Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1899, p. 4

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m years why let your neighbor i know it and why give them chance to guess you are even ave or ten years more better give them good i reasons or nutating the other way it is very cany for nothing tells of age so quickly as gray bair a a powerful olass 4 is a youth re newer it bides the age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth it never fails to restore color to gray hair it will stop the nair from coming out also it feeds the hair bulbs thin hair becomes thick hair and short hair becomes long hair it cleanses the scalp re moves all dandruff and prevents its formation we have a book on the hair which we will gladly send you if you do not obtain all thbtn- flta you expected from the nie of lh yijror write the doctor r kt a popular lecture on the wonders of the t leacope one airar1 auditor hear ing that the moon could now bo brought within eighty miles boos mo bo exoited that he asked the lecturer at the close why he didnt ekfp over and mubo be moon a villi after getting it down ao near the humor of aooh an exaggeration cavil haio been appreciated by the brayback joker in this uneodoto la one of tbo confederate compnuiee ut oharleatou thoro was a blueoyed yoong englishman full of merriment and wog- glahnesu one of the tricks was to mi mil pompous offloers who aoraetimeb a talked around the forta with their goldmounted field gltaaea in a ttoay hat would bring down be thouae if done on iho etage in oomedy he usually wore along over bli aboulder three jointa of cane in imitation of a fleld- glaae and ooe day after a ling atudy of the enemy through the pretended magnifier he dropped the instrument leapt from tbe observatory where be atood and alighted among a or6wd of men watching bim from below hti face was tbe pioture of alarm and when aaked what waa tbe matter be answered hjaterioally the matter t why 1 brought those yanks so oloae tip with my glass that i became frightened and ran off turned in a blanket pain too severe from rheumatism to have even the nuraea trained hand touoh him south ameri can rheumatic cure got him out of bed in 24 hours another injusticeto ireland irobbly there li com dlforalt i with your giiienl stitam irlif nmy be eailly removed address be eailly j c a iltr i itcb yer lowtu ht ctoit jfm ttss boston jaobtamen are passlug around yarn told by lipton himself that rtltss tobia experience on the shamrock while lying in southampton water observing a quartet of bargemen rowing their olnmay craft in periloua proximity to tbe jachte delicate aides he an med out pleasantly hi my men i keep away a bit will yon one ol the barge men ceased rowing and eyed the cup oh al longer orlticslly wot do ye oa it that ere thing youre on ho demanded this replied sir thomas oonrteoualy is the yaoht shamrock bui anilftkhho bargee turning to his neighbor on the next thwart eooalta er the shamrock another bloom in hin- justioe to ireland bomo time wyo i wita attacked with very eevure rbeumada pa inn my joints b welled and stiffened i had beat doctors and beet nurse but could not gtt relief death would havo beon welcome a friend called and recommended south amerioau rheumatic curo i procured it and in twentyfour houra uftr takiujf it there was a wonderful cbaiike i waa ablo to get out of my bed into a ohair without assistance i have continued uaing it and although 88 yeara of agtvl do not feel within 20 jearn of it i am my natural eolf again free from pain i trust you will uao this testi mony aa jou think bett for suffering humanitya sake samuel htiuht spar ta oat modest expreaaiou la a beautiful betting to the din mood of thnt and nenua good blood und sound mubcich bool td emolsion in a blood giving and btrenglh produaing food it removes that fedingof utter lit ipleaeneas whioh tikes pobeoaeion of one when buffering from general debility t the guilt of eulogizing for nicked actions is second only to that of committing them pynypeetoral a quick cure for coughs and colds very valuable rcnudy in all affrchona of the tthroat or lungss large bottles 25c pavis alawrence co limited props of perry davis palnkiller an offended catte there will bo a book of golfing aueolotpa eomo day audtho ooraprbr bliould not omit a story whioh i overheard in a train tother day it refers to tbe karl of wemyrb ho was on a fife course not long ago aocompained by an oll caddie hit lorilbhip got hla bull on nno occasion so near tbo hole that to play it was as it appeared to htm superfluous so he simply tipped it in off tbe toe of hia boot the cuddle reveltatl inalantsr threw down the olube and looked horrified when ho found words to epeak it was to nay hut ma lord gowf b gowfs yotwkmkhmftmwkt1il cum all your pairs with painkiller a modiolus cheat in itself simple safe and qutofc our for cramps diarrhoea oouohs colds rheumatism neuralgia 25 and 50 oont bottles beware of imitations- buy only the qcnuine perry davis whoao keepelh hia month and his tongue keepeth bin soul from troubles be there a will wisdom points tbo way the siok man pines for relief bnt be dislikes sendiog for the doctor which means battles of drugs never consumed he has not the resolution to load his otomaoh with compounds w bich smell villainously and taste worse but if he have the will to deal with himself with his ailment wisdom will direot bis attention to parmtleos vetible fills whioh as a pecitfo for indication and dhordere of the digestivo organs have no equal some invbliila are only siok of work inetint relief guaranteed by ubing milbnrne bteillug headache powders no depressing afterwards thursday october 10 1899 9fye ijouitg jfllhfi thanks time tuanksgivin tlmoa aoomln i kin bear tbe gobblegobble of tbo torkoya in the barnyard of tbo farm wbero i was born i kin see the shanghai rooster wslkln aort of wlbble- wobble maklnbllevo bos feelln siok au off bla feed of yallercorn an thojrofixtnin tho kltcbln for a good old fabionod dinner ouoppin mlnco meat by tbe busbol that la good for hungry eyes socdln ralalna for plain paddln fit to save tbe vllost alnner if abo over bad a motlier as she mado tbanka- glvln pies ab tbomotbor bboaa utnuin atandln in tbo doorway lookln down toward tbe railroad station wben she boars the ongine toot ferbor boy is acomln an the pies most barn acookln wbilo bar dear old hearts athumpln fer this worthless old galoot doesnt pear to matter nobow tbet im bald an gettln gouty doeant aoem to make uo dlfrsooo that i amoke an onaa a bit sbe tho same old lovlnmotbor never cross an never gronty an theyll be no mora tbankagwln a boys wben mother bet to quit new york sun the smart younostefl here are some childrens auyiugs reported by the chicago news now boys said tbe sunday school teaoher our lesson today tiaobea ui that if we are good while hero on eartb when we die we will go to a place of everustlog bliss bnt aoppose we are bad then what will become of us well go to a place of everlasting blister replied a small boy at the foot of the class mamma said small charlie i think ill be a preacher when i grow up very well my son replied the fond mother bu what p tbe idea into your head well replied the little fell6w7 j 4nlifaisfcd ga nnrf hy trrijnj7ipp ive got to go to ohuroh all my life anyway and its a heap more fun to walk around and talk than it la to bit still facts worth considering paine s celery compound is your only hope if you would banish siekness and disease ferfeotion is made up of trifles but its no trifling matter to attain perfection there never was and never will bs a unliversal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir the very nature of many cur a liven being each that wire the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of tho patient what would relieve one ill in torn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine wben obtained in a bound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual judicious u f the frajlest systems are led into con valescence and btrenutb by the influence whioh quinine exertb on natures own restoratives it relieves tbe drooping bpirits of those with whom a chronia state of morbid despondent and lack of interest tbe nerves disposes to bound and refresh ing bleep imparts vigor to the aotion of the blood whioh being stimulated couraoa throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary result btrengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whioh naturally demand increased bubstanoe resnlt im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto have given to tho pnblio their quinine wine at the usual rate and guaged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any the market all druggists sell it some people loso t redeem it by failiog to crime detectinq by a lock of hair one reculls the method of discovery u thltf hy chewing rite fgid to have buen practiced in tho en i but it is net neces sary to go so far to find u more remarkable method of thief oatoblng aud net eo well supportod by bound reiinon a lady in paiis is repot t to have lost hor purno ia a dressmakers entut imiment shu had all the young indies of iho obtablirihment cull ed in so it is toriouly reported and demanded from each one a look of her hulr tho tokens woro theu pinned to pieces of paper bearinft tbe owners names and as tbe customer left tbe etttbliebraontebo remarked my pnrao has been stolon but as i do not wish to bubjeot innocent tjirln to the humiliation of being searched i intend early tomorrow morning to submit your bair and handwritina to a somnam bulist and clairvoyant who wil till mo which of you is tho thief in the course of tho etentug the lady received an anonymous purcel containing intact her purse with its conten ta tat is it is time to plant bulbs this is iho pen sou of tho j eur in which to set out bulbs prepire the utound for them beforo they are recehed by having it dug up to a depth of at l a foota foot and a half id better and worked over until it id rorllow writes ebeu e rixford in tbo september ladies j some journal mix with it a liberal quantity of oil rctten manure from the cowyard or if this ia not obtainable use bouemeal iu the proportions of one poond to the tquare yard of soil if the soil is nuturully heavy it is wi h to add considerable band to make it liftltsr and more porous fltnt tbe bulbs as boon as possible after they are recti ved as they ore greaty injured by exposure to the air set tutioa and hya cinths six inches deep smaller bulbs from four to five inches all bulbs should be pliced ave or six inches apart and each kind kept by itielf cast or in is dr samuel pitchers prescription for inftrats mid children it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance it is a harmless substitute for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee jtf thirty years use by millions of mother castorla dcsuoys worms and allays fevcrlshucss castorla prevents vomiting sour curd cures diarrhoea and wind colic castorla relieves toothing troubles cures constipation and jetatulency castoria assimilates tho food regulates the stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castoria is tho childrens panacea tho mothers friend castoria tfastorla is on excellent medicine for children mot lie m liavc repeatedly told me of ita good effect upon their children iu g c oaoood lowell mats castoria caatorla is bo well adapted to children that i recommend it as superior to any pre scription known to me ii a aitcukr m d brooklyn n v the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper a person too old to learn ia uuo too olj to teach lie who knowa most giieveb moet for wasted time t jirtnnnjtarmrijtjijtjiruxnjtnxtfi ri can be p from the most reliable dealers only it may be only a trifling cold but negleot it and it will fasten its fana in yonr longa and yon will soon be carried to an untimely grave in this country we have eudden changes and moat expect to have oooghs and cold we oannot avoid them bat we can effect a curo by using bilkles anti- conbomption by rap the medio do that has never been known to fail in caring 030gha colds bronohitla and affections of the throat longs and oheil courts j nit ice often in matrimonial eeems blind its so pleasant to take that children cry for it but its death to the worms of al kinds dr low a worm syrup price 25o all dealers a tbreey earold son of mr e d oober- man of boyne was fonnd drowned monday morning ina tank of water dear tbe bonte- whioh was need for oooling milk the child was miaalng 20 minutes before he wad fonnd a clear healthy akin eraptiodi of the kin and the blotchea whioh blemiih beaoty are the results of impure blood earned by unhealthy action of the liver and kidneys in correcting this unhealthy action and restoring the organs to their normal con dition parmelees vegetable- pillr will at tbe same time cleanse the blood and the blotches and eruptions will disappear with out leaving any trace bomettmetamane reputation ti beat part of him to those about to marry at thla time we simply give a few faota in connection with the use of fafnes oelery compound that should prove inter eating to all who are looking for now health and vigorous strength falnes oelery compound enoouragea and strengthens tbe kidneys and enables them to oleanso the blood of waste and poisonous matters that are the direot oaueo of drowsiness melancholia depression of spirits wasting iloknesa blood diseases headaohes and that general run down condition that opens the door to organic diseases of the heart kidneys and stomaoh paines celery compound makes tbe blood a bright red color inoreases its volume in the arteries and quickens its circulation enabling a nervetired person to sleep eight or nine hours at a atrctoh paines oelery compound la pre emi nently oapable of doing all that it promises and does a work that no other medicine can accomplish if you dear reader have failed in the paat with other medicines take immediate advantage of tbe virtues of paines celery compound that haa proved such a blessing to tens of tbouaands in the west a dog is never a hypocrite when bo wags bis tail he always means it when a man gets a show he generally wants tbe aide ahow also t emulsion s7v mnimrmir aa nmun tk macau r tia aruda by iho aid of tb d l enaldod i ht gnihlf msfaroma year and navaxalmd eould rlnwlatr- young men or old man who intend to many will bo plaaaad to learn that tho new marriage aot la made quite itmple by applying to h p moore inner of marriage lioeniea at the faaic piuma offloe call a few daya beforo the oeremony and hare the matter explained private offioe all baalneaa ttriotly private and confidential a reeidenoe in evenfnga is the baby too thin does he increase too slow ly in weight are you in constant fear he will be ill then give him more flesh give him more power to resist disease he certainly needs a fatforming food scotts emulsion is just that food it will make the baby plump increase the weight bring color to the cheeks and prosperity to the whole body thin children take to it ns naturally as they do to their milk t h winghaif ce adwtral 80c aad f i p battle davis lawrekcb co limited afoffiaui on the first indica tion of diarrhoea or dysenteryafewdoses of dr fowlers ext of wild straw berry will promptly check the advance oi these dangerous dis eases it has brcri over 40 cars in use and liis no equal for the cure of bo el complaints of young or old there are many dangerous imitations on tho market so it would bo wise to tea that the full name dr foziwj ext of wild strawbcrry is on every bottle you buy the ocntaufv oomhnv f t munma1 thkit niwtorr orrv sommsaaassismh imlfcl timwk iia1lmay ooino wkbt cj01nu baht kail 10 02 ain i kxiirebb 0 115 a n kxnroin u 25 iiui kxiiroflu 10 h om mall 7 lolim mall 6 miin alxou 10 03 p in filillday trnlnn going knot 0 j3 a qolnn wost 10 03 in 0 14 t 111 timk ol clohinu ma1lh goliift wot 0 40 am ana c 60im going eaat 10 25 a m and 6 0 pm this tlmo tabic wont into effect on 6uniu juno2atblbd alma lkdi6s collece opens tor nineteenth yenr september 7th parents arc reminded that the best condi tions for the mental moral and social train ing of their daughters are to be found in a residential school like alma college st- thomas ont for full information address rev ri warner prin st thomas ont the rzst vvu in the trade y shore heavy black worsted cheviot ulsters price 875 well lined well made no exceedingly ctylish thru this garment made to order by a tailor though p pcrliap not to fit would be 17 oo shoreys clothing is not made to order but made to fit and every thread is guaranteed 5 injijijijuinixirnjtrmnruyinnjijmiijmj maple leaf grain grinders two srzes for any power no i has jo inch rever sible burrs 8lnch single barn both havo ballbearing burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and last with least power always guaranteed a trial given htimtr the defect of tho anderatiodiop like thoaa of the faoo grow worae aa we grow old tho hrighteat flowera moet fade bat yoaog lives ondankered by eovero ooorhs and colds may bopreaerved by dr thomas eclectrio oh croup whooping cough bronobitlf in ehort all affeotions of tbe throat and longs are relieved by thti tter- ltng preparation whioh also remedies rhearaatio pains eoreb braiaes piles kiduey diffloalty and is moat eaonomio the watoh tho hourglaes of time with eyea of an heir of immortiliiy isurueb bpavin linimedt removes al hard soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horaee blood spavin garbs splints ring bono bwecnyi stifles spruina sore and swollen throat conghs etc save 950 by the use of one bottle warranted the moet wonderful blemish cure ever known sold by a t brown many a man provides himself with a wife and then expects her to provide him with a home the pineapple cure la not only the pleasanteat but the sure at means of cure n all stomaoh troubles home men ssek foreign shores for a rest and some to avoid arrest broken down man when a man has lost hia modeaty he has lost his majesty and bis image of nobility hagyards yellow oil is prompt to reliovo and sure to euro ooughs colds sore throat paia in tbo chest hoareonees quinsy etc frioe 26o industr is the ot name for luok k dr von stans pineapple tablets are an nnfailing and delicious remedy for dyspep sia and all the distressing consrqnonoes of impaired digestion the juioe of the pin o- apple abounds in vogetablo pepsin sd invaluable product in that it is natures chief aid in digesting all kinds of food dr von 6 tan a piooipple tablets oontain tliij grand essence of the lascious fruit in a consolidated form eat them like candy or lot them dissolve in ttte mouth they are efficacious and will curo the niort in veterate case of dyspepsia box of tablets for 35 oents john mcqueen agent for he above has changed his ware- ooms o building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen frost wood binders and mowers coold shapely nluir co limited brantford ont and a complete lino of farm implements and all kinds of repairs t my absence mr john t elliott whe resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mc3uliem experienced undertakers eaob lifo ia meant to help all uvea eaoh ahoald live for all mens bettermont siok headache however annoying and distressing ia positively cored by laia- livor fills tboy are easy to take and never gripe women are so fdll of pretense that thoy often mako themselves appear to bo foch when tbey are not scott foe and ioo tl druggists r uownb clumlati tor toronto all men ara eqnal at their birth and in a barbershop catarrhal headache may bo your exparlanoa aa it was mr 8poonoradr asncws cat- arrhal powdor will poaltlvoly cure you i bava died dr agnewa catarrhal powder for eevere oatarrbal headache frequently and with every application the relief haa been almost instantaneous i believe it to be he very beat remedy for oatarrb thai ia on tbe market today and take pleasure in aaylng these words in oommendfog it to all oatarrb aaffererp o bpooner editor kiogs coanly xtwt hampton n b pali into iins i oat ready for thanksgiving just aet your table flue and put tbo finest erookery out an make tbe silver ablne no matter bow tbaeouutrygoea just earre the turkeye neok antl while tbo carvlaga going on bo thankful youre ou deok get ready for thanksgiving joat fall into yonr plaee and if tbe preaebor aint aloog b anro and say thegraoe no matter bow thoeooutry goes just carve thu inrkey stimigbt and with a enille of thaukfnluaao plioh in and pass your plate atlanta constitution stomaoh rebellious digestion gone wronsc nerves shattered butsouth american nervine made a new man out of a broken down one when tbe system is all run down natnre needs help to bring it back to a rood healthy normal condition whether in eprlngtime summertime antamn or winter south american nervine ia a uuwer iu restoring waited nerve foroe in toning np the digestivo organs dispelling the impuriliea from the bl rod whioh aro aooonntable for ao muoh diseaae and aoffer- iog h b darrook of mount forest oot t says be was all ron down weak languid had no appetite nerves shattered he took south amerioan nervine and to nie his own worda i am o e again my appetite la big and hearty i think it the best mediolne in tbe world to make a new man ont of a broken down one somt times aglrl refuses a roan in haste and repenta at leianre mrg 0 arcfflbalds casl didnt walk for 5 months doctors said locomotor ataxia miltnrns heart and nerve pills cure a disease hitherto regarded as incurable the case of mr g dvarchlbiilil cf hopewell cnpe nh n cut of wliom appears below il ono of tho wvrct and most intractable that has ever been castoria for infanta and children ajj men ara not born equal only twioi are born that way pleaurn aa ayrup nothing equala it aa a worm medicine tbe name fa mother q raves worm exterminator the reat- eat worm destroyer of the ae pfojhof ilin iaat jadtfment neualy give the mot ariloe m fl to mm baed ldiv i tofj may be mourod by oar aid addreaa the patent record reported from the eastern province and lii ctirc hy jzmmms heart mid narvo pills tho more rcinnrlatlc from tho fact that ho was fyiven up as incurable by worthy nnd rcipcctcd physiciins the disease locomotor ataxia with which mr archibald was afflicted ia considered the most obstinate and incur able disense of tho nervous system known when once it starts it gradually but surely progresses pnrnyziiit tho lower extremities and rendering- its vic tim helpless and hopeless cndurtiif tho indescribable ngony or seeing- himself dio by inches that mil bums heart and ncrvo pills can euro thoroughly and completely a disease of such novetity oitjhi to encour age those wlioau disorders ore not so serious to try this ivmcdy tue following is mr archibaldslotter mrsqns t mnntrn co i car nssunjou that my case was u very severt nie and had it not been for the usa o lillluls heart and ncrvo pilli i do not tile i would ho alive todny i do n it know exactly what wai the caust of the disease but it gradually aftectcu my ligs until i wai unable to wall liardly any for five months i was under the care of dr morse of melrose who said i had lycomoior ataxia nndffavo mo up as incurable dr solomon n wcllicnown pi icim of boston told mo that nothing couui be done for mo every ono wo came to visit mo thought i never could ict belter 14 1 saw milburns honrt and nere pills advertised nnd thou i would try them anyway ns they j vo mure pro- miseoflielpingmcthanaryuiingikncwof ifyou had seen mo when i started taking- those wonderful pills not able to grot out of try room and saw mo now working hard every day you wouldnt know me i am nfrent for p o viekcy of augusta mfine nnd have sold 300 nub- senbyrs in days and won a fifty dollar prizo nothing- else in tho world savqd pic but hi oho pills nnd i do not think they havo an aril anywhere tho hjvcnboxcil tookhavo restored ma tho nil iuo of my legs and given mo streivt and encrcy nnd better health than have enjoyed in a long time g o arciubald hopewell cape n d in addition to tho statement by mr archibald we havo the cndorsatlon of two wellknown merchants of hopewell cane n b vlri messrs j e dickson aij f j dre water who certify to tho genuineness und accuracy of tho facts as giviii above milburns heart and nerve pills are milbura by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other f uncra supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of sash doors fratnos moulding lu all styles dressing matcbino and moulding to order on short notice vill assortod stock on hand at prlcos tosu tbo times john cameron proprietor rjhe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert nobles flour feed store at acton alsu mill f and chop- ped grain of all kinds we want delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price in cash r noble j j a speight co hcton dont fkil to sbb ceo stovels stock of boots and shoes suitable for all clashes prices reasonable stovel has a splendid line of school childrens shoes ladies street shoes misses walking shoes mens working boots mens dress shoes mens boots and leggings for tan nery wear full line of rubbers for fall wear all excellent value stovel does all kinds of custom work and guar antees his own work stovel makes n syccialty oi repairing stovel has a line of boys strong boots which he is clearing out at 50c per pnir at agnews oli stami nlxt to mulvins bahukr snor mill st acton vol want c 50c n box or 3 for 125 at all drujf cisla or sent by mail t co toronto out the best is the cheapest jbrah mcmullens poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their fencings arc thb best prices low ood engraving photo engraving u- h al f tones i i innisn manufactured aad sold by tbi ontario wire fenoinq co i pioten ontario hnrdwara merchants soli these roods and can supply yo it they fail you writo the manufacturers at picton thb b greening wire co cenbhhl hnivcilton mo kc bints kontrbrl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers patents osjeimeieqiqd isftjs if n boolis invent gra help and how you nro snlndlol bond ma rough hot eri or moailof ymir invention or improvement nnd wo will tell you sraa our opinion aa to whothor it la of oppllontlons rojontod in othor haudi hlghostrotoroneoayiirnlsl mawon masior tatmm soliorrotts kxpirts hsxfjsv f ivnllt member isuh i jrjwloan wnurworlt lsi itwt asaoo jlcinmr can boolny of civil kuslnui ra 0ffi0e8 1l 0m u d d m0htsrl oak x ssjsisfjaf ii roi a ttla b bmlv flnuhrd btradlvarlim mmlu violin urrtoe baifrsssuaf johntton t mtrartai bex afp toronto ont tradc maim oiaiarii coiyriqhtl o anyone sanding a afcol rh and doaertntlon may nnloklr aaoarlaln nir opinion rraa vombar an lnntlon a nrtlbblr imtantalilo comnnnloi- llnii atrlmlroonodonusl nandbmkon patanta nont froo oldoat noancy f or ancurlna paunta loionu tkon trmush alunn winaoalva oiraiol notlot wllhout obnnre in iba ifnoiu wikis wnnoiit o in tna scientific jfnicrtcan hnmljnmolt llnlrlo weoklf ijiniaat rlr mlnllon ir nnv ailomii n jonrnnl tormavsn n

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