Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1899, p. 2

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bobn uonnuiat ljmetaouie on sunday lit ootober to mr and sirs ale bobble a kd a a p tueaday loth ootober to mr and mr h t arnold a ion b b evening 8th october to mr and mn jamie bik atson married uobcaicoottohat os oitord street toronto tuesday bapts0tb by tbo hot alex dllray mr jobnmobean ttoorgotown to ulai blena cotton daugban of tbo lata w j oottan boajraamowilluiia at the resldanos ol tbo brides parents on wedneeaay 4th ootober by ray j k qoddan m a aeton mr w kogors ot olaar lako iowa to bulb aldeat daughter ol mr b uowlulami eramoaa died fnconaat guelpb on wednesday ootober ttb andrew 0 freuro aged 81 yean maauts at tbo homo o bar mother lot s6 eon 1 bsqueslng on thursday stb ootobor huen daughter w ths lata peter maaalaa in ber tblrty fourth year haounzra at bla lata tfitldodoe oorner btuart and lemon streets guelpb on oetobor ttb alexander meokensla registrar surrogate court aged 78 yoara and i months kruger ult qreat britain mutt withdraw har troops within 2 hours 3uton ftn ttss thursday october 13 1890 notes and comments a new york brewer iaya tbo charon people oan drive as when they try and we know it oar hope ll in working after they grdw tired and continuing to work 865 dayi in the year the london daily jfeas devoted its first editorial on monday to what it oajle the canadian ipeoiflo john morley asld laat week what i want is to apply to the two nationalities in south africa the prinoiplea so saoooastol in canada the neva qnotea the resolution passed in the dominion house ot commons on july dial last and shows that the same equal and political rights are the basis of ths british demand in the transvaal under the title of christian 8oienee and the book of mrs eddy mark twain contributes to the october cotnopolica what la the most remarkable megasine article of the month it not of the year twain discloses two phases of himself the humorist and the keen farslghted philosopher he handles the oull a bit evenly perhaps bat he has his reason for so doing and seta them forth most for cibly at the meeting ot the womans mission ary society in toronto last week it was resolved to send a communication to the dominion government urging tbs prohi bition ot the manufacture importation and aaleot oigamues the nss of which is a great and growing evil among the youth ot the land and also one to the minister of militia asking that the regulations govern ing military oantsena at summer enoamp- rnanta be so enforced as to prevent ths sale ot intoxicating liquors to ths volunteers the sentiment in favor of ths govern ment ownership ot railways telegraph and telephone lines is growing rapidly in canada ten years ago no great news paper would have ventured to say a word in favor ot such a polioy today scores ot them are earnest advocates of it and the paper like a weathergnage telle pretty aooorately in what direction the trend of pnbllo opinion sets it is not strange that this policy should have made men rapid headway a leadiog publisher of london mads the following statement which is ot interest to canadians many of out paper manu facturers who have tread the pulp on a large scab state most amphatlcally that it is longer sod stronger than the scandi navian prodoct and fitted knots for making reel news paper for fast running work than any other and more than one ot these gentlemen have stated that they would rather give 13 so per ton more for the canadian than any other the author ot in his steps the famous religious book of which over three million copies have now been sold has been induced to answer in an article which he has sent to the jjadiaf borne journal the question which aooonsolonsly oomes to the mind after reading his book la this plan practicable in our present dally ufa 7 mr sheldon does not evade the question but answers it in a direct and vigorous manner and tells exactly what he believes would be the effect ot his plan upon modern business methods and presentday social lite milton headowvllle and milton bands competed for a prise it oakville fair laat week milton was awarded the prise the fair night concert was a great success the proceeds were fill which after paying expenses left a handsome sum for the ladles aid of knox cboroh ths twentieth century thanksgiving pond was ably presented by the pastor in ine methodist ohoroh sunday morning milton methodists will give praotlesl thanks by subscribing largely to this fund rev a p gillespie ot pennsylvania preaohed in the u p church mansewood on sabbath at ths annive services of the palar- mo methodist church held a weekaprlast sunday rev t a moore of zlon taber nacle hamilton ooonpied the polplt every one who heard him preach enjoyed the discourse very moob the usual thanksgiving entertainment will be given in the methodllt ohoroh next thursday evening immediate war no probable london oct ii a london newa agnncy publishes the following deapatch from pretoria an urgent despatoh haa just been handed lo mr oooynghsm greene tbe british diplomatic agert requesting an explicit assuranoa of the withdrawal within forty- eight hours ot the british troops from tbe transvaal border as wellaelho with drawal of all british foroaa landed in booth africa ainoe the bloemfootein oonfereuoe london oot 11 the more peaceful tenor of yeelerday mornings news and comments bad soarotly been dlgeated and aroused hopae that president krugera birthday would also mark the dissipation of tbe clouda hanging over bouoh africa when tbe sensational announcement from oape town that the transvaal goverment had handed a definite altimatum to tbe british diplomatic agent in pretoria caused a downward plunge in the hopes of those wbo believe that diplomaoy will yet save the situation in some quarters it is intimated tbtt the government has reoelved notification ot the boer ultimatum and are relieved in consequence as the government consider the boers now plaoed in a position ot having forced on war according to the latest advices the time limit expires tomorrow afternoon at 5 oclock when if ths demands of the boers are not compiled with the further landing or despatoh of troops will be conaidered an sot of war and hostilities will oommeooe immediately ballinafad teacher graham who was very ill for a few days ia able to perform his duties again mr bttts postmaster and merchant ia improving and enlarging bis store and residence mr richard shoitlll sr got his leg badly hnrt a week ago in trying to gat a horse out of tbe mire he went to its head and it made a plunge and striking him on the leg with its foot made a painful wound georgetown tbe council baa gone to the extrava- genoe of a new stove for tbe ccnncil chamber and now the herald wants them to squander- more funds to purchase furni ture to match the stave the township fair waa fairly well attended the show ot stock waa very good but tbe exhibits in the ball were rather meagre the concert in the evening owing to ths rain waa not largely attended aril some who were present declared that the programme did not merit a lsrge attendance mr h p moore of acton delivered an interesting address before glenwilllams jspworth league last thursday evening his son mr e j moore sang a solo under his wings very aooeptably crbws co quite a number from bare took in the bockwood fair on wednesday mr b olanoy ot bockwood preaohed and excellent sermon on sunday morning in the methodist churoh here mr olanoy is one ot canadas rising young men and wa predict a very bright future for him he returns ihortly to the toronto medical college and his many friends here with him every susoeaa not only have chickens been stolen from this vicinity of late but a number of farmers have had rain stolen perhaps the tblef wbo stols the ohlokens had a hand in appropriating the grain also mr and mrs nells of guelpb visited friends in this vicinity over bnnday mr a bamahaw and tbe misses bam- shaw spent sunday with friends in acton mr and mrs james bamahaw visited friends in lowville last week evbrton poppe in on now that copper is in such demand people are recalling tbe fact that tbe brnoa and wellington mines on the north shore of tbe georgian bay produced over seven millions of dollars worth of copper in about three years tbe fall in tbeprloeof copper eaussd tbsss mines to aloes down but copper owing to tbe demand for it for elsotrlosl purposes and tbs shortness of the eupplybeadooblsd to a and is now worth leoenta a poind as a renll cop per shares are in big demand in boston london and oopper mines an eagerly bought op there ia no reason why oopper and iron mining should not prove as srae- oasaful in ontario as gold mining tbs native oopper mines on tbs south abere ot lake superior have paid over one hun dred millions ot dollars in dividends whils eurfaos showings equally as good on the north shors have remained unlooobad the superior gold copper co limited nave a gang of men at work on some promising native oopper locations on the north shore where they have a blgibowing the atook of this company oan be seoared by applying to ourrie 4t kltatsy brokers toronto a postal wlu btta b r information on wednesday evening the th intl at the home of mr mowilllams his eldeet daughter ruth was united in marriage to mr w rogers ot clear lake iowa tbe oeremony took place at seven p m bev j k golden of aeton officiating little agnes marshall was maid of honor miss msggta sister ol tbe bride brides maid mr w mowilllams oousln ot the bride groomsman after ths oeremony dinner was served to a hundred or more guests they bad flowers in abundance presents were numerous and ooatly the happy ooople left on monday for their home in iowa miss bmallborn spent a few days last week with mrs wm poster erin mr and mrs dooge bobertson mr j hindly mrs nelson henry and jobn forester wen to oakville to attend the funeral ot tbs late john ion brother-in- law of mrs duncan bobertson saturday last messrs john and henry oakee and mr and mrs j evert all attended the funeral of their late ancle mr mokensle of guelpb on friday mrs simons went on monday to attend bar daughter mrs g bossell churchill who is very ill mrs elliot ot brampton ie visiting her sister mrs john tovsll of this place brin at the meeting of the womans mission ary boouly al brantford last weak the following offloere were elected for the dom ing yeart president mrs jackson blow ajjoijftte mrs phelps second prwmrs mltohsll third tta- sillv mr sharp- j mlttgeyfs oorrs1mojo beeretasy mrs hardy treasurer mrs millar crowded out laal week the potato crop is beginning to move a shipment of 1000 bags was made from hiusburg last saturday tbey brought 43 cents on friday mr jaa oarbery and mr will conboy left for the dental college in detroit the helton union farmers mutual fire insurance company haa taken in three oonoeeelona ot the towosblp ot celadon west along the townline for pro perty owners only ths data of erin fair is oct 10th and mtb tbs team whloh mr smith of gnelpb got from mr marshal of tbe 8th line recently for m are now bald at moo mr smith haa bad on offer of 1860 mrscnmstook and daughter of alpena michigan wbo have been visiting at tbe queens hotel left last week for elora where tbey will also renew old aoqusiat- ances and oo leaving elora they wlu aerto nswvork ths erin village ooonoll bare oontraol with mr deaglt of cassises for fleo a year for thirty elsolrio lights it is expeeted to have tbe lighting ready tor tbe erin show a valuable team of horses belonging to mr tucker who lives on the farm of mr thompson adjoining the village ran away friday morning tbs acoldeat occurred whits mr tuokar waa watering his horses fn the pood behind mr woode store the animals went beyond their depth and before aasistenoe could be procured they sank mr looser bsd a narrow escape from drow nlog himself words fr th heart a nova 8cotian parmer tell8 howhb rbqaineo health he suffered for years from kidney trouble slok headache and rheumatism although ad vanced in lire he has found a cure from tbo enterprise drlgawater n 8 solomon meldrum esq of upper branch lunenburg co n s is a gentle man of booth deeoent and well known throughout the oounty he is an agri culturalist of repute and is prominent in the locil affaire of the baptist denomlna tion referring to dr williams fink pills hs says i oonslder tbem a most wonderful and beneficent revelation in tbe realm of medloine pretioaa to nstng these pills eome two years ago 1 had suffered for yeara from kidney trouble and rheumatlom many a time had i been so bad that i could do nothing but endure the pain and pray for phyaloial dellvereooe my advanced age being nearly seventy yeara old made a cure look almost impossible humanly considered in a oaae of naoh long standing but thanks to the lord and dr williams fink fills i am here today lo exoellent health with scarcely an ill feeling to remind me ot my past sufferings something over two years ago i read of the wonderful oarea attending the use of dr williams pink fills i thought if thsse testimonials are true it ia possible tbe pills may benefit even me i bought six boxes first used tbem strictly as directed and with the lords blessing tbey did me mnoh good but my ailments were ohronio deep aested and 1 am an old man the oure was not complete and i got twelve boxea mora with all faith in the result i only bad to use six boxea of the eecond lot when i found myaelf quite free from kidney troubles rheumatism and all other bodily ailments except tbe disabili ty incidental to persons of my advanced age and even tbeee were in a measure relieved i may add that for a long time before i need the pills and when i began their me i was the viotlm of the roost distressing attacks ot sick headache the aensatian of sea siokneee in extreme violence being not a whit more distressing these stttoks came on onoe or stwlce a week after taking the pill the attacks became less frequent and leas troublesome and finally oeaaed almost entirely my son wbo lived at a dlstanoe took the re maining alx boxea and etsted to me that they done him mnoh good this i do know that be looked much freshor and appeared in better spirits after their use believing as i do that an overruling power suggests to mortal all the wise and beneficial thoughts and inventions wbioh operate to improve our race and allay and oure our suffering i say again that i thank the lord and dr williamb fink pills for my prolonged lifo and present good health dr william fink pills oure by going to tbo root of tbo disease they renew and build np tbe blood and strengthen the nerves thub driving disease from tbe aystem avoid imitations by insisting that every box you porobaee is cnolosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark dr williams fink fills for pale people it your dealer doea not keep them tbey will be sent poat paid at 60 cents a box or six boxes for 2 60 by sddres sing the dr williams medicine co brockvllle ont the beginning of compunction is the beginning of a new lite george eliot that evil ia half cured whose cause we know churchill no bight to ugliness the woman who ia lovely of faoe form and temper will always havo friends but one who would be attractive mnst keep her health if ehe is weak sickly and all run down she will be nervous and irritable if aha has oonstlpatlon or kidney trouble her impure blood will cause plmplee blotches akin eruptions and a wretched complexion electric bitters ia the best medloine in tbe world to regulate stomach liver and kidneys and lo pqrlfy the blood it gives strong nerves bright eyes smooth velvety skin rlob complexion it will make a good- looking charming woman ot a run down invalid only 60 cents at j d mceees drug store sweet mercy is nobilitys trne badge shakee peare when a man end woman are married romance ceases and hiatory begins when yon get catarrhozone and use it your calarrb bronchitis asthma or hay fever disappears and health begins catarrbokone will care absolutely oure catarrh there la no danger or risk in using thle pleasant and effeotive remedy ii cures by thsjohslatlon of medicated air wbioh it sent by the air you breathe to theroinateat cells and pateagee of the lunga aod bronoblal tubes it ourea because 1 1 oannol fail to reaoh the right spot yon breathe it does the rest tl 00 at drggglst or direct by mail send 10a in stamps for sample outfit to n o poison a oo manufg chemists kingston ont the belter wit is the more dangerous is it landor ills l was baved mr 3 e l a prominent oitlaeo of hannibal mo lately bad a wonderful de liverance from a frightful death in telling of it he says i was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia my lunga became hardened i was so weak i couldnt even sit up in bed nothing helped mo i oxpected to eoon die of consumption when i heard of dr kloga new dlaoovery one botile gave great relief i continued to nee it and now am well and strong 1 cant say too mnoh in its praise this marvellous medicine is the sorest and qolokoat cure in the wnrl 1 for all throat and long tronble regular size 60 acuta and f 1 00 trial bottle free at j d mokeoe drug store every bottle guaranteed a great fortune often sorves as an im pregnable fortress to roelut tho sdvsnce of oontentment this d a l dmuihion of cod livktt oil may be taken with moet benefiolal results by tboae who are run down or eufferiog from after effects of la grippe made by davla lawrenoe co ltd all that moat men need to bocome ty rants is power and opportunity bismarcks iron kcne was lbs result of his splendid health indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where btomaob liver kidneys and bowela are oot of order if you waot these qualities aod thesuooesa they bring use dr kings new life filli tbey develop every power of brain and body only 2s cents at j d mokees drug store every sort of villainy is asssoclated with gravity and grlmneea heh10l plash vcgtiaranttctnitihrss plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other put up only in 25c tin boxes and jloo yard rolls ths latter allows you to cut ths plaster any size evory family should have one ready for an emer gency daylsauwuxotoo uame montlal bswsrs of imitations some clothing is made to or deriot made to fit shoreys clothing is made to fit not made to order every garment guaranteed sold only by the best dealers 1 111 i h bbbbbwxtxesmaabbbbbbbbbeabbbbbbbb atsbbbbbbw wwsssssssbbabbbaabbbbwaas4w4hbbssbb saabbwswajbbaayewmmbaffesbbbjsbjsb atawlaabsxaabbabwftwbswrbwbab 4wbbbsbsfssbsaabbavaxeaabbbbbs sasxaxesew sbbbwmvwmaxxsjsw i sain saww w w the brave only know btoroo how to forflive hoffmans powders a qulok sflrc umto remedy for j nervous alok nttff neuralgia head- aobos thoy aro gnarantood not to j contain bromides narcotic ca- j thartlcfl or anything that can do- j range the stomach or aflloot tho j nerves bold in 10 cent envelopes e and 25 cent boxos ask your druggist for tbem tiie hoffman duvq co brldg eburs ont robert kaberry wbo fell from a tree in his brothers orohard wett ftsmboro on friday and bro bo hie back died of his iojnries 8 and ay he was 50 years of age and an married it is bard to believe that any man ovtir- flowing with humour can be a rascal tuh emphatic statement that tbe d l menthol plaster is doing a great deal to alleviate neuralgia and rheumatism is blued upon facta tho d a h plaster never fail to soothe and quickly oare manufactured by the davis lawrence co ltd a fleet t rnuy may be saved on one ooeaaion only to be list on another agents wantedfor tho life and achievements ot admiral dawoy tbe world s greatest natal hero by uorat balstoad tbe lifelong friend and admirer of tbe nation a idol biggest and best book overooo pages efgbt by ton ipehes nearly 100 psgos halftone illustra tions only enortuons demand big commissions outfit free chance of a life time writ qulok tbe dominion company 3rd floor caxcon bldg chicago for school reopening new choice and artistic cover desingns for exercises and scribblers and all the necessary text books and school requisites fanoy stationery a large assortment of the latest writing tablets of artistic design good quality and popular prices all the newest shades in writing pap ers with envelopes to match a t brown mill street acton there is a poor olap of people who oan do everything for tbe fortune of others wltboot being able to do anything for them selves alsddlns who allow their lamps to be borrowed balzao a8uddin guru often means sadden illness painkiller is all that is needed to ward it off uotqaahad for orampa and diarrhoea avoid snbatitiites there le bat one painkiller perry ihvis 25o and 50o the came of freedom is the oanse of god bowles the nerves tell dangers and perils of mm il solid eld shell ring o do net want a cent in advance send us your name and address and lwo will send you a dozen sample packages of our simsap b w to sell for us at ff oatu per package when you have sold them return us our money iao and ft wo will send yoa free your choice of these m solid cold shell blnas as shown in cuts one being a very handsomely engraved bond rings the other a 3jtonc gem ring consisting of two austrian diamonds suid a brilliant french red ruby this perfume u the best ever placed before the public it destroys all obnoxious odors and gives the breath that fragrant and delicious sweetness only obtainable by sltfajf we are making this offer for tbe purposa of in troducuig our goods to the public it being- a purely business transactloa ana not promptedtby any philanthropic spirit on our part universal perfume co 10 equity ckcontxri adelakii 8te toronto oxford oxford stoves and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaces oct iztll the bight house established 1843 hamiltons tavorite shopping place new carpets rugs and floorcloths tho6e with plans in mind for the refitting and beautifying of the borne preparatory to the coming winter cannot afford to miss seeing what we in these lines remember that our stocks of floor coerings are made up of reliable makes the only kind you ought to buy here are some particulars and prices the imperial oxford itngo is the lend ing cook stove may bo soon at any time at pannabeclcors mill st the otxord base burner is tho leading coatstove pipes scuttles shovels stove furniture at low prices g a pannabecker mill street acton grand trunk rvs thanksgiving day the story of love is aa old aa the world and aa all embradnf as the universe it turnlahea the sentiment for all romances all novels ell laya the novelist considers itwhollj from the sentimental intellectual side but there ia another aspect even more important the physical aide sentimental love between men and women leads to close physical as- socation4o marriage to the rearing of children and so health must be consld ered a weak sickly head achey back achey woman cannot be a good helpful wife she cannot bear healthy happy children she cannot give her children the proper care and training aelck woman has no right to marry a sick woman has no right to attempt moth erhood but no woman need be alck unleae af flicted with cancer then is a sore way for her tp regain her health she need not go to a local doctor and submit to the dis agreeable questionings examinations and local treatments so invariably in- slated upon and so justly abhorrent to every modeat woman dr k v pierce of buffalo n v haa cured more cases of female weakness than any hundred local practitioners he haa e roved that diseases distinctly feminine can e cured right in the privacy of borne write to him stating your symptoms and an account of your trouble and he will give toot case catefw confidential considera tion and pkaewkt for you free of charge mrs o n fisher of i86f ixlngtpq avenue new york city writes i had been a sufferer from mrraunm with all its symptoms and complications in the spring of ifthr i began to uke dr pierces favorite prescription howl m not cross ami irritable i have a good color my face and have gained ten pounds palnes celery compound repairs the nerves and tissues banishes dis ease gives fresh red blood and perfect health the nervoua system la a wondrous com plication and should at all time work with perfect harmony whan the working of the nervous system is unimpaired rood and vigorous health is always maintained the woman wbo suffers from nervoua prostration hysteria or hypochondria haa nerves affected that oommanloate directly with ths brain and if oare is not sisrolsed she may become a fit subject for an asylum it should be well understood that dys- pepela livar and kidney troubles and blood diseases hats a profound effect on certain groups ol nerves these nerves or sensitive sgeuts glvs as the first tras warnings of dangsrs and perils when ths nerves indicate the brit symp toms of disease the ailhig man or womsri should without loaa of urns makes use of painea celery compound natures tras nerve food blood oleanserand flesh builder medical experience points to palnes celery compound as the tras and anfaillng banlahsr bl disease lbs only medloine tbat thoroughly builds up the broken down nervous system that dissipates debility sleeplessness neuralgia rheumatism and blood troubles it is tbe friend tbat brings perfeol digestion sweet sleep tranquillity and menial beade h you luave not yet used or heard of palnes oelerytlonlpoand ask any of jonr friends 6r neighbors who have reoelved naw life from its ass tbey will gladly and joyfully recommend it october 19th 1899 slnorle firstclasa fare for round trip tlokets valid going october 18ih and 10th valid for return leav ing destination on or before oot 38rd between all stations in canada also to and from detroit and port huron fort covington to hesinne springs inolnsive and to stations on central vermont up to and including burlington also to but not lrom buffalo blaok book niagara falls and buepan- sion bridge n y new linoleums nrtlrn s scotch linoleums in about 30 difterent designs in floral block aod parquet effects 4 yards wide 3 different qualities at per square yard f i oo 75c and 65c about 50 patterns in nairns linol eums 2 yards wide new floral block and scroll designs three qualities all extra good values at per square yard 50 45 and 40c new oilcloths 1 very special values in nairns scotch oilcloths about 40 good patterns to select lrom new floral scroll and tile designs a yards wide very special persquare yard 35 and 30c allwool bugs new kensington carpet squares a grand range of desigos and shad ings 2 x 3 yards 9850 3x3 yards 1 1000 3 x 3 yards i2 00 3 x4 yards 13 50 3jx4 yards 1500 4 x4yards 9igoo 4 x5 yards 92200 madeup carpets in brussels tapestry axminlster and velvet carpets made from short lengths and selling at nearly half price hints size regular for 10 ft 6x 6 ft o f 1925 9io 20 0 ft 9 x 1 1 ft 0 i21 35 i4 00 8 ft 3 x 9 ft 7 91850 91400 14 ft ox ib ft 6 93690 92325 if you cannot come to hamilton to see our slocks write us for samples nnd prices we prepay the freight orexpress to any railway station in ontarioon all orders amounting to 95 00 or over thomas c watkins king st east hamilton cor hughson st brussels carpets very special lints of brussels in ter ras blues and greens variety of good designs with borders to match 90c good wearing quality of english brussels suitable for any style of room assortment of new effects with borders to match i 15 very best quality of brussels cross- leys english make large varlet of new patterns for any style of room borders lo match some suitable for halls with stairs to match excellent value fi 35 tapestry carpets excellent assortment of english tapestry carpets all thoroughly reliable makes large variety of new patterns and colorings in brussels effects some with borders to match ranging in price from 90c per yard down to 40c allwool carpets- very large variety of allwool car pets all of the best english and canadian manufacture large as sort men t of new colorings in re versibte designs ranging in price from si 00 per yard down to 60c union carpets- splendid range of these inexpensive corpetings all good wearing makes large variety of good pat terns and shades reversible de signs ranging in price from 50c down to 27c for fall partioulra apply to h s holmes agent aoton m o diok80n diet fassr agt toronto the fox hmd the crt story of our youth wbioh haa not bean forgotten nor has lta moral allppod our memory a fox and a cat met one day to discuss their methods of defeating their enemies the dogsj pussy owned up she had but one trick and if that failed she was a gone cat mr reynard laughed and said ho had a hundred tricks but while he was expatiating on them the cry of the hounds was heard the cat immediately ran up a tree while mr reynard immediately proceeded to put his many tricks into execution but these were unavailing and be was caught and mangled by the dogs our kpplichtion is that there is one true woy of doing business an honest dollars worth for an faonest dollar and no fake methods or gift enterprises which catcb only the ignorant and the unwary can succeed because they are not straight business in all the year we have been in business about 28 we have never used other than straisht business methods and we never will our business has grown and flourished wherever wo hive been and it is larger today than ever before wheneveryoa come here you get full value for the money you have to spend personally we would have no faith in any person or firm who would want to take a mortgige on our custom by dangling something before us which ihey profess to give for nothing we want the name of the tranlc dowler co to shine out as it has always done for straight honest values and no juggling the frank dowler oo cuelphs greatest store we are now sh0win ulsters 0rerg9ats and pea jackets to jeit you jn the naweat atylea splendid quajltie and mt low prices frieze ulsters at t 85 7 and up lo if 3 so beaver overcoats of fashionabio length in black blue and brown at 450 w so i850 up to ij kyrl cloth overcoats with vel vet collar in black blue brown and olive mixtures nt 5 16 50 9g and up to it 2 whipcord overcoats in two lengths 33 and 3o inches at ib 50 10 and la pea jackets of iricze and naps in black tmie brown nnd olhe mixtures with wool lining and storm collar at 450 is is 50 and up to 8 boys overcoats and reefers au sizes ranging in price from fa to t7- basras a rsason jroi our evorgrowng business in ready- to- wear clothing bflast is it a proper fo bale nuji0kb of farms and village property for sale on ooay terms apiuy wm hbmstbbbt aoton money to loan private fuada on first mortflnto or rood farm property at 41 apply to j b moleod solicitor goorgotow wanted indubthious men ol character to travel and appoint ogonti baurr and oxpena p fjarbktbon co limited drantford lamb astray strayed upon tbe promlsei lot os con 2 ebiiumidbi aomo time ago a spring lamb long woolod brood owner will pleaso prove property and pay expoaiei kinnard bboh eaquoflldg sept 35tb 1809 agents i did you ever tblok of handling our latest work tbo light of life 7 ifnot now la a good time to start 9300 a day sure iomo mike twice tbat experience or capital at necessary tbe bradley garrets on co limited brantford ontario agents our book breakfast dinner and supper is a revelation in delightful aookery its tbe best advertised most patronised least qxitlolsed snd most ealoglzod a snap for snap banters ultadlev g arbetbon co limited brantford tfor sale two doublebrick cottages on young street adtoo with all conveniences a good investment as they bring in 916 a month j hylrfatthews ox jab firstbrook acton toronto teaming a b mr matthews baa leased bla farm the x undersigned isnowopenforotders for all kinds of teaming orders left kttbe post office or at my bouse will receive prompt attention cha8 declute acton oct snd 1809 wanted fto per day sure sienueman or ladles special rja work position permanent reliable firm wltb best reference experience unnecessary address sfcf fry field manager toronto four new bouses for sale four new booses on easy terms will give tbtt best chance tbat ever waa offered in acton will take one hundred dollars down and ne dollars a month for the balance tbe houses are at present rented for firs a month they bare bard and soft water good oellers and are near tbe tsvnneries now is tbs chance to secure a home sub i am giving op building and going farming w p campbell church street acton wanted christian men aod women to introduco light of life tbe most marvellous book since tho publication of tbe bible a common tary on the new testament togcthsriiith com plots lives of tbe apostles in point pi art the work is a gem tbe finest most tooenlng life like illustrations ever deshfued tor tbe new testament sells in every bouse and anybody can sell it capital or experience unnecessary freight paid books on time bendrior outfit giving choice of territory and ws will show ycu bow to make money bradlbyqabuetson co limited farm for in bsqubsino saia house frame barn wltb stone stable under neath all other neoessary ont buildings ana an abnndsnt supply of water a seres orchard also lot 2aoon v eoealnfl 9w acre 40 acres cleared balance umber land composonof pine hard wood tamarack and oedar wu sell in block or in 100 sore lots tbs above farms are situated two miles from aoton station for terms apply to wm rjembtreht or kinnabitbrob acton aeton p o wanted aoehts in every dlatrlet on tho continent o taip omers for juab arado canadian gown nursery stock and 3eat lirtait and most oomnlete assortment in ube teadav faat- wlllng eneelaluoa anperb sampiestnrnuhod rroo oorrespoddenoe in any laaanaaa hes positions in money makers ana territory should bo seonrad at ones far tho seaaobby all hnstlan looking for a good thing oar salary or com slsals jy anyone not earnln inoo 00 per year fjret in eotnmnnloatton vlth onr neareat offleav an opportunity to raoreeant whmubluhoi honsaabnity morstrnpor taut than eiperlanoe lukb brothers coiwany r nurseries chicago 111 montreal que booaaatar n y farm for 3500 3500 10 stn6onli vrol bayasplendldfarmeonalstliiji u ii aereaorweathattoriolno 10 stn oon in tbs township of krin walllnatoq ooanty tbufrmielhnrud boot isva m rom aoton and two mlea from oaprloge thar are about 85 aeraa under onluvitlon and is aoraa of good hardwood bush tbawnungi comprise log houaa good itama baraastanadv than is a neverfalling aprlna erask wnnirik hiiot aoldst will through tbe eorner of be ranted farm for f urthw partlsalers ai hyto iwaoawaaranra or to j o johhsom q 70 brunswick avtooe 1 toronto a stylish shoe for gents at 150 these shoes are made from two kinds of leather one very fine dongola the other a fine smooth leather large white eyelets solid insoles sample in show window neillsj the shoe man guelph 8 stores four parcels ol valuable prope in acton f sal t belonging to mr rjftii o orsnffalo is ofrarad for sale at low prioes and eaar terms iews 1tn pgklsk wswssssl two lots on the eorner of ohnnbaadqnalph streets oardond isgsfmwpaswfj rasidenoe upon wbioh ia a young orchard jassjllsljs j dimllngon mill trt oeaupled by ctaruey bros who carry on a binaral rnslnaaa ia in aslendld looauorz oentral and convenient paaosr ithrwgpod building lots ai u oornarortcungaodyui streets a splendid sltaf or a msnutaotnrlng establishment owing to lta proalmlly to a ttb d for term and particulars enquire at tbe office w h dbmnr young st aoton of j e macdonald bro golden lion guelph business change j c matthews prop aoton bakery i have bought the stock and business of mrs j d matthews and would be pleas ml for i continuance- of the patronage given her i handle tho famous mhh weslans bread of toronto also a choice line of confeotionery fruits eto a load of crapes just received which i am selling at 25c- 8 basket j c matramra solid gold 1388 best gold fill 150 flyrsgoidrill 100 best glasses 100 psjrfooij wttsrfsyotiona blobe optical co m yonga strmt toronto cqhl order your coal now from j c hill coal oealer firstclass coal of all sizes required delivered promptly at reason able prices stoves ranges pipe pip varnsh stove boards coal sgultles etc kcton j c hill thorps elevator c t r station rockwood no open for h seotoa highest prices paid for oats peas bahey wheat rye eto also on hand for sale lour feed flaxseed olloako oatmeal oornmeal sulphur cattle salts eto horse and oattla hides mwepsuns eto wanted ceo j thorp ouelph xlmlr aatujoijrwnotf

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