Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 14, 1899, p. 2

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born miltikid aoton on mauler lh beptember to mr end mre wllllem melt in e daugntor modonsld in naatagawova on monday 31th boptombor to mr jind mrs alexander mo- donald a daughter etlllborn jtakjusd wiloox wankzn in bookwood on wudnes- day 13th september by bar j cranston mr j wlloox to alias e warner both ol ltoekwood funntanouin in the matbodlst ohnroh orewaoqa cornere on wedossday lath bept by jlov b w holder mr bllaa plummerto lottie eldeit daughter of ueorse cann esq fostmastor died tnlaosnsox in georgetown on sunday srd september mre jane trlggenon in her 60th year ije tton jfm m5 thursday september 14 1800 notes and comments it ia rumored id london that a tentatlvo agreement hae been oaobed whereby nntll the alaskan boundary is settled canada is to have porta on the lynn oanel and at pyramid harbor and the united states gets additional righta or now england fishermen it ia rumored that a committee of leading maqufacturera ta jioldg jqrmed ia berlin germany lor- the purpose of german par ticipation in the peris exposition of 1900 similar- aolioniartportadfromvaiiona points in great britain and ibe tjnited states this ia one of tbe reanlta ot iofamoua treatment ot dreyfus english advioea report oontinned drought in many osttle and abeepraiaing distriota faatnrea bars been bare for many weeki cattle are being aent to slaughter in bait fattened condition while lamba and aheep are being aaoriflood at prioea wbinh would be doubled in another month if paatnro waa plentiful it expected the effect on the market for import oatlle will be favorable to canadian shippers in an interview at ottawa on monday fremier greenway of manitoba said estimate 60000000 bushels for manitoba and tbe northwest this wonld be giving 80000000 to manitoba and 30000000 to tbe northwest iieat year tbe total for manitoba and the northwest waa aomo- tbing leaa than 30000000 bushels an increase of that kind onght to make every one look bright and obeerf nl postmastergeneral the doke of nor folk has shown a profit of nearly 18000000 on the working ot the british postoflloe for the put year the number of postal packages of every kind delivered daring the year was 8496000000 london received 28 per oent of the total of letters posted the thrift of the working olaseee is shown in tbe increase ot postoffice savings bank detposits whlob now stand at uso0o000 thelioense department of the ontario government has tarnished tbe lioenee in spectors with the following circular representations have been made to the effect tbat very many drnggists throughout the province do not oomply with the provisions of the law and are in tbe habit of selling liquor as a beverage i am directed by tbe provincial treasurer to bring tbia matter to yonr notice and to express tbe hope that yoa will give the matter yonr apodal attention and eee that there are no farther grounds for complaint in yonr district a london ens letter states that welsh ooloniata may soon invade canada in large numbers in tbe sixties 8000 welshmen went to patagonia and in spite of the sterility of tbe country they triumphed and now aend to europe some of tbe finest wheat grown in 8ontli america the argentine iiepubllo wbioh nntll recently made no claim on patagonia now demands military service from the settlers and compels tbem to drill on sundays they are beginning to look to great britain for assistance other welshmen who desire to emigrate have been looking about and following tbe invitation of tbe canadian high commissioner david lloydgeorge member ot parliament for carnarvon and two others are to sail for canada mr lloyd said be and his companions were go ing to spy ont tbe country and tbat be ooald say nothing further nntll the end of the vialt dreyfus founff guilty qentenoed at the close of the great trial to ten yar imprison ment will pro 3 ably bb pardoned iunneb bflpt 0 at 502 p m tho ooart rendered a verdict of gouty snd uroj- fai wm ienteaoed to tea yor imprison ment the crowd oatuido greeted tbe verdiot with cheering for tbe army the ooart itood five to two for the condemna tion ol the prisoner the court found extenuating oiroamatanoea tbe judgement will be carried to the military ckmrt of appeal which will be a formal matter tbe appeal ooart will only gnash tbe judgement arid order a re trial if it ahonld be established that tbe present ooart- martial bat erred in a matter of proceed are the ooart of oaiiation has also the right to order a re trial if it ahonld decide that the ooartroartial has deviated from its detraction london beptember 11 tboogh tbe peuimiatio tone of the correspondent at rennet during tbe last few days had some what prepared tbe people for the worst yet the aetoal newi from ronnei of the dreyfaa verdict of guilty oame like a thunderclap to london on saturday to nay that sorrow and diaappoiutmept pre vailed would be utterly inadequate the feeling arc need is really of mingled anger and dligaat hejaawspredlik will are throogh london banishing every other toplo even the xrsnsvasl and it wm poaaibla to hear men talk of france and frenchmen in terms not heard before in modern times it seemed as though the old hatred of france which had long been dead and bar led flared up at once this is prob ably a passing effect bat the coolest and mott impartial englishmen are convinced tbat the affair wilt now more than ever prove an awfnl blow to the unhappy republic it would be difficult to describe ade quately the indignation the verdiot of the drey fur courtmartur hatvohedvtffy where la england at the moiio halls especially the palace theatre where cine matograph pictures of the incident and leading actors of the dreyfaa affair were exhibited the news waa greeted with groans and biases tbe british press ooramenu aro sioga- larly unanimous ia their condemnation of the infamous verdict m the daily nail says rennes is frances moral sedan the daily graphic says the ren nee verdiot will live forever as the supreme eflort of himan wrongheadeduess the daily chronicle says tbat maroler issues from the case as one of the blackest scoundrels in history tbe daily new remarks it is no longer dreyfus but france herself that is on trial tbe morning post declares tbat tbe mitigation ol the sentence will be lnter- prsted all the world over as evidence that the judges who condemned dreyfus really believe him innocent tbs daily telegraph says this in famous judgement disgraces france dishonours ber army insults tbe kaiser and offends the best principles of human ity there seems nothing left for france but a revolution and a war that wit reduce her to the level of spain the standard says we are watching by the deathbed of a great nation none knowing what new and deadly fortu the malady may assume the times observes we do not hesitate to pronounce it the grossest and most ap palling prostitution of jnstloe tbe world has ever witnessed in modern times all tbs outrages scandals which marked the course of the trial pale into insignificance beside the crowning scandal of the verdiot there is a widespread feeling through out europe and amerloa that sb a resnlt of ibis persecution of dreyfas the paris exposition of 1900 wll be largely boycotted both by exhibitors and visitors pabib sept 11 commenting on the verdiot in the dreyfas esse the temps says it la possible that dreyfus may not lose the benefit pi the jndges reference to extenuating olroumstanoes it wonld be enough for tbe chief of state to sign bis pardon this solution would bring about tbs pacification of whtoh france is in need limbhouse township improvements long list of blo passed by the counoll for repairs to roads bridges etc ebquoeiug township council at its last meeting ordered the treasurer to pay the following sums which explain themselves donald mckay gravel put on lot b8 dili line 10 io donald mokay filling gravol 1 s3 aiox sinclair for trading burrots ulll lota s9 and sb eon 10 j 00 jamea momenemy for 60 yds gravel and put on lota 04 and s3 eon 11 d so centn per jd 11 00 jamei momenemy for hauling plank and ubo of tamo at coopora bridge 1 co samuel melure pathmaater a daja spreading gravel a 00 itobert momenomy for 0 dajn oper ating road maohlno i 00 itobert momenomy oil 00 eta and doublotrpo 76 ota l 03 georgo oampboll for 53 yds of gravel uppllod on 7 tli lino s 30 william topt for bolts and iron sup plied to repair bridge abutments at qloawlluama 5 00 archibald d cooper for work done repairing abutment at coopers bridge 5 70 thomas anderson for gravel sup plied on town lino a 40 thomas anderson for man filling gravol a day chlnguaoousy pay- lug a like sum co donald mokay repairing oulrert lot 27 otb lino v 1 50 donald mokay talcing out alono and ropalriog bill lot 28 con 0 2 co donald mokay path master for gravol aadflulngrhauliogdone with statute labor it j whaley opening ditch on base lino trafalgar paying a like amount 7 23 jacob johnson grading road on base lino oon 1 trafalgar paying a llko amount 7 00 j ford putting tile drain ou hill on base lino oon 3 trafalgar pay llko amount 7 25 daniel nellion repairing and fur nishing material for bridge opposite lot a oon 1 u danlol noljson furnishing material and repairing bridge opposlto lot 3 oon b 37 76 jamei e campbell for gratol snp- plied on town line erin paying alike nam 3 45 angus farguson commissioner glen- williams putting in 1 new culverts 10 00 angos ferguson making ropalrs at ooopettt bridge 00 angusfergnsonhaaungulo 1 50 angus ferguson hauling plank furnishing nails planking and filling approaeh to bunts bridge 3 45 john mopberson nerval for fonelng roadway building foot bridge and removing atone from abut ment credit bridge norval 15 00 james brown for 00 loads gravel 1696 and 46 loads in 1800 putting in three eulverts famishing atone and going after sower pipe 6 65 waltor lawson for fixing bill lot 16 con 7 3 so john mopberson for removing stone from ohannel of credit and put- lug on roadway 10 55 william mccandleas for plank far- p and work dooo repairing esquesin town fair date chartered frdivi september 26th to october 4th the plreotors of esquesloff fall fair met on thursday and decided to change the date from september 20th to ootober 4tb this was owing to tbe sot tbat brampton fair had been announced for tho 20th the dlreotors had en oo a raging reports to make regarding the fair and probpeots are that there will be a large and interest ing exhibit a liberal prize is offered for a band competition wbioh will probably bo one of the features of the day tbe usual redoood rates will bo given on tbe railroads and there ib reason to believe that the fair or 1600 both as to exhibits and attend anoe will be in every way a soooebb herald school shoes cobticelli home needlework maqazine the many women who tike pleasure and aftenllmos find profit in doing fancy work will be pleased to learn ihut tho oortioelli bilk go have issued the third or july edition of their artlbiio and litbtruotlve needlework magazine it ie a splendid number it ie rrplete with nurneroue designs in silk embroidery of raarvsllona beanty and oontainb handsome oolored plttteb fssliion artioles apt date and cleverly written and phttogravuroa show inn tbe latest patterns in needlework and nnomerable other designs so dear to the neart ol cultured wshaubood those of oar readers who feel an interest ia this ousa of work should send 10 oentl for a oopy or become subscribers at 25 cents per annam with aa little dtliy as possible address cortieelll silk co ltd st johna p q the avim st johns success in baaine9a cornea when tborongb satis faction ia given tbe publio tbata why nerviline sell so rapidly toothache ie cured as if by magio fain internal or external finds a prompt antidote in nervi line try it when a man ia told to mind his pd and qa bo feels peculiar lie fooled the someone all doctors tvd reniok hatqiltun of west jefferson o after buffering 16 montbb with rectal fistnla be would dio nnleaa a oobtly operation was performed but bo onred himself with live boxes of ducklene arnfoa salve the surest pile care oa earth and tbe best salve in tbe world 25 cento a box sold by 7 t mokoo druggist tbe attorneygeneral bai aent a com munication to all magistrates tbroughoot the provlooe in vrhloh be saya ii has bean found upon investigation that moat of the nnmerona burglaries and other crimea ot violence oommllted reoently in the province have bean lb work of tramp of the elan usnslly found working along tbe line of railway arid camping in tba woods and barns on tbs outskirts ot cities towns and villages ii ia deemed necessary thai the men should be driven- out of tha provlnoe as soon aa possible and il is thought by tha department that the best way to bring about this resell is for tba magistrate before whom these tramps are broagbt opon charges of vagranoy to to impose the fall tsrm of imprisonment in tbe central prison allowed by law the practise of giving tham tbs option of at flna or so muiy hour to dear out of the muni cipality la produolng very anaatlafaolory reanlta you are requested therefore upon any pi these man being brought before you to see thai the law is strlotly and vigor ously administered mrs john moore end mrs eannawin are visiting guelph friends miss ida ford has returned home after spending a month with friends here miss modonald of toronto is visiting at mr jaa newtons miss edith niokell enjoyed a two weeks visit with toronto friends milton evbrton tbs funeral ot misa jane stewart on wednesday wm wall attended the oaaket ws opened at tbs grave tbat ths friend then might have a last look at tbe remains mr hugh blaok made a few vary appropriate remark and a beautiful prayer the meeting of friend ber and tbosa from a distance was touch ing to onlookers mr and mrs wm blaok of new york and mr woebroom of albany n t spent a day or two with their parents here last week mrs charlton ot mapletoo oame on saturday and remained over sunday they bad gathered in toronto to meat with mrs porflaroy before aba took bar departure for colorado mr jaa- gy lama mills bookwood pent two days last weak with old acquaintances bare mr busssll fisming of erin and mr and mrs laffarty of bookwood visited at mr j orlndslla on sunday mr hugh blaok prwohsd hare sunday morning and wm totell in the evening bar george blohardson who has been 111 for several weeks ia slowly recovering bis pulpit waa acceptably occupied by fiav james harris of quelpb halton county fall fair will be held hare two week from today andtomorrow drover featheratone shipped 13000 worth of hogs to tba toronto markets last week then are thirteen oondldatea at the modal bohool this term bally day al ibe methodist sunday bohool last sunday afternoon waa a great enooess tbe attendance was large mr jaa holllnreko who met with an accident while on board sblp on his return from england is doing aa wall as can be expected but il will be some lime yel before be will be able to be around as naual tho wharton jr left laal week for cleveland ohio where a position awaited blm crewsons corners to those about to marrv young tan or old man who intend to marry will be pleased to learn that the new msrrlag an ia made suits dmple by applylot to b p moors issuer ol manias how o- am w day before tba orrsmony and have ths mttsr sx4ala- wvat offlos all mmlm isrioomswetlr oomtlal wk br w at thrir home w alwsldsooslnsvening j fall wheat seeding in thfcl vicinity ia about completed the average sown tbla year is larger than on former years oar boys who went to ths northwest do not seem to be very favorably impressed with tbs country and still think there is no place like ontario mr d mokeown lost a valuable horse through inflammation on sunday tbe nuptial of mis lottie oann slassv daughter of mr geo oann and mr e plummer of eden kill were solemnised in lb matbodlst church here at 8 oclook yesterday afternoon further partlculara will appear in next leans mr w lamb la ooafloed to bla house through illness mr wesley murray who waa 111 laal week i about again master wesley gray eon of mr w y gray who bad hi leg injured some two weeks ago by falling against a fanoe i lowly recovering ber h brand of eramoea will preach in ibe methodist church here next sabbath mr and mrs bobt moore anil family of aoton spent sunday at mr n forbes mrs nellie is visiting friends in maltoo mia emma carroll of hamilton and mils bens carroll of quelpb are spending bridge botwoon 15 and ib in 7th oonoeaslon 0 so municipal world for forms ro ditches watercourse act 1 17 uunlolpal orld for 70 sheets collec tors roll paper and collectors books 8 61 john watklns patbmseter repairing three culverts and filling in washout and fumlehlogssloada of gravol chlnguaoousy paying a llko amount 7 30 thomas oannlnsbam 20 days operat ing road machine 90 00 iatban t stull pathmaster 0 daya filling gravel in bis road divi sion 6 00 it d warren for printing voters liste advertlaing first posting of samo and 350 circulars re tobool rato 65 28 jamea clark for tbo repair of two oulverts between lota 20 and at in the eighth oonoossion e 00 james olark for bulldlngnevonlvert on 7th lino opposlto lot 13 10 00 g h kennedy postage from may 20tb untllauguit lh b 68 dr lowry guelpb moalcel attend ance to john af cbpaddso 5 00 hiram graham pathmaster drawing plank and repairing brldgo lot if con 6 2 60 r klokley per order h l boss pathmaster 8 daya ehovellirg gravel 2 00 w thompson per order h l itoaa pathmaster 2 days sbovolllng gravel 2 00 mrs itobert mofneraon per order h bayers pathmaster gravel sirpnlled 9 do roboroeon llros per order alex holmee pathmaster gravol sup plied on let oon 2 00 robertson bros gravel supplied on town line naaaagaweya paying allkosnm 2 00 xtobort bprowl pathmaster repairing bridge at glenlawson lot 23 jamos rosa repairing bridge and tarnishing ooverlng on th line lot 23 urs itobert mopberson per order thomas buiott pathmaster for gravel supplied 2 70 alei holmes gravelling ord con lota mend 23 01 10 james beott cutting brush and spreading gravel 18 daya 18 00 green llros per order of h l ross pathmaater 6 daya ahovelllng gravel david carty pathmaater s days shov elling gravel robert thompson gravel sappllod for 1st line d duff building bridge on town line lot 82 1st oon brio paying lute sum 11 00 alex campbell per order h bayers pathmaster for opening dlteb on aide road lots u and 18 9 00 alex campbell per order thomas cameron pathmaster 9 daya filling gravel alex campbell per order thomas cameron patbmaster 2 teams half day working road grader alex campbell bonding onlvertelde road lots 22 and 23 8rd con aisx campbell putting new cover on oalvert on srd oon mrs robert mopberson supplying gravel on aid road lot 92 and s3 srd con 24 67 jamea olark bnlldlng bridge on sth line lot 20 25 00 james olark cnttlog brush opposite samo lot 2 00 william mopberson one sheep killed by dogs a s3 william mofarlano one sheep and one lamb 10 00 jamea clark one abeep t 00 tha council will hold its next meeting next monday7i8th september a girl says her engagement ring la one oontinaona round of pleasure to tub dxir a rich lady cured of he deafness andnoieea in tbo head by dr nioholsons artifloal ear drome haa aent 1000 to bla institute ao that deaf people unable to prooore tbe ear druma may havetbemfree applytoiepartmentl b tbe institnte 780 eight avenue now york d s a the fall fairs list of the agricultural exhibitions which intereat vreo frew readera 28 300 318 6 co i 00 380 halton milton sept 28 20 bequealng georgetown oot 4 western london sept 7 16 canada central ottawa bept 11- southern brantford sept 1621 northern walkerton sept 19 20 central guelph sept 1031 north oxford woodstock sept 3123 north brant paris sept 25 26 north waterloo berllo sept 20 27 pllkington elora sept 20 27 centre brnee paisley sept 26 27 peel brampton sept 20 27 norlbwestern goderlob bept 8098 c wellington fergus sept 27 28 wrwellington harriston sept 2728 south waterloo gait bept 28 20 north perth stratford oot 8 4 poaliaob aberfoyle oct 0 eramoaa bookwood oot 10 11 worlda fair bookton oot 10 11 erin erin oct 10 20 pontons suit dismissed tounnto sopt 8 pontons 860000oivil eult against ttib dominion bank oame to grief attain intho divisional court yester day last maroh the oaso was dismissed by judge street st tho gobonrg assizes tbe iltlotift refusing tj go ou after the judgj had rofused to postpone tho trial the divisional com bhl d that they oonld ti ntt intjrfero with tho discretion exorcised made by underhill sissttian of marknam this is by thetriei judge in lofusinij iho appiioa- a nqwtfactory their object is to make a better grade of tion th bona ibis oi ii p notion boys and girls sc shoes at popular prices wdvb affected by the fact thut when tbo j r firbt application wua mado nothing was said about these witaoasef who wore then abaent tho appeal waa dumbtiod wilh ooft for boy 8 a gfcirl 1 suitable for town or country made by underhill sissman of markham di8comrcl by a woman auother great dlbcovory had been made and that too by lady in this country disease fabtencd its olutahea upon her aud for eoven yeara bbo withstood itu nnvereat testa bather vital organs were nodermiuod and death seemed immimeqt for three months she coughed inooanantly and could not bleep she anally dihuovend a way to recovery by purchasing of ih a bottle of dr kidfia new disco try for consumpv tion and waa so mo oh relieved on taking flrtt dose that she btept bit nifiht and with two bottles baa been absolutely cared her narao ia mrs luther lutz than writes w o ii am nick co ot shelby n c trial b3te trea at j d mckeoa drug store uobblpu oaut retilly btitt lu a great rnout and with a small one tbe proofs a is super fluous glorious now a com ob from dr d b cargih of washita i t he writes four bottles of eleotrlo bitters hab cured mrs brewer of qorofali wbioh hud caused her great a n taring for yeara ternbl b wonld break oat on her head and face and tho best doctors coalh give no help but ber care ib complete and her heal ia e this shows what thousands havo proved that eleotrio bitters is tbe beat blood puri fier known its tbe eupreme remedy for eczema tetter salt ihenra ulcere boils and running eorea it atimnlttes liver kidueyr and bowels expel poisone helps dige6tfoo batlls ap the strength only co aents sold by j x makee druggist guaranteed their long boots for men is a credit for shoemaking and are sold at 250 and 300 imeillj the shoe man guei 8 stores new millinery proper fo sale amjmufil of farms and vulflfie property for baloou cosy tonus apply to wm hembtbeet acton farm io rent to rent c0ncca lot ao ml con ej queuing apply on tho iircmtaes or to john watson aotou i o agents did jgu nvqr think of handling our lateit work tho light of llfo if not now is a good tlrlio to start 3 00 a day jure lomo make twice that uipcrlonoo or capital unnecessary the bbadleyqaiiretson co limited urantford ontario valuable property for sale the undersigned offors for bale that dealraulo property in tho thriving villnco of acton comprising two lots bounded by mill and john stroota and bowor avonuo on tho property ia ccmfortabloframo dwelling large barn hard and soft water a tbe property will bo sold either en bloc or the lots separately and with or without tho barn terms made itnbwn upon application to e bmith hock wood it j mcnajli actou mil- the pedestal of fams is avory alippery baporetractare theaiictlto of a goat is envied by all poor dyepepttoa whose stomach and liver are oat of order all each bbould hdow that dr kings new ljife fills tbe wonderful btomaob and jjtver bemedy givea a splendid appetite boand digestion and a regular bodily habit tbat insures perfeot health and great energy only 25o at j 1 mokeea drug store we want to say to the ladies of guelph that our linery department this season will be fully up to the high standard at which we have maintained it in the past miss griffin and miss mckenzie who are wellknown to i r 1 i j tor t3 f mission otters interest to auyono not oarnin yotr wn hhavechatgeorthesaie and m x ot yer yea uat in c toronto who has a varied experience of millinery both in wholesale and retail takes charge oh the trimming depart ment it takes time and thought to get up millinery which will be acceptable to the finer trade of guelph and while we are ready to serve all who come we certainly think it would be to the advantage of the ladies if they waited for the openings sailors walking hats rough riders sombreros and other untrimmed hats are now ready for your inspection the frank dowler co- cuelphs greatest store old fashioned girlstookthelr epio on the loom bnt the modern damsel perfere hers on a tandem money found in mail bags floo 800 095 800 it seems aim oct incredible that id tbe neighboorbood of 140000 ia actual tush should have been confided to letters dnrlog ibe last year and harder still to credit that ibe most exhaustive efforts failed to and the owners of onefourth of that amount writes fattl ljlo colli db in tbe ladies home journal for flepte ruber ths envelopes wbioh are addressed ars kept on file for four year blaok ones opt so long but in either case a liberal margin of time ii sltowad for cuiments to appear before ibe money is finally turned into tbs treaanry to the credit of tbo postoffics department in addition to the money odo tuned in uttersduring tbe tamo period nomothioft like 10000 waa foand loose in lbs malls it la officially styled loose money aartkftharneu oil is tha bet prsmrratlts of new isatner and tba best renovator of old bather it oils softens macle ans and protoats vw eureka harness oil eaxoorbsst jmottasjonr out bar- aasamyoaroarrusatopanduiey wunol only looar r bat waar 1 iutiiiatmauiiottcauuj a proverb among the poor has it that the rich mpre often reckon pence than recom pense manslaughter mrs anderson5 baby you couldnt convince mrs anderson that cupid ever was as pretty as ber little girl r j mrs h c anderson is well known in south britain conn where she lives she is very enthusiastic about dr pierces favorite prescription although no more o than thousands of other women who have been simi larly benefited she writes purlng the fltut month of the period of gesta tion i ould not keep itiythlngon my stomach i went to bed the s8th of june end arver o iip till e nrst or au gust z tried dtr- rerent doctors bat with little benent i began to take yoi 1 favorite prescription in november and r hi s nice little baby fflrl in february following- in hard labor about one hour and ibeaottrulsolia cola shell bing we do not want a cent in advance send u your narao ond addreuand wi will cnd you a dozen tamplo padcoges of our simm perfume to aclt for ui at 6 omtm per package when you sf have mid them ratum ui our money isond 3 we will und you free your choice of these ftellit cola hhcll klnsn as shown in cau one beinjf a very handsomely engraved ring- iho other a 3stone ffem rinor consisting of two austrian djuraonds andabrlluant french red ruby this perfume u the best ever placed f wore the public it destroys all obnoxious odors and gives tha breath that fragrant and delicious sweetness only obtainable by blvap we are making this offer for thetrurpoie of tn fl ttoduclng our goods to ths public it being a purely business transaction ana not prompted by any poluntbroplc spirit ooiour port universal perfume co n logquhyqkamtxri attaktt8t toronto sept x4th the right house estabzxsi1ed 8 hamiltons tavorite shopping place for our fri6nds the 7vtbn most of our daily and semiweekly announcements are of interest particularly to the ladies but were going to devote the most prominent part of tils adver tisement to news about our mens furnishing department in prder to assure those of the sterner sex that their requirements are not overlooked by any as a matter of fact we make mens furnishlogs a very important feature of our business and those who are acquainted with this department know that its best place to buy shirts underwear ties collars and everything thats necessary to a gentlemans toilet here are a few items of interest to the men we want you to call and see us the next lime you are in the city it will certainly pay you well wanted agents in every district on tbo continent to tako orders for binb grade canadian grown nursory block and foods largest and most comploto assortment in tbo trade fait- aollldg specialties superb samples furnished free correspond enco in any language these gosltlooi are money makers and territory should e seeurod at once for tho season by all tuition lookiog for a good thing our salary or com our nearost oqlco an opportunity to roprosoot a wellettabllflbod bouse ability more impor tant than eiporlonco luke brothers company international numorloa chicago ii i montreal quo koch ob tor n y village of acton notice uant to ttio ontario voters xjlst aot by ti honor tba jodgo ot tbo countv court or tbe county of halton at tbe town hall in tbe vil shirts reduced mens negligee shirts of silkette with or without collars were 75c reduced to soc silkette neglige shirts collar attach ed cream ground with fancy striped designs were i 25 re duced to 75c prim shirts collar and cuffs attach ed in pink and white and blue and white stripes were 50c re duced to 33c print shirts soft fronts separate cuffs variety of patterns were 9l 35 reduced to 85c oxford shirts soft fronts cuffs attached fancy check and stripe patterns were 175 now t 00 black sateen shirts fast color wilh collar extra quality special at joe our special unlaundsred white shirt good quality cotton linen bosoms all sues 30c boys underwear boys while gauze merino shirts and drawers all sizes long or short sleeves were 40 and 30c now 35c blazers reduced mens and boys english flannel blazer coats in yellow and black favorite preacriptloo in november and fhad a nice lltt- was only 1 up and drcsaea on ine eianin aay i never nau the doctor wtth me at alt just the mime and two fjrlenaa this makes mvaecond child with tbe first one i did not take ftje payprtte prescrip tion r prescrip- and the little one was let all the time nd lived justabout two tnonths this last bsbr 1 aa platan and healthy aa any mother could wish she u about threowaeks old now nd is falnlng in flesh arety day willie houston the ib year old chatham boy committed for trial chatham ont bept u police mag istrate gosnell of blenheim today com mitted willie houaton for trial on the ohargo of manslaughter tha 15year old lad fired fonr ahota at erie baaoh one of whlob ttrnok lyell stspbena eon of qao stephana hardware merchant of thla city the shooting ooonrred on aogast 1 and two daya aflerwarda young stephana died the ixiy oharjedwlth the shooting la the only aoriof pclioe manlslrate houston of blenheim liver trouble biliousness aellow 00m- pleilon yellow eye janndlea ate yield to tha cnratlve powers of lata liver pii1 the are sure to cure mothers wlib suffer undue pair prior to or succeeding the babys birth are invited to consult dr r v pierce by letter abso lutely without cltarge the treat succesa which lias attendeu the careful methoda grand trunk t the great transcontinental route chicago st louis omaha denver los angeles san diego san francisco and other points in california arizona new mexico colorado and the faclfic coast if you are contemplating a trip for health pleasure or business through tlokeu to all foreign joints- for descriptive guides time tables etc apply to agents g t r system h 8 holmes agent aoton m o dickson dlat pasar- agt toronto and blue and black stripes were 2 5oandtz85 now i 50 carriage dusters carriage husters of momie cloth with fancy embroidered centers were 75c now 55c were ji now 75c mens and boys ties quite a large lot of silk four-ln- httnd ties in both light and dark shades were 30c now two for 23c childrens dresses childrens print and gingham dresses in a variety of neat patterns various shadings were it 35 ii and 85c now 50c childrens print and gingham dresses in various pretty patterns and colors nicely trimmed were ji 33 now 63c ladles whltowear plain white cotton corset covers wilh high neck 13c while cotton corset covers trim med with embroidery 33c ladles white drawers with yoke and cluster of tucks deep em broidery frill very wide special 30c mail orders receive prompt attention we prepay the freight express tq any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting to 5 1 over address all letters to department s thomas c watkins kinsteast hamilton cor hughson 8t is hereby given tbat a court will be bold imr- utvnt to tbo ontario voters list aot by liia or tb- qty 0 lageol aoton on thursday sept 21at 1899 at 230 oclock in the afternoon to bear and determine tbe several complaint or errors and omissions in tbo voters list of tbe municipality of tho villogo of aotota for 1839 all persona bavlng business at tbe court are required to attend at tbo said time and place tnon t moobe clerk of tbo village of actou datod at aoton september 2nd 1809 jbour parcels ot valuable property in acton f the fallowing property belonging to mr patbigk kbeily row of buffalo ia offered for sale at low prices and easy teams paacel 1 that flna brick residence and two lots on tbe corner of cbnroh and quelpb atrseta contain 8 rooms bard and soft water splondld orcbard ond good garden ajwiv ft oood 1000 men wanted kiaulearrsi h toss wltt taw mm afytw leal mutton 4 merarhn afptotwito out bnliaing t ma1 qnelpb btreet next to alex iumabaws new residence upon whlob la a youns orchard fancel stbe stare and dwelling on mill atreet ooenpled by unrney broa who earrr on general buslnesa ia in splendid location central and convenient pancar 4 three good bnlldlng iota at thn corner of young and mill streets a splendid site for a manufaotnrlngebtabllahment owiug to its proximity to a t it depot for terms and particulars ennolra at tbe ofuco of w b denny yoaog st aoton gu0lph central fair sept 19 20 21 opens to the public tues day evening sept rg at 6 p m attractive programme on wednesday and thursday afternoons concerts tuesday and wednesday evenings con certs will be held inside 48th highlanders band wednesday afternoon and evening sept 20 the regular train east will be held al guelpb until the close of the concert on wednesday evening as this is tho first time this arrangement has been made visitors from rockwbod acton george town and points east should appereclate it all information from j if duet president wm laidlaw box 470 seo ton to spring up who rnqke offers of free advice which they are not competent to give not being physicians when you are invited to write to a woman ask the dimple question it this woman a physician you will fine that ahe ja not and doea not and dares not claim to be a physician to oflbr such tulvlo la deceitful to receive it la dangerous prospective mothers ahonld send for a free copy of dr pierces great icoo page book the common sense medical adviser a copy in papercovers will bo sent on receipt of 31 onecent stamps to pay cost of ciurtoraa and mailing only in clothbinding 50 stamps andrew dr r v pierce buffalo n y bon lost about i weeks ago a bay horse bids robs nnllned between oor ulll and afaln bt and browns saw mill finder will be sulttbly rewarded by leafing with 3 lawson v b aston by a r mann at finmarlf for work on the ontario rainy river rail road mmft lai 11 1 hfctkcbs i7s rait drv is 7wonths mhdrk xo good tuien- tbla new railroad passes through ibe great mining and farming dletrlot of bainy hirer and lake of ihowoooe apply to james mamhewa aoton c w hazeltort guelph for school reop6nlng new choice and artistic cover desingns for exercises and scribblers and all the necessary text books and school requisites fanoy station a large assortment of the latest writing tablets of artistic design good quality and popular prices all the newest shades in writing pap ers with envelopes to match a t brown mill street acton dont 17511- to sbb ceo stoveps stock of joots and shoes suitable for all classes prices reasonable stovel has a splendid linei of school childrens shoes ladies street shoes misses walking shoes mens working boots mens dress shoes mens boots and leggings for tan nery wear full line of rubbers for fall wear all excellent valuu stovel does all kinds of custom work and guar antees his own work stovel makes n syeclalty of repairing stovel has a line of boya strong booia which he la cloaring out at 50c per pair at aonstws old stand xt to m barber shop mill st acton swpw h xl bolldoow 1285 beataoldriulno byragoldflu 100 best dlmsm 100 wo kmtm porfoot aauaftwuon globe optical co 93 yonsa street totonte what it represents when yon ait for a photograph you want the likeness to represent yon properly when you alt q mi we want ine work to represent us properly our imprint is soon on none but the best photo graphs and for our sake as well n yours wo am aura to give you lirelike satisfac tory photographa hn rh 3tcsh tkmil photo rrtist kcton

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