Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 14, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxv no ii acton ontabio thubsday septjffimbeb j 4 1899 price thkeh cents is rtjollbhed every thursday morning at tub free trcsbsteam 1riutlnrofllce uiltj street aoton ont tsnusov souhoniptioh ouo dollar por year strictly in ad van oo all bubsorlptionb discon tinued when tho tlmo for whiob they havo boon paid boa oxplrod tbo da to to wbfob ovory subscription 1b paid is denoted on tbe address labol anvsntisind ratkb transient advcrtlso- moots 11 acuta por nonpareil una for first in sertion- oents per lluo for oaoh subsequent insertion cohtnict mathb tho following tablo shows our rates for tliu luaortion of odvortlbemonts for spoolflod periods 1 1 ttt 6 no a mo i imp solnohos s 6000 3500 aooo 700 lolnobos 3300 3000 1900 800 slnohes 9000 1900 7x 960 linoh eoo a 60 aoo 100 advertisements without snecino directions will be losertsd till forbid ana charged accord- ngly transient advertisements must be paid n advance advertisements will bo changed once eaob month if desired for changes oftoner than enoe amonth the composition must be paid for at regulax rates changes for contract advertisements mui oo a tho ofqoo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmoobe editor and proprietor schools have reopened our stock of school books is the largest and most complete in town our gem work book for ink our central school scribblers for ink or pencil ruled and plain are the best 5 ceut books in canada our work books and scribblers arc big and the paper extra heavy and fine covered slates as cheap as the plain all 1 ho school books wanted will be found at days bookstore no delay or waiting for stock send your children lo days for their school supplies for day lias the stock and his low prices win every time thb traders bank of canada capital authorized 1 000000 capital paid up 700000 guelph branch wo are now issuing money orders payablo at par at any branoh of chartered batik in canada excepting the yukon district at tbo following rates uudor 810 8 cents 10 to 20 10 ceuts 90 to is cents sim to m 11 coats otirg days book store guelph day sells cheap wttsittm jbirertorp medical tohn m macdonald m d cm bucceaaon to j f urek m d q m offlao anil residence corner mill frederlolc roots aoton ofllco hours b to 1030 am 1 to 3 pm and i to 9 pm waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods highest current rate op interest riald on sums dopasltod of 1 and upwards uteresf allowed from dato of dopoilt to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances mado to robponaiblo armors on tbolr own names at tbo lowest curron rates no charge made for collecting sales notes if payable in guelph a general banking buunoss ronsaotod 4 j h jones manager we cant stop the seasons and so each season in its turn finds us prepared with wants in our lino sporting season la now here d r f j r forster hoccebhon to dr a 8 elliott late roildont pbyslalan aad hurgoon to vic toria hospital for sick children toronto office mill streot iatoly occupied by dr elliott d r dryden eyflantnaoitamd nose mcleans block douglas st noar p 0 aublpn office hours 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 0 pm bomdats 10 am to lpjn dental l bennett lds dentist qkoaaxxoww owtajio jcoghlan ddsl ds dentist wobk ubktdlly domb fnioxs m0dehate orriox ovan bbowns dnuo stohh houbseveht sat fbou 0 to 6 jm bell dds lds dentist baooxvxxlb jlowon qnad0atb ov tononro univsbsitx work made satisfactory price modorate visittmo dats monday afternoon camp- belltlue tuesday acton office clarks hotel friday ltookwood jm ole an mclean barristers solicitors notaries oonvoyanoers lie privatofundstoloan offloe town hall acton wk a ucliut jao a mclean j mackinnon baboisteja solioiton conveyance ofiiok mill street lu mattbows blook upstairs r b mcleod 0 lunnistsn bouciroa convstanobo main streot georgetown money to loan at lowest current ratos r j monabb ulera fourth division court county of hal- od oouvoyancor agent vlroand 110 assurance ileal katato agent money to loan oto orviob lerrymansulook acton ont miscellaneo us el enry arist ottawa oamada solicitor of tatonts for invention oto prepares applications for tlie canadian amor- lean and european patent offlooe and for tno itokutrallon 6i trade marks bond for pam phlet thirtytwo years osperlenoo f ibanois nunah bookbindeh wvndnambt onolph ontario wn ovor williams store aocount books of all kinda da ava o to oinaeix- eriodlcals of every desorlptlonoaxefnllybonnd aunpneaslvan promptfydone w abbiaab upenseb h p moobej issmen or minnitna liiosusss private offloe no witnesses required tosned at lesldenoe in tue evening free pre1 offloe aoton m hemstbeet liombbbd aponom or the donnties of wellington and 1 hauon grdenlsflat the fjl rf olboe aoj tmrresldeneeln aoton will bei promptly st eaded to terms beesonablo also money to loan on iho most favorable buustuc i at i th lowest rates of interest in antrjsoflmoanil pwarda 8ubs0bi8bd btookoipltai b5000 the wellimqton mutual firb insurance company established 1840 head pffloa ottblph ont insubancb on caan and mutual plan any sommunloatlons forwarded to my addrcis llox or telophone 08 will be promptly attended to jqnn taylon ageal ooolpll aoton machine and repair shops sbniiy obindeu proprietor abb well equipped with all the machinery seoesiary to eieeute all repejrs to maehln- r udurlenltaral implements and to do all tlndsfstaamatungborssoedngandjsneral mumthlng woodwork repairs iwriprmed in asassctoiy mannav we oil repair any intoblnv oi lnpleonnl of any msfe baw offlslniianaruliilioone acton saw mills and wooti yard jhlutbs brosrun iainjfacrruiutiiaopmaijiiif number ft shtngle wooa bte nafdwoofland alab out ftove length alwayf telephono commuolcatjon waters bros wyndham street new store guelph speight brady manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors gasoline aim oas engines brass a iron castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont cash paid for farm produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted aikenhead produce co o paesons manager cor mill and main sts acton opposlle clarks holel wellandvale jc hill bicycles agent aclon coll and see the new welland vale bicycles at the bicycle livery the per fect garden city and dominion are the leading grades while ihe perfect chalnless has merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un disputed fact lhat the welland vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheel the single piece cranks ore the best attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business j c hill everton and eden mills the place lo go for trie best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everlon mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hottop main street planing mills acton tont and wc are ready with n full supply of guns rifles and ammunition- all new goods write or call john m bond co cublph motto satisfaction hardware alma lhdi9s opens lor nineteenth year september 7th parents are reminded that the best condi tions for rhe mental moral and social train ing of their daughters are to be found in a residential school like alma college st- thomas ont for full information address rev riwarner prln st thomas ont sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont urjaargrea capital b000floo0o tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 96ooo aid in maturity valne 9ioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton robert nobles flour feed- store john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of 8nh doors frames m onldlogs in all styles dressing itatcama and moulding to order onlfhort notloe well assorted stoek on band at prleos toss tbe times john cameron proprietor mm mall and business praotloe is ths most interesting and prme- tleal oonrse of study in bookkeeplni and acoounuob for boys and girls loavlag fabllo and high schools shorthand end typewrltlna spey- lei faellltim individual tufuoo no olasses formed partuu are invited to investliate vail term will earn- menoe monday aug m oub1ph business college and shorthand institute j bhaltp prinolpal aobntb yantbdfor oommlsslons optat jrse ohaoos 1 of -irfb- tine write quick tbe dominion company 3rd floor oaxtob blclg obleago plymouth binder twine agency silver sheaf is purest is strongest jsevjchest is longest best ml most economic does quality oount witn jrou laeqe stock on hand it tuk stork there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stggk is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style qualify and prices qnig akd 8mb otjr new 14otbb w williams mill st oio kill j ho loafed around tho dtsglua on tho bead o itoarln fork too bbirtlooa fur to draw ills breatu too laty fur to work aalouoby soodfurnothlu outf droaaod like t ornoy tifttnp a sort o wart upon tbo face of a respected ctimp hib worldly goods war jest an ol prospaotlb pan an pick with whiob bo uit to ofn say bed icmo day turn a trick but all the minora lauguod at blm an 1a dis dainful tonoi allowed tlmr wasnt a bit o nerve wrapped up in ol lilll joiics kcp tramplu up an down the creek an ollmbln up tbo bills au icratobln round in lazy way td give a tnan tbeofallli an talking f tho way bard luck had biffed blm with a oinb an bum in in whisky jack for booze an bumui in as for grub if you should offer him a job bod sort o sneor on say ho calkllated bed boblrin men blmaolf some day but as fur blm bard labor war too tryln on the bones anfjulto antagoulstlo to tbo taste of ol bui jonoa we stood it till tbo cainolb back war broke an tol tbe soamp hod bettor bl any easy trail unnobo it ont o camp an jnst as an incentive to acoo orate bis gait leludg my boots out and a klok that vrant no foatborwolgbt ho only scowled in issy way an paid ihst hp warubtl to rough ol knocks an bo bad bored that cbicka aomo homo to roost an tlion along tbo ouray trail bo dragged bis weary bones an itoarln fork war purged at last of sbif tloss ol bui jones wo thought it war tbo richest joke a goln wben wo board that bo had struck a flsauro volu tbat war a golden bird but down in denver tother day 1 saw a oloam shaved faco that bad a durnod familiar look i somebow couldnt placo ho lolled back in a korrldgo dressod nobby as a king tho driver togged in uniform tbe bosses jest tbe thing anwucnx oskoda foller who it was he soldi ho owns olus onto half this town i guoss thats colonel william j on 08 from tjit denver evening pott wd 3fttimlg starting pin3ing lfoer lady bug lady bag fly away i bring ode a beau without delay st andrews night bad come around jmt eighteen times in tba brief existence of martha mocuntook and for catb at the midnight hour of tho fateful day ths girl had said her little speech to the ladybag it la an old enpentltlon that he or aho wbodoairea to be happily mated must find a lady bug on st andre wa day the tiny black beetle mast be imprisoned ell day and be riven ite libeity in the witoblng boar of ghosts and goblins than within a year will come a bean to marry tbe lady fair in honilon township every boy end girl since they were old enough to know any thing of beans and sweethearts followed the old time superstitions custom on- st andrswa nigbfcifadyot them married within the year they extolled the effioaoy of the charm of tbe ladybag and the young folic of honiton believed ell the more falthfally in it martha moolintbok began to try the charm at tbe age of fourteen not became she lacked schoolboy besae for she wis a pretty girl but because marriage meant to her more than a lover or a pro tector it meant a deliverer from an ankiod fate tho meclinjks belonged to some of he oldest families of virginia they had been well todoonoeapon a time bat bad become impoverished grief oarrled away marthas mother and then her father died leaving the poor girl alone in tbe world save for the kinship of an old aant who hsd become estranged from the faintly many years before she was the sister of marthas father who bad forever incurred the displeasure of his family by marrying the prettiest girl in an adjoining township rsther than tbo bride tbey had chosen for him to this aunt who was well off in worldly goods martha was sent by the town authorities the girl was not a welcome gift from the township faot in view of her close rtlttion to marthas father and her ability to house and feed and clothe her she ooo id not well refuse to receive her to tie the sensitive tender young creature who had been loved to idolatry by two doling parents to a sour eld maid who looked with affeodon upon no one but a half dozen cats was like imprisoning a lark in a dismal cage in this lovchss atmosphere the child grew into a maiden bbe was given as good an education as the place afforded for her spinster aunt shunned the criticism of hsr neighbors wbloh would have been pound out upop her bad she neglected to give so bright a girl the necessary school ing martha learned rapidly she took advaitge of every opportunity to enrich her mind and as all the tsmohers were fond of her and sought to bring as muoh bright ness as possible into the yonbg girle life her school days were among the happiest of her existence at tbe age of sixteen her guardian took her from sobool believing that she had done enough so far as her nieces mental development was oonoerned a life of drudgery began with that day for martha mcollntock the servant was dismissed and she was installed as maid of ill work the tedium and hardship of menial labor might have been borne in patience had she not been out off from all companionship with tba yonng people of the place she met them only on sunday atoburcb and even then the ogre eye of the spinster ooo fined the intercourse to a mere greeting or a friendly handshake from tbe more ooarsgeooe youths of the village tbe monotony of her lonely life made martha despondent and her daily prayer was one for deliverance from the serfdom tbui bt andrews day earns for the eighteenth time in the young girls life and in accordance with the oustom of the youog folks of hsr acquaintance she searobed high and low for a ladybag among the shrubs of ber aqufts garden tbe season was ittr and tbe bqgs and beetles bad not come ont as sarly a formerly lady bogs were undsunlly soaroe that year and martha was sorely disappointed when hsr search availed her nothing in bitter tears over hsr bard lot tho girl retired for the first time since ehe cool i remember unable to carry out the charm with the hdybug her sleep was restless and frequently broken by the sobs bbe could not control at mldulght she arose perhaps ehe would find a lady bug after all if she went out now in tbe moonlight and renewed ber eearch among the grapevines that trailed around the fence at the far end of the garden boftly she orept down atairs and out at the rear door her aunt was a sound sleeper and the girl f 1 safe from her molestations see harried down to tho fence the moon guiding her foctstepb as ll peeped out from underneath a chad soon lb shone fall and white over the entire landscape bringing into bold relief every object in the garden the big jno leaves were ailhoaetted againtt the darker background the dewdrops sparkled like diamonds and busy ants that crawled over them were dietinctly visible suddenly martha stopped there away up near tbe top of the fence she baw a ladybag perohed on a leaf which stood ont straight and firm like a tray it was asleep sound asleep- and martha had no trouble ic breaking the leaf from the ttera and secur ing the coveted prize ladybtig lady bug fly away i bring me a beau without delay oried tbe girl hope longing and anguish expressed in her voice a loud groan answered in the distance the girl trembd hep help pried the voice ofa man- marthas first fmpulae was to fly to tbe bouse but her better nature asserted itself a bnman heing was in distress j that was clear she must go to him that was also clear where are you bhouted martha at tba top of her voice here under thin clump of cottonwood trees help fur heavens sake t i am coming answered martha this time not bo loud for the cottonwood trees were not far off she climbed over tho fenae and ran as fast as she could to the spot jndlosd which was about a haudred yards away thero in tho moonlight she saw a man lying in the grass he was yonng and handsome and he wore the garb of a huutsman his face wai pale and difctoi ted with pain bat a look of gratitude shot from hie feverish eyes as they gknoed up at the tall graceful ghl bending over him an inoersoll1ncident where are you hart asked martha i was thrown fronvmy horse said the injured man while bunting this after noon in the fall i broke my leg the horse ran away and at first i was glad of this because i bjped that the rideilees animal would tell the story of some ones injury and that help woold come to me for hours i waited for tbe sound of a human voice without avail then i dragged myself to tbe edge of this field i must have fainted for when i recovered my senses it was night- i tried to sleep but the pain was so in ton bo that 1 could not do bo then came your voice it was like the voice of an angel it did not take martha long to debate what she must do for the injured man her fathers mott intimat friend was dr godlove the town pbystofan it was a mile to bis house bat she was youug and agile and she knew the doctor would come with her iqstantly in less than an hour she returned bringing with her dr godlove followed by a light spring waggon intowhioh a mattress had been laid the doctor and the driver placed the injored man on the mattress and lifted him to the wagon bed then the drive back to town began it was ilow because the least ar caused the patient to groan with pain tbo doctor tk him to bis house even before tbe youor man was able to give him bis card which he did as soon as be was com fortably laid on the bed in tbe guest chamber tbe operation of setting tbe broken limb began and wben that was over the young roan dropped into a sonud sleep brought about by opiates given by tbe doctor martha learned from her old friend that the injured man sbo had found under the cottonwood trees was tbe son of one of tbe richest merchant of fhllmdel phis ho had come to the virginia mountains on a hunting trlpand was about to return to bis home when misfortune overtook blm tbe six weeks which followed were the happiest in marthas life dr godlove insisted tbat he needed her to help blm nurse his patient and thus obtained permission from marthas aunt to keep her at his house the request was made at tbe instigation of tbe ybangfhlladelphlan who had fallen in love with the girl as she bent over him in the moonlight and brought blm tbe succor that had been deuied him so long it is needless to say that martha loved him in return and before be departed for bis horns they were married in the doctors parlor the yonng wife confided ber romance of bt andrews night to one of her soboolgltl friends and ever since tbe charm of the ladybag is held in high regard by the youog folk of honiton st louis republic the farmers urowinq time the farmer who owns one hundred acres of land clear of debt and well stocked la tbe mott independent man in ganada today suob was the opinion expressed the ohor day to a toronto journalist by tho manager of a large western ontario loan company it describes pithily enough the vast change for the better which has npme over the canadian farming community during tbe past two or three years bumper oropt satisfactory prices and good times generally have combined to plaoe the agriculturist both in tbe old ganada and the mew on a batter footing than he has ever known before he has done more than wipe off any leeway whloh lean years may have feft in their train he has been able if shrewd and enterpris ing considerably to strengthen his position for the future a sure cure a triphtt gill sent a dollar to a smart new york man for a sure cure for freckles this is what she got bemove the freckles carefully with a popkeiknife t noak them over night in sslt water then hang up in tbe smokehouse in a good itroog smoke made of sawdust and ilipperyflm bark for a week freckles thus treated never fail to be thoroughly cured j kansas gity aw tho inoident was related by a bradford lady who requoated tbat her name be not mentioned in connection with it itwasln pittbburg ebessid believe in tho library hall where i first heard got ingersoll speak- there was a large audience gathered there among them be ing clergymen and the cream of profes sional life of the city col ingersolls speech was magnifloeot from an oratorlaul standpoint bat hin atttok on religion and tbe bible was blasphemous however bis powers as an orator and as an sctor road a a deep impression on bla hearers and seem ed to effeot one man fb particular hev alexander clark pastor of the methodist church which every ono in pittabqrg knew as the old home at tbe conclusion of the lecture col ingersoll was backing from the stage in bis peculiarly graceful manner when rev mr cnrk bounded to the forum and asked to be introduced to the speaker this formality having been one throaph the ministor and the agnobtio ueped hands the minister with eagerness the aguotio with a grace peculiarly his own i well remember tbe pleasent hearty honest manner in which the great ingersoll grasp ed tbe hand of tbat good minister whose fame as a christian of the real kind was known throughout pittsburg mr clark when be beld col ingersolls band in bis held it tightly while he lifted bis eyob toward heaven and prayed in a fervent manner that god would direct the wonde tblentjjothis man in another and better sphoro his prayer was not a long one bntitwas from the heart and had its effect upon ingersoll the great agnostic looking the good ghrhtian in the eyes thanked blm moit heartily for his kind ness and solemnly added that mr olark was tho first christian mimvtsr tbat had ever wibhed him godspeed he then left the plitform and the audience f lowly filed ont of the buildlm the sequel though bhowe ingersoll as ho was it brought oat the great manhood of tho agnostic rev alexander olark went west i am not eare f nhatststsbe emi grated but i believe it was missouri and there be became ill he was at a hotel and tbe governor of tbe state who had known him many years had him removed to bis home mr ci irk grew worse and was threatened with death the news came east and ingereoll heard it in wasbingtop where be was leotprj and immediately went west as quickly as possible and was at the bedside of the christian minister and until the death of mr clark was almost constantly in at tendance upon him when mr clark died ingersoll took charge of tho remains and brought them east to new gastle where they were baried at the funeral after the officiating clergyman had oonoluded his sermon tbe sguoatio deliver ed an address toaohiog upon the grand life and oharaoter of the dead mam which moved his hearers to taara it was one of his beet efforts and was from tbe heart queen victoria at class meeting it is a mark of meanness to rldlcele religion or to persecute any cue for his or ber piety no person with any nobility of mind will ver descend to it queen victorias example once effectually rebuked the abuse tbb anniversary meeting by j a bowron of blaokheath many years ago said mr bowron my father conducted a large society class at sloane terrace chapel chelsea and at one time one of tbe members of that cksp wae a female servant at baokinghani pa lice this servant however came in for much persecution and ridicule on account of ber methodism and her regular attendance at ciisb things went so far at iength that some of tbe other servants threatened to leave if the methodist servant remained and tbe matter in some manner reached tbe ears of her majesty who immediately inquired ioto it and oo being informedof tbe cause of the dissatis faction said i will go to the meeting myself and seo if it is a fit placo for a servant much enthusiasm was evoked when mr bowron went on to say her majesty came to my fathers class and on her return to tbe psltce aaid to tbe persecuted methodist servant never neglect your class meeting i only wish tbat other servants would go alw knglidi kpwortft league paper the germans retort when tbe oily oounoile of pittbarg paid their annutd visits to ihe municipal poor farm there was included in tbe party a german and an irishman who sre great friends but between whom a sharp line is drawn in the matter of nationality going through tbe home department tbe ger man with just asoapioion of race prejudice remarked i notice that these people are nearly alllrish bo tbey are the irishman said but wait tilt we get over into the orasy house thats where they keep the datob they entered the insane department jnat as an inmate who imagines be is a great orator was making a apeeoh lo german what did i tell yon asked the irishman oh well replied tbe german you can not go crazy if yoa have not got brains few men oriqinal did you ever net ice bow few people are original in tbiogs they say and do for instance ono man makes a fortune oat of a simple thing immediately hundreds of others try is this is human nature while it is gratifying to be the first man to bring oat an idea the great mass mast be contented to follow tbeir leaders there is one line that is always original however and that is the business of bradley- garretson oo limited of brsntford ont because they continually bring out publications to suit tho times and seasons thus their agents are kept steadily at it and make big money in fsot no other occupation is mors honorable healthful lucrative or offers half as many opportuni ties for promotion it is a life school many men aud women in canada today testify to the truthfulness of his olsltn in faot it is conoeded on all hands tuat one years experience with this firm is worth more to any young man or woman thau two or three years at college from an eduoailonsl point of view aud financially it is all tbat osobe desired a diabolical weapon i havo handled a good many outlandish weapons said a new orleans curio dealer but here ii a utile instrument that for pure diabolism beats anything i ever saw in my life i bought it the other day from a norwegian sailor who tolls me it was given to htm by a jap at yokohama a atory that yuu may take for whut it is worth ai he spoke he opened a show aaso and took out what seemed to bo an ordinary chinese nqarking brush of rather i a rite size the handle was some tea inches long and tho diameter of a iad pencil by diving t a sharp twist it separated about a handa breadth from the end after the manner of a sword cane aud attiobed to the smaller piece was a blender rod with a needle point the rod was not- much larger than a knitting needle and with tlie handle it bad tho effeot of a very small aud delicati ttletto i should think it would break if it were used to stab with remarked a vlnitor after examining the contrivance certainly it would replied tho dealer and that is where the fiendlshnesa of tbe thing oomes in look closely at tho jtlaas rod and yoa will see a tin groove filed aroand it about two inches from tbe hilt suppose that it was driven into tbe body of a man it would be oortiln to break at lean throe fuobea of liss burled in hie vitir tbe punctire would bo so email tbat it woold dose when the ttump was dratwn oot and i doubt exceedingly whether a eingledropof blood wonllf olio w7 in other words the victim coulireoelvebib deathblow without knowing exactly what bad happened to him he woull feel a shook and a pang but find no wound and meanwhile the assassin would ttiok hla burah together and go about his business tue cltovtsa wind do you not liqar tbo glover wind call as aho nlfps over tbo orchard wall im sure she wears a great brotry sunbonnot with twistod sprays of rod clover upon it and sbo baa on ti checkered green gingham gowo and sha looks like a berry aho a burued bo brown tbla romp a tlio wind that climbs over tbo wall 1th an elflsh low laugh do you hoar bor call how hhe coaxes tbo blfi barzlae humblobeob to oono and cruino over bor doop clover seas 1 and she alugb a queer song about other days and abos strangely oldfoahloood in all ber way but tbrroa nothing bo aweet as bor lonely call wbonebo peeps through tba ob inks of my orch ard wall who are it or playmntoa and iioa abo a lovor bamb one who vibub bor homo lu tbo olover bho niurniiiraall night wbllo uiti boos are asloep but i know at tho dawning shollaomn to swoop wltb hor butterflies booties and boes and all tbo clow from ber door in my tumbleddown wall ida is droohiin fjarperu bazar sufferers from hay fever she was brave a parkers burn correspondent of the new york world says thtt a brother and sister aged eigeteen and seventeen respealiiely latilywent out among the mountains of wett virginia in searoh of an opossum which as they believed had been making nightly raids upon their poultry accompanied by two curs and without arms tbey straok into tbe woods when they were about a mile from home tbe dogs treed something whiah turned out to bo not an opossum but a big oatamoont it lay ttrttohed oat on the limb of a tree about twenty feet from tbe around snarling and showing its teeth the boy proposed tbat his sister should remain with the dogs to keep the wild- oat in the tree while he wboi home aftsr a gun she consented and tbe boy started off whenever the catamount seemed inclined to open hostilities tbe gtil tbraehed the bushes with a stick and cheered tbe dogs on until the beast settled down again upon the limb so for more than an hour she stood in the dark and gloomy woods and with tbs lit lo dogs kept the wildoat at bay at last the boy reapeared accompanied by bis half frantic father and the cata mount was shot he measured four feet from tip to tip thetheatre from the inside that there are three thousand theatres in amerloa and tbat ono million and a hallpwplo attend them each weakday nights spending seveoty millions of dollars a year on theatregoing are surprising facts with which mr franklin fyles tbe dramatic editor of tbe new york sun will open an important series in the next issue of the ladies home journal the series will be called tho theatre and its people and will run through seven numbers of the magazine lavishly illus trsted with pictures made by twelve different artletb tho ariiolos will treat of every phase of the theatre tbe play and the actor from the inaide and will tell how a theatre la managed the actual money whichpl lyshave made how an actor is trained and what the actors are aotually paid how a play is written and what the anlhors receive how a play is rehearsed the lira t night of a play how the actresses make up and what they upo and in a minute way the two last articles will sbow what goes on behind the scenes on tho stage dariug a performance it isaourionafacl that this will bo tbe first time that the theatre and the actor havo evor beon exhaustively treated in a magazine and that there is no book on che subject in existence decided by jury it is not unoommon for an english judge to try to raiso a laugh and strango to say be usually sucoends by affecting infantile ignorance of all tbiogs bot purely judicial matters sir heory hawkins not long ago asked in court what is hay a correspondent of the philadtlphia ledger says lhat in a recent libel suit a strange affectation of judicial inoranoo was evlnaed by lord russell sir edward clarke read from a book of the plaintiffs a description of chopins umbershaded head what shade ashed lord buasel umber replied sir edward yes but what is that persisted the ohlof jastlce at this point the feelings of the jury were too muoh for them with a un animity reminiscent of the pirates of penzance tbey chanted inexpostulatory chorus brown my lord brown and the trial weut went on came near it iu an article on hay fever in tho angler january 18jo a correspondent writes of course thousands of remedies have been offered and tried but the t and money spent in the trial has generally been wattsd for a partial relief it any could only be obtained and the causes yet remained therefore in plaoe of remedies surgical operations and heroio softer togs the only bourse for a subject of bay fever to pursue if relief id desired is to flee from the iufeoted atmosphere and deleteri- rousiqueircevt6regionb- where the airand surroundings are free from tbe source of hib troubln the mnskaka lakes magoetawan river refionlakoofbaye georgiaubay district aretolally exemjt from tho causa of the trouble and immediate relief and a decided cure in assured all who visit this beautiful locality the main considerations in choosing these region in preference to ether localities ure 1 relief mid immunity from hay fever 2 eisy hcoebsibility and modorate hotel rates 8 good posts 1 service express and tle- graph railroad and ntoamboat facilities 4 beautifully secluded and charming camping grounds g good hot 1 accomodation on all principal lakes 0 the adaptability of the surroundings to meet tbe varioui or vary i pa moods of 4nval idsrtour ist srortapo 7 the wooded chores of tbe lakes snd rivera principally baliam and pine ia also one of the accountable reason e for tbe curative and healing properties in tbe atmosphere diacriptive matter sant free by applying to m c dickson d p a toronto punished with starvation in the whole wide world there is net a class of people to be found who inflict severer punishment upon themselves than the oaribs of central america their religion whiob it one of tbe most peculiar kind demands self punishment for sins whiob tbey intentionally or unintentionally committed the punishment takes the form of star vatlon and olosa confinement if the sin be in the form of a lie no matter whether it is calculated to injure another or net the sinner goes without either food or drink for three days at the end of which it is believed that the offen der has paid the penally for his or her sin blaspheming and nsing bad language is punishable by absolute starvation for two days asbault drunkenness and otbet berionssinscall for four days starvation one week three days starvation the second week two days starvation the third week and one days starvation the fourth week all sins are punished wftli starvation for that reason crime is very low among the carib who are among the best behaved and most truthful people in the world i as we love we give a man who loves bis home gladly gives to the oxtcnt of his ability and ita needs and without being appealed to for sqoh liberality tho man who lovos god su premely will oount it a privilege to give liberally to hib oause tho plain if pain ful truth eoema to be that moat of us love htm very little else why are there empty missionary treasuries and why unnum bered millions of heathens who have never heard about our savior do we not give thousands to belfgratifioaiion and beg garly teob to worldwide ovangelhsation are we not devoting days and years to acquiring wealth for ourselves and grudg ingly giving a few hoars each week to tbe service of him who redeemed us poorly sustained oh a robes and half supported pastors at homo and lamentable laok of christian workers abroad all rise up to exclaim in the name of tho matter you do not love god in times of 6nanoial depression what expense do yon out off first the laxury of your home or the amount you pay to the support of your ohuroh economy ought to begin last with what we pay into the treasury of the lord and if we loved him as we ongbt it wonld be bo sunday school times diamond dyes via itaro to livs wbtn lit bs pmmd a mrtalrt sunday sobool teacher in town who ba a olau of boys of assorted sizes established tbe onstom iu her class o repeating oaoh bonder eoriplora pasisge in unison until it was brmly implanted in the vagrant minde the selection for ihe sunday in question was tie i be not afraid end alter tbe nsual mental gymnastics had been gone through after an expectant hash one prouililng yonth volunteered tho informa ton that ha knew well what ie it i asked the teacher its me dont git skeered waa his rendition of the verse philadelphia ftrat are you losing flesh thgu something ie wrong to the young it ftlwaye mean trouble it is a warning to any one unleae they aro already too fat boons emulsion ohechs thla waattt and hrlngs up yoar weight again cant be washed out with soapsuds when any article or girmeut ia dyed with the diamond dyee no- amount of wesbiog with soapsuds can in the ellghtest degree weaken tbe oolor no other dyes in tue world are aa strong brilliant and unfading as the diamond dyee plain direotione on eaob paokege tell how eaoh dye ie used and tbe whole work ie w simple tbat even a obild oan uae them with prcot and suootei ae there aro vile imitations of diamond dyee eee that yonr dealer gives you exactly what you ask for tbe writings of tbe wise are the only riohee onr posterity oannotiquander cared of eczema i was troubled for aevoral yeare with eoaenia and tried several dootore bnt to no purpose then i was advised to try burdook blood kilters aud did so wilh the greatest eooceae a six bottles of entirely cured me wm o uglow port hope oot

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