Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxv no 12 acton ojttaeio thursday sejltjember j 1899 price three cent ls jrton fttt flms ib published every thursday morning at tdk free presbstcara lrlnting office uiltj btiebt aoton ont ouo dollar per yi otlyiu advance all subscriptions dlsbt tlnuoa when tho time f or whloh thi thumb or bobscniption- strictly iu advance all aubaorlptlonb dip ley have boon paid baa expired tho date to which evory subscription la paid la donotod on the address label asthhtibino rathb transient advertise ments 10 ooati per nonparoillin for flret in sertion b oonte per lino for oaoh subsequent iaaertion contract ratkb the following table shows our rates for tho insertion of advortlsomenta for specified periods sfaoe fl3 inofietssv lolnohes jt inches llnoh 1 1 tii 1 6 mo a mo imp 0000 1 1700 r4 hxh mh-8-0fr- 700 flm 900 100 advertisements without spoelflo directions will bo lcsortad till forbid ana charged accord- ngly transient advertisements mast be paid a advance advertisements will bo changed once each month if desired for changes ottener than anaaa month the oomposltlon mast be paid for at regulat rate changes for contract advertisements mas oe o the offloe by noon on tuesday b accounts payable monthly h p moore editor find pro prletor envelopes we received during aug ust 600000 envelepesbeaght very low and we will sell them extra cheap if you want a box of envelopes go straight to days bookstore cuolph dayhasthve envelopes to- please you and his prices are the lowest day sells cheap jbubiiubb directory medical tohnm macdonald m d ctm bucoesbob to j f tjren m d o m offloo ana resldenoo corner mill ffrodoriok roeu acton oflloq hours 6 to 10 30 m 1 to 2 pm and too pm tub traders bank of canada capital authorized capital patctup 1000000 700 000 cuelph branch wo are now issuing money ordors payatalo at par at any branch of cbartcrqtl llauk in canada excepting tho yukon district at tho following rates under 10 6 cents 10 to 020 10 cents saotosjo is coots 30 to 1 cants tr rjr forster sccokaaon to dr a h elliott lato roslilont physician and sargoon to vic toria hospital for sick children toronto ovtiob mill stroot lately occupied by dr elliott d r dryden era eab touoat and kobe hoxtoans block douglas st near p 0 guelph officii bodiuj 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 6 p m buhdats 10 am to 1 pm dental l bennett lds dentjst am aioaastowh ontabio tgogrlfeavddrsnlds o dentist won cabruxiy imnb pnices kodkiute qnior ovan bbowni dodo btobb hooaa e vehy dat vnou 9 to 6 j mbell dds lds dkntut bboosvtlui hon0 ghxdtjatb of tobonto unitbbsitt work made satisfactory prices moderate afternoon camp bollvllle tuesday acton office clarks hotel wood viaittno datb monday 1011 friday llockwc m olean mclean barristers solicitors notarios conveyancers so private fands to loan omoe town hall aoton wm a hoiibab jho a moiikah a j mjwkinnon ofjicb mlirs upstairs baanuga bolicrron cowbtamoxd street in matthews block rb moleod a llauaibtsa souciron cohvatamcza main stroot georgetown money to loan at lowest current rates r j ucnabb uleik fourth division court county or hal- on convoyaneer agent fire and lafe assurance ueal jfistate agent monoy to loan etc owes ferrymans b look aoton ont uiscellaneo us m iss williams of qkobobtown music 8uooessor to mfislaldlaw is prepared to give thorourb instruction in music piano or organ in theory and practice for torms apply to miss williams at mr jas matthews rosldenoo on tuesday evening of each week h bnby gbi8t ottawa oaxapa bollottor of patent for invention eto fibi-aptpliouonrtoriho-0ndlnr-ainr- ion and eoropeanpatont offloe ana or too hmlbtntlon a trada maiiu sand or pam- pbtit thirtytwo voata eiperlenoe pibanoib ndnam bookbindbb wydhm bt qnelpb ontario otr w nt book of all kind made toordor rii sioofrtdior5rionoarefallybbaod alinvneatwin1 promptirdono a m abaiaok ltoenbes h p moobe miinn or habitiam iiiozhus print offloe no wltnoum require laiaed at roiidoowin tbo otening pro pnu oom aoton w m hew8tbeet tjioxmbmd adotiorbbb for tn ooaotloi of wollittgton and bjalton order lit at tn faa pm oaloo aoton or hfsfflitmcb in aoton will do promptly t- odw imrnai itoaiontblo iiiorionot to ioao on tho molt 1 atorjbl attsjwjy tn lowmt rato of intoroit in r pward- subs0iu8bd b o 1sb000 the wbucimoton mutual fire insurance company head offloe axnipa ont inbubanobonowbandmataal piad anr oonvnaniouom forwardod to my miintf vox tot telipboa a will to promptly attended to j0hn tayii0ei ag qaelpb aoton machine and eepair shops bbnhtobindbiiii proprietor acton saw mills and weed yards jk7tbs brown haxuraotobblt axd dm11mm h tnahcr shlnjlo wood xtc ah klqda of wood in took ud promptly delfrerea to any part oftbe town at rbaionable pneae hardwood and lel ont itove lenjtli alweji on bend telepbone oommnnloatlon waters bros pictures waters bros frames wate bros aifcists goods highest ouubent itate of inthjie8t paid on sums dopoeited of and upwards interoat allowed from dato of deposit to date of wltbdrawal antrpald omompounaodrhair yearly advances made to responsible farm a re on tholr own nameaat tho lowest curron rates no charge made for collecting sales notos if payable in guolnb a roneral banking businoss transacted a f it jones maaaior 0ttt tiie ti m thoy wore talking of tho glory ot tho land boyond the skies of tho light and of tbo gladness to be fouud in paradlio of tho flowors over blooming of the never oeas- tag songs of thdwaadringa through the golden streets of bappy white robed throngs and said father leaning cosily back in his easy chair pathor always was a master hand for comfort everywhere what a joyful thing twould be to know that whehtllfe isver waters bros wthdham stheet new store guelph cash paid for farm produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted d atkenhesitpkoducetlo o parsons manager cor mill and main sts acton opposite clarks hotel alma lhd16s collgge opens tor nineteenth year september 7th parents are reminded that the best condi tions for the mental moral and social train ing of their daughters are o be found in a residential school like alma college st- t ho mas ont for full information address rev r i warner prin st thomas ont w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont him a sfwiialtt or machina finished book papers high obaoe weekly news tbo paper nsod in this journa ia from the above mill wm babbie bt0 cooper akins the artistic tailors geg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now cornpjete injheir spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see out latest fashion plates i to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit andworkmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded three things for thought th ae lines ot goods most season- ableut this time ot the year linoleums now is not one day too soon to put it down you will soon have tho stoves to attend to and now will save all the exlra lifting lamps not much profit in waiting until half the dark evenings are o er our stock is most complete now seven casks of lamps were just opened last week all the newest styles lastly t qur third thought is what interests you vqry much and ihat is prices wo buy direct from the makers so that you have no middlemans profit to pay may we supply you john m bond co cubuph motto satisfaction hardwake acton- liyery bus line the undorslgnedres v solicits tho pattron swfie of the public and informs them tat well equipped and stylish rigs oaa al ways bo beonrod at hut stables a comfortable bus moots trains between 9 a m and 818 pm careful attention given to everyorder the wants of commercial travel- lersf ally met john williams pbofniktobt sun savings an d loan co head office toronto oint avtjiarimod cpitl 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are pail monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 860 00 aid in maturity value 100 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on ampli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton robert nobles flour sl feed store plymouth binder twine agency silver sheaf xs purist is strongest jsxvxhkbt is lotrasst best mud most looaoxalcml does qumllty count with you laege 8to0k on hand at till btoiub cooper ft akins main st oton m mall anrk bnatnesa praottoo i the mow intemtlng and prao- la bookkmplna tloal eonrf of stni and accounting fi bbot lal facllltlm and girls inho uoft spee- iaaviii public and hujfl bohooli rtband and tjpwrltld n diiuim indmanal tnlilon no msaoe monday aug js qu8lph business college and shorthand institute j bhabp principal aqbnt8 wantbdfor the life and aobteremenu of admiral dewey the worlds itest naval hero by marat halstead the greatest naval hero by marat halstead the lifelong friend and admirer of the nations idol unjhohe kwyispatel tlons only 1m knornioos demand big eorantlstftam patntfrsf ctaftnoe of a life- time write quick the dominion company 3rd floor oaxton bldg- ohioafio farmers wants are many but loan supply all in my line i have in stock extra heavy creamer cans strainer pails extra heavy fine milk pails galvanized pails seamless pressed milk pans and countless other dairy articles outdoorwork roof ing etc a specialty call for quotations before placing orders for this class of work ooo would straightway bear a weloomo from the bldped ihluing shore and leabul our eldest jlrl glanood upward from thoreed bho was painting on a water jug and murmured yes indeed and marian the next in age a moment dropped her book and yes indoodl repeated with a most ocstatlc look bat mother grayhaired mother who bad coma to sweep the room with a patient smile on her tbfn faco leaned lightly on her broom- poor mother i no one ever thought how ma oh sbo had to do and said i hopo it is not wrong not to sgreo with you but seems to mo that when i die before i join the bleat i d llko just for a llttlo while to ho in my grave and rest harpers rautreia aud maid were niltinfl together their knees under the whit oilcloth cover ed table siok i dont know im sure rhy do you think anyone u siok maltha didnt mr winston pray for him this moruinft asked thb domestic in reproaoh- ful iorprse i thoukht be seemed mighty soit o abxioaa about the lord raisin him op off his eick bed yes ea screed the mietrebs hastily so he did bat she had a eeoret shame faced coneoloniness that frank hadut meant anyone in partfouur by that well ronqded senten about tho siok and the dwell logi tht io unity and peace the family were a 1 ttte late in coming down to praynr the next morning after the blowoat ami when the husband and wife opened the library door there sat martha waiting for them agaiuet the wall in a white apron and a radiant amile and something very like tears in her old eyes presbyterian a deadletter office stelexi yamilg waiting a gostly affair the new mis tress of that brand new house on park aenae was tripping down that softly carpeted qaeen anns stsirway to her first breakfdbt in her own borne she had barried down before her new husband bls me wbst spick and-span- neas to sea that everything was in order opening tho door of the breakfastroom first giving a loving dainty tonoh to its shinning array of bridal silver and then hastening on to the library this was the coblett room of sl true there wasnt muoh library abont it yit for all mr winstons books and all of hers could not be made to fll many shelves bat there was her pretty tall escritoire and mr winbtons writing table and tha amuaing- ly uow dictionary pn its jaunty stand and ob there was library enoogb and it was a dear pretty room with a friendly little coal fire glowing oat a warm welcome at g a pannabecker mill street aoton p s all the wants of people in town will receive best attention also her the bride looked smilingly coutent and yet a trifle anxious too else why that pucker between the pretty brows and what was she looking for kb here it is a little silver bell with an imsge of some queer old beathsn idol for a handle she opens the door and tinkle the bell sharply in the hall while her color comes and goes almoit immediately her dommhoappeared having clapped a olean white apron on top of a checked gingham one qf less immacu late obaracter sit down martha says the lady still nervoarly frsnk1 mean mr winston will be down directly and we will have prayers- but martha was nervous too she took her seat on the edge of a ohair that never was meant i think to be sat on and edged this ohair so close to the wall as to endanger seriously the stamped leather paper tben she palled one finger after another nnlil she had cranked all her joints btill mr winston did not appear ill jaft tell you the troth mis wins ton she buret ont at last i dont like this thing of comln to prayers im a flrtt olass cook and i know i can give satisfaction in my meals and fancy breads bnt i havent been brought up religions and i dont take to it why 1 aint seen the inside of a church this five year and for prayers none of my families ever asked it of me before bat would yon have us tike gods good gifts like do nab brutes martha said the new house mistress her voice trembling with tho effort it cost her and give him no thanks ob i aalnt raisin any obtealtans to prayeri answered the cook with the and easy tone of an american born ervant7 fact is i wouldnt think as much of yon ef yoa dldat have em quality folks most ly does bat i fel queer an ukeaflsh ont o water whan x aint in my own kitchen very well said the new mistress a utile hurriedly for she heard frank shot the chamber door np stairs i only ask you to try it for a week after that yon may do as yoa choose good morning martha said the gentleman gaily as be came la well mrs w ia my congregation ready his lone was rather light perhaps bnt the new duty embarrassed him and he took this altogether masculine way of hiding fafs embarrassment when irftty had first proposed setting np a family altar mr winston had demnred laughed at her a little asked why their indlvidoal prayers wouldnt do called her a supers ti tons child but anally yielded to her entreaty that their new borne might be placed under the shadow of tho sweet sanctities belonging to both old homes and having yielded the point he made np bis mind to be graoloas abont it and do the thing in the best possible style that was part of bis nature frank winston never knowiogly made anyone anoom for table though be was a careless fellow on the whole martha for her pari was mnoh impressed with his rich sonorous voioe as be read with fan it less elocution the story of the obild j mo a and still more so by the fervent and far reach log petitions that both tone and worda were conventional habits of mind and speech inherited or acquired by unconscious imitation she oould not possibly know bat there was never a word mora abont her staying away from morning prayers she allowed no domsitio exlgenoy to keep her away and her keen though undeveloped intelligence was aronsed to a lively interest in the reading and prayers whioh was to prove a surprise to both roaster snd mistress ons of the newnesses enjoyed by the yonug wife wae the shining condition of her kltohen coming from the south where the negro cooks held absolute sway in their domains and whera the old pots and pans fasd done service for a lifetime mrs winston bad not imagined that a kitobeo ooom be such a thing of beauty she was always making theexousa of trying a new receipt to spend a morning hoar with martha and martha being esisntislly sociable was well pleased with her company who la tick mis winston she in quired oa one of these ooovilons when aftiioted i wish youd please ask mr frank who jt startling request cue this is my after noon out and i thought i might take him a glass of that ca itfoot jelly its moren yon all ia going to eat fore yonr tired of it and that prayer hae been rnnnln in my head alt day seems as if i wanted to do something for the poor mow myself mrs winston told her husband when ho came home to lunch and they joked over it a utile bat with some constraint your maid takes morning prayerb with uncomfortable literalceaa said the yonng man perhaps it would be better if we did the ssrne ob by tho way there is a siok man in our oongregatlon i stepped ioto mr staarts office to engage half of pew sixtyfour for us the one opposite the window oa know and i had to wait a few minutes while he and a brother deacon consulted about guiug htlp from the church fund to a man named brooke who broke his leg yesterday ob well that will satisfy martha said mrs winbton eugeily i hated her to think to know tout ia yes it would be a pity for ber to know how litilt we think or fuel wht we vay at prayerc agree 1 her huabind hon estly so brooks tbo curjieuter slopped this gap very well mai tha told him that bo was prayed for at her bouse and told mrs winston that she had f 14 him and this time they joked still more faintly about it and tbo gentleman suul lltey had brooks faith on ihtir consciences now brooks wouldnt behove in their prayers uuleas they followed them up by mora tangible help of course the help followed and the connection with the brooks established a eoit of dorooslio mission between tho new honee on park avenue and the rickety tenement ontan neretreetr andoow mr- winston began to have a livelier conscious ness of what be did mean when he came with bis morning petitions to the almighty but oareful as he set himself to be mar- thas next innocent bomb exploded in the heart of his affairs the new house on park avenoe was getting ready for what its master called a blowoat for which sadly slang phrase seemed to mean a large entertainment large tn judge from the days the mistress and maid spent atoning raisins and making up fruit cake martha entered heartily in to the spirit of the occa sion and as she atlaoked the last green eogary lobe she preferred the reqneet that the blinds in tbe baok parlor abooh be left np joat a teeny mite enough for her to see the aasembled company of coarse you shall see the people agreed her mittress gleefully if i have to walk them alt around by the baok window myself 1 specially wants to see mr franks brother and bis wife confessed martha susan parks has been lowing to me that they beat my folks for looks and ive been mowing ihev dont so nowa my ohanoe to get even with susan bnt what was this mrs winstons face flushed an angry color her eyes looked forbidding and the pleasant smile van ished from her lips as if a whirlwind bad caught il mr wiuctjna brother will not be hero martha sho said btiffiy nor his wife they have both befaaved very badly to us and we uever expect to invite them to the house martha dropped the citron and the knife and her bands and her under jaw il looked for a minute as though she meant drop her mistresss acquaintaance from ess of so r prise that came over iter m she shut her eyes and repeated in a ol of mr wi r tonevltprglve ns oar offences o lord7 tbls dayvren as we obeying thy command and following thy blessed example do this day strive to forgive all who may have offended or injured us marlhs opened her eyes when she had finished her quotation and fell upon the citron vecgefoily but nhe opened her lfpe no more that day exoejt in answer to question and when the lilte silver bell rang for prayers the next morning no martha appeared ilr winston waited a few moments and then looked at his wife we will have prayers without martha this morning she said hesitatingly ill see about it another time is ii one of oar practical jokea on ns asked the gentleman but wben enquiry was made the domes tic declined to come to prayers any more ind also declined to rive ber reasons tben mrs winston oonfessed with con siderable trepidation what had passed betwoen them over the kllchen table what if frank should fly idio a rage and order marina off the spot 7 just before the party too 1 mr winston lookeitred enough in tbe face when he beard tbe quotation from himself to have done even snoh a desperate thing as that bnt he tried to meet it in bis old light way see here letty he said weve either got to get rid of this woman or or his voioe suddenly lost its banter and he spoke with great feeling or weve got to set abont living nearer to our prayers 1 a it was the evening of the entertainment at tbe new house qn park avenue mrs winston came shimmering into the kitchen with her pretty white satin gown and slip pers on why not there wasnt a cleaner floor in her bonis martha she said shamefacedly i have left tbe blinds np in tbs back parlor and mr and mrs boss winston have prpmlsed to come early so dont miss seslng them 1 lord bless yon honey 1 said the cook her grnmnesa disappearing like a snow- wreath la april the hired waiters from bossaoks stood around in their high snd- mlghtineso and wondersd what it all meant bat martha knew and the guardian angels of the new home who had come unblddsn to tbs fesil knew and tbe rccon oiled kindred though they bad beard no story then knew bow sweet and pleasant it was beginning to be for brethren to cousin rath was playing waltzes for tbe young folks near her stood john graham one of her old beans he had ltttly come home alter an absence of twenty years john was looking at ruth with apparent oo tbat began to mark ber pale face and noting the atroaks of gray that ran through ber hair it had been so dark snd thick the last time he had seen ill then be gsssed thoughtfully at tbe merry yoa tig dancers and at last feeling that he ought to say something asked who ia that graoeful y uow haired girl that is grace peering cousin toms daughter ruth replied ber bearer exclaimed wonderingly tom deennga daughter i remember him so welll after a paube he added i thought yoa and he would have been married long ago cousin ruth smiled bhook her bead and played on without speaking the list time i saw jou said john musingly you were waltzing with tom himself do you remember it did she recall it twenty years had passed since young jaok graham had bidden her a oold and brief farewell and she amazed and awestruck by his manner had merely said good by and let bnu go yet the memory of that night had never left her i wonder why ruth is playing that otdfaphioned waltz eaid the ildera of tbe pai ty to oneanother and john graham listened spell bound to the wtu remembered strain ah he eald eartdeuly tha tune recall a the past i sent you a hunch of violets that very night and hoped that you wonld wear them oh ruth what h heartless flirt you were i old aa john hsd grown hib eyes wore a familiar expression as they met hers as soon as the young people had tired of dancing coueln ruth went up to her room and looked herself in giving way to strange emotion from th lowest depths of her trunk she took an old bratabonni box that had not been disturbed for twenty years unlocking it ahe hastily raised tbe lid instead of tbe fresh sweet violets she bad left in it there were a few oritp shapeless and withered petslt beneath which for the first time she discovered a bit of paper on whloh were these words onoe for all ruth ie it yes or no if yes wear these violets at the ball tonight i go away tomorrow and if it is no i shall not return j g for a few minutes roth stood motion less clasping the little missive she went downetalrs one it her nephews passing her in the hallway thought how pretty she must bave been when she was a girl her face was sglow with an anosnal beauty she went into the sittingroom where john graham sat alone he wss gazing moodily at the embers of the fire ruth approached and potting the piece of t el lowed paper gently into his hand said calmly i never baw it until this instant he looked at ber in mate astonishment aa ahe was abont to tarn away would you bave worn my flowers bad you found tbe note ho asked harriedly ah rntb is it now too late tbe merry voices in the next room drowned ber answer to all but john graham ho alone heard it the best work pays a wellknown jndga wanted a fence mended and hired a yonng carpenter to do the job saying i want this fenoe mended i will only pay a dollar and a half so use those anplansd boards and do not take the time to make a neat job later tbe jadge foand that the oarpenter had carefully planed and numbered each board and aqppoajngtbetjiewastrying to make a costly job interrupted him with the angry remark why didnt yoa nail those boards on as they were i dont care how the fenoe looks i do n turned the oarpenter snd went on measuring wben the work was done no other pait of the fenoe was as thorough ly finished what do ou expect to charge asked the jude sarcastically a dollar and a half the judge atered why did yoa spend all that labor on the fence if nol fqr tho money mo ono would bave seen the poor work for tbe job sir i should have known that tbe poor work was there he refused anything more than the dollar and a half and went away ten years afterwards the jadge had a ooo tract to give for the erection of several mag nificent bulldinga among the many applicants the face of one caught bis eye 8ald the iudge later it was my roan of tbe fence i knew he would have only good genuine work done i gave him tbe contract and it made a rich man ot him exchange few men original did it serve her right her hat was a regnlar stunner and no mistake it looked bomotbing like a min iature tropical garden bat nature never produoed anything half so gorgeous a oouplo of artificial butterflies whose wings presented a dazzling assortment of colore wore poised upon invisible wires over two imitation orobidu tbey were obvialously designed to bupply the crowning touch of realism wben she entered the ij oar she knew thst that hat woull oreuti a senbation there were plenty of vaoatt seatb around but she walked nearly the whole length of the oar before taking one and when she ant down it was with the proudconaoioasness that allay eawere fixed upon her or rather upon her hat but nobody btired at that bat halt eo hard as a bright chubby litlo yoangbter who was aittiog alongside of hj mother right opposite the owner of tbe triumph of millinery ob mamma mamma 1 exclaimed the little fellow gleefully i see two bot rflies on that lady a hat hush baab willie said the mother you mustnt make remarks but willie was at that age when then mind refuses io be satisfied with dog ma uo assertions and demands reasons why must i bush t will the bnter- flles hear mo and fly away willie yoa mast be quiet said the mother and then with the view of all- ing bis curiosity sne added tbe butt rflies aint alive did ube rftiok pins tbrougn thtm and kill them hatih uo they are madeup butter flies willie meditated upon thi a for a minute and tben to the intenao delight of every body within earshot excepting of course bla mother and tbe proprutir of tho wonderous hat he broke out frebh did you ever bee any live buitertlieb like those bnitarflicb mamma i liner did do be quiet aud doui auk uucb fooliuh questions but wlllid was not t be suppremed in that fashion iviainraa why ia it that other ladies dont wear buttoi fliea in their hats i dont know do be qoiet mamma if you put butterflies on your bat would you put butterflies on jour hat hkotbat by this time the snicker had developed int3 an audibla titter and threatened to become a downright laugh eoon tbe conductor suddenly opened tho door and shouted oat something that bounded like dren then th street i whatever tbe street might bo it aoemed suddenly to occur to the proprietor ot the hat that it was the street she wanted aud she rushed preoipit itely out ot the oar her undignified exit contrasting ltrgely with her autrly entrance a few minutes before and what do yon think i over hoard the lady who sat next to me bay it just serves her right i why it served her right i dont pretend to know winning ways many have h ad tho tttory of madame la veite whose mother haid to her my 1 tie daughter jou are so ngly that no one can like you udibs you are very very polito and wiunfuu in your manners wo know how great a bt he biio was through followina ihib wibe hduot a child who teok a biae coach journey wiih her ae- aevtrted no she uut a fine lidy tt oil she n juit like me tind i lovo her now why uhuull unly unly children be spurred up io tin awed grciomuesq t how lufiuiie ttiu uhurin of t uo ul see occauionaily uud only ooutaionilly of conrne the pttei t lubuhin of ohillliood is tlicotly tflldei t mouller of this attruc- tiveuodh teathim mini txumjl- a lttly priiioiphl of n fushionube school hmyh c iirvqr h til tulhini but pleasure and cuiitlurl with ttii minn lochesoa their ojimuiit him ritmiiii to i j id livo no- bady any trouble mny ao auyuht u ttxtbuok ou thih aubjf t to ou whu woull limth uud io 30a who woulu learn unknown to hittjry by mim youuge u a bkotch of nicknames for money few people realize that every piece of money bas a nickname the 9100 bill is known as a century a 420 bill is known as a doable x or a lawbook a 910 bill is an x or tenspot every ono bandies email obangeaod tho commonness of tbis species ot money has suggested scores of sobriquets appropriate and the reverse grave and gay effasively fanny and h amorously pathetic the nickel as a name was suggefcted by tbe common idea that this metal entered largely into the oompostlon ot the coin it ia a misnomer as the piece consist i of seventyfive per cent of ooppar and only twentyfive per cent of the metal which gave it a name carfare a slang name for tbe same piece hlubtrates the universality of this method ot transportition while oblcken feed as a name not only for fivesent pieces bnt also for other email change undoubtedly came from the rural districts fllppernp suggests a frequent use to which the nloktl is placed in cettiin circles pennies andpioa nncslu the contempt more pretended than real into which our amsllesl coins have fallen the the utter name like bit preserves a morsel of hiatory nol familiar to general readers picayune now used as a synonym for tbe smallett value expressed in moneyterms was once the name of a special ooin it wan worth about one half cent and at one time daring the colonial days when all kinds of coins passed onr- rent at all sorts of valstions circulated along the atlantic ooast the bit now only a money of account and most familiar in the wellknown form twobits a synonym for the twenty-five- cent pleoe was also knowo at ene time as a coin equsl in value to one halt tbe bpanish plstareen and when supplanted by our familiar quarter the name remained long after the coins had disappeared shilling haa now finally disappeared from use the fvnctvation marks t 7 i six littlu marks from achool aro wo very important all agroo filled to the brim with myatory six little marks from school odd llttlo mark is round and small but whoro it statida tho voice must fall at the olooo ot a aontenoo all ilaco this llttlo mark from school ono little mark with gown a trailing holds up the voice and novor falling tolls you not long to pauso whan balling tula little mark from aohool if out of breath you chanco to meet two llttlo dots both round and neat pause aud those tiny guardsmen groot thoao littlo marks from school whon ah or tor iiaasos aro your ploaaure ono tralla wo a word takoa half tho- mcaauru then spoods you on to scok now troaiuro this llttlo mark from ncnool one littlo mark ear abapod impllou keep up tbo voloo await replica to gathor information trios this llttlo mark from school one little mark with an exclamation presents itsoll to your observation add leaves tho voloo at an olovatlon this littlo mark from school i 81 x little marks i bo euro and hoed ua carefully study writo and road ua for yoa can novor coaso to noed us blx llttlo marks from achool i st ntcholas the latjr life of miry queen of soot p we somotimeb wondered aa wo read it if it were do intended as an actual tretiao on tlie mt of faaoiubttou the tut of loveliness we follow the ahull we say aitfnl or bhsll we say lovely queen who knows t from ootttge to unfriendly castle with servants maids and aoliiera and worship ful koights aud it ib always the same eld atory bbo ia ulwaya juat like mo aud i love her we marvel ut ourselves pago by page that we too do not buy so cheaply such love and admiratiqn no child or clodhopper mubt be timid in her presence the anxioub hounded royal lady mnat prevent that muat use her dainty skill as freely as in any courtly drawingroom till that nobody 1b at ease and her captivated fuve sea was not a good woman but oh 1 she was eo eweet 1 cannot you who are a good woman be awettnuo just for fun while i waa out west aaid tbe man in the mackintosh i saw snowdrifts more than six hundred feet high i dont doubt it replied the man with tbe cinna mon beard wben i waa out chore a 000 pie of weeks ago i saw drift that couldnt have been has than nine hundred feet deep it you hadnt been tn snob a hurry te tell a bigger lie than you thought 1 oould tell rejoined tho man in the mack intosh i would have explained that tho drift i saw were six hundred feet np the bide of the mountain thats all right said tbe other the drifts i saw were at the bottom of a uinohnndredfoot gorge tbe ibt lligenco of that dog of mine worries me latt monday he taobled a bull terrier on thettreet aud in a minute they were at it hammer aud tongs i beard tho racket and ran ont my dog had the anderholil but the instant i spoke to him nejjtgoandbneaked behind the house what did you say lo him all i eald to him was billy have you forgotten tho protocol no usb for insurance assurance agent i called to ece if i ooollnl assure your husbands life mrs ofwnuiuan sure it wuddent bo wort th while he wurroks in a powder mill an 1b liable t be blowed up at anny rainot i her choice which do you prefer asked her indul gent father its bo hard to decide she answered but at tbo price quoted i think the duko is a better bargain than tho count i guess yoa may buy the duke most embarrassing did you ever net ice how few people are original in things they say and do for inaunoe one man makes a fortune oat of a simple thing immediately hundreds ot others try is this is human nature while it js gratifying to be the first man lo biing ont an idea the great mass mast be contented to follow their leaders there la one line that is always original however and that is the business of bradley- garretson co limited of firanlford ont because they continually bring ont publications to salt the times and seasons thus their agents are kept steadily at it and make big money in fact no other oocnpatlon is mora honorable healthful lucrative pr offers halt as many opportuni ties for promotion it is a life aohool many men and women in canada today tsatify to the irotbf olness of bis olaiio in faot it is conceded on all hands tal one years experience with this firm is worth more lo any young man or woman ibau two or three yeirs at collage from an educational point of view and financially it is all that oan be desired one sunday morning a toronto udy and a friend from tbe country est oat to walk to a distant chnroh in the olty tbey were some time reaching their destination and fearing that the service mass have commenced sgreed to slip into the first vacant seat they could find accordingly they entered tbe sacred edifice and were just going to bit down when tbey beard someone call ont dome op higher the ladies hesitated torn between model ty and a desire to take advantage of so literal and unusnsl a fulfilment ot tho scriptural promise to those who take the lowest seat in the synagogue the country lady signed to her city friend that they bad belter respond to the invitation she thought thsir hesitation must have been noticed for a second time the voioe cried ont come op higher and took a few steps forward she was therefore a good desl surprised wben her companion suddenly clutched ber by tbo arm and with some degree ot force made her tike a humble teat near tbe door a moment later a burning blush snffoswd her face and she grasped the faot that no one in the congregation eared where they sat and that she bod merely heard a reverend protestor of trinity co leg giving out tbe text of bis sermon black will be a fash ionable autumn color diamond dye blacks are the richest fastest and best black draimi oipei and jaoketa wilt 1 mnoh worn thli aatnmn tbis mil bo a bleiinr to tbs woman who wiaboa to look wall and wbo oannot afford to buy auoh cow clothing any woman can by naing tho diamond dye faat blaoka oolor their old clothaa a black that will not fade or waih ont there are throb apeoial diamond dye faat blaoka for wool for cotton and mixed good and for silk and feather and if the proper dya ia naed any woman oan get bolter reaulta tban the majority of axperlanoed profeaatonal dyers oan produce unlike aoroe of tbe cheap imitations of diamond dyca theae dyes ooma in alnioit every conceivable oolor ao that the woman whoi wiabes auy apeoial oolor can gel la in the diamond dyaa practical teate prove that tbe faat diamond dyee are the only dyeataffa that make colore which aoap wll not wash out nor sunlight fade

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