Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxv kto 17 acton ontario thursday october sio 1890 price three cents iu rubliankd t3very thursday morning at the frueprcsusteamrrlntinpofllco mlhh stkeht aotonont tkuub op bdhbobiftion ono dollar per year strictly in advanao all subscriptions discon tinued when tho timo for whioh tuoy havo boon pud baa oxplred tho dato to wnioh ovory subscription paid is do noted on tho address label advehtibino rates transient advertise ments 10 coots por nonparoil lino for orat in sertion 8 cents por lino for oaoh suuboguont insertion gontxlact rates tho following tablo shows our ratea for the iosortton of odvortis omenta for specified periods space aoinolioa 10 indies binohoa linoh 1 1 yk b mo u mo imp 0000 3500 8000 600 3300 3000 1300 ij50 2000 1900 700 aoo 700 3100 250 100 advertisements without apoolflo direotiona will be inserted till forbid and oharged accord- ngly transient advertisements mast bo paid q advance advertisements will be obangod onco oaoh month if doairod for changes oftonor than anoe a month the composition must be paid for atrogolai rates changes for contract advertisements mao oo n the offloo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hpmoore bditpr and proprietor fine blotting papers stamp albums scrap books cash records and pocket blank books big supply of office stationery days bookstore cuelph day sells cheap -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized- capital paid up 1000000 700000 odty at tub door cuelph branch wo are now ibsuidh money orders payable at par at any branch of chartered dank in canada excopting tho yukon district at tbo following ratob uudor 910 8 cants eioto 20 10 cents 20 to a0 12 conta 630 to fi0 14 contb wusinm wixednxy medical tohn m macdonald m d c m buooeb80r to j f uren m d o m offlco and rosldouoo corner mill frederick recta acton office hours b to 1030 am 1 to a pm and to 0 pm tr t j r forster successor to db a 8 elliott lato rosldont physician and surgeon to vic toria hospital for sick obildron toronto oyjfioe mill strcotlatoly oocupled by dr lllott d r dryden era eab titocut and kobe hcloans block douglas stj noar p o quelph ffiob houbb 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods waters bros wyndham street new store guelph hiollest cuitrent hati3 of inteiteht fld on sums doposltod o 41 and upwards atoroit allowod from dato of dupoult to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances mado to rosponaiblo farmore on thoir own names a tho lowoatourron ratoa no obargo mado for collecting sales notos if payablo in guolph a general banking bulnoes transacted a fx jones manager perhaps it is a hall 1 perhaps it la it room i lliougut myself lndocd aoouro to bolt tho door to firm tbo look liutlol be toddling comas to luro my paroqt oar with timorous knock my hnart wore atone could ft withstand tbo swootnoss of my babys plea that timorous baby kuookiog and ploasolot mo in its only me i throw aside tho unfinished book ilogardlesa of its tempting charms and oponing wide tho door x took my laughing darling in my arms who knows but in eternity i llko a truant child shall wait tho glories of a lifo to bo lloyoud tbo lleavonly father a gato and will tb at fleavouly fatbor beod tho truants supplicating ory and at the outer door i pload tla i o father only iv eugene field jnjora s blunder ii 1 dental l bennett lds dentist asoncixtown ontabio jcoghlan bids l ds dbntibt work cabegplly done phioes moderate office ovsnbaowns dauo htooib houbs e veby dat vhom 0 to 6 m bell ddb lds i bnooevillb dentibt hokda gnaduatn or tobonto univbbbitt work made batiafactory prices hodoratc vibitwo days monday afternoon camp- ellvlllo tuesday acton office olarkeruotol friday uockwood legal m olean mclean banisters solicitors notarios oonveyancors iio private fonda to loan ofnce town hall aoton wji a molkah jo a mclean j maokinnon bamustkb sonoiton conveyakcbii opi ice mill fltroot in matthews blook upstairs jb moleod bjuuuatbd solioitob amd cohmifision en foa taxing avfapavixa main street aeorgqtown convoyanolug done and monoy loanod on first mortgage on farm property at j- t j monabb olorkfoutth division court county of dal- on convoyanaer agent fire and life assurance teal keuteifcont money to loan oto avfiob pcrryman ablook agffdn ont miscellanso us m iss williams ov okoboktown music bucoonbor to hlu lamlaw l prepared wglio thoroubhldatiabuonlomnilo piano or organ in theory and praotloo for torma apply to uls william at mr ja mattuows roafdoooo on tueadav ovoning of oaoh wook ctenby qbist 0tt1wa oihiba bolloltor ol patonta for invontlon oto proparoa appllcatlona for tbo canadian anior- toanndb f th isgutratlon of trado mark bond for pam- phlot thirtytwo voaro oiporionco pieanois ndnan bookbinder windham 8t qoolph ontario ovorwllllamastoro aooount booka of all kind mado jo ordor orlodloala of ovory dmorlptlon oaxof oily bound nllttvnotiva promptly done 1abbiage fjiokn0ps 7 hr moobe j jaanko uajluabt iiicnbb8 prlyatobaioo lowlineeoroanlrod laaaod atrdfldonoe lnxh0 ovenlng proa pram oinoo aoton w m hem8tbeet ihombid aootiohmb jtor tho countloa of wolllngton and flalton oidoraloflt tha pl pm offloo aoton or tsyroaldonoo in aoton f o promptly at- endodto torma lteaaonablo alaombny to loah ohth fjsjsjir urn and t tho lowot rto of lntoroat in aomolnooand pwarda budbobibbd btook oapitai u5000 the welunoton mutual fire insurance company eatabuahod 1840 head offloo onblph ont inbuhanoe on oaahand mutual plan any oommunioatlod forwardod to my adaroaa lloi 803 or tolophojo 63 will bo promptly landed to tal0b agont uaolpb aoton machiue and repair shops hbnby qbindbli proprietor abb wall oqolppod with all the maolilnory hoeoaaasy tomaooto all repair to maobln- ar aid wlooltaral irapllmanta and to do all ktsdof assrnfvttlng hormehoelng and general blmaamltblng woodwork repair perlormed niaulfmtorymannr wo oa repair any minlie or implement of any make baw warning nod aung done acton saw mills and wood yards jk7w13s brosiuin llahtjractobbb amd daulr 1m tnttr mt sblaile woo o all klnda of wood in atook and promptly oa itra to any part of tbe town at reaaonaoloprloeei hardwood aod alab out atovo length alwaya on band telephone ooinmnnloatlon cohl order your coal now from j c hill coal dealer firstclass coal of all sizes required delivered promptly at reason able prices stoves ranges pipes pipe varnish stove boards coal scuttles etc kcton j c hi r-i- alma lhdies collece opens tor nineteenth year september 7th parents are reminded that the best condi tions for the mental moral and social train ing of their daughters are to be fourfd in a residential school like alma college st- thomas ont for full information address rev r i warner prln st thomas ont everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buyingwheai no credit henry hortop dont f7sil to seb geo stovels stock of boots and shoos suitable for all classes prices reasonable stovel has a splendid una of school childrens shoes ladies street shoes misses walking shoes mens working pool mens dress shoes mens boots and leggings for tan nery wear full lino of rubbers for fall wear all excellent value stovel doc3 all kinds of custom work and guar antees his own work stovel makes a syeciolty of repairing stovel has a line of boys strong hoots whioh he is clearing out at 50c per pair at aonsws old stand next to melvins barber shop mill st acton mail and bnilneas praotioe la the rout iritereatlng and prao- tloal oonne of etady in bookkeeping and aeooantlng for boyg and glrla laving fablloand high bohoole shorthand and typewriting epao lal f aollltloa individual tuition no olaaaea formed parent are invited to inveatlgato fall term will oom menoo monday aug 93 ciublph business college and shorthand institute j bhaiip principal w anted bereral brlgbtandhoneatpanona to rnreaont na aa m anagara in tbla and eloa by oountlea salary vooo ayear and axpenaee stralftlit bonaflde no more no leae aalary poaltlon permanent our refereaoee any bank in any town it la mainly odloe work oondootod at borne itefarenoe unoloee aelfddreaied atampad enrolope the dominion uompaoy dept 3 obloago perhaps it is both wo can suit you whichever vyay it goes that is in linoleums oil cloths or mat tings we pride ourselves on our particu lar attention in this department bigger bargains than ever this year come and see our patterns and try our prices john m bond co gvjbllh mollo satisfaction hardware acton- livery bbsifne tho nndorslgnod roapoctfolly somclta the patron age of tbe public and lnforma them that well equipped and stylish riga can al ways be scoured at bla stables a oomfortablo bun moots trains botweon 0 a m and 818 p m oarofal attention given to ovory order the w ants of commercial travel ler fully met john wjlliaes pnornieton main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of sasb doors framos moulding in all atyloa dressino mjltch1no mjad moulding to ordor on abort notloo tvu assortod atook on band at prloos tou tbo times john cameron proprietor jjhe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert nobles floiir feed store at acton also mill feed and chop ped grain of all kinds we want delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price incasht r noble twjjkind8jdmen there aretwo kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are- obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call anb sbb odr new links if mibs alatty bioe had yawned oooe 8inoe breakfast one bad yawned a aooro of times and even pretty eveieen waa grow ing drowsy at bor embroidery by tbe wiu- dow for it was a hopelessly raiuy day in midoatoberv witb tbe aky veiled in dark firey mist tbe tinted leaes floated down into malted layers of dim eolor aroand the columns of tbe piazza and the till dahlia nearly prostrated by tbe steady downpour no walks no gatherings of ferns mosses berries in the still delicious woods no dreamy rambles to the mountain topi and worst and saddest of all notbidg to read and i wont be deluded into working worsteds eaid matty nor yet into orewels and kensington stitoh eveieen what 1b that delightful book tha t papa was reading aloud ont of last night 1 do you mean tbo recreations of a country parson said eveieen compar ing two shades of rose colored wool if thats tbe name of it yes he took it to the oily with him eaid evoleen i saw it sticking oat of his ooat pocket when be was running for tbe train how provoking i sighed matty clasp ing hor dimplod bands above her head when its tbo book of books that i should like to read ou a day like this 1 mr winton has a copy of it said tveleen threading a worsted needle with the vary darkest bhade of garnet but what good will that do me 1 eaid alatty disconsolately borrow it enggested eveieen every body borrows everything in a place like this and im sure mr winton wonld be gild to oblige yoam but how urged matty the hotel is at least half a mile away bend nora nora indeed 1 i dont suppose nora ever did an errand in her life said matty then its high time she commenced laughingly suggested evoleen writo a note id rather aeud a verbal message eaid matty and i wouldnt bend at all if i wasnt dying to read the end of tbat essay that papa began last nigbt nora deep in the energetlo oooupationa of blickiog the kitohen stove was sum moned np stairs nora said matty impresmtely i want yon to go tbehotsl- youknow where that is t sure as i do miss said nora witb mouth wide open and eyes of intense atten tion and ask mr winton and tell him that mias matty rioe sends her oomplimeots and would like to borrow the reorcatfons of a country parson youre sure you understand yism an why wouldnt i promptly retorted nora rather nettled at this im plied aspersion on her powers of oompre- bension v and oome bdckaaquiok aa yottoan bare an it me that will bald nora and presently the two sitter caught a glimpse of her beneath the told of a rusty waterproof cloak with a mammoth um brella held over her head disappearing bebiud the hoge leaves of tbe rhododendron hedge 1 hope she wont be long said matty why should she said serene eveieen and she went on composedly with the pomegranite blossoms she wae embroider ing while matty sat down tobe piano and tried to piokont the notes of sonse rlreamy refrain whioh bad hanoted her over alnoo he heard it at the opera lait wldtir witb patti smiling on thestage and- the full orohebtra thundering on the strains and nora plunging down the ravine like anything but a wood nymph plashed her way to the going of a quarter of a mile oat of the road on aaobuntof a spotted snake and stopped fora good cbat with a fellow hibernian who was on his wa to w williams mill st tbo po to 01 oe tbere said nora as the tarned away from teddy oharft and bare an ive forgotten tbo name as cuna if i nlver bad beard ft whoso name waa it alaoa oodhoiidk- lv demanded colonel boi ooaobmtn whobo boft uoiliings had put tha message oompletily ont of noras head xboro waa aulhia in ii about tbe reotory of a oonolry parson a a id nora tnlstiug beraelf into the letter s with the violent attempt at recollection to wbiob ahe forced haraelf tbere aint no rectory here abouts aaid teddy sure it aint built yet i bat tbe paraon benupon the hotel itopav i been hlcn there as i came bey ad t a tall yonng gentleman with a high veatfqr all the wurreld like bookwtll an apeoljaclea as gtntlo as ye plaae is it a message yve got for him npra mayoartfeen im io borrow him 1 said kora fixing her dqll glahy glare on teddys aatonlbbbd faoe i to borrow him i rapaatad teddy teddy altered a whistle its tba quaraat loan as ever i beard of said he t 4 if its a fair question who is it wants him miss matty ricas compliments replied nora with parromike prompiitoda an she wants to borrow the paraon tedily exploded into a laugh bore an if ft waa leap year said he i abould think it meant something i niver beard anoh a message ftvall me born daya before bat i mait make baste or tbe mail will be off away trudged teddy while nora kept on to the hotel all unoonaoioas of tho curious transformation that had befallen her laoklesa message la the parson hore t demanded bbe shaking her umbrella end et ft taping the mad oil her feet on tbe steps of tbe mountain hotel whioh was stilt wtli filled with guests who had lingered to sea tbe splendors of tbo october forest among tbe woods tha hotel dlerk who had just oome out to glanoe at tbe barometer tared at her the young ladies on the wide verandah giggled the stoat old gentlemen who were walking np and down tho boarde to gain their daily two milei of exeraise stopped short and a tipeotacled grave looking young man who waa talking with a lady jnat beyond glance j around as if be fan cied that bo was personally addressed do you want the clergyman said the hotel clerk doubtful yet polite ie it a btonemason or a chimney awape id do mania dye think retorted nora beginning lo imagine tbat bho was being made game of i am tho clergyman aaid the spectac led gentleman stepping forward at this jaootnre is tbere anytbiug i a an do for yon is it a etsoemaoon or a chimney ewapo id be mania dye think 7 retorted nora beginning to imagine that she was being made game of i beg your pardon said mr fontaine bat im not quite enre that i understand yon my good woman im bpukin the english language sure said nora somewhat affronted she wants to borrow yon bnt what for said he ignoring the tltterb of the group whioh waa now fast gathering on tho verandah to amuse herself wid this rainy day aaid nora youre to come back wid me plase i was to bring yon miss matty biuea compliment an really bald mr fontaino ihib is very strange the rioe live in a utile bwlsa oottage by the haldlno falls enggested the botol clerk gentleman goes up and down to tbe oity every day keeps aponyoarriage youre to oome back with me plase interrupted nora the reotory or the country parson mice matty rioe a com pliments an mr fontaine hurriedly surveying tbe situation in bis minds eye decided it waa better to obey this btrange reijaett patting on a waterproof wrap and arm ing himself with a light silk umbrella be accompanied nora moshane to tbe great filming ud whispering of tbe group on the verandah miss rioe was lisileaaly watobing eve- leeoa embroidery as the door bounced open and nora ruabedin exclaiming here he 1b 1 ive brought him i brought whom i exclaimed mary in burpribe the country paraon said nora there wasnt no reotory i inquired for it bat it wasnt tmilt what ou earth is the girl talking about eaid matty in amazement and then mr fontaine walked in hold ing hie hat in bis hand i am tbe clergyman said he can i be of any use 7 matty colored a deep cherry pink oh dear i am bo sorry ahe faltered but there is some dreadful mistake here i sent nora to the hotel to borrow a book and she has brought me biok a mau 1 a book said mr fontaine yes said matty trying to keep back her laughter as tbe oom la side of tbo oir- ournbtanoe forced ittelf upon her tbo recreations of a country parson mr winton haa it mr fontaino began to uugh so did matty and eveieen and in five minutes they were the bent friends in the world mr fontalou stayed to lunob and they never knew how that long rainy afternoon wbiled itself away antil at last the bine drifts of aky spread bannera above tbe pine trees on oil sky top and every obtains drop waa transformed into a tiny rainbow mr fontaine oame often after that and ao did panl winton the owner of the gen- nine country parson and when the family closed tbe botttge and returned to the oity the two young men discovered tbat the journey to philadelphia was not suoh a very long one and now there is every probability that tho lacking reotory will be built in the spring and that tbe country paraon mil bring a pretty young wife thereat least so aay pop alar gossip bear atupld old nora i says matty rioe it was all her doing and aha shall have a hopae with me always bat blunders dont always terminate aacoeastally eveieen gravely remarks llz tx wi mtyjnfrte just forfun a sunday bobool oporto tend en t at the close of an address oo the creation whioh he waa sure he bad kept within the com prehension of the least intelligent of the aoholarssmilinglyjavitedqaeatiojiba tidy boy a whits eager faoe and large brow at onoe held np his hand please sir why was adam never a baby the superintendent coughed to some doubt ae to what answer to give but a htlle girl of nine the eldest of aeversl brothers and sisters cams promptly to his aid pleaee sir she said nmartly hore waa nobody to nusa him the auperioteudeot of a oity sunday school was making an appeal for a collect ion for the shutin aooiety and he aaid can any boy or girl tell me of any shutin paraon mentioned in the bible ah i see several hand raisod that is good this little boy right io front of mo may tell me speak op good aod 1 iud so that alt will hear you johnnie jodah 1 shrieked johnnie a white dove in church a newton mass- yoang ltdy saw a peooliar feature in a ohnroh in a maine town whioh bhe visited this summer hearing the ooolpg of a dove aba looked aroand and saw a white dove perched on tbe organ and lutsniog to tbe mualo with great appreciation she 1 burned after ward that tbe dove had been a regal ar attendant at church for eight or ten years being attraoted by the maaio of whioh it waa very fond it was twelve years old and waa tbe pet of a udy who lived near after ohuroh the dove waa taken to hla suodayaobool claaa by a boy and seemed to enjoy the proceedings unlike many oh arch goers the weather made no differ ence to tbe dove but every sunday summer aufl winter he was at his post on the organ cnildh days oh 1 tho liappy days of oblldhood witb thoir bright and roaeato glow now their memories unbidden ohng to us whereer we go whispering of tho momenta gold on whioh iu ohlldhood daya wo knew when to our uututorod fanoy evory heart waa klud and truo and no thought of coming sorrow did our youthful eyes bedim for wo saw eaob bright tomorrow full of gtadnoss to tho brim not tiio hardships of lifes battlo did our oagar oyas doacry aa wo gascd into tbo future iu those distant days gono by hut tbe far horizon brighten od with tbo tropics to bo won and the rosea to bo gatborod ero tbo darksoino days should oome abl tis woll tbat sunny childhood bool tbo rose but uot tbo thorn boon enough wo find tbe prospect of its sweot illusions bborn looking backward down lifes highway with tho toltora march ids on some regretful glances llngor whore the journoy had begun when tho aky waa bright with promise which the years did scarce fulfil for tbo golden plumo haa vanished and the days aro growing chill of tho firob that fanoy kindled with tbo hopes of long ago oncoablaao with future glory many now are burning low but tbo memories of tblldhood stay forovor fresh and groen though tberos many a line of sorrow darkonlng tbo apaco between oh i tbo happy days of childhood with their bright and rosoale glow how their memorloa unbidden cling to us whereer wo go 7 church membership childhood memories in the ancient ward of a urge city hospitul a young man lay bruised and broken in saving the life of a little child he had himself been orusbed by a runaway horse i several years before fall of ambition and eager to encounter lifes battle he had left hib simple home a shepherds cot amoog the heatherclad bills to enter tho great city and as he tossed in delirium it was the memories of his childhood whioh be dwelt upon he was again a boy on hta mothers knee in that highland home he would call his brother davie to harry op that they wonld be lata for school and the next minute be with his father among the aheep on the hillside with tears welling 4ip4aeryeetrbennrae4ai a oo ba upon his brow and becoming strangely calm he murmured ay tbata fine mother and before long he joined that mother on the eternal shores whose image in his heart bad helped to keep her brave boy iu tbe patba of rectitude yes wherever we may be or however placed the impreseion of oar early yeara remain with as to tbe end deep within oar hearts is a holy shrine which we keep aaored to the memories of a happy yoatb and in the qafet evening hour of later years we love to linger over these precious reool- lootioos of childhoods days or it may be in the society of some one who has shared them with us brother sitter or friend we recall ibeso oboriebed experiences and in doing so feet the inspiration lifting us aboye all worldly care and how of tea we visit in thought tbo haunts of oar ohlldhood and imagine our selves children in the old home again with no vacant chair in the happy uirole tho old home and tho love tbat made it so dear to onr hearts what blissful memories do these thongbta not conjure up 1 and though far removed from those scenes and however far by tbe experiences of life and years these memories are ever frean and green in tho treaaarehoasoof oar heartb tbe old homo i who does not carry throughout lifo a vivid recolleotion of it who can measure how precious the hal lowed memories whfob cling aronnd it are to those who have experienced the priceless love of ohildhoods days under its sheltering roof have ever flowers had sweeter fragrance than those which blossomed in its sunny garden or roses grown in rioher beauty than those wbiob gentle hands twined with the woodbine into a floral archway wo still can bear tbe musio of tho streamlet as it pursues itn pebbly way psst the old home and cross again with child ish delight at oar own temerity the shaky wooden bridge with many gaps whioh panned its waters in tbe glen tbe perfnme of the primrose and the violet soothes oar benscs aa of old while oar tb oughts carry ub away to the burnios brink where the flowers nestle in their mossy beds of emerald and amber or anon we haunt the bobky dell where every atone or stamp is memorys landmark hero a bod of violets each spring bedecks the open sward there by that lowly briar we experience afresh the youthful sen sations of discovering for the first time tbe laverocks neat yo we dye oar fingers and lips witb the blaokberry and in the hazel wood we hear the happy laughter of ohildren nutting on a bweet september day and oall with raptare as of old the ripened clusters while voices from the vanished paat join in our mirth or etill under tho spell wo gather an uubrokn oircu for the hour of worship it is sunday evening prized beyond the other nights hi that all unite in singing the favorit hymn of eaob down to the little maid who can but lisp tbe happy land and the gentle mother with true arid liquid noto leads the praiae but as our heart goes ont to joiu tbo song the spoil is broken and with quivering lips we realize it ia now the sound of a voice that is still and in longiug for the tonoh of the vanished band we ory with david oh that one would give me to drink of the water of tbe well of bothlehem wbloh la by the gate ah 1 yev who oan forget the tender love of a fond mother or tbat of an eqaatly fond father we still oan feel the solt touch of a oool hand upon the fevered brow and hear tbe soothing word whioh drove away our ohitdlsh troubles as by magiaand the memory stimulates to all that is noble and pare these were the happy days of ohlldhood when rich in parental love we roamed in our innocence and freedom round the old bonae at home and with eager eyes looked forward to the battle of life bright waa tbo far horizon with hope while great deeda and greater possibilities were dreamed of but how few if any have realised their golden dreams 1 how many have fallen by the way bow thin tha ranks of those who played together on tbe old village green membership in the ohuroh of god ib a blessing and a privilege it carries with it obligations as aerioub and as bfnding aa it is possible for men and womon to assume they tako these vowa voluntarily aud promise to obediently keep gods boly will and commandments and walk in tbe aame all the daya of their lives and add to the beriousdebs of tbe vowb by saying god being my helper and yet were we to judge by the oooduot of many we bbould be obliged to conclude that they attaoh little importance to their promises and are indifferent to tbe evil result per sonal and general of their delinquent course the iudicterenco often amounting to crime cannot bo aooodnted for in many cases oxoept upon tbo supposition tbat the criminal takes advantage of tho divine clemency hoping in time for forgiveness and restoration tboy would not dare violte willfully an obligation to a fellow- nfan in whioh their integrity and moneyed interebtb are involved tboy wotill loae oredit and oaete nor would they forswear themselves in a court of justice leatthey become liable to proseoation and punish ment yet knowing they have taken a vow in tbe presence of the congregation and administered in the fear of god they deliberately break it or lightly set- it aside mind they do not recant or ask t ho re leased from their obligatione to tbe par ticular ohuroh at whose alters they vowed aa they have a perfect right to do bat they hold on to and olaim the right i and privileges of membership and aro known and respected in good standing such is an incoobistfint position to hold so far as onr chnrcb ia concerned a man ia bo and to itonly by bla vows it in good standing he may withdraw at any time without injury to tbe oanee or any reflec tion on his own good name bot so long as ho rlaimb a place in it and ib under its protection be is boand to observe hib promises or suffer as a tranegresbor an applicant coming to tho altar of tbe ohuroh solemnly in the presence of god and the oongregatton ratifies and oonflrmb the promise and vow of repentance faith and obedience oontaiued in the baptismal covenant this covenant binds him to faith in tbe holy sorlptnrep aod a life of oonaeoration to god and his service aud be who violates this covenant is a hypocrite of tbo lowest sense and a serious drawback to the church whioh he is bound to support first and last first putr fiickoiiaugh first boar fools iiuir firnt whiskey fools frisky first rum voryglum brandy sniabb montal craub ah combined bbattorad mind all do no hoarsu fur one wooing a schoolteacher a hero of waterloo the duke of wellington was onoe asked who in his opinion was the bravest man at waterloo i cant tell you that he said but i can tell you of one than whom i am sura there was no braver the following is tho btory put in the words of the writer there was a private in the artillery a farmhouse with an orchard surrounded by a thick hedge formed a mobt important point in the british position and was ordered to be held against the enemy at any saorifice the hottest of tho battle raged around the point but tbo english behaved well and beat bit ok the french again and again at last the powder and bull were found to be running short at the same time the hedgea surrounding tbe orchard took fire in the mean time a messenger had been sent to tbe rear for more powder and ball and in a abort time two loaded waggons came galloping down to the farmhouse the gallant defenders of which were keep- log up a scanty fire through tbe hamea whioh burrounded the poet the driver of the flrtt spurred his horses toward the burning heap bat the flam en rose fleroely rouud and caught the powder which exploded sending rider horsea and waggon in fragments into the open air for ono instant tho driver of the seoond waggon paused appalled by his comrades fate tbe uext observing the flames beaten baok for a moment by the explosion afforded bimonedebprateohanoe he sent bis horses at tbe smouldering breach and amid the obeeraof the garrison ltnded hib cargo safely within behind him the tlamea closed np and raged ruoro fiercely tban over tbe private never lived to receive the reward which his aot merited but liter in the engagement he was killed dying with the consciousness that he had baved tbe day kbep1nq the heart until yoa have learned to control your thoughts you wi 1 never bo able to live a godly and righteous lifo aa a man think- etb iu his bears ao is he and i- is becanbe the thought tbat we entertain in the hostelry of tbe eool are auoh worlblobs and vain onea that onr words and acta often bring ao heavya disgrace on the name we love well might tho wise man say keep thy heart above all keeping for out of it are the iaanea of lire when the heart is right the ear and tho eye and the month and th foot will noocbsarhy obey its promptings but when the heart is wrong filled with tides of ink like tbe cultleflifa it will develop itself in tbe impurity to whioh it gives vent if you habitually permit ovil thing to have their right of way through you or lodging witbiu you remember that in gods sight you aro hell equslly guilty with those that indulge in evil ants because you aro withheld not by your fear of him but by your desire to malntuiu your posi tion among men f b meyer a fra due a fronobman who waa not rogarded aa one of tha aort ot men who wonld seek tbe field of honor averred in tho presence of a group who were talking about duelliog that be had onoe participated in a duel telt na about it they callodoot well you see he aaid they gave us our piatola mine appeared to bo all right i looked at the oap the trigger everything was in ordor but it didnt go off why didutit because i went off neatly said two siatera while visiting in ireland laat summer got into conversation one day with a tenant of their hostess one of the girls who ia quite stout had talked with this same tenant before and this time she asked the old irishwoman if she would have known them for sisters well was tbe answer with a smile that wonld have put the blarney tone itself to blaab ye look hk but yer slaters slender while yoa mis well yoa favor the queen yes said a young mun as he threw himself at the feet of the pretty school mistress i lovo you aud would go to the end of the world for you yon could not goto the worlds end for me jamea it is round like a ball slightly flattened at the poles ooe of tbe first lessons in elementary geography isdevoted to tbe shape ot the globe you must have studied it when a boy of course i did but and it is no longer a theory circum navigators have established tbe f net 1 know but wbat i meant was that i would do anything to please you ah minerva if you only knew the aching void tbere is no auoh thing as a void jameb nature abhors a vacuum bat admitlng that tbere could be auoh a thing how could the void you bpeak of bo a void if there were an aoho iu it i meant t say that my life would be lone ly without you tbat you are my daily thought and my nightly dream i would go anywhere to be with you it yoa were in australia or at the north pou i would fly to yon i fly 1 it will be another century before men can fly evep when the laws ot grav itation are bucoeflafully overcome there will still remain says a uto scientific authority tho difficulty of maintaining a balinoe wt11 ut ui events exclaimed tbe yontb ive got a prettyfair baunoe in the bank and x want you ti bo my wife there 1 well jaraod ainco you put it it in tbat light 1 curtain he knew human nature iu dearborn street u a haberdasher time was when they answered to a less formidablo name who counts a genius among hib employees fortune in the oountry and his this favored of is a youth who onoe clerked in a genoral a tore in the oountry present proprietsr wonders if there are any more like kim running at large in the provinces tbere bud been a stock of cheap collars end cuffs on tbe shelves for yeara ooco in awhile usually just before invoicing these articles bad been brought down care fully dubted tied with new baby ribbon arranged in orderly fashion in the window and marked 9 oentti for the ouffd 5 cent for tbe oolltrs but pitrons would havo uon of- them occasionally a rain would oomo aluuft and tuns them over attracted by the prioo but that was all they would not oall the oountry youth waited till the first hard rain then be took an armful of the goods and dipped them carefully in a pail of water so tbat about half of each article was moistsnod then he dried them in tbe buu at tbe baok door and uext morning heaped them in the window with tbia marking ruined by tbe raiu i collard 10 cents cuffa 20 cents and thoy went before noou it was all the genius from the oountry ooald do to get subsequent arrnfats soaked and dried fast enough to supply tbo demand chi cago time a question answered a problem constantly before the wise merchant is how can i roach moro people than i now deal with he cannot call upon the public in person the cards and posters he sends to them attract little attention and if thoro should be nb other meaus at his oom in and by which to bring his store uuder popuur observation his business would come to a stands till happily he is not restricted in that respect he can for instance introduce his estab lishment to thousands of people through the oolamnb of one issue of buoh a widely circulated and trustworthy nowbpapnr as this ono aod havinjj thus aronsed tbe interest ot tho public ho my oount on getting their trado a modest request madam said the soldier of misfortane who was touring the country disguised as a tramp i do uot want anything in the way of homemade delioaoiea for the in terior department but if it isnt asking too much i would bo ttwd to have yoa do a litt i oee wing- former very well replied the kind hearted lady what can i do for you tis but a trifle said the unrecorded globe trotter i havo a button that i would thank you to bow a shirt on chi- oago neicn a lady misled by a dealer who lovad long profits a lady residing in a flourishing ontario town recently wrote as follows having some faded oottoo goods td dye i went to ono ot onr stores and asked for two packages of diamond dye cardinal for cotton the storekeeper informed me that he was out of that brand of dyea and recommended strongly auntber make of paokagedyee i nnrortanattly bought the rooommooded dyes aud carried them home i used them as directed on the package bat the work was not fit to look at the color being of a brloky red instead of cardinal i was obliged to wash the goods j0 aa to get rid ot the awfnl oolor and afterward redye with the diamond dyes whioh i procured at anotbor store i have used dfamond dyes without a ainglo failure for many years and will never again acoept a aubatituta from any mer chant the diamond dyea are true to promise every time fsahebood like the dryrot flourlahea the more in propot tiou as air aud light are excluded

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