Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxv no 14 acton ontario thursday october 5 1899 price three cents iie ctou jm firm ib ruhlibud every thursday morning at tots free trcssstcam printing office uill btheet acton ont thumb op sudhouiption ono dollar per year strictly in ad van oe all subscriptions discon tinued when tbo time for wbioh thoy bavo beod paid has oxplrod tbo dato to which every subscription is paid is doootod on tho addrosa label adtbhtibino rates traualont advertise ments jo cents per nonpareil lino for first in sertion s oonts per line for eaoh subsoguont insertion contbaot rites tho following table bhowa oar ratos for tho insertion of odvortisemonta for spoelflod periods 1 1 yd 6 mo 3 mo imp 6000 3500 2000 700 3300 9000 1900 800 3000 1300 700 260 000 350 900 100 advertisements without specific directions wllrbe inserted till forbid and charged aocord- ngl transient advertisements mast bo paid r n uvtnoe advertisements will bo changed onco eaoh month if desired for obauros oftener than enoo a month tho composition mast be paid for atregulax rates changes for contract advertisements mua no n the offlco by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly h fmoohe editor and proprietor buainesa xkrtttorp medical john m macdonald m d c m bocclissor to j f uren m d 0 m onloo and roaldonoe corner mill frederick reota acton offlco hours b to 1030 am 1 to 2 pm and too pm envelopes we received during aug ust 6oooop envelopes bought very low and we will sell them extra cheap if you want a box of envelopes go straight to days bookstore cuelph day has the- envelopes to please you and his prices are the lowest jday sells cheap -tub- traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 9 1 000000 700000 cuelph branch wo are now issuing mouey order payable at par at anv branoh ofobartered bank in canada excepting tbo yukon district at too followlog ratos under 10 sconts 810 to 20 10 oonts 820 to 9u0 laconta eso to m 11 oonts ijoetrg waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods d r 1 j r forster 8ucckb80i1 to dr a b elliott late resldont pbvaclan and surgeon to via- torla hospital for bick children toronto ornob mill stroot latoly occupied by dr elliott tr dryden eyb eab tnnoit and kobe mclona block douglas bl near p o guelpn orrics houna 10 m to l pm and 3 to 6 pm sdndaf s 10 am to 1 pm dental l bennett lds dentist qeonaetown ohtabio jcoghlan d dsl ds dentist woak cabbfulmt done plliobs mo debate- or pice oven duownb dnua btoeb hodusevehy day fboh 0 to fl waters bros wykdham i street new store highe8t ouhhent hate of inteuebt fiald on iddii deposited of 1 and upward dtereat allowed from date of dopolt to data of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advance made to responsible farmers on tboir own namoa a the lowest ourron ratoa no obargo made for collecting sales notoa if payable in guelpb a ronoral bankios bualnoaa transacted a f 11 jonbs mnnafer cheap sport with short snider rifles guelph main street planing mills acton ont j m bell dds ld8 f dentibt bbookvilxje homob qbaouitb or toronto univhbsitt work made satisfactory prices moderate visitiho days monday afternoon gamp- bellville tuesday aoton offlco clarks hotel friday hookwood legal m olean mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers 4o private funds to loan offloe town hall aoton wm a molkan jmo a mclian a macbunnon bjjuubteii solioiton cokvetanoxb ornoe mill street in matthews block upstairs b mcleod i baiuustkb bouoiroa convbtahobb main btroqt georgetown money to loan at lowest current rates j monabb ulerk fourth division court county of bal- on convoy ancor agent fire and life assurance itoal estate agent monoy to loan etc acton ofjtice ferrymans block on r ont miscellaneo us m iss williams or grouqbtowm music successor to miss xjaldlaw is prepared to give thorough instruction in music piano or organ in theory and practice for terms apply to miss williams at mr jas matthews rostdenoo on tuesday ovenlug of eaoh weok en by qrist ottawa oahaih bolloltor of patents for invention eto h prepares applloatlons for the canadian amer ican andeuropean patent offices and for the ttegistratlon of trade marks bend for pam phlet thirtytwo years experionoe ujranoib nunan bookbinder wyndham bt guelph ontario over wuliamsstore account books of all kinds made to order eiiodloala of erery4esoriptionoaref ullybound ullncntatlvand promptly dons m arnrage licenses h p mooue 1lrrkb 01 mabbiaflb idoemsbs private offioe no witnesses reqnlrod isauod at residence in the evonlng free press offlco aoton wot the counties of wellington and hsvlton orders lea at the fbbb pbbsi offlce aoton or my residence in aoton will b promptly t- adodto terais- rasobsbio 0a1s3o money to loan on the most favorable nn3esuulamhe lowest rates of interest in tjnmsof 9900 and p wards p btjbbobibap s c iag00o frhewelllnqton mutual fire insurance company xtbtabllshod 1s40 heodoffloo j qublph ont inburance on cash and mutual plan any communications forwarded to my address box 899 or telephone so will be promptly attended to john tayloh agant quelpb aoton machine and eepair shops bbnbt obindell proprietor abb well equipped with all the machinery necessary to execute all repairs to maohin- rj and agrlcnltaral implements and to do all kinds of steam fit tfoghorasholng and general buekamluilng woodwoxt repairs pttriortned la a satisfactory manner we can repair any machine or implement of- any make saw nmmlnff and fllioft done actoi saw mills and wood yards jk7vibs brown sfahofaotdbkbakddniuinilf umber lmtb ahluglca wood etc ah kinds ot wood in stock and promptly delivered to any part of tbe towu at reasonable prices hardwood and slabs out stove langtb always oa hand telephone oommuaicatloa john cameron- architect and contractor manufacturer of sash doors frames mouldings to all styles dressing matching mud moulding to order on short notloe xvtll assorted stock on hand at prices tosu the times john cameron proprietor sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorised cmpitj 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 6000 aid in maturity value j 10000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on afjpji- catlon to it j mcnabb agent acton dont pkil to sbb ceo stovems stock of boots and shoes suitable for ail classes prices reasonable stovel has a splendid line of school childrens shoes ladles street shoes misses walking shoes mens working boots mens dress shoes mens boots and leggings for tan nery wear full line of rubbers for fall wear all excellent value stovel does all kinds of custom work and guar antees his own work stovel i ma n syeclalty of repairing stove has a line of boys strong boots which ho is clearing out at 50c per pair at agnews old stand next to melvins barber shop mill st acton w5nl l and bnslness practice is tbe most interesting and prac tical oourse of study in bookkeeping and accounting for boys and chris leaving public and high schools shorthand and typewriting h lal faculties indlvldoal tniuon no ial faeulblss inditlduai tuiuod no olasset formed parents are invited to investigate fall term will com imenee alonday aosj 98 business college and shorthand institute j shabp prlnolpal fs aqbnts wanted for tbe life and achievements of admiral dewey the worlds reetest naval hero by marat qalsteed the felong friend and admbrer of tbe nations idol biggest snd best book over boo pages eight by ten laches nearly 100 paces halftone lllustra- tlons only 1jj0 bnonuous demand big commissions- outfit free chance of a life time write quick tba dominion oompany 3rd floor oaston bids chicago wants d several bright and boa est persons to represent ns as mauaers in this and close byoountlee balarysmmo a year and expenses btralght bonaflde uo more no jess salary position permanent onr references any bank in any town it u mainly offioe work oouduotsd at home beferenoe kneiose selfaddress sd camped envelope the dominion company rrtptrij chicago another case in this week swordbayonet this time all just as good as new each rifle goverment tested if you want a good rifle for- little money call or write us for particulars ammunition always kept on hand john m bond co cublph motto satisfaction hardware acton- livery bus line the nnders tgnedrespectfnlly solicits thepatron ase of the public and informs them that well equipped and stylish rigs can al ways be secured at his stables a comfortable bus meets trains between 9 am and 818 pm careful attention given to every order the wants of commercial travel lersfully met john williams pbopbietob tub squirrel 3 road it slgsags tbroogh the pastures brown and climbs old plus hill to its crown with many a broken stake and rail and gaps where beds of ivy trail la hollows of its mossy top tbe plnsoone and the acorn drop while hero and there aloft is seoa a timid waving plume or green whore some shy seed has taken hold with slender roots in moss and mold tho squirrel on his frequent trips with corn and mast between bis lips glides in and out from rail to rail with oars oroot and flashing tail bom 0 times he stops his spoil laid by to frlak and chatter msrrlly v or wash his little elfln face with many a flirt and queer grimace anon bo scolds a passing crow jorklng his pert tail to and fro or scurries like a frlgbtoned thief at the shadow of a falling loaf all day along his fencetop road he boars bis harvest load by load tho acorn with its little hat tho butternut eggshaped and fat tho farmers corn from shock and wain i chookpouohos full of mealy grain threocornerod beechnuts thin of shell tho chest nut burred and armored well and walnuts with their tight green coats close buttoned round their blender throats a buay llttlo workman he who loves his task yet labors free stop whon he wills to frisk and bark aud novor drudges after dark i i lovo to bear his chirring cry whon rosay sunrise stales tbe sky and soo him hashing in bis toil when frost like snow encrusts the soil with tail above his back be sails along tbo angles of tbe rails content to gain two rods in three and have sure bfgbway from his treo dear is the oldtime squirrel way with mosses green and lichens groy tho straggling fence tbst girds tbo bill and wander through the pine woods still i loved it in lay boyhood time i lovo it in my manhoods prlmo would in tho cornfleld 1 could lie and watch the squirrels ilgzag by i james ffuciltam tkcl ymrtilri juatrtg alma lhdies collg opcnstor nineteenth year september 7th parents are reminded that the best condi tions for the mental moral and social train ing of their daughters are to be found in a residential school like alma college st- thomas ont for full information address rev ri- warner prin st thomas ont farmers wauts are many but i oan supply all in my line i have in stock extra heavy creamer cans strainer pails extra heavy fine milk pails galyanized pails seamless pressed milk pans and countless other dairy- articles out- doorwork roof ing etc a specialty call for quotations before placing orders for this class ol work c a pannabecker mill street aoton p s all the wants of pebple in town -willalso- receive best attention cooper akins the artistic tailors geg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded he read pis nsvcer pirpidpigooeh nanoe hooper wae blsndiok head of a little open ravine whiab wound away toward tho foot of the mount n tbero was a tow rail fence aoroas tbe head ofthe rawoe a few yards from tbo moon- tain highway and against tbe fence nanne was leaning a great mass of flow ing brown hair reached far down bcliw her waist abont which ber homespao frook was taoked int3 a largo roll thus shorten ing her skirts in order that she might move about more freely up to the right of the ravine was a utile log cabin where ehe lived it was late in the aftsrnoon and ae nance called the pigs great orowd of them en mo galloping up the hill to scram- ble over tbe apronful of vegetable which nacre threw over the fenoe from fair down the ravine oarae the roar of the taokaalege river as the w stent torn bled over tbe ragged boulders that marked its bed with her elbows on the fence and her chin resting on bor hands nanoe lingered to listen to tbe roar of the water while bhe dreamed 8rosll olonda were gathering in the aky all aroond and the young girls eye watohed them itowly change from one to another forming to her mind the outlines of virions animals and birds while nanoe was thus lost in her dreaming and picture making she sudden ly felt on arm plaoed around her whirl ing around she found herself in the em brace of a tall mountaineer who held ber firmly aboat the waist and was looking a world of tenderness down into her eyes oh zb how you soared me i tarn me loose this minute i cried nanoe etruff- gliug to free hereeir at the same time two bright tears came into ber eyes wout you kiea me nanoe aakod the young man eagerly no 1 wont you didnt have any businebb to boaro me thats what you didnt zob released her and stood baok for a moment neither ot them spoke nanoe again stood holding tbe tip rail of tbe fenoe and was gazing away down the ravine zeb stood a fe feet awa with cooper a akin8 main st aoton his eyes turned toward the ground at last he spoke nanoe im powerful sorry i soared yoa the girl did not reply there wae another long pause aftr wblob zeb spoke again did a big days work yesterday and another one today nanoe pot 46 logs into the river nearly all big ones lie waited a moment daring wbioh he oaotlouily raised his eyes tj a level with tbe baok of nanoe head i i got that strip ofltnd paid for utt saturday and and ive got enongh left to build a house on it nanoe still no reyly wages are better than tbey have been hclwedinaudl thought wemighlai well get married now thats what ive come to see about nanoe i think weve waited about long enough silence still zob sat down on an old hump and wait id for a ling wbije finally be rose again and gazed up at the sky all around from the looks of the sky the riverll be high enough to float logs tn the morn ing ho said thrusllog his bands down into the pockets of his pantaloons and striving hard to clear a strange busklness from his voioe theyre putting in machinery down at dlllsborough to start aloonst pin factory nauoe reokon 1 ooul 1 get a good many locust blocks off that piece of uod ive bought again zebs vldlon waoderod toward nanoe but she stood itill motionless by the fence her long hair waving geutly in the slight breeae that was stirring and the longer zeb gazed upon the woman be loved the fuller grew bis bosom uotil he ooold no iongeit withstand tba pressure and bis words were almost in tbe tone of a wall as he sank baok open tbe oil stamp oh nance aint yoa ever a goto to sty anything 7 nanne continued as immovable as before and at last zeb plaoed bis big hat on bis head and arose i know whats the matter nanoe be said i oan see u all now pols porsay bat been aoomlo ts see yoa uf late and yes 1 oan see it now nance yon dont loteme any more zeb had paused to steady his voice which had grown a little husky nance ho continued id a died for you any time and i thought you would bave loved roe right on nanoe right on but now i cant stay rioymoro goodbye nance i he turned and walked toward the road but he had goue only a few steps when bo turned and came baok attain going ciobo up to nance wboro bo btopped a moment then he spoke before i go nance wont you till me fair and oquaro in it me or pole 7 there was no answer never mind then i kuow that yon just bate to tail me that you dout bve me any more and i wont make you once more nance goodtiy ha stealthily lifted a wisp of ber long bafr and fervently pressed it to his lips then walked rapidly away nance beard the eoaud of his toct steps growing fainter aod fainter as be ascended tbe bard roadbed which turned over tbe bill hard above the cabin finally ehe looked around zeb was just disappearing beyond tho lorn id tho road and to nance it suddenly oocurred that ho might never return a scared look c me into ber eyes and for a moment she hood undecided what to do then sbo bprang away from the fence and ran up tho road a hundred fears taking possesion ot her bosom bat zeb was gone- ob why did be go wby did he not wait juat a moment longer she qolckend her pace and when bhe reached the top of the hll was almost ont of breath zeb had gono out of bight down the mountain bhe tried to call his name but her utteranae wbb only a whipper but at last she managed to call ohzsb- the breeze uiw the eoho of her own tones back into her fto tears gashed from her ejen and mho hank ilown upon the roadeldn ti poij away her bufiden heartaioknedf the olouda bfghn to gather and nt mid- uigbt rain began lo fall in torrents by dawn the waters of the tuokasiege were hiyh between its bankp and the boom loggers were busy with their raft hat zeb norton their former foreman was not among them six years had dipped away nance hooper still lived with her father in the cabin ou the side of tie mountain bhe etiil went out each evonink to cal tho pigs at the head of tho ravine and iu her heart she still lived the old love and deep rogrtt zeb norton had nevor been heard or sinoe his sodden diiappearanoe gol 1 bad been discovered ou tho tuokaaiege and the community was wild with oxt itmen t but what beemcd unfortunate to the prospectors was that tbe rich voiu bad been discovered on hud belonging to one zeb norton whoae whereabout were unknown they feared to proceed with mining operations wiibout first having eonred a lease ot some kind and since this could not be obtained from tbe owner tho enterprise was at a standstill half a year passed by one day a passenger stepped from tbe morning train wbioh stopped at dollsbpro and ttood with bis hands rammed jlowo into his pocket i he was dressed in the etle of a westerner a widebrimmed sombrero rested on bis head and a heavy brown musuobe orna mented his upper lip for a moment he gazed all aroond him its net- ezaoily like it used to be though it aint much changed either be mattered as he picked op his valise and walked toward a llttlo boarding house a few yards away it was noon and the traveler was hungry meeting the land lady at the entrance he gave her a fifty cent piece and anked the way to the dining room after dining the stranger epent sevoral hoars in wandering about the village late in the afternoon ho suspended his valise on a stout staff whtoh he rested on bis shoulder and set off up the river rood afoot ever and anon as be tramped along the highway be would stop at some hljyb point and gszi away aoross the hill andvalleya just like they used to be al jaat the same he woul i usually mutter an he turned away and continued his journey at last he reaohed the highest point in the road where it turned down the moun tain oh the other side toward the river just the same he said theres not e veto oh ange in lheroad wonder if mark hooper lives there yet he continued as be looked toward the oabin off to the right a litlfo farther sbng he tarned away from the road and walked slowly down to where theffenoe crossed tbo ravine here he seated himself on ao old fast decaying stump allowing the stiff and the valise to oarelesfly ltpirorn his shoulders then pushing bis jombrero back upon bis head be looked bis fingers across his koee and gazed away through the openpg over the ravine it was almost sendowo kod there were a fewcloods in the sky r v just the same he mattered sgafa after a few momenta alienee everything joit as it was i wonder if nanoe did he closed his lips tightly againt further goll mine i didnt expect to find snob a jewel uh this waiting for me it appears thot i am mighty rich all of a sudden alut halt as rich as i am now zeb for ivo got you baok again aud reaohlng up afao took his rough cheeks between ber palms and kissed biro under bis big mobtaohe ciiiosgo record a sugar artist insurancesocieties and ten- perance breaking loose oi something wblob had been lobg tied up in bis breast at list he rose and shoalderlug bis staff and valise started baok to the road and just as he turned bis baok toward tbe oabin nance came oat with ber apron fall of vegetables for tbe pigs and oams on slowly down the pstb toward the fence tbe trsvtler who had walked on with out looking backward had scarcely dis appeared boyond a turn in the roid when bis ears caught the sounds pigplgplgooeh i as nance oalhd the pigs again the staff and valise slipped from bis shoulder and with his bands rammed down into his pockets be listened white his heart beat heavily against bis breast at last he turned aboat and slowly retraced bis steps leaving his baggage where it had fallen in the middle of the road he approached within a few feet of nauoe before he stopped then steadying his voice as well as be ooul i be called her name nanoe suddenly tarned about aud gated upon tbo tsll form of the westerner than burst lug into tears she dropped her apron and impulsively sprang toward hlro oh zvb i abvnrled through her tssrr i didnt mean it yoa know i didnt i ob why did you go away 7 zeb caught her in his arms and for a few moment there was sweat silence nuoe said zav at last i nsver ooald think of loving anybody bat yoa 3 it when i came baok to look after that the temperance record au english paper gives the following pai ticulara of tbe attitude of british insurance companies toward drinkers the value of abstinence principles has been recognized by aooldent insurance com panies for we find tho aooldent ocean scottish employers scottish temperance and tbo iisuoasbire and yorkshire eaoh giving a reduction of 10 per cent on the premium to those who abstain while several others give smaller redactions in conversation with tbe secretary of one of the above offices i was told we do not fiodthe advantige to be so j much in greater immunity from accidents enjoyed by teetotalers as in tbetr more rapid recovery when striken down by aoaident ao indication that the blood of the abstainer ie purer and thui effeota tbe repair more speedily the treatment accorded by life offices to those engaged in the liquor traffic is very suggestive i wrote adoat eighteen months ago t3 upwards of sixty of theprlnoipal offices asking them how tbey dealt with proposals on publicans lives tbe append ed extract from the financial times ootober 8th 1807 gives the result how poor bang is regarded when he knocks st the door of insurance office is shown by the following summary wont have him at any price 1 adds eeven years to his age 1 adds 80 per oont to tbe premium 15 charges up sccorjint j demerit 28 let him of for an extra 1 per cent 1 makes it a guinea 2 need 25 shilling 2 declare that 2 it necessary and 1 insists on a coupl- of guineas on the face of this wonderful unanimity on the general question that the life is a shochinf ly bad onp oomo two offices ready to take the risks for hlf a sovereign what over tbatspecihl olass of business may be worth thebo two offices deserve to get it and we fancy the rest will not raise any objection tho manager of tho prudential in hia letter said it may interest yea t know that until about a year ago the extra premium was 1 is but it was modified io consequence of the very unfavoable mortality which we had for some time experienced from this rlibbof lives this teslmony is very valualh as there is no ctber ofiioe with so extensive an experience and for the first twentyfive years of their existence tbey took these risks at ordinary ratos increasing tbe premium nearly twentyfive yerrs ago by 15a extra per 100 assured afterwards to 21a a few years later and then to 2 tbe present amount very truly did john bright onco declare there is no mistake about it the men who abstain from intoxicating drink have an immense advantage both physically and morally over tho rest of the com munity among the many now trades which have spruug up in laro cities within the latt few years iu that of making showpieces more or lesa edible for banquettables at many corporation diunera it has beoomo tho c as torn t have a urge table ornament whloh will from its construction euiiceat the business in which thu dinerd wre interested many of these ornuments tire osnptruoted of sngar paste mid others of nouifat a cuudy puble bespriukled with nuts a young frenchman in new york la one of tho cleverest buihers of this suut arohitootare and he 1b kept basy neatly all the your rouud like modt people who have achieved success iu auy line this yotiugaitlst has served a long apprentice ship beginning at the ago ot fourteen when hobtrted as assistant to a well- kuowu german whose sutjar oreationb were considered marvels after several years tho old oeroiun retired on bis laurels aud young dannie- vuu who in the meantime had been studying bard in drawing and modtlling olasaop was able to take bis instructors place according to m cennleville there is nothing in tba way of figures or flowera that cannot be perfectly reproduced in sugar by a olever worker the beet material for flow ere la whbtthe artist cai pulled bugar thin be makes by melting ibe fineft brand of loaf sugar and mixing the mass when it begins to harden with a htih clear eyrup after which he works it until it is ptrily cooled he then ehapes his havea and pctih and ftjoks them together iu a natural form ae he worke where thu flowers bave a body color vegetal lo ulri are mixed in iha boiling suitnr when tho flower ia one that needs only a t ngi tf c 1 ir thii ia put on with a brush a material calid composition jit which is mtdu of gnm trarainnth mtirbli dust and cornstarch ia used for figure pitces a fitiih an 1 k ihat of highly poliibed porcelain cau bd uiveii to this pahte thut thu avero obobrver id oom- ltttly decfived it ntlbt seem ntrangi that auy one bhould make a candy ttructure to ute as the bsbla for an oil painting but thld nas done uot long ago for the sake of novdty and the picture wae exhibited with others at a large gather ug ot bpeotutirs the frame was made of gum paste and aftdrward gilded theaiti t first made a landscape of sugar pat to in relief and the design was than painted in oil- there was enough of the sugar aurfaco left in phree to prove the real foundation of the picture the effect produced by the com bination is said to have teen fine and to havo shown that the resources opan to the sugarworker in arttotio effect are greater than any ono would have supposed learn one thing wsty noor kuow i a jaok-of-all- trades v that had mastered evoii one ktiowlorlgo of her weigh tor aoorota uuto dathlora yloldoth uono hotter to drink doon hor toaohiuga from a single fount thou skim lightly oor a liost of bubjacts sldiin only at tho brim although variod inforruntlom avell it i all should poksftss this in oft so huporfldal that tis woll nigh iirofltlsss ho is noliher loarnod nor useful wlioho dlvorso attalrjlaontb show facts gloaood ouly ou tho surface naught ofthoso thut ho botow thoy who nook ouccoi iu buslnoss 1amo in solonco or in art to tholr bjioclal avooatious aro dovototl from tho start if duilrc for knowledge does not then solfiutorait should liniol sinco at uuod it may woll surve us to loaru ono thing roally woll ik barber itsavesthe boys tbe argument i have found in maine for prohibition was by an editor of a paper in poitland tha was for political reasons mildly opposed to it i bad a conversation with bim that ran something like this where were yoa born in a little village about bixty miles from bangor do yon remember the condition of tbingblnyour vitltgo prior to prohibition distinctly there was a vast amount of drunkenness and oonseqaont disorder aud poverty what was the effect of prohibition it abut up all tho rum shopes and practically bsoibed liquor from ths village it become one of the moit quiet and prosperous places on the- globe how long did yon live in the village after prohibition 7 eleven years or until i was twenty one years of sge then i then i went to bangor do yoa drink now 7 i have never tasted a drop of liquor in my life why up to tho ago of twentyone i never saw it and after that i did nob care to tike on tho habit that is ill there is in it if the boyd of tbe country are not expoeed to tbe infernal ism tbe men are very eure not to be this man and bis schoolmates were saved from ram by the f sot that thoy oould not get it until thay were old enough to know better tjew men are drunkards who know not the poiaoo tyi after thay are twentyone it is the youth tbe whisky and beer men want t borrow insjlroatu re ao old woman whoae husband was iii in bed sent for the doctor who came snd saw the old lady- i will send him medicine said tbe dootor on leaving wbioh must be taken iu a reoumbent posture after he had goue the old woman sat down greatly puzzled a recumbent posture a roc am bent pos ture 1 slfe kept repeating i havent got one at last aha thought i will go and see if old mrs smith has got one to lend me t accordingly she wedt and said to her neighbor have you a rooambent posture lo lend roe to pat some medicine in mrs smith who was equally as ignor ant as her friend replied i had one but lo tell you tbo ruth i have lost it tdbiu the very latest the story of ths latest confidence scheme for fleecing tbe unsophisticated farmer is going the rounds ot the press a man who represents himself at a travelling preaoher calls and asks to remain over nigbt before tbe hour of retirement a yoang man and woman coma along and aak if there fa not a minister who oan perform a marriage ceremony of coarse there is the yoang oooplfjoln hands aod the farmer and his wife are asked to sign the marriage ositifloate as witnesses the certificate afterwards turns op to be a promissory note social life of the saloon a social vice is a public menace not till a rlgbteona band ia raised to atrike it a blow do we know tho deepseated pi toe it occupies in the moral and social life of the peopls just now the american saloon ia meeting rather late to be sure its share of attention much is made of social element and tbe cry is raised that the poor along with tbe rich moat have their share ot diversion and recreation bat it would appear tbst nothing short of a a voice from the infernal regions oould be beard championing the saloon as a ben efloent institution it thrives for tbe ouree not tbo benefit of men of the bwer order of society aud the mores the pity for it bocitty ban only hope to be safe by all mens beoomlng freemen and having a obanoe of rising to higher levels then to put such a stone of stumbling in the path ot the weak is a crime against heaven tbe aooisl aide ot the saloon is tbe dead liest and moit dangerous phase ot it just at the most dangerous period in a young mans me when he is apt to form falde notions of the restraints ot home the saloons open their doors and bid him ectar ths estimate ia made that ninety per cent ot all drinkcuracd lives began tbe career of tbe drunkard at tbe bar of the saloon very strangely we think there are some who with u false pity for the poor are willing lo up it f s sa ot maki what is called a dab for the lwly if the saloon ia in any bqubc a club it is such a place as orests a false sppttite creating and then fottsring indaolug and exagger ating an unnati thirst which never can be quenched men have been and aro kill loo much cursed by lust and paisiou what bhsll bo said otsn fnstitation wbioh in its influ ence inflames all the passions aod trail all sttndards of right living iu the dust it aires may be known by its fruits we may not be charged with beatlng false witness when we aay the institution wbioh makes it impossible to pass noffioient wws for civic righteousness has no right to live he who condones us presence in a oommunlty is either blind to its effects or jornjorally on a level with it rev walter b yasser in tptftsbarr ckfuttah advocate true value recoqni2ed tbe- young men who think it is not necessary for them to establish a reputa tion for honesty sobriety and integrity in order to achieve snooess in the fotare are harboring very dangerous thoughts there is ho young man here ot average intelli gence whose oourse and opnduct are not observed by tbe oommunlty or who is not measured according to bis merits ths worthy young man is known from the unworthy aud although he ho ay some times tbink he is not appreciated or bis course not oom mended he will learn sooner or later what obaractar and roan- hood really stand for in hia case it is best always to bo upright industrious honorable and above reproach it pays in more ways than one and leads to victory new transcontinental line it is announced as a oertaiuty that messrs mackenzie and mann after a few detstla are arranged will aoqulre the tltfe ot the edmonton yukon and paoiflo kail way another line n their new pro posed transcontinental line a oasb prloa will be paid for tbe road none of tbs present directors exoert messrs b f pearson of tbe dominion coal co and a m whitney of new york retaining any interest in u treatmerjit of watches that a watch my keep good time says chambers journal it should be oarefully treated it ubould be wouud at tbo same time daily and when not worn should tie plioed in the aamo position always hung up or tl way a hid down as evory watch goes diffdrenty in different position in wu tilled hiving a doabtn oibs the outer ono ahoum never b- left open if it ft it- ft open eveu for ono niubt tlu glabs n covered with a thin urn of hut which will ftraduoly enter tho work throah even the tiniest openingsin the case watohea hhoul i be wound in tho morn- inn beouuo hprin fully wouud up wilt more readily overoorai tho disturbance produced hy the mivmfiitn of the wearer spriiiita will not bronk bi omly if tbe watcherthro ctrefully wnnnd up an1 not taken nut 1 wrm pockul nod plttced direct y atjnimt n cold wnll or on a inirtl j blub for that nuhoii u protect u mat u derti ruble the ohiimei of ilie oil the vritioud in temperature the dbnnity and humidity of the air nil tetty tffeot lie coiutt of a watoh mid it i only tha 1ver waioh of tho niout perfect finish which almott nuiiiritizd iliusy inlrno intlueuceo no wat oil kee s itrfetty uorrrot time even the beat chionometurp used inobservnt iriea aud on iuard uhipn uiudt bo rtgdiated accnrdini to ttiblid whijli fix thu variations to which watcheaare subjett a watch hhoul i be cleaned evory two or three year a iuiime ilw oil decomposes gttt mixed with the purtioleaof duat whiob enter the workh of even the beatcluing w alert begins to act ad a grinding ruitorial and wears out th working partn it frcquolitly happens that a wutoh requires cleaning oftooor than once in two years especially if it closes badly or is exposed lo muob dmtand diit anyone who haa tho rriifoituue to drop his watch iu water should take it at onco to the watchmaker to have it tiken to pieoea aud cleaned a delay of eveu an hour may spoil the watch forever pride and the fall mr john morrison a aucjoaful commer cial traveller has spent a great pat of his career in hoth and one ot his theories basbeeu that tbe mind oan be so trained that u hotel fire ought not to distract tho reasoning faculties when presence ot mind is needed he impressed hib theory- strongly upon mrs morrison by instructing ber how to act if they were ever in a betel that was on fire he and his wife were urouaed from their slumbers one night by an alarm tbe hotel in whiob tbey had their rooms was on fire and thore was confudion and tu mult among tho guests now is the time to put into practice what i have always preached to yoa my dear said the gentleman dout get excited put on all your indiapensible ap parel and takeyour time dont lose your bead just watoh me he calmed mrs morrisons anxiety handed her the articles neoesbary to her toilet put on his coll tr and cottd took bia watoh from under hie pillow and plaoed it in his pocket put on hid bat aod walked with mrs morrison out of tbo burning balldink into tbe street now my doar be said when they wore uafe dout you aoe what a graud thiug it id to keep oool and act with a deliberate purpose iu an emergenoy like tbistt he7byouare drosacdr and o ve i r yonder aro several ladles in oomtlito detbabille jiitt then mrs morrison for the urtt lime fldnoed at her husband yon are rigbt johu she uaid it is a grand thing to keep cool and bet deliber ately but if i bad been you i wool 1 have fettyed in tbe room long enoukh to pot ou my trouserd titbits horses appreciate music there is no doubt but that horses appreoikt ramie says the london live stock journal the writer hue observed in the london streets a cab horse canoe etamp- ing and flogging his tail when a german hand began to play near bim it was a very indifferent band but tho borne pricked bia oars addnulebedwtthxhounctiltaa-ed- pleasaro of an unoritioal hearer it is asset ted that lord huluud au ecoeutric peer who lived in william ills time thought so much of tho happiness of hia horses or had bo high an opiniou of tbe beneficial effect upon them of musio that be had a suitable gsllery conttr acted and provided hia stud with a weekly concert he was laughed at of oourse but be waa not lo be deterred by rldioul from a proceeding wbioh he malit lined cbeered tbe heatti of his horses and improved their tempers whether the improvement in their tempers was permanent isa point on which wo aro not enlightened but wo have the evidence of an eyewitness that the horses seemtd great deligbtsd with the performance bat again tbe reoord la silent on an interesting point we aro not told bow they expressed the enthusiasm the writsr does not doubt tboao fortunate horses felt to those about to marry young men or old men who ioteud to marry will be pleased to learn that the new of arriago aot is roado quite simple by applying to h p moore issuer of marriage licenses at the fuek fbtihb odioe call a few days before the ceremony and havo tbe matter explained private office all baslneastrlctly private and confidential at realdence in evenings s saltdenial la not hard when it it praollo- ed for thoao whom wo love

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