Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 5, 1899, p. 4

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been sick r perhaps you havo had the grippe or a hard cold you may bo recovering from malaria or a slow fever i possibly some it will remove all impuri ties from your blood it is also a tonic of immcnso valje give nature a little help at this time aid her by removing all the products of disease from your blood if your bowels are not just right avers plls will moke them sq send for cur book ot diet in consti pation mmve f o oar daetera tvo havo ths excliulvo settlees of some of the most eminent vhral olani in tbe united states tvrlta freely and receive a prompt reply wlthont cock thtjbbday october s 1809 uje fjrrottji folks send tbeu t bed witbt a kiss 0 motion fo weary discouraged worn out with the cares or tbo day you often grow oroaa and impatient complain ot the nolae and the play ior the day brings ao many vexations bo many thldgigoing atnlaat bat mothera whatever may vex yon band the children to bad with a kits t the dear little loot wander often perhaps from the pathway ot right tbo dear little handa and new mlsohisf to try you from morn till night dot think of tbe desolate mothers whod sire all the world for yonr bllaa and as thanks for yonr infinite blastings bend the children to bed with a klai i for some day tholr noise will not tex yon the alienee wilt hnrt yon far more yon will long for the sweet children voioea for a sweet ohlldlsh faoo at the door and to press a obllds face to yonr bosom yond give all the world for j tut this for the comfort twill bring yon in sorrow bend tbe bhlldren to bed with a kiss i jveto orlcant picayune paced by d when abraham baplro ot patorion n x prsotioed fanning in hi boyhood days and earned uarels as a sprinter ha prob ably did not dream that some day be would have to race for his life with oompetltors not of flash and blood baplro has oharge of the mixing van at tbe kaiz brewery borne of the vata were the other day and the opportunity cleaning ths machinery was oonsldered in the centre of eaoh vat is an priabt abaft to this ara attaohed two seta of large paddles the edges of whlob are sharp as knives those are driven around at high speed and the boiling malt is thoroughly mixed baplro had been cleaning and sharpening the huge blades and told mokay his assistant to go to the next room and raise tbe lever that allows ihe malt to how id be wished to see it it was in working order he remained in the vat and a moment later was borrifled to sse tbe great bladss move baplro also began to move for he rightly oonoladed that mokay had raiaed the wrong lever and that he wonld have to keep moving nntil the mistake oould be notified bat fright had incapacitated mokay who heard the ories of bapira and was soon at the aids ot the vat what he there saw transfigured him and robbed him of all presenoe ot mind baplro now raoing about the little circle might as well have been alone ha knew just how fast be had to go for while one set of knivea waa pursuing bim tbe other moving at tbe same speed was making pace for bim the paoe finally reaohed its limit and aa baplro ran fearf ol of allpping on ths smooth copper bottom he began to realize tbat it ooold not last long already bis limbs began to fail him and hta breath oame hard and fast bat baplro determined to die gamely and thas hfa life was saved a workman in a distant part of tbe building heard his cries he took tn tbe situation at a glance and slgnelad to the engineer the knifes a minute later began to slow np and so did baplro he watohed the knivea with a look of terror it became more difficult for him to keep his distance from the awfnl paoars even though the latter were going more slowly sspiro fell exhaustsd as they atoppad he waa lifted out and taken borne suffering only from the effects of his raoa and the strain npon bis nsrves nsw literature cleared a ohuroh debt some llmo ago a jjoudon paper told the btory of a aomiaeroial traveller who was a ministers son and travelled for a large fornituro bouse it bad boon onelomary to stop over sunday in whatever place he happened to reaoli on saturday night and attend divine service it was winter a snow storm had blocked all the trains leading out of tbo city and three hundred oommeroial travellers were dotained over sunday on inquiry tbo alergymane eon learned that among a nunibor of rlob ohurabea there was one poor one struggling along under a burden debt a plan for helping it ooourred to bim wblob as ho was genial aud popular he suoooeded in oarrj- iog out when tbo little congregation gathered for tbe morning servioe tboy were sur prised to find throe hundred welldressed strsngerb occupying the body of the oburoh but their amazement reached its olimax when the collection waa taken np they had no silver plate and aa each of tbe atraugera pnt in a silver dollar tbe hat tbat was being passed round had to be emptied onoe or twioe but for tbe sacred boar and plio doubtless a round of applause would have greoted tbe pile of silver that lay on the table at the oloeo of tbe offertory early on the following morning the paity waa waited on by a oammittee of ladies with a vote of tbanks and the re quest that they allow tbe accompanying pholograper to take their pioturea the photographs were a success and sold quickly the littlo cburoh was com pletely cleared of debt and the commercial travellers went on their way with the plesbant oonboionenesb of having done a generous deed with very utile cost to themselves in6tsnt relief guaranteed by ubing milburns sterling headaobe fowderb no depressing afterwardb coveted comps tbe burlington oazfue haa a courageons editor just listen to tbia printed in cold type in nearly every community complimentary tickets ara ssnt to a newspaper ofuoe and perhaps in time this community will learn to do like wise it is impossible or rather unreason able to expect a newspaper to writs op a coming entertainment and then pay an admission to write np a report of tbe affair it la not the prioe that we oonalder but she principle we atato this kindly and hope to offend no one feeling tbat all readers will read it with ths same liberal feeling in wbioh it is written acid ii ia hoped ths liberality of the good burlington people will be aroused they are cussing and the editor will hear things but be is right right jolly right this does not apply to acton of course for hero some people at least know and do the proper thing the latest book by mrs everard cotes better known in canada by her maiden name sara jeannette bnnoan is tbe path of a star there oan be no doubt a to its hearty weloome by canadian readers of lotion for on them mrs cotea haa a claim being herself a canadian it is a suggestive fact tbat like mr kipling mrs cotes haa drawn muoh of tbe charm and inspiration of her writings from the study of life in india mrs cotes knows india ltiooanlryits people and its oustoms and in this ber latest book india is the land in wbioh the scenes are laid in it may be recognized a greater mastery of stylo and broader sympathy with different elaases and types ot people than in her earlier books she appreciates the value of little things aa souroes of interest and indications of oharaoter into whlohshedlsplayskeeninaight in paper 75 oants in cloth f 1 25 for sale by all booksellers or w j oage company limited publlshsrs toronto a brilliant matob oftea makes a bombre marriage younq at seventy indigestion and stomach troubles removed by south a merloan nervine four bottles brought baok health and vigor about halt serpent and bait dove is tbe right mixture for a man for woman i wonld snggeat leaving the serpent out its so pleasant to take tbat children cry tor it but ita death to the worms of all kinds dr lows worm syrup price mo all dealers the fall fairs list of the agricultural exhibitions which interest free prcsn readers eiqueslng georgetown oot north perth stratford oot 8 4 puslinoh aberfojle oot 6 eramoaa bookwood oot 10 11 worlds fair book ton oat 10 ii erin erin ool 10 20 sapersltlon ia tbe first thing to attach itself to and the last thing to release its hold npon man the flogging energies revived constant application to business la a tax upon the energies and it there be not relaxation lassitude and depression are aure to intervene these oome from stomachic troubles the want ot exerolse brings on nervous irregularities and the stomach ceases to assimilate food properly in this condition patmelees vegetable pills will be found a recuperative of rare power restoring the organs to healthful action dispelling depression and reviving tbo flagging energies mr jas sherwood of windsor out writes for twelve months i was a great bufferer from indigestion and stomach trouble after trying other remedies with out any benefit whatever i was attracted to south american nervine through groat oures i read of its making and i deoided to try it after a few doses i felt great relief and benefit i have taken fonr bottles and although i am 70 years old i give thla thankful testimony for relief from the great buffering i had 1 consider it a great mediolne sold by a tbrown cariosity has a peouhar way of getting the better ot disoretiun so rapidly does lung irritation spread and deepen that often ia a few weeks a simple cough oolminatob in taberoolar consumption givo heed to a cougb there is always danger in delay get a bottle of dickies auticonsnmptlve syrup and care yourself it is a medicine unaurpassed for all throat and lung troubles it ia com pounded from several herbs eaob one of which stands at tbe bead ot the list as exerting a wonderful influenoe in curing consumption and all lung diseases taking no ch somehow she felt that be had oome wilh bis mind made up to propose she waa us certain of it as she would have boeu if lie bad told ber and consequently she amused herself by teasing him for half an hour beforo she let bim have a ahanod to come to tbe point and then bo balked she oouldn t understand it she knew that bo was on the verge of asking her to be bis wife but bo didnt put the question he became suddenly very ill at euso aud nervous and bheerod off every tlrao thoy got anywhere near the subject that waa uppermoet in the mind of eaob she looked at bim soulfully and be returned the look but tbat was as far as he went she sighed and bo sighed but be didnt put hib hopes and wlshea lull words bbe beaamn pensive and romantio and talked of the holiness ot a woman or girl who bad no etrong arm to han dpon as she walked through life but it did notbriag an avowal from his lips she feared that she bad played with bim too long and bad pobsibly lost bim but at list ho spoke shall we go out into the girdeu he asked she knew although ho did not that there were others in the garden and bho pleaded tbat sho was afraid of the uigbt air ho looked about the room auxiously but seemed to find nothing tbat gave bim any hope he seemed to be despondent but in a measure determined mabel he eiiil at last speaking very softly yes bbe returned endeavoring not to show her agitation there is aomttulng i wish very muoh to say to you bbe looked down at tbe toes af her boots and said nothing he oame over to her and took ber band mabel bo said earnestly if you will take tbat oonfouuded parrot out of the room ill till you what it is then bbe understood why be bad boen bo nervous and tbo parrot was put wbero he oould not overbear and repeat what might be eaid just for fun warned did i understand vou to say something about toaobln tbe youug idea how to shoot asked a gny county ky oltlon 4 anbwerod tha man who ib intorehted in tbe work of oduoation well so fur uh this part of the county in oonaerned oure workin on tlio wrong line what you want tl do ib to waloh tbo boys at reooau and lam the futt ono that brings a gun tn eohnol with him washington star it was tbe moroiug before thtir arrival st a seasbore resort i havo often hoard of tbo roar of tbo ocean aho uald dreumi- ly but i never knew it sounded liko that before thats not tho roar of the oooan answered her more experienood hubbaud tlmtb the roar of tho departing guest who has just been presented with his bill a oung bopoful bat iu u wiudow a long tlmo the other night dunug a thunder btorm and oontomplated the soene with a wibo look on his faoo then he tnrnod to his mother and said lamma the angele aroscratabing matches on the sky household woidn pat and his friend miko had killed a snake in the fitlib ab lha tail of the snake continued to oeoilltte pat remarked to his friend and is bo dead mike div ye think o yls sure bald mike hes dead but he aint oonsoioub of ityit they tell mp grimle that your daughtor sings wilh great expression greatest expression ou ever saw her own mother cant reooguize ber fuoe when flhee siuging boston traveler the remark mado by tho bootoh woman regarding her minister is not now dur ing the week he s invlsiblo an i on sunday inoomprehenaible o my dear daaghter to a little ijrl of six jou bhould not bo frightened and run from tbe goat dont you know you are a litlla christian scientist but mamma excitedly tho billy goat dosont know it i tho dootor bald hed pat mo ou my feet again la two weeks well didnt he do it he did indeed i had to sell my horso and buggy to pay his bill complaint is a confession of failure v ii is ciihtorlii is for iiiiuiith mid children castoria 1h a linriulcsh hulhtltuto for outtor oil paregoric droph mid soothing syrups it contain noltlier- opium morplilno nor other narcotic substance it in ilciuuiut its riiarantco it thirty years use by mjuioim of hiothein castoriiv destroys wormo and nllnyh tcvci-ihii- ness cnstoria cures diarrhoea and wind colic cantoria illetcx xcctlilnyr troubled cures coiihtijiivtloii and jiltitiilcncy cnstoria ahlnillatcm the foott regulates the stomach nnd dowels of infants ami children giving healthy nnd natural sleep castorla is tlio childrens panacea tho mothers friend castoria cujitorln la an excellent medicine for chlmrcu molhcrb mc repeatedly told uic of its boot cflict upon tliclr children uk q c osgood loutlt man castoria castorja la ho will nlnill to chililien that 1 recommend it a aupirlur to any pre scription known tome ii a aucilip t r brooklyn v y the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper thc ostntaur 80mh i l h amccr a baohelor always feels sorry for a pretty girl who marries some other man sick headache however annoying and distressing ia positively onred by laxa- llver pills they are easy to take and never gripe to stifle the voice of oonsolence is to reject the antbority of god will dib before daylight no man oan be said to have failed who has kept his manhood whole in all emergen- oiee to ths deaf arloh lady eared of he d tfaess aadaoleoi in ths head by dr nicholsons arllftoal ear prams has sent 1000 to bis itfttilpte so tbat deaf people noable to procure tha ear drums may have them free apply to department k b the institute 780 eight avenne new york u 8 a to to love applause is praiseworthy seek it is weakness ths devil goes tot tha busy bnt tba idle meet bim half way whoever beard of a miser who was any thing else than a miser most disputes ean be settled by hearing both sides and believing neither no matter bow bird yonr lot may be you cannot improve it by repining what is scotts emul sion it is the best codliver oil partly digested and com bined with the hypophos- phites and glycerine what will it do it will make the poor blood of the anaemic rich and red it will give nervous energy to the overworked brain and nerves it will add flesh to the thin form of a child wasted from fatstarvation it is everywhere acknowl edged as the standard of the world 5fe snail alt dranbts mott bownb chemists tocoata would have been her answer to your query when 7 but dr asnewa cure for the heart snapped the death string mrs b 186 queen street w toronto gives ibis unsolicited testimony for a number ot years i had been a great sufferer from heart troubles had smother ing sensations was very easily fatigued i was induoed to try dr agnews giro for ths heart when i had despaired living through the night tbe benefit was instantaneous i hava taken ave bottle and have no hesitation in heartily recom mending it and wlhbe glad to communicate with anyone desiring ii bold by a t brown the troable with copid nowadays ib his cupidity hardworking farmers long hour of hard never ending work makes kidney trouble common com plaint on the farm pain ful weak or lame backs and urinary disorders are too frequent loans kidney pills help a fanner to work and keep his healtt take the ache nnd pain out of his bach and give him strength and vigor mr isaiah will mot a retired farmer living at 138 elizabeth st barxie ont aid i htve been a bufterer with kidney troublf and pain in the smalt of my back ana in both sides i nlflohail a great deal of neuralgia palii in my temples nnd wai subject to dlexy spella i felt tired and worn out most of the time since taklnt doans kidney pula i have had no pain either in my back or sides they hiu o removed tho neuralgia pain from my head also tho tired feeling uts james const bl etoaforth ont writes ever since i can remember i have suffered from w cik aci lonof the heart for some time past it grew constantly worse i frequeitily hud sharp pains under my heart that i vt as fearful if i drew a org breath it would cntise dt ath ingrolnjpupstalrs i had to stop to rest and regain brcatli when my children madtsa nniae while playing inoudbono overcome with nervousness ad wohkness that i cmtld not do anything and had to sit down to regain composure my limbs were unnaturally cod and i was subject to nervous headaches and dizziness my memory became uncertain and sleep deserted me 1 haa been taking milburns heart and nvrve pill and as a result am very much better i havo improved in healihand strength rapidly the blessing of sleep is restored to me my heart is much stronger and the oppressive sensation has vanished i can nnw go upstalrs without stopping and with tl e greatest of case and i no longer sufflr from dizziness or headache it seemi to me tlio olrculatlon of my blood has become normnl thereby removing tho coldness from my limbs i can ills faa truly say that milburns heart and ncrvo pills havo dona me a world of goods laxauver pills cure 0hron1o constepation and dyspepsia attempting what von know you cannot adoompllbh is like running your head against a stoiie wall english spavin liniment removes all hard soft or calloused lamps and blem ishes from horses blood bpavln garbs spildta ring bone sweeny stifles sprains bore and swollen throat coughs oto bave 850 by the use of one bottle warranted the most wonderful blemibb onre ever known bold by a t brown i feel at least ten years younger and can only say that doans kidney pills are the most remarkable kidney cure and in addition arc the best tonic i ever took what we crave moat in life ia what life will not or oan ool give tnn hntlhteitantldm iis buybeaeenredby nayl- omraid address tni patent record it is better by far to suffer from injustice than to infllot it hagyarda yellow oil la prompt to relieve and ante to onre oooghs colds sore throat pain in the chest hoarseness quinsy elo prioe 36o it talus mora religion to hold a man level in a horse trade than tbat it does to make bim shout at a oampmetting the world if wide enough for yon and yonr brother also pinbap b88 in the shape of dr von stans pineapple tablets is curlnsr stomach aliments mf bvary kind the pineapple has a valuable constituent known as vegetable papain a wonderful digester of food test thla by mixing equsl parts of pineapple and beef and agitating at a tempera tore ol 108 fahren heit when in dus tints the meat wil be snlirely digested this rare jules is ths prinolpal ingredient in or von stans pineapple tablets aua anyone at any lime oan alajo tbe beating virtues of lbs ripe f roil bymlr use you eat than like candy they are very palatable harm less as para milk they sfford instant relief in all eases of indigestion snd dys pepsia tber right nss will ours all stomach troubles and establish sound health box of 60 tablets 85 sents sold by a t brows lajcallverplllab oure conatlpatlon everybody want to get in on the ground floor thats why thsre is always plsnty of room at the top sleeplessness when tbe nerves are nnttrung and tbe whole body given np to wretohednets when tbe mind is filled with gloom and dismal forebodings the result of derangement of the digestive organs rleep- lessness oomos to add to the distress if only thesubjeot oould sleep there would be oblivion for a wbile and temporary relief parmeiees vegetable pills will not only nduoe sleep but will act no benenclally that the subject will wake refreahed and restored to happiness man is a lnver by instinct a husband through reason a baohelor from calculation save the babies oharaoter is tbe aolshod product of con- duot offensive even to myself was my catarrh dr amows ca tarrhal powder dethroned it after twenty years reign p a bottom druggist gookshiro p p says for 30 years i suffered from catarrh my breath waa very offensive even to myself daring that time i tried everything tbat oame my way which promised me a onre in almost all instances i had to proclaim tbem no good at all i waa indnoed to try br agnoars catarrhal powder i got relief instantly after first application it oured mo aud i am free from all the effeota of it i am a thorough believer in lis ourative powers sold by a t brown most mon and women grow rioh in oharaoter rather by what they relinquish than by what they acquire starving children thousands of wellfed children are starv ing bimply beoauso tbe food is not of tbe right kind they are thin pale and deli cate scotts emulbion will ohange all thla it gives vim and vigor uobh and foroe some people are so mean tbat they wont even speak tbe trnlb uolebs it is for tbo purposo of hurting some oueb feelings castoria for infants and children maple leaf grrun hinders two sizes for any power no i has xo inch rever- sible burrd 8inch single bnrrs 0hn mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware ooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen frost a wood bbrdxxs and mowers both have ballbearing burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and last with least power always euaranleed a trial given- hundreds in use coolrj8hapelymulrco limited brentford ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs t my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen experienced undertakers nothing really evil can ever happen to a good man it ita great public benefit tbe signifi cant words were used in relation to dr thomas eolectrlo oil by a gentleman who bad thoroughly tasted its merile in his own oase having been onred of lame ness of the knee of three or fonr years standing it never falls to remove soreness as woll as lameness and ia an incomparable pulmonis and corrective thousands of them die every sum mer who conld be saved by tha timely use of dr fowlers ext of wild strawberry thcro is not a mother who loves her infant but should keep on hand dur ing the hot weather a bottle ol dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry there is no remedy so safe and so efluctivo for the diarrhoea of infants and none has the endor- satlon of so many cana dian mothers who have proved its merile and therefore speak with confidence one of these is airs peter jones wark worth ont who says l i can give dr fovrlors extract or wild strawberry great praise for it saved my babys life she was culling her teeth and was taken with diarrhoea very bad my sister advised me to get dr fowlers extract ofuud strawberry i rot a bottle and if cured ihe possibly the world may owe every man a liviog but it has too many preferred oredltors there never was and never will bs a unllveraal panaoea in one remedy for all ilia to wbioh flesh is heir the very nature ot many outatives being snoh tbat were tha germs of other aud differently sealed diseases rooted in ihe system of the patient what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate tbe other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judicious use the frailest systems are led into oon- valeacenoe and strength by the influence whlob quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relievos tbe drooping spirits of those with whom a cbronio state of morbid despondence and leak of interest in life is a disease and by tranqui using the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparls vigor to ths solion ol the blood wbioh being stimulated ooursoa throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal fanctlona of tha system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to ths digestive organs whlob naturally demand increased substance result im proved appetite northrop t lyman of toronto have given to he pnbllo their quinine wine at the usnal rate and gnaged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any lha market all druggists sell it to tbe man luoky enough to get a sup erior wife the aversgo woman is apt to bo insipid if not tiresome do not delay in getting relief for the little folk mother graves worm exterminator ia a pleasant and sure oure if yon love your child why do you let it buffer when a remedy is ao near at band many women who have accepted demi goda discover tbat they bave married demi johns nnjinnnnrlnnnnnnrairiruxrinriri shoreys clare serge suits made of fast blue serge 20 07 to the yard not made to order i but made to fit j sold only by the best clothing dealers for by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other f uncra supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered jimni tuimi imilway ooiho rarvr i rn kxpruss r or ir m kxnross 10 o am iu mail 0 ujmii f m lxcl 10 oil ii m ooiijji wtist 10 03 i to m 0 1 ii tn tim of lortlvd ma 17 h going wdftvt 4i n uf ninlogoitijj going kant 10 jb a m iunigmpro this tlmo tftblu wont into ufttct on hurnlov junoiunuiejff idlhff wkmt mall 10 02 kunday tralnn doing kfut0 15 n speight brady manufacturers of l dynamos electric motors water motors oasolofs an1 oas engines brass iron castings to order ucpairing promptly done l georgetown ont wellanri vale bicycles jc hill agent acton call and sec the new wllland vaii bicycles it ihe bicycle livery ihe per feet garden city and dominion arc the leading grides while ihe perfect chainless his merits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un disputed fad that the wellind vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheel tho single piece cranks are the best attachment eer adopted tho new de parture automatic brake gives ihe rider complete control pnoes right for purchisers who mean business j c hiii w barbee bros paper makers georgetown ont kaxi a specialty ox machine finished book papers ani high giutfe weekly news the paper need in this journa is from ho above mills wm baeber bho evert on and eden mils the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and eery luesday thursday ind saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop tyjjrlndsjofjiyiej5 there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and she our new lines j a speight fe co rcton best teel mm woven wire fencing vnsts ropr asxyaob 1200 a suit tailors price far the same goo4s 2000 j irtrtnnruiruuvuuvuinnnnju hanutoctared and bold by ths ontario wire fencinocoti melon ontario the best la tho cheapest mcmullens poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their fencin6s are the bist pr rces lcd3v w williams mill st avinc tomes wing- ur0nio0mt hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fail you write the manufacturers at plcton patents ebchisesamoia n oola invent ort holp and how 1011 ere swindled send us a ronihkelofi or model of ior invention or lmprpvomont nnd wo will tell ksjms to whether it is 5fwjs yl lake a specially of epplloatlons rejected in other bonds highest referonoos furnishod jf mabiolt patjant bouorrors ft cxpkbts sluih rnglnrrrs animates of tlie vweailftsoilcol nfeimliirttliiuvjutotialoralii illlrrnllr homtkra iiimstei kssivjl ij v vamslsh k water works alwo the b greening irtzirk co c9nbrhl hk7utiltoesl mo hgbnts viontrbrl sold also hy canidlan hardware jobbers nfeatwfla she aasas of mar wuuwp rw jmtveito tptew jbook tn ffettttta mmor for mcurtnp anyone quloklr uaerutn wr t mt free older scientific jbmm iralatlon of any selsntiaa iqunel irvmsv ml irlfr montl i sola hlnswsalan ww soissauc r iflss islsmslllsjlmllillshsj ll i n a jvikxlsk

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