cs the bank ojx cuartur hkad art ewv vu efus rof bookwood rrealdenoe of tba bav sept soth by daughter of mr nassagaweye to mr of nolion tp at tbe residence of the n wednesday bent 90th by go bloherdson mr b b john rtrord formerly of milton to arum lighter of d hartley esq notion died ostnandsrat roekwood on satqrdsy 10th beptembor bylvester ion of 8 v ostrender aged 10 years cj- djvlw at btratford on tbe 93th september mary moqnrdy beloved wife of felix devlin it bar 41st year tmiiblbid milton on wednesday bent soui elisabeth ibomu relict of tbe uto john trimble agod 74 yeara and o months fht ttan tzt flms thtjbsday september 28 1890 notes and comments after three years ol munioipal partner ship the people of allandals have voted to eoedo from the town of barria by 67 votes to 7 a cable from london describing tba wool sales which opened there on tbe 19th lays there is an advance of 10 to 15 per cent on all lines of merinos whloh is more than was eipeoted canadian quotations of foreign wools are higher this week a total solar enlipse will take plaoe in mayy1000 aud astronomers sire preparing to see it in tbe best places european observers will locate themselves on the line of totality where it passes through spain another expedition will go to tbe united states and set up instruments in georgia or notth carolina the espionage system as revealed through the dreyfus trisl seems to be distsstefol to emperor william of gar- many who it is said bad no idea that it was carried on to suoh an extent he has therefore instructed gen ton hah- naok ohlef of the private military cabinet to take steps as far as possible to abolish the system the total amount of oapital represented by the new companies of whloh notice of incorporation is given in this issue of the ontario oautte reaches in round numbers fifteen and onehalf million dollars of whloh 6479000 is taken up by mining enterprises and 18068000 by general industrial and oomnwoial undertakings the companies having their head offloe in toronto represent a capital of 10700000 the postoflioe department is engaged prepsrlng for brioging into foroe the amendation to the postofftoo act passed last session whloh provides fnr the innr anoe of registered matter transmitted through the mails the object of the amendment is to insure a letter or paroel to the value of iis by the payment of a small anm in addition to the registration fee ot five oents the regnlations govern ing this insurance will be issued in the oourse of a few days reliable reports from england state that negotiations with franoe over the french shore question have failed and that the british ministry will invite the golonlsl legislature at its next session to renew tbe modus vivendi about the lobster fishery along the franoh shore the colonial government it is annonnoed will refuse to enact any suoh measure on the gronnd that the report of the boysl commission wbioh is held back by hr chamberlain folly establishes the colonys oise neighbo news news items supplied by corres pondents andbxahantres hockwood geo t thorp baa reopened his grain levator hers he will buy all kinds of grain and alto bldss and skins for the oonvenisnoe of oustomers a foil line of flour and fsed is also kept on hand a very interesting flower service was hstd in the presbyterian ohuroh last sunday a number of weddings are rumored to be on tbe tapis in bookwood and vicinity mies osssla uocalg daughter ot mr d mocalg inspector ot schools for colllog- wood and muakoka is a guest at mr hugh blacks bramosa fall fair is a popnlar topio now rookwoods annual red latter days will be tbe 10th and 11th october mr john duff is engaged to judge horses at paisley north biding of brooe and harrlaton shows this week erin erin village has decided to put in elco- trio light inoandeaoent lights similar to those in aoton will be put oh the strsets mr deegle will supply the current from the cataract the contract calls for completion by the 1st november mr h h hull the new editor is filling his position with eensral satisfac tion the vaoanoy caused by the retire ment of the lata editor is vary worthily filled the new grain elevator haa a oapaolty for 40000 buahels the erin publio library has just been noressed-by- ovsr 100nsarbooks this brings ths number of volumes now in tbe library to between 1100 aud 1600 alexander ourrle who oamo home from niagara falls some time ago siok with typhoid fever la oonvalssoing rapidly he is now living with his uncls jas a ourrie at osprioge mr all fowlie who was home for few days left for kingston last week mr d gibson ot chicago has been en joying a fortnights visit st his old horns on ths 10th lins and returned to the west last week mrs mark sntton ar who had bean very ill is recovering everton mr and mrs wm jackson returned home on saturday after spending tbe week with friends in paisley chesley and walkerton tbey enjoyed tbe visit very muob we learn that be v w b seytone has engaged for a year at east pslestine ohio and is comfortably settled in a well- f nrniahsd parsonage rev and mrs brand are spending this wsek at her home near hamilton bev fred kay b a preached in the methodist oharoh on sunday morning he in an able and fluent preacher rev ewel of alabama preached in the milton rev t albert moore of zlon tabernaole hamilton will preach anniversary ssrmons in the palermo methodist oburoh next sunday autumn assises court will be held hers on mondsy 9th ootober rev mr rlohardson was so far recover ed that he waa able to ooonpy his pulpit uft sunday miss duncan a returned missionary from india delivered a very interesting address in knox ohnroh school room last evening mr cod hott late of the milton oordo- vn taanary left for hia old home in lumbnrg germany laat week he ox- l i ti to return about christmas the firm of messrs hon boedler was dlasolved by mutual consent laat week mr justus boedler having brought out mr hogs interest will in the fntnrs dlsoiplea jfanroh last bnnday and is also expected to preaoh there again next bun- day mr john coagdon ot oampbellvllle who waa vlalllng bis brother here on bunday returned home on monday morn ing albert tovell teacher who has been ill with typhoid fever was able to be out to meeting on bnnday his mother is still in the house and is scarcely able to get around yet mr and mrs geo lores attended the funeral of tbe lata frank loree near belwood on monday there will be aweddiog near here on the alh of ootober na88aqaweya championship won aqain qalt courted a 8eoond defeat on teohriloallty and was un mercifully whitewashed me deserved oonduot the business mrs jos johnston haa leased her property in ths aaat ward to a man from gnlt and that she intends taking np her resldenoe in hamilton with her daughters the misses mcintosh members of the methodist oharoh oholr were in great demand yesterday for wedding purposes ons was a bride miss hartley her husband mr h h johnson being an exmember one anted as brides maid miss earl and two ware grooms men messrs john momaster and f johnson reformer ponton wa8 ac paresent to penitentiary for3 years holden 4- years and roaoh freed on suspended sentenos oobourg sept 98 the third trial ot william h ponton on ths charge of having on august 37 18s7 robbed ths napanes branoh of the dominion bank of 138000 which oommsnoad hsrs on tuesday after noon before sir john boyd chancellor of ths high court was oonoludsd today the jury returned at 1140 sum ths judgss oharga was slightly in favor of tbe accused at 1s8s pm ths jnry earns into court and reported they bad found a verdlot of not gouty the juries at two previous trials both of whloh were held in napanes disagreed ponton waa teller in ths bank at ths lima of the robbery while ths jury was deliberating upon ths verdlot para and holden wars brought into ooort holden pleaded guilty to ths oharge but pare declined to plead guilty unless hs wm promised consideration for the tints hs bad spent in jail as a orown witness after some delay the court appointed 7 m field of cobourg as lawyer for pare and the two left ths ooort for aeonfsrsnos pare after tba oomfennoa pleaded guilty pare was sentsnjoed to three years and holden to foar years roaoh was then arraigned hs pleaded guilty and was allowed to go on snspended sentsnoe mr osier said that had boaoh been tiled hs ooold not have been oonvloted the rain of saturday night and bunday waa the best we have bad for some time and has done an untold smoupt of good towards making ths fall ploughing easier and better farmers are rnshing their fall ploughing boms of ths farmera oontemplate taking np their potatoes thia week nassagawsya fall fair will be held at gampbellvllls on ootober 17th quite a few from this vicinity took in the goelph central fair lest wednesday and thursday two of oar township farmers loat horses by accident at goelph on saturday mr james adamson lost a horse valued at about 1100 in the western hotel atables it is supposed that ths animal got its foot over tbe rope and in attempting to release the foot fractured the spins a team belonging to mr john taylor ran away wbila the boy was delivering potatoes near allans bridge in gnelph they went np the hill to grange atreet at a rattling paoe there they oollided with a telephone pole one of the horses was so badly injured that it bedctobe shot tbe tongns of tbe wagon is broken mr taylor jr made a brave effort to atop the horses when they started hot fell in the attempt the breaking ot a wbiffletree canted the runaway aborqetown natars is kind any artist can paint a son- el aud ssll it for at sunrise a o onosrt will be given at the town hal georgetown on the evening ol fair day ootober 4th in aid of tbe piano fond it will be nndsr tbe ansploes of tbe dramatic olnb mr john l doleon hss leased mr fred w barbers factory and contemplates putting in maohlnery for ths manufacture of veneer and exoelslor the besve has received nolloe from mr albert appleyard that hs intends to enter en action tor damages against the corpor ation the only way it can be avoided mr appleyard states is for the corporation to give him 1100 and pay his law coats 15 ths work of tearing down the west plsr of the credit bridge is about oomplated and rebuilding will soon oommsnoe the large tones are moved by two immense derricks and powsrfol sngines the contractor is wm gibson m p of beams ills and the new stone required will be taken from his quarries about twenty mtn are engaged on the work and they bope to have it oomplsted baton ths snow falls this bridge is one d ths highest and longest on ths g t b system herald detective iospeotor murray aays ha haa enooeeded in oooneotlng an orangeville horse st gang with lbs burglars and footpads who ware opsrsttog near toronto daring exhibition time while the fair waa on several boldops and burglaries were reported from slreetsvllle dixie and georgetown a farmer in jessqnesing remembered on of the men so well that he ooold glv a description to datsoilve murray and when that ofaoer went to orangeville to look np soma horsethieving operation be speedily ldsn tilled the farmers description with one ol hie alleged horse thieves a roan named williams be recognised him moreover as charles humphrey who was sent down tor borse stealing by judge flnkle of woodstock two jreara ago williams was liberated s month ago bat lost no time in resuming his old business hs will plead guilty to tbe oharge et hoxss steeling when the oresoehts so thoroughly out classed qalt at waterloo on thundayoetb auguat in ascore of eix goals t one and won tbe oharaploosbip of tbe lloysl dis trict ab fairly as every victory was earned it waa thought that gait realised that they was beaten and would be prepared honor ably to admit it this however was not tbe case upon a technicality thsy entered a protest with the executive of the c lt a and tbeae ofnours ordered the game to be replayed at guelph on saturday 2hrd inat the orcsoonts determined to punish gait well for their unsportsmanlike taottaa and unwarrentsd presumption and ti thia eod put in full time in solid and careful practise up to the date of the game they went t goelph on saturday afternoon aooompained by between 100 and 200 oitizone their mindb were made up not only to defeat gait again bnt to give them auoh ao overwhelming defeat that it would take them a long time to forget it this they aooomplibhed with au esroestusss aud eo oompletsly that even gelt and their frienda were willing to admit that aoton has really won tbe championship of the royal distrlot they were shamefully wbltewaebed tho score being 7 goals tl 0 the time ot soorlng the seven gosle was as follows 1st amin 2nd 2 min 8rd j min 4tb 2 min 5tb 10g mln 6th 10 min 7tb 7 mln as to the story of the game we are quite willing that the guelph papers whloh were entirely unprejudiced ehould telut the herald says acton played rings arouud gait in the ltcrosse matob on the maple leaf grounds saturday and for the seoond time tbia year won the championship of the roysl distrlot storeyville sent up two hundred admirers ot its team to oheer them on to victory gaits delegation did not number more than a oouple of dozen and though they made their presence apparent at the beginning of tbe struggle play had hardly began before it became evident that gaua admirers were not enjoying themselves to any considerable degree the soore at the close wss 7 to 0 in favor ot aoton tbo game is easily desorlbed it waa a oonteet between skill and speed on one side and main atrength and roughness on the other their neatness of foot slone saved aoton from being badly used up at every possible opportunity tbe gait players used the sticks on their opponents tbe ref eree was indulgent and only when brash deliberately hammered his oheok until ho fell to the ground did that offioial thick it neoeabsry to exercise his author ity aoton played clean laorosse they are a speedy earnest skilful aggregation of players if there are weak spots in the team tbey were not apparent on saturday true the ahooting on goal was very poor at times and m actons s mnnh smaller than it should have been bnt thia deficiency may be attributed to indiffer ence as after the first tally lt never looked aa though acton needed goals gait on the other band were unable to make any ooncerted and sustained attaoka upon tbelr opponenta goal and were equally inoapable of defending their own citadel the gelt team seemed to be at sixes and sevens there waa no pretty team work and barring little prlogle very little individual play was woith while looking at aoton is to be congratulated on its second ohampionahlp victory the little town haa given its laorosse team noble support and tbe boys have proved worthy of that sopport by playing fast clean la- orosbe all the time the heralds wish ia that aoton may long be the home of the royal distrlot obamplonsblp the mercury saya owing to the pro- teat of the gait laoroase club being sustained against acton the game was ordered to be played over in this oity on saturday at tbe maple leaf grounds aud resulted in a walk ever for aoton the boys from gait were never in it at any atage of tbe game both places asnt a contingent of supporters nearly two hun dred ooming from acton from the atart to the finlab the aoton goal waa never in imminent danger tbe letters combina tion play was fast and clean for gait pringle appeared to be tbe only player who could successfully oops with his opponents brash for gait was ruled out for pait of tbe game for rough play wbioh was a feature of the game thongh do serious result followed too muob of it however was allowed by the empire who ehould have promptly ruled tbe offendera of the field the aoton quota vigorously oheerad their team after eaoh aucoesalve goal was a grateful woman says dr williams pink pills saved her life confined to 3ed for mors than a month and wholly unable to move food had to be adminis tered to her as to a child thankful wordo of praise volcfuiu- eruptions aie rand tjol bkln eruption rob iffe of jojr bucmen s amlo salve a area them alaooll ililuntoft and fover sorei uloorn boila frbrib oornn warti guts bruisob burnascklb chapped hundr chilblains beat vu oare ou earth drives out ruin a and aches only 2ccib nbox otirekuurui- i toed sold by j v mokio dnikuut from the tribune daieronto oot mnwdoiulorwboiohuibmdworki no mhude dear yon oaot t lokjtw on tbo rthban farm deieronto u well from bouj food kuqvvu id tbe town and lurroundiog ooqatry her borne having alwaya been in tbl vioioity mra doxtatar bad passed through a more than ubunlly tytugillneja and ai it waa aald ibe aaoribed her euro to the uae ot dr wilhana flik phi a reporter of tbe tribune was sent to investi gate tbe case lb appears that mra boxtatera illnsas dates from tbe birtb ot a ohild on feb 15tb 18u0 whan tbe attend ing phymaiana found it neoenary to administer chloroform tbe ahock waa greater than eho ooold stand and tho robalt waatpartul paralysia during whloh her life was desptired of mra doxtator gives tho particulars as follow- pre vious to tbe birth of my ohild i hid enjoyed very good health but following this my health gave way entirely i was in bed for over a month and had two doctor attending me i was ao weak that thatlaoall not turn myself in bad and had tbe moved llko a ohild tbe little nonrlakment i took bad to be administered by my friends during thia time i stiff ored greatpain especially in tbe hip joiota and onn aide was paralyzed from head lo foot the doctors cooll not tall mo what my trouble was and ths medioioe they gave did me no good i became despondent and thoaghtfwould auklydle igotinto a highly nervous oonditfon and leep was altnoit impossible jnst aa i would fall asleep i atarted up as though in a frigbs tbia was the ftte of affairs wben a friend advised me to try dr wlluama fink pills and i never can tell how thankful i am that i took that advice after i had a sod ths third of a box i waa able to leave my bed and move around ths house a little by ths time i had used aix boxea i had gained greatly in strength and was able to do my own housework i oould eat my meals with relish xjriesp and am con stantly gaining in strength my frienda were surprised at my speedy reoovery after beginning the uie of dr william pink pills and i believe that but for them i would net be alive today i will be glad if my teitimony is the means of pointing to some other sufferer the road to health people who ara run down weak or ner vous will and renewed health and strength through the fair uia of dr williams pink pills they enrich and build up the blood and stimnlito tired and jaded nerves snbatltutaa ahoald always be refaaed as tbey never cured anyone tbe genuine pills may be bad from all dealers in medi cine or from tbe dr william medioine go brookvllle ont at 60j a box or aix boxes tor 9250 iiiiokonbistir1nettinbtrfawofthe de airable thinga we btarted out iu life determined to have to tub deaf a rioh lai y cured of ho deafnq43ailnii4i in thj head by dr nioholsons artifloal ear drama haa sent 1000 to bis institute so thai deaf people unable to procure the ear drums may have them free apply to department k b tbe institute 760 eight avenue new york- u s a ihfnunrckt i run nervo was the roault of his fplendid health indomitalli will and tremrndoau energy aro net found where stomaob liver kidneya and bowels are ont of order if you want the tie qoalitiea and tbo success they bridtf uae dr kingo new lift pila they develop every power brain find body only 2go at j 1 mokeos drug store tboro is no fun in urumt liug whtu nobody pa8 tiny attention gold wns found in the discovery of no wnndfrful a remedy aa nerviluie nerve taiu cure no remedy in tho market afford d such prompt relief for toothaohe neurulia and rheu matism ita action fu cramps oolto tfco ia aimply marvellous some people aeem to think that the only uae for a knowledge of grammar is to enable them lo ferret ont mitt ikes in other peoples conversation remarkable k tin cue mra miohael curtain flln0eld iii makes the statement that abo caught cold whiob settled on ber lungs abo waa treated fora month byber famllypbveictan7 but grew worae he told her she was a hopeless victim of conaumption and that no med ioine could cure her her druugiat suggested dr kings hew discovery for consumption ahe bought a bottle and to her delight found herself beneflttod from first doao she continned its use and after taking sjxbottles found herself sound and well now does her own housework and is as well aa ehe ever was free trial bottles of this great discovery at j d mokeea drug store only 50 oents and 1 00 every bottle guaranteed story of a slave to be bound band and foot for yearn by the chains of disease is the worit form of slavery george d williams ot manches ter mioh tails how such a alave was made free he aaya my wife his been ao helpless for five years that ahe could not turn over in bed alone after naing two bottlea of eleotrio bitters ahe is wonder fully improved and able to do her own work this supreme remedy for female diseases qnlokly cures nervonaaeaa sleep lessness melanoboly headache fainting and dizzy spells this miracle workiug medicine is a godsend to woak sickly run down people every bottle guaranteed only 50 centa sold by j d mckee druggibt preserve dignity and pride are lonely because happiness always nantb to ait in some bodys lap p1d oftramps the governments vigorous action drives them from ontario toronto sept 26 the atlornev-qener- als department btlievea that the tramp qoestion has at last been arlved deteotive bogera has returned from the weat where he has been on a still hunt for tramps and not a tramp oonld be foand mr bogera waa in detroit and learned that tbs tratspa ara getting oat very rapid ly- this has been the result of deoided sotion tiken by the attorney generals department limehouse seoairoaylneysoon grewtlrea it is said ibst qalt had a number of profesalonala on the team if this be so then the glory is all the greater for aoton when professionalism creeps into laorosse under the guise of amateurism the gams soon dies and publio patronage is lessened it is hard to know at any time if snob oonteet are slrlolly on their merits mondays quslph advocate said ths game was a clean exhibition all throngh there being only one man sent to lbs fence tbe featnres were the strong defense of aoton and tbs brilliant home work done by boyd barry byder and irwin the soore was aeton 7 qalt 0 by winning sat- nrdaya game aoton wins ths boyal district obampionabip and play the winners of ths huron distrlot next the plsyere gvri goal gibson point allan cover fqint weber first defsnoe brush seoond dsfsnos mobride third defenoe pringle centre gierke third home olendenning seoond home whltely first home campbell outside home blobards field captain gardy acton goal watson point shields oovsr point irwin first defenoe soolt seoond defenoe f byder third dsfsnos williams center e bydsr third boms molntosb seoond horns boyd oolslde home o irwin inside home onrney field captain matthews ths final games will be played daring tbe wsek aoton will either play baaver- tou at stonftvllle or st harya on that dobs own grounds last bnnday waa childrens pay in tbe presbytsrian ohuroh the eburoh was nfoely deoorated and notwithstanding the rain their waa a urge sttandauoe to listen to an eloquent addreas by tbe bev mr perrin misa mamie nlokeil of simla is vis iting at mr jas newtons a meeting for all those interested in tbe improvement of the oemetsry was oalled tor tuesday miss lila murray has returned home afterapendlng two months with friendrin maine a sarlous runaway oaourred on the 7ih lino ltte saturday night both oooapants were thrown out end seriously cut about tbe face borne of our village men upon hearing of it went to the rescne growing time in our clothing department property for sole mjmi1kh of farma and vlllacs i rep i for traio on cay tetma apply to wm hemstreet acton i wanted induhthioufl mii of rharnctcr to ratal riil oolnt ngtntf salary and eiiemea liald bradley gahhutbon co lt ml ted drantford stocks aro growing larger this season makes are better than usual and in every cjetall of this business along every line of trade improvements are in eidenca tailoring ability is apparent in the finish and make up of every garment only more o than ever in the past iine dressy overcoats in whipcord and worsteds suitable for fall and early winter weir you can step into our department any day and walk out with a clean cut well built overcoat such as you used to pay 820 and over for and youll hardly miss the price at any rain youll see a big saving or should you need a heavier coat there are numerous lines of fine heavy beavers fancy naps meltons whitneys heavy vicunas worsteds and fiiezes all good in their way lots of tailoring ability put into the work in fact more than usual this season because better dressers are buying goods ready to weai nov the range of people who buy ready to wear goods la growing rapidly as people find the great saving they canmake and get just as good and sometimes better satisfaction mens double breasted sacquo suits are ery popular this season we have got a large number made up we bought fine tweeds and worsteds and had them made up for own trade there are few if any houses anywhere better prepared to fill your clothing wants -full- range of furnishings in the clothing department your winter outfit if bought here is sure to give you satisfaction the erank dowler co cuelphs greatest store heifer astray twoydait old graylulfor btrajod on tbo premises ot tlio uiidruiuuod lot 1 con 4 erin about two week a oro onuer may bt animal by provli g poicrty and iayldg cxpemea j ii demy lamb astray otiiayed upon tho protnlnca lot 23 eon 3 k eflfjuoblng eomo timo ago a spring lamb long woolod brood ownor will pleaao prove property and pay exponaea eoquosing bopt 25tb 1890 pleaflo prove kinnahd uroh agents d sept 28th the right house established 1843 hamiltons tavorite shopping place about our pall millinert we never had such a fine array of millinery goods our assortment of trimmed hats is winning heaps of praise were making a specialty of stylish hats and bonnets at 350 and 600 that are really marvels of the millinery art for these prices of millinery materials and fashionable trimmings of all desirable kinds our tock is most complete theres no doubt about it the very best thing you can do is to order your fall hat or bonnet here perfume to tell for ua at 8gmt per package when you 4k have told them return ui our money ik and jfr we will tend you free your choice of tbcw solid cold hhell sinn aa shown in cuu one being a very handsomely engraved band ring ibeother a 3 stone gem nngconsutingof two austrian diamonds and a brilliant french red ruby this perfume ia tbo best ever placed before tbe public it destroys all obnoxious odors and gives tho breath that fragrant and delicious sweetness only obtainable by snap wa are making this offer for the purpose of in ji j jjj pufilichbe on and 1 any philanthropic spirit on our part universal perfume co 10quhy0hambriadetaiit8te toronto traducing our goods to tho public it being a j purely business irfinsactlon nd not prompteq by 4 any philanthropic spirit on our part j blankets white cotton blankets fine twill quality special size full two yards wide fancy striped borders special value at 9i 50 the florida white blanket un shrinkable soft finish size 68x84 ta neat blue or pink striped borders specia fivrin i s one lot of white blankets were selling much under regular value on account of our having bought quite a lot of them nt a very special price they are su perquallty blankets extra fine quality unshrinkable and have a neat pink and blue striped border weight sire regular tor 7 lbs v 64x84 3 73 3 25 8 68x86 4 25 3 75 vo 72x88 5 00 4 30 jaxcetsspeolal good quality boucle cloth jacket tailor made stitched edges double breasted stotched seams storm col lar or flat coat collar all sizes very special value 95 85 dress materials cheviot suitings 50 inches wide fn blue resida brown fawn and b 35c fancy boucle dress goods 44 in wide in blue green and brown 50c imperial suitings 50 inches wide in fawn green ana blue 50c fancy silk and wool dress goods 46 inches wide in purple and black blue and black green and black and brown and black mixtures 50c tweeds 44 inches wide in blue green and brown 50c fancy check tweeds 44 inches id joa ever think of hand line our latest work tho light of lite if not now la a good time to atart 63 00 a day auro somo mako twice that experience or capital w tdmucfd urantfprd ontario agents our book breakfast dinner ud fiupper la a rovolatlon in dollghtful cookery ita tbo best advertised most patronlsod lesat criticised and moat onloglzcd a snap for snap hunters bradley- garretbon co limited brantford wanted d0 per day aure gentleman or ladlos special 4pw work position permanent reliable firm with beat roferenoo experience unnecaasary addrebb s m fry fiold manager toronto brick fob sale by auct brick for sale by auction at campbellvllle on september soth at 2 oclock uelog tbo terra cotta brick and are brick in a number of kilna murray crawford valuable property for sale the undersigned offers for sale tbatdeelrablo property in the tbrivlnft villasre of aoton comprlalna two iota bounded by mill and john streets and bower a vena 0 on tbo proporty la a comfortable frame dwelling large nam hard and aoft water ao ths property will bo bold eltbor en bloc or tbo lota separately and with or without tho barn terms made known upon application to w e smith or r j mcnaub roekwood acton wide in brown blue garnet and green 60c sllessjieolal fancy striped razmer silks in cerise mauve navy pink cadet sky helio turquoise and electric extra special value at 30c vzlyxtkxnsspecl special line of velveteens nice bright finish in cerise moss green myrtle navy cadet and brown reg ular ualue 50c for 35c wrappbrbttzs a very large assortment of light and dark shadings in wrapperettes variety of spots stripes and floral designs at 8 xo 12 and 15c qrey flannels excellent quality of grey flannels all wool a5 inches wide 20 and 22c 28 inches wide 25 and 30c mall orders receive prompt attention we prepay tbe freight or express to any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting t6 5 or over write for samples thomas ce watkins king at east hamilton cor hugh son 8t four new houses f sal ipour now houaea on easy terms will give the beat ohance that evor waa offered in aotnn will take one hundred dollars down and five dollars a month for the balanoe the honaea aro at present rented for five a month they have hard and aoft water good cellars and are near tbe tanneries now is tbe obaooe to aeonre a home aa i am giving np building aad going farming w p casjpbbiil ohuroh street aoton wanted christian men and women to introduce light of life the moat marvellona book afnoe the publication of the bible a commen tary on tbe new teatament together with the oomplete uvea of the a post lee in point of art tbe work la a gam tbe flneat most toucfiinff lifelike illustrations ever designed for tbe new teatamenc sells in every bouae and anybody can aell it capital or experience unneoeaaarr freight paid books on time send for outfit giving oboloe of territory and we will abow you ow to make money bbadlbygafibbtfion co limited brantford auction sale fahmbbb and others who may decide to hold an aaouon sale are invited to call st the fjutb pnsbb offloe for aamnlo posters and prlcos we olve special attention to tbs exeoation ot bale bill and aa a result ther ara always la favor with auctioneers and tbe poblio generally pbib pules sale bills will bs found nest attractive well displayed and printed oo superior paper prices are reasonable and tbe convenience of the customer ts always studied in tbe matter of prouiptnoea in tbs execution ol tbe bills auctioneer can be arranged for at tbia offloe fnsa fbkbb office h p ho0bb acton editor d publisher he who docs msoy things oorreotly and makes one error will bear only ot the error to thosb about to marrv youosi man or old msra who isledd to marry will bs pleased to learn ibat tba near if arrlsge aoi is made quits simple by applying to h pmoore issuer ol marriage licenses at tba faas psuaas offloe osll taw day before ths wramony and hive ths matter explained private offloe all business striotly private and oonddenllal i at rssldsdoe in avsninfla workino woflen women are women after all mistress and maid are alike in physical makeup both are women both ore subject to the ills and ailments peculiar to their sex but the serv ant seldom gets any considera tion he s ex pected to do bar work een if her bead does throb and a dreary dragpinif bar ingdown feeling makes her wish that each step might be her last dr pierces fa vorite prescrip tion is made for maid as well aa mistress it makes weak women strong and sick women well no matter what their station in life it gives the poor working woman an equal chance with her richer sister and at exactly the some price the servant who uses favorite pre ffription at 8 moderate price per bottle is much more likely to get well than her mistress who calls in an expansive local physician if ahe will write plainly to dr r v pierce at buffalo if y her case will have the attention of n physician who has cured more women than any one hundred other doctors and who has a rec ord of over thirty years successful prac tice her letter will be considered strict ly confidential will be promptly answered in a plain envelope so that prying eyes of others may not get even a hint and ahe will have the benefit of the very best medical skill srithout a cent of charge for it thousands of sypmen have written and been cured and by thia method fw have avoided the ex atlons and local treat eas w wlll ntrs for 70a to uamtml 11 la u opmhkoa apmputed dtat wool 3ax haisflskwaalr bbihii fitted with anmrloan mnilnl tjsrwauod tsrsra wad time vims tupul in ap- to wmtch business change j c matthews prop acton ba i have bought the stock and business of mrs j b matthews and would be pleased for a continuance of the patronage given her i handle the famous i weslons bread j of toronto also a choice flpc pf confeotionery fruits eto a load of crapes just received which i am selling at 25c a basket j c matthews be cumioalasd teat with tasaamsof roe johatton a hifarkm but afp toronto out id been cut nations anq local treattnent invariably insisted upon by lpcajl practitioners and so abhorrent to every amin modest woman for school reopening new choice and artistic cover desingns for exercises and scribblers and all the necessary text books and school requisites fanoy stationery- ijihe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert nobles flour feed store at acton also mill feed and ped grain of all kinds chop- vve want delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for whjch we will pay the highest market price in cash r noble welland vale bicycles j c hill a large assortment of the latest writing tablets of artistic design good quality and popular prices all the newest shades in writing pap- ers with envelopes to match a t brown mill street acton agent actoa call and see the new welland vale bicycles at the bicycle livery the per fect garden city and dominion ara the leading grades while the perfect chalnless has merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it la an un disputed fact that the welland vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheel the single piece cranks are the best attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business j c hill grand trunk st fabm eor sale in e east half of lot 93 oon a id tbe township of esqoosldb county of balton 100 aorw in good state of cultivation flrstolaes brick honse frame barn with atooe stables under neath all other necessary ont balldlnsa and so abundant supply or water 9 acres orobard also lot 93 eon esqneeltur 900 acres 0 sons cleared balanoe timber land composed of pin bard wood tamaraok and loader will sell in b be aboro farms ara situated two miles from aoton stauon for terms apply to kinnaiiu bros aoton p 0 wanted agents in every distrlot ou the oonlinnl to take orders for blah grade oanadlta grown nursery stock and beedatlargeitasd mpst oomplete assortment in tbe trade fa- wiling specialties superb samples furalsbed free correspondence in any language thou k makora and territory aboah imiis2 2bs si b huatlsn looking for a good thing our eatery or com sysftk otm hitereat to anyo not earnlo uomoper year uet in communication with our nearest offloe an opportunity to represent luke bbother8 company international nnreerlea chioago iii montreal que boebeatcr n y farm for 3500 ftrfifto wl plspdid oonslstlmi it2h i esot west half et no lpatboon in the township of brie welllnnton sssf- 5 u w bout fl e nllm from aoton and two miles from osprlugs 19 aerse of good hardwood bush the bnlldlom comprlae log house good frame bam and shedi ssssli ererfafllng prln creek runnlns through tbo oornor of farm if not aold it will do rented for further liartloularaanply to h swacruiinrar a osprlogo or to j a johnson 70 brunswick avenue toronto attnuair wbstehn excursions to pt huron detroit grand rapids imiwof ooasihoi oominqi t p smith ioihtiru ye specialist oilunlo new york plillailitnhla and toronto optical college call early and avail yourself of his valuable services aa this is arnrc opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested free of charge no guess work but a scientific certainty diffi cult cases accurately fitted au woiik jimkamked i aaver cell et private nenee- will bb at agnews hotel aoton onk dar oxly thursday october so bay city cleveland cine inall st paul saginaw columbus chicago minneapolis and retnrn thursday friday and saturday sep tember 28th 29th 30th 1899 good to return leaving destination until monday october i6lh 1899 for descriptive guides time tables elc apply to agents g t r system h 8 holme agent aoton m0diok8on dltrt pausr agt- toronto solid gold 285 best gold fill 180 syr gold fill 100 besti glasses 100 perfeot satisfaction globe optical co 83 yons street toronto iour parcels ot valuable property in acton f 3al t t offered for sale at low prlwuaehs terms pabok lthat nnobrlok risldscs ss tw lots on the corner of church and qealphsttsets orc nsffifsfj building lot mx 183 en ssflsstrshssii aler- bamsbawa new resldenoe upon wblcb la a young orchard etxkjv i welhng ra mill ijrji ho carry on eydeoniia k mj faboii three good bnllding lots at the tox o terms and particulars enquire at the olnco w b denny yonng sl acton thorps elevator c t r station roekwood no open for the season highest prices paid for oats pea9 barley wheat rye eto also on hand for sale flour feed flaxseed oilcake oatmeal oornmeal sulphur cattle baits eto horse and cattle hides sheepskins eto wanted 6eq j thorp oualph klmlra aaor aoaktroorf