Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 head offiojb hamilton ont capital all paid up 9 1 404000 reserve fund 9 1 000000 total assets 1 3 j 63000 j turnbull cashier sayings department one dollar or more received interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to bo presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book security the government returns bhow that depositors jn this bank have oer fic million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned 10 feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair bates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch bbtahliiiiks ovhb twkntt tbubb j p bell agent the news at home montly of a looal character and everv itam interesting- t kttan jfm xezs thursday october 20 1899 little local brieflets which causht the eyes or eara of free presa reporters this week all hslloneen next tuesday the wet weather bos come this week gall today and renew yonr eabsorip- tion take in yonr oabbsgea and tnmipa before halloweeu halloween pranks will be experienced neit tuesday night as asasl no donbt the oakville star ts snxlona for the conncll of tbat town to consider the laying of granolitbio walks mils flarenoe graham of the toronto college of maaio has opened a class in vocal mnaio in acton the fhik pnxss to tbe end of 1900 for a dollar tell this interesting fact to the neighbor who borrows yonr paper several dogs alleged to be owned in town appear to have got into tronble on uatnrday for wotrytng mr jobir thompions sheop g oclarks mooormac has been keeping np his reoord throughout the oironit in the 220 trot at oolnmbna oblo last thursday he won tbe 1000 pane doing tbe eecond heat in 2 16 the nniformity with whiah the mer chants have observed the eizoolook closing honr tbii season has been very satiafaatory no one will be nnoonvenlenoed if the plan is continued all tbe year round the pnlpit of the methodist ghnroh was ooonpted last sunday very acceptably by rev g a mitehrll b a of waterloo mr mltohell also attended and addressed the sunday sohool in tbe afternoon while in conversation with mr john warren chairman of tbe looal committie of ealton historical society be remarked to tbe fuss prase that it will be 07 years on tbe 7th november next since he settled here with his father one hundred and fortyooe tioketa were sold to ojtlzeus who went to fergus on thanksgiving day to sea the championship laorosse match ia which acton won the pennant and beoame the ohampiona of the province bav j a molitohlan h a oonduot- ed tbe yonng peoples day sevicee in the methodist oburob waterloo last sunday he alio preached on monday and tnesday evenings at the kpnortb league evange- listlo servioss anamaaing story is told by the aoton tanning co employees of lbs predioament a well known professional oltisen and a toronto friend whom he was showing about tbe premises found themselves in one day last week they wen admiring the big steam pomp which bad a long length of boss attached when a length burst immediately at their feet and they were completely drenched in a moment tbey hied themselves np town in qalok order for a ohange of clothing communion services next sunday tbe quarterly communion servloea will be held in the methodlit church next sunday the love feast wilpuko place at the olose of tbe morning preaohing service and the eaorament of tbe lords supper will be administered alter tbe evening sermon tho pastor will preaoh at both eervioes childhood days and memories the fiiet fossa baa pleasure in giving place to the poem childhood days and the artiole childhood memories in a a column on firbt page tbe poem ib from the pen of a naasagaweya onu lady and tbe prose was written by mrs m robert- sou mitobell f 0 manse kingbom scotland aud appeared in the soptomber number or kiraaldy tourhfi siiinion uonlhli the dynamo belt split at nine oclook last wednesday evening the dynamo driving belt at tbe power house a double belt eplit for some ten or twelve feet tbe lights were consequently shut off for the remainder of tbe night the arduous efforts of en gineer kitchen and a belt maker from the beardmoro belting co on thanksgiving day got everything in readiness for that evening in good tithe another painfully injured fingers mr gail williams who has played a winning game of laorosse tbronghout the season sb a player cu the orescent laorosse olub has suffered lntensly dnring the past weok from injuries sustained by his right fndex finger the finger was injured in- tbe waterloo game and eaoh successive matohgave it additional bruises until last week it became so painful and swollen tbat mr williams was unable to work or sleep tbe severe treatment of tbe dootor gave rillef and tbe injured member is now doing fairly well provincial sunday sehool convention tbe annual convention of the provincial sunday school association is being held at qalt this week beside many canadian workers and frfends aoting chairman of international sabbath sohool executive and miss margaret ooote brown are tak ing part in tho convention the singing is nnder tbe direotlon of a local committe and includes a ohorons of children led by mr sinolalr a male quaitstte soloists and choir of central presbyterian chnroh the attendance ia large and delegates interested and enthusiastic a meeting of the executive of helton s s association will be held at qalt to make final arrange ments for tbe programme of tbe annual ooonty convention to be held in aoton next february autumn orange blossoms last wednesday morning at nine oolook two of our esteemed young people in town were onitedjn holy wedlook at st josephe church the bride miss minnie our champ the last opponents defeated and the cresoenta are intermedi ate champions of ontario thepennant comes to acton to tint dxa a rich lady cured of her deafness and noises in tbe head by dr nioholsons artifioal ear drums has sent 1000 to his institute so bal deaf people unable to procure tha ear drums may hava them free apply to department k b tbe institute 780 eight avenue new tors u b a when buyers last august wanted apples l 1100 the so of toronto showed tbat tha price should be moo when in the same month some dealers talked of 1500 also tbe bun showed that 1700 should be the price this is the sort of infor- mation suit readers get weekly booh a paper is invaluable all farmers should lake it 50o to tha end of 1900 twenty p cen below j h hamilton of tha old reliable marble and granite works goelph announoes that he will continue to place he best olssaes of granita and marble monuments tombs eta at prloes guar anteed to be twenty per osnt below others no agenl to receive commissions sxpensea allowed o and from goelph to purchasers to those about to marry young men or old men who intend to marry will be pleased to learn that the new marriage aol is made suite simple by applying to h p moore issuer of marriage licenses at the fbbe puss offlos call a sw days baton tbe ceremony and have the matter explained private offlos all business strictly private and oonfldsntial 1 residence in evenings general debility and a ran down stats oalls for a general tools to the system saoh is the d l emulsion builds yon np inorssses your weight gives health mads by davis a lawrence oo ltd aoc s tnxasit 7th november sale of btook implements aud sundries tbe property of james matthews aoton sale at 1 oclook sharp terms fff and twelvs months wat hemttreel aoot looser mc daugbl uf me n foreman of one of the departments of tbe acton tanning co was beautifully attired in a gown of white organdie trimmed with white aatlo her sister miss myrna the bridesmaid was very prettily dressed in pink mr thomas gibbous jr was the iortnnate groom he was attended by his brother mr p gibbons rev father feeny the paator of the young people tied the nnptial knot with impressive oeremon- les mr and mrs gibbons left amid tbe beat wishes of a wide circle of friende on the 11 a m train for a trip to buffalo and other points east knox chnroh pulpit last sabbath rev dr moffat secretary of tbe upper oanada religions traot and book society preaohed in knox church last sabbath morning ngon tbe toplo better work for god interesting sketobes of tbe work accomplished by tbe tract society were given and ample evidence that tho holy spirit baa owned and blessed the efforts of its oolportenra and missionary workers during the sixtysix yesrs of tbe aooietys operations was presented the work of the psst year on the welland canal the st lawrenoe in tbe lumber and mining oamps and in central china has been singularly successful dr moffat also addressed ths methodist congregation at the close of the evening service rev w maeay of norval preaohed an able discourse in knox church on sabbath evening what it tells yon yonr home paper tells you when to go to ohnrcb to county court and connoll and when to send your ohild to sobool says an eminent divine it also tells yon who is dead who is married who is aiok who is born and many other things yon like to know it calls attention to public enterprise and advocates the beat of schools of law and ordsr in tbe town it records yonr prosperity and tbs movements of yourself and family tree of cbsrge it seta forth the advantages and attractions of yonr town invites immigration and ia the firat to weioome newcomers yet in spile of all these benefits soms say lbs home paper is not bslf as good at the city papers that have no interest in thslr business or success the borne paper like the home ohnrcb is too often negleoted by those who are benefitted by it or interest to banters u as the season for deer hunting ie approaohing and there are many inqnirlea regarding ihe law that regulates such sport we give below the gist o the law as it now stands the open season for deer is from the 1st to the 15lh of november iuuluaive no moose elkprelndaer or carl- bou may be hunted before nov 1st 1900 only two deer may be taken by one person dnring tbs season and may be killed either on land or water a license wbloh oosla f2 mnat bo canted by every hunter and must be ahawn to any person making request at any time on pain of forfeiture and a penalty of from 30 to iso ths open season for partridge is from sept 1st to doo 15tb inolusive and tbey may be sold daring ths open season and five days after lbs expiration thereof in tbe years 1890 and 1901 partldga may there fore be sold this year pavement at hilton by total hen the oounoll of the courty town hss been experimenting in lbs laying at oement pavements by local men and they seem quits well satisfied with tbe revolt al last meeting the committee reported tbe cost of a blook as follows so bbla cemente 3 s8 aeo 00 oartag on eemant from train 1 so yonr loads sand 1 m 6 00 is loads gravel soo iso a days teaming gravel 7 so eft dare loadlog gravel 4 sb 95 days eaeavaung and laying walk si an a days nntsblog on walk s 00 us 00 this eovan a length of iso fast or a surface of list sonars opsrnolsl feat bringing ths ooet or tbs walk per fool to 10 s eants aotons grsnolitbls wslks have oot 13 osnts per tqnere fool an ad vantage of building the wslks under ths direct super vision of ths oounoil is tbe etaployntsnt of local labor it will be well howsvsr to ascertain if lbs homemade walka are as permanent and satisfactory aa those laid by xperlanoed contractors before moon experimenting la dons about 160 of our citizens aooompanled the crescents to fergus ou thanksgiving day to encourage tbem in their final contest the game waa with wlarton ohampions of the saugeeu district and tbo result like all tho semifinal aeries viatory for acton and this final victory gave the cresceote the ohampionbhlp of ontario this hotly oonteeted matoh between aoton and wlarton for the intermediate c l a ohamplonbbip on tbo fergus groundb tbankrglving day gave aoton their final and deoiaivo victory by 0 gosla to a this resnlt speaks very bigblv of the acton team considering that this id tho flrbt season they have bad a tehm for ovor ten years and that seven of tbe men never played in a matoh prevloub to this yoar when the season opened the manage ment deoided to put the toam into tho intermediate tones with tho result that tbey were plaood in tbo dibtrict with gnlt and fergus when tbo schedule was played out thane three teams were tied for the district ohampionehlp a byo waa arranged and aoton won out tboy then played their semlflcals with st marys defeating them in aoton and st marys tbls left wlarton beaverton and aoton in tbe flnalb a bye wsb again taken wlar ton drawing same honor aoton was ordered to play beaverton in stouffville defeating them to 2 the final game wa then ordered with wlarton in fergus when acton oame off tbe intermediate winners thursdaya float game was h splendid sxhibiton of laarobso tbe garnets of wlarton putting up a fight for the cham pionship worthy of any team dr button of stouffville refereed the game both teams declaring him a model referee names of tbe intermediate champions ed ryder fred ryder frank mofntoeb william shield c williams it soott b erwin 0 erwln m henderson j wat son f watbon f w cornett w gnrney a gurney c henderson j barry and j boyd owing to the unkind things reported of wlarton by other clnbs the crescents met tbem on thanksgiving with some temerity owing to their repnted inclination to slogg- ingand rough play generally bnt while they found them keen and skillful players tbey proved themselves sportsmanlike and gentlemanly in al their aotiona tbe crescents deslro no more satisfactory team to play with than ihe garnets of wiarton when the speolal train arrived at aoton at 84s the evening of the game it was met by tbe cornet band and another big toroblight procession the champions were esoorted to the town hall when complimentary speeches were mado by j h matthews president d henderson m coming and going visitors to and prom aoton and varlouaother personal notes p nod dr heather manager of the wiarton team the dr complimented the aoton players ia very cordial terms he eald he traa sorry his own team had been defeated when on tbe verge of victory bat u they were he was mo oh pleased that aoton had woo the ohampiodehip the value of good generalship has beoo very apparent in the seasons contests to tbe fact tbat fieldoaptaia matthews has took to the team through every match if daea large share of the baacess and victory achieved the anthrax case mrs wesley campbell awarded 1 000 and her two children 500 each campbell va the aoton tanning co it is many years since a case has been tried at guelph which has excited as muab general interest ae the action brought by mrs kate campbell of speyblde and hor two infant children against the aoton tanning co of acton and the firm of beard mo re fc go of toronto and acton in which action mrs garapbtll and her children ot aimed damages for the death of joseph wesley campbell the husband of mrs campbell thvaotlon arose nnder the following oiroamstanoea with wbioh fbee phesb readers are more or less familiar joseph wesley campbell the deceased was an employee in the tannery here operated by the acton tanning co jjimlted in this company the members of the firm of beardmore co are tbe chief stockholders beardmore co have another tannery here which tbey operate nnder tbe arm name of beardmore co on tbe 23rd of august 1807 joseph wesley campbell while working at hie trade in the aoton tanning cos tannery waa taken ill he had a alight pimple on his neck on the 22nd and in shaving had out the head off it with the razor on the 25th dr webster of georgetown gave it as his opioion that the man was suffering from anthrax poisoning he survived nntll the afternoon of the 20th when he died after bis death it was rumored tbat be had died of antbrax aud it was surmised that he mait have become in fected while handling hides in the tannery xo november about twelve weeks after mr campbells death as a result of the poet mortem examination dr john m maodonald unhesitatingly pronounoed that she man bad died from anthrax mrs campbell the widow thereupon consnlted ber solicitors messrs ontbrie watt guthrie of goelph and aoting on their advioo she commenced an aetion against both lbs aoton tanning co and beard more a co for damages tbe evidence adduoed at tbe trial was of a moat interesting and intricate natare at tbe oonolaslori of tbe ovldenoe conn eel for both parties delivered exhaus tive addresses to the jury hie lordship tfeen obarged the jory and in leaving the case in their hands tbe jodge submitted a number of speolal questions to the jury dpon wbioh he required tbem to find after an absence of two bonra the jory returned to court and delivered their verdict tbey answered all the questions fn favor of the plaintiffs and awarded to mrs campbell tbe widow 91000 and to eaoh of bar infant children 9600 his iforrtbhip then entered a verdiot for tbe plaintiffs for these amounts together with their oosti of salt mr w b bidden q o and mr hngh gnthrlei were counsel for defendants messrs guthrie watt ft guthrie aoted throughout the aollon aa solloitors for the platntlffe and messrs 8mllbraefc greer of toronto for tbe defendant limehouse a flock of wild docks on the pond forniihed an appetising thanksgiving sapper for loosl sportsmen tbls was the first flock seen on the pond this season mr frank moore rusticated at acton over sunday there were a nam ber of thanksgiving visitors to and from ttls lively hamlet to ours a cold in one day take feaxatlv brotno quinine tablets al arnrguta refund tbe aionar tf t fails to curst i sse b vy braves sletmture is on eaeb box tbo fnuh pnas invites all its readers to con tribute to thla oouma if yon or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you have frlonda vlsitlugynit drop a card to tbe pnxb pmeib miis annlo rozeu waa np from bramp ton for thanksgiving mine lily halated of berlin vis tid aoton friends last week miss mina walker was home from berlin for a day or no this week mra 0 8 smith spent a day or so last we ek with fritndb in guclpb mr koland w hmithi of gait was home for a few days this week mr john barns er of toronto was a guebt at fair view place thla weok mrs j v kannawin was the guest over sunday pf the misses nelion mr and mrs adam laing were gaebts of the mj9s9s itiing here this week mieees daisy and edith nicklin were homo from guelph over thankpgivlng mr and mrs john e boomer of london visitsd friends here list week mr w harruou of niagara falls is spending a day or so at fair view puoe miss evelyn mokeown spent several days duriog the week at her home la toronto mr john m warren returned last wednesday from bis trip ti the northwest mr thompson and bride of toronto were gaebts of mrs b w nioklin labt week mrs frauk harris and ohil iron returned on friday from a visit to toronto friends mr alex wataon of berlin waa a guest at the home of mr alex becord 1 ist thurs day miss jonnlo wilkinson petrolea spent a few days during the week with friends in town miss nellie donglab of hornby visited at tbe homo of mr alfred soper daring the week mids jennie scott of norval wae a gneat at the home of mr john mcqueen during the week mr r p warren of the jfcrald george town was a goest at bis fathera home last saturday mrs allan mann and mibb bertie spent several days during the week with friende la toronto messrs fennell and arthur smyth of brampton spent a couple of days last week in town postmaster henderson of georgetown was a guest at bis fathera home here on thankngiving rev j k godden m a attended the session of helton deanery held at george town laat week mr and mra f h smyth and children of toronto were gueats of beeve pearson cvecthanksglviog ohms i- n6lles guelph the big bookstore wall paper window shades room mouldings j d m druggist our agent in acton will attend to your wants and show prices direct imp why can we sell so cheap because we buy direct from the manufacturer save the middlemans profit and give you the benefit we passed through the customs last week two crates of dinner and toilet ware you are cordially invited to call and examine the same it pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts everything j a mccrea guelph it doesnt happen very often thht you gt k chhnc6 like this mr t james moore and miss pearl of goelph spent a coaple of days this week with relatives here mibb t thompson of 8 an ford and mrs robert brown of limehoase visited friends in town daring the week mr and mrs s- h moore and misses ger trade and margaeriette of toronto were gaeetb at mooreoroft several days last week beeve pearson went up to elmvale on thanksgiving day to visit bis son ernest add take a look over the newly in stalled eleotrio plant there bev t r forbes mrs swaokhamer and mrs barnes attended the session of tbe toronto district of congregational chnroh at georgetown last week mr johu moore went to toronto on tuesday and joined the sooth africa volunteers ho left with tbem on wednes day hie previous experiences should help bfm along in the campaign rev j a mclaohlan m a miss phemle lafng and mr h p moore are attending the annul convention of the provincial sunday sohool convention al gait this week as dt legates from the methodist sunday sobool manufacturers samples of wool cdrpets in i yd lengths lace curtains in yd- lengths curtain muslins n iyd lengths they wont be here long but while they are take your choice of them at less than wholesale cost d e macdonald cfe bro golden lion guelph agents wanted for unrepresented districts good pay to good men the pelham nurseuv co growing a complete line of nursery stock includ ing many new varieties of hardy roses ornamental shrubs and trees all stock guaranteed free from san jose scale in dry goods no one could write of the whole range of merchandise known as dry goods in four times our daily space there are so many classes of things there as there are wants you stumble on the wants we dont stumble on the supply we make our chice through as many makers as there are classes of wants out of all the world they make for every sort of people class and taste if you are our customer you can be suited whatever you want if you are not we pay the newspapers every day just for the privilege of saying over and over again in different words that we can suit you better than you can suit your self almost anywhere else mffljl e r bollert 6a co 25 aud 27 wyndham st guelph secure your district tor tbe couma season now freight and express paid we hold government certifl- oate of inapeotlon c6vefinirout stook write for catalogue fancy- goods cold weather is upon us again with its long evenings and tancywork is again taking its place bultenburg will bo more in demand than ever we have a large selection of patterns as well as the different sizes in braids and threads wools are being added all the time and just now are in great demand ladies and childrens slippersoles in all the different sizes space will only permit to tell very little of what we have in stock pelham nursery co toronto sick headache positively oared by these little pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongua tain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely yegetable mall pill small dose small price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills erin fair splandld weather a bibxhlbltlor and the largest crowd for years erin fair is generally favored with fine weather and ibis year exceptionally fins was enjoyed this had tbe edoet of weather making the attendance tha largest for many jears tbe show wss an unquali fied aaooess in every partloolar ths eibibits in saoh olasa ware quite up 10 tbs mark tha horsss and oattls were well repre sented swine sheep and poultry not so large ths roots vegetablea aud grain were also of muob merit the frail was brand and it was dlffloolt while looking at it to resiles tbat this is ons of ihe yesrs in whiob rait gsnerslly is said to be a failure tbs ladles work in tbe ball was of infinite varisly anal of great exeellenoe ii ia dlffloolt to write erllioally of ths exhibits in the various aliases and t j do so anoossslully would require an expert in each partloular olass speaking in a gsnsral way erlu has for many years had an snvlabls reputation in regard ti lha exeellenoe or ihe exhibit and that in a county which ia admittedly one of lha banner oonnliss ot ontirio this ysar wss no exoeptlun to the rul in fact there wsa notlosblt improvsmsut both in the number and txotllsnoe ot the exhibits a stylish shoe for gents at 150 these shoes are made from two kinds of leather one very fine dongola the other a fine smooth leather large white eyelets solid insoles sample in show window imeilsl the shoe man guelph 8 stores our optician has a diploma from the canadian optical college of toronto and is thoroughly abreast of the times in fitting the eye with proper glasses established in guelph 51 years savage co jejnzellers jhtchwnkers oftioi7cns irm gurney a co mill st acton for special values in fall underwear sieves arid hosiery perfect fitting corsets in black grey and fawn special at 100 our blankets at 100 are leaders new wrapperette cloths in newest pat terns special at ioc try a package of our social tea special at 25c lb curn6y st co b new arrivals in jackets our stock is now very complete we are selling a lot of jackets but are constantly receiving the new est ideas in the mantle world prices the lowest md fits the best dress goods i ladies suits we hac tweeds homespuns und poplins in the newest colorings new goods con stantly arriving mourning goods a specialty millinery just placed in stock today a shipment of ncu sailors rough riders tam crowns walking hats and trimmings henderson co mill sit aoton ntelson merchant tailoi and gents furnisher gu6lph fxr correct evening attire means that your garments should not only be cut in the very latest and most fashionable styles but that they should be perfect in their fit and tailoring generally none but nn artistic and first class tailor can give you swell stic and exquisite fit and finish and our reputation in this line is unquestion able our prices are reasonable our fab rics exclusive and our tailoring superb the very newest and upto date hats shirts glovet and neckwer copper mining stocks for several months shrewd investors have been putting their money into the shares of copper mines this is true not only oi men with large amounts of money at their disposal but also applies to those who nave made a study of investments with a view to securing a large return for small investments as high as three and four hundred per cent has to our knowledge already been realized on some of these investments the ameri cans were the first to make a specialty of copper stocks they knew what hey were doing for the reason is not far to seek every copper mine in the world is at present taxed to lis utmost limit to meet the growing demand for copper for electrical purposes the reserve stores of copper are being depleted until it pays no longer to use copper in some eastern countries as a coin copper has gone up in price from 9 to 18 cents the supply of copper from the mines of the w jtoday js only about 60 perc of the consumption that is the reason why finaciers have their engineers searching the four quarters of tho globe for cqpper mines and that is the reason the shares in promising copper ccmpanici are so easily picked up by investors if you have any money to invest we would asv you to consider the shares of the superior gold copper company limitip i his company owns and operates some valuable native copper properties wo are in n position to offer you a special opportunity in this slock which as an investment should give you b profit of at least 1qo per oent in six months send for prospectus and particulars occasionally we have an opportunity uf giving our clients a special offer on some stocks and we have this opportunity now if you nn interested write to usatonce these shares are sold in large or small block n to suit nit buyers we deal in all legttmato mining shares on commission if you want tu buy or sutl write us curr16 kitel6y s2 y0ncb st toronto

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