Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1899, p. 3

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the bajm of hamilton charter granted 1872 uk ad o ffioe hamilton on t capital all paid up reserve fund total assets 9 1 404000 1000000 91 3163000 the news at home mostly of a looal charaoter and evorv item interesting j turn13ull cash1lr savings department one dollar or mora received interest pud it best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass hook to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a wrltlon jrder with the pass book security tho government returns show tint depositors in this bank hao oer i ie million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to fcedcattle etc tarmers sale notes collected promptly and ndvances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair bates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in tho city or elsewhere correspondence solicited ceorcetown branch established ovbn twhntt yxabs j p bell aeont ihubsday october 5 1809 little local bbieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week for october tenth month the flowers oat of doors tire done this season only two weeks to fatten tho thanks giving turkeys qoitean aaaaabl ooll snap for firat of october this week potatoes are soiling at 42 to 45 cents per bag at hillsburg thanksgiving day this year will be on thursday october 10th good morning have yon paid your fiiee press subscription baby carriage for sale nearly new add re bb box 76 jtiwe fjiebs office mr a f smith has ibftfiod the rear part of mr jamas matthew farm for a terra of years at the inauguration games last satar day at preston fans defeated the crescents of acton id a soora of fonr t two mr david mills has leased the farm of t mitchell lot 23 con 8 ksqaesing below silver greek and will mave tbero in a coaple of months the lidie aid b of kdox church intend holjior tbetr aorjat1 soc ialoa thanksgiving night a good pro gramme will be provided the front of 0 t hilia store and b bamabawii ttadio have beeu mnob ira proved the past week by the work of a tattafal painter and the addition of a neat awning rev dr carman a addroas to the banday school last sunday afternoon is one wbtob the aoholira and workers will long remember both for its loving senti ment and impressive exhort ition to choose christ mr a p syraon who is about to remove his family t the northwest will ell his household goods by auotlon on sat nrday afternoon at the hoose of mrs rors wott bower avenue wm hematreet auctioneer the briokliyers are now busy on the walls of the new baptist charon t max tod norval who built knox oh a rob has tbeoontraot healao has the contract for the new beard moro warehouse at the g t b station j a speight a co have just put in a floe new rater wheel in their factory at the foot of willow street the former wheel pot in by the father of the present firm aboot a quarter century ago had oat lived it nsefolness during the week qalt entered another protest agalnbk acton in connection with the gntlph game the oaie was heard at toronto taesday eight the protest was not sustained aoton holds the champion hip of the royal district the claaa recently advanced from miss 0 mop bails room to the principals mads the former the recipient hut week of a very pretty gift in the form of a set of glove oollars and ooff boxes and a pin tray miss mophail appreciated very maoh their kindness of heart mill maud cookman who baa been a probationer at the deaconess home in toronto the past year gave a very interest ing description of the work of tbe deaoon- eaara and the course necessary before graduation t tbe prayer meeting in tbe methodist ohuroh list thursday evening the fifth annual convention of the epworth leagues of gntlph district will be held in elora next thursday isth lost among the addressee are tbe epworth leagoo reading course for 1809 by rev j a molaohlan m a and christian citizenship by dr f j r forster actou the fourth letter from mr j s coleman who went to manitoba on tbe narvsit exooraion in august appears in s it those letters have been inter eaflng and tattruotive and being written frfnx an snbiased stand poiot have borne ajjolmpress of truth to fact in all pattlon- j mo paper in canada gives inch fall jfed oomptete market reports ss the wetlhj sun these reports are prepared expressly for farmers and everything tbe farmer want to know aboot prioes will be fonnd there ton oan get the sun and the fn press from now tfntil the end of next year for 9110 mr james matthews has invented ft patented a simple little coritrlvaboe in wblob he believes there is a snug fortons it h nlclwl plated rein guide which is attached to a vehicle abaft in rear of the horse and holds the reloe in suoh position that they are entirely protected from the horses tail no mattsr how much gwitofaing the annl my do mr mat tbsws is iatlsfled it wjll commend itself to drivers at alght to th dur- a rich lady cured of he djtiimilonu iomn ua d by dr nloholsons artifloal bar drams has sent 1 000 to hie institute so that deaf people unable to prooars ths ear drums may bars tbom free apply to department k b tbo institute 780 eight aveoqe iwtorku0 a shortest sesstou on record the muuicipal oouuoil met on monday eveuiouin regular session and transmitted all nectfltury tmalnotm in seven minutes all tho members were preeout exoept comloillor murray kiuanoier clark pre eeuted the twentieth report of bis comtrjitteo aud tho following accounts wero ordered to ho paldou motion of coancihors rrauofi and gjrk george hynd 8ta tionnry 82 t tho goldfo mocullooh oo paint 1 00 itioo lowia a son pulley a 69 lorouto lime co lime 91123 cauadian general electric co euppliep 329 74 tail 845 2ri the electric ujtht extending in addition to tho eight new street lights which tho tiro libt committee are arraugiug for a number of private lights are beiotf put in and other citizens are considering tbe matter during tbe past week tbe light has been inttulled in the store of mr d kopmttn corner mill and main streets only one or two stores in town now remain whiah are not naing electricity mr c 6 smiths residence will boiu tilled m a few days and tbe oommitteo of the baptiat church are considering the advisability of having the the new building wired during hie oourae of construction a possible future iastutltloa an institution which would atonce prove popultr aud conducive to general improve rnent aud pleasure of tho young people of tbe town it mooted as oue of tbe posibilitiea of tbe future for aoton a number of gentlemen interested in tho yonng people in town have suggested the adaptibihty of the power hoube lot on willow and river etreets as the site for a building with accommodation for a gym nasium skating rink swimming hatha and reading rooms the lot is a very line one aud its proximity to the powerhouse would facilitate tbe mttt of heating with exhaust team lighting and ample bupply of water from the pond tbe materialize tion of tho combined bohemo would be hailed with satisfaction by hundreds of our citizens the western excursions the g t r excursions last week were largely patronized and aoton sent a fair quota to westarn points twenty five left here for fort huron and dttroit four to obicago seven to saginaw one to lansing and two to grand rapids among tbem the faee press reporters noticed the following mrs w h storey mrs a a seoord and mesbrs john a mcgratl and thomas eailon went to chicago mrs d henderson and misses lizzie mclam and annie stephenson to surma mrs john lawson sr and master john arthurs to east freemont mrs jean a francis to lowell miss dor aud to grand rapids mrs goodeve to detroit mr john matthews to lansing and mrsforbes and mrs chuholm and children to saginaw million dollar thanksgiving fund powerful sermons by rev dr carman and liberal thank- offortnfla by aoton methodists mccormaca succetts in michigan during tbe past two weeks mr g c clark baa attended race meetings at pjltroitand grand rapids and was reroarkatly buccesful this week he is at pontiao according to- tbe detroit free press at tho detroit traok be swept tho fit 11 in tbe 2 23 class winning every heat against ten other horses tbe free press says the race was an upset all around as a rank outsider mccormao proved to be one of the numerous good tbmgs that the canadian race followers nnoover on mich igan tracks the big son of pelletler taking tbe race in straight heat irene wilton mado tho racing in both tho second and third heats bat it availed her driver and baokera nothing as tbe beet the could do was to lead to the bt retch where clark came on ttrong with mccormao and fin lulled in front each time at grand rapids last week mccormao won second place some fanoy prioes have been offered for mccormao married ut kilbride a very pleasant event occurred at tbe residence of mr thomas bliir ktlbnde last wednesday afternoon 27th nit at one oclock in tbe presence of some fifty guests when miss tena tbe daughter of the home who is welt acquainted in acton was married to mr john mocansland of niagara falls n y rev dr abraham of burlington performed the oeremony the bride wore her travelling dress of dark bine cloth with white silk trimmings and carried a bouquet of cream roses she was assisted by miss jennie mocaoiiand of paris tutor of the groom who was becomingly attired in a gray olotb suit with garnet silk trimmings and carried a bonquet of pink roses the groom was supported by mr fred feathers tone of nelson after a sumptuous dinner the happy couplo left tor buffalo thence they will go to pennsylvania and ohio they were followed with tbe beat wishes of their many friends the presents were numsr- ous and costly showing the ebtm in which the bride was held rockwood aid thorp shipped a oar of turnips to chicago on satarday for which he paid 13 cents per bushel tbis was the first ship ment of tornips made by him this season on wednesday 27h nit mui frances hamilton was marriod to mr john boogbner of hamilton tbe oeremony was performed by tbe rev mr godden at tbe homo of tbe brides parents only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present the bride waa a great favorite and will be much mined by her friends here miss a dyer and mr geo bolton were married by rev mr holden on tbe 27th nit tbe happy couple left for a short trip east returning on monday they will make their home in ths village tbs fall show will takd place on tuesday and wednesday of next week and ws hope will meet with its usual success the concert will be s applied by ths following talent rich and ramsay oorolo singers mies 8nider elocutionist and mrs ramsay pianist mrs m p barry la on a short visit to detroit mr thos sullivan of st paul minn spent a few dajs last week with bis mother here mr wm mccarthy returned home hit week after being in tbe klondike and also spending several months in british colombia mr jaa gordon has a sunflower wbfob certainly takes the caks- tbe flower is four feet iu olroumfsredts the stalk is sight feet high and the leaf measures sixteen and onehalt inohes across ws think this puts that crewsons corners blossom out of tbs business mr geo robinson one of tbs enu township connoiluieu who had fonr ribs broken by a runaway last week and was badly shaken up is improving to ouhe a cold in ontf day take laiatlva bromo qolnlos tablet all iragglsts refund tbe money u it falls to cure tto w grove s slgnatnr is on eseu box tbe twentieth century thanksgiving fcuud movement was pot into praotiaal operation horo luit sunday and the reuults are highly ertiefuotory and encouraging serraoui wore preached morning and eveulng by rev dr carman general superintendent of the churoli subiorip tione and collect iouh wero taken for the twentieth century thanksgiving fund whiob iu u ii oastb tire ubuvu uud distinct from all offerings or iliu regular oiouit and oonuexioual fundi r oflurmue of tho day including tubeoripliona amounted to 8979 25 of whioh oior is pid in oash thid amount will bo considerably aegmeutsd and it ib expected that the fund will reach 1000 for the joed church debt and poaaibly 8100 or 200 for outside oonnexional funds the eecond pa ment of tho subscriptions ia duo on ootober 1st 1900 rev dr ctunianti avrniuna wero ublo and eloquent diucouruea und furotful deolu rations of pcnptural truths in the morn ing he spoke from joabu 3 0 whet mean yon by tbeee hones 7 ho spoke of the monument raised by u nation emerging from slavery and entering a land given by god to an emancipated people who were lifted iotd the digniiy and power of human ity god ordered this monument to bo set up and thus make it necebsary for future generations to ask what does this monument mean the ft or ids monu ments were referred to tbe queetion what do ou mean by the twentieth century thanksgiving movement is now being asked it means a very small effort to do our duty to god and tho oharoh in recognition of his groat blqbbinga of the century now olobiog it means a mighty revival of religion and we would far rather have a great revival without the money than bll tho money talked about without tbe revival tbe amplification waa very helpful and interesting and the drs closing words defined this revival as au entire con secration of our bnbstance to god a revival with a definite aim and a unity in our oonseoratlon the evening die coarse was a stirring and emphatic deliverance opon tbe teit 1 tim a 7 exeroiae thyself unti godliness the value of exeroieo in pbvaioal matters was referred to and it was shown that by energy and exercne success is attained in religion tbe topi a wae then slightly changed to exercise thy bel f unto man liness and upon this phase some very wholesome advice was proffered the qualities or standard of manliness were defined to mean the possession of intel gence courage of convict fonr parity activity self restraint benevolence polite ness candor lofty sentiment high resolve contempt for meanness eto we get men of these qualities by exeroise but godli- nsss pa qualities on a higherr etandard you oan fill all these attributes with divine life we get religion and then work it reference was made to manly sports and the delight to be had in them but said the doctor there ijft coming and going visitors to and from aoton ana varlousother personal notes great danger of losing raanlioees in the success of them the manly sports are all right but god eave us from the demop of intemperance and profanity eo often mixed up with them exercise thyself unto godliness and you honor god and raise tbe highest itiodurd of man the congregation wbb swelled in the morning by the pastor and numerous members of knox churob and in the evening by members of the other congre gations in town the special musio by the choir was appreciated mrs j n smith is visiting friends at peroho station mrs h e mama is visiting fneuds at perohe btttiou mr alex wallle wsb a judge on pigs at berlin tair last week misi may ryder left last friday to visit friends in sarnfa and other points miss jebsio niomiu spent several days during the week with friondiot preston mrs thoraib ehtn went to weston on monday to bpetid a week or so with friondd there mr ci irk howclof st george bpent a day or bo during the week at tbe home of mr john mcqueen mre j s coleman and children are spending a woek or so with relatives at guelph and arkell mre c s smith was a judge on fanoy work and mies exhibits at tbs county fair in milton latt week mr and mrs w h diamond aud frank head of cope town visited at the home of mr john maqaeen last week miss minnie holmes was home from norval over saturday and sunday miss trances whitehead accompanied her mre goodeve of vauoouver b c who baa been visiting at the borne of mr c f goodeve 1ho past mouth left for home yesterday tho fbbb pnsus bad a pliasant oall yesterday from sheriff broddy and mr samuel cbarers of the conservator brampton mra david mills who went ti st mich aels hospiul toronto for treatment three weeks ago returned home last week maoh improved in heulih mr und mr p kjly sr of buffalo n y were in town last week for a coaple of day daring their stay they were the gaests of mr w h xenn a letter from mrs robert nioklin brandon man says that ber second son red la running oo the limited express between brandon and moosejaw as brake- mrs l g matthews and children mr mrs w r keuuey and children miss minnie orr aud miss hazel arnold went to kilbride last week to attand tbe wadding of miss tena blair mr samuel molam of point edward spent a coaple of days this week with friends in town he has tiken a tompor sry situation on the g t r at george town the first employment he has attempted since be lost bis limb at sarma nearly two years ago mr e b jackson of toronto who has boon conducting classes here in voool and instrumental musio for tbe last year and a half has disoont oo aoaoont- of more exacting college work in all probability mibb 8 bah ram of toronto will take his piano classes chas l nelles guelph the big bookstore wall paper window shades room mouldings j d m druggist our agent in acton will attend to jour wants and show prices direct imp why can we sell so cheap because we buy direct from the manufacturer save the middlemans profit and give you the benefit we passed through the customs last week two crates of dinner and toilet ware you are cordially invited to call and examine the same pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bolleits october millinery our deptrture from the old rut in which the millinery irnde of thit city has been running forsomo years has been a wonderful success our trade duilng the month of september just closed was within a few dollars of 1 wo j a mccrea guelph- i 54- members enrolled the free library continues grow in popular favor an immense establishment a georgetown store that can furnish your house from cellar to garret the georgetown herald lakob pride in giving prominenoe t the following few if any places iu the province of george towns blze can boatt of having boch a store aa that of mr j h jaoksoo whose eitblishment has for the patt fifteen years been known aa jacksons book store tbe premises as at present occupied by mr jackson comprise on the ground floor the two large stores on main st south whioh make one of finest business stacda in town including a large basement and five urge apartments io the beoond flat the largest store on tho ground floor is largely occupied with the immense selec tion of fanoy goods of vsrioub olnbses that baa always been a feature of tho establish ment along with school books stationery and kindred goods tbe next floor on tbe ground ib devoted entirely to stoves tin ware and every aittole required for a complete kitohen outfit the hoe of stoves carried is well known as the jewel unexcelled in their substantial build and artistic finish a number of tbeee have already been sent oat tbis autumn to well pleased oustomers tbe basement is devoted to pioture- framing mouldings bed pprings mat tresses q taking a walk op stairs tbe visitor cannot but be ssrpriaed as well as plased at the enterpriwand taste shown in tbe enormous extent of tbe atock and its convenient and complete arrangement for tbe satisfaction of tbe cmtomer in the flcat room in tbe series ii a splendid selection of uptodate carpets curtains draperies o a large amount of whioh was seoured by mr jaokson on tbe oc casion of bis recent visit to new york and philadelphia tbe assoitment io all tbeee lines is very elaborate and in this as in all tho department every effort hue been made to seoore what would best meet tbe needs of popular oustom the next large room to the south is entirely occupied with diningroom and bed room ball and kitohen furniture all nicely arranged according to style and value some very fine goods are shown in tbla department so that tastes may be salted from the expensive to the more modest requirements of the onstomer the next apartmont is devoted to wall papers window shades and ourlaln poles the atleotiou is very complete both in variety and quality latest and roost artistic designs being always on display farther on is one of the handsomest rooms of tbe whole series it is here that tbe upholstered goods aro displayed handsome designs rioh effects in covers and substantial makeop to soil almost every oonoelvable taste the humblest aa wall aa tbe moftpntintloas drawing room can from hers be completely furnished then a step farther and yoa find yoatsclf fn some famished rooms flit id oat hand aomely with goods it looted from the store lu this connection it may he noted that by tbe end of this week the nnnx to the malu vtors at tbs rear wll represent a complete ly fornixbed dining room with title set sad chairs and all other furniture com- put9 tttetmtsbllbmei t throughout is certain ly a great oredit to tbe proprietor showing tbe free library board met in monthly session last friday evening members present j b pearson chair man rev j a molaohlan m a bev j e godden m a thomas t moore john cameron and h p moore the members were glad to welcome bev mr godden back to hi place on the board after an enforced absence through illness of biz months the librarian presented her report for augubt wbioh shotted a tcttl enrollment of 154 members books taken out dnrlng the month 288 olaaaiflod as follows history co biography i voyages and travels 32 science a lid art 5 general litarature 25 poetry 3 notion 105 religions 8 misoeluneoua 56 cash reoeipts catalogues and aards f 1 05 fines 55 cents moved by j a moltohlan seconded by john cameron that the librarians rrpoit just read be adopt d oarried board then adjourned cccc gcurney fe co mill st acton for special values in pall underwear slsves and hosiery perfect fitting corsets in black grey and fawn special at 100 our blankets at ioo are leaders new wrapperette cloths in newest pat terns special at ioc try a package of our social tea special at 25c lb curn6y si co askstkkfk and one half times larger than during tho same lime in former years con ditions are qonstantly changing nnd tbo old method of houses generally of laying in a season a supply of tall millinery in august and holding back the goods until near the end of september in order to make a grand millinery opening display is not suited to a progressive business people want the newest ideas as fast as they appear and our pun of having millinery open ingo every day that is being in constant receipt of ihc very newest and opening anc offering as it arrives his been a most gratifying success to do this requires being in constant touch with the best mirkets and makers thus we have established to perfection to day we are opening to ship monts of millinery novelties from lurope on saturday last we opened three lots of american styles in hats almost daily from somewhere wc open new lines this is the idea that governs our millinery department always the newest and ahead of others october will see the attractiveness of this in our millinery room we ask ladles not to he nfraid to come and see our styles whether you are our customers or not it will bo to your advantage whether you buy here or not you itc not line y to sec the same idea elsewhere and you are welcome here for every thy it opening dnv is showing day k millinery at dry goods profits e r bpllert fe co 25 and 27 wyudham st gtjyelph a stylish shoe for qenttsattsd these shoes are made from two kinds of leather one very fine dongola the other a fine smooth leather large white eyelets solid insoles sample in show window imeill the shoe man guelph 8 stores nelson me reliant tailor and gents furnisher gu9lph 7vteis op the 1tforld a j f tuiiuj 1 iji thiir l ui neck wear underwear gloves and everything that comes under the head of men s furnish ings wc have selected our tall stock for tho critical taste ind we have the newest things in stiff bosom colored shirts also white new shapes in collars all the novelties in neckwear handsome umbrellas and undcrweir at prices thit will please you try a suit of wright s health underweir it will delight you princrles special mens strong watches w-m-m-m-i-h- everton on sunday the 16th rev q brand will prekoli the aaooal urmoo to the soaletyof 0 o o f io tbe diioiploi gbiiroh here sorvioo will begin t 7 30 p m mr j bloke grnndeon h hamilton left on friday morning for toronto he parposes ependloa oar yemn al toronto univeraity he baa ohoaen the medioal profeaaion mr and mra geo oopolaod have had ft few weeks viail with frieoda and relativea in varney teeswater and drajton mra w m tovell waa oat to me hon on sunday morning after an ilineii wbioh kepther at home abont two montba jiibb smallhorn baa gone to mint or a vieit with relativea the miniatar leada the epworth leaguo una week subject being our own ohoroh mra wm evett and miaa grlndtll apenl monday afternoon with mra grlndtll lilto cottrge sick ml positively cured iry tlieae jllttle pill they also relieve distresi from djrpepau indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi- neu bad taste in the mouth coated tongue fain in the side torpid over they regulate tbe bowels purely vegetable mall phi 8mall dose small price- substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get cartels ask for carters iribist and demand farters i ittlc liver pills much energy and antrprlte ths fall opening wi 1 lake plaoe on wedneeley 4 h october mr jaokson or bis assiatauli will be di lighted to show yon tbroonh on that day or at voor earliest oonvenleno bat do not miss an oppottanity of aeeing ihuij established in cuelph 51 years savage co optioifens isi44usmi jusjai 1 you are cordially invited to be present and see the newest styles in hats is bonnets to be shown at our millinery qpeqtrig during this week thenew dress fabrics braids silks jackets golf capes and furs will also be displayed d e macdonald fe bro kmams if fib iii w anted iko pr fltj ur gentleman or ituliea paotal 96 work potltlttn pwrmanant reliable arm kith lmt rftetm work addreva exhrlnoe unuemmrj 8 u pry field maoar toronto if other had n t bean foollh wt tlmiufd tw to no 1 waltham model strong ecrow duetproof cases no 2 do do no 8 rockford model in sciow dustproof cases no 4 do do no 5 do do no 6 do do 00 10 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 20 00 wo keep all grades of american watches at fiora 5 00 up but tho above ore our best they are made niter our own design and are guaranteed perfect from every fault possible to guard against gd pringl6 jew6ler f guelph henderson co glasgow house millinery opening -and- grand display m m i ii i 1 hhi of dress goods mkntles etc we wish to intimate to the ladies of acton and vicinity that our stock of fall millinery will be open for their inspec tion on wednesday sept 27th and following days miss campbed is again in charge and has spared no puns o mike tins he most successful season wo have ever had our whole stafl have none to great trouble and expenso this season to equip themselves with all the latest ideas nnd how to execute them everybody welcome if last aoton henderson co- hosiery a full line of ladies and childrens both cottons and cashmeres sizes 4 to 9 prices from 5c up und6rwerr ladies tlnderwear a lare range to choose from and at the lowest price you should see tlieni c f goodeve co mill street aoton

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