Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 21, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 head officii hauxltqn out capital all paid up reeerve fund total aasets 9 1 464000 1000000 s 1 3 1 03000 turnbull cashier savings department one dollar or mora received interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without walling for pass hook to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book security the government returns show that depositors in this bank have over the million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted ft money loaned 10 feed cattle etc farmers i sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair sates every bank ngfacilltyaffordedwnich the news at home montly of local character and every item interesting can be obtained in he city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch satabluoad ovaa twswtt rauaa j p bell agent thursday september 91 1890 little lo b whloh caught the eye or bar of free pre reporter thl week latt weeks frost bit tho alio corn raihar seriously beeobnutling is a favorite biturday pastime for boja and sir now the review settle at the bunday bohools next bnnday will be interesting every lover of hcrosse in town will go to guelph on saturday afternoon if he cin wednesday nights heavy frost did considerable damage to the late potatoe crop halton bbow at milton next thursday and friday 29th and 3flib staple farts on the railways the attendance at the central fair guelpbtbia week has been larger from ibis aeotlon than usual mr thomas gamble obnroh street lost a valuable jersey cow about a week ago from foot fever theplghtot wednesday iflth rfipj will be remembered as tbe fir it heavy froat of 1809 nearly a month earlier than last year the apeolal servlees in bt josephs ohurou on friday saturday and bunday oonoooted by rev father feenv ware well attended tbe fans pniss is in receipt of a budget of britiab colombia papers from mr a o campbtp vancouver formerly of this office mrs jennie b matthews baa disposed of her bread and oonfeellonery boaloess to mr cheater matthews who takes possess ion next week it is rumored that miss freelind is about to dispose of her fanoy goods bueinesa in waterloo and return t acton she will off heartily welcomed back again a c clark of the cuuk house won first prise at tbe races at tottenham laat week with bis stallion mccormac he is at detroit with his favorite tbta week it is nnfortunate saya the htrald that three fairs in thla county all oome on the same date oakvllfe burlington and georgetown this could sorely have been avoided owing to the number of new pupils admitted to the primary department ainos tbe opening of the pallia school a number of tbe pnpila have been advanced to the other departments miss mcqueen had over to registered in her room rev a h crosby of victoria college occupied tbe pulpit of the methodist ohuroh very acceptably 00 bunday his sermons were well thoaibt out and were delivered with en arnaetnssa whloh oomiusnded undivided interest mr e b collins who went to the north wast a month ago has purchased a furniture and undertaking bueinesa at neepawa man mrs col ins is disposing otlirtousbholdfurnitnrststoandwill remove to neepawa with the family in a couple of weeks rosa lost about weeks ago a bay horse bids robe unllued between oor milt and main su and browns saw mill finder will be suitably rewaxdsd by leaving with j lawson v b acton t p smith ay specialist will be in acton on thursday october 6th on day only room at agnews hotel if you bat any defect in your eyesight it will pay to call andeee bim examination free call early or yon tan make appoint- mtnti at a t browns drag btore to rue dear a rich lady cured of ha dsatnsss andnolses in the head by dr nicholsons artlnoal ear drams has sent 1000 to his institute so that deaf people nnabl to procure tbe em drams may have tbem free apply to department k bcbswinstltnt 780 eight arson new york tj 8 a twenty p cbn j h hamilton of th4 oldk nllabl marble and granite works gnelph announces that be will continue to place the best olasaes of granite and marble monument tombs etc at rier guar- anteed to btsntyjiar cent below others no agent to receive commissions expense allowed to and from gnelph to purchasers to thq8b about to asahby eoung men or old men who intend to marry will be pleased jmgp new ssarrlac aot to mjtfil simpl by mrifsftsi o lioensss tbf paf atojoall a f bwbhtop the esrememy nod hat the buldzjtiyprtrat mm atrsslde lamps to the tlllee of pert laramon xbi nro tlai to bt nittmlaated takes fifty leap t ml and lamppost at w owt tbls will nucrsilmalrmtsofflfly of th numerous post planted thee the gts western excursion tbe annual western exoureione over the g t r ate anoonnoed for the 28tb otjh and 80th inst tbs fans from anton are as follows to port hurou end detroit 1880 cleveland m0 baginaw and bty city 86 do 5 columbus and grand rapids i7s0 ohloago and clnoinnati 10 30 tickets are good to return up to the lolb of october guelph premhytorya century fund at the meeting of guelph presbytery lait week bev hugh a maopheraon was appointed to have aharge of the congrega tions in group 8 iu oonneotion with tbe century fnnd the group includes acton bookwood bdan mill and first ohuroh eramose mr macpherson is also a member of the fresbyterya bunding committee on tbe century fund womans minmionmry society the annual meeting of the womans mlssiousry boofsty of the metboditt ohuroh waa held lut week the officers of the past year were reelootsd as follows president mrs thos easton vioe pres ident mrs bovj j a molaoblan mra aerbrowntreoording secretary mri jas moore corresponding secretary mrs h p moore treasurer mrs james brown another fiaml lmcrommc mutch owing to a teonloelity the protest enter ed by gait avgalntt acton to connection with tbe reoeot waterloo matoh was allowed and the match has been ordered to be played over at guelpb on saturday afternoon next both teams are potting in bard practise for this match but victory will no donbt slay with aoton a large number ot ouiaens intend ti go to guelph to see tbe match a biatorleal society tor aeton v br boberteoo president and bobert coatts esq seoretary ol bslton histori cal society will hold a mottlng iu aoton tomorrow afternoon with a view ta tbe formation of a branch of tbe aooiety in actou tbe meeting will be hell in the counoil chamber and all interested are invited to be present tbe preservation ot the important events in the early history of aoton and vicinity is very desirable interettimg commnaioa aerviota tbe oommnnlon eervloes in knox oburcb during the week were ot onatutl intsrest the pre communion sermons preaobed ou friday morning and evening to linte oougfegatlons by bev wylie o clark of brampton were able and eloquent and very appropriate to the ocoaaion the bunday eervloes were attended by large congregations the paetjre oommnnlon sermon wa most helpful especially to the new members nineteen of whom were received on pro fession and by letter blue atlftson pteyie additional street lamps lines to be extended to cover the outslds limit of the corporation all oootmentlel tbe ladles ot mill and main streets to the number of about 85 including children held their fourth annual plonia at the home ot mr john walters on tuesday ot last weak the spacious lawn and home were thrown open to tbe gueets a most enjoyable time was spent livery man williams wa engaged for the occasion and with bis nsnal good nature and liber ality drove the ladles over as mr and mrs walters leave the farm and move the home lately oooupled by mr pletob on park avenue aoton shortly this was tbe farewell plonlo to mra hslttead who waa present it was a farewell also as by her rsmosal to berlin she drops ont of th circle con jnurcmtlng bmrreat festival fjerrioe to tbe yonng people of bl albans chnroh much oredit is due for the beauti ful decorations which so tastefully adorned the sacred edifice for tbe harvest festival the skillful arrangement of flowers fruit grain and garden products oommanded general admiration and emphasized the appropriateness of the ocoaaion the fri day night servloa was well attended the sermon by bev 3 g wallioe b a of norval from malt 0 38 80 consider the mis of the held at was a beautiful disoourss snd pointed out in unmistakable vividness the completeness of gods pro vision for mans wants snd th perfect oheraote of all his creations mr wallaoe has a very fine presence and ie tbe picture of healthy young manhood the bnnday bsrvloea conducted by the doctor wen also highly interesting and wall attended tbe harvett offsrlnfa were liberal two fmmlllea jcessored to tomato two highly esteemed famine remor from aoton to toronto this week mr thomas perryman jr and family remove to tbe city to engage in tbe grocery buriaes lbira there- sldesrt son- bollsnd has ooonolt met ou monday evening in regnlsr session at eight ollook members all preeeot except councillor murray ae usuel tbe arab business coming before tbe counoil waa the presentation of the report of the committee on flnanoe the nlnetseutb report reooromsnded pay ment of sooounte as follows jobn barvfy freight aod cartage 0 65 dell telephone go 03 a t browu sundries 8 so w d anderson plastering eto at power bouse 7 00 jobn watsoo 63 yards gravel 10 08 h p moore printing and advertising is so w wordenpalntldg oto at rover bouse aa so 5166 moved by i franoia seconded by james clark tbst the nineteenth report of tbe floanoe committee just read be adopted carried the queetlon ot the insurance of tho power bouse aod electric punt was discussed beeve pearson slated thst he had con sidered the premises almost absolutely fire proof hot elnoe the destructive are at the niagara falls power faonse he felt that suoh a floo puuim wlrowpoeieatehai not be jeopardised in any way end that an insurance risk should be at onoe taken out a rate of one per oent has been offered by a reliable stock oompaoy wbloh makes a apeoleltty of rleotrla plants moved by john clarke seconded by i franole that an insurance polioy of 98000 be placed ou tbe power house and machinery at one per oent tbe beeve and gounolllor dark to be a oommlttee to attend to the mstter carried the extension of tbe eleolrio light system osme up for debate it was tboogtb in order to cover the corporation oompletely some elgfat additional lamps are neoessary it is proposed owing to tbe many trees there to take the goose neok lamps off bower avenue and hang the lampa in the oentre of tbe atreet ab on mill and main streets counoil adjourned at nine oolook on the harvest excursion work in the wheat fields and items of interest to ontario readers in my last i intimated possibly another communication bearing ohiuy ou tbe harvesting feature having given jon an outline of onr journey to tbe land of wheal iiet me premlee that i am aware many of your readers have been in manitoba and may take exception to my acoount yet i only profeee to give matters as i notion or am credibly informed but it la mainly for those who have not been here i wieb to do some quilldriving ot course harvesting implies seeding and this aa well as the other is ot interest as being different in acme respeota from anton far methods been there lor some time and sea an opportunity for what he ooneidsrs a profitable business in a good location mr and mrs ferryman am old residents ot aeton snd bev bran smoog oor beat cltltens mrs perryman especially has don vary hslpf ol work both in th bnnday school and ths womans missionary boole ty ot the mstbodlst ohuroh mr thomas brunt jr wsnt to toronto soma weeks ago and esoured a position in th ofb freight sheds the fsmlly left on saturday to join mm both mr and mra brant war active and willing workers in tbe methodist obnroh here mr brunt was a teacher in the sunday school and an officer in the epworth league th removal of tbe two families is much regretted th best wishes ot onr oitlsens go with tbem neither family baa dis posed of their property here and il i hoped they will tventoelly return to aoton a a smjoythle socui th coffe social given by the ladles aid in th methodist ohuroh laat thurs day evening gave a good sited andlenp an opportunity for apendlug very pleasant avsnlng after partaking of coffee sand wiches and oak adjournment waa made to the auditorium where tbe following pro gramme wa presented orchestra duets oatherldg flowers misses hleuussattelaen the- downfall or poland missalekeown jesus inter of my soul xeveln a balloon saskheleoalau crossing the bar miss lexis clark the borrowed baby 0 p moore tnrtfc beading beading orchestra solo tbe slight of ages alias mieklln reading the bynusgtoas outing mlie atexeown national anthem tbvmusleaj numbers bv hisses churk rlloklln and nelson and mr b j gurnay ever in each ease marltorlona and sojoy- abl ths htarary pajtwae wsll austaiocd and lb bondy sdbool orchestra gener ous oontributlooa war alto appreciated in lb absence of the pastor mr h f moor presided there are three kind of eesd fields tbe backsetting summerfallow aud stubble ground tbe furmer is tbe virgin prairie which haa been broken a heavy tough job just like the ground itself tbsn this is turned baok again in dne time and ibis is tbe backsetting field ot course although the ground at harvest is a little rough a good orop la looked for the aommer- fallow is a necessity rioh though the aoil is xdke the man who seeks weslth from it the soil seems to need rest aud regular ly it haa to get it one ploughing is generally enough except when too much grata springe up ploughing too much will make too heavy straw the difficulty with soil here ie being too loose tbe extra ploughing without crap tends to settle the soil so that stirred up with tbe drillyin tbe spring the eeed has a solid bed to rest on and will do better btubbte plowing is as we unjerstend it and la simply sown on in tbs spring fonr horses are frequently need on one plough turning two 18 inch furrows or three nsrrower ones xour farmers wonld be surprised to see tbe drills 18 18 or 38 tnbrs snd drawn by fonr hones tbis being a country of magnificent dlilanoe it ie also managed on a large soele tbe barveet was in foil awing whan we disembarked although 1 mentioned that farmer seemed chary about rushing to the train for men still it seems that the moat of 10000 have secured work the brandon tsmt of lest week states that already threshers are in town hunting for men and it teems they are hard to fled two of os from aoton who stook together were engaged before night the farm on wbloh th srriter tosses tbe sheaves la one ot 80 sore lt some of your farmer group their farms and than imagine owning a block ilk that 800 scree of wheat and about k sores of oats tbe enfttngeere i about done and stacking is ths order of the day i may say that threshers in general in thla locality oommenoe to day sept lltb a letter regarding this occupation may be inflicted upon you of oooree there are nam here that is for grain threshing tbe grsin is stacked about alx loada in a ttaok two stacka together in convenient centra for each at ot stacks set oloso enough to be threshed from both at ouoa bometlmea fonr an set together allowing space for ths machine either way to auit ths wind so that sometimes a thresher will set bis maobine sir or eight differeut pluee per day for on farmer bnl at hs threshes by the bushel and does all tbs work except banling borne the grain the farmers only outlook in stacking is oonvenleuoa at the time it lea wonderful sight the oountry doited sll ovsr with pairs ot round stacks a good many however will thresh from stook the wsathsr has been magnificent dear and bright with a nlo brass blowing two or three small showers bnl in general delightful tbe oountry in lie harvesting appearances it all i had anticipated and i bad read soma globing amounts there are many ontario reminders here i happen to be domiciled with a gentleman who was about ten year in th employ ot tbe lata senstor sanford and has been hers twenty years a near neighbor is mr allan leslie from the block a relative of the erin leslies implements with ontario names are quit common chatham aod woodstook wagons massey- harria binders and mr hemetreet wonld smile to ass a fin wheel barrow bearing tbe nam of flearys bona aurora th soarolty ot timber her makes it a necessity to boy suoh aitlcle from outtlde j b o ohatcr han sept 11th 1809 that thr h would quickly isavo yoo it you used dr kinga new life fills thousand of aoffenrabavs proved their matchless merit forbiek and nervous headaches tbey make pare mood and etrong nerve and build up your health easy to tsk try tbem only 3bosnta money baok if not oured bold by j d moxce druggist coming and goino vleltor to and prom aoton ana varloueothereeraonal note the pasa pases invites all its readers to eon tribute to this column if you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you have friends visiting you drop a eard to tbe faxa pnmss mr a p bymon arrived home from tbe northwest yesterday mies shannon of boohceter is the guest ot mrs frank guyetl mr and mts thomas 8omarvilla visited friends in london last week mies magsie smith returned yesterday to her studies at tbe institute at belleville miss maud cookman ot toronto ia apendlng a week or ao with relatlvee here mr william burne of mexico city mexico waa a guest at fairview place last week councillor j a murray arrived home from hia trip to tbe maritime provinces uet week mr and mrs b n harrla and son of norval wsre guest of mr frank harris this weekj mr and mra pearoe aod son ot alvineton are che gueitt uf mr joseph coleman ma street miaa betiha byde left this morning tor aoton to spend a two weeks vacation with friends saturday mercury mrs i n harris of ingersoll is enjoy ing an extended visit at the home of her son mr frans harris maria street messrs wesley and lome moore and dunoanmointoab arrived homo yettsrday afternoon from the bainy blver diatricl mra h h worden and mies aggie glover went to orangeville on saturday to attend the funeral ot the ohild of frienda there mr albeit laing left lut friday for vermont to commenoe tbe eoaaons oper ations with he laing bros entertain ment miu minute orr who has been a resl- dent of miltjn for about two tears returned to her home at actooa laet week ctampion mr frank matlhewe baa rtturned to aoton from berlin to take a altoation there is tome talk ot the whole family returning to town messrs fn wllieaodr t waldie sons of john wal lie ex m p for halton left a week ago for eorope aod will spend tbe winter in eg pi mr timothy eatone ooudltlon showed a deoided improvement yesterday the doctors sre satisfied and pronounce him ont of all dangsr iforltl mr edward nioklin jr son of mr bobert nioklin of brandon man has been given a run a express meseenger on one ot the northwest roads at a salary of 800 per mouth pretty good for a yonng fellow ol eighteen mr henry smit w ao far r from bia reoent illness aa to be able to leave on monday morning in oompsny with hia daughter miea mary for owen bound they wilt spend a week or so eo at home of mr donald cameron miaa liaile martin who has been ill at johnstown n y for the pstt two months arrived boms on monday and will remain with htr mother here for tbe remainder of the year the change will no donbt restore her to good health sgsln mr and mra t perryman jr with to say a klndlv farewell through the medium of the fiuns pnxss a their time waa limited and they were not alio to see their many friends to hid them edleu before leaving for their new home in toronto general regret ia felt that mr george vinoent baa found ii necessary to undergo a third operation for treatment of the attaok of appeudloltis from wblob he has suffered rince last november it ie hoped the enrgeona who opperated upon fains on monday have eeonred reaulta whloh will give permanent relief the former frienda here ot william flretbrook etc now of birmingham eng enjoyed a abort viall from him laat week during his etayhere mr firstbrook msde hia home at sunderland villa thirty yeara ago the old geotlsman waa one of actons most prominent oltiaens he expressed delight at tbe progress and improvements of late years apparent both in publlo and private oircles the namar- oue fine new reeldenoea and the extension of onr manufaotorlee eepeolally pleased blm chas l holies guelph the big bookstore wall paper window shades room mouldings j d m druggist our agent in acton will attend to your wants and show prices remember that the noted tea store mid china pnlnce is headquarters for ehoico tomatoes plums poaches muskmelone and nil kinds of vegetables it pays to buy at boiler ts it pays to buy at boh campaign opened s44 almera jjlo n tea and mc- grerts favorite blend of coffeo are tho beat in the market j a mccrea atntlph tttftffftffffftffffffffffffffffftfffftfftfffi henderson co i cla8gow house millinery opening and grand display 111 i 1 i ii im iii 1 ii ii mm 1 of dress goods mkntles etc we wish to intimate to the ladies of acton and vicinity that our stock of fall millinery will be open for their inspec tion on wednesday sept 27th and following days miss campbell is agiln in charge and has spared no pains to make this the most successful season we have ever had our whole staff have rone to great trouble and expense this season to equip themselves with all the latest ideas nnd how to execute them everybody welcome we aro now right into the turmoil of the pall trado our miillnory department has swung us right on top of tho business wave old methods may do for others they don t do here whenever there is a betlermeut possible there we are at work thats why we ve got out of the old rut of holding back millinery until tbe end of september and then making an opening display we are opening and selling mil llnery as fast as it arrives the others will be showing styles at the openings that we have beeu selling all duringlhts month so you neednt wajt you can seo here and now and every day whatll be shown at the openings several weeks hence by that time we will have lines that the late openers havent dreamt of we have stnrted in to make this thing go and its going well orders are pouring in as never before in the history of our business the newest is here every day- fresh from the fashion inventors of the world and its here for you to see and buy its not packed away for opening days every day is open ing diy is showing day is selling day if youll come and see tho dally crowds in our millinery room nnd tho growing trado you ii see the attestion of this statement opening day every day e r bouert fe co 25 and 27 wyndliam st guelph min st acton henderson co voeutfvcir msa bxtbitm uttlepltu they also reutre distress from dyspepsia indigestion snd too hearty eating a per feet remedy tor dirtiness nausea drowaf ness badtatteln the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid uvell they regulate the bowels purely vegetable mam pm man dot man aroe substitution the fraud ot the drvy see you get artets ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver fills the conservatives gather hon a b porter entj mr j p whitney m p p addre an immense qatherlna in m he toboaro september 10 hon george b foster exminletar ol flnanoe ad dressed an sodleuoso sis thousand people in haass ball last eralng on the politic issue ol th day hia snseoh took the form to a large extent ot a reply to the address reorntly made by blr blohard oartwrlght in the earn ball a featurs ot th meeting was tbe recep tion accorded to h r j p whitney leader of tbe oontsrtstlt patty in tbe ontario leguwtnre who also poke briefly and whose appsarane was th signal for a remarkable dtmooetrallon of enthusiasm the worst about h with a smiling fbseisthabebmsomunltallt poor eye- si furs i if you have poor eyesight you should come to savage c jewellers and opticians of guelph and get your eyes tested by the latest up-to- date method full stock of spex and eyeglasses established in guelph 51 years savage co wt inn woven wire fenginq sow suvaos imosstamawimarnsxaataea1 i imsaodune the best is the cheapest mcmullens poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their j- m ark thk best prices lojfla hardware merchants mil thesa gooda and can supply you if they fall you write the manufacturers at ptcton the bgreeninc wireb co c9nbrrl rcrbnts hrmilton x komtrbru sold also by canadian hardware jobbers gurney go 1p9r new english plannellettes larejitook newest pat terns and colors reduntisn in hesiery ladies cotton regular prioe 20o ust prioe 15o hew nsvelties hose aug- beauty pins belt buok- ie8 and belt ribbons headquarters far gtietee sftceries mill st acton store closei monday tuesday and thursday eninisa6 oclcck its not yet cold enough to wear theiji but its just the time to buy them because of course you get an early choice which is always the best this season well beat onr own record both in price and the variety of furs we show made up into gaanllels ruffs storm cellars gaperine fur- litied gapes jackets and srergaats of the latest and most approved cut our price for the best will be easy to pay d e miaedonalcl bro golden lion guelph j j hosiery a full line of ladies and childrens both cottons and cashmeres sizes 4 to 9 j prices from 5c up un d6rwehr ladies underwear a lare range to choose from and at the lowest price you should see them c f coodeve co mill street acton what about your fall suit and overcoat you want tbe latest and best then we ask you to inspect our new suitings and overcoatings tbey are the finest production q the designers art and are simply beauti fal goods we make tbem in the most approved style and most reasonable prices we dont claim to give you goods at cost but we do seu at close profits any man wearing a suit or overcoat made by us may rest assured that he has the correct article as to style hundreds of people are now wearing our make of clothing why not add to this num ber fair dealing and no misrepresentation he motto of this store one prioo only r e nelson guelph merchant tailor and mens furnisher pringles special mens strong watches n01 n02 no 8 no 4 no e no 6 waltham model do rockford modol in ecrow do do do h huh strong ecrow dnstproof cases do dustproof cases do do do d 00 10 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 20 00 wo jcoep all grades of american watchon at from 600 up but the above are our best they aro made alter our own design and are guaranteed perfect irom every fault possible to gnard against cd pringl6 jbsltfolbr gublph

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