Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1899, p. 1

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ft 4 jrav volumb 3sto 15 acton ontario thursday october j h 1899 price three cents ib lodusnid- evuivy thursday morning at tub byco press steam printing office uill street aoton ont tubus op buuacimvrton ono dollar per year strictly in advance all subscriptions dlacon tuiuoa when tbo tima for which they bavo boon paid baa oiplred tho da to to wlilob every subscription la paid 1b donoted on tbo address labol anvbhtisina bates transient advortlse- tneata 10 cants por nonparofl lino for first in sertion 8 oenta por lloo for oaoh subsoqnent insertion oonteaot ratkb tbo following ttble bbowa oar ratoa for tbo insortlon of advartlsomonts for peolflod periods bpaob urn 6uo a mo 1mq soinobos 60 00 95 00 so 00 7 00 10 inches v 83 00 90 00 19 00 800 b lqohdb aooo 12 00 100 9so 0 00 3 so 900 100 advertisements without aneolflo directions will bo inserted till forbid and charged aooord- ngly transient advertisements must be paid n aavanoo advertisements will be changed once oach montb if desired for changes oftener tbon enoe a month tbo composition most be paid for at repulai rates changes for contract advertisements mun oa n the office by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly a rmoorb editor and proprietor witflttmbb simforp medical tohn m macdonald m d c m 8uccebb0h to j f uren m d o m ofllooand residence corner mill frederick roots acton office hours toop m b to 10 30a m 1 to2p m and envelopes we received during aug ust 600000 envelopes bought very low and we will sell them extra cheap if you want a box of envelopes go straight to days bookstore cuelph day has the envelopes to please you and his prices are the lowest day soils cheap thb traders bank of canada capitol authorized capital paid up 1 000000 700000 cuelph branch woironowlbsulditmodey ordors payablo at par at anv branah of obarterod bank id canada oxoptlug iho yukon district at tbo following uudor 810 10 to 90 90 to 30 so to eso 8 qontb 10 oonta 13 oouta 11 cants poetry waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods d r t j r forster succehson to dr a s elliott late rosldont physician and surgeon to vlo toria hospital for sick cbildron toronto obticb mill 8 1 root lately oooupied by dr elliott d r dryden btb bab tiinoat akd nobe moloaus dloclc douglas st near p o guelph orrioa houaa 10 m tolpm and 3 to s p m sundats 10 a m to 1 p m denta ll bennett lds dentist qhohobtown ontario jcoghlan d d s d s dentist wobx oaiiepully dose paioeb voce oath oitioe ovaa bbown a dnua btobs houhb evehtat pbom 9 to 6 jm bell dds lds dbktibt ebookvttlb honoq gradoatb of tobonto unitxbsitt work made satisfactory prices moderate vibitimo data monday afternoon camp- bellvtllo tuesday aotonuffico clarks hotel friday itookwood m olan a mclean barristers solicitors notorloe conveyancers jco frlvatofondatoloan office town hall aaton wm a maztbah jno a mclean a j mackinnon babbibtsb solicitob convbtangen orilob mill btreet in matthews blook upstairs jb moleod balulutkjt boucitonans co mm ibm on ed rob taking avv adavits main street georgetown coavoyanclog done and money loaned on first mortgago on farm property at j r j monabb clerk fourth division court county of hal- on conveyancer agont firo and life assurance ileal estate agent money to loan etc orriob porrymanablook aoton ont mis cell aneo vs m iss williams or qkobobtown music baooetsor to miss laidlaw is prepared to give thorough instruction in musio piano or organ in theory and practice for terms apply to miss williams at mr jos matthew s residence on tuesday evening of each week h enry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patent for invention oto prepares applications for the canadian amer ican and european patent offices and for tbo kegistratlon of trade marks bend for pam phlet thirty two years oxperleaoo f ranoi8 nunan bookbinder wyndham st gnelpb ontario over wllliamibtore account books of all kinds made to order erlodioala of every deerlptonoamtalybound ullnpneatltiinil promptly done lyflarriage licenses hp moobe jpnnjta or mabjuaob lioekbbb private oflloe no witnesses required issaed at roildenoe in tbo evening free press offloe aoton w m hembtreet iilobmbbd auotxomub for the counties of wellington and hal ton j3rdraleflaf ttie fkbs pbbii offloe aaton or tmyresidenoeln acton wlu be promptly at- eadedto terms beasonabll v money to loan on the mosi favorable jtmiand the lowest rates of interest in tfais of saoo and p wards bubsciubkd btook oapitaxj 135000 1he wellington mutual fire insurance company k estebliflhod 1840 teeadoffloo qtjelph ont tn8uranoe on cosb and mutaal plan any x oommunlcatlons forwarded to my address ox 3s3 or telopboaeob will be promptly attended to john taylor agent guolpb aoton machine and repair shops henby quindhll proprietor askweil equipped with sill tb moobtnery l vloessary to execute all repatra to maobln mtt ndagfleultarl implements said to do all tlnde of steamflttlnb bonaeboefng and general blaoluim thing woodwork repabm performed la a satisfactory manner we oas repair any maonlne or implement of any make baw jimmlng and flllnn done acton saw mills and wood y m7ucb brown matfufaotonka amd pmlkbt 1m r zmth shiaglem wood mo all kinds of wood in stock and promptly delivered to any park of the town at reasonable prices hardwood and slabs out stove length always on band telephone communication waters bros wyndham street new store highest 0ubrent rvtd opintdkest paid on sums deposited of 1 and upwards idtoroit allowod from dato of depoelt to dato of withdrawal and paid or compoundod half yearly advance mado to rosponalblo farmore on tbolr own names a tbo lowoet ourron ratos ko obargo nmdo for collooting sulos notos if payable in guelpb a genoral banking bublnoss tranaactod a rn jonss manafer cheap sport with short snider rifles some hop others waik a jlttto bird sat on a twig of a tree a swinging and singiug as happy as could bo and blinking his tail and smoothing bis dross and having suoh fun as you novor oould buobb and wbon ho had finished hia gay littlo song ho flow down in tbo street and wont bopping along this way and that with both littlo foal wbilo bis sharp little ayes looked for something to qat a littlo boy said to blm litttlo bird stop and toll mo tbo reason you go with a bop wby dont you walk as boys do and men ono foot at a time like a dove or a lion then the littlo bird wont with a bop bop hep and he laugbod aud ha laughed as bo never would stop aud bo said littlo boy tbore aro boluh birds that talk and somo birds that hop and some birds that walk ubo your eyas littlo boy watch closely and sae what littlo birds hop with both feet like me and what littlo birds walk like the ducks and tbo ben and wbon you know that you will know more tban somo men every bird that can scratch in the dirt oan walk every bird that oan wada in tho water can walk evory bird that has claws to cstob prey with oan walk one foot at a tlmo that is why they oan walk bub most littlo birds that oan slog you a song aro so small that their legs are not very strong to scratch with or wade with or catch things that a why tbsy bop wltb both foot little boy good bye wide awale guelph speight brady manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors oasozjneajru o as enoarxsbrassajron castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont hake a bpboialty of machine finished book papers amd man gkade wkeklynews tbo paper used in this journa is from the above mills wm babber bho everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour another case in this week swordbayonet this time all just as good as new each rifle goverment tested if you want a good rifle for little money call or write us for particulars ammunition always kept on hand john m bond co gublph motto satisfaction hardware alma lhdies collece opens tor nineteenth year september 7th parents are reminded that the best condi tions for the mental moral and social train ing of their daughters are to be found in a residential school like alma college thomas ont for full information address rev ri warner prin st thomas ont st- main street planing mills acton ont bran middlings chop feed lie for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills alvays buying wheat no credit henry hortop there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oall and sbe our hew linis w williams mill st mall and bnalness praotloa i tba moat intmftlnf and prao- 5 tlcal oouna of atna in bookkmplng and aoooantiaa lor boy mid girl imviog pobllo nd blgh boboola shorthand and ttpiwrtunj qmo- lal faoultlm indluoal tottlod do olawm formad fannt ar jnvifad to lovmtlgate fall urm will 0001- mane monday 404 is duslph business college and shorthand institute k j8amtpprudpi lu aobnts vmntbdpi aoblavomankt of admiral ntfofadn jib id and tan inabm ntarlr 100 msa halftone illaitra tlon only m bnoftuoaa dnaaud big oomnihjalony outfit fre oban off ufa una writaqulak lb dominion company 3rd floor oaiwn bug obloago john cameron architect and contractor manpfaotaror of sash doors frames moqldluga in all styles dressinq matching mad moulding to ordor on short notloo flfoll assortod a took on hand at prloos tosu tbe times john cameron proprietor rphe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert nobles flour feed store at acton also mill feed and chop ped grain of all kinds we want delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price in cash r noble dont ftoil to sbb geo stovels 8tock of boots and shoes suitable for all classes prices reasonable stove i has a splendid line of school children s shoes ladies street shoes misses walking shoes mens- working boots mens dress shoes mens boots and leggings for tan nery wear pull line of rubbers for fall wear all exckllent value stovel does all kinds of custom work and guar antees his own worki stovel makes ayeclalty of repairing stovel has a line of boys strong moots which he is clearinpfout at 50c per pair at agnkws old stand next to melvins bartier shop mill st acton ttex 3famiijr juauittg tv missiqg book- why its absolutely aboard mr bar- rie and yoa ought to be abhamed een t matte each a suggestion cant you see that ff she had the book it must be in the bonse somewhere she has had no opportunity to dispose of it robert barrie scotchman bad tried hard to keep bis temper through this inter view with young bprague for many reasons one of them was his sasploion that spragae loved his daughter marion the very apple o bis eye an was bid reaped for bpragne himself and per baps the strongest of all his bpast that he never let his temper master him this occasion however was too muob to be toll by a young whoppersnapper that he oagbt to be ashamed of anything was not to be tolerated sprague evldeptly did not know that the book had been found in the house of his anot barbara my lea ha turned ou his caller purple anger mounting to his forehead and shouted yes l can see that the book must of ooume be in the bouso he oamo a step nearer aud added and it was found there this morning here it is now and ho held out the priceless copy of izaak waltgn that had long beeu the pride ot norwell spragne turned white and seemed about to fall found in my aunlti house yon say he faltered aye answered barrio now oan yon deny ahe stole it who else knew more of its value who else bad a ohance to etsalit didnt she tell mi ad timmlns it would aelt for at least 8500 and eho knew where she oould use tbo money well 1 dont know that she hasnt need her posi tion as librarian to steal other books heaven knows where ahe got any money to aend to you at oalleg6 i ahull call meeting of the library trustees at once and see if they will not agree with me to prose cute her to the foil extent of the law and now dont you step over my threshold again bo long as 300 live i dont want anything do with any bread of thieves either you or yonr sprague took a sadden step and tackled barrie as he had many a tima taokled a tanning half baok at football practice now get op said sprague and if yon ever say another word against my aunt in my presence ill 111 give yoa another lesson in football tricks of the goal kicking description he finished half smiling to himself only the morning before this interview the town of norwell bad been thrown into a spasm of exoitement by the news that our book bad been stolen when peter haokett died ha divided his really notable library among the public libraries of bis native stite and to norwell fell bis famous walton the objeat of many a bookworms pilgrimage to bis library its beqaeat was hedged about by many conditions the fore most of wbioh was the solemn injunction that under no oironmstanoes was it to be removed from the library it was this particular condition wbioh caused barbara my lea to experience a con tinual oppressing sense of responsibility the walton was never absent from her mind and she vlsitsd its resting place in the library a dozen times a day beyond the slender salary which came from her position she had little except an nnasosl education and the bibliophile love ot books john bprague was her only relative and she loved blm with the love of mother robert barrie bringing her the quarters salary his daughter marion and of late eooentrlo job doyle comprised the list of her norwell oallers young sprague repaid her love aud sac rifice with almost tbe devotion of a lover he knew the story of tbe extra oatalogalng dono for the big city library that be might complete his college course his love for marlon barrie too was no secret from bis genlls little anot and she fed him hungry for nows of his sweetheait with oonittnt letters she herself had discovered the loss and reported it to the ohalrman of trustees robert barrie with fear and trembling he had told the village constable and that sherlock holmes being toll the remark in ado to miss timmlns about tbe value of the walton immediately arrested barbara mles it was this that bad caused the interview ending with the foot ball lesson john spragoe left the house realizing that probably his love dream was over for good and all but not sorry on tbe whole tbat be had defended bis aunts good name in such a summary fashion tbe newh of the finding of the book staggered blm and be sought to explain it to himself never once departing from bis stoat belief in bis annts honesty on the way 10 her bouse where she was confined iu the absence of 4 more suitable jail be moi job dojle job was aa eooentrlo and absent minded as poddnbead wilson and wllbal a bookworm of the wormiest kind this tnoruirjg he wan full of the mining book and as indignant as sprague hitntolf at tbo turn or affmrh jehu my son mid ho what fuddle headed piece of buamus is thin if i could get hold of thai const ible 1 believe id cane him i do wby the fool to think barbara i moan mus myus took it tbe aokel gibriol mibt steal it but she woullut see hero john i suppose i naght t tell you sbmothidg being joa are the only living reliitive dhed got im in love with that liitlo woman yes sir i am and by the old isak walton himself im going to marry har if bbell fly yes meanwhila well gtt hor out of ibis scrape you and i mr do iv bai sprague i am sur prised go in and viu though ill dj all i can to help thmgi along but this is no time to talk of euob things ive been to burnev and we had a scrap and hes forbidden me the house poor boy replied doyle aud martuu how does she feel i havent seen hor elnoe she got here but it is easy to imugiue how she will treal ms tbat remiads me i went to see barrie myself tbii morning and a new maid came to tbe door whom i never saw b afore and when she asked my name i couldnt tell her no sir i couldnt and she thought shed got a lanatia i gauss because she slammed the door in my face aud i could nt think what my name was till i got round the corner but about the book ot course the thing has been mituid and ill make barrie smart for this why darn it all i was reading the book myself tbat afternoon and i went home with barbara ill call her tbat this time with out the miss and she didnt have it pot it baok wby certainly i always do of course addle headed fool 1 ill oane blm john went atrmht to hid auntd deter mined cot to t11 her of the fatile interview with barrie and its ending but oapid ruled otherwise he found marion barrie in the house and reslizing bow hopelesb his love must be now waa hardly civil 0 her his aunt nctlced it and said why john marion has been my only oomfort except jou always sinoe this happened and yoa aot as if jou were angry- with bsr oh what are they going to do with me john what did mr bar rie say and john could keep iu no longer it all came in a rash of passionate words rent rained only by marions prosonce as she listened tbe color left her face and a great tear filled each eye she loved her father but now bhe real zed that she loved john spragae more and as she realized it ber eyes old tbe story barbara bad stolen from the room and they were alone john finished with and thats why i have little to say to yon mlsa barrio miss barrie i ah no john not that i aud she blushed and hesitated i dont agree with my father john ten miuutes later they sought barbara myles to asaaro her that neither agreed with father now john said marion i believe that yon and i must fanthom this of course the moit natural theory is that some enemy of miss mylea haa put this book here in this boose bnt there are two faota agalnat that 0 one haa been in the house but old job doyle and misa mylss hasnt any enemios bnt there wai tbe book i where was it foand 1 as bed john in the box under the seat here by the flreplico answered barbara how coald it have come there nolesd after i had left hero tbe mortiink i fouud it was gone some one had come here and ltoed it 10 tbe settle were there any eigna of any ones com ing in annt barbara t ttll ua tbe whole ttory again from the last time yoa saw the book said john when i oame home to lunch the book was there in us acooatamed place that was tbe laat i saw of it ob no joh doyle bad u that afternoon yes be told me so when i met turn did he put it back why john you dont think of course be put it baok did you see it after yon saw it in his handa think hard now the poor little woman blashed and looked uncomfortable and finally bald no mr doyle was waiting onuide for me and it was alorming fleroly so i jnat put out the remaining lights nd i do believe i did not look to see if tho wlton were safe yob yes said john wby we wwlb- ed home together she said sbjly and i asked job in to have a cup of tea and he took off bis coat and pat it i where demanded john why wby in the settle why john yoa dont think wby where are you going john john rushad oat of tbe house saying something as he went about that absent- minded chap will forget where be lives next he went to job doyles house and the j maid told him ahe expected her master back at any moment so he concluded to wait boon in came job wearing a far away look and greeted john with a very formal how do jou do sir what can i do for you tell us what you stole tbo walton for said jobu god tless my soul ejaculated job what do you mean sir nothing but what i said said john laughing in spite of himself now see here mr do le you told me yon were reading the book tbat afternoon did you put it baok now for barbaras sake doyle do try and rcoolleol no i have no reclleotiou of repuolng it now as a matter of fact isnt this what happened 7 yoa read tbe walton all the afenoou aud wheu 0 oclock struck and aunt barbara began to pat the lights oat yon pot yoar greatcoat on and like a fndddle headed fool that i am slipped the book in my pocket exactly bat how did it get lot tbe settle simplest thint in the world when yoa went into the bouse i took my coat off aud it slipped out of the pocket right again well joho sprague im abaldheaded idiot gome on down to barrios and tell him tbe story and then well go oot boot ing for the oonstabla with a shotgun no youd batter aend for mr barrie and tell him about it accordingly mr barrie was sent for and job told him the whole ttory apnduding with robert barrie youd belter tiko baok some things you said this morning to john here but if you want to play auy foot ball tricks on me why i guess id make a good way baok did you ever in our life meet a bigijor addle pated upo tbau me and robert barrie was forced to admit that ho never had george lincoln in gbioago record why younq men fail a diaoussion has arisen aud it is always interesting as to tha reas n wby yoaag men fail in life it tbe cause can be ascer tained to a certainty it might lead to some remedy it has been learnedly diaousaed by millionaires but they do not seem to arrive at the heart of the question and then it also depends upon what is culled bucooss if making a million is tbe stan dard i am muob afraid there la no remedy because there may be aooqeaa that is not worth a million yet it is net a failure on tbat acooant one of tbe means of preventing eucoeaa is to leave a fool sod with a big lot of money wbioh yoa have made by bkiraping and saving and working from early morn till ltte at night if you never had any fan out of it yoa may rett assured that your boy who is left with a fortune that he hasnt flense enongh to take care of will and by this i am reminded that it ia a good deal easier to prescribe what will prevent bncoesb than it is to give a receipt for suooess with the gaarautee bliwn in the bottle anotheg good way to uko uacoess by tbe nape of tbe neak and throw it ont of the window is to teaoh a boy that yoa do not want him to work as hard as his old dad wab obliged to he immediately gets tbe idea that perhaps it is not genteel to labor and tbat real smart people avoid work and live by their wits i have seen a man who lived by hia wits and before the honey moon bis wife was taking in washing or they had gone to live with the old folks jubt for tbe company tbey would be yoa know it is easy to live by oueewits and genius and a few things like that if a f el tow ia satisfied t s on fotted oalvea and spring chickens tbat hia wifes rtltktives have killed upon bin home coming but otherwise a hungry man would call it mighty bllm picking it really is not very genteel to be obliged to work and besides it ib exceedingly unhandy and monotonous hot the probabilites are tbat the man with the hoe eat when he is huagry while tbe kid glove mojohca gent jiviog by bis wlta eata when the rtlcation brings in the necessary provender it is a serious and olio a fatal mistake to think that eduoatlon is the sore road to a access we hear pooj la aay their ohil iron must be better eduoated than themselves wero and then maybe they wont be obliged to work ae they have to get along we oannot tell from aotnal experience what effect an education might have never having enjoyed that lnxurybut it haa been our observation that an education is only usefol as it is used and has no value as a possession to be trotted out when there is oompany to be looked at admiringly it it is one of the tools or instruments to be worked with a carpenter may have ever each a nice new let of tools but if be expeoa to live by his wits there will be another candidate to live on his hneks so it is a sad and gloomy mistake to try to eduoato every body juat aa muob as it ia to try to make all vegetation bloom alike yoa would wests macb vsluabu time trying t make a cornstalk bloom yet it will make a good deal more corn bread than a rosebush no odds how full of blossoms if yonr boy has a wooden bead what a pity it would be to spend a rot of money trying to make a soboltr out of him or if be ia a drat class woodsawyer or dirt- shoveller to try to make a preacher oat of him what folly it would be to make an artist oot of a boy or girl who woold be such a triumphant hit as a fence white washer or a fioorsornbber i wonli a good deal rather make a success at spreading tbe picturesque white wash upon the backyard fence tban to be the author of some of the daube yclept art that one sees on the walla of fond but mistaken parents the conclusion then of tbe whole matter is work hard work intelligently applied is all the roal road to snooess there is tbat is wortb while considering alex miller brave and cool i qj u u ary la a ph hia ten ement house was burned two men wore killed several persons were badly injured wbilo others escaped in an almost miraou ions manner the fourth floor was occupied by tbe family of joseph zellers tbe father and mother aeem to have been absent but the five children were at home all were eaved through tbe bravery and oooloeas of tno oldest of them a girl of six teen whose conduct is briefly described by the accord jenny zllers was dressing the ohudren tho youngest a mere baby when a aloud of btnoke oame into the room and at tbe samo time tbe frantic cries of those below reached her ears hastily opening tho door ahe saw tbe flames leaping up tbe stairway toward her never hesitating she ahnl the door and oalled the children together forced them up a ladder and through a trapdoor to tbe roof they were elsvated high above the surrounding bulldtugs and below them the flames were roaring with terrible fory still retaining ber presence of mind the brave girl dropped her brother a lad of fourteen to the roof of the house to the south it was a fall of ten feet but tbe boy landed safely and then the girl braved the fire in her doomed home to secure a quantity of bedding thia ahe threw to her brother who arranged it on the roof and then one by one she dropped tbe other children the infant ahe took in her arms and leaped with it in safety to the bedding next ahe broke a skylight in the roof to which all had escaped and lowering the children through it they all reached the street anuptodate elopement lam in mortal terror 1 exclaimed tbe agitated maiden who was preparing to slope it the horses should whinny we are lost i horses 1 said the waiting lover tender ly reassuring her luillng it la an automobile i a temperance dog the old blao farm wagon with its load of fresh greon garden truak gio a jieaaaut touoh of aprlnu to the city tquare and the farmer bad such u kindly faao and auoh a homely air about him that mnny a mati in the hurryiug throng smiled half invotuntirily as he oauiht hia eye but it was tho farmrd do on wtnoli the glanaes of tho pibperby restsd lmgpst a magnifloeut pure blooded newfound land bltok as coal except for a little pntch of white on his ohest and a hint of ray with which advancing ae had touched hin muzzle he stood on the curb by his mattr watching tho pabsors with expect ant ejo and wagging his tall in dignftled approval whenover some one stopped to make a purchase by and by one man who beemed to have more leiburo than bis ftllnwp paused a moment to speak to him whitb his name he asked dow replied the farmer promptly dow thatd a queer name for a dog i yes 1 apoee it is but it fit him nea dow is bis full name oi seel temperanoe dog i said tho strunger cmiling never takes any thing but water i suppose yes but hes more than that hed a problbitioner a regular temperance re former tbe stranger evidently wanted the story add the farmer continued yes jim snow a hired man up our way got him of a tin peddler when he was about a yoar 1 id jfm was a good worker and a pretty decent fellow otherwise but he never went to townwitbont coming borne tbe worse of liquor one day a week or two after be got the dog he came home as usual staggering drunk the dog was lying in tbe 6u0 on tbe doorstep he had grown very fond of jim bat this time instead of running to meet bim he rose up growl ing with tbe hair ou his baok aa stiff as brletls and every toctb ia his bead showing any man iu his senses would bavo kept away but jim was to far gone to now what be was doing he spoke to him bat the minute he b tar tad to go a step nearer tbe dog fastened on bis band and there be bung jim yelled and tho spragues where he worked came running out but the whole family had all they oould do to make him let go tho next day the dog was aa good on tared as over bat when jim came homo drunk agam a week or to later be growled and snarled just as ho bad before and finally went oot to the barn and etiyed two days jim kind of took tho thing to tbe heart hed had plenty of good advice before bnt it didnt seem to txke hold ot him the way this did and after it happened he third time bo said well if ive got bo low my dog is abhamed to associate with me i gaesa its time to quit i ho stopped right there never drank another drop and never bad another bit ot trouble with tbe dog from that day to this at the time t ttraok everybody as a mighty strange thing we didnt know how to aooouut for it but about two yeara after wards the peddler toll somebody how one time a dmuken tavern loafer btruok this dogs mother with a hot poker and after that she wool never let anybody who had been drinking come near her i euppoee her puppy got the trait from ber bat how came this dog in yonr pos sesion asked tbe stranger well a aid tbe farmer with a twinkle you see my name id snow i waa tbe hired man it it hadnt been for neal here i might bo ahlrod mau jtt instead of owning a good farm poor oil dog i hes getting well up in years now but i aint likely to forget him youtfca com panion when i ha vi time wit 01 1 i have time ill rmuso uiid turn aside i ii uko tlio narrow way forwalto tlio wldo i ii almu mia thorough far oh wlioro rafllo rinds roruvcratid anon whom luoroa olioou tbo soul of umultliid blinds uutdrlvua and bovon him ou aud j i idoa bis angara to his neighbor b purse and nlubs blm la jiordltlon s dopttis or worno 1 11 jult tljoflu aconos aonia day wiibu i bao time wbdu i bavo tlmo at homo 1 11 bftaud it woro 1 11 kiss tbe faoo tbat greots mo at tbe door and by my tired wlfo ill take inv plaoe her burdens will i share 1 11 smooth ber way ill bamnh from hor fnco tbo shad wy elouds of oaro ill hlo rno to tbo byways tho ormrossod 111 aid 1 11 oomfort tho dlatreasod tb on 0 tlilons 1 ii do and mora wliou i buvo ttmu wbon i bavo tiuio 111 umko my poacb wub god 1 11 troadjtjo paths tbat othor sain in bavi trod ill tako my dusty dlblo from its bholf and read it through and through 111 learn to loo my neighbor at myeolf v precept loarnod by few and than somo day i ii lay ma down to rost well eatlaflod that i bavo dono my host someday not now not yot wliou 1 bavo tlmo lawi encc porclier ffext m lea te itccuy out of his latitude it would be bard to say which a funny man likes best a iu toner to whom all bis jokes are now and aide splitting or one of those dull soals who take everything seriously an ex governor of wisconsin famous as a story teller ia reported by tbe ohioago tribune as having rtlitod an anecdote ot bis own experience with a man of the laitsr class the governor waa at a clambake in new jersey and after dinner was called upon for a speech i started off by saying that i had eaten so many ot their low neck clama that i wasnt in the least sort of condition for speeohmaking at tbat moment a long- faced old man direotly across the table aoowled at me and said iu a stage whisper little neok clamp litlle necks not low necks i paid no attention to him and went on with my remarks after dinner be follow ed me out of the ball yoa are from wisconsin alut yoa he asked yes i answered yon dont have any aums out there i reckon well said i we bavo somo but its a good way to water and in driving them aoross the country their feet get bore and tbey dont thrive very well he gave me a look tbst waa worth a dollar and a bait why man alive 1 said he dims aint got no feet hs turned away aud shortly afterward approached one of my f fiends is that fellow governor ot wisoonain be inquired yes wi 1 1 said he be may be a smart man in wisconsin but hoa a good deal ot a fool at the sea shore a little bird with a big voice at dusk in the wilds of the gloomy brazilian forest you will think it strange to hear the clink of a hammer ou an anvil yoa wooll imagine saya our animal friends that you were approaching some settlement aud the picture of the ruddy glow of the force would come up before yoar eyes but if your guide nere a native be would tell you ibat the sound ws rriada by a oaropanero as they call it although to foreigners it is known as the anvil bird this bird u a litle iarger than a thrnah theplnmage is perfeotly white the eyes are of a pl gray color and tbe naked throat and akin around the eyea are of a fine bright green while its mors northerly relatives is orange and black very much like our oriole it is generally in the early part of the day that tbe oaropanero sends fotth the wonderful note that can be distiooily beard at a dislanos ot three miles born to be a lawyer what id tho chief characteristic of a boru uwjer soma people fanoy that it is audacity but audaaity lias par hap polled a 1 twyers fucoetih us often as it has made it oraftluete another quality often attributed to lnwyera aa a cltss is aa likely to get them into trouble as it la to win them oaaep the real master quality of a good lawyer acoordiug to many modern authorities is a genius for dttatlt an ability to see through a case to the utter most particular aud keep everything in raiud ready for uio at tho right moment tbe fill wiug btory haa probatly been told by more than one lawyer t illidtrut this faot auwyer advertised for a clirk tbe next morning hi cfiloe was crowded with applicants all bright and many suitable he bade them wait uut i tilt aboul i arrive and tbon ranged uiem 10 a row and said be woold tll them a itjry note tbolr coinmeutflt and ho judue whom ho would obnose a certain fanner began the lawyer was trail md with u red squirrel that tiot in throimli a lull id hia barn and ttla nm seed corn he roeulveri to kill tho squirrel at the first opportunity boding him go m at tho hob one noou he lojk hi shot uun and fired away the first ahot et tho bam on fire did the barn burn said ouo of tbe boye the liwyer without unswenug continu ed and beciog the barn on fire tbe farmer seized ft pail of water and ran t put it out did he put it out awi j uuutlier as he passed inside the door shut to and tbo barn waa snou in flime when the hired girj rubhed out with more water did they all burn up eaid another boy tho lawyer went ou without unbwer then the ol 1 lady ome out and a 1 was noise and confusion an 1 everybody waa trying to put out the fire did anv one burn up said another tho lawyer said there that wi 1 do you have all shown great interest in the story but observing one lit la bright eyed fellow ii deep silence he said now my littlo mun what have you to say the little ftlbw hushed row uneasy aud htamraered out i want t know what became of that eqmrrel thnts whit i want to know you ii do fltit i tho 1 wyer you ar my man you have not been h witched off by a confusion and a barn burniik and tbe hired girli aud waterpaili you hrve kept your eye on the squirrel passing an examination a european uowhpaper is luolined to be jocose at tbe expense of modern health preoautionp and thus reports a tohool- room scene in tbo year 1000 teaoh er to now boy hanu have yon got your oeitifloato of vaocioation againt smallpox yes sir 1 heve ycfu been inoculated for croup yes sir have you had an iujctiou of ohclra bacillus yes bir have yon a writteu guarantee that you are proof against whoopingcough meanles and scarlet fever 7 yes sir and are you provided with yopr owti drinking cup yes sir will you make a solemn promise never to exobauge sponges with the othor boys and never to use any pencil but your own yes air do yoa agree to have your books fumi gated with sulphur aud your clothes sprinkled with chloride ot limo ouo a week yes sir haus i see thul ou fulfill al tbe requirements of modern hygienics now you ran climb over that wire place your self on an isolated alumium aoat and begin doing your euros sentence sermons the direst poverty is poveity of soul tho only way to have a friend ii to be ono tho sabbath ia the atvingrt bank of life he that would havo tho fruit must climb tho tree it is bttter to bo remembered in a good mau s prayers than io a rioh mans will that ia not the best sermon that makes the hearers go away talking to ono another and praising the preftoher bat that which makes them go away thoughtful and serious aud battauiiig to bo alone the watchman the pleasuresop public life what ofllce is colon 1 bunker running for at present asked tho man who juat returned from the klondiko he isnt candldto for anything at present replied the one who had remain ed at home great george dewey 1 whata the matter has be been a victim of foul puy no he suooeeded in being appointed oil ganger about three months ago and hes been away on bis vacation ever sinoe

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