Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 28, 1899, p. 1

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tt boiler t volume xxv no 13 acton ontabio thursday september 28 1890 price three cents bc iwx lxtt firm ib published every thursday morning at the- ipree prosssteam printing office mlhh street acton ont tkiuxb or suosaaiption ouo dollar por year trlouyin advnao all subscriptions discon tinued whou tho time for wbloh they nave bean paid baa expired tbo date to which every ubiorlption i paid 1b denoted on tho address label aovannsina bates trnilont advertise ments 10 oenta por nonparoll lino for first in sertion a aonts per lluo for eaeb subsequent insertion cohthact baths tho fallowing table shows oar rates for tbo insertion of advortlboments f or peolfled porlodb opjlott lu 6 ho 8 mo 1ko 0 inches 10 inohes bfnoheb unob 60 00 35 00 90 00 6 00 39 00 90 00 19 00 deo 9000 19 00 too 900 700 800 9 00 100 advertisements without speolfio directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord ogly transient advertisements must be paid d advance advertisements will bo ohanged once each month if desired for ahanftes oftener than enoe a month the composition moot be paid for at regal ai rates changes for contract advertisements mas oe n tbo office by noon on tuosdays accounts payable monthly b p mo ore editor and proprietor envelopes we received during aug ust 6ooooo envelopes bought very low and we will sell them extra cheap if you want a box of envelopes go straight to days bookstore cuelph day has the envelopes to please you and his prices are the lowest day sells cheap th1 traders bank of canada itarfrtj capital authorized capital paid up 9 1 000000 700000 cuelphbranch wo are now issuing money orders payable at par at any branch of obarterod uauk in oanada excepting the yukon district at the following rates under 10 scents slutosflo 10 cento floto 830 12 cents 930 to 960 14 coats atttcsb fiiitrtorrr medical tohn m macdonaxd m d c m successor to j f urkn m d o m offloand residence corner mill 4 frederick reets aoton office hours 6 to 1030 am 1 to 2 p m and to opm r r j r forster aucgbbbob to dr a 8 elliott late resident physician and surgeon to vlo torla hospital for sick children toronto omicb mill stroet latoly ocouplod by r elliott waters bros pictures wa bros frames waters bros artists goods highest current rate of interest eald on sums deposited of 91 and upwards itereit allowed from data of doposlt to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances mtido to responsible farmers on their owu names at tho lowest eurron rates no charge made for collecting salos notos if payablo in quelpb a general banking business transacted a f h jones manager three thi ngs for thought waters bros tkr dryden etb ean thboat and nobe mcleans block douglas st near f o guelph orvics hounsr10 m tolpm and 3 to 6 p m sundays 10 am to l p m dental lu l bennett lds dentist obobaitowlf omtabio jcoghlan ddslds dentist wojus caberully donb pntobb ko debate office ovburbno hoobb eveby dat yhoh 9 to 6 jm bell ddb lds dbntiat buookvqxb hoifob gbadoatb ov tobohto uhivxbflltt work made satisfactory prices moderate visrrxka days monday afternoon camp- bollvillo tuesday acton yfflce clarks hotel friday rook wood m clean mcleam barristerasolioltors notaries oonvoyanoers o frivaterxundstoioan office town hall aoton wm a molban jno a uoxjxah a j mackinnon dabbistkb bowoitob contbtahckb on ice mill street in matthews block upstairs jb mcleod haanibtatb soucitob contbyanobb main street georgetown money to loan at lowest current rates t j mcnabb oiexkf fourth division court county of hal- on conveyancer agent fire and life assnranoo ueal estate agent money to loan etc offiou porrymaa block acton ont aflscellanxo us m iss williams music or gkouobtowh baooessor to miss lsidlaw is prepared to give thorough instruction in music piano or organ in theory and practice for terms apply to miss williams at mr jas matthews residence on tnosday evening of each week h enry gribt ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention eto prepares applications for the canadian amer ican and european patent offices and for the aegutratlon of trade marks sand for pam phlet thirtytwo years experience iranoib hunan bookbinder f wyndnam st quelph ontario over w aooonnt books of all kinds made to order exioducsofeterydesorrpiionoawfnllybound olinffjiaasitand promptrrdons m licenses r p moobb jwm or mmiwi laomsw filiate offloe howluwses required issuod m jmn8e in the toln w m hembteeet lifamm atromojiaie tot the counties of wellington and helton orderslflatthfam pass offloe aoton or tmyreeldenata aoton will 1 promptly at- odsd to toraii luesonetolo also money to loari on tbo most favorable saraband at tho lowest nl ol lntorit in oinprmoiuxd pward sobbobiflltd g oa 115000 the wellinoton mutual pire insurance company ustebushm 1840 head offloe qoulphont inbosanoe on oub nd untntl plan any eommanlofttlon forwrdoa to my address box tbo or tolbodo 66 ulll b promptly joaathon ignt 3ton midline and repair shops bbnbyawndbix proprlitor 5insipura of any mact saw mlnin4flilndon acton saw mills ridwooyards jkbs brown tfurdvaotomb akv dbaua zumfr fth shlaglew woo bte all kind of wood la took and promptly jlffrj to any pahot tb lonn at roaaonablo pilots bardwood and lab ent tore length alwayi r on band 2 teiphono oonatettaloatlon wtkdhau street new store quelph speight brady manufacturers of dynamos xlectric motors water motors aasoljnv anv o as enoimcs brass ir0n castntosto order repairing promptly done georgetown ont as3pfb- f0r farm produce butter onions eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted aikenhe ad produce co o paksons manager cor mill and main sis acton opposite clarks hotel alma lhdi6s cgll6ge opens tor nineteenth year september 7th parents are reminded that the best condi tions for the mental moral and social train ing of their daughters are to be found in a residential school like alma college st- thomas ont for lull information address rev ri warner prln st thomas oot dont pr1u to sbb ceo stovels stock of boots and shoos 8ultable for all classes prices reasonable stovel has a splendid hue of school childrens shoes ladies street shoes misses walking shoes mens working boots mens dress shoes mens boots and leggings for tan nery wear rull line of rubbers for fall wear all excellent value stovel does all kinds of custom work and guar antees his own work stovel makes a syecislty oi repairing stovel has a line of boys strong hoots which he is clearing out at 50c per pair at aonkw old stand next to melvins barber shop milltst acton tix se lines of goods most season able mt this time of the year linoleums now is not one day too soon to put it down you will soon hive the stoves jto attend to and now will save all the extra lifting lam pa not much profit in waiting until half the dark evenings are oer our stcck is most complete now seven casks of lamps were just opened last week all the newest styles lastly our third thought is what interests you very much and that is prices we buy direct from the makers so that you have no middleman s profit to pay may we supply you john m bond co cuelph motto sslisfaction hardware w baebeitvbros paper makers georgetown ont kakb a bpk0zaztt of machine finished boole papers dtd iiioll grade weekly news the paper nsed in this jonrna is from lbs above mills vm bakber bho everton and eden mills the place lo go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday an4 saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit b- henry h or top main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor ftf annfaotaror of flash doors frames monldiug in all styles dressing matcboro and moulding toorder on short notice wall assorted stoek on nana at prloes to an tne times john cameron proprietor mau and easiness practice is the roost interesting and prao tloal oonrss of study in bookkeeping and aeooantlatf for boya and girls ft leavlai lnbllo and ilitn schools if hbortbatidandtfpertlna speo- h lei aelutles individual tuition no olaases formed parents are invited to investigate vail tarns vrlll oom tnenoe monday aog sb gubxph easiness colltjge and shorthand institute j bhabp principal aqbntb wantbdpor the lite and achievements o admiral dewey the worlds reatset naval hero by usrat halstead the ufslong frlsnd and admirer ol tbet nations idol biggest and beet book ovu boo pages eight by tenlnefaea i nearly 100 page halftone lirostra- tlone only nun bnonuono demand big commissions ontnl free ghanoe of a lire unt write qnlck the dominion oompsny 3rd floor caxton bug onloago twokindjbjpmwieji there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and 8kb our new xvinxs old tiub ol fuib old love tbsra aro no days like tha old dsys tlit days wbon ws were youtbful 1 when humankind here pure of mind aud speooh sod deods were truthful ttofore a love for sordid sold booame man s ruling passion and boforo each dams and maid bees mo bjaves to the tyrant fashion i tbore aro no girls like tho good old girls again the world i d stako em t as buxom and smart sum clean of hsart as tho itord knew how to make em i thoy woro rloh la spirit and common sense a ploty all supportln tboy ooold bako and had tftoght school too and they made the uklloat oonrtitt i tbero are no boys like the good old boys when we were bpys together t when the grass was sweet to the brown baro feet that dimpled the laughing heather wbon thopewee sang to the summer dawn of the bee in the billowy oloer or down by the mill tbo whip poor will lioboed his night song ovor thero is no love like the good old lovo the love that mother gave us i wo are old old men yet we pine again for tbat prooions graoe god save ns i bo wo droam and dream of tbo good old times aud our hearts grow tenderer fonder as tboeo dear old dreams lrlng soothing -gleams- of bqavan away off yonder euyent field ektl jfamilu iltafting dudley arringtoq s lresson milly barriogton was only 18 when she oamo to live at holly lodge very young to be married said the goisipa of the neighborhood ttill younger lo assume all the oarei and responsibilities of a hoom- hold and there were not lacking doleful prophets who declared with ayes rolled op and mouths drawn down tbat mrs barr ing ton never wonld get on with the old gontleman he is so fasti dons ssij one so difficult to suit said another hie ideal is so impossibly high declared a third bat to their snrprfse perhaps a little to their disappointment milly and her fatherin law were the very best of friends from the very first moment in wbloh they w williams mill st looked npon each others faoe milly was anxious to learn so eager to comprehend the inns and oats of the great roomy old house so ambitions to excel every housekeeper in the nekhborhood that the old gentleman said with a smile to his ion dont let your little wife undertake too macb dad ley and dudley bar ring ton answered with a yawn theres no danger of that air the ladiebof holly lodge have always been first rate housekeepers you know and if a woman is at work she isnt spending money foolishly or gossiping mr barringtons keen fclae eyes regarded his eon sharply for a moment do yoa think millie is addicted to either of those perniolons practices v he asked they come natural to all women dont they t said dudley abrugring his shoul ders not at all i said his father and in his secrot soul be wondered if dudley was really woitby of snob a jewel as millloeot so the weeks weot on and millly stood bravely to her helm until one bright october day the oil gentleman ohancing to pass the low kitiben window where the vines made a screen of moving shadow looked smilingly inta where bis daughter in law was at work have you a glass of milk for me little girl said he millie brought the milk promptly see papa she said triumphantly pointing to the table what a baking 1 have done tooay three apple pies three loaves of bread a pan of biscuit a cake and a dozen plum tarts i bravo said mr harrington but milty why are yon baking where is hannah hannah wanted her wage railed said milly rather soberly and dudley said it was all nonsense keeping a girl when i was so fond of housework so she has gone bat are yon fond of housework he asked in itielf as an abstract thing i mean yes papa milly answered with some hesitation but im a little tired this morning i rose and swept the home through before breakfast so as to have time for the baking you are a good little girl said the fatherinlaw bat we mmnt let 70a work too hard iapa said milly with downcast ltah- es and a deep pink shadow creeping over her cheek ive been thinking for some time that that tbat i should like to aik 700 for a little money faltered milly money i be echoed in an r prise does- otdodloy give yob all you want onoe more milly hesitated he wanta to know what everything is for saidlhe ha thinks two ihiuloga is too muoh for ribbon and ha says hats ought to be bad obeaper than five shillings each and be declares its all nonsense to buy kid gloves when ootton will do as writ and i do need another hat slnoe my best one was spoiled by the rain but i dont like to ask him for it do you mean to lay said mr barriog ton leaning bis elbows on tha sill that dodhy doesnt give you a regular allow ance every week no papa said milly lift tog her prettily arched brows dudley says women dont know bow to use money and that a wife shontd always receive every halfpenny she spends from her husband and i can toll yon papa because you are so kind to ras i am so ashamed tor have him tblnk me extravagant and i really need so many little things that men havent any idea of its a little bard sometimes mr harrington took out his pocket book and jald it on the window sill here little girl be asid you have earned tba oon tints of that a dozen llnaes over milly reaohed u to kua blm through the vine saves oh paps you aa aooh a darling she said he only patted hor cheek in reply dudley doit know what a treas ure be has got he pondered as he kept ou bis walk up to the front verandah where a great ohestnnt tree was showering its blooms over the step aud the balmy sun shine tlept on the painted floor he is mskiog a ciroassuu tlive out of that dear little woman and he took bis book and stretched him elf com fort 1 ly ont iu the hammock for his evening reveries it was the next day that his bon oame to him in the library where littu fire of logs had been kindled for a ohilly north west rain had blown all tho oiapl leaves away aud the sun nine ws obaonred in driving clouds vj well my boy uuid his father kindly you are ofl to the city i suppose 1 yes air said mr buriogton jr a tail straight handttome young man with a brown complexion and sparkling eyep and before i go prrhitpn jqu hud bttter give me a obeok if utt uouveuient a check said hit futlier for what isil im about ont of ready cash said dad ley cartlsaaly ami n little spending money would come in vary tmndy for anrreni expenae as the children think ab 1 and what aro you golog to bay dad ley looked t his father in amaze ment i need a bummer enit air asid he and yen yet nodded thu old gentleman and how mnoh do jotj pay fqr a summer salt now ob aix or seven pounds answered dudley six or seven pouudrjl echoed mr barrfoftton isnt that rather vagne a fellow never knows exactly explain ed dudley ab but you ought to know interrupted the old gentleman and now i am on the anbjeot you buy your clothes of voole dont ou arent there cheaper puoes dodley ignorod the question and said ive a little bill at the cigar shop to settle and there are some new books i should like to read juat send lo the bill to me said the old gen 1 lorn an ill pay them the bootmaker bir you murt try and not be too extravagant with yonr boots young men have so many 6otillous wanta nowadays but as i said before let all the bill be sent to me and as for spending money here is enough forthepresent he drew ont belt a eoveregn and banded it to his bod dudley started at it in amazement i expected a oheok sir said he some what discomfited did yoa it isnt agreeable to be put on such an allowance went ou dudley sharply im not accustomed to it not agreeable eh eaid his father comfortably adjusting bis feet on an em broidered rest then why do you practise the system with your wile i give her all tbat she needs to epond said dudley coloring up and i have given you all that you need i am a man i said dudley and she is a woman 1 retorted his father i am the manager of your warehouie and i claim my honeit remuneration ai snob cried dudley i am no beggar there it not a penny that i ask for that i do not earn tbat is millioects case exsotly said the wise oil advocate she does the work of the honse and does it welt she is an economist in every tense of the word is it riftht that she shoald receive merely her board and olothes is ahe not entitled to a regular allowance to spend as as she pleases do not think me a meddlesome old fogy my sou he added rising and pltoing his hand kindly on bis sons shoulder but ive been observ ing all these things and i merely wanted to glvo yon a personal application of this lesson in economy yon see how it hu miliates one to havo to beg humbly for the money thst one has honestly earned to be oalled upon for an account of every penny one wishes to spend dont pot yonr wife into such a false position as this treat hsr as ona of tba firm of harrington oo dudley stood still a moment pondering and then said earnestly i will sir you are right 1 and milly was delighted that very day to reoelve a check for an ample sum of money from her husband is it all for me she oried with glit tering eyes yes all of it dudley answered laugh ing but what am i to do with so muoh money look it up iu your desk dear he answered and spend it for yonr needs as they occur but i never had so muoh before all at one time 1 exclaimed the amazed milly no yoa never had more shame to me acknowledged tudley but i have come to the oonolosion milly that yoa are no child to be riven a few shillings at a time you are my housekeeper and deserve yoor refotar saltry i shsl give you 5 for yonr own personal expenses at the begin- ing of every month and yoa shall econo mise it aa yoa ohoote the household expenses of coarse will be paid oak of the ommou stock ob dudley i never felt so rich iu my lifel she said now i can dress like the other women and give a little money to the oh arch and help tho poor and feel lode pendent 1 and 1 oan lay by a little too dudley every month oh you shall see what an excellent manager i oan be dudley barriogton looked at his young wife with a sharp priok of conscience at his heart why bad he never mads her 10 innocently neppy before simply because it never occur ad to him and milly ran eagerly to her father in law papa she cried i am to have 5 a month all for my own self and never to give an account of a slsgls penny of it unices i please tt dudleys own offer isut be kind and colon i harrington smiled and patted her head and answered with a touch of sarcasm veraod indeed lohloago timet herald mother your penwlpper has never been used at all iiittlo johnny dont need it my new pants aro black grade mamma what does santa clam do aftor cbrlbtmas mamma why he reoolleota toys for the followiog christ maa oracie ob i know 1 he takes the papers and watches out for birgatn sales a certain schoolmaster who nsed a round snuff box dnring the week and a square one on sunday was accustomed to point to his snuff box wheu the examiner came along and asked the class what was the shape of the world a little fellow answered round during the week and square on sunday donald aged ten was a roinistersi son one morning when his mother was getting him ready for school he was qnlte cross and said oh hurry up i when yon wash me yoa just remind me of papa preach log you just go on and on and never know when to stop 1 helen who is three years younger and very fond of her papa thought to oome to the rescue so she sid i like to hear psp preach soon as ho begins 1 wy down and go to sleep the widows mite visitor well tommy aud how are ou getting along at school tommy agedeighi flrtt rate i aint doing as well ai some of thi other hova though i can ttind on my head but i have to put my feet against the wall 1 want to do it without being near to the wall at all a fly had fallen into the inkwell of a certain author who writas a very bad and inky hand the writers 1 ttle boy rescued the unhappy insect and dropped him on a piece of paper after watching him in tently for a while he oalud to his mother heres a fly mamma that writes just like papa sister there i you have oandy all over yonr new suit what will mamma say little brother well mimma wont 1st me have any fun in these clothes till i get em spoiled mamma meroy on me i what does all this racket on bnnday mean and yoave got all yonr dolls out too i little dot you said we might play oharob mamma do yoa call all this gable and uughter ohuroh little dot no mamma church is just over and the folk are going homo said the sundayschool tacherr- litile children who lie or ateal or dont go to cbnroh or fight will go lo the bad plaoe when they die little charlie hurst into teark but you wont go there dear continued tho teacher kindly nnno i know that blubbered charlie b bbnt all my little friends will a manxman s call to duty the hon j k ward of montreal a manxoanadian sends to the wdntm his oopy of tho leading lele of man paper containing the following i see from thin week a chruttan world that there is a paperoarried on on the very same lines as the imaginary one described in in his steps it is the montresl dalit witntm and 1b said to be the only odc of tha kind in the world that oan hardly be said to be a very creditable thing for the christian church cad any one doubt that suoh a paper muit ba an enor mous force on the side of purity righteous ness and every good and noble cause i oan imagine few greater blessings that ooold come to any community than tha presence of suoh a papsr in its midit just imagine what it would be to have in this island the isle of mao a newspaper absolutely free from personalities stories of petty scandal betting news and adver tlsements of anything that could be to the moral detriment of the people i am aware for snob a task a man of enormous courage and faith would be needed but if soon a man did arise in pur midst it would be suoh a au lo daty to a 1 christ ian people as hati hardly ever oome to us yet ho woom have great diffioallma to fight with but 1 wonder what right any of as would have to call onraelves folio were of jesus if we did not atand by him and see him through surely this is no mere utopian dream it ought to be perfectly feasible if our christian profession is a reality and not a sbam if all or even a large portion of tho oharob members were to be governed by the rule what would jesus do they would make it quite possible for such a paper aa the one de scribed aa exiating in montreal to live and flonrisb among ns christ begins his work with the individ ual makiog a new man and out of that new oreatare all other good things are to oome for others and for society at large reformation must begin with ourselves rev d inglli b a in jfonas herald isle of man an old joke unearthed an old document unearthed in the orown lands department toronto oontains the fervent petition of ellas jones of niagara an old soldier of 108 years of age in 1857 for a small pittanoe from the goversoent for himsflf and bis aged wife the peti tion ia addressed to sir john maodonald and character t to note on the back of the yellow document ahowa the statesmans love of fan at the time the petition was sent to bir john maodonald tho sand held maodonald government was managing the affairs of the provlnoe and hon stephen richards and hon matthew crooks osm eron the portfolios of commissioner of grown lands snd provincial secretary respectively sir john forwarded tbe appeal to hon m g cameron with this inscription endorsed on tbe back my dear cameron i think between you and richards yon ooold vote this old buffer a grata ity you as a tory and it aa beformer j maod it ia not known whether tbe old bnffer received the pension or not mistaking the operation truth tho goal of hunun aspiration a very shortsighted old gentleman going into one of our urge towns for the first time and coming from tbe heart of tbe country seeing a man digging he went to blm and said my man for whom diggeat thou this long and narrow grave but tba man took no notion going clover be said my man for whom dlggest thou this long and narrow grave the man looked up and aaid go on you silly old fossil i im laying gas pipes i antwerp tha rntn who has no pity for the father less and widows fortunately nil da little sympathy iu this wild tbe life of henry a wise records the discomfiture of inch an oppressor there was an auction sale iu tbe little house and one after another the widows few possessions ftll beueath tha hammer preseutly tbe auctioneer took up a urge bowl which happened to he full of sugar and the poor woman anxious to save itt conteuts hastened into the next room to find something in which to put 11 just a ahe returned thoauotioueer ciied sold i and tho purchaser inaiied tbat tbe sugar was bis tbe widow pleaded fur the utile tbat was much to her but the man was obdurate and murmur of iudig uatlou arose from the crowd angry at this demonstration the mau turned and bis ejo rested on mr wise mr wiee said hp you m re a lawjor am i right or not if you sy i am not i wi 1 give back the sugar if you say i am i am untitled o it and i il keep it aly frleud replied wioo iu his gum lest tone you put a very diimt and unpleasant respouaibil ty upon me had jou not better decide tbo rautor for your sill no replied tbo mau ourti 1 know what your opinion ib going ti bo mid 1 want you to give it bo this wh li cfowilom hear it then aid wide i udviso ou ttiat the sugar is yours tbe widow cauuot tike it from you as she baa no redress aba i oried tbe man tnrning to the spectators what did i tell yoa stopl thundered wieo whose minuer at onoe changed ive advised you at yoor persistent request as i oan prove by these people it remains for me to tell you tbat i charge you 15 for my advice and i demand immediate payment if yoo trifle in this mutter of payment with me yon will most certainly regret it tbe man turned scarlet and fambling in bis walltt produced a 15 bill tbe orowd ytlled its approval but euddenly became silent as mr wise walked op to the widow and said this money is mine i have earned it honestly take it and buy bornn sugar for your fatherless children youths com portion donts dont do that dear why mamma ill soon be johnny dont and the babys sweet faoe had a grie ve ttt hemother heart but opened her eyes there must be a better waj ehe said and i mast find it when tbe boy came with hammer and nails ahe said suppose yoa take these boards laddie and make a cbiokeo coop johnnie was delighted tbat was so much better than aimlessly pounding the nails in tbe table or chair and being oaled to order by johnnie don t dont make 10 raaoh noise 1 give way to why not take your dog out for a soamper then be can be qoitt when inside yon see bhe bad found the bet ter way we love our babied yet tbrougbttestly hurt then study their ways mothers and spare donta hqw to get rich everybody wants to know bow to get rich this is the way to do it acoordtng to mrs hetty green the weslthieet woman in america be oarcfnl of your health save your pen nies study not how ou oan spend the money yoa havo earned but how yoa oan earn more watch the people who want to take your money from you the more money yon get the more such peoile there will be keep on earning money if you atop earning jour fottuna will shrink aa your arm does wbeo you dont exoerise it seo that your bead isnt lame it doesnt matter about yonr legs learn to know good peope from bsd take care of your money it tan t halt aa hard to earn it as it is to tike care of it be sure not to put all your money eggs into one basket be re liable thats the grl loo rale of basiaesb the still hour god is ptoaent in nature as a worker tbo heavens declire bis ilory and the firmament nhoweth his handiwork the sun bespeakes his praia dv exhibits his splendor night dlspltys his beauty tbe lightoingb flash the tuunders roar the airs balmy fragrance tbe redolence of shrubs the bparkllng dewdropa the gor gecus rainbow the melody of the birds the rolling wave tbe murmuring brook the mountain peak and the lowly valley each and all proclaim his glory earths vast continents oceans likes and rivers its changing climes and seasons its variety of products its myriad creatures tbs regular ity of its laws and tbs harmony of every operation of that power by whlob it is held together display his excellence a every turn we meet a smiling or a frowning god presbyterian meditating a practical jokei jim said one of the two young men from behind tho suburbs who were taking their first ride on a lake steamer and had been watching with interest the seesaw motion of the wslking beam the next time this end comes down grab hold of it and stop it what for asked jim to plague the engineer pew men original djd yon ever notice how few people are original in things they say and do for ioilaaoe one man makes a fortune ont of a simple thing immediately hundreds of others try it this is humau nature wbile it is gratifying to be the first man to bilng out an idea tbe great mass most be contented to follow their leaders there is one line that is always original however and tbat is the business of bradlsy- garretson oo limited ot brant ford out because they continually bring out publications to suit the times and seasons thai their agents are kept steadily at h and make big money in faot no other occupation is mors honorable healthful luorstlve or offers bait as many opportuni ties for promotion it is a life school many men aud women in oanada today testify to the iralhfuluess of his alalia in foot it is conceded on all hands tuat one years experienoe with this firm is worth more lo any yoaogtnan or woman than two or three years at college from ah edoomtlonsl point of view and financially it is all that oan be desired thu cricket jw the corn when tbe lilies droop and die and shrivel into shrews and dlfltaut hilla are uoftly blue with shadows from tbe clouds and chilly is tho dowf dusk and nhlto with iniifc tbo uioru i listen for a little voice the orlakel s in the corn upoti abl oak all day long and far into tha nlgbt an atom olad in rusty black be slogs with all bis might 80 lonesome is tho uuy tuno bo plaintive aud forlorn i cannot holp it weep to hear tbe criokatio tbe corn a wandering uiinstelso they bay whoso fortuno was lls song among tbo el lb on annuls died whon dais woro bright anilonn and iu tho nearest living thing hip soul again was barn in waning butumcrb ntvlll to slug a cricket in tbo aoru jtnia jrvtng twins all round when mrs dtmel winkler of uilhburg ot t prtboiiltd her litub u 1 vith 1 pir of twiue it son an 1 tt daughter u t 10 12 lb of auiiutt lust dan wait ovutjojul ihtt ha at once vat down mid wr 1 1 lu lim hruther wifluun 111 muihijau ti limy htm uf tbo ovetit and rather urowmif ovtir u when william receive i tha ut rr ho rejlied that din wail no funlibf litnd iii roning a family tlan limit 1 u- two davit bofore the presentation t d 1 li- wi um hid become tho bappy f alitor ut iwuia blip it tiogularly hapultii tliit 1 10 fntiers dau aud wil um are thermal vea twins oraugevilta san the irish conductor a ittil blatkejed and nimble tougaed irish street oar oouduotor iu dubtiu went inio the oar and oll d out in 1m peouliaily penetralia voice wtant boat on the roigbtl sit clodor 011 tha roight ladies an geotlqinn au mik room for a lsddy phwats btanding a big aurlj looking mm who was ocoupying apioe euougb for two and sullenly we cant sit any oloaer can t yez retorted tbe little ooodac tor begorra yoo niver wint cortin thio it is ncedliso to ad1 that room was made on the roight for the lady a mother storks devotion among many stories of the affection of dumb creaturea for their oung this from a german paper is peculiarly pathttio at nfnrndnrf thp lifffatninc s tbe gable end of a barn where for years a pair of storks bad built tbeir nobt tbe flamtib soon caught the nest in which the helpless brood was piteoasly screaming tho mother stork now protect ogly spread out her wings ovr the young onoe with whom she was burnt alive although she might have saved herbtlf easily enough by flight carfsfian herald a senatorial slander two ludieb visiting in waahlugton dar ing one of tho nesbiona of oonuresa went to tbe capitol to hear the proueedingt iu tbe uuited states senate mot t of tha galler ies being fllld they approached tbe door keeper ot tho boost galury where admisaiou is by card as they did not possess this pabbpott tba doorkeeper sug gested that they prooure one from any sen ate but we do not know any senator well that is muoh to your oredit said the door keeper pasa right iu hdiea holidavs no man can be thoroughly depraved ao long as he takes a holtday it is some thing the tliiof cannot bteal the tax collector cannot appraise the port ly usurer cannot ahavo and tbo avaricious landlord oanoot luck hko virtue it ib itb own reward it shows tho beneficent side of that law by which limo once lott oan nover bo restored ftr k holiday once enjoyed can nover be entirely list toronto lobe after the scott act defeat in brome the ft how or dialogue in reported from brome aft r tho defeat of the scott act by the brewerd money rommj welt how do you fet1 now temperance worker 0h i feel pretty much as lzarue did at the rich mans gate rummy aid how la tbat v temperance worker oh aa thongh i had been licked by the rloh mans pupplea heres a good tip girls wille wlshington those clouds are beautiful arent tbey so soft and fleeoy white resting on that pinkish western sky olorinda wildhopes o how lovely for all the world like a lot of vanilla ice cream on pink saucers willie um er am er um think youd like some ice cream miss wildhopt olorinda how nico of you tq suggest it whatever put suoh a del irhtfnl idea in yoor head to those about to marry young men or old men who intend to marry will be pleased to loam tbat the new marriage aot is made quite simple by applying to h p moore issuer of marriage licenses at the fmer piuuta office gall a few days before the ceremony and have the matter explained private office- ah business strictly private and confidential at residence in evening carpet rags how to dye them so that they will never fade to oolor wool or ooltao rags so they will not fade one sboald be flare o get the faal diamond dyes there are soma twelve fast and special oolors for ootton while for wool tbera ara about thirty it la impossible to refc satisfactory oolors on both wool aud ooltoo with the same die although the makers of some ohesp dies that are able to make only a few oolors olaim tbeir dyea will oolor both oottsu and wool a trial soon shows by ruined goods tba falsity of suoh olalrn use nothing but the diamond dyi that hae been need in millions of homes for tho twenty years

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