o a of viotoria college the faonlty of modern languages consider her one of the best students of the college she has taken a good stand in her oonree miss moore is desorlbed ss clever sociable and oonsoientiona she has delved deep in her soientioo reaearohes in her senior year ber olass mates expressed their appreciation by electing ber to tbo office of first vicepresident happy indeed are the men and women who during the summer months have taken advantage of ths diseasebanishing and lifegiving virtues of fainea odery compound dangerous ailments and wasting diseases have been overcome and banished nnd they enter the autumn months fall of life and vigor with long and happy years before the permanent gure of cancer some twelve years ago mrs elizabeth gilhula wife of the postmaster of bux ton ont was taken ill v ith an obscure stomach trouble which ber physi cians pronounced cancer of the stom ach and informed her that her lease of lilt would bt short on tbe advice of i tench she coninu need taking- burdock lxid ilii lu ra the r- stilts that followed ere hil c short of in trvi lions her length and vior n turned and in a short line she was completely cured mrs i ili n today in the full enjoyment of b d lie i ih and in all these years there has ot b v ii hits slightest relui d of the trouble here ts the letter mrs gtihula wrvt ai lie time of her cure abnji four years ago i was taken atefc vith stomich troubleand consulted several n the itvdofi physicians here all of whom oi nnuiiid the disease to be cancer of tho iiomilh of an incurable nature and told me tli it it was hardly to be expected that cmild itva long afterward the two doctors who were attending me gave me up to die by the advice of some of my friends who knew of the virtues of burdock blood biikm i i was induced to try it and i am now h ippy to say that after using part of the firt bottle i felt so much better i was abe to gxt up i nm thankful to state that i nm completely cured of the disease by tho utj of b llte although it had baffled the doctors for ajong tline i nm firmly con- growth in graoa is not a natural bat a bapernaturtil product j it ia growth la grace the proprietors of pftrmelees pills aro constantly receiving letters similir to tho following which ezpuios itlf mr john a beau waterloo ontario writes i never used any medicine that can equal parmeleea pillt for dyepep n or liver and kidnoy coropaiuta the iollef experienced after uelon them was wonderful as a eato family tnodioiuo parmtleed vegetable pllla can bo given in all oases requiring a cathaitio the kluslng baft is qaid to be no rela tion to tho oldfashioned kiebing bee immrtllato relief mr h m kemp 209 brunbwiok ave toronto writes i havo used milburns jrheumatiftpitittor liheltmatiem x was so bad that i had to ba assisted in gt tting ont of bod tho pills rrvo immediate relief as afur using ono box tbo pain left and has not rot urn oil i will take care if poseille that my doath bhall say nothing that my lifo has not paid are you losing flesh then something is wrong to tbe young it always means tronblo it is a warning t any one tmtess t hey are- al ready too fat scotts emuleion checks this waste aud brinra up oar woifiht again experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful n manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funcra supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speight jfe co hcton life iu ltaelf ia neither rood nor bud it is the placo of what is good or bud forintsrnsl or exlornal uso hagyard yellow oil oannot bo excelled aa a psin reliever and soothing remedy for all pain oar minds aro never at borne but oer beyond homo tho bett way to tickle a mans vanity says tho manayank philosopher is to toll bim be hasnt any liver troubles biliousness sallow complexion yellow ejee jaundice etc yield to tbo odrative powers ot laxaliver pills they aro euro to euro to remind him if yon are nofortooauly numbered with thou who aro tirtd worn out nervous dyspeptic rbeomatlo neuralgic or your life made miserable by kid nay disease hirer trouble or blood diseases and have met with iad failures id tbe past under medical treatment and ibe oe of wrong medioincb wa would impress upon you the wisdom of trying painet celery com pound a medio no thnt oannot fall or disappoint yoo it is the only remedy in ths world that has the fall and besrty approval of educated men and women a remedy that has received the complete indorsation of tbe best physicians splints ring bone sweeny stifles nidabaubu rdocliih my life here ts th utter received from her a short time ago i am still in good health i thank burjock blood bitters for aving- my life twcue years ngo and highly recommend it to other sufferers fiom moninch troubles of any kind elizabeth giluluu bill bo yon remember that money 1 loaned yon last menth jill oh yes i recall it now well i nigh i could english spavin liniment removes all bard soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses blood spavin garbs cramps and colic always rel eved promptly by dr fowler3 ext of wild strawberry eto save 950 by the dbo of one bottle warranted tbo most wonderful blemisb onre ever known sold by a t brown iilttle fete is a good boy as well as a boy of a treat deal otionginality in bis notions bnl be baa tbe aerions faalt of being extremely forgetf ol one day after having gone on an errand and forgotten what be was sent for be exolalmod bitterly to his sister oh dear 1 i wish i waa a snake 1 ton wish yon were a snaka said bis liter horrified yes and a great long one as mnoh as six feet long why what for pete j so i eonld tie knots in myself to make me remember tblngs 1 plain talk wilbont asking why bow good trne friendships and bow we value those who are loyal and trne to aa through evil aa well as good report when all men speak well of us we think everytblng seonre even tbe friendships of all who have known as bat alee onr friends whom we thought so true desert ns wilbont ever asking why it may be the loss of this worlds goods it may be the foal breath of slander or it may ba tha ailent whisperings of some enemy resolutely determining to poll ns down in the opinion of ths oom- mnnlty what is friendsbjp worth whioh goes with the daw of slander and tnsploion 7 a trns and tried friend is worth having and keeping things of this world are unstable and insecure bnt there is a home where sorrow never entera nor ill wind ever blows u almost all tbo failures io life aome not from a lack of opportunity but from a iaok of persistent pnrpobe stiff joints four years mr arthur byrne book hill ont writes i was laid up with stiff joints for foor years and oonld get no relief until i used three bottles of bagyarda yrlldw oil which curod me muggins yonngpops bsby swallowed a sponge tbe other day and tbendranb a lot of water bngglns did it kiok the bnokct muggins not qutc but it throw np the sponge a short bead to health was opened to those suffering from obronio oongha aathma bronchitis catarrh lumbago tumors rheumatism excoriated nipples or iunamsd breaat and kidney oompuints by the introduction of the inexpensive and sffeotive remedy dr thomas ecleotrlo oil yon never saw my hands as dirty as yours said a mother to ber liltlo girl no bnt grandmother did was tbe reply how to onre headaobe some people suffer untold misery day after day with headaobe there is rest neither day or nigh t until tbe nerves are all unstrung the oanse la generally a disordered stomaoh and a cure oin be effeoted by aeing par meleee vegetable pills oontaining mandrake and dandelion mr finlay wark lysander p q writes i find parmeleea pills a urstclsi article for bilious headache when jou nr seized with an nttack of cramps or douhltd up u ith colic you want a remedy 3 ou nrc sure will give you rehf and pive it quickly too you don t want nn untried sometlnnjr that mayhclnjou you want dr tonlcrs extract of wild stawbcrry which cicry one know will positively cure crimps and colic qiiukly just a dose ortwoandou iku c case but now a word of proof to back up thcie assertions and wo have it from mr john ont who writes dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is a wonderful euro for diarrhoea cramps and pains in tho stomach i was a gteat sufferer until i pavo it a trial but now i have perfect comfort mapleleaf mrv j hinders no 1 has 10- inch rever sible barrs 8inch single 10hn jlcqoeetf agent for the aboe has changed his wire- ooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen trost wood bi2wers and mowers both have ball bearing j burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always tjnaranteed a mai given hundreds in use coold shapely muir co limited brantford ont and a complete line- of- farm implements and all kinds of repairs t my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers 4uimi tim mi it a 1 1 ay ioino wi bt ft ail o 02 a in kxnrojb i 2t i 111 mall 7 15 1 tn aoina 1 akt rxprcfib 0 j5o ir lpruht 10 f0 n tn mall u hnin fillxod 10 oj p hi suudny trniiib ooid wcht 1u ou a in golui last 0 jo a in li h p m timk ov llohinj maim going wot 0 40 a ui fiiid fl co p in going east 10 25 u in nnd 0 50pm this tlmo tablu nutit into olttct ou bunduy j una mth ww speight brady manufacturers ol dynamos electric motors vtater motors gasoline and oas jznoines brass ilron cabtmosto order repairing promptly dono georgetown ont alma lhdi0s coll6ge opens tor nineteenth yeir september 7th parents are reminded that the best condi tions for the mental moral and social train ing of their daughters are to be found in a residential school like alma college st- thomas ont for full information address rev ri warner prin st thomas ont eyerlonjnd eden mills the place to go for the best flour iran middlings chop feed 6tcfor8ale john m cquten chopping every day ai everton mills and every lucsday thursday and siturday at eden mills always buying wheit no credit henry hortop main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor the best la the cheapest woven wire fencing upull wire rope belvaqe mcmiiii6i1 s are unequalled in quality and their fencings tbi ontario wire fencinq co i ploton onuilo prices 1oifli hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you it they fail you write the manufacturers at picton the cow knew in ibis era of railways and newspapers knowledge is not oonfined to oitiea and towns how eavagelv tbat cow looks al me said a yonng woman a summer boarder to a farmer its yoar red parao1 maam be answered datr ma i aaid the maiden i knew it was a little ont of fasbioo bnt i didnt suppose a oonntry cow would notice it new york wakly these rapid days city editor- well 7 beporter can i bave is minutes this afternoon oily editor frowning for what reporter im to be married oily editor well hurry np and absently gat tbe name of tbe bride and all tbat and if tbaras anything sensational enlarge upon it i sbsll expeot half a oolumn get a bnalle on we are all rloher than we think but wo are brought up to go abegging castoria for infante and children atfastsisi fet one question whioh a woman desiring to become a traloed nurse must answer is what are yonr physloal disabilities in reply to this a girl recently nrote i a oowliok and a corn have ib toptekt8oodldm may be aeenred by oirald address the patent record when the children aro hungry what do you give them food when thirsty now use the common sense water same good and what would you give them when they are too thin the best fatforming food of course somehow you think of scotts emulsion at once for a quarter of a century it has been making thin children plump weak child ren strong sick children healthy j sec aed loo ll dmtfbts aoott bowib chmltorosts couldnt bring it with him magistrate to prisoner why did you leave thai town prisoner didnt tbink i was strong enough yonr worship to bring ibe town with me be was sent to prison for fourteen days in order tbal be might guess again effects are similar tbat was a wise sohoolboy who when the master asked why was it tbat his great disoovery was not properly appreofat ed until long after columbus was dead promptly replied ii was because he didnt advertise sir it ia more diflloult to command than to obey the mind is ill at ease when its com panion has the colio worms oannot exist either in obildren or adnlts when dr lows worms sryup ia used 25o all dealers summer oirl at popular bathing resort this most be salt water i oan almost float in it experienced aunt no dear it ia nol sail water but yon are so very fresh you know chioago tribune knowledge should not be stack on to tbe mind but incorporated in it worms eante feveriabness moaning and restlessness during bleep mother graves worm exterminator is pleasant sure and effeclnsl if yonr druggist has none in stock get him to procure it for yon ii la easier to gel money than io keep it laxellver pills onre biliousness sink heeuiaohs constipation dyirjepsia sour eomsobwejbteb sallow oonopleilon etc they do not weaken gripe or aloken small od easy to take scrofula another permanent oure by bbb after two doctors failed ask any doctor and he will tell you thnt next to cancer scrofula is one of the hardest diseases to cure yet burdock blood bitters applied cxlcrnnlly to tho pnrts rifled ei nnd taken internally cured rev win stout of icirkton ont permanently after mny prominent phsiciins failed cured mrs w bennct of crcwsonn corners out perman ently when everyone thought she would die now mr h h forest windsor mills pq statos his case as follows after having- used burdock blood bit ters for scrofula in tho blood i feel it rny duty to mika known tho results i was treated by iho skilled physlcinna but they fnilod to cure m i bad runnmjr aores on my hands and leers which 1 could aret nothing to bcnl until i tried b bh this remedy healed them completely and per manently leaving ibe skin and flesh hound and whole lady i think yon are tbe woret looking tramp i evor saw tramp maam its ouly in tbe prosenoe of nnoommon beauty i look so bad cared of eczenui i was troubled for several years with eozema and tried several doctors bnt to no purpose then i waa advised to try burdock blood biltora and did so with the greatest saccesa aa six bottles of entirely cured me wo o uglow port hope ont we didnt have- time to stop so wo bought a lunoh aud ate it aa we drove along ab i aeo you dined a la cart there never was and never will be a unlivereal panacea in one remody for all ills to which flesh is heir tho very nature o many cnrativeh boing suah that were tbe germs of otbor and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of tho pationt what wonld relieve one ill in turn would aggravate tho otbor we have however in quinine wine wbon obtained in a sonnd nnadnlterated state a romedy for many and grievous ills by ite gradual judlolons nie the frailest sjbtema are led into con valescence and strength by tbe inunenoe which qnlnine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves tbe drooping bpirits of those witb whom a chronin stato o morbid despondence and leak of interest in life is a disease and by tranqnillzing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotion ot the blood whioh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening tho healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a neoessary result strengthening the frame and giving lifo to tbe digestive organs whlob naturally demand increased substance result im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto havo given to tho pnblio their qninine wino at tho usual rate and guaged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any tho market all druggists sell it trflb greening 3tfire co c9nbhhi jtgbnts kontrbrl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers fi the red bird- best to- day and cood for years thelstilson chain tom why were yon so determined to kiss that homely cousin of yours dick i want io establish a procedont bhe has two very pretty slstors you know mo one need fear oholera or any anmmor complaint it they have a bottle ol dr j d kellogge dysentery cordial ready for use it corrects all looseness o the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action this is a medicine adapted for tbe yoong and old rloh and poor and is rapidly beoomlng the most popular medlelno for oholera dysentery etc in the mirket a liar should havo a llilbnrus titeiling good memory headaoho powders are easy to tako harmless in aotion and bure to cure any headache in from 5 to 20 minntea ambition is tho daughter of presumption to spend moro money every year than yon make ia to be guilty o dishonesty if jrou notice your ahlld grinding tbe teeth during sleep pioklng lbs nose eating ravenonely bnt not seeming to gain flesh yon may be sure worona are present aud should not delay giving dr lows pleas ant worm syrup pries 35 osnts nothing tbat we can do today will alter the bistorv that wa made yesterday mr wm ferry blenheim out says i can recommend dr woods norway pins byrop ss ths very belt medioine or oonghs oolds sore throat and weak lunge when bicycle manufacturers and riders tbe world oer wcro luulng trouble with their bicycle chains which in spite of nil tticy could do would wear and stretch it was a canadian who found a way out of tho difficulty the wilson chain with which bed birds are fitted 3 3 man uloc turor of sasli doors frames mouldings in all stylos dressing matching and moulding to order on short notice vnll assorted stock on haoj at prlcofl torn uio times john cameron proprietor there are two kinds of men to be found everywlrere- those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the bojs and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quahtyandpfrces oaxl and see our new lines nerve pills for weak people and thosi troubled with galpltatlon throbbing i oatlnsr of the hear shortness of breath distress aftei exertion smothering feeling- boasme or palnthrough the breast or irregular dlzzlneas er said jb east the remember milburns heart and nerve pllle oure the worst oases after other remedies fall lsxauver rills sure oonsllpsuoe ip w williams mill st photo engraving sh half ionts patents promptly secured i 1 his canadian was mr wrn vhsop ope of ifie expert ptd uy this company io bring tho red bird nearer a sac qf qbsouta perfection th involution consisted qf a patent whereby the centro part of ha pin was hardened giving tie hardened steel pin so well wns this received thnt tha lajgest chain manufactiir lng establishment in tho world purchased the amealcan 2 ght to produce it since then ihere have been many imi- ations but as is always the case with imitations none are so good as the genuine article such ns red birds are fitted with today the 60 old bicycle co limited j d mohke agent 2ju4u iiitiuirilliiuiiililuuiiuiuiuitriririu muni nwvawvatvvvwvnvav trvvnvvw write for our intonating booka invent orshelpand how ion rro nnrlmllcd send ns a rough alcetefi or mcdtl ot your invonuon or improvement mill mo wilful you dree our opinion na o whotlior it in probablr rmtonnili a a o iimko n micclalty of npniroatlons rojoctci in other hands xligliobtretoronmairurnlaliod mabion mabion patbnt bouoitors a suumu ssuij natawrs onsutnol la rlrtodinio bohool of fiiulurnluf luctadorsln appumi sclannt iivnl 1 i ivcnlly umun yis5 w lll ainiilosa water wort i n blal n nter works amoo f o saivoron asioflntlon auoa uenibercan boolly o clrll xiulnn rs o v arnats- i ncw v0rx lfc b d montreal oan smeis buil0ino wikebsi dot expbrilpriss nnt itm oldest asmo7forsmiruiirjmaiitz natfatnlfisssv scientific flmericatt a haiuuomolr lllnstraieo weaktr usfaset elr- or anr solentlflo lourna orm