Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 28, 1899, p. 4

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f f m top i f oct wet and take cold give them a hot foot bath a bowl of hot drink a dose or aycra cherry pectoral and put them to bed the chances are they will be all right in the morning con tinue the cherry pectoral n few days until all cough has dis appeared old coughs are also cured wo mean the coughs of bron chitis weak throats and irritable lungs even the bard coughs of consumption are always made easy and frequently cured by the continued use of wise plain qibl8 every doctor knows that wild cherry bark is the best remedy known to medical science for soothing and healing inflamed throats and lungs put oho of dr ayers cherry pectoral plasters ovar your tuugm tldttod 01 a7 now tovn bob umunmvoppottwauiim kdloas xtifu medial tiufc write tnilj fl tb i it i i flfc a lady who bad lean muob of iha world waa aikad on one occasion wby plain glrli oltan gal married sooner than handsome onesj to wbloh aba replied that it wii maloly owing to the tact of tba plain girls and iha vanity and want of uot on the part of the men bow do yon make that ontf asked a gentleman the plain girls flatter the men and ao please ibelr vanity while the handsome onea wait to be haltered by tba men who havent the tact to do ii it is always safe to risk a little flattery happy la the wooing that is not long edolug aays tba old oonplet but a modern coun selor thinks it necessary tq qualify the adage by the advioe never marry a girl unlesa you have known her three days and at a picnic id this as in other mailers it ia alwaya deairabla to bit the happy medlnm marrying in baata ia oertalnly woraa than a too promoted oonrtshlp though the latter baa itt dangers too for something may oconr at any time to bteak off tba affair altogether and prevent what might have been a happy union a friend of robert ball the famona englishpreaober once aaked him regard ing alady of their acquaintance will abe makaa good wife for me well replied mr hall i can hardly bay 1 never lived with her hore mr hall toaohedtho real teat of happiness in married life it a qood8ide ia one thing to see ladles on dress occas ions when every effort is being made to please tham it ia quite another thing to sea them amid the varied and olten oonfllotlng olronmitaneea of household life almost every boy has a itood side- if you will only tike the troubli and palni to look for it whether jliis good bide shall ever bo developed to its full and propor strength or not depends largely on the kindly recognition which it receives or fails to receive at yoor hands the worst thing thst a parent aan do is to indulge in perpetual oritloiem qooe oonvinoe a boy that he la thoroughly and irreculmably bad and worthlees and he will do his best to jobtify yonr opinion of him but it yoo rivo bim credit for auoh virtoea as he posaesseb even though they be weak and rudimentary in character lie will be likely to grow better the trne polloy in to maka a constant appeal to everything that haa the bemblauoe of nobtenesa and up rightness in bis natare deal with him on the supposition that he means to be good and to do right the opposite oonrse nsually issues in bis oomplete rnin plowinq ata mark first fat was new at the plow and the attempt waa anything but auooeasful look here said the farmer thst kind of thing wont do the corn will be dizzy tbatgrowa in a furrow bo crooked as that fixyonr eye onbomethlng aorobs the field and bead straight for it that cow there by the gate ia right opposite ne aim at her and yooll do pretty wtll all riahtalr nm pt anil nt then marriage their chief object ht ctnit jfree uz to italian girls to mite marriage it to miss the chief aim in tits they make no secret ot the f aot they regard it as their mission and woe unto them if tbey fall of this waa amusingly impressed upon acme amerloan girls who are at present traveling abroad an italian girl asked one of tham naively one day if all amer loan girls were old maids of course not she answered you must not judge all amerloa by the handful of students and travelers yon see over hare the few women who have no ties or are punning aludies in order to make a living but thsy ware not convinced and oonld not understand thirst for travel and know ledge when one might be happily married and have a home of ones own the farmer was called away to the barn ten minutoa later he returned and was horrified to be that the plow bad been wandering in a zigzag ooarae- over all he field bold on there 1 he shouted ihold on 1 what are yon up to and sore sir bald fat i did what yon told me i worked straight for ibe cow bnt the orayture wouldnt kapa 81111 youthfal thubbdat september 29 1899 wje fotmg folks patt pttyovko pattyokka bakri mm lot ia a jewel and llf ia a jptn bummer la here and th morning u bay iet ua be bablai together today borrdwa a myth and oar trochlea bat eeem tho mtuajiimaio7the7qtarvdreiii plenty of moraloga to worry and plan 1 fattyoake pattjbake baker man ptt yeake pattyoake bakersi man i boll it and prlok it aa faat aa yoa can bom and lilies for baby and me boll it and prlok it and mark it with t homeland wlea and dalalea that come down from the garden that dim plea are from let ui bo babies aa long aa we can i pattycake pattycake bakers man i you cannot afford to experiment when health is in danger a bit abbbntminded there have been a great many stories about abaentminded men where one for gets bia bouse address another what buaineaa he la in and where another has to refer to the mark on bis handkerchief before be can remember bia own name- there is a farmer named bogers in the north wbo possessed a jersey cow which he used to drive morning and evening to and from the pasture not far from his home- one morning aa one of lis neighbors aa passing along tho road he met mr bogera walking in the middle of the lane bis mind apparently engrossed with some weighty question the neighbor called out- good morning mr bogers where are yon going t wby said mr bogera in a surprised way im driving the oow to pasture and he waved his hand toward where the oow onght to bave been well where ia the oow t asked his friend i sopposa i forgot to let her ont of the barn answered mr bogers humbly as he realized bia position and he bad love turns dnty into delight literary note the october number of the delineator is called the autumn number and contains in addition to an exhaustive analysis of the seasons moat approved modes in every department of fashionable art with speoial artlolea on allied toplos and the usual potpourri of social and household discussions a variety of literary feature ol exceptional quality and interest the regular departments are obaraotetisad by the usual abnndanoe ot crisp practical information social observances by mrt frank learned ebclaslaatloal smbroidery by emma haywood the designs this month relating to ths oonstrnetlon of vest ments the dressmaker the milliner eradiating knitting laoemaking the newest books etc ate bubeorlptlon price of the delineator 1100 a year single copies 16 cants order from the local agent or butterlok patterns or address the delineator publishing co of toronto limitad 88 richmond 81 west toronto ont palnesceiery compound gives sure and honest results it makes you well and enables you to stay so when ill health cornea and the symptom b of disease cause alarm many consult a physician who with the beat intentions prescribes a certain medicine today and something entirely different the following weak this kind of experimenting is ire vuenlly carried on for a long time and at a ooat to the patient that is hard to bear how vastly different tba position of tlok people who make use of painea celery compound that marvellons presorlpllon of prof edward e phelps m d the first dose of this worldfamed medicine inspires an immediate confidence and faith beoause the virtues ot the medicine produce feelings and aensations that prom- las health and naw life and the boat to the aiok in every oase is onetenth that ot ihei ordinary medical charges there ts no home in canada that can afford to be without painea celery com pound it is within the reach of every class of our people it gives an honest promise of health strength and long years to the rheumatio neuralgic dyspeptic nervous sleepless and those affected with blood diseases and kidney and liver troub les the testimony ol thousands in the past shows that painea celery compound makes people well and enables them to stay so tho haturnt exuberance of youth often icacig torccklcse- ness young peoplo dont take enro of themselves get overhcatcj catch cold nid allow it to scttla on the kid neys thjy dont rcalizo the slnfnlficanca of backache hink it will soon pas3 away mt it doesnt urinary trou- blea come then diabetes briehts disease and shattered faatliu a young tifo lias been snxrificed any help for it yes i doans k1tkey pels thcso conquerors of kidney ills are making tho rising generation healthy nnd strong- lira o g rflman 505 adelaide st london ont aay a my dnughter now 13 years old liu had weak klncyiisi infancy andlier health ai tootienoehati ai b twt ofpoan camfers should take with them a supply of dr fowlers ext of wild strawb those who intend k campine this aunimer slioutu lako with them dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry t getting- wet catch ing cold drinking wa ter that is not always pureor eating food lhat disagrees may bring on- an attack of colic cramps and diarrhoea prompt treatment with dr fowlers strnwberry in auch cases relieves the pain checks tho diarrhoea and prevents serious consequences dont rj take chances of spoil- ing a wholo summers outing through neglect of putting a bottlo of this great diarrhoea doctor in with your supplies but see that its the genuine dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry as most of tho imitations are highly dan- eerout one talont men are ueerted mott bee suae they art iu the majority in humanitys cause heart full of sons beoause south amerloan rheumatic c has healed her for the benefit of buffering humanity i consider it my duty to inform yoa ot the great and lasting benefit i have received from the nee ol south american rhea- motiooare i was a great batterer from rheamtuiem for a number of years all remedies 1 tried failed to cure until i commenced to use this wonderful prepara tion it worked a great care i trust other a offerer a may follow my example with as satiafaotory results mrs bates 71 gloaceiter street toronto sold by a tbrown be nbat alwdl bred women will strive to look 11 eat and tidy about the house while attend ing to tholr domestic duties the onouar- meut wbloh should be rigidly tabooed is the mother hubbard wrapper that loose affair whtoh hang about a woman iu uly folde and gives her uiioh a nloteuly appearatioe a waeh drees of gingham or onrnbrio which la neatly bolted in ti the llature or a short dark waist made ea a blouse or ehli t waiit but at way belted ia wlmt the bo drcusod women woarin the morning aprons are a great oonvenieuoe aud are worn by some of the beat dreiaed women during tbo moruinx houra ot household occupatione a custom whioh should be enoouraged ia to ahango oned gonu for dinner or at liast to wear some sort of 1tce flohu or ueoa adornment which drobbes one up a 1 1 tie if you are a mother it is a koort exam 1- t your children if a wife a compliment to your bueband make aome radicul uhaiifte iu your drebb as well when you ppend ttio evening quietly at home as whou yon go out to spend it with friends the idea that bo me women bave that anything i giod enough for homo is a ead mitt ike a queer payment every lymptom of it fdnf y- trouble nnd rcatored her to perfect health i am truly thankfal or tho great bcoeflt they bar conierrca upon a httle boy wh taken by his fatbar into aoafefor ainnitr ai 1 tbey wcxa utlng their dessert the father banded the waiter a bill whon that worthy earried to the ouhlere desk returning presently with a little pile ofohadge on aiilverplate bobbye eyes ftrsw bright 6 pep be eald id like a plate of that too r new york merald borne men are long headed and narrow hearted liter treaties butooinese sallow 00m- plexion yellow eyes jaundice etc yield to the ooratlvo powers of laxallver pills tbey are aura to care it is not right to saorifloe your principles to eate anbthexs feelings make ednoation a eoienoe and it will be come an art severe colds are easily onred by the one of biokleaantlconauroptivo sjwp ta medioipe of extraordinary penetrating and healing properties it is acknowledged by those who bave used it as being the best medicine sold for coughs colds inflamma tion of the longs and all affeotlone of the throat and chest its agreeahlenesi to the taste makes ft a favorite with ladies aod children hypocrisy is the gilt of virtue need in the adornment of vice a sure care for hedaohe bilious head- aohe to which women are more subject than men hecomee ao acute in somo sub jects that they are utterly proetrated the stomach refuiee food and there ia a oonstaot aod dittresufng effort to free the btomaoh from bile whioh has become undaly secreted there fsrraelees vegetable pills are a speedy alterative and in neutenliz- fbg the effects of the lutrading bile rtlieves the pressure on the nerves whioh oauie the head echo try them a yorkshire olorgyman married acouph in hla ohurch recently and after he bad pro nounced them man aofl wife tho groom took him to one aide and ashed what the damage wa thepareou told him that there w e r nor fixed amount he might give whatever he chose parson baid he ive get five grey- bound pups at home for which 1 am asking a sovereign apiece apd lllletyou havoone for halt asov of oourse the clergymun declined so rid iculous a fee as he bad no aae for a grey- bound pup when he got borne he must have found bis wife better than expeoted tor he bent the parson one of the pups accompanied with a loiter saying that he was bo happy with maria that he would give him a dog for nothing vegetable preparationfor as similating ibetoodandregula- liig ihe stoniachs ond dowels of imanis llllllli promotes digestioncheerful- ne3sandrestcontalns neither ojpiuiffmorprune normnefol kotnarcotic jktyitiroteersamvnpnxamn a perfect remedy for constipa tion sour slomachpiarrhoea worms eonvulsionseverish- ness andlos or sl facsimile sign of newvohk that the facsimile signature lof is on the wrapper of e7eet botttf of owtaha is put is is esxtn bcttlas eat it ll art soil u psqh drat allnr anyona to sail yoa asjtiuaf tlss ea ths piss er frealss that it is just aa rood all will aaawer srarypm pass svios thatan gst 0abtobia iiifu- stjfutsni uyfffiu jj understanding is the ecalb of thoaght where all ideas are weighed simply wonderful a life saved mr james brysoo cameron states i was oonflnod to my bed with inflammation of the lungs and was given up by tho physioians a neigh- bor advised me f try dr thomas eoleotrib oil btatlng that his wife had used it for a throat tronbu with the beat resolta acting on hti advise i proonrod the medioine and less than half a bottle cured me i certainly believe it saved my life it was with reluctance that i con sented to a trial as x was reduced to saoh a hate that i doubt the power of any remedy to do me any good god can make prosperity a ourae and affliction ableestng free to every butteror those who are afflicted with rheuma tism buiatica lnrobago neuralgia or gout can have a full sized box of milburna rheumatio pu1b freeuf charge by bending their name and full statement of their oase to t mil burn co toronto out are the results of dr von stans pineapple tablets in ah dis orders of the stomach no one need now endure the tortures of indigestion and dyspepsia within reach of all is an unfailing remedy wbiob enables a person to get the full benefit of the food eaten the pineapple liberally yields component known aa vegetable pepsin a product second only to the human digestive aeoretloni in its power of digesting food introduced into the human system it is simply incomparable as a natural aid to the digestive apparatus dr von stan pineapple tablet arc mainly cooipowd of this grand fruit juice they cure indiges tion and dyspepsia positively they are eaten aavoandy and give instant relief box of c6 tablets 85 oenti bold by a t brown ti weit om mm snay a sscurad by omraid arifli tw patent record thi man srtth a surfeit iht yarns is alwas anxlooa to nnrafel mystarlss are yonr corns birder to mots tban thoss thai otfaera hara bad hats thsy not had ths aams idodt havs they not bfsn oorsd by using holloways corn core try a bottle to aoospl av favor from a brother naq an thsn rssani ths obligation ot grati- tade whioh it briors with it is to show yonrslt a ary small soql nothtns equal to lows mrs j soallios undararooa pot says that aba has aaed dr lows worm syrop in bar family for ths past eight years and thst the knows of nothing so good or ohildren who softer from worms why is it that nearly all aged persons are thin and yet when you think of it what could you expect three score years of wear and tear are enough to make the digestion weak yet the body must be fed in scotts emulsion the work is all dbrie jhit is the oil in it is digested all readytc be taken into the bltfl the body rests while the oil feeds and nour ishes anjctth hyppphos- phifes makes the nerve steady and strong m aa4 tt oe all uiifalste avxnt4kiw4eamlmtoronw people who ulk for spit n slow lo give their heame e respite milborns btsrltng hsadaohs powders arssasy to take harmless in action and son to oars any headaohe io from 6 to 30 mlnous i bio is the only oloud withoot asilrar llo log baby beanty yon always think of a pretty baby aa plomp and ohnbby bolts emolslon gives jaai that plomposas not too 1st jnst eoongh for the dimples to oome babies like it too no one beoomea onhappy by doing good deeds iltsr comulaiiit for the past year i havs suffered mora or less with liver complaint bnt by nsins three bottles of bordook blood bitters i wss completely cared w p wood bevelttoke station b c tho dog who ohaaes his own tall triesbib best lo make both ends meet worma oannot exist either io children or adolla whan dr lows worm syrop ia nsed 25o all dealers twiratfutifbrfies- m how milhurns heait and nflrvo pills make weak people strong mrs- euzabeth barton brittaniasl ays i i speak a good word for mil- bums heart and nerve pills with pleasure they proved to mo a most excellent remedy for nervousness nervous debility and exhaustion and i can heartily recom mend them mrs poland brunswick street aaya my husband suffered grreatly with ner vousness complicated by heart troubles milburns heart and ncrvo pills have no w is we a se s for boysand girls i suitable for town or country made by underhill sissman of marlcham this is a new factory their object is to make a better grade of boys and girls school shoes at popular prices their long boots for men is a credit for shoemaking and are sold at 250 and 300 i nil strong laxaliver take one at night bo- fonvretiririg twill pillq work while you sleep without a grip or ctipc curing biliousness sick headache constipation and dyspepsia and moke you feel better la t m neill the shoe man guelph 8 stores ciuand tuitkk uaimvay hoina west noma eabt mall 1002 dm i exp roil b 6 8sntr kxnrotn a 25 in i kxiiross 10 co bid mall 7 lfinia mall 6 14nni mlxod io oupui kuifdny trains qolnit wont10 03 a in oolite leant 0 u5 a in 6 14 j m t1lik of clobinu 1ia1lu going wobt0 40 am anfl fl c0pm going eobt 10 25 am und 6 50 pm this tlmo tablo wout into pffict on eundov juno2fllli 1b1hi acton- livery bus line tho undo reign oil robpoctfully sollolta tho nitron ago of tho publio and inform tuom that well equipped and stylish kigs oan at- ways be secured at hla btabloa ivcomfortablo bus uioetn trains botwoen 0 am and 8 ib pm careful attention jivon toovoryordor tho wants of com morel al travol- lbra fully mot john williams pnopniktou sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorised cpitj 300000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease sgooo aid in maturity value sioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation tp r j mcnabb agent acton farmers wants are many keep the fire of zeal under tbe boilers of patience and you will ran the engine of high purpnbe hagyards yellow oil is a aseful remedy to bave iu any houae it i9 rood for man or boast relieves pain rcduoea swelling allays inflammation cares cut barob braises sprainb stiff joint qniaey sore throat kidney oomplalnt eta price 35 oents soma professed ohrlstlana had rather do wrong than suffer wrong lei preaohing without gloves mean with love mr john it smith lake stream kent co n b says from personal perl- tnoe i willingly testify to tho good effects of laxaliver fills for uiok headaohe and constipation a good occupation prevents mental dis sipation people wbo bave weak longs or are aobjeci to oongbs oolds or sore throat ahoold tike a few bottles of dr wooda norway pine byrup wbloh would beal and strengthen their lungs wonderfully permanent gure of cancer some twelve years ago mrs elizabeth gilhula wife of the postmaster of bux ton ont was taken ill with an obscure atomaxh trouble which bar physi cians pronounced cancer of tho stonw sen and informed her that herlease of hie would be short mrs oilhula on the advice of friends she commenced taking burdock blood bitters the results that followed were little short pf marvellous her strength and vigor returned and in ashore time sbs was completely cured mrs iwhuta is today in the full enjoyment of oodheakh andlnalllhesa years there has lot been the slightest return of the trouble hrrt it tht utter mrs gilhula wnti at rhe time of her cure about four years ago i waa taken sick vilh stomach trouble and conaulted several it the loading physicians here all of whom ronounccd tho disease to be cancer of the toniach of an incurable nature and told ne hint it waa hardlyto be expected that ton j livelong afterward the two doctors who were attending me gave me up to die dy the advice of some of my friends who knew of the virtues of burdock blood bitter i was induced to try it and i am uowh ppy to say that after using part of 1 he flrt houlp i felt so much better i wsa abo to gut up i am thankful to state that t am completely cured of the disease bytha ute of b bc although it had baffled iii doctors for a ions time lam firmly con vinced that burdock blood bitters saved my life here is iht utter received from herathort time ago i am still in good health i think biiruock blood bitters for saving my ufa twelve years ago and highly recommend it toother sufferers from stomnch troubles 3f any kind elizabeth gilhula the mind of a wise man is like a good gun it baa both long range ania good aim doctors in line prajudloes all vanish and they prosorlbo dr agnews ointment beoause its virtues demand recognition dr m barkman ol binghampton n yt writes send me 12 dozen more of dr agnews ointment i prescribe large quantities of itin my practice it is a grand remedy for tetter aalt ruenro eczema and all bkin diseases and a neverfailing euro for piles tbe strongett evidence of its virtue is that doctors osd bo highly reoommend it one application relieves sold by a t- brown misunderstood at a obriauolog while tba minister was making ont u oartlfloalshe forgot ths data and happened to say lst ma sss this is tusmlh xha mh i axelaimsd ths indig nant mother indeed not its only tba msn drift beeanse lbs engines of lbs will lis idle castor i a lltb 1 drbyp gar will shortly bat ralsjamd and may raalde in bnarland fianr sept 10 drsjfns has been pardobsd tba dooorntdt wbloh will s- isass him from prim altar ths anal through was this wbsthirthe paroovnclndasi aranaiiy it it rspottad uwl botum has besn tatjsa for tbo family near dover boglanov fonulls bsmbssa tom through luithsirssltlog oka oabloet 1 inonitng ftlomtoowntatwbsthtr for inntiand chlldreu blsttls n hss nobis deeds are steps op tbe mountain elds ofobaracttr to those oisedectary ocoopallou mo who follow aadentary oooopatious whioh deprire them of fresh air and exerolse ara moraprqfas to olaotders ot tbo liter and kldoayi tban thoas who liafl aolive oou door lives tbo former will find in sarmtlsss vegetable p1iu a restorative without qoaatlon the mowfrmmewtu 90 the market they are easily proonrable auaily taken sol eipedillcmsly and they are surprisingly cheap considering tbelr dootrlnal error in the bead will lead lo spirtnsl error in life bngllih spavin liniment removes sll hard soft or sallonsed lumps and blem ishes from horaee blood bpavlo oorbs spllnto bing bone bwesny btlflts sprains bore and swollen throat oongus ato bars iso by the nee of one bcttlo warranted the moat wonderful blemish oars ever known sold by a t brown some msn in doing right lead others to io wrong- f or internal or external nss hagyards yellow oil oannot be excelled a ptln relisting and soothing rrmedy for all pain manhood is ths greatest profession the last o of the heart sufferer is not too lata for dr agnaws cure fortho heart to ours never falls to give keller i 30 ryii 9s flosa of fit agnsira oors for the heart rellsves ths most konis form of hsait trouble when tbe grins keeper baa all butooridted he snffersr as bia this is not idls boasting what dr agnews core for ths heart baa dona ten thousand timos it absolutely knows no fallnre it is not a oureall bnt it ia a heart oure sold by a t brown he wbo rales with a rod of iron bbood select a malleable one there never was and never will ba a anliveraal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir tbo very natare of many pgratlves being saoh that were tho germs of other and differently sealed diseases rooted in the system of tho patient what would relieve one ill in tarn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a bound unadulterated atate a remedy for many and griavena ills by its gradual jadlolons use the frailest systems are led into con- valesconoo and strensth by the influence whioh quinine ezerta on natures own restoratives ii relieves tbe drooping spirits of those with whom a chronlo state of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life is a disease and by tranqallising ihe nerves disposes to sound and refresh- tog sleep imparls vigor to the action of the blood which being stimulated connes tbroughont tbe veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making aetivity a necessary result strengthening ths frame and giving life to the digestive organs whioh naturally demand increased substance result im proved appetite northrop 4 lyman of toronto bave given to the pnblio their quinine wine at the nenal rats and guegedby the opinion of scientists this wins approaches nearest perfection of any tbe market ail druggists sell il leaf- grain g1unders two sizes for any power no 1 has 1 o- inch rever sible burrs 8inch single burrs john mcqueen agent tor ihe above has changed his ware- oorns to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen frost a wood binders and mowers both have ballbearing burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and iasl with least power always guaranteed a hal givon hundreds in use coold shapely evmuir co limited brantford ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs n my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen bnt i oan sqpply all in my lin i have in stock extra heavy creamer cans strainer pails extra heavy fine milk pails galvanised pails seamless pressed milk pans and countless other dairy articles outdoorwork r- roof ing etc a specialty call for quotations before placing orders for this class ol work g a pannabecker mill street acton p s all the wants of people in town will also receive best attention experienced undertakers sometimes so much attention ia paid lo ths growth ot tbe ebnrcb that the growth of the phrliisn is nsgleoted by dealing with us yoa are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered 1 ftrt ttt tt tttt tttt tt t mmhttt i mtttl cooper ak ins the artistic tailors reg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper a akins main st acton woodef js a speight co mcton some clothing is made to or der not made to fit stitirey s cloth in g is made to fit not made to order i every garment guaranteed rsold only by the best dealers j photo rrz j l jo patent wmte fw onr rnterestlne boolta invent- ortiholp and row joii rtro awlndlol rontaskartan or raodel of your wo will tell bother it la n jaspocliilty srjfie rojootod in othorhanus rajgnsst rexorenoos fumlsbea m mabxoh ratstnt mltqitobs er xxpfxbts s5lij sibeera rolrtfilo sohoonr enslnrrilna bachelors in amllm boteaoea laval unlrcnlty memncrl raunt lavr anocl atlon amnmoanvakror assqolatlqn nw ennunil vvnlec wpvln amw uvejrs assodatton asiooaior jsfrssravrs sckniinc hthcrkiiii kjianaaomelrniartnteolwsealr utl alajon of amertejmojjobraia wsas tjsjljoj s3 u soyatirhuowedipfjt si v tuato 3

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