Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1899, p. 1

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llxijv ft voluatb xxv no 17 actotf ontario thtjesday novbmjjell 2 1899 price three cents h jvctort nt ma ib published every thursday morning at tub free prcbbstcnm lrlntlnfrofuce uxiii street aoton ont terms or bobbomption one dollar per year trlotlyln advanoo all subscriptlona discon tlnued whoa tho time for wbloh they have been paid baa oxpirod tbo dato to wbloh overy qbsorlptioq lo paid is donotod on the address label adtbrtiaina rates translont advortlao moots 10 centa per nonpareil lino for first in sertlon 8 oentb per lino for each subsequent insertion oontbaot ratbb tho following table shows our rates for tbo insertion of odvorusemonta for ipoolflod porloda fin sfaob 1tb 0 mo 3 mo imp bo inches 60 00 35 00 20 00 7 00 10 lnohos 99 00 so 00 19 00 goo mnohes 90 o0 19 00 700 9 60 unota 6 00 bso 900 100 advertisements without speoiao directions will be insorud till forbid and oharged aooord ngly transient advertisements must bo paid n advance advertisements will bo obangod onoe each month if doalrod for ohansob of ton or than snoe a month tbo composition moat be paid for at regujai rates ohangos for oontraot advertisements mas do ntho office by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly h p moore editor and fro prlotor blotting papers stamp albums scrap books cash records and pocket blank books big supply of office stationery days bookstore cuelph day sells cheap tub traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 1000000 700000 bnshtm ffiimtorp medical john m macdonald m d c m successor to j f tjren m d 0 m offloe and residence cornor mill 4 frederick roots acton offloo hours 6 to 10 30 a m 1 to 3 p m and tospm d r 1 j r rorster buccbsboh to db a b elmott late rosldodt physlolan and surgood to via toria hospital for sick childrod toronto optics mill stroot lately occupied by dr lllott waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods cuelph branch we are now issuing monoy orders payable at par at any branch of chartered bank in canada excepting tbo yukon district at tho following ratoe under 10 soonta 10 to 820 looents eaotosao ia coots 930 to fibo 14 cents aetv highest current rate op interest field on sumo deposited of 91 and upwards ntoreit allowed from dato of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advanci mado to responsible farmore on their own namos a tho lowostourron ratos mo charge made for collecting aaloa notes if payable in guelpb a general banking business transacted a f b jones manager wben time re came hack all tbo uniforms wore bluo all tbo swords and rilles now when the regiment wont marching down bo btroot all tbo men wore hale and strong as they proudly moved along through the cheers that drowned tbe mmlo of their feot oh tbo muslo of tbelr feet keeping time to drums that beat t ob tbe glittor and the splendor of the slghtl ab with ewords and rifles new and in uniforms of blue the roglmont wont marking to tho fight i when tho regiuumt caino baok all the gaus and swords were blaok and tho uniforms had faded into gray and tho faoos ot tbe men who marched through that attest again boomed like faces of tbo dead who lose tbelr way for tbe dead who lose their way oanuot look more gaunt or gray- ob the borrow and tbe anguish of tbe sight ob the weary lagging feot out of step with drums that beat when tbo regiment osmo marching from the fight ella wheeler wtlcox in harper weekly waters bros wytoham street new store quelph licplrt d r dryden etb ejw thnoat amd nohe lcoitoans block douglas st nor f o guelfh rrioh houns 10 m to 1 p m and 3 to 6 p m sdndaybio am to 1 p tn dental l bennett lds dentist b obohobtown ontabio mrhian d dslds j dentist wouk cabepollt donb fiucbs m0deiute orfios oven duown s dnca stobe hovns evbby div fbom 0 to 8 j mbell ddb ldb m dentist bb0okvxxxb uoifon obaduatb of touonto unxvsbsitx work mado satisfactory prices moderate vibitino dats monday afternoon gamp ellvillo tuesday acton ofllco clarks hotel friday book wood legal m clean mclean barristers solicitors notarios oonvoyanoers so frivatofundstoloan offloe town hauaoton wm a molxah jno a moxikah a jjuokinnon babbibtbb solicitor conveyanceb orsiasmul btroet in matthews blook upstairs jb mcleod s babbi8tbb solicitob amd commission ed fob tikino afpadjlvitb main stroot georgetown oonvoyanolng done and money loaned on first mortgage on farm property at 1 b j monabb clark fourth division court oondty of hal- oa convoyanoer agont xira and iilfo aaauranoe heal eetate agent monoy to loan eto owwum ferrymen a block aoton out miscellahko us m iss williams or qkobqbtowk music bnoceeaor to mlu laldlaw la proparod to glvo horougu lnbtranuon in maiiloplno or orgn in thoory nd prmtloo por mrmi pply to 11115 wllllinn ullt ju mttliow reifdonoo on tnoodt otonlng ol each wook henby gbibt ottiwa oioi solicitor of ptnt for invention oto pranun appllohloni lor the i cnadln amer- tonm5buropenptent offloo nd for tbe bmlittitlon osf trado wn bend for pun- pbfet tnlrtt two veara oxperloneo ibanois ntjnan bookbindeit f vvrndbara st qnolpli ontario oyer william btoro aoeonnt booke pi al kind made to order eriodloalootrydirptlonoareinuybound ulinrne promptrrdone m abbjage lioetnbps b p moohb imnmb of mtnmine iiiochm priteofflee mo wltneum required leaned at reeldenoe in uie etenlng free pren offloe aoton w m abmstbeet lioihsid asonoinis for the oountlee of weluagton and balton orders left at the im pae offloe aoton or tnlyriildenoelnaotoii wul be promptly at- endetl to lermi lleuonable alio money to lean on the rat9j umitanil at tho loweat ratee of intereat in jnmaof flooand pward 8ubsobidbd 8 o 1115000 the wellington mutual jrhb insurance company baubluhea 1b40 hed offloe oublfh oht in3uhancb on oaas and mutual plan any osminuuloatlom forwarded to my addroaa uoxsm tor telepboae 69 will be promptly tended to j0bn jayloii agent oaelph aoton maeliine and repair shops hbnby obindiuitj rroprlelor a evt aoaagseultural lpp j j hf ktufaotsy manner we ea repair any okeoln r implement ol any make saw ammlng end flllua done actbri saw mills and wood y kairaraotoakii ako daaian w lamtcr ahlngmi wootf fo in klnda ol wood in atook and promptly au avlf red utany part ol tbe town at reaaonabloprloea hardwood and ilab o mtem in8 telephone communloatlon sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont autliorized capitol 5000000 oo ten year maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 220 months when payments cease s60 00 aid in maturity value 9ioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli- cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton rphe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert nobles flour feed store at acton also mill feed and chop ped grain of all kinds we want delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price in cash i r noble 83 bevenuetuvear gqq country gentleman tub only agricultural newspaper and adlftmdlr tom leading agricultural jour nal of the world bvery department written by apeeialiita the blgbeat authorities in tbelr reepootivo hue mo other paper pretendi to compote with it in quellqoatlona of editorial atafr olrea the agricultural nbws with a degree ot fnllnoas and oompletenem not oren attempted by otbera best reviews of the crops best market heporfs beat aooounu of meetlnga ban krarythlng ikdi8pensablb to all country residents wno wisn to keep up to the times single subsoriptlon 63 two bubsorlptlons 13 so voar subscriptions s speoial inpucbments to kaisers of labqeb olubb 13- writ for partloulara on this point clnb afenta wanted e tour monvue trul tri tor 80 cents spboihen copies will be mailed free on request it will pay sny body interested in any way in oonntrv life to atnd for them address the publishers 1 luther tucker 80n albany n t m-te-wimm-fm-ii- mail and btuinaw fraatioe 3 is the most interesting ana pw tlcsl eourse of study in bookkeeping and aooountlng for boys ana girls leaving pubko and high bohools shorthand and typewrltln speo- lal facilities indoidaal tnlifon no olaassa formed parsnts are invited to lnveatlgats fall term will oom menoe monday aug sb quslph business college and shorthand institute j shabp frlnelpal wahtbd several bright and honest psraona to represent as as managers in this and dose by ooantfes salary w0 a year and xpantes stralgbt bona nde no more no less salary position permanent onr references any bank in any town it is mainly offloe work oondneted at borne reference udolose self addressed stamped envelope tbe dominion company dspt 9 chicago the good of a lamp is the light it gives vou koow that do you know that we have the largest and best issortmeit of hght givers in guelph to day yes we have lamps small and large those low in price and others higher good value in every lamp call and see them anyhow that will please us john m bond co cublph motto satisfaction hardware speight brady manufacturers of it i dynamos elkctbxc motors watbb motors gasoline aw oas enorrres brass iron castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont w barbeh bros paper makers georgetown ont hajcb k bpkoultt of machine finished book papers amd high obadb weekly news the paper ueed in ibis journa is from the above mills wm barber buo business change j c matthews prop acton bak i have bought the stock and business of mrs j b matthews and would be pleased for a continuance of the patronage given her i handle the famous l bread j of toronto also a choice line of confectionery fruits etc j c mattbews main 8treet planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of sash doors frames moulding in all styles drbssjno v matcanro and moulding order on short notice w ell aaaorted atook on hand at prleoa to su tbe tlmos john cameron proprietor oxford oxford stoves and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaces th9 imperial oxford range la tho leaot- inr cook stove maybe seen at any time at pannabeojcers mill st the otxord base burner is the leading coal store pipes scuttles shovels stove furniture at low prices stelal jfanrily rtabing a fellow r ose maiioaiietta si m0hle have ou seen tbe mountain yet a abed an old resident of a bevy of pretty girls aa they stood on the verandah of the hotel taooma eftoh pretty girl answered with t groan no indeed i exolaimod one of them we have been imprisoned in taooma nine days too yet not an inch of the monn tain have we seen there seems to be some fatality about it for no sooner does a raymond aud whitoomb party ttrike tbe town than oil taokhammer as a puyallop editor has dubbed it sees fit to bide its head i have begun to qaottlon whether there really is any mountain there observed a tall girl with wistful bluo eyes and wbetber yon imaginative people have not roibtakon a cloud for a mountain at bo me early period and lived in the delusive glory of it ever since at sest1 they bay there ia a mount rainer bat no taooma whils at taooma they never beard of mount raoier what is one to tatnlrt now wbbayerbefliibtll almost two weeks by tbe flood a and dis abled railroads as the girls have just said aud although tbe san has shone often daring that time that gray ourtafn in the south baa never lifted it is very odd i al eyea were fixed on the distant oloud bank and the girl with the wistful eyes continued dreamily it resembles our ambitions onr dearest hopes soooess is there always there yet tbe intervening clouds are so dense that at times she stopped abruptly confused by the earnest nest of her own voice with an embar rasaed laugh she changed the snbjeot and explaining that bhe was going to feed the pet bear strolled to the end of tho piazza who a that girl demanded the old rebident taming with some curiosity to watoh the tlender figure tots sweatmeatu to the greedy bruin i did not catch her name aa wo were introduced is she one of jour party yea she is a raymond bhe and her father went through tbe yoiemlte valley and alio to alaska with oar excursion 0 you see we are well acquainted replied one of the pretty girls her name is rose rose monroe and abe is ever so nloe vou have a pleasant party oh yes indeed perfeotly lovely i aud we dont mind being deliyed hero one bit for raymond and whitoomb pay all onr expenses during the detention and we have no end of fun only of oourse it wontd be more exoiting if there were soma yonng men of coarse agreed the old resident with s smile but there is a rather nioe looking man now fitting by tbe window is he not of our party where oh yes i see whom you mean 1 enthusiastically that is mr emurson dwight he is from boston and he is perfectly dear did yon ever see suob a handsome profile look at his hands are they not dreams of symmetry aud snob hair that soft brown wave ia it is absolutely perfect i the old inhabitant was heartily amused i am so glad you like your travelling oom pan ion so well a remarked and was then puzzled by a dissenting a bake of the head from the very girl who bad been bounding the young mans praises like him wo dont like bim she explained we dont know him hes from boston i oh i yes he is awfully exclusive no not that exactly bnt well indifferent his manners are perfect so be la slwsps sorop g a pannabecker mill street aoton olourly polite to us only be doesnt oare a pin abont us see the only girl he has an thing to do with is rose monroe in bis cold and formal fashion be is very nice to ber do yoa know i think bo is rouoh taken with her volunteered tho youngest of tbe group who at onoe became the target of many scornful glasses i do indeed i he talked with her for hours at a time when ap in alaska and triumphantly he is now holding tbe rosebud to his lips which she put in his buttonhole this afternoon in spits of ther jeers and disbelief seversl pairs of bright eye were turned upon the flower in question in isnt the same rose their owners scoffed in chorus yes it is i recognise tbe peculiar shade of yellow the unconscious subject of their remarks was bitting at a small tible under the win dow absently twirling by its long slander stem a beautiful yellow rose from time to lime he inhaled its delicate perfnme or aa the romantic maid interpreted tbe action pressed tbo flower to his lips presently ha commanded a bellboy to bring blm a glass ot walsr he drank of it and then to the horror of his little aud io hm laid the drooping rosebud across the pieoe of crystal ice that almost filled the glass and lighting a olgar prepared him self to rssd there is sentiment on ice for you warranted not to melt i cried the pretty girls mockingly and the lilts romancer felt utterly crushed night orept lo over the soand the gray oarlained clond which concealed i tbe mountain turned to buok and ouo by one the tourists disappeared rose monroe was the last to leavo the plszza her companions bad passed hor annotiocd bb she stood in the bhadow of tbo boube and she made no effort to detain them for her heart was heavy and sbe longed to be alone alone with that tltok curtain that aeparstd her from s access was it there was heart a desire liko that cold white mountain really there time was fleeting any momenta telegram might come announcing tho road again open for travel then tbe happy party would break up aiid tho tourists would depart to the four corners of the eaith never to mett agtmi her thoughts were very esd strolling to the window to see if her father was still in the office ahe stumbled against a tibte ttindlog noar and the masloal clink of the ice against the glass attracted her attention bhe smiled bitter ir si she perceived the fragile yellow rose bad on its frozen bed and then throwing herself in the chair jcmeraoo dwigbt had ooonpied s short time before stroked the yellow petala with a oareaalng hand he had left his book a handsome volume of foes poems open on the table with a pencil aud a sheet of paper folded between its leaves her recti abb fingers sought them out and presently she began t write bweet yellow row that in thv ohalloo curled holds a doar loorot all too uflbtly furled lift bnt one instant thy dallolius head that t may road tho message nono bavo road soet this warm air and warm or stilt caress that on thy petals now with zoal i press open thorn wide until tbo truth be frood of which f lodg bavo felt a bitter neod may tho soft wish that forvently i lroathe oer tby cold bod around thy bosom wreathe a senile warmth suffice to broak the spell wbloh holds jou fast whero lovo can nover dwoll tls vain i plead i cold petals llko a shlold close oer tby heart and koop its soaret soaled then having read ber hattily written erses she twirled them around with a swift smile of decision and sorawled acrosb the fall length of the sheet li 4nv0i alas swoot roso you bavo no vlcol you aro a yollow roso on loo pushing tbo book away with a gesture of impatience she bowed her bead upon her arm and fell into a reverie from wbioh sbe was only startled by voioes in the office realizing all at onoe tbat tho hoar was late she arose hurriedly from her chair and the i veis n occurred- to ber mind until ahe waa bruahlng out ber long yellow hair before the mirror in her own room aa tbe memory of them flashed upon- her her heart stood st ii like one turned to stone ehe paused with her brash in mid air poweilioa to move amua ole there was no doabt that when emer son 1 wight recovered hie book he woold find tbe lined and it was equslly certain that finding them be would at onoe recog nize the author by the handwriting and sbe waited no looger to pursue this horrid possibility but twisting her long hair into a hasty knot prepared to go down ttaira the verees must be regained at any cott late as it was a few men still eat snook lug and ohatting in the office passing them aa quietly as possible rose stopped oat on the piszzs and was immediately filled with oontternalion to find two figures bending over tbe fatal table one was mr o tbe conductor of the excursion the other emerson dwight there was no mistaking tbe handsome profile and fiotly tnrned head silhouetted against the lighted window the girls heart gave a bound how long had mr o been witb her friend was tbo momentous question whioh confronted her wblle they were together emorasn dwight was not likely to open hia book bo there were nine chances to one tbat he had not discovered her paper night had deepened on tbe sonnd a few faint btars glimmered in the aky but the dark curtain in tbe south remained still unbroken pardon me mr dwight but i careless ly left a paper in your poo while glanoing it over this evening may i trouble you for it now rose wondered at the cool ness of her own voice aa she waited all tremblingly for the reply mr 0 glanced at ber in some surprise and offered her a chair aa he exolafmed what i la it yoa miss rose 7 well yoa are one of the lucky few who can afford to lose your beauty sleep that pretty oompliment applies to you and mr dwight as well does it not t retorted robs with forced gayety in the meantime emerson dwight had been searching bis book for the desired paper and as abe ceased speaking be ex taned it to her with a bow emerson dwight frequently made gesture take tho place of words and as his notions invaria bly displayed dignity aa well as grace they were often eloquent locked onoe more in her own apartment rose monroe threw herself ia aohair with many smothered exclamations of relief if ay i never be tempted to write poetry again i ahe ejaculated fiercely if all tho wouldbe rbymaters were punished as severely as 1 have been during tbe suspense of the last half hoar the reading pabllo would be delivered of much trash oh tho a yellow roae why wast thou not born a thistle she unfolded the paper with a tragio air and waa about to re read ber lines when the mocking smil on her lips gave place to a look of blank amazement instead of her address to the rose the paper contained some linos in emorson dwigbt a well known writing bhe read tbe floret lady fair tbat my poor petals hold ill give to thee with joy if i may be so bold tby warm and sweet caress dives joy and hope and life witb passion warmest flow my wltberod leavos are rifo ah hold m to your lips 1 my psrfumo lives again and in your soft eyas light forgotten is all pain the secrets told im suro your eyes have road it true my perfume holds one dream i tbat lady fair is yon u snvoi t if oold on bed of ice i ho tls tbat my memories may not die the leuvol waa scrawled sorosi the page just sb hers bad been and the whole paper resembled hers so olosely that it was small wonder abo bad been deceived in it at first ftwuoe bo mr 0 had not been with emer son dwight during that fat si interval aud he had time to open bia booki what must he think of what he found there roao loat herself lo a maze ot doubt and fell to eleep murmuring torgotten is all pain the next morning emerson dwight ap peared at breakfast with a yellow rose in hie buttonhole i believe tbat rose is artificial sang out mr 0 from an adjoining table for it seems as though yoa had worn it a week the florlets out here oant understand their business to put auoh everlastings as that on the market i hate a method all my own for keep ing it frebh anawered dwigbt with a grave inclination of the head toward his via a ria mibb monroe la in the aeoret and oan divulge it if ehe likes boae blubhed furioubly after breakfast dwight asked her to walk with him on the piazza she ao qulesced and they lingered a long time at tbat farther end where tbe pet bear ia obained they were finally interrupted by one of their travelling companions who came to announce tbo good newa that the last bridge had been repaired and that they were no longer prisoners the pretty girl arrived jubt in time to hear emerson dwight say yes i found it and qb i believed there was no hope of seeing you before this morning i killed time by writing a reply 0 joined me just as yoa stepped apon tbe piazza and aa that ended all proapect of our having a tete a tete i could not resut giving you the wrong paper i would not part with the other not even to yoa by the way rose we mast change the lenvol to something like tbla most precious roso yoa ro in a vlso you r doomed to bridal wroatbs and rlco 1 ob emerson that ia really ahookiog l retorted bio companion merrily let ua agree from this time forth aud forever- more to resist all temptition to indulge ourselves in composing poetry agreed they shook handa on it at least the pretty girl thought they did for rose monroe withdrew ber fingers from dwighte grasp jait as the former announced her preaenoe they reoelved her information very calmly considering how long tbey had awaited tbiaaame news and then all three btrolled back to the office together just as they were about to enter the door hose uttered an abrupt cry of de light the mountain 1 the mountain 1 snre enough the clouds bad blown away and high and proud aa tbe eucoeas sbe dreamed of mount taooma robe before them white and glieteoiog against a deep bine aky pure and still and almost appalling in its perfect majesty it burst for tbe firat time upon their aight have yoa heard tho tlegram bbrieked a chorua of girlish voioes tbe oads are open we lave tonight i am ready answered rose with a happy smil i am ready at last for i have seen mount taooma emeraon dwigbt loosed down at tbe yellow roae in bia buttonhole apd said nothing for he too had aeen mount taooma are we patriotic oharlca lewla shaw writing of the machine in the october canadian afaqaztne closes bis article witb the following inter esting remarks exactly said jack and aa it la rno in that way it ia not to be supposed that it ruua on wind a business suob aa tbe management of a great political party reqoirea capital the moat moral purest management in tbe world would require some and that is whero the goody goodies who subscribe to it ease their consciences the capital subscribed is in time influence and money and the atook books are always open tbe xnaohino with tbe largest capital runs the beet tbe men who aab- soribe their time are bbrewd and ehe men of wealth contractors and corporation managers who contribute the inflqenoe and money are not fools yet you are right the machine is tbe mere running of party politics in a business like praotical manner the men who subscribe tbe time influence and money demand a businebb like practical dividend and the papers aro full of the political corruption of the heelerb in the baok townships bah i noithor of the parties as now constituted dare attack tbe maobino at ita vital poiota it would be aulalde but the old systems sro dying slowly to be sure but dying a natural death before the force of public opinion there is a some- thing growing up in tbe minds of cana dians as it did in protest against the patronage and tyranny of the family oompaot that will not much longer tolerate the destiny of tbelr country being to any considerable extent controlled by scheming unscrupulous professional poll- tiolsns supported by the wealth of con tractors and corporation a and tbe ambition tf cabinet ministers as the famtly- gompaot fell to pieces bo shall the maohine we eeem to be getting along fairly well i ventured to say in spite of it we do answered jack for after all tbo members of the canadian homo of commons are patriotic and machine or no maohine on any question of direat and unmistakable national or international importauoe whioh is too large for the maohine to thresh thay rise to tbe coca sion yes after all i am glad i am a canadian and never had i reason to be prouder of tbat accidental faot than when sir wilfrid sir charlea and their followora are confronted with a treaty question affecting trade or boundary an expreasion of opinion regarding ths rights of their fellow subject in other lands the closer binding of the manifold ties of the empire by team or eleotrloity there oomea forth from orit tory and indepen dent without one dfsoordant note the nnited intelligent voice dt a patriotic people who love the motherland respeat themselves and fear only qod killed by a practical joke weary william praotical jokes aint right sandy deros me old r dusty rhodes dat died from de fleets of one bandy the supplicant howd it hap pen well jou aee dusty goes up to one of these wayside cottages an asked de lady far a pis de lady says i aint gota pis in de house me good man bat hares a cake what species of cake was it billy twos twas a cake of soap sandy pa tries to hire a girl i no what im agoln to do paw eaya after he tried cooken two daxe when maw waa away viaatun im ago in to hire a gurl your maws alwaya growlen about how hard it ia to hire a gurl but im agoin to sho her how blamed easy it is if a purson goea about it proper so he put a nad in tbe paper and the next evening thay was three come to see about it two of them looked in tho place and sod thay didnt have no time to make a bargeu then 00 paw aat tho liat ono to oome in the kitchen and talk about it she was a large gnrl with yallow hare wh ares the missus sbe says when sbe throwed a oold glance around bbos away visatan paw sas i guees abe muat a been gone a long time the gurl told paw by the looks of things how menny you qot in tbe fa m bly 1 ooly four paw told her i spoflo you dont count tho dawg and the plga whats bin rootin around in here she saya who waa your laet garl and why did she leave i dont know her last name paw answered we called her guaty bbo got sok i should think she would git alok tbe gurl answered purty sasay do you git a women to come in and do tbe wabben no paw aaya like if ho waa purty scarred well i might of knowed that sbe told him i goesb yoa dont believe wasbeoa a good thing around here what do you do jist wair your 1 1 b till tbey are wore out say i paw hollered i dont want no baok talk from yoa i koss this plats wouldnt soot yoa ennyway that a the beat geaa you ever maid in your life she eaya im used to workin whare folks ia refined aud liven decent i hope you wouldeut expeot enuy buddy to cook meeu on a oh fasbened stove like tbat it dont make no difference what we would want them to do paw told her you dont haft to take tbe job and the door whare you come in aint looked neither i didentcome hero to git lubulted she bed offel savldge i want you to understand youre tulkeu to a lady i spoae you aint net to it but yoa better lorn how than nh lifted np her dresa party bi the good jiovsekekpmit how can i toll lior dy hor collar cleanly auolvoa and wliitonod wuu i can guosa hor dy hor drorsor dy tho baok staircaao and hall aud with pleaburo take hor mooouro lly tbo way sbo koops hor brooms or tbo pooping at the keeping of hor back and unaoon rooms by hor kltobon a air of notnesb and its gonoral oomplotonosa whoro in aloanlluoes and ewoytnobs tbo robo of ardor hloorub her two boys and stepped over a ptewin pan and a broken plate what was lyin on tho tloor and went out aayln youll be aorrj for tho brutl way yoa spoko to me paw he set tbaro and wiped tho oneat swet from his manly brow aud lookod like if he ooulden t remembur what pap penod so after a while he btaitd to bake some potatoes witb the skiua on o but im slok of them thats all wo had to eat for three daya forty soon when we was setiin ut the table sumbuddy rung the bell at the kitchen thats anutber gnrl what waula a job paw says you go and tell uer to come around to the front door wejl est ber in the parlor this time i went out to see about it and thore stood a feller with a swelter on and a gupplo of the bigget fists that i ever been wharea tbat pupp which insulted my bietar here a little while ago he set ateppin into the kitchen i geas he waa about seven feat hi or mebby six and half ia his books i felt offel sorry for paw so i thot i would go and tell him about it without waitin to hear no more but tbe giunt got in tbe dinen room about the same time and paw woaent there ware is the durty whelp the man hollered then i herd a door sliat purty sudden ap stairs and i seen a chanct to duok out tbe frunt way when i got aoroet the streat i stood behind a tree and waited to see what was agoln to happen it was a long time before tbe man come out swainn like a pirat aud throw in baked pot loos at the lamp posts as long aa 1 oooh aee bim 1 went baok when he was out of bite and aouok op to the hed of the stares and hollered forpaw to oomo out after while he opened ouo of the bod room doors and stack hia hed out purty psle aud aat baa bo went yes i baya but i geseherooned our supper nearly all tbo diahes is smashed on the floor and he dident leave a potato paw oome down stares then and we locked the doors aud gethored up tbe peaces and paw baya it waa tba luokieet thing ever hap pened to that broot he went when he did if he had of stayed two minutes more i oouldnt of held myself in eony longer i would have had to li ok him no matter what it coat bo we aint got no gurl yit gronnik s k kisor in chicago times herald the milkmans joke a certain milkman had oooasinu to visit a lonatio asylum to oolieot his weekly bill upon his departure ho noticed oun of tbe iomates abstractedly picking up some little stonea aa tba milkman paaied the man he made some ohafflug remark and was at once pursued by the man the milkman now thoroughly frightened ran for hia lire through the paaious grounds they raced then out along the highway to the oily the pursued man yelled lustily for help but none came and at last completely exhausted he dropped to bis kneea to implore meroy the lunatic rashed up and aa be reached the crouch ing trembling milkmau iu stead of crush ing him as the milkman fully ox pen ted he would he only raised his hand ltld it lightly on the mans ahouldsr mid cried out youre hit i and ran away it turned oat that tbe lunatics one amuse ment waa playing tag with his keeper it was ou a michigan central train the other day a tuli fine looking ouog man and a handsomely droabad woman sat jaat in front of a plainly dressed eweet faced lady of perhapa seventy jcara once in a while pretty ofen tbe man turned and made some remark to tho elderly woman whom he called mother and whoso eyes showed that bbo was proud and fond of ber aon the younger womau bia wife seemed somewhat lees cordial bat she too once in a whllo turned aud dropped a word or two into tbe conversation by and by tho porter annoanced tbat dinner was ready iu tbe dining oar and the young man baid 1 well mother emma and i will go now and get a dionor you know bbo needs something warm you have brought yonr luncheon and i ll eqnd you a cup of tea after the couple had gone mother sat looking out of the wiudow in deep thought apparontly and perhaps not altogether happy iinttlly abe reached unier the seat aud brought out a little worn black basket and began fingering tho ribbon with which it waa tied just then the train htopptd at a station tbe door was fiuug open and a cheery faoed man stepped inaide he looked eagerly up and down ihu our and hia glance fell i upon tho eld lady mother 1 he cried john my john 1 anbworod tbe lady and the two were clasped in a loving embrace where aro trauk and emma he demaudod after a few moments they huve gone into tbo dining oar emma isnt strong you know and baa to have a hot dinner this last remark alio ropeatpd in answer to a curious look in john a 03 00 and yoa didn t want any dinner i finp hm pyen fell npnn thn hftflhftt he muan t hurt hid tuotberd fo linga and be checked lumenlf arent you glad to aee me ho baid arent you eurpriaed i found i couli meet you hero matead of waiting until you reached chicago and hay mother isnt that the bime basket that trunk and i used to oarry to eohool yu i thought bo by this timo there wan a smile on the mothers face well said john i m prtuy hungry suppose wo keop this for h up por and you corns with me and get a hoi dinner no no excuses as they loft they met ttu otbor couple hel john 1 where did you come from how do you do 12m ma mother and i aro just going to dinner at chicago the pooplo who hud aeon all thlb aaw a handsome young man with a utile blaok bafiket on hie arm tenderly aeslbting a sweet faced old ltdy through the orowd to a camag as for the othor couple nobody had any eyes for tiem cbioago tribune literary notes tbo nuvomber number ot tho deltnjtor ia called tbo early winter number and containb in addition to tho asnal authori tative announcement of fashionti season able dlcti a generous amount of literary matter of exceptional excellence and a profusion of household aud eooil disoua sions of reel interest and worth the regour department are filled with original aud practical matter of infinito interest in every well appointed homo social obicr vances by mrs frank learned novelties in fancy work by emma haywood accorded a special value by tho approach of ibe gift giving season house furniah mg and decoration the milliner the dressmaker croobtttng tutting knitting tbe newett bookb oto subeonptiou pnoo of tho delineator 9100 a jour bingle copies 1g cents order froth the local agent for buttenck pattern or address tho delineator publmhing co of toron to limited 83 richmond 8r won not so daft after all in tho village of t there ia a clerk who is known as daft johnny owing to his havlug been confined in a lunatic ssylamu several years tba other day shortly after his releaae with a dooument stating that bo was now euno ho was having an argument with several of bis follw tlerka whenone oltjienijuddenly-iixcuumed- look here johnny youd bter hold your tongue youve only juat come out of the lunatic asylum and we all know you aro daft daft exel timed johnny with nar- caara why i in tho only mm among iho whole lot o you who has a certificate for buiog sane 1 london standard this is the time for making old things new mystery got a job asked one urohiu yea answered the other with a superiority im working for a lawyer i a pose he 11 be takia you into the firm next not me tbs whole thing is a mystery to me i dont do a thing but sit ou a chair by the door all day and try to figure where be gets tho u 00 a week ho pays me diamond dyes are the true and unfailing agents in november thousands of women will be coloring dresses skirt jaoketi coats vests pant ahawls wool yarna aud carpet rays the dyeing operation n an important one and demands great care tho priuoi pal point l to secure tho right dyee colors that are pure bright and fast to washing and sunlight the diamond dyes tho only guarau teod dyes ou earth possess all the grand qualities tbat make perfect aud truo colors diamond dyes have suoh a universal sale that unscrupulous dealers make effort to imitats them ifyouwoull be successful iu dyeing avoid oil crude imititiona promptly refusu all dyes renoniinoiidud by by dealers tj bo junt us good ua diamond dyos the dtamoud doaurc iho best in tint world and ail doalcrs are awaro of the fact

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