Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1899, p. 4

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if it was only hellb we might let it cling but it is a cough one cold no sooner posses off before another comes but its the some old cough all the time and its the same old otory too there is lrst the cold then the cough then pneu monia or consumption with the long sickness and life tremb ling in the balance loosens the grasp of your cough the congestion of the throat and lungs is removed all in flammation is subdued the parts are put perfectly at rest and the cough drops away it has no diseased tissues on which to hang dr ayers cherry pectoral plaster draws out inflammation of the lungs adwfam remm it o member we hirt ft medical depart ment ir yon have iny complaint what ever and actlro tho poit medical advlco sou can poiiibly obtain writs tna octor freely you will receive ft prompt reply without coit addrosa db j o ater lowell kftm t qxiott jtm press thursday october 2d 189d ii holing jfoilih a bravsxjttis oibz just ono more kin for good night mamma just oqo mora kiss for good night and then you may go my dear papa and yea you may pat out the light for 1 ii promise yon truly i wont he afraid aa iwaaruurtrnlghtttomrisbr cause i m going to bo papa a bravo little maid aa ho told mo i ought to be but the shadows won t seem so dark mamma u you 11 kisa me a little bit more and you know i can llatsn and bear whore you aro if ou only wont shut tho door for if i oan boar you talking i think it will mako me so sleepy maybe that 1 11 go to sleep just as quick aa a wink and forgot to to cry liko a baby von noednt be laughing my mamma doar wuiio youro hugglog me up so tight yon think i am orylog to keep you here vou and i guess the light ploaso kisa me good night onco more mamma i could soarooly my promise keep if you d only stay with me jaat as you are and kiss ine till i go to sleop harpers hound table everlasting a german manufacturer is attempting the production of a mattress on thtrntftf eiple of an endlesa ohain tbe great trouble with all mattresses is that tbey wear oat at certain portions no matter how often or in what ways they are turned the head and foot receive very little wear the wear comes from the pressure of the hips and ehouwers and usually on the right and left of the bed the new mattress is to be made one bait tbe nauat thiokneas bnt twice the length being doubled over and joined at tbe ends forming a band the tufts are so con trived that they do not bulge where tbey fold but flatten down and one may draw up tbe mattress a little eaoh day and fold it in a new place thna evenly distributing tbe wear in the name manner that an endless belt travels a new surface being oontinually presented thus making tbe mattress practically everlasting lincoln as an inventor according to tue baltimore patent record for ootobor abraham lincoln had aspirations lobe an inventor long betoro he became a lawyer and latssmen in an article on freak inventions the record says of lincolns attempt it will no doubt surprise mauy of our readers to be told here that among the io ventora of freake appears tho name of tbe distinguished president abraham lincoln but it wa long before he ovor dreamed that he would one day give a million human boings their froedom by a single stroko of his p90 the freak iiiven tion of lincoln wan an unoiokablo ateam ship wluoh was never considered feasible enough even for a practicable trial it was patented in 1840 and oonslsted ot au ordinary tteembbip with rubber airbags attached to the bides under normal con ditions tbein slrbagr wero suspended 11 vo feet clear ol tbe water bnt the moment the ship spruog aleak or waa in danger or sinking from any other causer theso air bags were at once lowered into tbe water where they will keep tbe ebip afloat wrote lincoln in tbe speoifloalion wbioli acoompanied hia application for a patent it was supposed also that tbe appliance wonld be of speoial value in the navigation ot big veisfls io ehellow water balti more jvrirs conversation etiquette do not always begin a conversation by remarking oq tbe weather do not talk loudly or fatt a oiear diatioot voice has great power do not argue or appear to notioo other peoples inaconradies in speech do not speak mockingly of nerfaanol de fects somebody present may have the same do not when narrating aninoidentkeep on saying you bee ton know etc do not talk of your private and family affairs except to iotimate friendb and then be careful not to do so often do not orosa question people it ia bad form to faoe a conlldenoe bnt if one is made to you yon are bound to respeot it do not find fault needlessly even with he weather the habit of grumbling at either people or things is most disagreeable do not whisper if you have anything to say that the general company may not hear reserve it till yon and tbe person to whom you desire to impart it are alone do not talk of thirge which the com pany present cannot be interested in by bo doing you may bhow yourself a olever and superior person but you will be voted a bore the honest pharmacist will tell you that palnes celery compound is a wonderful medicine hundreds of druggists enow of cures wrought by the great mediolne leg a sore when it comes to heating up old running sores of long standing there is no remedy equal to burdock blood bitter bathe the sore with the b bb that rehcics the local irritation take the bbb internally that clears the blood of all impurities on which sores thme miss d melissa burke grind stone magdalen islands pq says it la with plfisurci 1 upeak in favor of bbb which cured me of a running- sore on my lejj i consulted three doctors nnd they gave me s ihe to put on but it did no good i irmlly i letf became a solid running sure in fad for nearly a month i could net put my foot to the floor i was advised to ihfl bbb and did so thrco bottles healed up my leff en tirely so that i have never been troubled with it ainco kidnbys cloqokd many victims of bright disease diabetes dropsey and distress ing urinary troubles have have been saved by the timely use of south american kidney cure the hid n eye aro natures altera id ex polling from tho body ml impurities if tbe kidaoya are oat of eorti the whole system becomea im pared and rlliieasa follows as sure ss fttto jbritdita disease diaebtes dropsy and dibtreutng arnluary troubles infest four fifths of the moo it need not be ao for sooth american kidney cure ia a power io dispding bit tendency to tho seating of this disease it has eared oases that have lonft been stubborn and that have bodied medical aki 1 st id by a t brown happiness is net tho end oflife charaot or its wabteoftimo is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses prevent disorder at tbe flrtt symptoms of internal diiorder parmrleos vegetable pills sbonld be resorted to immediately two or three of these ealutary pellets taken before roing tombed followed by dobea of one or two pills for two or three nights in eaooesbion will servo bs a preventive of attaokeof dyspepbiaand all the discomforts whioh follow in the train of that fell disorder tho means are simple when tho way is known if a rood face is a letter of reoommendat ion a good heart ib a letter of credit gastoria for infants and children tfltrao stalls ultliom it oa fnry lands mortgaged may return bat honebty ouco pawned is neer redeemed there never was and never will bs a anllveraal panacea in one remedy for all ills to whioh flesh is heir the very nature of many curatives being eaoh that were the germs of other and differently boated diseases rooted in tbe system of the patient what would relieve ono ill in tarn woajd aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in aboand unadulterated state a remedy for many and griflvoaa ills by its gradual judicious n tbe frailest systems are led into con valescence and strength by tbe infjaonoo which q amine exerts on natare own the d l emulsion the d l emulsion is the bent and mo pltblo preparation of cod llvnr oil rooln with tha moitdoucaie tomtobi the d ft l emulsion i pjrokjrlbod by bo leading physician of canada the d l emulsion is marvellous flesh producer and will slvt you an appetite 00c 91 pr bottle doauroyougot i davis 4 lawrence iho genuine co limited montreal jj s j make not thy frfenda to cheap to thee or thydolf to thy friends give holloways corn cure a tril it removed ten coroa from ono pair of fet without any pain what tt has done ouoe it will do again trulh makes tho face of that person shine who speaks and owns it inetant relief naranteed by using milburns gferjltig headaobe powdera no depressing afterwards her mistake aro yon afraid to go down ttifrs and look for that burglar naked mr meok- tonrj wife oortainly not 1 tim porfecmy willing to go and loqk for turn but henrietta im afraid vou have boen making t mis take with mo all tbcae jeara you ought to bavo developed my conversational powers raoro after i find the burjlir i wont know what to buy ti him youll hate to atand at tbe head of tho stairs and do tho talking the dumdum bullet a ouog american n partem on who used tho bum dam or rjoft nosedj bullet in the ahronduoks reaoatly writos tho oriflco made by tbe btilut as it entered the deers body wbb the aua of my little finger whore it came out i could insert my two fitta i felt like a criminal v hen i eaw it the americans who joined with the lnilish in sanctioning tho uao of tbut atrooioua weapon muat have 1 ttle know ledge of ita actual effect paul kramer or againaldo ueitber of whom use it may give so called cmluition a lesson in humanity canadians teaching can farmers ameri we hate some persons because we do not know tbero and we will not know them because we bate them in iu repoit of the meeting of tho national congroes or turmcra tt boston the ti amenpt of that cit ayb there wsb more enthusiasm dittplaed 0er tho address of prof j w robert hod of ottawa the dominion commiebioner of agriculture than oer any oilier address thus far given ho made an admirable speech on the canadian depaitment of agriculture anc ho opened tbe ejoa of the american farmers to the way euoh a government as canadas oan hi lp the farmer tbo feelings of superiority whioh were evidenoed iu tbe audience and whioh were expressed in the uogbter at what seemed tbe uudacioua statements of the canadian commissioner entirely vanished before tbe address waa half fluiahed and before the end tbey were beatowng liberal applaube of approval on tho ooramisaioner while at tbe close he was given a vote of thanks and elected to honorary member ship yarmoatb n s light not made to order but made to fit a cubic choice among the thousands of professional and babiness men who apeak plainly and strongly in favor of palnes celery com pound there are none mora sincere or oat spoken in their praise than the drnggiatb of canada oar druggists wbo are thoroughly acquainted with every prepared remedy are tbe special obampiona ot paioefl celery compound why because no other tnedloine gives such nniveraal satis faction and healthgiving resnlta to ailing and siok men and women and aa a conso- ioeneethe salesare largsr than that of all other combined remedies there are hundreds of druggists in canada who oan vouoh for marvellous oores effected by palnes celery compound no stronger or better testimony oan be asked for as those druggists have sapphed the mediolne and watched its effects if rheumatism neuralgia kidney trouble liver conaplalnt blood disease or dyspepsia are making life a misery go to your druggist without delay for a bottle of palnes celery compound if yoa have doabts about its efficaoy or power yonr able and bonesl druggist will give yoa tbe assurance that palnes celery compound will make yoa well restoratives it relievos tbe drooping bpirits of those with whom a ebronio btate of morbid despondence and look of interest in life is a disease and by trangailizing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action ot the blood whioh being stimulated oonrses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of tbe system thereby making activity a necebaaryreaalt strengthening tbe frame and giving life to tbe digsative organs whioh naturally demand increased substance result im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto have given to the public their quinine wine at tbe usual rate and guaged by tbo opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any tho market all druggists sell it do not delay when through debilltat ed digestive organs poison finds its way into the blood the prime consideration is to gel the poison ont as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible delay may mean disaster parmelees vegetable pills will be found a most valuable and effective medicine to assail the intruder with tbey never fail they get at once to tbe trouble and work a permanent care shoreys kigby proofed frieze ulsters in seven shades 52 inches long deep stoun collar 5 pockets deep flaps made of frieze not etoite anteed to please 01 money back p890i that the facs1mile signature of promotes digcslioncheerful- nessandrest contains neither opiummorphine nor mineral not jaicotic jiuvaroiaiirswvnntaieti jtmsesei jknmscti- apcrfechtemedy for constipa tion sour slomachdiarrhoea worms convulsionsfeverish- ness and loss of sleep tac simile signatu of new vqhk r is on the wrapper of eveet bottle oit gastoria oastorla is pot up in sumim sottlas only ii to no sold u bulk dont alio anjone to sail too anything slsa on tha plea or promlaa that it la jnst aa good and will answor rr pur bto that yon gat oabtobta the best is the cheapest best 8teel woven wire fencing wire rope belvaoe mannfacturotl thk ontario wire fencing co l pioton ontario mcmullens poultry nettings ore unequalled in quality and their fencings are the best prices iojrt hardware mcrch snll ihft tnr1p rph supply n if thoy lail you write the manufacturers at picton guar- your sold by all upfodate clothing dealers for 750 0000000k0000hkk00000000000oc the b greening jailre co cgnbrrl kcbnts hhwilton nd tbtontrbhl sold also by camdian hardware jobbers oc catthlimitmndanhllttaiu with tha nuwi of roar w w win outfltbt rapm mtjoa to fixiunuu xj aaowitmrrracnga omoaua uyou nnd u uutlru wtj npromdt it iwd adtlrdj lumouaarr p7 ui- kprlat oat ipedftl prfos km tuxl cevm tfclau ft onalr ftauhed hum stnditftrlus m04ui tioun m oolarad nraet 1b tona bow axtmjmtorrttuagiud uur polubed 1 una ooraplato w lan mid rata a with ana johnston a mfcfarane 8qx aft toronto ont 11 there is any one thing whioh appeuh to wqmankfnd mora than neckwear we have not heard it moat men hava cravings for something ibey dont want oar choice in life mnit be a cabio choice it moot have three dlmemlons first it mast be very high as high m i can reach with my life next it moat be very brood coveriog all tbe powers of my life mint voice hands feet and than it mast be very long ran oat seventy years if that be the aom of my days on eartb i cannot afford to swap horses in the middlr of the stream i cannot afford to ohaoge my coarse at thirty or forty we are to make tho choice the highest the broadest and tho longest possible alexander makenzie dd 25a all dealers r0o a quick cure for coughs i and golds pynypectoral tfce canadian rcmfcty lor afl throat ans uno affections lrt bottle 2sccnri davis lawrence co llmltad props pan datta fata killer nnr york sorao people ohange their mannera overy time they ohange their clothes only natural curb ther ia no ian in grumbling when nobody pay any attention still another triumph mr thomas b ballon sunderland writes for fourteen its io pleasant to take that ohildren cry for it but its death to the worms of al kiodfl d tr ro w aff wiifa plloi nd frequently i waa unable to walk or sit but four year ago i was cured by uaing dr thomas eolootrio oil i have also been ubjeot to quinsy for orer forty years but ihclectrlo oil cured it and it waa a per manent onra in both oaes aa neither ihe pile nor quinsy have troubled ma alnoe statues and obaraoters are mnlded with little tonohes lota of men wbo have an aim iu life lack ammunition tbo drunkard thread of life ia evidently wonnd on a real love laugbl at locksmiths but it smiles at the goldsmiths the end of friendship is approaching wban one feels free to eorreol anothers grammar is the baby too thin does he increase too slow ly in weight are you in constant fear he will be ill then give him more flesh give him more power to resist disease he certainly needs a fatforming food scotts emulsion is just that food it will make the baby plump increase the weight bring color to the ctieees7ncl ptosperity to the whole body thin children take to it as naturally as they do to their milk 50c and tt oo all drufgttt scott bowne chemuti toronto for all disorders of tho d i restive functions is dr von stans pineapple tablets moat mediaal menhnow that tbe pine apple contains a quantity of vegetable pepsin this product is invalaablo be cause it exerts a wonderful power in the digestion of all kinds of food science has now consolidated this grand essence into tabletb and tbna within reach of everyone is a veritable panaoea for all stomach ills vr von stsns pineapple tablet are tbe moat important advance for tbe pre vention and care of eiokneaa iu the last thousand years a flood digestion ia tbe basis of health and all may have it by tbe faithful use of tbeae marvellous tablet box ot co tablets 35 oanti sold by a t brown bakers bad backs truths are dangeroue indeed yes and so are meat and drink but wbo will there fore resolve to porish with hunger a few men hit tbe target of success be cause their aim in life was poor on a recommendation mrs gampton use dr agnewa cure for the heart and reoalvaa inotant lasting rallef immedi ate rellar is what the sufferer wants- and oats when dr agr- news ours for the heart is used i was for a long time a great sufferer from beart trouble i had palpitation and smothering ecoompaniad by weakness and painful spasms i got very little relief from remedies and doolora failed to give me real benefit a friend of mine bad used dr agnsws ours for the bean and it bad been a great relief to ber i pro cured a bottle and it baa proved a great blessing to me i think it a great beart ours and heartily recommend it to all like sufferers mrs oamplon 40 bishop street toronto bold by a t itrowa its thing tqrns out to be success we always like to claim that it waa oar snggssi ion bat if it proves a failure wa are vary ready todlealelm soy part of it l jj tltiniltbm win tm mtint mcoffo tbe three groat vital factors this body of onrb are the url utu uurves and tbe biooi it is beoanse of tho triple g iwor possessed by milburns cart andnorvopilleof making wonk irrogulnr beating hearta f strong and stoudy toning up i rnn down shattered norvoua systems and supplying those eloments necessary to mnko thin watery blood rich nnd red thnt so many wonderful ouroa hnvo boon accredited to this remedy here is tbo case of mrs h j arnold woodstock nb wbo says i was troubled for aome time with nervous prostration nnd genornl wonknosfl fooling irritable dobilltated and sloep- lobfl nearly all the timo my entire system became run down aa soon 00 i began taking milburns heart snd norvo pills i realized that they bad a calming soothing inlluenoo npon tbe nerves ory dose seemed to holp the euro tliy restored my sleep slrcngthened my nerves and fnve tone to my entire system think thamwendoiful vvujiufcaft fto little 1 not tho toil and iui1hiii tluittlmso who mnkc tho u1t ot lsitk undergo lonf itouifl in mipr iliouti d nnd poorl oiitiltiti 1 woik ioonif ih hnrd on tltr sntm frlvo tho kidnojs moro woik tluin they can propt rly do tliiowt poihon into lie hjritutii ti it tjltoulil ho ciurled olt by tlu no dihcito iiltoia then tho bad kptnlind not much use npiilng liiiiminth and plutorti you niiikt roach tin k1iiih to euro the hiok doaivs kidney llls cure all klnda of b id bnolts by restoring tho ktdiko to hoalthy action mr wnltcr buchanan who 1ms con ducted a bukory in blrnla ont fprtlio past 15 years ayst for a niimiror of yunn provloa to tnklnff drum i kidney pills i miirrrcif a aront deril from ncuto pnlnn ticrosn thonmnll of my hnrk pnlnn in tho imtk of my hand luxluex- wenry focllnannd sonornl dolilllty prom tho flnit few donci of prn a kmnny piiin i rommnnrnl to improve nnd i htio rotitlnnfyl niitll i nm to tiny a well innrt i hno not rotrt pnln or nrlio nlmnt mo my hnnil elonr the urinary illidctilum nlliroiiomyblmpia rfroilng anatny lioalib ulottcf pow tbagfor many a man wbo would like to better his condition at tho sacrifice of oihere con eidera himaetf a reformer hagyards yellow oil is promj t to relievo and sure to onro ooughs oolja eore throat pain iu tbe cheat hoareunese quinsy eto prioe 25o wigg tbe bcorohor dosent roatt people vvag no he simply runs them down sick headache however annoying and distressing la positively oured by lax a liver pills tbey are easy to take and never gripe it is perfectly proper to mako sport coif a womans bairis p inhnrn whin it fsnt red bnt has juit got started tha way english bpavin liniment removes a hard soft or calloused lumpa and blem ishes from horses blood spavin garbs splldts ring bone sweeny stifles sprains sore snd swollen throat coughs etc save 980 by tbe use of one bottle warranted the most wonderful blemish on re ever known bold by a t brown maple leaf grain geinders two si2bs por any power no i has io inch rever sible burrs 8 inch single burrs heart ana nerve the suooessful author is tbe one who oan get quality prioes for quantity you need not oongh al eight and disturb yourfrieuda there is no ooaaaion for you running the risk of contracting inflamma- tionof tbe longs or consumption while you oan get bioklea antl consumption syrup this medicine cures coughs colds inflam mation of tbe lungs aud all throat and oheat troubles it promotes a freo and easy ezpeotoratlon which immediately relieves the throat and lungs from viaold phlegm a person aoon kills his happiness when be tries to ivoon love mother joys a dimpled dot in her arms and a body without a pain hares a casa of a mother cured of tor mentlnat pllee by dr agnewa ointment some people keep their spirits up by putting others down ouoil blood unci sound musol boons emulsion is a blood giving and strength producing food it removes that feeling of utter helplessness wliioh takes possession of ono wbon suffering from general debility unless the people can be kept in total darkness it is tba wisest way for the advo cates of trnth to gve tuom full light johin mcqueen agent for the nbovc his changed his wire oonis to building on w k smiths propcrtj john street where nny bo ccn frost a wood binders ajijj mowers both have ball bca r i ag burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a mai given hundreds in use goold shapely 6tmulr co limited brantfortf ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to tho wants of customers guam tim nk u a i ml ay john mcquccn os woods norway pine syrup cures coughs m colds mrs alonzo ii tbitilior rieopirt n r sayei i had a savoro nttioli nf lilp and a bad odugli with ti t dimmiliy in breathing after taklntf lu hulllcs nf dr woods norway pino r i up i wn coin pletely oured experienced undertakers after baby was born i suffered great torment from piles nothing gave me any ief or lasting benent until i bad used or agnewa ointment one application of it gave me almost instant relief and a few appllcaiiooa cured me mr m k colleger 80 paoido ave toronto sold by a x brown lax a- liver pills- work while you sleep without a grip or gripe curing sick headache dyspepsia and constipation and make you feel better in the morning by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we ony charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funcra supplies and atgieat- y reduced prices caskets delivered q01so west ooino last mall 10 03 am i express oan air kxprois j2aiui 1 xprubs 10 co a m mall 1 loi m i mail 0 up in i mixed 10 oil p m huddny trains going west 10 02 n m oalug last 0 ho a lu 0 14 p u tim ol clobina ma1lh going wopt 0 0 a in and 0 co p m going baflt 10 sain and 5 co p til this timo tabio uont into illict on bunilii juno 2ftli lbjj w barber bros paper makebs georgetown ont make a bfeoialtt ot machine finished book papers high grade weekly news iho papor uuod in thin journa ib from tbe above mills wm babber bro son savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capital s 00 ten year maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 860 00 aid in maturity alue jioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loin or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton oxford oxford stoves and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaces the imperial oxford ranee is tho load ing cook stove maybe seen at any rime at panua the otxord base burner is tho loadlne coal stove pipes scuttles shovels stove furniture at low prices g a pannabecker mill street acton cooper takins the artistic tailors jjeg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper akins main st acton fyou want i r e ncr av i n g photo engraving mm half tones jljontsrn 0 3 sij alxi atrt iuroniooni j j a speight co hcton patents i promptly secured wmteforourlnterostlnff books invent ort holp ana how 5011 rro swindled bond un a rough skat oh or modftl of your imontlonor htumnomciit nnd mo will tell you fro our opinion an to ulicthor it i probably pntentnblo ao niakonrpoelftlty of applications rejected in other bands highest rcforonoos furnished mahion k habioh patskt solicitors bxpkbts civil a lfmhnnlca1 rnfilnrrr nroiiu1ei of ue rolytcclinlo flclioot or f nblncoilinx iinclielora in appllml sclcnrri innl ilihoriitj motnbcri ratent tn aroclnlion amnlriui w ntcr work aikmlttlon nw knutiitml wnter aoo rq fluivnrora anoc1ntoii oo jjcmbei lan f bwoty of cv1 riialnorn tamou i mew york life bfookopitiieal oak matianos bo yearq experhncn dc marks dniafii anrnne wndffiff iketehantl rtcrtptlon may quloktv uoeruin oil opinion free whether n inratitlnn u ppobuhly nntenuhlo commtinlc tlniuitrlotlraonodonuiu iluitiboohonpsuenta ont frtw oldest aaonoj tor leairlnjrpatenu iatenu tkan thronrh manu a co kptctat noum without ohanie in the scientific american a hauidumfilr ninirthl wmklr isanraat etr onlatlon of ny bcleminn journal terwijtt ft swjfffr months 1 sold byail riiisc

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