Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 14, 1899, p. 4

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i 1 i x i xzzzxzzzx it your youih if you are young you nat urally appear so if you ore old why ap- prnr y keep young inwardly we will look after the out- i wardly you need not worry longer about those little streaks of i gray ndvanco agents of age h 4 judoement of the court a wildly turbulent peasant was onoe a- witness in a trial before chief baron ogrady the oooniel after pestering him for sometime pat a question to blm which rcfleoted on the oharaoler of the witness if ye ax me that again ill give ye a klokon the gob was the answer the counsel appealed to tbe ooort stating that an answer was necessary to hlo clients case ending up with the query what would your lordship advise mo to do if you are resolved to repeat tbe ques tion replied the oonrt id advise you to move ajittlojrbtn the witness nwill surely restore color to gray hair and it will also give your nair all the wealth a j and gloss of early life 1 1 do not allow the falling of h your hair to threaten yoa longerwith baldness do not lj be annoyed with dandruff we will send you our book on the hair and scalp free upon request tvwfa to thm doolor it you co not obtain all the bene- nts jroa expected intra the me of the vlnor write tho doctor about it probablr there h tome dlfilenttr ith yoor imneral eretem wtjlcn tolttr be emtl v remoroa addreu dr j o aver thursday september 14 1899 si fottttff olks her n br yob ive got t uttlo brother never arted f him from mother bat bos hen but x apobo they went nd bouflht him for last week tho doctor brought him mnhfe- whoa i beard tho newa from molly why i thought at flrtt twu jolly canao yon boo i juat mtlfllnod i ooald get him and our dear mamma would let him play with me but when onoo i had looked at blm i cried out oh dear ii that him just that mlto thoy aald yea and you may kiai blm woll im euro i shouldnt mill him hea a fright hes bo amall its just amazlog and youd think that he wa blaildq hea io red and hla nose la like a berry and hes bald as uncle jerry onhuhead hea no kind of good whatever and he crioa aa if hed never never atop wont elt np you oant arrange him oh why doeent father change blm at tho shop now woto got to droai and feed him and wo really didnt need him iattlefrogt and i ahonldat think why father bhould have bought him when id rather have a dog from the london dally mail anecpotal a toronto reporter approached a naobfc it tho queeni hotel reoently and enquired it be wu not the kent lorn an whom he had interviewed a few mootba ago in regard to hit mining operations in britlih colombia yet replied the goeet pretty men yon made hof it too you left hout thing that hl aald hand yoa pat hin thinri that hl didul lay well replied the reporter may bve left oat iom6 of yoar aitohes or abanged them ar6anotto eome exfehtbul ihbwear that otherniio i reported yoa with exact ness a oolored preaober upon the occasion of delivering a forceful harangue to hie con- gregatioo aald i see before me twelve ebiokentbiavet nolndlng william ban don now bandera wbb a handy man with a razor and tbe paraoni friends urged him to aeltbingi right with banders at the fir at opportunity the parson made on the next saoday the following annoana- ment bretbern at oar last meeting i made a statement whiob after mature deliberation i desire to correct realizing as i dp that my remarks upon thai occasion might not been under stood oorreolly what i ehould have said waa there are in this congregation twelve obloken- thieves not inolbding william banders one of the most embarrassing things ooq nee tod with a modern battlefield is tbe abrapnell shells there is not bo much danger in their fire as in that of modern musketry bat the sound of the shrapnel is much more dfsoonoarttng and demoralise log its wild wbeewewwewwew sug gest missels filling in tbe air and coming from all directions a burgeon relates that as he waa standing ia front of a hospital teat near where two oolored trooper were lying he heard one of tbem say as a shrapnel woond past i dont oare for tbem manser ballet for when yoa bear one of them yoa know its done gone past bat i sboly woald like to know where de cannon is dat shoots dem osmpkittlea fall o rook i a habit t t mhi tbe lawyer liked tbe wltncas of tho incident juat previously alluded to wasnt a miracle arfdha f know whata mlraole waa ob ootiievikid the attorney sup posing you were looking nut of a window in the twentieth story of a building and should fall out and should not be injured what would you oall that an accident was tbe stolid reply yea yes but what else would you oall it well eappobb you wero doing the same thing next day bappose yoa looked out of the twentieth story window aud fell out and agalu bhould find yourarlf unin jured now what would you on 11 that a coincidence said tbe witueas oh come now the lawyer began again 1 want you to understand what a miracle u aud im sore yon do now jubt sappoae that on tho third day you wero looking out of the twentieth story window and fell oat and struck your bead on the pavement twenty stories below and were not in the least injured come now what would you call it three tiroes said the witness routing a little frgra bis apathy weil id oall that a habit andtheltwyergftveitnp his wed din q fee a clergyman bpeaking of wedding feos aid about a month ago a couple game to my oburoh to ret married aocordiug to arrangements made with roe the oburoh was opened and lighted up brilliantly and tbe organist played the regulation marches tho nuptial knot being tied the smiling groom approaohed me and placed a spotless white envf lope id my hand it wit heavy and a touch bhowed tbat it contained a coin x concluded that it was a 910 goll- pleoe after tbe bridal party had departed i opened the envelope what do yoa suppose it contained silver quarter i dropped it in the poor box brooklyn times how to oare headache borne people suffer nntold misery day after day with headache there is rest neither day or night until the nerves are all unstrung tbe cftqae is generally a disordered atom- aob and a oure can be effected by using parmeleea vegetable pills containing mandrake and dandelion mr fin lay wark jjy bander p q writes i find par melees pilli a flratclasa article for bilious headache aveeetablctrcfrafeiioaforas- llnthstonuu and bowels of iiiidkkn see that the facsimile signature of pltomotesragestioncheerful- mess andrestcontalns neither oprummorphlne nor mineral not narcotic qav smj- j4lxsmnm- apcrfcct remedy forconslipa- lion sour slomach diarrhoea worms convulsions feyensh- oess and loss of sleep tac simile sign of ewfdrk wfci is on the wrappek 0f eveey botthetolrj oastoria li pat ap in onetlio bottles only it u not sold la bulk dont allow anyone to sell yea anything else on the plea or promise tbtt it is jest a rood and vlu auwer every pni- aoce that you get oabt0ela is ob ttotf vrippir perfect tools neces sary for perfect work a perfect medicine is re quired for the building up of nerve tissue and flesh and for cleansing the blood theres one thing about a woman yon oan always be sore of and that is yoa never can tell what she ia going to do next smilelbss wombn nervousness fndlffestlon and osn- oral debility have driven away tho sunshine but south ameri can nervlllne brlnara back the heart gladness mrs d a gray of watsrford says for a number of years i was a peat a offerer from indigestion and general debility and many times was unable to attend to my household duties i was treated by nearly all the pbysiolanain the town and got no permanent relief i read fainea celery compound the true disease banlsher and best health giver lots of men never succeed iu getting there simply because a dreed of failnre keeps them from 6tirting english spavin liniment removes all hard soft or calloused lamps and blem ishes from horses blood spavin curbs splints ring bone sweeny stifles sprains sore and swollen throat coughs ato save 1 50 by the use of one bottle warranted the mobt wonderful blemish core ever known bold by a t brown if all flesh ia grass oaonibala must be vegetarians immediate relief mr h m kemp 200 branswiok ave toronto writes i have used milburns rheumatic fills for rheumatism i was so bad that i had to be assisted in getting out of bed tbo pills gave immediate relief as after nslog one box tbe pain left and baa not returned worth trying a french physician who claims tbat wo sll might be strong and beautiful if we would gives the following ebort rutea for health dont driuk tea or ooffoe eat a few bblted klmonda daily dont eat mnoh animil f6od an egg or two a day sort boiled instead of meat eat an orange every dny dries pure water eat grapes apples taielns and figs walk two or three miles every day bathe the whole body daily in tepid watsr dont fret dont worry be calm and quiet not at all necessary a young woman living in tho heart of london otme into a fortuueand promptly hunted up a conntry house where uhe had played tho role of ohat to tho man ner born according to her ideas of the part one duy some of ber oldtlmo friends oame to see her and ebe oondessended t show thorn over the place what beautiful chickeub i ezolalmod tbe visitors when they came to the poultry- yard yes all prizs blrda haughtily ex plained ho hostess do tbey lay every day oh tbey could of course grand iloquently vin our position you see it is not necessary for tbem to do so miojuwmmlds case o a cors by south american nervloe whioh seamed to exactly fit ray case i procured one bottle and got great relief and six bottles oared ine absolutely it oertiinly has no equal bold by a t brown a womans way is to get tbe best ol an argument and then pry as though her heart wonld break because ahe hae done so is there anything more annoying than having vour corn stepped upon j ia there anything more delightful than getting rid ol it 1 holloways corn oare will do it try it and be convinced aa well made and perfeot tools are neoessary for tbe construction of the perfeot working machine so is a perfect medicine necessary for the establishment ot a healthy appetite complete digestion regular aotion of the bowels and other excretory organs tho fact it firmly established that fainea celery compound is the only trne and reliable mediolne for tbe perfeot rebuilding of worn out tissue unbraced arid weak nerves wasting flesh and waning strength if the poison seeda of disease nave made your blood fool and aluggiab fainea celery compound will purify and oleanao it oaustng tbe life stream to course health fully and joyfully to every part of tbe body if tbe small ilia of life such aa hsadaohes aleerlesaness and stomaoh irregularities make nnhsppy days jor yoo fainea celery compound will speedily drive away the tormenters no other medicine over given to intelh- gebthamtnilyhiba6we3baoh showers o blessings on individuals and families one single trial will convince yoa of its wondroas powers and virtue it makes people well and best of all it keeps them well tbe novel in its best form i regard as one of tho mobt powerful engibes of civilization ever invented milburns bterllng headaohe powders are easy to take harmless in aotion and lure to cure any headache in from 5 to 20 minnteo the value of a book oonalets not in what it will do for oar amusement but in what it will oommuhloate only natural cure didnt walk for 5 months doctors said locomotor ataxia milburns heart and nerve pills cure a disease bllficrtj regarded as incurable the case of mr g o archibul i of hopewell cnpc nh i c t cf vjoi appears below is one cf i o s wiru and most intractable that hi evcrbjcn it doesnt pay to flatter a woman too muoh she will soon get a notion that aha ia too good for you for internal or external nse hagyarda yellow oh cannot be excelled aa a pain reliever and soothing remedy for all pain cbance give as relations but wa must make our own friends worma oanse feveriahneaa moaning and restlessness during sleep mother graves worm exterminator u pleasant sure and effectual if your druggist has none in atook get him to procure it for you the shiftless man being blind aoouaea fortune of doctors now agree that consumption is curable three things if taken to gether will cure nearly every case in the first stages the majority of cases more ad vanced and a few of those far advanced the first is fresh air the se cond proper food the third scotts emulsion of codliver oil with hypophosphites to be cured you must hot lose in weight and if thin you must gain nothing equals scotts emulsion to keep you in good flejfjj jocsntlo all dnisxllti scott bownb charabts toronto more men give acoordlng to their mean- nessthan acoordlng to their means heart signals quick a a flaah they adpaar but 1 juota qulokly will thay vanish under the heal ins spell of dr asrnew cure forth heart when the breath ia ahort when you tire easily when there ia palpatation when there ia smothering aenestlcn and drbpaioal tumoncy sjl these indioate heart weakness and are the danger signals if you are tosrbcrastioate dr agnewa care for thbearl is saving lives whioh in many oases have been proclaimed by eminent phyaiclana as beyond hope it will relieve mostaoate oaata in thirty mlootes and patianoe and the remedy will ours any oase of heart tronble in exittenoe bold by a t brown for all disorders of the digestive funotlons is dr von 8tans pineapple tablets mobt msdioal men know that the pine apple oontains a quantity of vsgetabls pepsin this product is invaluable beosuae it exerts a wonderful power in the digestion of all kinda of food science baa now consolidated thia grand essence into tablets and thas within reach of everyono is a vertiblo panacea for all stomach ills dr von stans pineapple tablet are the moat important advanoe for the pre vention and core of slckneee in tbe last thousand years a good digestion is the basis of bealtb and all may have it by the faithful use of these marvellous tablets flox of 00 tablets 85 oents sold by a t brown how oan there be time for everything when so much ot it is wasted f inflammatory rheametf em mr 3 aokerman oommerloal traveler belleville writes some yoara ago i ased v thomas eoijtrio oil tor inflammatory rheumatism and three boltlea affected a complete oure i was he whole of one summer unable to more without orutenea and every movement oauaed exoruoiatlng pain i am nuw out on tha road and exposed to all kinds of weather but have never bean troubled with rheumatism since i however keep a bottle of dr thomas oil on hand and i always reoommend it to others aa it did so muoh for ma sooiety note it is not considered good form to celebrate your golden wedding until the fiftieth anniversary of your marriage cholera morbus oramps kindred oom plainta annually make their appearance at the same lima as tbe hot weather green fruit ououmbers melons etc and many persons are debarred from eating these tempting frnits bat tbey need not abstain if thay have dr j d kellogga dysentery cordial and lake a few drops in water it oores tbe orampi and oholara in ramark- able manner and is snre to obeck every disturbance of the bowels roported from the etrn provinces and lib cure by milburns i laart nld ncvp pills tbo mora remarkablo frotn tbfl fact that he was given up n ii6iirato by worthy and respected physiclins the disease locomotor atnxln wlth wbcb mr archibald was acliclcd is considered the moyt obstinute auj incur able disease of tho nervous system known when onca it starts it gradually but surely progresses paralyzing the lower extremities nnd rondorlnu its via tim helpless and hopeless endurlnjr tlio indescribable ajjony of seeing hlmsuif dlo by inches that milburns heart and nerve rills cartcursfhoroughly and -completely- a disease of such severity ought to encour age those whose disordore oro not so serious to try thia remody the following is mr archibalds letter i mrrsns t miipurn co i can pnrfyotitliat my case was a very scvero c id liad it mt been for the use of j illnirns heart and nervb pillu i do not 1 lieve 1 would bo alive today i do i- t know exactly what was tho causo cf the disease but it gradual affected rt hjs until i was unable to wallc hare nay for five months iwas under the caro of dr morse of mrlr03e who srid i hail locomotor ataxia and gnvo rio u as incurable dr solomon n wellknown physician of boston told mc that nothing could bo done for mc every one who camo to visit mo thoutht i never could gct better 11 saw milburns lleart and nerve fills advertised and thought i vaould try ticm anyway as they gavq moro pro- miuccf lklinfrmcthannnylhlnaiknowof if yui had seen mo when i started takinj hose wonderful pills not able to get cut cf ny room and saw me now vvorking nrcj every day you wouldnt knowmo c j am birent for p 0 viokoy cf austa blaine and itavo bold 300 sub scribers in 80 days and won a fifty dollar prize nothing else in tho world saved mc bu lqsc pills and i do not think they itavo ail ptjunl anywhere the svn buses i ookhavo rpslorcd mo tip fj 1140 of my lojs and fivon mo brbn h and oncrjry and hotter health than j have enjoyed in alonar tlmo g o anctltbald hopewell cape n b in njditiun to tjie etntcment by mr archibald we have the cndorsatldn of l vo wellknown merchants of hopewell capo n b via 1 messrs j e dickson niq f j nrcwiitcr who certify to tho genuineness and accuracy or tho facts as given above milburns heart and ncrvo pills are 50c a box or 3 for 135 at all- drug gists or sent by mail t milburn a co tonlo ont would- yon know whether tho tendenoy of a book is good or evil examine in what state of mind you lay it down it la obiefly throufh books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds if you iiptioe your child grinding tbe teeth during sleep pioklng the nose eating ravenously but not seeming to gain flash you rsay be are present and should not delay giving dr lows pleas ant worfa byrup pries as oenla borne women are tiokled to death it they have something to worry and be very unhappy about some man acquire fame and then dont know what to do with ia lawyers liquor dealers and trapeze performers most be admitted to tbe bar in order to praetloa their profession there ia nothlog that affords people mora pleasure for lass money than svlf- eetesm mr wm ferry blenheim out aaya i can reeommend j dr woods norway ins syrup aa the very beet medlolna for coughs oolds sore throat and weak ungs on the first indica tion of diarrhoea of dysenteryafewdoses of dr fowlers ext of wild straw berry will promptly check the advance of these dangerous dis- it has been over 49 ymt9 in use and has no equal for tho cure of bowel complaints of young or old there aro many dangerous imitations on tho market so it vrould bo wise to soo that tho full namd dr fovwm ext of wild sirawttrrf is on every botua you buy oastoria for infants and childteii slfutani rnui an iudustrloua man with good sense doesnt have to depend upon look mo family living in a bilious country should be without farmeelees vegetable pills a few doaes taken now and then will keep the liver active- cleanse the atomacb and bowela from billoua matter and prevent ague mr j l prioo shoals martin co ind writes i have tried a box of parmcleos pills and find them tbe best medioine tot fever aud agao i have ever need a man marriea a woman to have her aharo hia ironbfestandlio slwaye geta his share alter tbat a doctors homage preaorlbed for his patlarit south american rheumatic cure and the man own word for it it savedmy lira wm brakine manager for dr 11 it bopkins grand valley writes i have a patisnt who baa been oured by sentb american bheumatlo oure he had been trying everything on earth without the slightest relief and bad taken to bla bed three dotes relieved him and when be taken two bqtiles he was able to drive out be immediatsly oeme to me and said thia great remedy had saved bis life this remedy relieves in a faw hoars and it curing the world sold by a 1 brown i ia always better to aalooiah a man than ii is to bore blm worma cannot exiat either io children or adults when dr lows worms sryup is need 26c alldeslsrs he who writoa for fooli mode an enor mous audience of bad books we can never read too littlo of the good never too muab there never was and never will be a nnlirorsal panacea in one remedy for all ilia to whieh fleah is heir the very nature of many ouiativoa being saoh that were tbe germs of other awl differently seated diseases rooted in the system ot tbo patient what would relieve one ill in tnrn would aggravate the other wc have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grinvons ills by its gradual judioions uae the frailost systoms are led into oonr valeacenoe and atreugth by tbo influence whioh quinine exerta on natures own restoratives it relieves tbe drooping spirits of those with whom a chronlo state of morbid despondence and lack of intereet in life ia a disease and by tranquillzing tha nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whioh being stimalated oourses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal funotloni of the system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening thoirame and givlnglife to tbe digestive organs whioh naturally demand iuoreasocl aubstanoareenlt im proved appetite northrop 4 lyman of toronto have given to tho publio their qoinlne wine at the usual rate aud gaaged by the opiniun of scientists this wine approaches nearest perlection ot any tbe market all druoglali sell it after some wives succeed in getting in tbe laat word they alt down and ory over it stiff joints four years mr arthur byrne book hill out writes i was laid up with itiff joints for four years and ooold get no rtllef notll i need tbree buttles of hagyarda yow oi which cured me a bird in the bush is worth two in ths band from jho birds point of view 1 tt patent 8m mm msybw ss by oar aid addrsss the patent record i experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speight co hcton maple leaf gkain grinders two sizes for anv power no i has roinch rever sible burrs 8inch single burrs 10hn jlctqceen a for the ab has c his ware- ooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen frost a wood binders and mowers both have ballbearlng burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and lasl with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use coold shapely evmuir co limited brant ford ont and a complete line of farm implements and ail kinds of repairs cital timikk iui1way 10xno webt mail io 02ftnl hxiroin a 25 mi moll 7 io jiui aoixa kaut kxproas 0 yi tvtr kxtirosb 10 go a in mail f 14nni ulxod 10 03 in sunday tmiiib cjoinjl wuht io oa a iu going i2iuit0a1 a in 0 14 i m tllrlu ov clohintl mailh going wopi 6 40 am and 6 60 pm going east 10 25 am and c 60 pm tliia tlmotablu wont into olttct on 8untlii junoaiith lbjy acton- livery bus line tho uudoraljjuocl roapoctdillyaollclts tlju iatrou ago of tbo public and informs them that wou equipped and stylish rigs oan al ways be secured at bin btablob a comfortable bun moots trains botwoori d a in aud 816 p m carolul attention given to every order tbo wants of commercial travel lers fully mot john williams rnormttoit w barber bros paper makerb georgetown ont hake a specialty ot machine finished book papers and hioll grade weekly news n my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen best tteet wis the best is the cheapest woven wire fencing upttiiiionc dnitr mfh jvike rops bfxvaoa mcmuiien s poultry nettings ore unequalled in quality and their tho paper ubed in this jonrrm i a from tho above railla wmbabber bo cooper akins the artistic tailors geg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refund fencings are the best kaararaetumd and bold bjr 1 ohtartowire tencno co l pri o es low hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fall you write the manufacturers at picton the b greening mire co c6nbrhi hkwcilton kd jtcbnts momthbrl sold ulso by canadian hardware jobbers f th red bird- best to- day and cood for year 5 cooper akins main st acton farmers wants are many but i can supply all in my line i have in stock extra heavy creamer cans strainer pails extra heavy fine milk pails galvanized pails seamless pressed milk pans and countless other dairy articles aez8oriliaiix when bicycle manufacturers and riders the world over were having trouble with their bicycle chains which in spite of all they could do would wear and stretch it was a canadian who found a way out of the difficulty 3 3 the wilson chain with which bed birds are fitted out-door- work roof ing etc a specialty call for quotations before placing orders for this class ol work c a pannabecker mill street aoton p s ah the wants of people in town will also receive best attention m this canadian was mr wm wilson ona of the experts paid by this company to bring the red bird nearer a slate of absolute perfection this invention consisted of a patent whereby the centre part of the pin waa hardoned giving the hardened steel pin so well was this received that the lajgest chain manufactur ing establishment in the woild purchased the american ght toproduco it since then there have been many 1ml- rations but as is always the case with imitations none are so good as the genuine article such as red birds are fitted with today th goold ijigycle co umite0 j- d rokek agent 3 pat write for our intoresuntr uooloi invent- bend ya a rou a or modilorrour invention or lnrprpvomont and wo will tell sssf opl to whouier it probablrratontnblo wo nmko nunoctiiliy appucatlona rejootol in other hand uest referonoos furnished marion mabion patmmt boiuoitobb ixfibts gtfl jerinlol fnalnrna ornauatcs ot h fqljrteehnlo botiool or kuntnprtliia hndielor in applld dctcnoos laval ttnlvpnify memhrfi patent lw aimglntlnn aincilcan vfaifr work yasmctfetlon mw knnlnnttvnter works ansoc anoclmloiipanoc member cau ty of civil kuulnfn i 0uiioi0 iskiaotoh do sw bo years fflhsrwnob r lfjwosbwoa iwvi oofyrtohtu ac litlnu t l fjmlmm

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