Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1899, p. 2

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onkili in georgetown oo thursday 81st bop torn dor to mr and mrs j n oneill a non moons in guolpb ou thunday i or tor married olton dyeii in hock wood on wojiuobjuv 27tb btuitotnbor by ltev 8 w h olden mr george holton to tilifl a dyer bduouikb hamilton at the residence of tlio bride a parents eraraoia on wednesday 87th hoptombor by io7 k qodden m a mr jobt bousunefof hamilton to miu franoli hamilton bjgcatjblam dlain at the borne of tho bride parents kilbride on wedneiday sunt imb by hot dr abrabam darlington mr john mccauslend of the american expross co niagara palls n y to tena daugbtor of mr ttaomaa blair guunoii watson at tbo retldonoo of tbo brides parontb htreetevllle on wednesday sdth september by iter j a chapman m a mr orauro r church editor of tbo iteview to ijona may daugbtor of mr eg watson all of btreotsvlue jbuctott xu floss thubsday octobeb 6 1839 thanksqivinq day for years there bave been protests that thanksgiving day usaslly observed late id november was plaoed at too lata a date and that it waa liable to be oharaoterlzed by inclement weather whloh meant colds or worse or a day in tbe bouse to tbe citizens who should bave beea enjoying a gonuine holiday the gnvernment has deaided to break away from the osage of its predecessors and havo fixed thanks giving day for thursday ootober 10 this should be an eminently satisfactory date aboat midway between labor day and ohribtmas it will give a neloome holiday to many toilers whose days of respite from work are generally too few notes and comments it is estimated that 18000 worth of sheep have been killed in kottawasaga township and vicinity daring the put few weeks by dogs the heaviest loser is sir henry wiggins who had 87 killed by a reoent bylaw the townabip gounolls will pay twothird the vsloeot the destroyed animals this fond being maintained by a dog tax same as in eigneilng where tbe amonnt paid for sheep killed by dogs in 1897 was h8 40 and in 1808 1700 herald mr james sutherland if f for north oxford has been appointed to fill tbe vacancy of minister without portfolio in the dominion cabinet created by the death of hon mr geoffrion men on both aides of polltioa will recognize hia qualifications and are attached to him personally he entered the honse of commons in 1880 since 1891 be has made an admirable whip for the party in tha present parliament be has ably filled the chairmanship of tha ballway committee a pekin letter published in london asserts that russian asoendanoy there is a thing of tbe past and that the japanese are having all their own way way the chinese having put themielvea unreserved ly in tbe handa of the japanese for the remodelling of their army and navy tbe ocrrebpondent adds that as soon as tbe japanese battleships and ornsiers building abroad are computed japan will seize cores and with chinese htlp will endehvor to drive out bussia from port arthur manchuria and northern china beardmores improvements thalr new filtering apparatus leaves the refuse water nearly as clear aa crystal it is a common saying here that beard- more co and their managera are never loppy unless engaged with a large staff of workmen efiteoting extensions and im provements if this be irne- tbey verily mnat have been extremely happy this year i tnprovementa have been numerous and extensive the new pnmping apparatus for water supply la about oomplete it inolndea a powerful pomp with a capacity of 800 gallons per minute fad through a tan inch snotion pipe from a tank about 14x11x12 tnt containing 17000 gallons the pomp has also two valvia for fire hose oonneollona and tbe oilier day threw streams over tbe sevenstory dry loft at the tannery tbe new offioaa wbioh are to be fitted np with polished blroh woodwork and modern office fittings and dra proof vault vmih an sxtentlon to the belting depart ment overhead will shortly be finished new sweat houses s0x60 are in oonrse of ertctlon and tbe walls of tbe new ware house at the g t b station will shortly begin to rise nnder the bricklayers hands but the most important work of the j ear has been tbe oonstruollon of the new filtering spparatus this was oompleled a ooople ol weeks ago and is now in very enraessfol operation tbs work was a very large and cosily undertaking larger iban anyslmlllar plant in canada bat the result we predict will be satisfactory to all concerned to take the discoloration ont of the bad of the stream after it has or en in use for half a oentory by the tanneries without proper niters is out of the question and waa not expaoted by the saiboritiei bat the water passing into tbe strsam now from tbe filtering bed la re markably pure and free from any oolor or odor to aooompllsh this very desirable eud has coat tbe firm a summera work withalarge number of workmen andean outlay sotnethlrigilke l6w0of70o0 the process in operation la aonathing different from any heretofore in nee all tbe refuse from the tanneries now flows luto large settling vats from this all crrjanlo matter is pumped by a powerful pump throogh four inob metal pipaa to tha top ot tbe bill above tha tanneries and theoce distributed over the firms farm there tbs liquid matter peroolatea through a series of ooke filtering basins and is than con voyed throogh sluiceways to the filtering beds some 500 yards distant than are two filtering bade each 3ssxl feet oon struoted npon most modern plans and here the final purifying takes plaoe 1h firm has oertalnly taken practical means to obviate any farther annoyanos to property owners along ths stream and it is boped thalr effort will prove eminently satisfactory to all oonoerned our trade booming an increase of over 9000000 ir auffuat and september also away in advance septembers biq revenue ottawa oot 8 the trade figured of tbo dominion for tbe month of auguet hat were ieaaod by the department of customs last week thoy show marvellous develop ment in canadas trade aa compared with tbe iime period in 1898 for tha month the aggregate trade inorofliod by 90017000 as oompared with august last year the importa ahow an moreaae of over 93000000 while the exports are nearly 90000000 greater than for august 1b0b the customs revenue for the month of september hue gone up like a rooket it is unprecedented in tbe history of the oo an try when it stopped at the two million mark in september 1808 it waa considered good bat i ait september was still over a half million better all tbe returns ot the revenue for the month wbioh closed qn saturday last have been received at tbe oastoms depart ment tbe revenue for september 1800 waa 92011000 compared with 92080650 oo m pared with 92080651 for september 1808 an increase for uet month of 9524900 h alton county fair flno show of live stock especially loreee and the attendance lara milton show was favored with fine clear weather a factor very important with every fall fair tbe temperatnre waa a trifle lower than anyone with thin blood coold enjoy but the day waa a typical autumn one the at ten dan oe was good and the exhibits nearly all above the aver age though there were murmuring on all sidej against the new regulation requirings exhibitors to pay for each entry made for this reason tbe hall was not aa well filled as formerly in a number of depart ments the morning being fine brought the people in early from all parts of the county and surrounding districts while the trains from toronto and hamilton eaoh brought a goodly number whloh by noon had welled the crowd and given the oonnty town a lively appearance the exhibit of horses for which our county is noted waa one of the finest ever seen here each class was well represent ed tbe ugbt carriage teams andslngle driv ers being particularly large all kinda of stock were fairly well represented aa was also poultry and pigeons tbe exhibit of vegetables was small but tha quality waa good fruit exhibit was mall with the exception of apples whloh were very folly represented and of excel lent quality in the main hall the small exhibits were gathered together and well arranged o aa to give the visitors free acoesa to inspect here waa shown beautiful fanoy work of all kinds wbioh of coarse attract ed the ladles in large numbers also the honey cooking and dairy exhibits stoves pianos harness photographic displays eto peanut and candy men were plentiful but fakers were excluded from the grounds a matter whloh visitors to the fair appre ciated very much some previous years were notorious for the numbers of unprin cipled fakirs who were allowed to play their nefarious games for a consideration the change was marked and satisfactory milton baud provided muiio and enliven ed tbe proceed in ga from time to time the concert in tbe evening was a gratifying s access georgetown tbe water in tbe reservoir has run down pretty low the paat week the motors in town were shut off laat friday a oltizan writes to the herald com plaining that tbe sabbath is desecrated here by the bntoher oarryiug on business at the slaughter house the barber in his shop tbe candy store open for business and now since tbe generous grand trunk baa given us a sunday service we have the nnsigfatly express wagon oartiog baggage np and down the town has it come to tblal surely the citizen cannot sub stantiate all theae obarges if so it it surely time the authorities were putting the provisions of the lords day aot in force mr samuel molam has coma from point edward to act aa watchman on tbe credit bridge during tbe repairs there there was a big crowd in town yesterday at the fair the concert at night attracted large crowd very interesting harvest home services were held in tbe methodist church on sunday and monday the sunday school rally on sunday afternoon was a very fine ervioe addressee were delivered by mr ltoblan grant president of tbe county bnnday school association and by mr b d warren superintendent of tbe baptist sobool fbom all ovib canada come lettera tell ing as of the great benefits derived from tbe use of tha dal menthol plasters in case of neuralgia rheumatism lame baok etc davis jfc lawrence co ltd manufacturers if tbe fool would persist in bia folly he would become wlae tbat torobblng headache would qoiokly leave yon if you nee dr kidrb new life pills thousands of sofferera have proved tbslr matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches tbey make pare blood and strong nerves and builds up your health easy to lake try hem only 35 cent money back if not cured sold hy j d mokee druggist mr and mrs john m bead of gaelph were patseogera on tbe illfated a team ship soouman they ware rescued by an outgoing ateamer and went baok to liver pool twenty p cen below j h hamilton of ths old reliable marble and granite works guelpb announces that he will ooqtlnue to place he beat o of gmnlts and merbls monuments tombs eto at prioea guar anteed to bt twenty par ont below othaff no agent to receive oommlselona expenses allowed o and from ooelph fo purchasers he whose faoe gives no light aball never become a star a frightful blunder will often cause a horrible burn boald cat or bruise baoklena arnica salve tbe beat in tha world will kill the pain and promply heal it cures old sores fever boree ulcers bolls felons corn a all skin j5r options beat pile care on earth only 25 cent a box care guaranteed sold by j d mokee dragglsl eternity is in love with the productions of time spains greatest need wheat ohowilsfa in fclanitoqa tho farmers anxiety the trash ing and marketing in my kit i intimated n probable reference to tbe climacteric point of farm labor in manitoba viz tho throabiug in another lettir thero itro many things in tho preceding months tending to cause anxuty to the farmer who has bo much itivked ou the dtaff of life grunted timely and sultille seeding neaaon the growing time is menaced with several possible op pot in k forces the frost is one of theao as the ripen lug approaches tho dreal of froat is alwaje present for in a bio lu hour tho hopes of i beaboa may be blatted howover it ii pleasant to state tbat this ia a decroasing force this year thero haa beeu very little indeed before i loft home there was word ot a serious visitation at ludian head whiob is aince stated to have been over estimated hail ia another element of danger a btorra may come suddenly aoconipauied by hail and in a few minuted a man may be halted out ti a very soriors extant tbie i think is aho decreasing thero waa very littlethts jear in regard to these two there it however a system of mutual assurance wtttoh partially rilieves the farmer in bia loss there was somo years ago a great anuoj an oo and lose not bo eerioau now from gophers these liito auimula burrow in tbe wheat fields and beside cutting down the stookb throw np their mounds in auoh a way aa not only to destroy grain but oauae serious ant oyance in outtmg publto money however came to tbe rescue and on a bounty of two oenti per tail great reduction followed an idea of tbo number of them may be formed when it is stated that a youth in this locality who went into the business made over 40 lq one season another queer little opponont is the mole or field mouso not bo much destruc tive aa annoying they prefer a stook and burrow under it and throw up a mound larger than tbat made by our ontario groundhog right in the midst of tbe stook nd up into tbe sheaves and jou would wonder where it oame from not only this but they frequently out the cord band ot the abeaf tbey are albo likely to knaw the tops off a sheaf or two however threshing time baa arrived and tbe turnout is anxiously awaited how did the summer fallow or the back setting or the btubble field do 20 bushels ibcouuted a safe average aud this year there was in many oases more in many less as i intimated sticks take the place of barna for threshing purposes tbe machine is placed between two stacks and tbey are threshed when tbe last shovel ful in done the bignt1 is given and the horses on tbe tongue of the engine start off tho belt falling off every man has some thing to look after and probably in ten minutes tbe grain is beginning to move through at another betting the threbher provides all the help and all the farmer h to doia to look after his g which mr b p olivia of barcelona spatnt oongh almost instntly and oures readily spenda his winters at aiken b o weak nervea had caused severe pains in tbe baok of bia head on using electrlo bitters americas greatest blood and nerve remedy all pain eoon left him he says tbie grand medicine la what bis country needa all amsrloa knows tbat it coree liver and kidosy trouble purifies tbe blwd tonesmp the stomaob ktrengthene the nervm pua vim vigor and new life into very muscls nerve and organ of the body if weak tired or ftlllag you need it every bottle gdaraotssd only 50 cents sold by j d mokee druggiat i generally takes four or more teams to haul to granary or elevator acoordiug to distance it may surprise some how ohoap tbe threshing is done being only 8 and 4 cents per bubbel for wheat and 3rj con to for oats but with a 86inch cylinder and a o0incb separator fed by two men the amount threshed total pretty high laat saturday on thiafarm waa threshed about 2000 bnehels of oats and 488 bushels of wheat stook tbreahlog coats 0 oenta tbe threbber hauls all tbe etookb evan hiring tbe farmers own team it may be or feed ing the men as is sometimes douo having a boarding caboose as well as one for sleeping in one oompany out here stook threshes for 4 cents boarding all jho men tbey bave a selffeeding and self-band- outticg machine with a oyolooe blower that blows tbe straw through a long pipe on to a stack being turned by a man at will in a horaebhoo direction the usual method with straw ia to have a etraw baok a plank about 14 feet long to eaoh end of whloh is attached a atont rope about 12 feet long to eaoh of these a horse ia bltohed and waiting until a large pile ie formed nnder the carriers tbey are rushed at it one rnnnlng nnder the carriers and away goes the straw far enough to leave roorn for saooecdiug books one time to one side the next to tbe other tbe two first loads go to tbe engiue for fuel in contemplating the advancea made in threshing apparatus and tbe work done such venerable men as mr asa hall and other men in aoton of even a later genera tion may well draw a long breath as they think of the ohange from the days of tbe open oylinder wbioh bad to ba stopped every 200 sheaves to shake oat the straw and then the chaff bad still to be fanned out it is surprising the number of machines at work there seems to be almost a erase to get an outfit and get threshing the elevator is an important factor in tbe grain business not all for in fact very few farms have granary aooommodaton enongb so it is teamed in a large degree to tbe elevator either to be stored or sold according to the cboioe of the farmer nearly every station has one or two elevators these tall buildings are a notloable feature of manitoba village build ings and look to an aotonlau something like a very small section right to tbe top of one of ths tanneries i may say tbat the straw exoept some good oat straw perhaps la fired very soon after threshing night after night the blsze or reflection of a dozen or more fires can be aeen in all directions lighting np the horizon having tried to intereet your readers those who were not previously informed with an account of tbe trip out and the central faota of harvesting threshing and marketing i think the time haa aboat oo me to make my bow and retire any further information would be cheerfully given your readera when possible on apdlloatlon after my return if they know the street and number thanking you and your readers for your indulgence i am yours j 8 o chater man sept 2gth 1800 no bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings cnoupfl coooiis an colds are all quick ly cared by pynype torsi it lessens tbe after effectq of the fever mre angle of merrltton suffored so severely that her frlondo feared she was likely to bo a permanent invalid r in tho pioturoecjuo vitltge of merriton roiiidim mre william angle who after moiithe of uu turing has found a cure from tho uao of dr willmmv pink pih mre allele r lttsa tia foil iwa the experience through which alio has passed four yeara ago this spring while a resident of bufmi bad au attack of typhoid fever and tbe dtacaee left me m a worn cut aud extremely nervous opudluou so that tlio least noise ttmud mo i ootid not sleep at times for a week on aooount of limbic attacks of heat t troubte then tigain my hoal would trouble mo- aud 1 hid bad dreams i lud no appetito aud loit twenty two pounda iu weight and had became so very thiu that my friends were alarmed while in this condition i wai treated by two phybioians but with no avail i tried everything recommended but dtill found no rolief finally a friend porsuaded mo to try dr syilimv pink pills aftr i had taken tho flrtt box i could see a change for tho better bo i con tinuod the nse ot ihe pillt until i had fiuiabed six bixe aud tho results were moat gratifying 1 now havo normal rlep thero is nomoro iwifhmg in ray hands the ptflpiutioub have ceased and i have gamed in weight and btrcngth my whole eyttem seems toned up aud i fetl enltrtly well i feel grateful to the dr williama medicine co and hope they will keep up the good work ot adminutefing to the a filleted dr williams pink pills cure by going to tbe rort of the dibeuae they renew and build up the blood and strengthen tbe nervea thus driving disease from the system avoid imitations by insisting tbat etery box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing tbe full trade mark dr williama plok pills for pule people tho roaring of lions tbe howling of wolves the ragiog of tho stormy sea and the destructive sword are portions of eter nity too great for tbe eye of man the d4l emulsion op cod liver oil may be taken with most benefloial results by those who are run down or buffering from after effect of u grippe made by davis lawrence go ltd an enterprising firm there are few men moro wide aw ike and enterpneing than j d mokee who spares no pains to secure the bott of every thing in hie line for bia many customers he now bee the agency for dr kings new discovery which snrely curea con sumption coughs end colds this ia the wonderful remedy tbat la now produoing ao much excitement all over tho conntry by iti many startling ourea it absolutely oureb aatbma bronobltla nausea- and all affections of the throat cheat and lungs you can test it before buying by calling at the above drug store aud get a trial bottle free or regular size for 60o and 91 00 guaranteed to oureroirprlcerrefnnded the fall fairs list of the agricultural exhibitions whloh interest free preaa readers puslinoh aberfoyle oot 0 eramosa book wood oot 10 11 worlds fair rock ton oot 10 11 erin erin oot id 20 uk dl crs2 the best antirheumatic vojpaloia plaster made sb 5 tin b0j price 33l in1yd iamess2 rous pwcetioo m wwncecoltt uractweto truth can never be toh bo aa to be understood and uot be believed seaaiisssrs s i the d l emulsion the d 4 l emulsion la tbe best and most palatnbln preparation of cod liver oil igreelng with tho mort delicate stomachs the d l emulsion is prescribed br tha leading pbrslcuns sf the d a l emulsion is a marvslloui ccsh producer and will rra jou an appetite 00c a 91 per bottle beturwyotjeetl davis ft lawrence tbo genuine co limited montreal avsajsk the particulars of the foundering of the dominion liner scotsman at belle isle are particularly harrowing twenty four persona were drowned tho pillago and cowardly conduct of tbe atekora and fire men was most disgraceful a urge portion of their booty was scoured by the police aa the looters came to montreal on- sat urday tbe most obstinate coll manufaotured by tbe proprietors of perry davis pain kill or he who desires but acta not breeds pes tilence a phtsioun is not always at band guard yourself against sudden oongfaa and oolde by keeping a bottle of painkutar in the house avoid substitutes thsre is bat one piinkillor perry davis 35o and 50o wbat la now proved waa once only m atoned llatsn to tbe foola reproach it la a kingly title a man just in the act of lifting a barrel of hour felt a band laid on his shoulder stop i said the stranger you cant lift tbat how do you know i cant said man because i am a physician and know its impossible that may be said the man but i know i can and be stoop- cd and lifted tbe barrel to bis shoulder what made you so sure you could do it asked ihe astonished physician because ive been doing it every day for years said the man there are physicians who say in good faith to those whose lungs are worn by dls ease it is impossible to help you and yet thousands of these impossibles have been helped and healed by dr r v pierce whose golden medical discovery lias cured them when the hollow cheek the rasping cough the burninar flush and night sweats have all pointed to consumption ninetyeight out of every hundred such impossible cases can be cured says dr pierce what make him ao sure be cause he baa been curing just such cases for more than thirty years golden med ical discovery is strength to tbe stomach life to the lunsrs nourishment to the nervea it makes new blood and the new blood builds a new body a fit temple of health there la nothing juntas good aa golden medical discovery so let no one deceive you into accepting a substitute i beg- to state that i hive used three bottle of dr pierces golden medical dlscorery ainee my correspondence with you and find treat tof provement in ray ease writes mr a 1 no otny of new york n y box 1437 j feci that i am in need of no more medical assistance when i started to take yoar medldne i had regular consumptive couglt of which i was afraid and every body dmttoued and warned me concerning it i was lositiff weight rapidly was cry pale and had no appetite whatever now my condition la chsnrnl entirely i do not cough at all liave gained eight pounds in weight have recovered my healthy color and my appe tite la enormous 1 can recommend your merit cine as it is n pure aire no buiititff m are moat other patent medicine dr pierces reliefs cure biliousness it lans hue to ioo your neighbor as yourself when your neighbor ih it pretty pul it 19 jutt as oisy to cure jourmlf of ctttarrh bronchitis or a turns if jou ujo caturrhozono tho no v medicated air treat moot for oil diseases ot tlm imaol and rebponttory pamugb c inert hy ytrm lift catnrrh- ozmio cures by inhalation wiihoui danger orridklo tha tuflvrcr it job wherever air can go aud never ftnlh 10 reach the affected parte this is why it excels treat ments requiring tho use of spruya douches powdors ointment ao which cunnot reach tbe neat of tlio dibcase and aro there fore useless for ealo at all druggists or direct by tnjil pnoo 81 00 fccud 10j in fctimpito 1 c poison it co manufv chemists kington onr for bsmple outqt llov dr iottb stated in toronto on suuday nilit that n domatiuu of 2 000 bid just been received from mr and mrs j w flavelh towards tho cndonim t fund of viotorm umvermty czxztz tr cr iiakd therc is rd is cr ram or 1 tshe iktrmju ck cxsri thut raisuilic wii hot re 1 licvc look out for iimtticfyormd 8ub- j qtitutc3 the qcnune bottle bears the name peshy davjs 0 30m to oreat a iiltlj uower ia tho labonr of iges ooooo o ooooco a quick cure 8 for coughs and colds pynypeetoraij the canadian remedy for all throatahd lung affections large bottles 25 cents davis ft lawrence co limited props perry davis pals killer new york montreal 5qoooo 0 rvsnkvjjpiv yafitnn i in ten headaches 3 can be cured with ten hoffman h headache powders a simple prm tlcal perfectly srirc posltlvoly linim leas spoclflo for all kinds of hcisdmhc- whatovor tho cause hoffmann headache powders aro tiot cattisrtlc nor narcotic but tonic it tliclr direct tlioy ruiovo none utomiul sold by dniffslstb overwhtr in 10c envelopes und 2c boxen tu jltnis droff co iiridrelitir r mmmmwm a beautiful solid sold shell blntf we do not wont a cent in advance send us your name and address and jwe will send you a dozen t sample packages of our snap perfume j to sell for us at s cent per package when you have sold them return us our money 190 and j we will send you frle yourcnoke of these solid cold shell blnas as shewn in cuts one being a very handsomely engraved band ring the other a 3 stone gem una consisting of two austrian diamonds andabnllunt french red ruby this perfume ia the best ever placed before the public ic destroys all obnoxious cdon and gives tbe breath that fragrant and delicious tweetnets only obuniiabloby snap we are mi traducing purely builness transact any philanthropic splnt on our part universal perfume co it equity chambtn adelamtketoion70 we are now showing ulsters overcoats and pea jackets to fit you in the newest styles splendid qualities and at low prices frieze ulsters at 84 85 87 and up to 813 50 beaver overcoats of fashionable length in black blue and brown at j450 8650 8850 up to 815 kyrl cloth overcoats with vel vet collar in black blue brown and dlive mixtures at 85 86 50 89 and up to 812 whipcord overcoats in tw lengths 33 and 36 inches at 88 50 810 and 812 pea jackets of iriezc and naps in black dlue brown and olive mixtures with wool lining and storm collar at 8450 85 85 50 and up to 88 boys overcoats and reefers all sizes ranging in price from 82 to 97 theres a reason for our evergrowing business in readytowear clothing what is it d e macdonald bro golden lion guelph grandtrunk railway system great tourist line to northern ontario thl 1amous hunting gkounds the sportsmans iakadisli the muskoka lakes district huntsvllle georgian bay mngenetnwan pefietanff caboconk severn lake of biys moon river parry sound midland hallburton north bay all are situated on the grand trunk 8ys- lem foders and hunting guides with full particulars as to rates time limits and train service to the northern districts of ontario from all gtr agents h 8 holmee agent aoton m 0 dickson diet pasar- agt toronto oct 5m the right house ilhtadijishin 1843 hamilton s i avoritl shopping placl about that new fall dress in all probibility you are going to get a new dress this fall sometime somewhere you cin buy it hero to best advantage theres no doubt of that ijecause we hae by far the biggest and beat stock of dress matcriils in this icinlty be sure and see our showings if you are in the city but if you cannot come to hamilton you can get the benefit of our immense slocks and our low prices by- shopping by mail write us for samples of anything you require here are some hints all wool scotch tweeds good qualities 44 inches wide 40c and 25c imperial suitings 50 inches wide in fawn green and blue 50c cheviot suitings 50 inches wide in blue reseda brown fawn and green 35c taney plaid dress materials m a large variety of pretty designs and colorings genuine scotch tartans 40 inch regular alue 50c for 35c taney brocades in garnet brown blue purple green and red mix tures 44 inches wide 40c tweed suitings 42 inches wide in brown blue green and red shad ings 60c and 50c vigoreaux suitings all wool in reseda grey fawn blue and green 44 inch 50c all wool plain sedan suitings for jackets and skirts 44 inches wide in brown green garnet purple blue grey and cardinal 75 and 65c and these in black- all wool coating serge very special alues 42 and 46 inches wide at 50 35c and 8125 figured poplins all wool arious pretty patterns lirge and small designs 42 inches wide 40c 44 inches wide 50c satin cloths and soleils all wool eura value 44 inch 50 and 40c ladies cloth very special 44 inches wide 75 65 and 40 flannel department new flannelettes in a large variety of fancy stripped patterns good reliable qualities 30 inches wide 5c 33 inches wide 7c 36 inches wide 8jc english and american wrapperettes in various new patterns 8c up to 15c grey tlannels all wool excellent quality light or dark grey plain or frill 25 inch per yard 22 and 20c 28 inch 35 32 30 and 25c 25 inch union grey flannel good values at 15 12 and 8c navy blue flannel good quality all wool 27 inches wide worth much more than the price we ask 25c flannel sheetings in grey and white good wearing makes union 36 inch 32i and 25c union 72 inch 50 and 65c all wool 72 inch 90 and 75c rianneletie sheeting 72 inch in grey and white twill 35c and lain pla 25c cottourdes 5 immense variety of designs and qualities all very special value ranging from 25c down to 10c mall orders receive prompt attention we prepay the freight or express to any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting to 5 or over write for samples thomas c watkins king st east corhughson st hamilton proper fo sole numul u of liririb mill vlllnro lroporty fur milo on cimy u i ion apiily to w m iiusibtkeet aotou ya inplii 1 hifus nun of tiiutictrr to trael unci i nnuitn hnur paid aul txiiutifces iiiiadley ouuulhon co tltilltcd ilrniurora hetficr astray rpp fah ot i 1 v i ir 1 ulnnpil on tho i i iiiihifiiif nit milih tl lot 1 onn 4 i 1 hi nhoiit two wtiu 11 to owner lilv iho niifuihl hy irovii u uily mid nitif xixjubtjh i h dtry down to- business last week tax our energie jptheutmost supplying- the demand for warmer goods the mantle depajtment and the overcoat department were drawn on heavily our mantles this season are a success we imported largely and hought the best we could find in the leading factories for 5 you can buy such a garment as in the past would cost you double the money there are mantles at more and at less money but we say our mantles at 5 750 and 9 are the best in the trade we are doing a fine trade in mens readytowear clothing we are doing it because we give you something above and beyond the ordinary readymade goods no need to pay big prices for ordered goods you can come and buy your suit and overcoat here and get what you want and as good as you want it without paying out a whole handful of money we buy our material from the mills and get it made for our own trade and made as well as any ordered goods and better than most we do say that you wont do your self or us justice if you go and place an order before seeing our stock the frank dowler co cuelphs greatest store labibastkay str a rr 1 jipii tl i 1 is mimtt lot 23 eon h i iifr 1 j niu limu ti j o n ri niik lamb li ii v ltd itti i chwhi uu j ittiho provo ti di li 1 j utnl 1 uy xi 1 tint u 1 hitsnaiiu imos eaquehue fitiit aatii ifaoo agents did 30u mer think of imndllrt cur lotcot work 1 iio llrlit of lmfu i if not now ia tvfioodtitne to blurt m a dity 3uro eomo nmko twtco that ixiiknci or capital tinnocrrarv thu uhadlci qaitretson co limited hi ant ford ontario agents our book ilreokfnbt dinner and furrcr it a revelation in dolirhtful cookery iti tbo boat advertised mont patronized jeadt criticised and most ouloniztd a snap for snap banters hhadlcy gaitltetson co limited brant ford jtoit sale two double brick cottngos on oung stroot aotou with all convenlonceb a good investment u thoy bring in aid a month j rfvatthewfl ot jab firbtbrook acton toronto teaming a 8 mr mttuhcwa haa leased bia farm the undersigned 1 now open for orders for all kinds of teaming orders left at tbo post 0 til co or at my boueo will receive prompt attention chab declute acton oct 2nd ibco four new houses f sal tpouit new homes on easy torms will clva j tbe beat chance tbat ever waa offered in aoton will talto ono buudred dollars down and five dollars a month for tho balance tbe bouses are at present rented for five a month tbey havo hard and soft water good oellors and are near tbo tanneries now is tbe ebanca to secure a homo as i am giving up building and going farming w p campbell clrurch street acton auction sale farmers and othera who may docide to hold an auction sale aro invited to call at tbo fkb pubss otflco for sample posters and prlcoa wo rive special attention to the execution of bale bills and as a result tbey are always in favor with auctioneer and the public generally fukb pbkss sale bills will bo found neat attractive wall dlsplayod and printed on luporior papor frloos aro reaaouaule and tbo couvenieuco of tbo customer is always studied in the matter of promptness in the execution of tbe bills anatloueercan be arranged for at this offlco fuse phebh offlco h p moore acton editor publisher farm for sale in e east half of lot 22 eon 3 in tbo townabip ofesquosiaikcanntyjthltou300ra in gooaitato of cultivation ntitalass brick bonstt framo barn with stone stables under eatb all otber necessary out bulldiugs aud an abundant sapplr of water 2 acres orchard also lot 23 eon 3 esqueslnfr 900 acres 40 aeres cleared balance timber laud conipoied of pine bard wood tamarack and oedar will soil lu block or in 100 acre lota the abova farms aro situated two mlios from acton atatton for terms apply to kinnard bhob acton p o ujhe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert noble8 flour feed store at acton also mill feed and ped grain of all kinds chop- wewant delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price in cash r noble for school reopening new choice and artistic cover desingns for bxercises and scribblers and all the necessary text books and school requisites fanoy stationery a large assortment of the latest writing tablets of artistic design good quality and popular prices all the newest shades in writing pap ers with envelopes to match a t brown mill stretl acton- solid gold ri85 best gold fill 180 8 yra gold fill 100 best glnanoa 100 wostwnoteo perfect satisfaction globe optical co s3 yongo street toronto cohl order your coal bow from j c hill coal daalor tlrst class coal of all sizes required delivered promptly at reason able prices stoves ranges pipes pipe varnish stove boards coal scullles etc cton j c hill wanted agents in every district on tbo continent to take orders for high grade canadian grown nursery stock and beoda largest and most oomplete assortment in the trade fatt- selling specialties superb samples furnished free correspondence in any language thess positions are money makers and territory should bo secured at once for the season by all hustlers looking for a good thing our salary or com mission offers interest to anyone not earn in 1000 00 per year uet in communication with our nearest office an opportunity to represent awelleitablubed bouse ability more lmpor tant than experience luke brothers oompany international nurseries chicago 111 montreal que rochester n t faitm for 3500 43 k wiu haj plendld farm conalatlmi tijtpvv of 100 acres of wost half of lot no 10 4th oon in the townabip of erin wellington county this farm la situated about five miles from aoton and two miles from ospringo there are about 83 acres under cnltitatlon aud 18 acres of good hardwood busb the buildings comprise log house flood frame barn and ahods there is a neverfailing spring oreek running through the corner of farm if not sold it will be rented for farther particulars apply to h bwaoktuinibb r osprlnge ortoj o johnson 70 brunswick avenue toronto four parcels ot valuable property in acton for sale t belonging to mr pathiok ifillv now of buffalo i orrored for aaje at lew prices and easy terms paboxi 1 that one brlok realdence and two lotiion the corner etohnrobandoaelphstrmta 2s jooisnsrd ml 10ft orahard ond sood cardan n onudlng lot mxim on qulpb street nsit to alex bamshaws now roaldenoe npon which is a young orchard pabobz athy store and dwelling on mill mat occupied by unrney bros who carry on ijk2 u splendid location esntanal and convenient pibckl 4 three good lralldlng lots at the corner of youngend mui btreats a splendid ottip ow for terms aud particulars enquire at the office w h denny young sl aotou what it represents when yon alt or a photograph you want he likeness to roptosent you properly when yon sit to ns we want the work to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none but the beat photo- kraphs and or our sake as well as yours we are sure to give you lifelike satisfac tory photographs h r7mshk3n photo rrtist kcton thorps elevator c t b station rockwood no open for the season highest prices paid for oats peas barley wheat rye etc also on hand for sale plour feed flaxseed olloake oatmeal commeal sulphur oattla salts eto horse and cattle map sheepskins eto wanted ceo j thorp ouelpb slmira and xocmnrood busi chang j c matthews op acton bakery i have bought the stock and business of mrs j b matthews and would be pleased for a continuance of the patronage given her i handle the famous westbtib bread of toronto also a choice line of confection f etc a load of crapes just received w i am selling at 25c a basket ft mattbbws

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