Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1899, p. 2

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cs vi w 0n thunasy lata ootobar hv fia drum s ooilph nh jstiisnoon saturday oot uth cvsi ma mr hshftfiorliu to v jw botl1 0 w the wa ha begun sevaral ensseements with tha boers at mafeklna in which the british repulsed them causing ser ious loss our electric lioht an open letter to the patrons electric uljrht and freehold ers of aoton canada sends i0oo men winy on wednesday e spots- toronto asalat- key qaktule and iter j b uh t0 brooms nnole of london ilev h with th alamo paatorqusen street but liettaodut ouurch toronto to mary balm twin jauantar of o w anderson esq moimow in qoomotowd on wednesday oot n mra d morrow in her 61st year oiutdew in eiquialng on monday oot oth mm blmon campbell in her mth year sb cotton fxtt ub8 thtjbsdax ootobeb 10 1809 tha as previously announced this day bu been declared a day of apodal thanks- giving and after a bonntlf ul harvest and a years snooessful business it ii manifestly tho duty of all grateful persona to retnrn thanks to tbe great qiver of auoh blessings let gratitude be shown by attendanoe for worship at the obarobes and by remember in with bailable gifts those who are in poor oironmatannes and whose observance of the day woald be devoid of oomtort otherwise notes and comments tho war with the boers is expeoted to aat nntil april and is estimated that it will cost 8200000000 the government has asked palliatnsnb to vote immediately a credit for 850000000 or 75000000 tho amount of apeoie in oironlation daring september was 820010513 as against 820687705 in august daring tbe same time tbe pnblio debt decreased from 8263252345 to 8262004762 a dimin ution of 81247508 krngere ultimatum of last week was given a very oold reception ita impossi ble terms were not enteitained by the british government from the latest reports there bee been some stiff sgbtidg between tbe british and the enemy north of mafeklng three engagements are reported in all of whioh the boers were repulsed with considerable loss the armored trains of the british oarried maxim guns which were used with deadly effeot a big engagement is expeoted io the neighborhood of ladyamitb the boere have brought artillery from newcastle and are destroying tbe railway at ingegane to preveut the approaoh of tbs armored train a despatch from capo town says tbe boers lost more men in their fight with an armed train at klmberloy than they did at majuba hill their abooting was bad tho imperial government has accepted canadas offer of a regiment of 1000 men our boys will leave for booth africa in about a week another manito letter a word of correotlon and further interesting particulars tbe outbreak of war in south afrioa has led holders of oanadian wheat to look for higher prices and quite a few who wore sellers a week ago now refuse to part with their grain at current prices gables from the british markets this week show no material advance detective sogers says that bis recent ornbde against tbe tramps in ontario has effectually rid the country of the wandering willies inspeotor stark of toronto says that not a complaint had been received in regard to the tramp nuisance this month one of the most gratifying signs of pro gress io tbe canadlannorthweit is the great inorease in bales of land this year ono company reports its september sales doable that for the lame month last year and the railway land sales largely farming lauds show an inorease over previous years most of the sales aro to actual settlers bradetrtct rortvfive citizens of napanee bave been bummoned to appear before police magi- trate dqly on a oharge of attempting to procure liquor daring prohibited hours all the local hotelkeepers have been subpoeaned as witnesses against the ao- cuscd this is a new departure as heretofor prosecutions bave been confined to hotel beepers charged with selling liquor in contravention to tbe license act mr d b wilkie genersl manager of theimpenal bank of canada while in tbe mother country last month paid some attention to tbe position of greater prom inence wbfob canada now ooccnples in great britain and on this point he observes there appears to be every confidence in tbe present position and in ths future of canada the dominion appears to stand higher in the estimation of financial men than any other outside por tion of tbe empire and it only requires the dissemination of the information npoo whioh that opinion bas been formed amongst tbe agricultural class to draw to ourselves the bulk of tbe agricultural immigration draditrctfs rockwood show beautiful weather improved ex hibits a splendid crowd the annosl show of eramoea agricul tural society held in rookwood on tuesday and wednesday of last week was favored with ideal autumn weather as a con sequent oiroumstanoe both exhibitors and visitors turned out in large numbers and ths officiary were seen in all departments with smiling faces tbe show of stook was perhaps ths best ever made at rookwood every depart ment seemed to excel horses cattle sheep and poultry were all well repre sented grain roots and fruit mads a very fine sxhiblt tns ladies work was tbs finest that has ever been exhibited at thla show competi tors being present from toronto bramp ton guelpb fergus and other placet outiide ths township there were 800 entries in this department alone tbe new secretarys offioe is more com fortable and commodious than tbs old quarters and all concerned appreciated tba ohange nas worthington bros oampbellville have sold out their general store business to william anderson of jarvis tbs new comer is a thorough holiness man wm lookalsy a oanadian paolflo brake- man was instantly killed last thursday at oampbellville while coupling ears locks- ley was 27 years of age his parents live at loudon where be was recently married lookelsy baa been running out of toronto junction for sons months and was about to eatsblisb bis boms there tbe annual township fair was held at oampbellville on tuesday as far as tbe weather was concerned onr experience of last year was repeated the showery weather of the morning broke at three oolook into s steady pour whioh continued all tba afternoon tbs attsndanoe was very fair and ths exhibits gsnsrally op to average though in holt and grain lbs number of entries wa meagre tbs rain interfered considerable with showing of horses and caused tbs ball to bo crowded almost to sufboatlon to the editou or tbe fbek fbess although supposed to have written my final manitoba letter i feel constrained to rise to explain or correct two or three items in my last which would probably cause yoar readers to disoredit your kindly reference to tbe truthfulness of my letters made in tbe give away paragraph as to the anthorahip either my pen or your type bave slipped where it is said that stook threshing oosts six oeots tor wheat and nearly immediate ly afterwards that one firm stook threshes for four and onefourth cents boarding the bands stook should he stsok whioh makes all the difference the one fourth of a oent is for tbs board as tbe prioe would be four oents without where it is stated that tbe usual prloes are threa and onefourth and four cents for wheat and three and onebill for oats it ahoald be three and onehel and tons for wheat and two and onehalf for oats while on my feet as tbe speakers would say i might add a few supplemen tary notes an outfit a few miles south of brandon baa recently made what is supposed to be tbe worlds record for threshing they threshed 4020 bushels of oats in a day and it was 10 a m before they deoided to mako it a teat tbe weighing apparatus had to be torn off and the grain allowed to fall into a waggon box then shovelled into bags a test bag weighed two and one- half bushels it is confidently claimed that 800 batbels ebonld in justice be added to tba bag count i would like to know what angus idfoeacfaern or some of our other aoton hustlers could do with like facilities i fanoy they might abow even manitoba threshers a thing or two it ia difficult in this land of wheat to keep from wishing tbe war would go on tbe price dropped from sixtyone to fifty- six cents in a few days when it appeared evident that tho war waa off the weather bas been magnifloent this fall there being very little rain and only a few nights of hard frost in aoton the frost seems to have been earlier than here and while it may be you were supposing tbey were oatobiog it in manitoba when you had tha oold anap and the snow in western ontario we bave bad it beautiful bright and even mild everywhere this seems to be declared to be tbe country for the poor farmer that is the farmer who is poor he bas ohanoea to get along a great difficulty however ia the ooit of ooming one and also the oold winters but i am told on good authority that the oost of fuel good wood at the station does not much exceed 88000 for one year for a farmer even if a man bas no intention of settling it is a fine couple of montha experience to come and aee this portion of our grand dominion to think that these cultivated farms dotted over with dwellings stables and granaries was thirty years ago slmosl entirely ons grass sward over which galloped large herds of buffalo followed by galloping indians or white banters with no permanent settlers is a most interesting reflection ours has been a favored generation in having thla inheritance reserved for as with these few remarks o yours j ti o obatcr oot lotb 1880 as the seaion for an inoroased demand for eloctrlo current in tbe evening and the additional morning soriioe is approaching wo deem it wise in jonrintereet tooallyour attention to a few faots that are liablo to be overlooked when the matter of elea trio light was introduced to the oounoll some time late in the summer of 1808 a committee was appointed to investlgato and repoit to tbo freeholders which wbb done a vote was taken and by a 78 majority the counoll waa authorized to proceed and install the plant at ouoo we as your bervants undertook tbe dlffionlt task of carrying out your inbtrnotionb and now ask our cooperation in assisting us in plaoing and keeping it on a paying basil in order to do this it is neaesiary to economiie as in any other business wo find that a great many lights are left burn ing in tho ctores after they are closed for business also in dwellings in rooms not oooopied which is a direct wasto of cleotrln ourrent and should be avoided as much is pobiible wo do not ask ou to turn off one necessary light but we do ask yon in your own interest to turn off all nnnecee sary lights wo give joa three reasons for so doing 1st yol aius bhontkiimi tiik life of our l11ifb 2nd you abe calbinu an unnecessary conhuuition ov coai san you jiae contnactkb so to no yonr contraot states that ill lights mast be turned off when not in uee wo have refrained from mentioning this before behoving that tbe novelty would wear off and your own good judgement would lead yoa to aopsider this matter no private oobnpany woald permit such ftn extravagant oonbumptlon of ourrelt we recognize the fact hat yon are the owners of the plant and wp vftof o emphasise that faol upon you consequent ly it is tbe more necessary tbat ypu use your belt endeavor to aesiit us our roid has not been strewn with roses in the matter every light cobta so mnoh coal to pro duce if yoa expeot tbe rates to be reduced in the near future you must give heed to those points all lights left burning at night will also buro in the morning after that service is established and thereby consume mors coal than all the neaessar lights used in t evening w notice several stores leaving their lights burning on saturday evening consequently they burn sunday night we would remind these that we only oojlocf for a six day service some of the committee stated that they believed tbe plant would pay all expenses we are more sanguine than ever of obtain ing these result if yon act upon tfaeie suggestions and tbe publio oarry onf tbelr promises to ns and roako a judicious use of their privileges a number at the inoeption of tbe plant agreed to have the lights installed in their homes who bave not as vat contracted for such installation to these we would say we are prepared to wire up their domiciles with neatness and deapatob we are pleased to say that we are gradually inorcaalng the npmbsr of lights and adding to our revenue its an cjd and ferae saying that its not wbat you mako but what you save that counts we ask you to give this matter yonr oonsideration and aot upon these suggestions and we pledge our best endeavor in your interest we bave room for more patrons of the light please remember the more patrons the sooner the rates can be reduced should there be any diasstlsfaotion in ths service ws would be pleased to be reminded of it and will do ourbebt to make it satisfactory we have the bonor to be yoob cousiittee on flile and llout acton oot lotb 1800 excruci pains the victim a wellknown and popular hotel clerk after other madlolhos failed he was cured by dr williams pink pills every dose counted in the battle against pain from tho nowa alexandria out thero is do mora popular hotel clerk in eaetera ontario than mr potor modonoll of tbe grand uuion hotel alexandria at tbe proaent time mr modouell is in tbe enjoyment of perteot health and a stranger meeting him for tbe first time 00 a id not imagine tbat a man with the healthy glow and energet0 manrfer of mr modonell could ever have felt a symptom of disease there fa a story towovor in connection with the plendid deqrea bf health attained by him that is worth tolling it is a wtll known fact that a few years ago he was the victim of tho most exornoiatiuff pains of rheum it tiara know ing these faots a avw reporter called on mr modonell for tbe purpobe of elioulng taller particulars without hesitation he attributed bis prebeut sound state of health to the ubs of dr williams pink pi ii i for pale people i am buh he ihity- threo years pf age but three years ago i did not expect to live phis jontf at that timo i waa conneoted with tho coramerpial here and as part of my duties was to drive tbe busses to and from tho c a it nation 1 was exposed to all kinds of weather and subjected to the sodden extremes of heat and cold along in the earl epilog i was suddenly attacked with tbe moat terrible paiob in my liraba and body i sought relief jp dootore and then in pat ant medi oines bat a to po pnrpotie nothing seemed to afford relief for two months i watfl a helplees invalid buffering constantly tbe most excruciating pains my hands and feet swelled anj i was positive the end kas approaching my heart was affeoted and indeed j was almost in despair when fortpnatefy a friend of our family reoom mended pho use of pr williams pink pipe i began using bero iu may 1810 and bad ken bree bpjfeb before f noticed any ohange bat from that cimo eety dose counted tbe blood seemed to thrill through my veins and by tho time i had finished the fifth box every trace of tho disease bad vanished ever since then i bave been workiog bard and frerjuenlly lodfl overtime bat bavo continued in excellent health whenover x feel tho alight ett symptom of the trouble i ubo tho ptjle for a day oreo and soon fed as wtll hb dr willfamu pink pills apd npyer ono tn opportunity of recommending them to others suffer ing bb i was dr williarab pink pills euro by goiug to he roo of tbe disease they renew and build pp thp hood apd strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from fbe system avoid imitations by insisting that every box yon purobaae 1b enolobed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark dr williams pink pi ja for pale people if yonr deafer does ncf keep them key wll be vent postpaid af bq cents a lo or eix boxes for 12 co by adjreseipg f dr williams medioine go brockvil oot wk claim tlibt the dal menthol plaster will ouro lumbago bs oka oho ooi utioa or nouralklo pains quiokor than any other remedy made by davis l iwrenoe co ltj tho man who taken ever bodys advico booh has hie bauds full a pleasant burpribe i7or those who have thought that catnrrh id inatirable and to whom tbo conulaut use of snuffs and ointments baa bom oltnott unbearable is to learn of oatarrhoono tbo new mediaated ur treatment for catarrh bronchitis and asthma catarrhozono is a guaranteed onre for these diseases and never fails to oure thorn it euros by tnhaution of medicated uir and always reaohos tho right spot this is no theory but tho result of acluu1 oxponenoe and thousand of t back up all we say for our modioiuu prioo 61 00 at all druggists or direct by mail on receipt of prioo baud 10c in stamps for sample outfit to n o polbon d co kingston cat somo persons aucocod bceiuae they bud a poor start rimless glasses are fashionable not invisible but nearly so they can be made up with either sold gold gold filled warranted 10 years or nickel trimmings they are not expensive yve adfjust them so that they are perfectly adapted to the features pringle the jeweller practical optician guelph rockwood limbhousb mrs j wheeler arrived home oo batarday morning from a trip through michigan she visited port huron sag inaw bay city and pjnoouing while at finooning iho visited her only ulster and family whom she bad not seen for twenty- three yean bhe enjoyed tha trip very much mrs thoe marshall and too who have been pending a few weeks with friends in muekegon bave ret a red looking much im- improved mr i m modermld has oompletod hie new store and it now doing holiness in it every credit is due mr modermld for tba neat way he has planned and com pleted his build or tba lime business is booming the want of oars we understand is the only drawbaok tbe reformers of eramosa will meet in the town hall on friday evening 27th inst to eleot delegates to attend the liberal convention at guelph on wednesday 1st november inspector cowan served papers qpon the two hotels here labt week for selling liquor after hours the moeuistrum place on york boad waa also in ths list mr william mocarthy of rookwood left last friday for vancouver where be will reside for tbe future the concert on show night was well attended bamsay and rich were recalled time after time the oomio of course tahiog better on a show night than any thing else miss snider the elocutionist did not obtain a very good hearing and did not seem able to bold tbe attention j of the aadlenoe when it was obtained mrs ramsay was tbe planjit william hannah is progresiipg very nioely after an operation for appendicitis all men wlsb to bave troth on their side but few to be on ibe side of truth pxuu podding and minus pies often have bud effects opon tbe small boy who over indolges in them pain killer as a household medicine for all iaob ills is un equalled avoid aubitltatas there is but one fainkiller perry davis 25o and 60a they are beauties the two premium ptotareg for family herald and weekly star readers are being distributed to subscribers tbey are beantieb qno is tbe battlo of alma in colors tbe other is entitled pussy willows all yearly subscribers get both free oo receipt of a ears subscription one dojtar i paya to aubsoribe to tbat great paper tbe pniiuf if a aid apd weelli star of montreal is in a olaaa of itself canada sboold be proud of it henthol piaster we guarantee that thaw plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other put up only in ttsfcaoandlioo yard rolls tee latter allows you to cut the pjafter any 1 evry ffinlly sbouldbave one ready or an emer- davuftuwnneft luinid mmtsmi bswars of imuauona hs- lleaoche powders i i a quick anre safe remedy for norvous blck and neuralgic head- uehos ttaoy aro guaranteed not to j f contain bromides narcotics ca- a f thartics pv pnyf jfn fbatean la- range tbo ptomncq pj aneot the i nerves sold in lqcenf envelopes j tind cent boxes ask your druggist for them tiie noffman drug co brldsebvrffi ont w a beautiful solid coidbhcubink wo do not want a cent m advance send ui y6ur pamo njii address antf will send you a down snaiteu to sell for ua at s oents per padeatfa whenyou havo told them return us our money f 190 and b ou free your choice of these new books tbo barrys by sbao i bulljok asthor of tbe chancer by tnrasna biver eto published by w j gage oo limited toronto psoer 50 oente oloth 1100 this book is ooe of maoh pathos somo fuu sod a breezy irish dioleot in refer- icg to works by mr bnllook an english journal says mr aothany hope at bis belt bas given nothiog mors delicious in hamor sorely no more delightfol piotare ot irish ufa and irish people has ever been drawn crbwsons corners to those about to marry yoonff men or old men who inland to marry will be pleased to isstro mmi ths new harrises aot it nude quits simpls by applying to h p moors isaoer of marriage liosoass at tba fasa puss ofllos cell few days before tbs oeremony and bass ths matter explained prints office all bueinesi itrlolly private and eonadantlal 1 1 resldinoe io evenloai tbs beeatifnl weather of tbe past week bas enabled tha farmere to make great pro gress in their jell work thanksgiving day will be qaielly spent in this pises a number ot loosl sports are boasting of tha game tbey intend abooting a number from here will take in the krin fair on friday if the weather permits ita james harris of qnelpb preached hers on baodey misses m and j moarthur who bava been visiting for tbe past two montha returning to their boms io pstrolia on batarday hiss 3 mcmillan who has bean visiting friends in missouri for the past two weeks returned boms balurday mr arab monab who bas been oo a trly to michigan returned boms isit meek mr tho bamsbaw jr of lowvllle is visiting bis brother mr james ramahaw mrs j b coleman and obildran of aoton vlalted frlsnds hare for a few days during tbs past weak mr b cann and bride of luther spent their hooeymoon last week with friends in tbese parts mr and mrs canus many friends here wish tbsm svsry prosperity and happiness mr and mrs geo oaun and mr and mre n forbes spent sunday wilb mr and mrs b plummer of edsn mill 7he leas spaoe a woman covers in a letter tbe more apt is it to be read by tha reoipient timt hackjno oodoii is a warning not to be lightly treated pynypectoral onrcs with absolute oertalnty all regent coughs and colds take it in tlms manufactur ed by tbe proprit tors of perry davis pain- siller auetiewbajve tuesday 81st oot sale ot htoek implements etc the proyeity of john walter lot 27 con 1 esqaeslng terms 12 m onths credit bale at one oolook thos ingrsm auctioneer twoaustrhin diamonds i red ruby this perfume u the but ever placed i before the public it destroys all obnoxious odor and gives tho breath that fragrant and t tteucious ewcctnesl only obtainable by snap t we era making rati titter for the purposa of in j troducing our goods to tbe publlcflt being r purely business transaction and not prompted b any philanthropic spirit on our port i oct iqlll the right house established 843 hamiltons ravokite shopping place very special values in linen tabling there are four special lines now on sale in our linen section read the par ticulars that follow and remember that these are good dependable qualities for thats tho only kind we sell here unbleached lxtra heavy loom tabling all linen 66 inches wide ly and floral designs formerly 50c reduced to 38c bleached damask 68 inches wide in ivy leaf and spray patterns puro linen formerly 50c reduced to 40c bleached damask all pure linen neat floral designs 0b inches wide formerly 5 jc reduced to 40c bleached damask 67 inches wide good quality all linen floral pattern former ly g5c reduced 10 50c in the flannot seotloar english rianneletcs larfce variety of striped dcblgns in neat styles good reliable qualities 33 inch worth 10c for 8jc 35 inch worth i2c for 10c trench flannols for autumn waists wrappers etc large assortment of stripes plaids and floral designs in various colorings 28 inch form erly 37ijc and oc reduced to 30c dp tovfelg spoalaj tine bleichcd iluck linen towels size 22 x 44 inches fringed neit red or plain white bordet a good quality easily worth 25c each for 20c handkerchiefs special about 3q doen ladies unlaundered handkerchiefs all pure irish linen some initialed some hem stitched and embroidered if they yfcjfc jaundrlod theyd be worth 8c to 23c each theyre selling at 12c and ioc 300 and 5 oo hats although we have trimmed hats and bonnets both at higher and lower prices than these we make a speciality of fashionable head wear at the above prices and those that are now being display sd io our millinery show room are very stylish and pretty indeed others have said so come and judge for yourself ladies hosiery plain black cashmere stockings with seamless feet all sizes 25c black ribbed cashmere stockings seamless spliced heel and toe 25c plain black cashmere stockings with seamless feet and high spliced ankle 400 superior qualities in both plain and ribbed cashmere stockings 50c jacket specials ladles black frieze double breast ed jacket bfgh storm collar with puffs revere and collar braided in neat styles white and smoked pearl buttons our very special price 5 5 we pay the express or freight to any railway station in ontario oq all rqiit ardors amounting to 3 or cvop satlsfaotlqn guaranteed thomas c watins king st east cor hughson 8t hamilton t property for sale anumiieil ol farms and vlllago property for bale ou oaay tcrma apply to wm nealbtitlset aoton for sale oomltlnld itovo and drum flood lioator apply at tho into rosldonoo o tbo under- signed corner mill and vouna htroota mhs d mann money to loan private rundo on nt mortgafio or jood farm property at 4 x apply to j i mclhod solicitor gaorgotowu wanted indubthiouh man of character to trarol and appoint agonta 8 alary and oxpons b lilladley gahitbtbon co mmitod ii rant ford feesfl milk cows w two f rush milk cows wanted none but good mllkera doalred acton oct 17th mm james uaiim dairyman agents quick turnover 1 uju jhiwswpssmurin shst 1831 savontiuth oar thl 1900 country gentleman agricultural newspaper and adu1tsidly 1 bs leading agricultural jour nal of the world jn their roipootive lines aff jsw vtl it tho in leinroo of a sister loses all love for a growoop brother wbsn bs insists upon telling every oo thai be is ibe hby of ths family copper in ganada investors in oreal britain and the united states ars roing vtild over sbarea in copper mines tba reason is tbat copper bss become a scarce artlcls and tbat the mioea of tbe world are net producing enough to supply ths dsmand and prloss bass gons up from 0 to 18 cents per ponnd thirty years sgo whan copper was mined in ontario ths brace and wellington mines prodnoed ovsr seven million dollars worth of copper in tbres years copper fell in prloe and copper mining oeaaed tbere ia plenty of tbis mineral in ontario and tbers is tio reason why nodsrn method of miolog should not produce ssvoral rich paying mines tba bnperior oold a copper oo- ltd are opening up soma vary promising native copper loca lions tbs native oopper mines on tbe south shore bare paid over ons hundred millions of dollars in dividends and there is no reason why mines jnit as rich cannot be found in canada mesre cuirie kilsley droker toronto ars making a apeciiy nf copper mining ebarra sod wil mid all information reltvs lo tho tfpuetior qolj copper co limited wc all covet strength and sduilrc it ws look at the marvelous muscular develop ment of a saudow with envy and straight- way ngaolve to buy a pair of dumli beju and get strong ss if the werst nf strength lay in muscles strength begins in the stomach it begins there because there the strength elements are minufnctured and from there ussy are distributed to blooif bone brain muscle and nerve if sou want to egin to be atrong start with the stom ach put the digestive and nutritive or gsns snd wood making glands in perfect working order that is the foundation or atrcngth itxer- dse puts on the superstructure of develop ment fq establish the stomach and the difrcn tive and nutrifjye functions in perfect health there is nomedlcfne so sure and no satisfactory as dr pierces golden ijcdlcnl discovery it strengthens the stomach enriches the blood nourishes the nerves mid regulates the functions of every vital organ of tbe body bout twelre years 1 kyory donartmont wrltton by specialists srgbest authorities in the so other panor nrotplidi auallacatlonsef editorial divas tba agricultural nhw8 ntl a fullness and ooruplotonoai not oypn sttouinioa by otbera f best reviews of tbe crops best market reports best aooounta of meetings jbest everything indisrkjkbable t9 all country residents who wibii to eep tjp tothb times single subscription 2 two subscriptions 3 bo four subscriptions 6 special inducements to raisers of larger oltjbs ijt write for particulars ou tills point club agontl wanted ovorywhoro tom- months tritj trfjj fop bo oonts specimen oopieb will bo mailed froo on requnit it will nay any body interested in any way in country llfo to end for lliom address tho publishers luther tucker 80n albany n y that big line of dress goods came to hand saturn day morning as announced in half an hour some whole pjeces were pleaped and vye find this morning only small ends left about 28 yards in all it was a great days selling of dress goods this week we have new patterns in heavy plaid suitings on sale they are great value at least 3gc per yard below the usual prices thanksgiving day is at hand come early in the morning and we will have more time to devote to you millinery and mantles the values are exceptional for firstcass goods the mantel department is exceptional for fine first- class goods the mantle department is exceptionally well provided with german mantles and the pick of the american makes we challenge the plosesf pomparison on these goods we know the prices are right for we win in competitions come early for thanksgiving millinery our milliners are busy on orders and selling that big line of felt hats no matter how little you have to spend cqrne rjere as values re the best tbe frank dowxer oo guelphs greatest store did work tbo light of llfo it not sow ia a rood time to start 3 00 day auro loiue mako twico that experience or capital nnnooobbary the ukadley galliintbon co limited brantford ontario agents ouil book iro9koit dinner and buppor is a rovolatloa in delightful cookery iti tho boat advartihod moat patronized loat cri tidied and most oulogizod a snap for snap buntora ukadlcy qakretsoli co limited braotrorxi jbor sale two double brick cottages on young street acton with all conveaioncoa a cooi investment as thoy bring in 10a month apply to j h matthews jas fiustdkook toronto teaming a b mr matthews has loosed his farm tbt tx undersigned is now opon for ordors for all kinds of teaming ordors left at ho post olflco or at my houso will rccolvo prompt attention acton oct 2nd189t chas deolute wanted fo per day sure ttontlocnan or ladle special a work position nonuanont rollablo arm withy fcat roferfldqa experience unnocebsarv ferflqgfl experience unnoceesary a m pity field manager toronto faftjj for sale in e east half of lot 22 con 3 in tbo township of enqueuing county of haltod 100 acrei la good state of cultivation firstclass brick boose frame horn with stono stables under neath all other necessary oat buildluaa aud an abundant anpply of water 9 aoros orchard also lot 23 cod jl eaquoaing 900 aoros q acres cleared balance timber land composed or pine bard w6od tamarack and oedar will flcll l block or in 100 acre lots tho above farms aro situated two miles from aoton station for terms apply to wm hem8treet or whnabw drob actou acton p o wanted agents in every dutriot en tbo continent to tako orjsiri for high grado canadian flrowq nursery stock and uiodb largest and raftt complete aasortmoni in the trado fait sollljpg specialties soperb samples furnished free correspondence in any langauio thoia osiuona aro money makers and territory should 0 aecqred at once for the season by all fauitlors looking far sv good thing oar salary or com mission offers interest to anyone not earnln 1000 00 per yoar jet ia communication with oar nearest office an opportunity to ronrwoai a wellmtabllflbcd house ability rjoro impor tant than ezporlonco ivk brothers comtany international nurseries chicago 111 montreal que rochester n y we abe now showing ulsters overcoats and pea jackets to fjt you ff te newest style splepdftf ra li up ffitf at loyr prions frieia ulsters and up 10 913 5q at s4 ifi jy beaver overcoats of fashionable length in blnck blue and brown at 450 t6jo j850 up to jij kyrl cloth overcoats with vei- vet tollar in back blue brown and olixo mixtures ni 5 wjp fo and up to u t whipcord overcoats in two lpigtli 33 and 35 inches nt m jp io apd a pea jackets if irlcio and naps in block bluo brown and ollio muturos with wool lining nnd slorm collar at 4so 5 tj 50 and up lo fa boys overcoats and reefers all sizes ranging in prico from fa to 7 acres a reason tor our evergrowlag business la readytg yeor alofpfng what is it order your coal bow from jc hill coal dealer pirslplass poal pf all sizes required pellvered promptly a reaorj- abjo prjees stoves ranges pipes hpo varnish stove boards coal scuttles etc rcton j c hill farm for 3500 fta kfi wljbuyasnltwdldfarmoonbutjufi wo0jj of 100 acres of wost half of lot no 10 4th cod in the townsbip of erin welling ton county this farm la situated about five mi lei frptp acton apd two miles from qsprinoo thero are abopt b5 acres qndor fmltlyatlon and 12 acres of good hardwood hash tboliuifdfocn somprtfio 6g house hood rramo barn and shoda bore ia a neverfailing sprlna through the corner of farm if be rented for farther particulars apply to h bwackhamufil osprlugo or to j o johnson 70briuswab avnuo tarooto neverfailing spring crook runuiaa if not sold it will jfour iaxcels ot valuable property in aoton f sai rflhb following property holongliig to mr x tatriok kullt row of buffalo ii oliered for sale at iow prices and oasv terms psxbobc 1 that fine brick rosldenco and two lots on tbe oornor ot ohurob and guolph btrsetu oodtalna 8 rooms hard and boft water anlendm orchard ond good rarden palthfcr sopoa bqllding lob ctixvti on anplpft btroet ooit to alnx hamshaws n rosldenco opon which is a young orchard pircbe tha itoro and dwelllog on mill street occupied by uuroey bros who carry oo a gsnerml business is in splondid locauon central and convenient pabckis 4 throe good building lots at ths corner of young and mill streets a tplcudld site for a manufacturing establishment owing to ita proximity to o t ii depot for tortus and particulars onqqiro at tho oltjcp wi nnnnv youuii st acoa of d e macoonald bro golden lion guelph nhtlft rbiq r po in u ifoilld gtpw more ca ere a had a imi vpftiiting or ivcln and 8p 111 fc ellow waur i cemm ho told me i hid n form of di me for about al months witk imt lllllc lienei i still kept wettlngm wtak i could wsrecly walk i then tried another pliywicuin and tic oul nit my liver waa otit of order and that i had lit diges tion he gave me a treatment and 1 got some better but only for short time i then took to rentci l using several widely advertised patent rocdj dnes but received no more thnt temporary relief while using i thet tried dr pierces medicines mlmr tils d6ldn me1cal dlscov cry pavorite prescription and tht pleaaant rellcta and in two months time i wa feeunm better than i had for yean before i can irutrt fully aay dr iiercea mectldneii did me more food than any i had ever taken xr pierces common sense medical advtset loospajres illustrated is sent free for 31 one- cent stamp cost of custom and mailing bnly business change j c matthews prop aoton bakery i havo bought the stock and business of mrs j b matthews and would be pleased for a continuance of the patronage given her i handle the famous i yebloffc jjrparj pf toronto also a choice line of confectionery frglts eto j a wrrgews thorps elevator c t r station rockwood now open for the season highest prices pad fqr oats peas barley wheat rye etc also on hand for sata plow toed flaxseed oiloahe oatmeal cornmeal sulphur cattle salts eto horse and oatuo hides bheopsklns otc wanted ceo j thorp oaelph slmlra anot so okvro od what it represents when yon sit for a photograph van want tho likeness lo rppiesent you proporly when you sit to us wo want the work to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none but the best photo graphs and for our sake as well ni yours wo are suro to glvo you life like sallsfjc- lory photographs h rkmshhjfli ifswoto rrtist rcton most men expect yon to tako heir word lor it when they sre only gasssing solid gold ti 88 best oold fill 160 syrsdoldilll 100 bestaiasses 100 we amarantes perfect settsfaotlon globe optical co 93 yonge street toionto foe school reopening new phoice and artistic cover desingns for exercises and sprifrblers and u the necessary text books and school requisites pabpsitaurjnery a large assortment of the latest writing tablets of artistic design good quality and popular prices all the newest shades in writing pap ers with envelopes to match a t brown mill street acton i hand trunk ivk ootober i9th 1890 slnblo plrstclass fare for round trip tioketa valid goiok octbsrlbih and 10th valid for return tear ing destination on or before oot 28rd between all italians in canada a so fo and from detroit and port haroo porf oovlngon to hssinna springe loolqlv and to stations on central vermont np to and including snrliogton iio to bss not front boffo flfaok book niagara fai and boipan slon prldge j y for foil pirllonlars apply to h s holmes agent aoton m 0 dxokson pist passr agfc toronto wantbd bororat bright and honest parsons to rsprmsnt us as hauagsrs in this aovvlose by oounuos salary 9000 year and nrhmzt tra sht bona no arirto n pur rarereqoeitu ibayk s muuib xmiareooe knoloss ultaimmssmlul position iwrniauaqt lo any town it is malnlr oqloa wi ilefereddo knot at home

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