Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1899, p. 2

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harried xs mvdlky bitrru in aotoo on wednesday ihtu octobir byltsvj a molachuli m a char lea h modloy of aaton to miss mabel brnitb daughter of qaorgo smith brio died mrs dousmmctavub aged 76 yesri 8clje ctoit jfm rm thursday october 25 1800 notes and comments tbe globe annouooeb that mr frank latohford q c of ottawa hue joined the host administration as minister of public works mr hatty will remain in the cobiiunt without portfolio tho jateet rumor in provincial politioo is that mr john it barber will be takou into tho cubinot this is a rumor which very many tnon are anxious to believe for cer tainly few men it any tin provincial pohtiotr could add suoh strength to the liberal party toronto star there is what railway meri call a oar famino throughout tbe country in the north webt that ia always expected al this time of the jear for all the cara that oan bo got are needed to move the grain to market bat there is ecaroity of cars in ontario ae well for vast quantities of gboda are beiuy distributed to local points and ee tit to tbe noitbwest the ttitoment of retenae and txpendi- taro of the bom id ion for three months ondtog september 30th which has been prepared fiy the cue torn department ehowa that the aggregate trade increased over the same period of last year by nearly 9hoooc0o there was an increase in both exports and imports the exports inoreased by 87400000 and tbe imports by 85 300000 there w9 an increase ia the rovouue ot 580020 owing to tbe great quantity of wheat at 1ort william awaiting transport to depot harbor whioh it is claimed to be impossible for canadian vsstls lo move tbogorero- ment has suspended for tbe remainder of the season the sectlou of the coasting laws preventing the carriage of freight from one canadian port to another by american vessels it is stated that there are now four million bubhels at fort william and that between three and four hundred cars are arriving daily britis vict the boers routed from two impor tant ppsttor8- boar u en oral captured but dlesserl ous loas of british officers and men everton our contingent on trie wav tbe past week has bean mott evoutuul in the war of the transvaal several im port ant engagements have taken place in eaoh oase the boers being tho aggressors at two points olenooe aud xiidysmith the boers were ronted after fierce and prolonged contests a most legretable featuroof tbe campaign op to this point has been tbe large loss of british officers at each of the engagements much regret is felt that general symons was roortvlly wounded at bis brilliant viotory at glen coo tho canadian contingent is now en route to quebec whenco thoy will leave by the sardinian like un saturday for london hon o w boss is the fifth premier of tho province since confederation and the fourth since the formation of the present liberal administration by hon edward blake in deoeraber 1871 mr hardy has been a member of the legislators for over 26 years a member of the government for over 22 years and premier since bir oliver mowats withdrawal in july 1806 mr ross who became minister of education in november 1683 was a member of the kwhral prh trirflif ma g provincial arena he was first else led to tho com noon b in 1872 and sat there until 1883 james b steal ton tbe new min ister has been a member of the legislature since 1886 a despatch dutd glonco camp oct 2q 2g0 p m says after eight hours of continuous heavy fighting tsltna hill was carried by tbe dublin fusiliers and tbe kings rifles under cover of a wsll served artillery are by the thirteenth and 6utj- ninth batteries the boers who threat ened the british rear bave retired tbe fight was almost an exaot oounterpart of that of majuba hill except that the position of the boer and the british forces were reversed gen 8701008 was danger- outly iojured he was shot through tbe thigb but no bones ware broken he is cheerful london oct 21 tbe list of officers killed and wounded at tbe battle between glen ooa and dundee in natal shows that although the british viotory was oomplcto it was bought at a heavy price in addi tion to bir william penn symons who it is feared in morttlly wounded two colonel three captains and five lieu- tenants were killed and a colonel three majors six captains and ten lieutenants were wounded this heavy ioas among the officers was due as the litest dea- patohls soow to their valiant conduct in sticking to the traditions of the british army and refusing to use the cover ot whioh the men availed themselves in storming tbe boer position 00 tbe summit of the kopje killed aud 212 wounded the boer jobs was 800 london oct 23 general symons brilliant victory at glenooe has been followed by an equally decisive triumph at elands laagate by a hot pursuit by the hussars of the boers retreating towards buffalo river ending in a third engage ment the boers have fought stubbornly bat have been overpowered by a superior artillery fire and spirited cavalry aharges and are closely followed being ran dowp after every fresh onoounter tbe british loss is roughly computed at mr and mrs s congdon attended nas- sagawaya fair last week mrs marshall ppent thanksiiing day with her sister 10 law mrs marshal toronto mrs forrester wtth mrs blaak mrs benboq with her daughter in toronto mra millard ot winterboumo came that day to spend a week or two with her relatives here on frida tbo most of cur villiage homes sent representatives to erin fair which wab prouounaed very good and the crowd urge on saturday mrs j grind ii arrived home after spending a week with acquaint ances iu krin township last week the pibcipjca had tueir bheds moved to the back of the church as pbey purpose erecting a new parsonage whero the abode stood this will make a great irnpravernent in the appearance of main street as will us a gon to the resident niinlater dunug tho btorm sunday evening on their way from ohurch mr win tovelle horse took fright and upset tbo buggy throwing tbo pcpupnts out mr toiell received some outs about the bead aud bad his shoulder hurt ho wub brought to the doctor but wo uudt rstttud was not fenonaly injured mra dougal motttwsh of odprlotfe who lias never quite recovered from a bad aitack of la grippe last winter took heart failuru saturday and died suuday about poou the funeral will bo held here tuesday afternoon wo rive our ojm pathy to the mouring family a vete trials attacked with kidnev trou ble in an aggravtaed form his digestion became i m pared and his case was looked upon as hopeless dr williams pink pills restored him when other medio ines failed from tbo telegraph wolland ont among tho residents of port robinson there uro few better known than mr samuel richards who has redded in that vicinity for some twentybeveo yuan mr richards oame to canada from ill inois and is one ot the etorans of the amerioan civil war having been a mem- at this engagement 41 were ber of tbe 7th illinois regiment mr riohards is altio one of the vast army who bear wilting and cheerful testimony to tho merit of dr williams pink pills a few years ago i fell a victim to one of the worst forms of kidney trouble i was tortured with terrible pains across tbe baob i could neither sit up nor lie down with any degree of ease i oonsolted a doctor and he gavo me medicine whioh i took from time to time but instead of helping me i was growing worse my digestion became impaired and i buffered from additional pains in tbe stomach i would feel odd along tbe spino and in the region of the -kidoaya- sparks would nparentry float- milton commencement exercises are to bo held about the end of this month tbe usual good talent of the public school pupils will be assisted by an unusual amount of good talent to be found in the ranks ot the students now attending tbe model bobcol tho town bus adopted the plan of laying cement walks by local men a hook of 280 feet has been uld at a oott of ten and threefifth oantb per equaro foov mr g e boueflfld bu tenor baa purchased tbe farm of tho uto william chtshctm 100 acres for 95000 major thoa fox of trafalgar has purchased a residence in gikwlle where bo will retire from farming this month bandmaster gollms hua enroled several recent to the membenhlp ot the banc weemy practice will uow be pursued with vigor three dinniti will ba included in tho class the rnany friends pt mr jp hollinrake will bo pleased to learu that lie has so far reooverod from hiit recent aorideot that be is now able to move about the haudo with the aid ot oruthep jirfotrntr at a banquet given to sir louis davles at london england 00 the eve of his departure for home last week canadas practical efforts to promote imperial unity as illustrated by tbe preferential tariff pennypostage and tbe pacific cable bcheme were spoken of by sir louis and brought forth rounds of applanio tbe enthusiasm reached a climax when he spoko of the canadian contingent of one thoneand men for active service lo south africa he asserted emphatically that theso were only a vanguard of what would be forthcoming if necessity demanded a further call the policy of the umpire broad and liberal based upon equal rights and justice to all had evoked unbounded enthusiasm among canadians come what might canada irrespective of party differences would be found united on the question of doty id the mother country canadians were loyally determined to stand by the empire in the securing of justice and equality for all her subjects erin dr gear has purchased a very stylish road mare from mr arobibald jirvls of milton the annual fair baa been the allabsorb ing topio the past week good weather fawned open oa and a striking anooess was tbe result the anniversary services of the metho dist church at bel fountain last bnnday were conducted by the rev mr holdeu of bock wood there were more visitors to erin labt friday than for a year before everton crowded outlast week messrs alex banter and j fessant arrived last week from holyoke maaa though tbe visit wu vary short all enjoyed it they returned on thursday tbe forsters and lois black returned on thursday from oik ills where they witnessed on wednesday tbe marriage of miss mary anderson to rev h 8 msgea of toronto the ceremony was impressive and beaut if ol throughout bar dr dewart of toronto officiated assisted by rava kay and fisher misa grin del i left bars on saturday for stmoryjs w her sia resides we noticed mr and mrs jas simpson of moffat in the village on snnday tbe chosen friends sermon by bar h brand on sunday evening was vary much enjoyed apd appreciated the whole service was a beautiful one citb town oo 23 the boer command er at the battle of elandelagaagto general jan kook who waa taken prisoner has died of bla wounds london oct 25 tbe following despatch from general sir george stewart white to tbe marqus of laosdowne secretary of state for war received last evening at 11 oclock waa posted at the war office shortly after midnight ladysmltb oofc 24 0 p m informa tion received yesterday showed that tbe boers had established themselves in considerable numbers in exceedingly good position west of tbe main road leading from ladybmltb to dundee i also had information that the dundee force formerly commanded by gen symons and since bis wound commanded by gen yule was falling haok on lady- smith by way of helpmakaarroad beitb and the valleys of the wasobbank aud sunday rivers and was expected to reach snnday rivers valley today i therefore moved out a strong force to cover tbe movement of tales column the enemy was discovered about seven miles out of ladysmfth in a position of exceptional natural strength west of the road when he saw that the preparations were being made against him he opined fire with one gun with great aoenraoy our artillery soon got into positron and tho gun waa silenced troops were order ed to occupy a strong ridge parralel to tbe end my s position bat nearer tbe road i confined my efforts to oooopylng him hard enough to prevent his taking action against yolea column numbers of the enemy fled to the west and the firing bad prsoli- oally ceased at 2 oclock a bmlxunt movh the cape town correspondent of the daily matt telegraphing at 945 p m yesterday says geo yale has performed a brilliant strategical movement by a swift march to ths south leaving glenooe he has effeotsd a junction of his forces with those or sir george stewart white slightly to the north of ladysmltb the two are now in a position to offer battle i believe tbo first attaok will be made on the large orange free state force which entered natal by way of tintwa paas and whioh has been harrassing lady- smith the military authorities decided that by joining their forces the two gen erals would be better able to cope with one urge force at a time than by having two small detachments to oppose aimoltane- ously will tackle joubebt before my oyeb and i would bave frequent headaobea i then began ubing a medicine advortised to cure kidney trouble but to no avail it left me poorer in pocket while i grow worse in health j fell away in flesh until my neighbors scarcely knew mo in my day i bave undergone many hardships and a great deal of pain having been through the amoricau war but mall tbib i never experleooed the droad that i now have when i recall this siobness not even tbe hour when i was caturod and dragged within two miles of libby prison my sufferings were intensified by tbo stomach trouble i could not eat and was bbdt almost double from pain in fact i deemed raysolf a wreak one day r a abbey general merchant advised me to try dr williamb pink pills and as ho highly recommended them i purchased three boxes and beforo they were need i could feel improvement i kept on taking them until i used twelve boxes and am now so well and strong that i oan do two days work in ono- and wefgh 220 pounds my cure was a surprise to everyone in the community as all thought my case hopeless i feel so gratified that 1 consider this testimony compensates only poorly for what this medicine has done for me and i believe i would have been dead if i had not taken dr williams pink fills tbe experience of years has proved that there is absolutely no disease duo to a vitiated condition of tbo blood or abattered nerves that dr williams pink pills will not promptly cure and thobo who are buffering fromlauob troubles would avoid much misery and save money by promptly resorting to this troatment get tho gen uine pinkpills every time and do not be persuaded to take an imitation or some other remedy from a dealer who for tbe eake of tho extra profit to himself may say is just as good dr williams pink pills oure wben other medicines fail prevvspns corners tbe beautiful weniher of friday induced a largo number from boro to twbt in the fair at erin the eleotrlo ttiorm of sunday nibjht wee very bo ere for ibis season of the jest mr jolliflv of bcakwood preached in tbe mothodist cuuroh btre on tiundiy morning the pastor rev s w holden will preach next sabbath mr r wansboronuh spent several das with friends in jjuiebijrk during the wetk mewrp wm forbes and w moore of aoton spent bnnday at mr n forbes the nimbtu sixpence xu buttir thin tho flow shilling catarrhozono ourrs catarrh bronohitis afthraa and hay fever at once no danger or risk catarrohoione act surely and quickly it cures by aefcion of medicated ajr which is oarried direcily to the seat of the diseaip killing the germ life that causeb theee diseases and at the same time heals up all the affected parts you breath it does tbo rest for eale at a droggibts or direot by mail prioo 91 00 send loo iu stamps to n o pol son co manufacturing ohemits kingston ont for sample botte and inhaler grammaiouy speaking a hiss is a conjunction grand trunk lvk hunters excursions mukoka lakes bala beaumaris foots bay hnmilipomt immonso increase in tho sale ot d l menthol plibtcr evidence the fact that it is useful for all reheumatio pains lumbago and lame baok pain iu the sides etc davis laurence co ltd manu facturers sir wilfred liurior will address electors at fergus thi afternoon tho fii cf0 the best atmrheumanc inetl4ls plaster made rjvj6h evhpistounblmeied iahe2c2 rol pwioo wmsmncecolti ilost sight or the light that failed kiplings patbetlc tale of the artist i who lost bis sight teaches a moral th5 eye are the bread winners take care ot them have them examined know that they are right we are eye experts satisfaction guaranteed pringle the jeweller practical optician guelph oar j6th the right house euiablisiiu 1843 hamiltons tavoritfc shopping placl have you chosen your fall dress yet if not by all means let us shenv ou what c have in autumn and winter dress materials if ou cannot come to hamilton to make your selections per son illy we can serve you just as well through he mail because our mail order department brines this store into close touch with every place in canada whero tnece s a post office write us for samples of these and any others you may require itoltirmii g headnclio powders t 11 rt imllbpuiifiimu iu my limine 0 1 lmo jlim ilium lo my friends uu 1 i o 0 iwmt to jot them b lid 1110 n urunznu qp l u jialtsov montour falls s y blackslone argyle to coboconk inclusive lfndsy to haliburion inclusive ah points severn to north day inclusive on c p r havelock to sharbot luke jet inclusive also kippewa and temis earning via north bay mattawa tonepigon and spanish inclusive return tickets at first class sincle fore except on business passing through toronto will be issued october 25th to november isi inclusive valid for return from destina tion not later than december 13th i8ro or earlier from points on muskoka lakes or lake of bays if navigation clp5p9 before december 13th 1890 from all stations in following district dbockvilld avu wcst in casadv stop over will be allowed at all points severn and north sportsmans gun and 200 pounds of camping outfit carried free on saturday october 28th a special steamer will leave muskoka wharf at 7 am for all points on muskoka lakes steamer city of toronto will leive penetanr and midland on saturday october 28th for parry sound and moon river district after arrival of evening triins from the south for fishing ind hunting guide book and maps of the district apply to agents of grand trunk railway system tor foil particulars apply to h s holmes agent aoton m o dickson dlst fassr agt toronto hoffmans headache powders all wool tweeds 44 inches wide variety of shades ery special value at 2sc cheviot suitings 50 inches in width in greens fawns and blues 35c all wool tweeds in greys browns fawns and blues 46 inches wide 40c i incy broches in browns garnet blue and green 42inch 40c imperial suitings 50 inches wide in greens greys blues and browns 50c in the silk section fancy rimer silks in pretty striped patterns very nice soft make especially suitable lor waists in blue green mauve dahlia pink bky nile and yellow very special v iluc 50l new bengahnes values of very preity plain shades not all pure silk but such a bright finish that you d think it was extra special at 35c black surah and mervellleu silks very nice finish good reliable qualities and very special values at black satins extra value nice bright finish 24 inches wide 75c black psau do sole double face specially fine finish guaranteed quality unusually good value i 00 linens reduced unbleached loom tabling extra heavy ill linen 66inch in ivy and floral designs formerly 50c reduced to 38c bleached damask 68 inches wide all pure linen in ivy leaf spray and various neat floral designs formerly 50c and 55c reduced to 40c bleached damask 68 inches wide good quality all linen floral pat terns formerly 65c reduced to 50c fine new blankets the tlorida white blanket un shnnkable soft finish size 68 x 86 inches neat blue 6r pink striped borders special value per pair 75 super allwool blankets very soft nice quality pink or blue striped borders fast colors 6 pounds per pair 8 3 25 7 pounds per pair 3 75 8 pounds per pair 4 25 9 pounds per pair 4 88 io pounds per pair 5 50 we pay the express or freight to any railway station in ontario on all mail orders amounting to 85 or over satisfaction guaranteed thomas c watkins king st east hamilton cor hughson st wh e any hind of hcdflfte in 80 minutes without causing any dlsqgrpeabjp after effects they are sold by all druffetsts in loo envelopes and 26c boxes the hoitmax doiq co jtthmthutm ont we are now showing ulsters qverceats and pea jackets to pit you in the newest stylog splondld qvalitle and atlowprioes frieze ulsters at 94 s fl 87 and up to 813 50 beaver overcoats f fashionable length in black blue and brown at 4 50 86 50 88 50 up to 815 kyrl cloth overcoats with vel vet collar in black dluo brown and olne mixtures at 85 8650 g and up to 12 twd 8850 business change north waterloo vacant ir brlethaupt loses hie seat owing to illegal acts by agents j c matthews prop acton bakery i have bought the stock and business of mrs j b- matthews and would bo pleased for a continuance of tho patronage given her i handle tho famous j webtotvs bread i tiii of toronto also a choico line of confectionery fruits etc j c mattbews whipcord overcoats lengths 33 and 36 inches al 810 and 82 pea jackets f frieze and naps in black dlue brown and olie mixtures with wool lining and storm collar at 945 5 85 50 and up to 88 boys overcoats and reefers all sues ranging in price from 82 to 7 thoros a reason for dor evergrowing business in readytowear clothing what is it d e macdonald bro golden lion guelph touonto oct 20 tbe north waterloo eleotiod iu wbioh l j britthaapt was eleetod for tbe ijooal hoaae was set tilde 00 wednesday at osgoode hall by tbe judgment of mr juitloe orler and mr joitloe meredith off for the war ontarios new cabinbnt distribution of the portfolio in c nmant under pr- 1 ro tobokto oot 38 tbe new premier and bii mlnieteri were worn in on baterday morning and fliven portfolio as follows t premier and frovinolal treaiarer bon geo w bora attorneygeneral hon 3 m glbwn minister of kdnestlon hon richard harconrt minister of agrioouore hon john dryden oommiisloner of grown liands bon e 3 davis frovinolal searetary bon j b strai ten minister or pabllo worki hon f it latohford ministers wltbont portfolio bon moure j t narrow and wm harty accordingly after defeating the free state troops ibey will offer battle to commandant gen gonberl ooly 40 miles now separata the two boer ibrces henoe tbe need for swift and telling action the two sections of ths boer army together ootnnmbsr tbe entire british foroe by three to one hard flghtiog ia oertain at a very early date oar men are confident and there la mooh emtbaalasm till quekhs sobbow lioxooii oot as the seoretary of slate for war tbe marquis of jltnidowd had received tbe fallowing messsgs from the qoeen dated today at balmoral oaslls my bsart blssds for tboes dreadful losses again today it la a great anooess bot i fear very dearly bought woald yen con vey my warmest and heartfelt sympstby witb tbe nsar relatione of the fallen and wounded and my admiration of the oondoot of those they bave lost signed vb i toronto volunteers left yesterday after a mammoth damon etratlon wanted 8evoral briglitond hoaoatiioraoaa to repreeeat ae aa manaaera in tbla and oloao by count salary 000 a year and expauans jratoht uonander no more fobltlon permanent no loaa salary our referenco any bauk in any town it la mainly onloo work oooduotod at borne reference unoloao eair addroaeetl aumpod envelope the dominion oouipauy depta obloago i have long thought it my duty to write tbe beat remedy for an injury is forget- fnlnaas women in politics are abogt as graoefol as hens in swimming never ran a policeman down when oot for a spin on yonr wheel a nan of letters has bat ittje sbow in breech ol promise oass mo amount of oaltore will make a man stop snoring in his sleep there is no uuoertaiuty about pyny- peotorsl it pares yoar coagh qaiahly all bronchial affections give way to it f sic of al draggiala meuofaciored by the lpropriatore of perry davis pain klllr i 1 wise men are wrong mbeh oftener jthan fool are right children will go sleighing they rt tarn covered with snow hal a teaapoortfol of falakiller in bat water will prevent 1 1 affeotav ataid sabetiioteo theres but one i fain- kusr ferry basis mo and wo tbe toronto eeotlod of the canadian contingent of voluntoers left yesterday at 4 orlook p m an immense demonetratlon was made in tbo aftornoou whioh was otinduoted as follows at 1 so p m the contingent and city battalions paraded at the armouries followed at 2 oolook by addresses by his worabip the msyor and presentation to toronto members of contingent address by chairman of reception committee of city oounoif and presenta tion to toronto offtoers of contingent freeentation of binooular glasses to officers freeentation of sonvenlr matoh boies to toronto members of contingent roukf or uarou queens own rifles royal oreusuors 18th highlanders membere of contingent city oounoil army and navy veterans go association fabho school dull corps the procession lft the armories at 2 00 b m and proceeded to tbe union station via univenisy street elm strut yonger street garrard street east jarvis glfeet kinst street bitnooo street you a few lines to let you know what dr pierce a fnvorite prescription hu done far mc writes mrs eupheuifn fnlcoer of trent muitkrjroii co mich i am tweutyveen yean old have lcen iiinrrieu leu ycara i nra the mother of four children sty tint two babies were htlll- borti and i nuf- feretl everything but death my friend all thought i could never recover i wn reduced to 1 00 pound when i wa three itioutlia nlonir for m third child 1 wait talcn with hemorrlmffe or flooding and came nenr hav ing am ucnrrlaj it has been clearly proven that the disease is carried in the hides and if so is it not possible that danger may link in the cheap trashy boots and shoes that are sometimes placed on the market whether this is so we know not but we do know that we never supply our stock from doubt ful sources we never buy boots and shoes because they are cheap unless they have the wearing qualities we are ottering a mens flno dongola bal hcay sole well made square toe for i 35 no bolter boot anywhere for 8175 and for 9i 50 you can buy a heavy oil tan buff bal whole fox worth 82 a ladies dongola bal for i 25 is a challenge to he 1 50 shoe sold throughout tho trade childrcns shoes in the most reliable makes arc here prices were never lower and in view of the advance which has taken place the early buyer will be the safebuyer rubbers and rubber goods of every description at close prices our stock is very complete ve are doing more business than in the past and we are doing it on the merit of ihe values we offer if family footwear is necessary go to dowlers the frank dowler co guelphs greatest store our foo mtnrnfld if wc fail- ny one pending ketch and deichpuon of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning he patentability of same how to obtain a patent aent upon request patent secured through us advertised for sate at our expense patents taken out through ua receive tpectai notice without charge in the patsmt record hp illustrated and widely drcnlated journal ccninlted by manufacturers and investors bend for iampl copy fmr andrei viotopt kvans a co pmteat attorneys evans building washington d c weak n em for wq mouth 1 wai it wns gettlni lay i kent and prescriptioit ntid one bottle of i pnsbjtifltcsr ulij mtcs ttbu nsjw- afar jon fa amr1 or mvs aliattka tnoa uampttoatyqiwl la u- 1831 bevsntleui year the 1900 country gentleman the uptodate tailoring store iu thanking our friends for their patronage for past seasons wo beg to announce that onr stock for fall and winter is now complete and in antcipntion of a larger 1 1 r qaaliaqatlods of editorial ataff business and also a great advance euro th agricultural news ith a aeto of in british and foreign goods p t attempted we placed our import orders early that wo might give our agricultural newspaper amd axurrraiut ths leading agricultural jour nal of the world every department wrlktan by ipaolnllsti the highest authorities in tbslr raspeout unas ho other pper pretends taoompste with it in qnsllllqatlods of editorial staff j2thi 3v5verfismttts boy wanted one mako himself generally usoful apply to acoufttomed to horses and willing to morally usoful apply to dh mokeagub aoton property for sale anumhkll of farms and villas property for balo on oasy terms apply to wm hembtueet acton for8ale comiuncd stovo aud drum good heater apply at the lsto rooidonco of tho uutlcr blgnod cornor mill and young btreets mhb d mams money 10 loan par1u j li mcleod solicitor aoorgutoun wanted industhiou8 mou of character to truul and appoint agents salary and expum a paid lihadley gaxuiet60k co u mi ted brant ford aents jou over think of handling our latest if h did work tho light of life i if not now ia a good tltne to start 300 a day auro ooino twice that experience or capital make unnecessary tbe iiltadley oahretbon co limited brant ford ontario agents our book lire k fast dinner aud supper is a revelation lu delightful cookery it tbe beat advertised most patronlsoa looat criticised and moot euloglsod a snap for snap hunters ukarlev gakuetson co limited brantford jjob sale two double brick oottagos on youuf streot aoton with all conveniences a good investment as tboy bring in 16 a month j lf 01 jab fiitstbilook teaming a s idr matthews bos lesied his farm tho x undersigned is now open for ordors for all kinds of teaming orders left at tbe pont office or at my bouse will rocelvo prompt attention acton oot 2nd 1690 chab declute wanted stfeo per day sure gentleman or ladies apodal qpiiv work position permanent relloblo flrxn experience unnecessary with best reference address s m fry field manager toronto wanted christian men and women to introduce ligbtof life tho most marrollous book since tbe publication of tbe bible a common tary nn tbe new testament together wltb com plot lives of tho apostles in point of art tho work is a gem tbe finest most touching life like illustrations ever designed for tho new testament sells in every home and anybody can sell it capital or experience unnecessary freight paid books on time fien for outfit itlvldgoenoioemeiritoryraud we will sbow ycu now to make money bkadleygabuetson co limited brantford wanted agents in every district on tho continent to take orders for blah grade canadian grown nursery stock and heeds largest and most complete assortment in tbe trado fast- selling specialties superb samples furniibed free correspondence in any lsnguago tbess positions are moneymakers and tarri to ryihould be secured at onoo tor the season by all hmtlera looking for a good thing our salary or com mission offers interest to anyone not earnin 100000 per year fist in communication with our nearest office an opportunity to roprosent a well e bouse ability more itupor tant than experience luke brothers company international nurserloo chieaco 111 montreal que itoebooter n y four parcels ot valuable prope in acton f the following property belonging to mr patiuck kfilly row of buffalo is offered for sal at low prices and easy terms fabckx 1 tbat fine brick residence and two lots on tbe eotimrof cbaieb and guelph btrsatu contautta 8 rooms hard and soft water up undid orchard oad good garden psincsx qood bauding lot 66x133 00 ouslpb street next to alex ramshsws new realdenoevnpon which la a young orchard peutcsx the store and dwelling on mill street oeenplod by gurney brosv who carry on a general business is in splendid location central and convenient pabcu 4 three good building lots at the corner ol toons and mill streets a splondld site for a manolmcturing establishment owing to its proximity to o t jr depot for terms and particulars enquire at tbo office w h denny young st acton b3i under the enrt of onr doctor weaker nil the time until one gut tlinc irottlih of 1 oritc ifoiie bottle oi relicts ii 1 proved so fait 1 continued to tnkc your mctlt- cfuc until imliy was imrn ami he is hesttliy mid all right hels four yenm old m imliy sir in two years old my health has been rochi ccr illrigiit wo yeal since i now weigh 165 pounds nnd when i ixs sin to feci badly i tnkc pnwrftc prcikriptinu which always helps ntc j n1wns tell my ncfgli porswlmt lielps me nntl ngood ninny lime tnlicir wour faorite prescription with good results tbe favorite prescription has cured more aomen than all other medicines for women combined it in the ppj prepara tion of iu sort devised by a regularly grni- uated physicinnfrkilled aqd enpecpppd apccinlfst in the diseases of women other medicines nrc sometimes sold nn the pica that they ore just as good as the favorite prcscrintioii dont believe it dont be imposed upon counterfeits are ttiou s iinpoi never as good as the genuine over 950000 women have endorsed fa- n n 1- yhey soy there is the inad lh the oowrihh and ths cho alcr who maan ff u uf time llui i onlir to gue a jarewrll joooo woraea aibaae onlv object in recom- sepjoir i s5 sfwm ths truope wsre lo havr 1ft at 0 oolook vo pfeecriptioii io h rnor bu mhnntaifah yffifx mendtna tlia favorite preacrlpuqn to tlulr dasirs lo hslrj tbslr auflierlas slstersr friends tho benefit of tbe advanoo which has taken place we have the production ot the best mills and the latest novelties in designs in suuinfta- pantlnirs overcoatings call and see our goods it is a pleasure to show thorn fit and workmanship guaran teed cooper 6c akins mill st aoton we aresole agents in aoton for the esle brated bsllvrarp and blenheim berge whioh doasnomaaa or ohange fta ootor tn two years wear or money refunded best reviews of the slops best market reports best aeoounta of meetings best everything ihdispknsabijb to all country residents wbo wisa to b3bp up to the tisoibr- if yoa woul rise with the lark tho midnight swsllows avoid what it represents when you sit for a photograph you ivapt the likeness to rcptesent you properly whep you sit to us wo want the work to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none but the best photo graphs and for our sake as well ns yours wo are sure to give you lifelike satisfac tory photographs h rys7vrshjssitf photo krtist kcton pfrwt w abumtllulsoir osmakeubi a ci i w abumillulselm osmeaeuatlbs x cant in advance smd tu w do oot want yournaraband addrcaa and i riwe will aend you m doem i aaaipte packages of oar sinap ntnrumef mo sdl for ua at ffossts per pacluss wbenyoal m ssw ihssi wtajn u nor money ipnd ijwm jeii your choice ottos bella cold bkell blass aa ibowh fa cola on being a very handsomely engraved band m ring ihe other a jtone gain ringcacisaaaofl twoanitrian diamonds and a brtlllaat- trench f redraby tu ptraima la th bast w placed i i ufor tb pdbllc xt destroya all ohnovlobe i odors and glvei tbe breath that bnqtnttttaad i delldou inalnaa only obtainable by abu e we are maklpg tbla octcr for tbe twrpose of b dttdng our good lo the dnbuclt belnr a rely buttnna uanaaction and not piosapeeavy arypallanlbtopiospttitonourpatt universal perfun iwfsf v fi 1 single bubaorlptlon 8j two bubeorlptlons 3bo tour subsartphona 0 speoiax tkduoiim11hts to bilsbbs ot labour oltjb8 ear writs for fartlonlars on tbla folnl olnb agents wanted everywhere four months trial trip tor so cents thorps elevator c t r station rockwood nov open for tbe season highest prices paid lor oats peas bar ley wheat rye etc also on hand for salo flour feed flaxseed oilcake oatmeal oornmeal sulphur cattle salts etc bone and cattle hides sheepskins otc totntsst ceo j thorp oueiph jdsaoa and roost wo od speight dfc brady manntaclarers of dynamos mtjtctjuc motors watjcb motolfs oasouhs aim a as snomisbbass fztsrmos to order rr repairing promptly done oeoricotown ont spboihbn copies will b e mailed ires on request it wul pay any body interested in any way in oonntry flfo to sand for them address ths publisher luthtll tucker son albany n y solid gold sum best gold fill 160 oyrs gold fill 100 best glasses 100 wefnarantee perfoot snuefootlon globe optical co 03 tonga street toionto ttnneskrvbb auction sale of fai1m u stock implbmbnts bta tbn anderslgnsd has rsoelved lestrnotlons from james matthews aoton to sell by pabllo aaotlon at bis fsnn at acton on tuesday 7tk november at one oolook sharp the following i hoaaxa 1 working mare 9 years old l mare i years old driver a dsantyii pair forcboron eolts matched by old rival oanxb jersey sow doe to calve in feb l jersey and durham cow dne to oalvo in llarobj 1 bolataln aad durham sow dne to ealvin feb leews supposed lo be in call l freab milker a grade sows in oalf i aynhlro baiter in oalf 1 1 jnasy boll s year old sllsiulo for pedigree 1 jersey belter a years old i steer 1 yean old 1 oalf a yearlings pios 1 brood berkshire sow and s pigs weeks old i brood sows berkshire sllerk shire aboata pooltbt aboat40bena lansunm ae 1 patterson binder 1 lat teraon mower 1 wlsmar drill 1 lumber wanon wide ttree 1 inmbsr wagon nsarly new l lumber wagon aingls i heavy ears ant bamoea 1 8 seated damooratt 1 top bngsy 8 open bngglm 1 light aolky i akruf psjr hjajetas t pair spsieljha zftbsfsvssksl enttera splowa l 1 hand a qnanuty of lumber 1 bwnfmackhe thi rack 1 broad aie 1 ooal above nine i nay no reserve ae air uatthewa baa loaaad ll tbitus of baiih all inmi of five dollsrs and ondar oub otr that ttraoaot twetvi months crodlt on approved jofnl notes percent disaount for ossti hl wm hbwstflbat auotlonasy

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