Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1899, p. 4

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v v t do not- think for single momjpjtht consumption will evarstrike you a auoulen blow mooes not come that way it creeps its way along first you think it it a little cold nothing but a little hnck ine cough then a llmle loss in ev- ei sweats weight then a harder cough then the fever and the night the suddenness coames when you have a hemorrhage better stop the disease while it is yet creeping you can do it with you first notice that you cough less the pressure on the chest is lifted tint feeling of suffocation is removed a cure is hastened byplaciogone of dr ayers chrry pectoral plaster over the chest a book free it is on the diseases of the throat and lungs mapjya am fafy it ton have any complain whatever and antra the beat medical mfirlc yon j i can poailbly rteslv write ue doctor j freely yonwlilreeelreapronpttcplr dbj civeit iowiixaaa new publications dr nikpua experimont by gay bqotbby with illustrations caper co oenta cloth 100 published by the copp clark company llmlnd to pro- long human life indefinitely baa been tho dream of phyeloians and scientists in all ages and tbli la the ezperimsnt on which mr bootbby hae based a moat oxoit- ing tale dr nikola as those who made his aoqualntanoo iti an earlier story know is a modern wizard with an air of mystery abont him whioh il almobt unoauny and an old dessrtbd bouao on a lonely rooky part of the english ooaat and approaoh- able only from the aea makes an appropri ate laboratory dr nikola baa after a ssriea of adventures described iu the anthora prooeeding story been sucoeas- fal in stealing the secret of life from a thibetan order of monks to obtain the best results the account of dr niaolas experiment abonld be read on a dark windy night after the rest of the household have retired wrong box new readings and eongfl from tbe works of john imrie toronto baa been leaned by imrie graham co toronto in con venient pocket form tbfa ia tbo fourth edition comprising in all seven thousand copies not bad for a minor poet in oanada i the dainty little volume before us ia dressed in tartan plaid oovera and the book is bound to gladden the bearta of boosmennot only in its contents bnt in its braw bootoh appearanoe the majority of the poems are written in soottfah dialect tbe balanoe are in english john imriee poems are alwayb foil of interest pathetio and patriotic frioe 25 cents a freahman in a college in thi alty was anxious to mall a ittter having been told to dropit into ths red box at the oorner ho hurried out of unbuilding and ran down the btreet he fonnd a red box but conld find no opening in wbioh to pnt the letter he searched for any possible directions on the box and noticed in large letters ring twice ho rang twico and waited to see what would happen oxpeotinr a door to fly open ioto which he could drop tbe letter suddenly an open buggy dabhod up and a man in bluo uniform jumped out where is it be demanded here it is thank yon said the fresh man please mail it at once the firecaptain looked at tho letter and tben at the rotreeting students figure then be dropped the letter into tbe box across she street reported the alarm false aud went back to tho station wanted only one as to profanity thursday ootobeb 12 1890 j 0uit0 jfalltb th oni drarv off bis satin waistcoat tear bis silk shirt apart and woeplog tears of pleaiaxe creep closer to bis boartl wrapt in tbls modern mamcdr in ceaseless fold on fold yet what a wondrons power those endless wrappings isold i of all the vegetables from gardens length to length seis theonemmtmlgbty epitona of strongtb wherer bis person enters all noses snuff tbe air and epicurean stomachs for gastrlo treats prepare a sdbtlo spirit rises of dinner in full bloom an appetising odor pervading all tbe room when at tbe welmald table how is tbe palate bleat i he betters otber dishes tot is himself tbe best barry atdrich there are few people who are not dis gusted with the sight of a reeling maudlin or nofsy drunkard he ia gonerally given a wide berth or a call is made apon a constable to place him where he oeaaee for a time at least to be a nalaanoe to society bat 1b the drunkard a greater object of abhoreooe pity or contempt than tbe individual who indulges in blasphemous profane or obscene language ia it not often a boo roe of annoyance that thoae who engage in athletic tporte or stand idly on oar streets indulge in the moat nnieemly language and that too in the pretence of women and children of how muoh ol the pleaenre tif watohiog a game is the spectator deprived when the players are apparently as eager to distin guish themselves by the use of profanity as they are by their skill aa players it la muoh to be regretted that those who take a prominent interest in outdoor reore ation do not endeavor promptly to obeok all tendency to language whioh not only degrades the person who uses it but offends the ears and wounds the feelings of those who heat it the soldiers and seamen of the queen are atrlotly forbidden to use profane or obsoene language intimation is given that thoae who do so will be severely dealt with the laws on our statute books are jast as precise on tbls bead and civilians are equally amenable to pnnishment for this offence against tbe well being of society exchange stern parent to a yoang applicant for his daughters hand young man oan you support a family vouug man meekly only wanted sairab air she if youinnint upon knowing there are two reaeontj for my refusing you he and they are she yourself and another man during a melodramatio performance a lady began ti sob viotenlly anxious hasband gome my dear this is too muoh for your feelings lady what does it matter to you bo long as i am enjoying myself profesaor who is the happier the man who owns a millions pounds or ho who has boven daughters the man who has seven daughters why bo he who has a million pounds wishes for more the man who han beven daughters does not beyqwlcombalson there la nothing in the world to compare in curative value with dr von stans pine apple tablets for dys pepsia vogeublu pepsin is tho moat valuable constituent in the pineapple barring the dlgettlvff juice of tho human system no otber articlo or product has the power to digest all kinds o food except vegetable pepsin ones general health would bo amazingly improved if heoauldeat a pine apple a day but hardly one person id a thousand could do so because of the trouble and expense of getting them when out of season dr von stans pineapple tablets have all the virtues of the ripe fruit they aro largely made up of the precious pinoapplo aoid thoy cure dyspepsia and all stomach troubles box of 00 tablets 35 cents sold by a t brown the brother had rather see hb sieler rich than make her so free and oasy expectoration and im mediately relieves and frees the throat and lungs from viscid phlegm aud a mediono that promotes this ia tbe beat medicine to qbo for conghs colds inflammation of the lungs and all affections of tho throat and ohoet this u precisely what bioblea antigoubumptive syrup is a upeoiflo for aud wherever used it has given unbounded satisfaction children like it because it ia pleasant adults like it because it relieves and cures the disease one cause op poverty in order to learn somo definite fact whioh wool 1 bear upin tho quostion as t what causes povorty one of tho agouti of the muuioipil rjf jrm league of new york was stationed t3 watoh au efltranao of atonemont ou lower broadway on the evening of juno 7th from seven to eleven oclock ho saw nineto men go in with buottet of beor fourteen women with buckets of beer aud beven giru from tsu to twelve years of ago with buokots of beor throo woman also oirriod bottles of whisky forty buoketu of boor and three bpttlos of whisky in one evening carried into a building in whioh tho averago week ly earnings per family will nutexaeed three dolurs seems to furnish a suggestion of the oauae of poverty on tho evening of the 10th tbe same ugent took observation on a tonemont of a better ciibs between half past seven and ten ooloak ho saw ten boya from eight to fourteen years old carry in bucket of beer tho bttter clua tene ment had fewcr buckets of bear the more beer the worse home exchange one has never so much need of onei witi as in dealing with a fool siok beadaohe however annoying and distressing is positively oured by laxa- liver fills tbey are easy to take and never gripe his thouohr a man who la sad or sorry ia often approached best from the mnmonplaos aide in ihe history of fens town of bedford ia a story of a ssntsantbroplo patient in a washington hoijpltal daring the war he had a com pounds fracture of the knee and as he was in pain most of the time qould scarcely be expected to prove a jovial companion yt althongb hs steadily frowned down sll efforts at conversation one lady who wsu staying in the hospital to nurse her hosbsand auoomd- ed into bis life one utile wedge of human kindliness she writes he does not care to have ma read or apeak to him we call him south caro lina because be wishes to be let alone one morning aa i took my usual walk down the aisle bis bead was resting on his bands and ha looked very solemn i fall he was homesick i was dermlned to oall him out of himself if i coald acting on the impulse of the moment i ia a peony for your thoughts sir 1 to my surprise he did not frown as he had done before when i had spoken to him but said quietly my thoughts are two foolish to tell perhaps not i replied weltbkidbsr was jui-wishing-i- oould have some buttermilk biscuit for breakfast like those tbe wonain used to make with whom i boarded in new hampshire he told me her name an where she lived and then i oould say tbaat she wu my husbands cousin that made a begln- iog and since then i have dared to be neighborly i to thosk about to marry young men or old men wbso intend to marry will be pleased to leaxn that the new marriage act is made gait simple by applying to h f moore issuer of marriage licenses at the fuss piutsa olbof oall a few days before the ceremony aaict have lbs matter explained private office all buslnesa strictly private and confidential at residence in evenings thim l pj9 kimd of ml or asm mtehhal or extirnsl that patukillir will mot rk- lieve lookout for imitationq and 8ub- stituteb the acnuinb bottle bbanb ths name perry davis ron sfvfa4fjkmi aquickcure for coughs and colds pyny pectoral to cainiflan htmtdy for all throat ui lunc affections large bottles 25 cents davis lawrence co umllej propa fcc17 davla pala killer kewyork montreal 0oo there i a man in washington who la so afraid of disturbing tbo sabbath that ho wears robbers to keep from making so mnoh noiae nerve pills for weak people and thosc troubled with palpitation throbblna or irrsgular baatlns or tha hail plzarlnsas bhortnss of kx art ion zr bpasma or pain and haart mind pai nesa nar ml dabltl jpn alyala sfeadlasa- arvouanaaa anemia qans- ral dabltlty aftareffaota of orlppa loaa of appatlta ato ramambar mllburna haart and narva pllla oura tho worst oaaaa aftar othar ramadlaa fall laxaurar pllla aura oonstlpatlao only abont halt tbe people live decently if tha truth were knows women give exoloalve partis for their lady friends and pretend to enjoy them when an old maid gets marrfced aba pre- tsnda to be so wonderfully ineipwianoed why is it that nearly all aged persons are thin and yet when you think of it what could you expect three score years cf wear and tear are enough to make the digestion weak yet the body must be fed in scotts emulsion the work is all done tliat is the oil in it is digested all ready to be taken into the bldod the body rests while the oil feeds and nour ishes and the hypophos- phites makes the nerves steady and strong 50c and 9100 all dmfilma fcott 01 downe aroibti tokmlo statio w every ooonpatlon afforda opportonitlea of ita own or the atndy of bnman nature if only there be a little aptitude for putting this and that together a young woman waa trading in a stationers shop aajs a gorman paper and the elderly proprietor aoddenly asked and when does tha wedding take place wedding why yoadont think the fair ouitomerblnshed and hesitated ah ranletn when young ladiae buy a hundred ahseta of paper and only twanty- flve enveibpis i know there ia something in the wind not mapy men havo time to havo their bhoe strings in right all the timo ouroood side and our bad there ia a good side and a bad aide to every man we see only the good aide of aomo man and we wonder that be ia not esteemed by all as we esteem him we aee only the bad bide of another man and we are snrpribed that others prize him aa we oannot wa are right and wo are wrong in both oaaes both men have both aides and na ought to reoognize this in our estimate of them it ia wiih ourselves as wlth our fellows we have a good aide and a bad aide and those about us are likely to judge ns by tbo ono aide or the otber it will be well for ns if we gain a lesson from the judgment of others as to our two aides it oughto help ob to make progress in the right direotion and to repress tha faulta and defeats for whioh others jadge us harshly good nuta often fall at the feet of thoae who have not teeth to oraok them starving children thoaaanda of wellfed children are starv ing simply beoaafle the food id not of the right kind they nre thin pais and dolt- oate sootts emnlsion wilt ohange al this it gives vim and vigor flebh and foroe you oant tell muoh abont a girls income by her fancy parasol kidney poisons a man may be confined but not convinc ed they drove pimplea away a face oovor- ed with pimples ia unsightly it tells of in ternal irregolaritiea whioh should long binoe have been corrected tbe liver and kidneva are not performing their funotionb in the healthy way they ahould and these pimples are to let you know that the blood prolestb parmeleeb vegetable pills will drive them all away and will leave the akin clear and olean try them and there will be another witness to their excellence a lucky escape a bohoolrnafller in a villtgo boiioo bad been in tbo babitof purchasing pork from parent 1 of hfa pupils on the oooaaion of the killing of tho pig one day a bmll boy marohed ap t the maetsra desk and inqatreq if ho woull like a bit of pork sb they were going to kill their pig the eohoolmafitor replied in the affirmative several daya having elapeed and bearing nothing of tbo pork the master osllod tbe boy up to him and inquired tbe rebpn ho had not brought it oh please sir the boy replied the pig got better piqscarried lifeline the australian coasting eteamar -kamc- ruka while going from jedon to sydney travelling at full bpeed struck on a reef at moruya head there being no rockets on the abip the oaptain tied a lifeline to some pigs whioh formed phtt of the oargo and had tho animsla pnt overboard the pigs bwam to the bbore taking tha linea with them and by ebtabliabiog communication every bool on board was rescued avegetauepreparationfor as similating llictood atidregula- uqg ihe stomachs and bowels of promotes digeslioncheerful- ness andrestcontaltis neither chiummorphlne nor mineral notnabcotic jucvtatolddrsitmvllpitcnbi jjoyjbn setil jmuvbl- smr apcrfecthemedy for constipa tion sour stomach diarrhoea worms convulsionsfeverish- ness and loss of sleep tac simile signat of new york that the ifacsimile signature of is on the wrapper op eveby bottle 01 txact c0pyof wrapper oastorla la pat up la esslss bottles only it ita sot sold la balk dont allow anyone to sail iron aaythiog else oa the plea or promiaa tsat it lie jut aa good and will answer every pur- pose awbee that you get 0a8t0bia thttm- a i ihaua vr f s uoa he who travela alone tells lies sap the life spring- and maka putrid the health fountain south american kidney cure cleanses and purifies if the kidneys fall to do their work other orgaafl beoomd involved poisons generate oireolata through and violate the whole eystem disease and disaster are a sure as snnriso if neglooted sonth american kidney oure acts on tbe kidneys like msgto its a liqaid and attaoka the ailing parts knickly stops tbe spreading of diieaae drivea out the foreign enbitanoeb and bringa this important organ back to a healthy normal state its a kidney specific bold by a t brown men who abuse their wives aeern to havo an affinity for each otber they are often seen talking it over togethor there are a number of corns holloways corn oure will remove any of them call on your drngniat and get a bottle at once a man who ia always on time at hia meala mnat not have very couoh else to do english spavin liniment removes al hard soft or calloused lamps and blem ishes from horses blood spavin corp splints ring bone sweeny stifles sprains bore and swollen throst conghs eto base 950 by tbo nse of oae bottle warranted the most wonderful blemish onre ever known sold by a t brown when there is a baby in the house every thing has to go on the top shelves and higher as it grows bigger 20 tees tortdee scrofula another permanent oura by bbb after two dootors failed ask any doctor and he will tell you that next to cancer scrofula is one of the hardest diseases to cure yet burdock blood bitters applied externally to the parts affected and taken internally cured rev wm stout of kirktonont permanently after many prominent physicians failed cured mrs w bonnet of crewsons corners ont perman ently when everyone thought she would die now mr h h forest windsor mills pq states his case as follows after lmvinfr iiscd burdock blood bit ters for scrofula in the blood i feel it my duty to make known the results i was rented by two skilled physicians but they failed to euro me i had running sores on my hands nnd legs whlchi could- get- nothing- to licnl until i tried bbb this remedy healed them completely and per- munetvly leaving- the skin and flesh sound and whole thedl emulsion the d l emulsion it tbo best and most palatablo prrparntlon of cod liver oil agreeing with tho most delicate tomachs the d l emulsion la prescribed by tho leading physicians of canada the d l emulsion is 0 marvellous flesh producer and will rtve you on appetite fioc i per bottle do auro you get davis be lawrence the genuina co limited montreal asswai vc experienced undertakers honaet is tbe cat when tbe meat i of reach a cea8le8s torment eozematlo onawlng and irritation have a short stay after one application of dr agnews olnt- mentlt helps immediately and cures qulokly o w howard peaks island me writes enclosed 0nd 85 oents for whioh kindly send me a box of dr agnows ointment i have been afflicted with eosama and it haa done me bo muoh good i want to try another box the flrat applloation gave me more relief than any thing i ever tried its going to oure me outright sold by a t brown he who bays what ho likes will hear what he dont like hsgvsrds yellow oil is prompt to relieve and enreto oure oonghs oolda sore throat pain in the oheat hoarseness quinby etc frioe 25o boer advance stopped jjohdoh wednesday ootober 4 the utandartft correspondent at newoaatle natal says that lbs forward movement ol the boers to the natal frontier hia been arrested and that a majority of thorn have fallen baok to thslr original base near sandspnrt the motive of the action is not known lien wbo write tbe leaat have to have tbe best pens strip some men of their wealth and there ia nothing hit it looks fanny to see a preaoher tanning errands for his wife twbnty p below j h hamilton of tha old reliable marble and granite works qoelpb annonnost that ha will oontlnuo to plaoe hs basl oltsswof graolts and marble monuments tombs etc at prices guar anteed to be twenty par oant below others no agsnt to rsoalve oommisjona expenses allowed o and from qoelpb to purchasers belleville lady whom dootors failed to help oared at last by doans kidney pills vo one who has not stifle red from wdriy disease can imnginu the teiriblo torture thono endure who are the victims of some disorder of these delicate filters of the body mrs richard rees a wellknown and highly respecter lady of belleville ont had to bear the burden of kidney complaint for over ao years and now doans kidney pills have cured her when all else failed her husband made lie following state ment uf her cnno i for 30 years my wife lias been n sufferer from pain in j the back sleeplessness and nervousness and general prostration nothing seemed to help her doctors and medicines all failed until we got a ray of hope when we saw jdoana kidney pills advertised as a positive cure 4 she bejra1 to take them and they helped her right nwuy and alio is now better in every restect wo con heartily recom mend doans kidney pills to all sufferers fnrtheyhcciu tost rike the right spot quickly and their action is not only quick but it is permanent i cuiiaot say more in favor of these wonderful pills than that they saved my wife ftom lingering torture which she had endured for 20 years past and i sincerely trust that all sufferers will give doans kidney pills a fair trial tho trouble with too many inventions that are patented is that they are ol no aooount for ld0ammaton or the eyeb among the many good qualities whioh farmeleea vegetable pille possess besides regulating tbe digestive organs is their effloaoy in redaolnft idflsmmatlon of the eyos it has called forth many letters of reoommenda- tiou from ttaoie wbo were afflicted with this complaint and fonnd a oure in the pllla they affect the nerve centres and the blood inasarprieioffly active way and the reealt is almost immediately seen lawyers robes are lined with the anger and obetinaoy of suitors there never was and never will b3 a unliveraal panacea in pne remody for all ills to whioh flesh ia heir the vory nature of many omatives being saoh that were the germs of other and differently boated diseases rooted in the eyatem of the patient what would relievo one ill in tarn would aggravate tho other wo have however in quinine wine when obtained in a aoand unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judiaions a the frailest system a are led into con valescence and strength by the influence which quinine exerts on naturea own restoratives it relieves the drooping bpirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid despondence and laok of interest in life ia a dieoaee and by tranquilizing the nervee diepones to sonnd and refresh ing aleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood which being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making aotivlty a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand increased substance result im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto have riven to the public their quinine wine at tho usual rate and guaged by tho opinion of boientletb this wine approaches nearest perfection of any the market all druggists bell it ope sword keepb another in its aoabbard castoria for infants and children ihafo slallt slfutsje s is a tnrr vhpptfc not tbe burden but the overburden kille the horse instant relief guaranteed by using milburna sterling headache powders no depressing aftarwarda by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered i i j a speiqht co hcton mcntuiamttftndimrittaiu with tha nuna of roar sssthsf rssetissi isaina tfauliaaimlr finished 255 sttajlahmtraifrtsls 5 sj fcmplt with flno udralii johnaton at hefarjant box af toronto ont woven wire fenginc wirb rope bblvaqb sib in yoar own place and no man oan makeyoa riio when a man joins a now politioal party bo immediately talks a grsat deal abont my party its so plsaaant to take tbat ohildrsn flry for it bnt its dsatb to the wormb of si hinds dr lows worm syrup frios 26o all dsalars cramps and colic always relieved promptly by dr fbwlors ext of wild strawberry laxab curo conallnnllon biliousness sick licaclaclio and dyspepsia ver evor i tpiaranleed perfect nd to act without any jrrlp insr weakeninfr or sickening sjc at sll dnigclsta it a bore pasaes yon nithodt bothering yon for goodneaa sake do not oall bim baok a pitiable cripple rheumatism blistered till he didnt know by from dootora himself south american rheu matic cure performs a wondrous cure pills effects o deaantcr fetarboro wiiteai for months i wsb unable to work had rheana- tism in avery part of my body i was blistersd by dootors st ten different timas my bands wars drawn out 0 sbape my angers wsrs distorted and my wrlata and forearms wsre double their natural else holy legwas enoassd in a piaster ease for four months- i tried sontb amsrloan bbsnmstio oars 1 took two bottles twentyfanr hoars after first doeo i flt like a new man one week after i was abls t go to work now i am as bsarty and atrong sa aver bold by a t brown when you iiri kiizcj with an attack of cramps or diuhld up with colic you want a remedy juti are auro will give you rcli fund give it quickly too you dont want an untried something hint may help yuu you want dr fowlers extract otvid strawberry which every oneltiiowa will positively curo cramps and colic quickly just adosc ortwoandyou have ease but nowa word of proof to hack up these assertions and we have it from mr john hnwko coldwatcr ont who writes dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is a wonderful euro for diarrhoea cramps and pains in tho stomach i was a irreat sufferer until i pave it a trial but now i bsvet perfect comfort the best is the cheapest mcmullens poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their vaimfartaroa tail sola by ths ontario wire fencinq co l jpiotan ontano cin are the best prices laoiitf hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fall you write the manufacturers at picton the b greening wire co cenbrkl hcbnts hhiwilton and montrbhl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers grfowlers v r xt- or wiio yl s ho wbo ia won by a feather may bo lott by a straw street car aooldont mr thomaa babin says my eleven year old boy bad bia foot badly injured by leidg run over by a oar on the btreet hallway wo at onoe commenced bathidg tbe foot with dr thomaa eolcctrlo oil when tbo discolora tion and awelling was removed and in nine days he oould no bis foot we always keep a bottle in tho boose ready for any emergenoy tbe bnt diab pleaaeth all ntopitentboedlit jm may ba aoonred by oar aid addreaa the patent record batumera iu maple leaf ratn gfidipers two sizes for any power no i has iolnch rever sible burrs 8inch single burrs ohn mcqueejn agent fur the nbovo has changed his ware ooma to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen frost a wood bindshs and mowjcrs both have ballbea r i ng burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use coold shapely skmuir co limited brentford ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs n my absence mr john t elliott whe resides on tho property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen uuand tltlvk uaieway ooxno weht ooino kast kail 10 02 am i eiprosb 0 85 nrr binrois 0 25 pm exprobs 10 bo am mall 7 is pm mail g pm i mixod 10 os piu bunclny trnlns aolnc west 10 03 o m oolug east 0 15 a in 0 1 p m t1uis or ciohinu ua1xs ooluhwopt 0 0 am aud 6 co pm aolng isast 10 us vu1 anil s n jim this time table wout into offict on buuiloy junollotb 38u0 acton livery amd bus line tbo undorblriiod rospootfully solicits the pitrorj ago of tbo public and loxormi thorn that well equipped and stylish bigs oan al ways be secured at bin tables a oomfortablo bus moots trains botwoon 0 am and 618 pm careful attention given too very ordor tbe wants of commorqlaltravol- lorn fully mot john williams paopnietoa sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 86000 aid in maturity value 9 10000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton cooper dcakins the artistic tailors jeg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london- see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper si akins main st acton farmers wants are many bnt i oan snpply all in my line i have in stock extra heavy creamer cans strainer pails extra heavy fine milk pails galvanized pails seamless pressed milk pans and countless other dairy articles outdoorwork roof ing etc a specialty call for quotations before placing orders for this class ol work g a pannabecker mill street acton ah titfi wants of town will also receive best attention i ft you wan t w yyooi engr av mo v photo fhc ha i promptly secures jtoto r onr lntorosunie books invent orsholp and how von rro swlnhlod send ns a ranch aketoh or modtaofronr invention or improvement nnd wo will tell you ire onr opinion ns to whether it is proboby- patontnblo wo umbo n specialty of applications rejoctod in otber bands highest roforoncea furnished makion er mabion patxift souoitobs a kxpkhts olttl a keobanloal fnolnrrra orndnatea of tha ralrtodinlo bdiool ct ciitliuriliw nachclonln appllml botences uvni rulvonlty member paunttaw awoolnllott nimlcaiivtrworks aaiooltlotl hw knalnml wntpr work alloc v d saitfiyor aiaoclullon aisoo slcmber can aooldty or civil biiulncrri amois- xiwvcak lire dloo m0ntti oan shidis t atiahtio iu 1101n- w shinqthtl d0 bo ykar8 bxperjknoe jpr- voptrniohtsi c anrona aanjllnit rtatrh and dewriptlon mar mifoklr aaeertaln ml opinion frn wbattaar an nvantlnn is prosablr mlentablo commnnlo iloni ilrtour 6onidiiual lftanatkkik oa patent nontfrm deatannorforaacahnapatcmu iatanu takan ibronih itann itaroolr ipnsil twua wltbool charts la tha scientific hmcrican

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