Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton charter grantpd 1872 uead opfioffl hamilton ont capital all paid up reserve fund total assets j- 1494000 s 1 000000 9 i 3 1 63000 turnbull cashier savings department one dollar or more received interest paid it best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by stmply sending lnn written order with the pass book the news at home moetly of a local charaoter and every item interesting a visit to actoltf what the brampton conaervator man saw on a brief visit to aoton security the government returns show that depositors in this bank have over live million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc tarmers ale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair rates eery banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch b8tadlibhbd 0vsb tweurtt tkab8 j p bell agent wt juton jtet ubs thubbdax october 12 1890 little local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week thanksgiving next thursday splendid aukamn weather thia week blngle fares over the railways for thanksgiving anq following daya mr g j matthews nawlypaintsd delivery tvaggon is qaite attrsotive qaite a arowd f rooo aotoa and vioinity attended roakwood show yesterday mr r holmes drover continues to ebip a oar of otook weekly to oatside mark et a new stone orossing should be put in at the new baptise ohuroh on mill btrett before the oold weather sets in a sniaah op near malton on tnesdty by which nine freight ears were dltobed oaosed a delay of three hours in the arrival of the morning mail bnrglara odtsred mr nobis s mill at norval on saturday morning their effort were noavaitlng however they examined a couple of drawers in the deik bnt found no ooin the teoumteha of gnelpb and the junior oresoents of acton played a laorosse niatoh bero last saturday after noon the game stayed with the iooal tsam la a aoore of 6 to 1 mr jobu ion a highly respeoted farm er 70 year of age residing about a mile from oakville was itraok and instantly killed by the westbound g t b expresi train due at 8 80 laat thuraday a meeting of tbe acton committee of hllon bistorloal booiety will be held in the ooanoll chamber on the afternoon of thanksgiving day citizens and early settlers ladies and gentlemen will be welcomed the freston prograt has issued a special inaugural number giving an in teresting history of the town from the arrival of the first settlers to the present day it la very interesting and highly creditable a nnmber of tbe stone crossings need aoraping tbey are not of muoh value in wet weather ankle deep in mad aa they were sunday and monday has the eagle eye of the chairman of streets and walks over looked this the markdale standard has been anbatantially enlarged and improved friend rutledga of the standard is to be congra tulated opera bis progress a new 18600 block and extensive improvements ia bia plant indioate a yery thriving bnslness the fobs pause wants to add boo new subscriber to its liat era the dawn of the new year help it out by sending a oopy t a your friends at a distance beveuiyflve cents will do it to any address for a year if yon are already a sabsorlbsr send as the money we do the rest tbs snnusl sport l of quelph cross country and road base association will be run at guslph on thanksgiving day tbe sports will consist of three raoes viz a banning road race tan miles easy course walking race ten miles crosa conntry ban ten miles liberal prizes are offered in eaoh case tbs greatest english writer of today is the gentlemen who writes ovsr the pen name of bystander tbia writer oovera every subjict of interest to tha intelligent reader and bis writings are eagerly looked for on two continents the sun is the one paper lor wbioh bystander writes weekly you can gat the sun and thia paper to tbe end of next year for 1 10 to tbs dair a rich lady oared of be deaf nssa and noises in tbe head by dr nicholsons artlboal ear drums has sent 1000 to bis institute so that deaf people ousbla to procure ths ear drams may have them free apply to department k tbs- institute 780 eight tswsbos lyork u 8 a navei vvhbn does this cl08b7 century boms people think tba 10th oeotary s at tbs end of this year booh is not jhs oass it closes december slat 1900 o mark the dosing year the publishers of that great paper tm family herald and weekly star of montreal are giving their yearly subscribers two magnlboent pla tans ineteed of one as formerly they have telaoted tbe battle of alma aa ofej and it is a beauty tbe other is altmt gab entitled fassy willows ifmjrs to be a aobsorlbar to that great weekly jolt think of it i a paper of ft pages 102 column every issue tonal to a book of 384 pages eaeh weekend tbsss two handsome plotoras all for one dolltr tbs publishers of the family lltrald and hveily star promised a surprise bat this bests all all nsw aobiorlbers as wall as old ones ars entitled to tbsss plctnrss the family herald ofbos should be kept busy all this winter semlflmml zaorone maion as we do to press the alerts of st barjfoiiw onmanu ol maloo ars playing tba eemlflnal championship gams lp ths park bare ths gams will 14 1 alt bwbrttuit keen oootea bpl it lsftfn- jssssfssssifjslsv vllv- cnrpsctsd that ths orcot will win fglblj thanksgiving day next thursday the early data for thanksgiving lflth october i very generally aooepublo aa an appropriate tlmn at which the people are lo give thanks for the bleningi of the j ear the orops will have been gathered in the autumn foliage will be in all ill manyhned lory the season of mellow fruitfalnees will not yet have paused winter wilutlll be weeks away hd tbe oausea for thankfulness wilt be visible in abnndanoe knox college missionary work mr beatue of knox college students mliaionary society preached both tnorn- ink and evening in knox oharoh last bab bath tbe olaims ot tbe sooiely were interestingly presented twenty eight young men from knox college were fleet out by thia sooiety to the sparsely settled sections of ontario to minister to tbe settlers during the summer thn chris tian endeavor booiety made a contribution to the missionary sooiety through mr beattie dont glvo uoyn cigarettes in ww it la just as bad to give a boy qnder eighteen years of age cigarettes as it is to bqii them to him wm barman a farm hand who works near stoney greek learned that saturday morning and the information cost him 810 he was fined that amount by magistrate jelfa he hav- ing been oonvioted ol boying a pa ok ago of j coffin spikes at gulps store in stoney creek and giving them to jopn lang ton a j fifteenyearold otgarette fiend tbe magistrate ssid that was the lowest fine he ooold impose acoordlng to law tbe magistrate requested tbe constables to summon every person they had learned of gelling or giving cigarettes to boys hamilton times band competition at next county fair tbe champion sufigetiti tbe following we would suggest thatourcouotyassooia tion offer a prize of 9100 for a band com petition at our next fair the citizens would we think readily make up tbia amount have the competition open to town and village barde and have it announced aa early as poesil la so thst tbe different bands may prepare for the event we think suoh a prize woold be worth eompetiting for and would certainly bring to our town a number of ontalde bandi i the ciampion8 suggestion is a good one acton cornet band will be on hand to secure the bi plora if possible aa it did on two former occasions in tba days when band competition was keen among the bands in the county and vioinity a second effort at permanent relief it will bo remembered that about a year ago a dilioate and somewhat serious opera tion was performed upon winnie twelve- year old daughter of rev j a molaoblan m a for an intestinal affection while sufficient was done to give temporary relief it was found inadvisable to remove the affected part at the time the dear utile daughter has been in poor health again lately and after mature consultation and viewing the case from tbe standpoint of the light gained by the previous operation and examination it was anally deoided to have a second operation this was per formed on tuesday by dr j m mao- donald aesisted by dr f j k forstcr anddrs oillrieand conkbnrn of hamil ton the roault was not entirely satlsfaa tory to the physicians tbe affeoted part being fonnd in suoh condition that tbe course proposed was not put into effect miss winnie r rallying nloely from tbs shook of tbe operation however and will it is hoped be about again in her osnil i buoyant spirits in a couple of weeks or so young peoples day next sunday next snnday 15th init will be observed in the methodist ohuroh as young peoples day in connection with tbe forward move ment ia bible study rev j fred kay b a of quelph will have charge of be services which will com men oe with a sunrise prayer meeting at 7 a m speoial sermon will be preached at 11 and 0 90 and a brief evangellstio service will con clude the days services rev mr kay la one of tba brightest young men in tbe ministry of the methodist church and ii the sod of rev john kay of oarviiio his sermons next sunday will no doubt be enjoyed the plin for speoial bible study covers two weeks and will com mence next snnday these studies bear upon one leading thought set forth in all the main parables namely tbe point of oriels in some of these it ia aa a harvest in others ae a time of reckoning in others as a frnia season and in others aa a day of judgment the emphatic thought o be carried through these atadlea la the kingdom of heaven is like them all in having its day of issue or harvest which determine the valoe of all that precedes and tbe basis ot all that is to follow happily wedded the homo of jhr james moore mount pleasant farm eramoia was tbe scene of an unusually pleasing event on wednesday afternoon october 4th the occasion was tbe marriage of his daughter mary to mr a t mann one of eiqaealngs most pro- j gressive and popular young men at the j hour appointed miss lizzie mann played the wedding maroh and tbe bride entered the room where immediate friends of tbe contracting parties were assembled escort ed by ber father tbe bride was waited on by two nieces miss haggle wilde who acted as bridesmaid and mfe oracle brown who assisted as maid of honor tho groom was helped through the trying ordeal by his brettnrrmr doncan mann rev s w holdeno tbe metboditt ohuroh of whloh ohuroh the bride i a member performed the ceremony and was assisted by jtev h a maopherson of koox oharoh acton when tho sols ma serfioe wae finished tbe goesu eat down to a nmoloons wedding dinner to wblob ovary onedid ample justice on aeoount of the iprsjftsi of tbe hoar the uenu af tw dinner mfraajhaa were not given bat each onetookausjbportunity toqnlelly oongrat- nlate uleldmwfy married ooople no dea- criptlbifon wdlnffwoa bo complete without evword in reftrenoe to dresses woto end preetnts the bride wbd looked decidedly pr wore a dress of cream cashmere trtmbaed with tio and for travelling a suit of nary hot her attendants were handsomely jowbed in white organdy trimmed with line nd satin ribbon among tbe preeeqwbloh were numerous and ossful might be rnenllonedj the handsome gold brpoohts from the groom to tba ljrfdtiadand maid of honor tbe choir of fetiox pbnrob aoton mr sj charters the genial and enter prising editor and publisher of tbe corutr- tutor brampton took a walk abont aotcn last week during a brief visit here and baa tbe following to eay of what be aaw and of the oitisens he met through tbe kindness of sheriff broddy tho editor of the conservator enjoyed a very pleasant drive to aoton and a visit to a few places of special interest in that nnaisumlng but very progressive village aftnr seeing the horses properly oared for at the excellent well arranged and well managed hotel of mr robeit agnow a oall wae made at the glove works of mr arnold a thrifty looking oonoern that glveb employment to abont twenty- five bands here different lines of gloves belts braces cto are msde under the personal supervision of mr arnold who bas been engaged in this line since his boy hood having oommenoed tbe trade in england while very young he has made bis own position and we are told has made it well mr storey bead of tbe glove work whloh bear his name very kindly escorted ns through the extensive worka of bis firm a four atory briok building heated by eteam and lighted by electricity generated on tbe premises by the oompanye own plant is barely sufficient to accommodate tbe two hundred bands oomuntly employ ed they are now working twelve honrs a day to meet the demands of home and foreign markets for the various lines of glovee moccasins satchels do for which the house is so justly famed beardmores tannery l the largest in the dominion gives employment to one hundred and seventy five hands and ie being enlarged and improved from year to year 96000 wai apent in new baildinge and alterations during the year 1819 some idea of the extent of the business may be formed from a knowledge of the fnxit that 900000 id epent annually for hemlock and ash bark acton has the cleanest country news paper both in point of maltr und appear ance published in canada bro moore editor and publisher of the aoton free pjucss is known from end to end of the dominion and bia opinion is everywhere highly valned by the oraft acton ia also the home of tho member for helton and is jutitly proud of its dis tinguished townsman david henderson m p is one of the ablest men in the parliament of canada hia wide experi ence breadth of view and intimate knowledge of trade and the workings of the tariff givo him an interested audienoe every time bfa vofoe is beard he expects j another and a very lively session of parliament before the elections j a brief call was made upon col allen who forty years ago was intimately associated with business in fee although having pasted his 84th birthday ho is strong and active and hopes to see the beginning of another celtury he was much interested in information about the campbells aud crawford a and other old ssttlere aaton has a good town hall floe ohnrobee aud echool buildings the baptists are erecting a new ohuroh a olvio electric light plant a number of stores and other bnelness plaoea and a well dressed and prosperous looking population mr charters kindly references will be much appreciated when he comes again tbe fobs pbkss wil be gltd to show him the attractions he evidently overlooked among whiob are our pablto park fire ball ateam fire engine and complete equipment our beautiful city of the dead fairview cemetery fine residences fairy lake the fish ponds and hatchery o coming and g0ino visitors to and prom aoton and varlousother personal notes of which mr mann fi the honored leader presented a floe eilw service with betftwishoe and amid a sbowor of old sboee sirare matto vbe eveoiog train fororontoftlagara fails and other ntacesvk i to aufltt a cold in on at day igwite ret aofl toe money fan to oura tb w groves elgoaturt la on eaen box royal district champions the following message was received by the fubk press last friday to ths bditob orrmi fasa poesh sir allow ns through your column i on behalf of all aetoolans in winnipeg and the west to congratulate the oraioont lacrosse olub on their sneaeas in winning tho royal district championship ouisi a qoonavs edsa m mixtan winnipeg oct urd 1890 tue faaa feast invite all its readers to eon tribute to this column if you or your friends axe going away on a holiday trip or if you have frionds visiting you drop a card to the tmrnm inasa mr asa hull is visiting rtnuves in berlin mre toahlngbam of toronto is vieitlng relatives here mr will barry of barrie pent a day or eo at home this week mre william cowan of georgetown visited aoton friends on tuesday mrs h p moore spent a ooaple of days last week with friends in toronto mr and mrs william colsman vfaited friends in monnl forest laat week mrs thomas t moore and miss may viilted toronto friends during the week rev mr edge is slowly improving bnt is atilt unable t undertake bis pulpit work miea gertie harry has accepted a situa tion in barrld at diuford roahe go store miss katie moogk of waterloo is at the metbodut parsonsge bower avende for a few weeks mr m birry left yesterday to accept a situation io newmarket at wm oano a sone works mr jackson pegg and bride of btrabane visited at tbe home of mr joseph coleman during the patt week mr x j harrett formerly of the milton ntwg is now on the staff of the copper journal hancock mich mr and mrs a p symons and master charlie mrs ross and mr fred boas left yesterday for neepewa man owing to tbe death of his brother in scotland mr obas fort at manager of tbe imperial bank in fergus btoomestbe possessor of a title and is now sir cbaa forest mr wm hawtborue who recently re moved to acton from colljngwood baa been ill for a oouph of weeka aud went to toronto general hospital for treatment on tuesday mrs e b co line and daughters left on saturday they will spend a week or so whb friends at buffalo aud other points and then proceed to neepewa man to join mr cmlinrj rev j edge president of london con ference leaves on monday for quebec to attend the annual meeting of tbe central board of mieslone of the me tbodisi church london free prtu mr and mrs jacob maaalae returned home saturday evening aftsr a very pleaaant trip to richmond mfob and a two weeku visit to their son bev h n masalas there while in michigan they aliovisitad mr and mrs henry towosend who formerly ran a market garden here at armada mr d d obriatir superintendent of chalmers church sabbath school w be- hind the desk sunday after an absenoe of j three months mr christie expreaaed the pleasure it gave him to be with tbe scholars again and also to know that everj thing had been well conducted in bis absence gnelph herald mr f w galbraith one of tbe publish ers of tbe guelph mercury was taken ill while attending harrlston fair on return ing home a week ago be took to bed and since then has been seriously ill friday he wss removed to the general hospital and underwent an operation for appendi citis hia condition is at present regarded as critical though he is holding his own and bis recovery is hoped for chas l jstej1bs guelph the big b00kstobe well paper window shades room mouldings j d jvycie druggist our agent in acton will attend to your wants and show prices direct imp why can we sell so cheap because we buy direct from the manufacturer save the middlemans profit and give you the benefit we passed through the customs last week two crates of dinner and toilet ware you are cordially invited to call and examine the same pays io buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts jackets and capes j a mccrea quelph copper mining stocks tor several months shrewd investors have been putting their money into the shares of copper mines this is true not only of men with large amounts of money at their disposal but also applies to those who have made a study of investments with a jew to securing a large return for small investments as high as three and four hundred per cent has to our knowledge already been realized on some of these investments the ameri cans were the first to make a specialty of copper stocks they knew what they were doing for the reason is not far to seek every copper mine in the world is at present taxed to its utmost limit to meet the growing demand for copper for electrical purposes the reserve stores of copper are being depleted until it pays no longer to use copper in some eastern countries as a coin copper has gone up in price from 9 to lu cents the supply of copp from the mines of the world we have just opened three cases ofjackets capes and costumes received direct fiom one of the foremost manufacturerss in berlin germany the great mantle cerittof the world this is the fourth shipment of ladies jackets and capes received this 764on and another shipment is on the way and will be to hand before the end of the week trov response given to tbe opening of these goods has indeed been mot gratifying ind the sales are simply ahead of anything we have ever known it s no trick to sell 1 haa goods all we hae to do is to show them the public does the rest and the reisons are not far to seek firstly we think we are slating the fact when we say that this season our firm was tbe only ono in guelph whose principal went direct to the manufacturers in berlin to make our purches secondly we buj these goods direct and in our own name ind without the necessary per cent age which seme of our competitors hav e to pay tbe commlssioa houses through whom they buy this makes a decided difference in our favor thirdly our buyer purposely went late to market so as to secure the very newest and uptodate styles and fashions it is well known that the fashions often niter very materially after the early lots are sent out nnd thai later ideas rule the correct style we are showing the very latest that has been produced in styles tbat cinnot be seen elsewhere in the trade and our garments are perfect pictures of beauty and style come and see them they will be gladl shown to you find prices quoted no garments sent on approval e r bollert fe co 25 aud 27 wyndham st guelph toda is only about so per pent of the consumption that is the reason why fmaciers have their engineers searching the four quarters of the globe for copper mines and that is the reason the shares in promising copper companies are so easily picked up by investors if you have any money to invest we would ask vou to consider the shares of the superior gold copper company limited this compny owns and operates some valuable native copper properties we are in a position to offer you a special opportunity in this slock which as an investment should give you profit of at least 100 per cant in six months send for prospectus and particulars occasionally we have an opportunity of giving our clients a special offer on some stocks and we have this opportunity now if you are interested write to us at once these shares are sold in large or small blocks to suit all buyers wc write e deal in all legitmate mining shares on commission if you want to buy or sell curr16 si kitelsy 82 vong st toronto new arrivals in jackets our stock is now ery complete we are selling a lot ofjackets but are constantly receiving the new est ideas in the mantle world prices the lowest nnd fits the best leslies school tbe following report abowa tbo standing of oreenook aobool no 8 erin only lbs names of those making over seventyfive per cent are given v glass annie l ourrle 803 maggie johnston 857 iv class jennie allio boo howard lambert 812 katie crlpps 830 iii br olaas graoa hoootoheon 869 iii jr classriohard near 247 tbos mocotoheon 347 bobbie carrie 237 iiela wansbrongb 280 jans orewaon 281 oeoll bfoliaoblan 328 ii class chester mobaln 274 artbnr caldwell 350 mabel held 248 klva mo iiaoblan 226 pt 11 sr claaa nalllo thompson 285 lionise odrrls 275 darwin orippa 250 fred eagle 250 lome moarlhur 250 maggie near 260 pt i br clan eddio near 200 lena allen 225 pt i jr class nettie wansbrongb 200 hazel allen 282 arohie allen 225 marks possible for v iv and br iii 400 jr ill ii and 1800 average attendance 45 e 0 cuimik teacher crewson8 corners crowded oat laat week tbs weather of ths wit week waa quite wlntrr farmera are baay at present taking ap their potato and mangel crop the potito orop ia heavier this year tban laat jnlla a number from here went io acton on snnday to hear bev dr carman wadding btlli will again peal fotth tbsir joyous strains in this neighborhood iu lbs near future chicken thieves ars again it work in this part of ths country laat weak mr b gibbons ben ooop was visited by night and about forty or fifty of hia bast bens were stolen it is a dastardly trlok and ths snsak thief if oanght deserves to be pooulied to tbs full extent of tbe law aa this is not the first hsnooop that has been robbed daring tbs put fsw months a atrlour watoh will be kept in tba fotors and lbs party who la in tbat bnilness may reoeits a hot rsesptlon on tbsir next tilt atr j homy who waa injured in a rnunawsy aootdaot soms time ago ia still oonflnsd to bia boasf bat ws ars plsaaed to stats is reoovaring mr wesley murray who has been ssrloosly ill is slowly improving mr arab monebb ia spending a few weeks with friends in potth huron and marinette miob misa j mcmillan left laat week to visit friends ib miieourl mr and mrs a anderson ol aoton sped sunday with friends here mr and mrs b plannner of bdsn mills sprat sunday at mr geo oanns miss alstons of aolou apent bonday at mr jas gambles sick hi he positively enred try these ijttleplus they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per ect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsu nessbadtastsinthe mouth coated tongue fain in the side torpid liver the regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill apian dom small price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver tills a child can use them easy to dye with diamond dyes no disappoint ments or failures colors are fast to sun soap and washing do not for a moment imagine tbat it ia a diffloult matter to do yon own dyeing it is trne tbs work will be harsardous and disappointing if you nss tha imitation and orndo package dyea sold by soma dealers bat whan diamond dyss an need it is tint utile mors trouble to gst fast and lovely colors tban it ia to waab and rinse tha goods do not allow your dealer to salt yoa imitations of the diamond dyes on whloh he makes large profit bat insist every time on having ths true reliable and gsnoius diamond dyss tbat have stood th lasts of long years in oar canadian homes tuouuku of oinadusoan vooob for tba effloaoy ot tbat pssrlsss oough remedy pynypeotorsi it on res a oold vary qolok- ly too of all druggists manufactured by tbe proprietors of perry davis painklllsr voleanlelrapilons ars grand hat skin eruptions rob ills ot joy baoklens arnica salve eons tbem also old buunlnr and fsvsr boras dloers boils felons corns obsp- sd hands chilblains best jpd oart on earth drives out pains and ashes only 85 osnts a box cqre gnerantssd bold by j d mokee drafglet dress geeds for ladies suits we have tweeds homespuns and poplins in the newest colorings new goods con stantly arriving mourning goods a specialty pringles special mens strong watches s ii j i jii millinery no 1 waltham model stroiil scrcv riustiiroof cubes no2 do do no 8 rockford model in screw dustproof owes no 4 do do no 5 do d no 6 do do 8 00 10 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 20 00 we keep all grades of americnn watches at from 5 00 up but the above are our best tbey are made alter our own design and aro guaranteed perfect from every fault possible to guard against gd pringl6 just placed in stock today a shipment of new sailors rough riders tarn crowns walking hats and trimmings henderson co mill st aoton established in guelph 51 years savage co jeweilers jhtchtikkrs qftlcltztls you are cordially invited to be present and see the newest styles in hats m bonnets to be shown at our millinery opening during this week the new dress fabrics braids silks jackets f golf capes and furs will also be displayed c d e macdonald cfe bro allll lettraevmatitfraarawrttr tistsrsrasmislrffriistnwj 1 xtu e nelson merchant tailor and gents furnisher gu9lph men world ara fastidious about thslr linen neck wear underwear gloves and everything that conies under the head of mens furnish ings we hae selected our fall stock for the critical taste and we have tho nqwest things in stiff bosom colored shirts also white new shapes in collars all the novelties in neckwear handsome umbrellas and underwear at prices that will please you try a suit of wrights health underwear it will delight you cknn6d goods peas corn beans tomatoes boston baked beans pumpkins peaches canned goods pears plums jams salmon finnan fladdie fresh herrings kippered herrings 1 kvfpered chicken lobster french sardines mustard sardines c f goodeve co mill street acton gurney co mill st acton for special values in pall underwear sieves and hosiery perfect fitting corsets in black grey and fawn special at 100 our blankets at 100 are leadera new wrapperette cloths in newest pat- special at ioc terns try a package of our social special at 25c lb tea 0yrnev si co

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