Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 28, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 uk ad ovtion hamilton ont the news at home monti y of a locl character and every hem interesting capital all paid up reserve fund total assets 1 494- ooo 9 1 000000 13103000 j tuknbull cashier savings department ono dollar or more received interest paid it best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a writ jrder with pass book security the government returns show that depositors in this bank hao oer pne million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair rates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch ebtablmiied oykh twenty teaks j p bell affent ij retort jm ns thtjbsdat september 28 1899 little local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week king froflt la tbo mcaneit fellow in this jolly world of oara for he turns the loaves all yellow and be puckers up tno flowers next bandy is tho first of october v three quarters of the year baa gone the fall wheat is looking very promis ing eaqaefiiog fair at georgetown neit thursday colling woods rats of taxation this year in 28 mills helton von at milton to day and tomorrow the canada glove works is working overtime this week the frbk pbess on a trial trip to the end of tho year for twontv cents frhe gaelph herald dabs actd btoreyville id its issue on moods w p campbell offers four new houses on ohurob street for salo on very easy terms farmers adveittse yoar ttray animal before the eat pence of idbide feeding time oomet thecqoinoxial storms were a few days behind time bot they arrived as invariably as aiual the ontario agricultural college gaelph opened jesterday with 170 undents enrolled the monthly meeting of the free library board will be held on friday evening at 730 ooiocv jnrora are being net fled for the fall asbizee to be held at the county court house on monday oth october the street sprinkler has been laid op for the season in the hands of mr williams it has done exoelhnt service this yoar this is account time tbo fan fmcsb has a full stock of floe bill beads do and is prepared to execute orders promptly and satisfactorily a meeting of the executive committee of the hilton sunday sohool association i will be held io the sohool room of knox charah mltoo tomorrow morning at 10 80 w p campbell has sold his last ereoted new boose lots 5 and 8 in cooks survey to william holden for 9700 mr holden reoently moved to acton from georgetown thebeaotifol flowers of aatomn and the many tinted foliage ldti which adorned lbs home of many citizens had their beaaty sadlj blighted by tbo heavy frost last friday flight a fine ebonised ruler beariog the in scription a good ruttt insure in the western has reached the fnxs paxes office through the kindness of james matthews agent the foundation for the new briok warehouse for beardmore x co at the g t- b station is completed the brlok is alio on the ground in readiness for the erection of the superatraotare in order to entirely clear oat all her household furniture etc mrs e b collins will hold suction salw on saturday after noon from 2 to oolook and in tbs evening oommenoing at 7 oolook win hematreet auctioneer if there be any truth in tho saying that a plenitude of oats means a hard winter we wooh advise all to save their money and bay fool tbo smalt boy reporti a great crop of hlekory nuts butternuts and beech nuts milton champion the fnxs paxes is in receipt of broohsre bearing the title gods world field and published by bev cbas a cook of bloorofleld n j son of rev b b cook aoton by request of the morris and eitx baptist association it is a stirring missionary address and fall of sol and inspiration to greater effort along the line of evangelization of the world ttev j a molaobwn m a narrowly eaoapeda serious accident lost saturday stsdlog while splitting kindling io the yard bis axe caught the olothes line and he received a painful blow serosa the forehead and nose his appearance in the pulpit on 0 no day suggested the irreverent question were yon playing t the lacrosse mat oh with gait jeiterday 7 tbs effect of the blow are now almost entirely gone v t p smith eye specialist will be in acton on thursday ootober fiih one day only rooms at agnswa hotel if yon have any dsfsoi in yoar eyesight it will pay to call and sea bin examination free call early or joo can make appoint- menti at a browns drag store twenty p cen below j h hamilton of tbs old reliable msrbls snd gran it works goelpb annoanoss that he will oootinue to plaos bs best classes of gran it and msrbls monuments tomb etc at prices guar- antssd to be twenty per osot below other ao agent to receive commissions- yxpsntes allows q and from goelpb to bawwrs ettqucalngs tax collector at the meeting of the township counoil last week the following collectors of tixes for the qurrent year were appointed pulling bubdivision no 1 archibald mo- dougsll polliug 8ubdivion no 2 biobsrd dick polling bub dlvibioo no 8 george wriggloswoitb polling bubdivlston no 4 peter gibbons polling bubdivlelon no 5 james niokcll polling bubdivision no 0 john campbell the co lectors will be paid the sum of 20 eaob for their services 40 for sheep killed by dogs ci timi were presented at the list meeting of etfqueblng counoil for 4 heep and ii lambs whiob bad been killed by dogs whobe owners were unknown the treasurer was ordered to make payments thereon as follows thomas mitchell 1 lamb 98 00 george wrigglesworth 1 lamb 88 88 john evana 1 sheep and 1 lamb 50 00 n f lndsay i bheep 94 00 john walters 1 bhsep and 2 lambs 98 00 a t mann 8 lambs 90 00 alx liwson 1 sheep and 8 lamba 910 00 worjc on the flora at oakvlile work on the piers is progressing rapidly a gang of a dozou men are fitting the timbers near the basket faatory one qrjb bs been floated dawn to aberdeen bridge and two more will follow soon the government dredge is expected from hamilton this week to excavate for the piers they will be filled with urge stones and the work finished this fall contrary to expectations the channel of the harbor is not filled with gravel and a couple of days dredging will remove it jstar latent talent brought out in debate the programme of the bpworth league on tuesday evening included a very inter- ettlng debate upon the bubjeot resolved that the pulpit has a greater influeuoe for good than the press four members of the soout committee misses eva mokeown leader maggie h matthews and messrs ed j moore and a t brown took tbe affirmative and an equal number from the literary commute dr forbter leader miss featheratone rev j a molxoblan m a and h p moore endeavored to refate their arguments mr fred nixon presided mebsrs a e nicklln n f mooro and james cheyne were tbe oritlos and gave the decision for the affirmative many armaments of interest and value and soma very amusing were advanced the debate manifested considerable tajent not hitherto put in evidenoe the way of the transgressor cfo laet wednesday afternoon 0 molacblan was brought before magistrates pearson and havill to answer to a obare of drunk and disorderly evidenoe was ample and after referring to numerous cases in tbs patt and the repeated warnings given the court imposed the extreme penalty 120 and i coats or two months in gaol the floe was paid r on tuesday alf bndd a some- halton historical society an interesting meeting at aoton and a stronff looal committee appointed what notorious character was arrested npon the same charge he was tried by juitioes pearson and havill and fined 95 andoostsor 80 days at hard labor on default of payment ho was lodged in one of tbe town hall oells for tbe nigbt and in the morning after breakfut mado bis escape throug the serving wioket an open ing 8 x 18 inches aided by a defeoiivo look about three honrs afterward oheif lawson found him in tbe hay loft of the dominion hotel and drunk again he was taken to the county goal in tbe afternoon tho lovely bat and bonnet the cold weather yesterday seemed to add a zet to the interest of the scores of indies who visited the millinery display made by henderson a co tbe ariety shown was highly oreditlble and many pretty compliments were bestowed tbe general impression of the seasons hat ia one of largeness although the colors throughout are of a modest and quiet selection black grey and castor are the prevailing shades the latter is a new shade and may be described as some thing between fawn and brown a great variety of trimmings are a sad this season velvets snd tafftta silks will probably be the most popular for trimmiugs grlbe and hackle feathers are the new superficial trimmings a picture bat in black and white was especially striking it had blaok and white plumes white chiffon and loog velvet ties behind a large range of felt sailors rough riders and tarn crown felt hats were also shown a profitable rally day last sunday tbe antnron bally day servioe was held io tbe methodist sunday school nod it proved highly interesting tbe attendance of both scholars and visitors was unnsualjy good many parents by their preseuoe showing an interest in tbe work and encouraging their children and tbe taaobers and offlrers who exert themselves in thli important work the responsive review servioe was entered into with a zest and the salient point of eaob lesson was brought out and impressed tbe ready answenog of tbe little tots in tbs primary olaase proved that even the most youthful minds are being stored with script oral truths invaluable in the forma tion and building up of character in addition to a number of ohorse by the sohool and sacred selections by the orchestra miss jessie nioklin kindly sang that beautiful solo guard while i sleep and mr ed j moors sang jesus is calling a feature of intense interest was the reading of isttirs received daring the week frod former pastors teachers scholars and friends cover log a period of tbelesttblrty yean they contained many interesting reminiscences loving messages sod kindly exhortations as to future effort letters were read from bev ohas a cook pastor of the first baptist church bloomfleld n j tbirlty years ago a sobolor bsv juo o stivsneon of ths londys lane methodist ohurob who was pastor here when the present methodist oboroh was in tbe worse of erection bev t albert moore pastor of zion taber nacle hamilton was wsa for sixteen years lobohr from rev dr glfford essex ten years sgo tbs pastor and the nominee of ths present superintendent ths dr wrote that bis son willie who was then a sobolsr is now in the ministry st port stanley rev j01 edge president of london conference bsv j e howell m a stationed at bsamsvills from win johnson esq boperintendant of ths brldgs st methodist bohool belleville the largest sohool in ontario outside of torontowho visited the sohool hsre a year sgo j a talegram from halifax from mr s b moore boperlnteudoot of north parkdsle sunday sohool st present in halhamon business who was a soholar nere in hu boyhood days miss edith wright gait a member of ths sunday sohool orchestra some years sgo and from messrs t j edmlston and john s coleman and miss mine walker who recently removed from aoton and resigned tbeir positions fo ths sohool ths letters were invariably interesting sod inspiring the servlqs oonoladsd with tbs rally day onords to tbs tqne of tbs national anthem in may last helton historical society was organized at milton by mr david boyle curator of tbe ontaiio archaeologic al museum and secretary of ontario his torical sooiety the society has beon formally affiliated with the provincial boolety and has lately shown considerable activity in extending us membership over the county members have been enrolled at milton oskville and burlington and oommitees o ladles and gentlemen inter ested have boeu orgaufzed jlabt friday wftaruoou ibe president dr robertion registrar and robert coateb esq met a number of the early resident and fir at settlers of aoton and vioinity and enrolled them as members hero and formed a btrong working oommitiee among those present wore asa hall john warren james matthews d hendenon m p joshna nor rial h p moore a t brown of aoton and john rimaay and cotin cimeron of nassatiweya president robertson io an iutjresuog address explained the objects of tbe society to be the collection of all historical data of tbe county in every seotloo and tbe preservation of all document of interest relating to settlement and settlers muni cipal organization public works original homes erection of public buildings rail ways churohes cemeteries and beoovo- lent sooieties the collection of poi traits of old settlers snd men of prominence in tbe county and la faot any item or article wbloh will be of interest to futnre genera tion tbe secretary robert coatee jijsq aio of milton read the minutes of organisa tion snd gave other interesting data he also exhibited tbe minutes of the first presbyterian church in ebquebing from its organisation ip 1820 until tbe nnlon of 1858 this cam a into tbe hands of dr robertson by accident being rescued recently from a rubbish heap at the former home of tbe late judge millar who was for some time curk of the session of the old eirk this is a document of rare interest and contains many items of interest relating to tbe oonduot of this ohurob during its thlityeigbt years under the putorats of tbe late rev pttsr fergu son after ths enrollment of members tbe president asked that a chairman and sec retary be appointed for the committee representing aoton and vioinity it wsi moved by d henderson m 1 and seconded by joshua norruta tbat joho warren be chairman and h p moore secretary carried h p moore moved and d henderson seconded that all who have become mem bers at aoton constitute tbe executive committee for this section of the oounty carried it was decided to have the mxt mecticg of the committee on the afternoon of thankfl d at 2 p m and mr james matthews and a t brown were appointed a oommittee to apply to the reeve for the use of the counoil chamber meal eatate changes mr michael lamb has aold bis farm lot 20 con g eequtsing to mr james m6ffat who reoently moved to acton from nassagaweya tbe farm comprises 100 aorea has a floe briok house and one of finest bank barns in the province the consideration was 90150 mr moffat takes possession next march and mr lamb will retire and probably settle in goelph jjtcafl descent street lamps preferable tbe oommittee from erin who visited aoton georgetown and other points to examine the merits of the various elettrlo lighting systeme repotted at a meeting of eittsensof their town a week ago that they considered that while aoton with the inoandeaoent system on the streets wbb not so brilliantly lighted in places it was much more evenly lighted than george town with its 1500 candle power aro lamps four to ths mile after consider able dlsoussion it was decided to have tbe incandescent system and 00 a vote beiog taken it was aarrled by a large majority and a contract has been entered jnto for tbe lighting of the village iilltoa moving for manufacturers realising tbe value of manufacturing oonoerne to a town milton is makings laudable effort to secure them for tbe county town at the last meeting of ths counoil the clerk wse ordered to insert tbe following advertisement in the dally papers tbe town of milton county of balton situated in one of tbe richest agricultural dlstriots id tbe province with every advantage in the way of water and railway is prepared to grant liberal concessions to manufacturing firms desiring a location every inducement compatible wltb bualnaas principles will be offe jt beautiful aosnery diversified by mountain and plaint forest and streemroonw bine to make milton a favorite reidsnul quarter as well as a desirable aummer resort correspondence solicited dr carman next sunday the visit of the rev dr carman general superintendent of the methodut ohurob to acton next sunday will be an oootbion of very great interest it is not alone dr carmans high position at ths head of the chnrch in canada but his rare ability as a forceful and eloquent preacher as well whiob attracts urge congregations wherever he la announced to preach in his sermons here the dr will make special reference to the twentieth century thanksgiving movement whloh st present is ocoapving 10 muoh attention among christian bodies generally and for that reason tbe people will be speclslty interest ed the pastor and congregation of knox ohoroh will attend the morning servioe you may have the fuss pnxas to any address tdl deo slat 1000 for 9100 two copies 9176- the crescents go to preston on satur day to cross sticks with paris at the inauguration it ths weather is floe tomorrow a large number will visit tbe county fair at milton from aoton and vicinity messrs kinnard bros offer for sale thelrproperty on the second line two miles from aotqn station comprising 800 sores the frbs pnisa basjost received the following from a customer a professional gentleman in toronto ths printed matter to band you havo done excel lent work and appear to be memir of the print ing business enolosed lease find oheqoe for 97000 ths morning servioe in knox churoh nsxt sabbath has been withdrawn to permit the congregation to attend tbe special twentieth century thanksgiving fond servioe la ths methodist churoh sad bear rev d german tbe general buper- tendent a careless driver evidently with a veil rack drove against the elsotrlo tight wires leading to ths horse sheds at tbe methodiit ohurob on saturday night and tore one of them down he failed to notify ths seston and ss a result the shed was in darkness sunday night coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes the pass pasaa invitee all its readers to eon tributo to this column if you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you nave frleuda visiting you drop oard to the fnxs pnaas dr m forater spent monday with his son here lobpeator j 8 deaoon visited tbe pnbllo sohool on tuesday mrb nobe of georgetown visited her slater here during the week mm l g mottbewb and ohiulreu are vieiting relatives nt kilbride mr thomas mophail of berlin spent a couple of days in town this week mr h b henderson postmaster georgetown was in town on monday mr alex a seoord ipeut a aouple of days last week with friends in toronto mr msopberaon and bride of dundai were the guests of mr john mcqueen this week mr george vincent id rapidly recovering from the effects of the operation performed last week mine nellie brown who has been in toronto the past month oamebome on saturday mbb mamie niokell of barnia was a guest this week at the home of her node mr james brown bobt bells and family left on monday morning for aoton where they intend to reside milton reformer mips lexie clirk of acton is paying a visit to her friend miss bo ben a maitland gork ttreet guelph heraty mrs william williams and miss edith returned last week from london after a pleasant ten daya visit with relatives there dr a l molacblan of burlington wee elected last week president of mjtqn district of the 13 p worth lasgas midses edna and e n dorjand of qrand rapids mjoh are gueits of their sister mrs john a henderson bower avenue mra dr dryden and her utile son who have been gueiti at sunderland villi ths past month or so returned to guelpb on woodsy mrs william ramsbaw of kincardine is visiting her daughter mrs richard johns ton mies maud ramshaw returned home 1ut week mias bella hiij miss graham and mr cheater matthews of aoton wero gaests of the misaefl hill main strstt on sunday milton champion bev w b moaiplne went to plattsvllla last wednesday to offiolate at the marriage of bev john vicberfc of westminster b o to a puttsvilie lady bev dr sowerby formerly of george town has resigned the presidency of nashvillo university and will return to canada t3 ta p i this has been decided upon owing to mra sowerbye ill health the fnbe prions was favored with a pleasant call on friday from mr m o odonnth late editor aitbur snurprum mr odotinel baa been foitunet in securing a government sppolntmeot at the failiament buildings toronto miss annie boasel who went to brampton a month ago to take a situation there 1b quite pleased with here new en ironenta miss rosbtl was for about ten years an esteemed resident of acton and her many friends regarded her removal all are pleased that nbo is so comfortably situated in her new home i cuelph the big bookstore wall paper window shades room mouldings j d 7vrc druggist our agent in acton will attend to your wants and show prices direct imp why can we sell so cheap because we buy direct from the manufacturer save the middlemans profit and give you the benefit vvc passed through the customs last week two crates of dinner and toilet ware you are cordially invited to call and examine the same pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bolleris see ou west window we have imported direct a large number of elegant shawls and fringed rugs a look at oir west window will give you some idea of the quality beauty and variety of- the goods they make up beautifully into ladies capes and at a great saving in price the following are the prices j a mccrea quelph no 1 large reversible heavily fringed all wool twilled shawls 250 no 2the khartoum rug lovely large plaid all wool 35 no 3 the kilhecrankie rug fine soft heavytwilled reversible plaid 495 no 4 the inversuaid re versible rug a lovely fine shawl in rich colors 650 established in cuelph 51 years savage co aaaaaaaaaaaaaauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai vvvvfvyvffffvvvvvvvtvvf tvvf fvv vvvvv vvv ftftfttv henderson co vwvwtfvwvvvvvvwwvfvvwwvwfvvwvvfvvwvvvv glasgow house we invite you to see them we will show you how to make them up or will be pleased to have your order to make a cape for you these are special prices and though ourimportation is largethey will not be here long and we cannot get any more at these prices no two alike e r bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyndham stguelth milinery opening h4 u i 1 i 1 h 1 1 1 hu 1 i 1 ti i 1 1 1 another lot of accounts esquaalns counoil pataes tha fol lowing bill for work satisfac torily parformd at tho meeting of the townihip coqdou lit waek tbe treasurer wai inatruotad to pay tba following clalma wbiob bad been oertiqod joseph b date anppljlnit atooa or morral bridge abutments 00 00 john d blaokwellrpart payment for building stone abutments nor val bridge b d warren printing for letting of oontraots advertising voters ulst court and printing tax statements john hopberson korval for rsmor- lng atooa and eartb torn credit to tbe approach to bridge at norral b c mlson for bnrjing sheep o b kennedy for services in eon nootlon wltb bngineers award re requisition of william hoare ohlngaootsyjtopay like am sf oore bros for sewer pipe to jas arnott p m moors broi for sewer pips to john watstnl 10 ft 90 in and 1 it ii in oblngaeouay paying like earn moore bros sewer pipe par oonnotl lor neara order to alx bur nt p m is ft 11 in uoorabros for sawer pips angus ferguson oom 18 ft 8 in i moore bros for sewer pipe john xfaniu ft 10 in black mokeuale filling gravel on town line cblngaoousy paying llkeium- jamea a gurry gravel supplied to pathmastera q o thompson for gravelling done on the nth line lot 18 j w bsasey f or travel supplied in bis road dlvialon also for filling gravel tbs next matting of tha ooudoii will be held on tha 28rd october mooo 048 ai bo 10 770 10 s3 6 30 9t0 sts a oo 1100 10 00 7 00 positively little phi they alto relieve dtrtreas from dyspeptu indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dlxilnets nausea draws tieae bad title in the mouth coated tongue fain in tho side torpid ijver they regulate the bowds ford vegetable small pin small small prlm substitution tho fraud of the day sec you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills hh i 111 ullll i and grand display h of press coods 7v7istlaes etc we wish to intimate to the ladies of acton and vicinity that our stock of fall millinery will be open for their inspec tion on wednesdays sept 27th and following days miss campbell is again in charge and has spared no patns to make this the most successful season we have ever had our whole stall have gone to great trouble and expense this season to equip themselves with all the latest ideas and how to execute them everybody welcome pringles special mens strong watatcnes w-h-m-l-h-h- no 1 waltham model strong screw ilnbljiroof cnbcs 8 00 no2 do do 10 00 no 8 rockford model in screw dustproof ensoa 1 00 no 4 do do 16 00 no 5 do do 18 00 no 6 do do 20 00 muz st aoton henderson co- bot lit woven wire fencinc 1 rofb bjuvaob the beet la the cheapest mcmullens poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their twl ontario witt fencing co v j vision qatsha fencin6s are the best prices low hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fail yon write the manufacturers at picton the b greening wire co cbnbrm hcbnts hriuciuton hmd kontrbku sold also by canadian hardware jobbers gurney go f8r l new english flannetlettes large stock newest pat terns and colors reductisn in hesiery ladies cotton regular prioe 20o ust prioe 15o rew novelties beautypins belt buck les and belt ribbons hose aug- headquarters for gheice groceries gubney fe co mill st acton wvlceep nilgrades of american wutcheniiliviuio00iiii but the above aro oar best thoy uro made niter our own design and are guaranteed perfect lrom every fault possible to guard against gdpringle aaatttbbt a bgaaasal aaaa bbbbbvvi avaaavaaaavavbaaaaa ggestesj aaaa metabavavaabbbbbstasi aaasaaaava jewsler f gjfe5lri what about your fall suit and overcoat you want the latest and best then we ask you to inspect our new suitings and overcoatings they are the finest production of the designers art and are simply beauti ful goods we make them in the most approved style and most reasonable prices we dont claim to give you goods at cost but we do sell at close profus aay man wee nog a suit or overcoat made by us may rest assured that he has the correct article as to uyle hundreds of people are now wearing our make ol clothing why not add to this num ber fair dealing and no misrepresentation the motto of this store one prloe only xu j jn olson and mens guelph tailor a parnlbher l you are cordially invited to be present and see the newest styles in hats m bonnets to be shown at our millinery opening during this week the new dress fabrics braids silks jackets j golf capes and furs will also be displayed d e maedonald cfe bro e re 1r 8taag as-as- hosiery a full line of ladies and childrens both cottons and cashmeres sizes 4 to 9 prices from 5c up un store closet monday tuesday and thursday evening at 6 oclock ladies underwear a lane range to choose from and at the lowest price you should see them c f gopdeve co mill street aoton

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