Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1899, p. 3

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i i the bank 0 hamilton charter granted 1872 uhad offioffl hamilton ont capital all paid up 1 494000 reserve fund 1000000 total assets 813163000 j turnbull cashier savings department one dollar or more received interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book security the government returns show that depositors in this bank have ocr inve million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers bale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair rates every banking facility afforded which can bo obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited the news at home mobtly of a local character and everv item interesting ceorcetown branch ehtaui19ukd 0kb twbnt yeahs j p bell agent jt xtait fxtt f xzs thtjbbdav october 19 1899 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week erin fair timorrow golden october wan en thank erividg give thanks fat turkey a were in demand yesterday indian summer weather is now talked a boat the fall wheat id looking unusually i fine at present the morning nervine of tlectno lirbt f commenced on monday kev wm bryera occupied the pulpit of siloam cbaroh last sunday the free fnsss until january let 1001 for one dollar always in advance t aotona hospitable homes will have araoroue thanksgiving visitors today the atreot crossings were all well aorp- ed for sunday after saturdays big rain storm the list of the g t r western excursionists arrived home by the monday evening- trainb the briok work is about completed on the baptist cbnroh and the carpenters are now bheathing the roof a kingston pabllo aohool committee will oooperate with the police to aappresa oigarette amoklog among school pupil the rev dr moffatt will preach in knox charon on sabbath morning and eov w m mokay of norval will officiate in the eveniug are oar soldier boys gettiug ready for the militia expedition t3 south africa ool goodwillie says he can send fifty excellent marksmen from halton the ladies aid society of knox church have found it impossible on accoud t of tfio early data of thanksgiving day t arrange a suitable programme postmaster matthews haa bud the front of bis block dressed iu very gy colors the painter baa aeruiuly trans formed the appearance of the puco eight hamilton boys were taken before magistrate jelfa lafet friday morning for shonlfng and otherwise disturbance- the bervice at st lukes church whila loitering at the door and windows w j lee tailor has settled in actn again and in addition to custom tailoring is dyeing cleaning and pressing ladies and gentlemens clothing at bia reaidenoe next to oamorona planing mills some hoodlum prowling about the streets at unreasonable hours the other night firod a revolver ballet through one of ths post office windows the pro- vinoul penitentiary has a placo for oharaoters of this oalibro the free pitxus makes a feature of auction sale bills and fills all orders promptly for farmers from a distance while they wait free notico of sale given plioe your order direct and we will please both both yon and yoor auctioneer a couple of flat oars being taken from the wvton wreck to the london oar shops liit thursday became disabled and derailed in the g x k yard here at the mi 11 street cro being the auxiliary train from strat ford es me down and righted matters id an hoar or so one of the aotamu paradoxes whioh are occasionally found in the country was dieoowed in mr abram stauffers garden corner oh arch and elgin streets on monday it is a raspberry branch bearing blossoms bslf formed berries and ripe fruit all on the one twig it is a relief said an intelligent reader to turn from partizin papers f one whioh disaussei public affairs fairly and intelligently from a public standpoint xbe weekly san does that lt editorial pge is the beet in qanada you can get ie tiun oomblued with this paper from qow antluho end of 1000 for 190 to w dsat a rloh lady cured of her peafness and noises in the head by tr nicholsons artifloal ear drums has sent 1000 to bis institute so that deaf people unable to procure the ear drams may have them free apply to department k b the ioatilate 760 eight avenue new york tj s a men miss truth more often from their indifferenoe about it than from intellsotaa incapsoify u takm ti the d u emul sion wih snwjy owe he most serious fteoions of the jongs that rno down condition the after efms of a heavy cold is qniokly counteracted mawootared by be pi iiwrence oo ltd twenty p cbm below 3 h hamilton of ths old reliable marble and granlts works ouelpb ftoooanoes that he will condone to place be best olssses of granite and martle monuments tomb etc at prices guar anteed to be twenty per oeot below others no egeni to reoeltfo oommlstlons sxpeosesalliwed o and froor oaelph to parobmors cases at ouejph asalnea in the action for libel by j p downoy editor of the herald against j stirtood d s on monday verdict was given mr downey for 100 and oosth tho oaue campboll vs the aoton tanning co an action arising from the death of the late weeley campbell a workman from an thrax is in progress bb we go to press this is likely to be a long case e there are n amorous witnesses on both sides fractured a bone in ft zacrosso match duriug the lacrosse matoh at the park ust wednesday mr a e garney of ourney co bad tbe misfortune to fall over bia cheok and in the fall fraotnred one the bones in his right band leading to the index finger he was very pluoky over tbe accident however and played out the game without retiring he oarrleb the band in a cling now and is more ornamental than useful behind the counter of the firm painfully burned with coal tar last thursday while engaged io roofing a new building at tho aoton tanning co mr arch monabb slipped while earring a bucket of boiling coal tar and fell with his right band in tho scalding mass he wore a short leather mit and this partially aavod bis hand but it was terribly burned about the wrist and palm the removal of tho ttr trhioh had hardened over the wounds was a very palnfnl operation mr mcnabb buffered very muoh for a few days but the injury is now less painfal buildings approaching completion contractor evans will shortly pat tbe finishing toaohes on tbe new briok resi dences of mr william brown and mr robert watbon both on the fourth line contractor liwson is finishing a neat new frame house for firatbrook brothers at the trout pondb mclean and graham are building a new barn and driving shed at the same place mr lawson has about comjiotod the new boube of mr m ealey ou the second line mr joel leslie expects to get into bis fine new briok house ou tbe first line erin about christmas painter walker is finishing a couple of new bouses at georgetown splendid graphaphone entertainment with oommendible enterprise mr bert parsons of burlington baa secured one of edisons litest improved grapbophones the largest manufactured and gave an entertainment with it tn the town hall on monda eve and the oudtenoe was- success1ve victories delighted with it the reoords are four or five times as large as thoseoisod by tbe phonographs in previous entertainments here and the sounds produced are pro- poi t onately louder and stronger mr puraoud repertoire ib varied and interest ing it is made up of reproductions from gtlmorea and sousaa and the 17 s- marine bands columbian orchestra new and popular vocal selections and instrumental and vocal solos and doeti the finest number given on monday evening was the charge otjjoosoveus bough riders portrayed by mnslo tbe county fair the banjo solo and the handicap raoe were also in muoh favor but nearly every number wab rendered in a superior manner young peoples day the young peoples day services in the methodist charch on sunday under the auspioes of the epworlh league were full of interest tbe satirise prayer meeting at 7 a m was an earnest of the bright and helpful services of the day which followod at the public servico at 11 a m rev j fred j kay b a the preaober of the day gave d sermon full of interest im pressing the twofold work of the league as exemplified in the christian endeavor and literary and the missionary and social departments the work already accomp lished was dwelt upon and the leaguers were exhorted to greater dlllgenoe and more complete consecration for future service the evening sermon was an eliquent discourse on faith the value of a wise ohoioe in life work and character was forcefully presentod and many points of value to young people were advanced in a practical und attractive manner mr kays address to the scholars of tbe sun a timely letter to tho patrous of aoton oleotrlo lighting phnt and tho freeholders of acton from the committeo on fire and day sohool and bis conduct of tbe evajjgojjjuigbt of the coanoll appears in another hallo service were alio muoh appreciated death of john kennedy jsflff after seven weeks of intense suffering death came at laet to mr john kennedy residing at lot 20 con g nassagaweya last wednesday evening a couple of months ago mr kennedy suffered from a paraljtlo stroke followed by an abaoess at tbe base of the brain mr kennedy was a native of the north of ireland was born there in 1830 and oame to canada with his father in 1843 after a year or so spent in quebeo the family settled in hamilton deceased learned the plaster ing business and followed it for several years in hamilton and then removed ta acton he resided here until 18 years ago when bo moved to a farm in nassagaweya his hat job was tbe new front pot on mr jno agaewa store and dwelling about two months ago he was a member of tbe presbyterian cbnroh nassagaweya his wife who is a danghtsr of mr thoa bell nassagaweya and his six child con liaohael thomas mrs thos morton milton jennie john and charlie anrvlva him the foneral last friday was very largely attended and was conducted by bev a bwir b a six nephews messrs jeremiah alex and thomas bell and aogns john and frank kennedy aoted as bearers another brief session councillor murray takes his seat after a loner absence council met on monday evening at eight oclock reeve pearson in the chair councillors francis and curke were absent the committee on finance presented their twentyfirst report and recommended payment of accounts as follows doty on coal and freight 38 do henry grinooll sundries 3 hart a blddell suuonory 8 u d hills teaming ooaleto 0 80 j harrer teaming and express a 10 james lloliaae wood 00 qoo bavlll sundries a 7qeq moved by j a- murray aeqonded by james clark that t report of the com mittee on finance just read be adopted carried some time was spent in considering prices aabmitted by tbe ileotriosl supply companies for material required for the proposed extensions to tbe street lighting ssrvios beeve pearson submitted t the connoil a oopy of a letter to patrons of tho electric light and oitlcens generally whioh tbe fire and light committee proposed inserting in this weeks fuki fbbss general appro bation was given the letter coanoll adjourned early to curb a cold in one day take laxative broino quisles tablau all dragout nfana the money if jt fails to oure sfie iq wl droves signature u on mou imiz aotona invincible cresoents twice defeated st marys and won a victory over beaverton during the week victory has surely psrohod upon tbe banner of the cresoeou of aoton three times in succession daring the past week in three of the stiffest games of lacrosoe this season they have provon their superi ority in point of skill endurance and effective combination work and come off viatar this splendid feat has been all tho rooro appreciated by tho friends aud admirers of oar boys when it has bson realized that their oppoutmts wore ihe ohampions of tbo western and nortborn dibtricti as a result of their prowesa tho heartiest receptions have beon aocordod thorn upsu their arrival homo after eaoh game and torob light prooesbione band serenades and complimentary speeches owing to their freqaenoy are beginning to become commonplace aud stereotyped the climax of the seasons effort wilt be reached today the final dame for the intermediate championship of ontario will be played with wiarton on the grounds of tho fergus team this afternoon that it will bo an exulting contest goes without baling the oomiog together of the two teams who have earned the laurel of victory over all the districts with whioh they have been associated up to this point in the struggle for ohampionshin over all means a contost of tbe most interesting character tbe cresoents will bo accom panied by a urge contingent of citizens and it is confidently believed that after this afternoons game they will bo orowned with the liurel wreath oe provincial vlotory acton and st marys played their first semifinal for tho intermediate ohatnpion- ship here last wedneaday winning by 8 goals to 8 tbe first goul was scored by the visitors then aoton won five goal and st maryd another the last four goals gave aoton threo and st marys one in very brief periods both teims pltyed a fast and olean gime of licroaaa aoton outplayed st miry at nearly all points mr jackson of sea fort i referred to the satisfaction of both teams tho same teams played in st maryd on friday when aoton again won in a score of 8 to 2 bt marys won tbe first and fifth goal in 6 and 21 minutes respectively and aoton won the seoond third and foarth goal in 5 24 and 28 minnts respectively mr jackson also referred this game this game gave aoton the champ of the boyal and western dutcibta coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes ith the northern and siugqeu district championed by beaverton and wiarton respectively yet to oonquer late on saturday the crescents were advised by tbe president of ths aisooiation that they must play bsaverton at stonff vllle on monday this wa very brief notice bnt with nndannt3d spirit the boys left on tbe 6 35 a m train monday morn- ins and before tbe day was over had ssored another blgnal victory they defeated beaverton to the intense chagrin of that team by a score of fear goals td two in this game beaverton won the first two goal3 but aoton followed with four goals whioh ended the game and won tbe referee was mr batton of stoaffvillo aatous splendid players who won these saooesive victories were f b watson goal w shields cover f byder j watson a e garney defence b scott centre c williams f mcintosh e byder home c erwin oatnide w garney inbide home j h matthewa field captain in the firet game with st maryd a e gurney had his right fore finger broken and la the two games whioh followed i m henderson took his pi toe on the field for their gentlemanly treatment both on and off the field tho crescents are loud iu their praise of tbo st marys team at marys tbey wero especially well treated and the very kindest fooling exul between the players of tbe two teams our electric plant column the aucceab of this committee in tho satisfactory and economical installa tion of the plant and the remarkable degree of suooess attained in its operation since the maobinery was pot in motion eight months ago is unquestioned it is more it is thoroughly appreoiatod by all ratepayers who have taken tbe troablo to look into tbe dctill of tbe undertaking and by the users of the olectric light genoraily this being the case tho request 9 of the com mittee demand fair and reasonable con sideration on tbe part of all concerned tbe fhb pbebs has been so intimately associated with tbo council during the deliberations of that body on the various points of detail in tbe operation of tbe mnnioipal lighting plant that it is in pobbbssion orxellablo data whioh warrants the oonclaslon that if tbe saggestiona of tbe committee are observed and all parties interested practice reasonable economy in the nso of the light we will not only have onr street lighting free of cost bat in a very short time be given a substantial reduction in the rates of the existing schedule to accomplish these desirable ends two simple bat very important steps must be taken 1st all udera of tbe light must observe tbe first regulation of tbe contract eaoh has agreed to and appended his signature and 2nd householders will as promptly as possible adopt the light for use in tbeir residences the business places churches and hotels have been remarkably loyal in tbo adoption of the light tbirtyfonr stores offices and manufactories three churches and two hotels have tbe light la use while lebs than bait a soore of private residences bave tbe light the regolition referred to governing tbe a so of tbe light says 1 customers aball exercise all duo oaro so as to prevent any waate of light and agree to switch all lamps off when not in use that this corporation may properly guard lis interest it la necessary that it shall at all reasonable times by its authorised agouu liave free aocoai to tbo premises in which tbe light is used to dotsruiluelf itlauetngoanled lilt bu tod and qaod ip a proper manner and in aooordanoe with these rules and bogolationi and tbo corporation reserves the right to shut off ths light for any of the follow og reasons 1 for repairs or alterations 3 in case of unavoid able aoeldont a for nonpayment of bill when das 4 for fraudulent representation tn rela tion to consumption or use of light 0 assign ment or losolvenoy of tbe subscribers 0 when tbwy consider the wiring dangerous this section is printed on tbe back of every agreement we ars confident the aajrgeitlona of the firs and light committee will bs promptly carried ont our rl tiratclasa in every respect j is admired by all visitors and has already been taken ns tbeir model by several corporations who have paid as visits of inspection daring tbe year ltt all oltiunn go a step farther and do their part to make it not ordy at kioslatnion but capable of urge reduction of tho tariff rates tho pass fnass invites all its readers to oon tribute to this column if yon oryonr friends aro goiug away on a holiday trip or it yon have friends vlaltlugynit drop a osurd to the fasus piibsa mies sophie coleman is visiting friends at strabane mieti winnio molaohlan fa rapidly oonvsleeaiug mr j m feruley of brantford was in town list thursday mrs arch monabb arrived home from creemore on monda mrs james fulton of strabaoe vibitod aoton friends latt week miss eva williams vieited friend s at cumpbellville this week miss nellie brown visited friends at piibington and flora last week rev and mrs maopbereon are visiting frionds in london and woods took mr john ross of aurora is the guest of his daughter mrs thos t moore mr georgo vincent ib now making very satisfactory progress toward recovery mrs elizabeth thar tell of harrlston arrived in town on monday to visit friends hero mr carlod williams spent a couple of days during the woek with relatives in london dr crawford of toronto spent a few days during tbo week with r john m mcdonald miss nellie mcdonald of glenwllliams spent a aouple of days daring tbe week at her home here mrs john molaoblao of qlencoe has been a gaest at the methodist parsonage daring tbe week mrs a e- nlofalin spent a couple of days ingnelph last week with her sister mrstr dryden mr p c maddook returned from the north west last week he intends going back to tbe prairie provlnae in the spring mr james henderadn mr and mrs john w bows mr and mr s bsws and miss bews visited aoton friends this week messrs a t browo and dr f j it forster attended the ouelph district epworth league convention at a elora inst week mr w sohielle ths fonuder and nntfl last spring tbe editor and publisher of the fnlmerbton spectator died last week from conbsmption tbo free press ie very pleased to learn that mr f w galbrsitb of tbe goelph meroury ia now making splendid progrem towards recovery mibs ida monabb of toronto general hospitil oame homo on saturday to attend her father whose right hand was so badly burned last week mr hagh mann arrived home from his trip to the north west on tuesday morning he visited bli sons and daughters and found them all doing well chtts l n6lles cuelph the big bookstore wall paper window shades room mouldings j d 7vke druggist our agent in acton will attend to your wants and show prices direct imp why can we sell so cheap because we buy direct from the manufacturer save ftie middlemans profit and give you the benefit we passed through the customs last week two crates of dinner and toilet ware you are cordially invited to call and examine the same it pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts direct unp j a mccrea ouelph our optician sick headache positively cored by tbese ritrtlo pills they al relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eatlngi a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowst ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue tain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill 8mall dose small price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get cartas ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver fills acton speaks from the heart warden havlll approve of a can adian continuant and col ooodwlllla can clot so good marke- man ll week the mod tresl star ooltd the opinions of monioipal offieali and mil tta oinoen throughout tbe dominion rtlttlve to the advisability of landing a canadian otdkentof militia to booth africa to aid the toroea of oreat britain in tha war in tbe tranavaal among the many dls palohsa lent to tbe star the following wl 1 be read with intareat aoton omt efkuu 0k thk bbabt telognra to tbe editor of the weekly star aoton ont ootober 7 i heartily approve of tha idea of sending a canadian contingent to tbe tranavaal lmmed lately ita not only onr dnty ua an honor we ahould take advantage of to help the mother land in lu defanoe ofebe right ofodr brethren in 8ouln africa oko havili warden co halton uajt0n 90th blttiliok telegram to tho editor of the weekly star ueorgoumu ont oot 7th aboutfto roelly good marksmen la twentieth battalion o s ooodwltilim ltool canada tltua to jubtlca and tdk iwiss telegrao to tho editor of weekly star anion ont october 7th decidedly yea canada la true to jaadoe and to tho bmnlro j 8 daaoon mayor oakvillha npiarr or loyactt telegram i hoartlly approve of aendlns a canadian oon- fent to south alrioa if only for the purpose of nstlllleg into the mlnda of canadian yooiba the aplrlt of loyalty and patriotism to onr queen and country john uaqonant major of oaktlllo ontario new premier hon a s hardy haa ratlrad and hon o w roaa auooeeda him tononto ootober 18 the honorable arthur 8 hardy pretpler ot ontario bat retired from ontoa as premier and at- tdrneyqoderal and ae a member of ihe irfgilittve assembly and bli resignation has been aoonptod by bia honor the lieutenant governor the hon geo w boas haa ben aworo in ka premier and h assumed u duties of tbe offloe mr j a flirtion m p p will be oalledlo the oabinit to oil tha vaoaoor canted by mr hardys rttiteraeot has a diploma from the canadian optical college of toronto and is thoroughly abreast of the times in fitting the eye with proper glasses established in cuelph 51 years savage co jfeanzeilers jktchmhkers 0 it doesnt happen very often no middlemen no intermediate profits not even easy terms we put everything on a plain business basis and get as near as possible to the actual cost of production that means sending our own buyers after the goods you want buying direct from reliable manufacturers and taking advantage of all cash discounts thats a trifle different from the old way it makes all the difference in the world in the selling the swing of the crowd is this way more and more people all over the town are talking about the business were doing you can tell by your instinct that things are good here and no matter whether the purchase be great or small the store principle is that you shall be thoroughly satisfied e r bollert db co 25 and 27 wyndham st gtjelph gurney fe co mill st acton for special values in thht you ggt 7x chhnce like this manufacturers samples of wool carpots i yd- lengths lace curtains ii y lengths curtain muslins i d- lengths they wont be here lon bat while they are take y our choice of them a less than wholesale cost d e maedonald cfe bro golden lion gbuelph a stylish shoe for gents at 150 these shoes are made from two kinds of leather one very fine dongola the other a fine smooth leather large white eyelets solid insoles sample in show window neil la the shoe man guelph 8 stores xv e nelson merchant tailor and gents fnruisher cuelph cacsb 7vken op tk world aj full loa ast th ir llnsi neck wear underwear gloves and everything that comes under the head of mens furnish ings we have selected our fall stock for the critical taste and we have tbe newest things in stiff bosom colored shirts also white new shapes in collars all the novelties in neckwear handsome umbrellas and underwear at prices that will please you try a snlt of wrights health underwear it will delight you new arrivals in jackets our stock is now very complete wo are selling a lot of jackets but are constantly receiving tho new est ideas in the mantle world prices the lowest nnd fits the best dress goads fall underwear sieves and hosiery perfect fitting corsets in black grey and fawn special at 100 our blankets at 100 are leaders new wrapperette cloths in newest pat terns special at ioc try a package of our social tea special at 25c lb gurn6y st co ae4ccka a copper mining stocks for several months shrewd investors have been putting their money into the shares of copper mines this is true not only of men with large amounts of money at their disposal but also applies to those who have made a study of imeetments with a iuw to securing a large return for small investments as high as three and four hundred per cent has to our knowledge already been realized on some of these investments the ameri cans were the first to make a specialty of copper stocks they knew what they were doing for the reason is not far to seek every copper mine in the world is at present taxed to its utmost limit to meet the growing demand for copper for electrical purposes the reserve stores of copper are being depleted until it pays no longer to use copper in some eastern countries as a coin copper haft gone up in price from 9 lo 18 cents the supply of copper from the mines of the world today is only abou 60 p ce nt of the consumption that is the reason why fmaciers have their engineers searching the four quarters of the globe for copper mines and that is the reason the shares in promising copper ccmpanies are so easily picked up by investors if you have any money to invest we would aslc you to consider the shares of the superior gold copper company limitcd this company owns and operates some valuable native copper properties we are in a position to offer you a special opportunity in this stock which as an investment should give you a profit of at least 100 per oent in six months send for prospectus and particulars occasionally we have an opportunity of giving our clients a special offer on some stocks and we have this opportunity now if you are interested write to us at once these shares are sold in large or small blocks to suit all buyers we deal in all legittnate mining shares on commission if you manl to buy or sell write us curr16 st kiteley s2 yonge st toronto cann6d goods peas corn beans tomatoes boston baked beans pumpkins peaches pears plums jams salmon finnan haddie f reshherrin gs- kippered herrings kippered chicken lobster frepch sardines mustard sardines canned goods c f coodeve co mill street acton ior ladies suits we have tweeds homespuna tjnd poplins in the newest- colorings new goodi con stantly arriving mourning goods a specialty millinery just placed in stock to day a shipment of new sailors rough riders lam crowns walking hats and trimmings henderson co mill st aoton agents wanted for unrepresented districts good fay to good men sbcurs your district tor tbs comzno ssason no w freight and express paid the pimtam nurseitv co growing a complete lino of nursery stock includ ing many now varieties of hardy roses ornamental shrubs and trees all stock guaranteed free from san jose scale we hold government certifi cate of inspection covering onr btook write for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto wanted cuittrtian mou ttnfl womeu to introdaoo light of lffo ttit tooit marvolloim book ilnoa tbe pubuoatlon of tha pibl a oommon- uuv od th new titmnt touier with oom- ptt htm of tb apoftlm in polui of art the work lea geoi tbaflneit tnoei touebldg life ilka htutviatlods ever ttfpid for tha naw teetamant balls id every nonm and anybody can fell tt capital or axporleoo unnaoeaaary fralhbt paid booke on lima rami for outfit flflo ehotoe of territory and wo will ihow yen iow to wake moaay buadlbyqahubtbon co limited brentford to urn with i ttn to mpunloft it to u tjd dtnt wool junahm7jwrii5 wlndum ml nmtwmnt or plt btolttaa xjrvbcasi

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