Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1899, p. 1

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v rts volume xxv no 10 acton ontario thuksday octomeb jo 1899 wat uton jte flnss ib published every thursday morning i at tub free press steam print ngpfllco will btiteet acton ont thumb op suubchittion ono dollar per year strictly iu ad van oo all subscriptions discon tinued whon tho tlmo for which they havo been paid has oxpirod tho dato to wnioh ovory ubsorlption is raid la don o tod on tho addroaa labol adtsntiaina itiras transient advertise ments 10 oonta par nonpareil lino or flrat in sertion a oonta nor line or each subsequent insertion oontaiot rated tho following table sbowa our ratoa for tho iusortiou ol advortlaomonta for ipoolflod periods emrelopes t -thb- traders bank of canada bpaob 111 0 ftfo a mo luo solnobos 96000 tdsoo 2000 70o lolnoboa 0500 so 00 1300 300 oinobea 1000 1900 700 hnoli 000 8 50 900 100 advertisements without apoolflo directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ngly transient advertisements maat bo paid q advance advortlaomerjts will be changed onco each month if desired for changes oftener than enoe a month the composition most be paid for at reguloi rates changes for oontraot advertisements mns oo no he offloo by noon on tuesdays aoooanta payable monthly hpmoore editor and proprietor wtusinesb mxeatv medical we received during aug ust cooooo envelopes bought very low and we will sell them extra cheap if you want a r t i i noaru iidit issuing niouoy uraen jiayauio as dox oi linvelopes go straight p at any branch ofcharterod bank in canada cxaoptlug the yukon dlatrlat at tho following to days bookstore cualph day has the envelopes to please you and his prices are the lowest day sells cheap capital authorized 1 000000 capital paid up too 000 cuelph branch we are now issuing monoy orders payable at off under 10 8 oonta 11 to 820 10 cents eao to eyo 12 con to 3g to 9o0 h couts es john m macdonald m d c m successor to j f uren m d o m office and rosidonce corner mill fredorick reetaaoton- offlco hours 6 to 1030 am 1 to 2 pm and to 0 pm tr p j r forster bccce3on to dr a 8 elliott lto resident physician and surgeon to vic toria hospital for bick children toronto orvice mill stroot latoly oooupiod by dr d r dryden ete bab thboat and nose moloana block douglas st near p 0 ouelph tfioe houna 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm ds2ttal l bennett lds dentist b qbobqetown 0ntabj0 jcoghlan ddsl ds dentist woiuc caukfoiily done pniceb wodeiutb office ovendnownadnua btohe houub evkivy day fbom 0 to 6 jm bell dds lds dentist i3b0oevllle uohon gluddatb of tononto umvensttt work made satisfactory prices moderate vibitino days monday afternoon camp- bollvillo tuesday acton office clarks hotel friday ltockwood lsqal m clean mclean barristers solicitors notarlob convoy an cera sea prlvatofundatoloan offloo town hall acton wm a moljtan jno a uoleah j mackinnon bahhibtkb bolicitob convetahceb office mill btroot in matthews block upstairs jb mcleod luuittbtkb 8ol1cit0b and commission eb fob takixo afvadavits main stroot goorgotown conveyancing done and monoy loanod on first mottgage on arm property at j r j mqnabb clork fourth division court county of hal- on convoyanoor agent fire and life asauranco uoal estate agont monoy to loan ote office porry mans block acton ont miscellanso us m iss williams ov qkooabtown music suooouar to mibs luijinw ib proparod to slvo thorouguiablpuouonln muila plana or orsan id thiory and practice for torma apply to mlh wllllaiin at mr jaa ualtuewb roafdonoo ontuoaaav evoolnb ol eaob wook h enby gbi8t orrawa oanasa solloltor of patents for invention oto proparea applications for tho canadian amor- loao aid european patontoinooa and for ibo boalitratlon of trado uarkb bond for pam- pbrttblrtrtwoyoraoxplnc f ibanoiff nonas bo0kd1ndeb wvndbam st qnolpb ontario w otor w account book of au kind mado to order erlodioalbofererydeborlptlonoarefallyboaqd ahnrneatitan promptly done u abriagis licenses npmoofle bauvn or mannuoi ijicenaeb prlatoofbob no witnaafloa reqnlrod leaned at rclldenne in the ovenlng preeptobb omooaoton w m hembtbeet iiiokhsid abotiokxsb for thobonntlea of wellington nd halton irdcrsloll at the finn pbkb oboe o j tmyrealdenooln acton will be promptly at- eadod to toruis lteasonablo taiioinonittoioan on the moat fatorawo iiimiand af tba lowoat rates ol intorobt in inmiof wsooand pwards subsoiubed btookoapitaij m0oi the wellington mutual fire insurance company established 1840 head office owmlph ont inbuoancb on cash and mutual plan any commnuloatlons forwardod to my addroai box m or tolopboue os will bo promptly temledto j0b taylor asent onalpb aoton juachiue and jlepair shops dbnhy obindbll proprietor i nn wall ennlpped with all the maeblnary a seslury waeuteall rapalr rsi st andhurieultural imp omenta and tp do all jlliof isambtunhorsashoo pbandgeneral ws woodwork repalra pertprmsd uusfaeton manner we oa repair any sim or implement of any make saw aiming and nling dona acton saw mills and wood yards jhtlubs brown kaktjfaoton ad dbaivhh 1m uumhor 1th 3 woorf etc ah kinds of wood in stook and promptly a de yerod to any part o ibo town at roasoaaole prlcos iarjwood and slabs j lngtb elwajs telephone oommudloatlon waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods waters bros wyndham street new store guelph speight brady manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors oasounk ami o as eironrxs brass a iron castjzfos to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont w barber bros paper makebb georgetown ont kike sreoultt 01 machine finished book papers amd high grade weekly news tho paper used in ibis joarna is from the above milla wm baeber a bro- everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed 6cc for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop two kinds of men there are two kinds of men bef6urtd tct be tound everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while 3t work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and see oitr new links w williams mill st mail and business practice u tho most lntermtlog and pnu- ileal eonne of itadyin bookkeeping and aoeonntlag for boyi and glrli imtlng pablla and high betaooli shorlbaod and tr pa writing peo- ul faelllutm indltldaal tuition no oluaea formed panntaare lnflted to loteitigite fall tartn will corn monoe monday aag 88 gustph business college and shortliand institute j bnabp prinolpat nigoebt current itate op interest fiafd on stitub dopoeltod of sl nnd upwards torott ftllowod from dato of doposlt to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yoarly advances mado to roaponalblo farm ore on tbolr own namob a tlio lowoat curron ratoo ko ouargo made for oollootlng aalos notos if payablo in quelpb a general banking bublnobb traneaetod af h jones man alter gaetrq perhaps j it is a j hall perhaps it la a room r perhaps it is both 1 wc can suit you whichever way it goes that is in linoleums oil cloths or mat tings we pride ourselves on our particu lar attention in this department bigger bargains than ever this year come and see our patterns and try our prices john m bond co cublph motto satisfaction hardware acton- livery bus line the dndorblbnodreepeotfnllysolloita tho patron ago of the public and informs tnom that wall equipped and btyuah rigs oan al ways be secured at hlastblos a corbfortablo bus moots trains botwoon 9 a m and 818 pm carol ul attention glvon toovery ordor the wants of commercial travel lers folly mot john wjlliams sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorised cupitl 500000000 wanted bevsral bright and lionsit parsons to represent us as manager in this and close by oouutlos salary suoua year and eineoio htralght botiartde no more no leu salary position permanent our reference any bank in any town ik is mainly offloe work oondacteil at bom jlefsrenoe unelosa self add raased stamped envelope the dominion company dept 3 ohloago tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 36000 aid in maturity value sioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton oxford oxford stoves and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaces the imperial oxford rattgo is the lead ing cook stove may bo seen at any time at panaaboakers mill st the otxord base burner is the loading coal stove pipes scuttles shovels stove furniture at low prices c a pannabecker mill street aoton cooper akins the artistic tail ops- jjeg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded give thanks for all that god in moroy sonds for health and children homo and frlouds for comfort in be time of need for ovary kindly word anddsod for happy thoughts and holy talk for guldanoo in our dally watk for everything glvo thanks for boauty in thin world of ours for vordont grass and lovely iiowori for songs of birds for bum of bees for tho refroshlns summer breeze for hill and plain for streams and wood for tho groat oceans mighty flood in cvory thing glvo thanks for tho swoot sloop that comes with night for tho returning mornings light for tho bright sun that shlnos on high for tho atari glittering in tho sky for these and everything wo see 0 lord our hearts wo lift to tho for ovory thing glvo thanks steurl yamun ftsabmg jvjiss gonstaqtia s cooper akin8 main st acton 11 two letters why two are better than onel smiled misa conetantia into judys little blaok face she put oat ber hand eagerly for the lettets coveting their contents like a very miier bbs was so intolerably lonesome a minnta ago she had aoaroely known how to bear it thats paulina wards vrritiog on that one i should know her slant anywhere and ber toroasinge 1 paulina could get out a patent on those i now whos this other letter from oh i misa conaaantiaa beautiful straight browb creased unbecomingly as a sore eignsl of her displeasure her ahoes tapped the poihed floor with nervous irregular strokes judy looking and listening shook her crop of woolly braids aigoifl- oanlly wouldnt be de white nigger dat done wrote dat letter bi bet i wouldnt 1 the ohild ruminated weu missy constance done pucker up her dobq an stomp her toes dataway deu yon hi tie niggers better scomper i and judy soompered it was quite a long time before misa conatuntia toaohed either letter again the sight of the name on the square white envelope upper in oat on her lap offended her and she woald not allow her eyes to atray in iti direction after a while the woman stretohed out a band to the dainty writing desk beside ber and selected an envelope from one of its little cubbybole j she thrnst the obnox ious letter qulokly into it and sealed it it did not ooour to her that it woald be a bimpler m attar to draw a pen through the address already written and tfaa now ttreot and oity she might have saved herself the pain of writing nana name how long maat they keep coming here for me to forward she orled aoftly caot her friends find oat where she is in a month a month ii so long miss constantia bboddered involontarily oh a month wasnt it a year ten years a little lifetime how miserably lonesome aod heartbiok one 00 a id be in a month it had been midoctober when the when u happened nan little brown- eyed laughing nan had gone away under a canopy of red and golden haves now other people were getting the raisins atoned for the tbankbgiviog mlnoe moat and aunt candaoe wanted to do hers it was bleak eero november for sheer want of comfort miss oon stantia tore open paaline wardd letter at last she read it aloud from force of habit she had always read the letters aloud to nan dear constance paulina wrote im envying yon two sitting thera together id yoar beaatifal home mies oonbtntia drew in her breath sharp ly ah paulina did not know while i am bo lonely tonight for yoo see my big ben has hied him away to overseas my little ben too to bed i im silting all by my lone it doesnt agree with me yon koow i never could abide being left at home alone how many times ive ran crossiota after yon and yoar nightgown when father and mother were away and once dont you remember yon brought over baby nan and we took tarns lagging her yoa to the itone wall i to the long- handled beeah then yoa again to undo david cropperes par o brb what lug she was little fat thing i just peaoh oat yoar band my dear and give bier car a tweak to pay for that armaoho bbe gave mel oh i cried miss oonstaotla in pain remember what a little fat thing baby nan was and how they took tarn and turn about lagging ber across lot from uncle davids bars they oar r led her on a chair plated oat of their four little toagh brown hands she remembered that too nan was a year and a half then she was big and lusty for her age she bad a row of liltte orisp yellow carls that nadded and bobbed when judy 1 jady called miia oonslaotia loudly clearing iter throat and calling again jud i lor midsy cunaunoe came back aunt candacus mellow voioe with wrath ful undertones lor missy constance ef dat noooant little brack nigger aint done ran away aglnl yowait till i ootoh ap with her rrrr 1 the wat syllables had the roll of jastfoe in them theu annt c and aces voice pat off its wrath and pat on pleasantness what yo want honey i kin fotob it a hep alght betters that little braok limb o evil said aunt candaoe i want miss constance wavered doabtfolly what had ahe wanted of judy o yes i want my cop of tea fo de lawd missy oan i know 1 i know i it is a little early but i wish it bring it in at once aunt oandaee fode lawdl muttered aunt can daoe on her way back to lha kitchen there was no hint of irreverence in ber voice or on her seamy polished old face there was poly ntter astonishment missy onnalahoo wanted bar lea and here it lacked a quarter to three a quarter lo three an missy constance wanted her t3 fo de lawd i de worl done eomin to a timasb ap fo oertaia 1 ahe mumbled on aint i done nailed miaty constance an an mibtyntn brass her i au aint i done made their tea ebersenoe deyg rowed but o solid eilber mugs o milk hoy aint i well 1 aint nebbor made it wen it lacked a qnarter to three fo de lawd 1 aint i de sun neber went down mo reglarer dan missy cuubtancea tea clar to massy im bkeert boat misey cun- stancel fortunately for aunt candace the appearance of judy intervened at this point as a aafety vulvo to her feelings mias constantia drank her early cap of tea with slow litio sips it took her a long tlmo and the bips of all were ihvor- leaa and cold sho was thinking of fat little baby nan and the row of crisp yellow carls that nodded nil around hor nmall round fuoe there had been fie others between miss constantly and bby nan bat one by one they had dropped out until the two ends of the family line bad come together and knit in indissoluble devotion aod love miss constantia and baby nan she had always been baby nan and the old homestead were alt that had anrvived the wreck of a good old family now it waa misa constantia and the old home where was baby nan i will answer paulina wurds latter misa constantia said suddenly aloud she took the last dainty sip of cold tea and set away the onp a harried determination had bbaped itself in ber mind she woald not spend the terrible looming thanks giving alone aunt oandaee ahould atone her raisins and make her mlnoe meat at once there waa no time tu lose i will invite paollna ward and her boy tooome and eat it with me they are lonely too she said and i oh i am desperately lonely it was like a cry of pain in the quiet room it seemed to echo book to ber from the low studded ceiling my dear she wrote and the neat preoiae uttle letters rod on each other in their eagerness my dear i want yoa to oome home to thanksgiving it u home here to paulina you and that boy of yours it is an age bioce you were here yon mnat start at onae i cannot waft for yoa 1 i am ao debperately ioniiy dear bring that boy of yours i want to have him too we will try to be thankful together we throe she folded the letter and sealed it in the envelope then ahe fell into another long sad revery it wai nearly dark when she caught up the two envelopes on the desk- lid and addressed them in nervous haste nans name ahe wrote through a mist of tears judy she called and the patter of judys little feet bounded in the hull in a sport of speed aant candaoes advice lingered fresh in judys mind and on her little black bboolders yeam missy cunstanoo im acomin im here carry them to the dfhco quick judy there is still time for the six oclock mail you mutt run all the way yon can got yoar breath oocqing back harry miss constantia lingered over her lonely dinner bnt moat of aunt oandaoea dainty dishes wore untouched after all annt oandaee carried them out again with a heavy heart mieey canstanoo la done aiok abaid fo de lwd bhe is 1 ahe groaned belpleaa- ly the tears streamed down over ber bhihy blaok cheeks in a steady prooesbion aant oandaee was homesick too she longed unspeakably for a bight of missy nans sweet laughing face aant candaoe 1 the voioe startled her it sounded so mnob liko mibsy nana voioe bat it was only missy constanoe standing in the kitchen doorway aant candaoe i will help you ttone the raisins get a bowl of cold watjr and some plates we mait hurry with them it is so ute yoa must make the mince meat tomorrow yes mias canatince aunt can dace muttered iu great bewilderment she got the plates and raisins and filled a bowl at the pomp what was this about atoning raisins and minoemeat tomorrow i have invited oompany for thanks giving miss constantia superintended all the preparations with oervous care as the time drew nearer she waa filled with a great dread of what was ooming she wished she bad not wfiltsu ts paulina it was terrible to think of having a grand thanksgiving dinner without with no body in the teaobair opposite her reach ing her toes down to toaoh the floor i but it was too lata paulina bad not written so of course she was coming there had really been no time to answer anyway only time to coma three days before thanksgiving a sweet- faced little wlfo answered the postmans whistle and held oat ber hand for a lettsr she was so short she had almost to stand on tiptoe to reach it aa the big bluecoated fellow held it up taqtatisingly got an invita to tbanksgivin sure be said with a ltagh i can smell the age an stoffin through the envelope 1 bat the womans eyes were on the hand writing the neat prim little letters that traced her name her face whitened a trifle oh 1 ahe cried softly baok in her room again she read the letter through ouoe twice three times oh 1 she laughed oh i then hor faoe was radiant she glanced at the clock on the manttl impatiently would it ever be time for diok to oome five oclock ave minutes patt oh bo was late tonight i hark 1 that was the way diok stepped steady and stroog diok i oh diok she cried at the head of the stairs nan i oh nan i he came uaping np to her and took hor in his arms whats in the wind little uu fefl fo fom i smell turkey dioky i aod roast spare- rib and plain pudding aflre in the middle i and spiced oyttira i he sniffed once or twice yes i smell em he said if ravel y they went into the pleasant little room together and he set her down in an eaty- ohair now then hopomythumb whats it all about he asked briskly it waa so pleasant to see that the homesick look was oat of ber eyes she looked so maota liko baby nan tonigbt diok dioky i oh its toa good to be trne 1 i guea it isnt nopothomb its nil a fake he threw himself down bailt her no its as trueas tbe bibl- diok she said slowly her voice dropped to gontle awed toneb diok abo wants ua to come to thanksgiving its all here iu hor letter connies letter li j too you and that boy of yoara thats you diok she says bbe wants yon too she wants us all throe tobe thankful together bhe cannot wait for as we must start at once diok diok yes hopo thumb homebody ought to kneel down and thank the lord they gazed at each other solemnly the last raya of autumn sunset reddened the little room and jaet tinged their faces faintly it was very still indeed a moment or two all the evening nan sang over her sew ing aud dioka big babs rumbled in occas ionally they were ao happy 1 you and that boy of yours quoted nan again andagain thafsyou dicky you are that boy of mine connie want3 yoo too she has forgiven ua diok hopotbnmb i believe in my soul ahe has 1 on thanksgiving morning judy was in a state of bliss oat of au proportion to her diminutive blaok person she paddled aoftly about from room to room regarding mibsy constances preparations out of wide admiring eyes then scurried baok to the familiar abode of the kitchen to on iff fresh and entrancing odors tyo scolding or- criticism had power to dampen her spirits jady at least wab happy misa ganstantia and aunt candace were covertly nneaey and distressed the minutes wore away too rapidly for them it grew unpleasantly near the boar for paulina and that boy of hers to oome the stage was due at eleven it wab half- past ten ob how pan i let them oome groaned poor misa constantia to herself how oin i smile and talk and bit there oppoalte nans empty teaobair it waa a terrible mistake to abk them to come what shall i do sbe felt a keen longing to pour ont her trouble on aunt oandaoea broad bliok breast aa ahe need to do years ago but ber pride would not let ber she had never mentioned baby nan to annt candace since that day when ehe sent her away down the path under the red and golden leaves was that a month or a century ago she had known through the papers that nan bad married dick bemis at once nan her little laxurloaa nan 1 the boy was good enough for moat girls not for nan but be wan criminally poor and side by side with that ineradicable blot againbt his name in misa constantlas mind was his lineage no trne blood ran in bis veins not a drop and in litle laagniog nans velnb itwas all blue mibb constantia had nourished such hub ambi tions for highbred lineveined nan i and truth to tell it had net occurred to her that the child nan was so little and loving and soft i would dream of setting up ber will like that it had never happened before oh no no never t mias oonfitactta sat waiting for the bound of coach wheels on the drive hor fine clearoat features wore tense and pale and as sbe waited past thanksgiving one by one fled before ber memory there was the urbt one she remembered whon the long oaken table was edged with uttle faces ber own somewhat higher up than the rest sbe could distinctly see her fathers face and ber mothers sweet and serene at the table endb baby nans faoe was not there that thanksgiving or for many bucaeediug ones then she eftw it among the other faoea tiny fair and gleeful after that it was always there always just nans face and hers had been left at the shortened table for more than half a score of thanksgivings and now oh nan nan i cried mibs oonbtantfa aloud her voice was a cry of pain yes connio here i am i nan answered her she was standing there in the door- way laughing i of course nan was always laughing sho held ont both ber hands and ran across the room here i am connie right here i oh how good it is how good it ial you didnt hear tbewbeels yoa dreamer the wheels iu your dear old head made auoh a noise i but they rattled and clattered me here i and that boy of mine diok diok where are yoa connio wants yoa too dlckl yes hopotbumbi a deep bass voice wab rumbling somewhere outside and then baby nan waa polling her great boy forward and ranging his big strong bnlk beside ber own little self in front of mias constantia her langhlngfaoe was flashed and sweet and afterward misa constantia remembered that it was proud too this la that boy of mioo nan orled happily dioky yoar manners i yoar manners 1 why dont you bbake hands eir but mias constantia lifted ber faoe and kissed him riches poverty blue blood or red it did not matter notbiog matter ed she was not oven conscious of wonder ing how it all happened thore was a time for that afterward now there waa only time to be tbankfol somewhere in the shadow of be door way a 111 tie blacker than the shadow aunt oan daces dusky old face was shin- icg aud below it alione little bltok judys fo de lawd 1 murmured aant can daoes forvently and this time it was a prayer of thanksgiving thanksoiving tif a nksg1vinq assetnblo all yo people your thankful volaeiralso to ood tho lord of harvest whose goodness crown a our days our fathora trusted lu klin aud noer woii put to shame of ua ho bath been mindful all glory to ills name o god we praise and thank tboo tho giver of all good for hoalth and strength and raiment for homo for friends for food for peace with neighboring nations for missionary aoal wo thank thee that in jesus thou didst thyself reveal not only do wo thank thee for joys thou dost bestow wo bloss theo o our father for trial griif and won it is through tribulation thou wlnnowoat thy grain oiord wepray thea oloanse ui prom overy earthly stain and when at last thou contest to gather in thy wlioat may we with holy gladnoas tho lord of harvest greet then when the last sheafs qaroerod woll colobrato thy love at the thanksgiving supper of ilsrvoatnome above today 1b thanksgiving day tho day appointed by legal enactment to give thanks to a meroifal providence for the countless blessings bestowed on ubbb a pooplt it maat be a singularly unfor- tunate and altogether wretched being who oannot at this time find it iu his heart to be thankful to thoae who live in this favored land thanbbgiving bhould partake of a nature moat bolemn we have as a people enjoyed prosperity aud what is oven better peace we have been spared the heavy band of nruiction which baa scourged many of our fellows across the seas seed time and harvest have come and gone and into our granaries haa been gathered an ababdanoe and to spare of the fruits of the earth sorely then when we look abroad we have countless reasons for being thank ful an well grateful to the allwise power which governs our dettiny that in the dispensation of his favors we have shared so generously thousands of years ago moses in structed the israelites to keep a feast after they got established in the holy land thy called it the feaat of the tabernaolea and for eight days following the close of harvest they dwelt in booths made chiefly of green boughs and feasted on corn wine oil andfralt the greeks had a nine days feast of similar obaraater and the romans also had one in honor of ceres the goddess of grain the saxons had a harveet home and after them the english our thanke- giving oomea from the paritans and it will be noted that like all its predecessors the observance bore special reference to the harveet and if the harvest failed there was no thanksgiving day bnt it will never be omitted again no matter what calamity falls on the country we have discovered that there is always something to be thankful for sorrow and disappointment come to all bat there is no life so dark that it is without one ray of sunshine ie for nothing elae you aro to be thankful for life itself true philosophy means to make the best of everything be thankful for wbat yoa have and forget what yoa have hot too often however we are prone to corapuin because our expectations in some respect have not been fulfilled let ns remember that oar case might have been worse and that really we have great canao for thanks giving thewiqham train s weft thpefro v tir ciri in the boston railroad station in boston there waa formerly a deaf and dumb bootblack who waa a general favorite with the patrons of the road of oourao a great many people talked to him wbo did not know that he waa totally deaf bnt as a rnle tbey qalokly discovered bis infirmity and respected it one aftornoon putriok mulcabey who lived at wjgham a station about fifteen miles out settled heavily into the bootblacks chair he bad no intention of having his boots blacked but he had become somewhat intoxicated whilo in town and did not quite know what be was doing when pat looked down and saw the bootblack baaily engaged in shining his boots be made the best of the business and resolved to oonduot bimaelt aa if he bad intended from the beginning to get his boots polished presently fat remarked thickly bnt nonchalantly what toime do the nixt thrain go to wigham the deafanddumb bootblack of course paid no attention pat waited patiently a few raotnentb and thon repeated in a londer tone of voice and leaning farther over what toime do the nixt thrain go to wigham the bootblaok kept on baaily with his shinning and made no sign of intelli gence fat bent low for a reply which did not oome after another halfminute be raiaod his voioo again oi say to yon down there wbat toime do the niat train go to wigham 7 still the bootblaok paid no attention but by this time pats ahoatb bad attracted several waiting passengers pat had his hands on the arms of hia obair and was apparently a boat to rise and attempt to ohaatibe the bootblaok for not answering him hold on i one of the passengers called out to him that boy is deaf and dumb 1 pat paused his wrath was apparently not quite mollified dif anddoomb ia it bald ho dif and doomb indade 1 well begorra if he be dif and doomb he nadent bo so ehtuok up about it shaking bis head ruenaoingly he paid bis fee for the shine and with his resplen dent cowhide boots quite oat of keeping with the rest of bis attire ho made bis way unsteadily in search of the wigbam train almost wronged prisoner bald the police magistrate 2a witnesses have sworn that yoa ran through thflbtrcots without proper clothing upon you that you struck a young lady in the face and knocked her down that yoo set fire to three houses and a barn that you shot at two men and tried to stab another that you drove your wifo and children from homo with a club and compelled thorn to remain out in the rain ii night that yoa yelled like a hyena for eight hours at a stretch making etrong men weep and soaring women and children into fits and that yoa destroyed the beauti ful figures upon our public fountain by hammering them with a sledge have yoa anything tottay in your defeuso jndge tho prisoner replied i admit that all them aoousation is trne is hahl the court explained you did all that then i shall take pleasure in sentencing yoa to receive the fall punish ment provided by law hanging 1b too good for auoh a despicable wretch as yoo admit thai bnt lha low browed person at the bar interrupted will your honor please let mo explain why i done it i there oan be no explanation the judge answered in theaevereat tones at his com mand you ate too low too oontemptible for any consideration whatever i sentence you bat judge ytlled the priaoner i was drunk when i done it obi the magiatrato replied why didnt you oxpltin that at tho beginning i beg yoar pardon for the harah things i have aaid about yoa clerk call the next case this gentlemen is discharged lvohcordthch h3ot evgn when aprils auullcht yloauiuu ivo tried rlto hard t bo ontruueud s when pnld oopranora eeroaniod ivo lowod my ealh t tote mo oil t olm roll on suuduy worn an board th orelu toot it nut ez loud cu gabrla horn au it wiik music tow ill own but a i told mary ami id rutlior hear a lurkoy boo aslzslin in th pan 1 tlmo was wueneor a nddlo btjuoakod 8 llvolyllko an swoot twuz hard t koop from keeping tlmo with my cowbidod foot it bounds good now an i kin rasp a tuna or two nisolf ilutdanclu lu a thing long sinco ltfld by ulioii the aholf butti kin oat en woll cji wliou t do it i hogan thats why th turkoy bun sounds good aalzzlin iu th pan i tbaukeglviu whan im puttorlu round adoluof odd jobs for mary add an btuuln in t stovo limb wood an cobs dont toll mo then a man should try nil appotlto t govu with that air j uloy female bird aoookln in tb ovon for thoro la things os cant bo did ea well cz lb cm 07 can i fool that whon that turkoy hou s aalzzliu in th pan 1 thon spout about yor spring birds notes an with yew ill agrop vaas ill onthuso an sing baas on m country tin of tboo 1 yow pay th faro ill go an hear that faddyrosky play whon pattyll fotob hor top notch oquoal ill stomp an yell hooray i i3ut arteralltb b woo tost note fer mo till llfoa laat span will couio from a plumpturkoy hou abirclln in th pan t uptodatz uay1no the tablecloth most american girl and many of their brothers havo bad to set the table when they would have better enjoyed doing something elite but the twk offered no serious diffioalliea if they had had to follow the french fashion of several centuries ngo they rriiht well havo felt some dismay probably no little frenoh girls of the period from the twelfth to the seventeenth centuries could havo arranged a fashionable lablecloth without consider able aepiatancp in tho twdfih century ibo tabloclotha wero very urge uud wero always laid on the table double for a long lime tbey were called doublerb for that reason the rlolh was first ptaced so as lo touch the floor on tbn aide of the table at which the guebts sat then all tho cloth that remained was folded so that it just covered the tible charles v bad bixtyseven table cloths which were from fifteen to twenty yards lontt aud two yards wido lie hud ono cloth which waa thirtytwo yarda long and bad the arms of france embroidered on it in silk ah of these weru fringed in tho sixteenth century doublors or double cloths were repuced by two tablo- cloths one of which wab smull and was laid jubt as wo wy aura today tho other which was put on over it was largo and of beautifullyfigured linen it wae skilfully folded in btioh a way that as a book of that time says it resembled a winding river gently rufllod by a little breeze for among very many little folds were here and there great babbles it maet have required ranch art and care to make dishes plitea saltcollers baoce- dishes and gliabe etind steadily in the midst of thia undulating sea and among thoao bubblea and puffy folds however the fashion had only a short existence as is apt to be the case with unpraotical fashions and toward the litter part of the century a single cloth 1 aid flat and touching the floor on all bides of the table came into general uae a remedy for bad language an oceangoing captain was so much given to using bad language that his first mate made a bet with bim that he could not do without swearing for a week it went od all right for the first two or three days until a bit of a squall came on and the bailors wore up aloft doing their different duties but iheir captain was displeased with their work ho btobd at it as long as ho could and then he threw his oap on deok in a tweriug rage jumped on it and shaking hia fist up at the men with an angry soowl he hissed bless you my dears you know what i mean 1 to stop runaway horses runaway acoidenta at idem occur in bussla the means ueed in preventing them is beautifully simple in russia a horse that is addicted to tho habit of running away has a thin cord with a running pooae around bib neok and tho end is tied to the dashboard when a horse bolts he alwayb takes the bit in his teeth and the skill of tho driver ib useless bnttbe moment tne pressure comcb on the windpipo the home knows he bas met his mabter an apparent mystery fully explained there aro thousand of peoplo in canada with very limited resources who are always well and neatly drcsped but nover in debt for tho new dresp coatumo cape jacket buit or ovoraoat the question with many is how cau men and women dresa wtll whon small incomes are barfly sufficient to pay rent and living expenses the explanation is simple but true never helosb wise economical women call to their aid the magical powers of diamond dyes when new oroationa aro needed in wearing apparel for tho mother daughter father or boo tho soiled or dingy dross or cot tame worn a year or two ago or it may bea faded and maty cape jaoket suit or overcoat that haa done service in the patt all aro made to look like new at a trifling oost by tho nso of diamond dyes the diamond byea supply tho newest moat fashionable and most becoming colors for tho different beaaonb this is ono of the great advantages that diamond dyes offer tho ladies of canuda no other package dyca are so strong fast and brilliant as the diumoml dyes aud no others ao easy to uae all economical and thrifty women uao tho reliable diamond dyea

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