Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1899, p. 2

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horn tjanh at llinahouio on friday 27 tb october to mr and mn itobort lauo a daughter iunmvbliat metliodlit paraonano pomou by on friday oct sotti tb ho v and iln ii j tlarnwull a daugbter markieib akinb matiukws- at the noma of tbo bride tiarouti aotou on monday uoth ootobor by uov j a wolacblan m a mr tbomaa urook aulna to maffflloholdo daugbtor of edward uuttbans him all di aoton motaviuu at oaiirliifio on sunday 22nd oct dugald mo tavlali aged 70 yeara wijitk id naaaanaweyft on tuesday 21th oct james white or the in ooa naaiagaweya aged 7 yoars modouoall ou wednesday oot flstli at his late rosldenco trafalgar allan a modougall lu big 3nl year dixon at bin bomo bpruoodale farm trafal sar noar miltod on tburaday 10th october illjab dixon aged 01 yoari wilusn at catodoula on friday soth oot bopbla holslo iuliot of the late lteubon wuler nudsutor of mrs hov it d cook aoton agod 08 j oars clkao at toronto on tburaday oot 80tb margarot moolollaud wife of jotiu clegg and yonurontal3torof mrs a boomer of lin wood agod si years dow at milton on monday oot 23rd at ttad roaidenco of wnj ford margaret todd rollot of tbo late and row h dow a native of perth- abirebootlaud agod 71 yean and smontbi it ctan jfre firm thurbday november 2 1890 notes and comments mr l j brittbaupt tbroagb bli eollol- tors has filed an appeal at osgoode ball agaldbt the deoialon of judges afore dith and oaler aettlog aaide tho election io north waterloo the appeal will probabl be heard eooae time next month la prohibition maine where it ia said prohibition ia no good there were laat year behind the priaon bara 841 persons a total ot thirteen for every 10000 people while in maaaaobnaatti the beat enforced license law etate there were 8451 prison- ere or thirty three for every 10000 of population according to tbe regnlationa iained by the ioland hevenoe department regarding the inspection of coal oil all dealera are in tbe future held responilble for the quality of oil they offer for sale under a penalty ot at least 20 no one allowed to offer for sale oil that at a lower temperature than 85 degree emita a vapor that will flash or that at a temperature ot 62 degrees weighs more than 806 to the gallon the peterborough sevieu announce that mr titration will nob be opposed in west fetorborough his majority in- 1808 vtas 009 mr latohford the new minister will run in bonth renfrew to make room for him mr b a campbell will resign mr campbell bad a majority of 1400 at the last election he also it ia understood will be returned by acolama- tion holders of ontario wool 08 aa well as 09 clip are encouraged by the report ot advanoea ot lo to 2o in prloea in the new disastrous reversesto briti fo two battallona and a mountain battery captured by the boere 2000troops taken prisoners lohiioh nov 1 8peolol the fore- oaats of defeat over which keen obawrvora were brooding before midnight on honday have been officially oonarmed yeataday waa tbe bluest and blackest day loudon baa known einoe tbe lint tidlnes i the brpoy rebellion the tidings llit tho boera bad outmauoenvred general white and while luring on the british centre and right bad ambuscaded the left wiait out two battalions to pieces and forced tkiim to surrender together with a moacttln bitt- ery filled the ttreeta with dlimny and gloom a disaster wliioh it is impossible to dis guise or mlnimine baa at length ixfwllen tbe british arms in south alrlca the capture of two regimont and a buttery after terrible slaughter baa appallnd england and demonstrated what bas been dear to dispassionate observers sicca active operation began that the burghers are good atrategists aa well at aplendid uajliters the column wbiob waa reported nnlsaing in monday nigbta despatches wati aur roanded by 10000 to 15000 boere and those who were not killed are priaoders of the enemy tbe hat of dead cannot be ascertained aa nothing haa been received in london up to tbia hour exoeptgen whites message to the war offloe an- nonnoing the reverse the loss ot boera ia 000 to 1000 xondon nov 1 about six tboaaand freah troops will arrive at cape tosn on sunday next and will be availabdn to reinforce sir george white transports will arrive there daily after sunday until by the end of next week 28000 troops will have been landed in bonth africa these men are intended for gen sir redvera bailers army but they will undoubtely be detaohed to natal if the aituation there ahould beoome perilous the british army will eventually reaah the bugo total of 89688 of wloh 69684 will be regulars and tbe other 26000 misoellaneoaa but excellent oolonial troops liter capetown nov 1 a deapatote just received from general white sapi tbe cause of the loss of the two regiments waa the atampede of mnlea with all tbe ammunition tbe brave fellows nmdea herolo stand aa long aa the ammunition in their pouahea lasted and then aharged with their bayouets bnt were anrrounded by the boer horde and taken the boar loss in dead and wounded ia extremely lavy ladyamlth ia perfectly safe and general white feels quite capable of holding it until reinforcements arrive ontarios sunday schools the provlnolal convention at gait last week a great the sal army the life of these self-sacr1- ficino workers often one of hardship while on duty capt ban bryan waa stricken with a supposed incur able disease and foroed to relin quish the work he has now recovered his health from tho now aloxandha one tliolifoofa salvation army workor la very fur from boiiik a iluoouro tbelr duties are uot only arilunua but iboy are cullad upon by tbe reuulitioub of tbe army to conduct out- ifdoor mnoi lna at all oluboob and in ult kiudu of weather tbia beintf tbe oio it is utilo wonder thut tbo health of these edf euonflcinfi workers frequently fjivea way capt ben bryan whose home ia at maxvllto oot u well known through hib former oonneottou with tbe army having been ttationed at each important point i aa montreal torooto kingston gatlph and brookvilte in canada and at schenectadv troy aud other points in the united blaise white on doty be was uttaekpd by bo oh lied incurable diaeaae but having been restored to health through the use of dr williams pink pills a representative of the alex andria nexaa thoofiht it worth while to proonre from bb own lips a etatement of bis illness and recovery he found mr bryan at work a healthy robust man bb appearanoe giving no indications of bis recent sufferings tbo ttory of his illness and substqnent cure by the use of dr williams fink fills reads liko a roiraole and is riven in his own words as follows while stationed at deseronto in jajy i was attaoked with what the doctors called obronio spinal men inge tis the by rap torn a were some what el rail a r to ttiose preceding a plenratio attack but were aooompanled by spasms which when the pain became too severe rendered me unconscious the length of these unconscious spells increased as tho disease advanced aftor spending four months in the kingston general hoepitbl and on the salvation farm toronto i regained some of my former strength and returned co ray work tbe second attack occurred when i was etationed at bohenec tady n y- in october 180b and was more serious than the first tbe symp toms of the second attaok were very similar to tbobe which preceded the first tbe only apparent difference being that they were more severe and and the after effects were of longor duration owing to when sun shine makes seeing painful you will and great comfort in a pair of our london smoke glasses we have them from 25c upwards pringle the jeweller practical optician guelph eureka harness oil la the toast praaeiratwe of now ana the beat ranotator pi old laatbar ltoluaoftans black- of and protecta ult eureka harness oil an toqr lust ban r j au andjanr emta top ana tber will not onlr look bolur but wu iraaer boldrsirwhtwln cans all atasa from salt pfnu to br gallona sua fcr imnuii oil co uaiua soudgolds285 boat gold fill 160 6 yra gold fill 100 best glassos 100 ws paiarantoo porfoct satisfaction globe optical co g3 yonge street toronto dont be inquisitive about tbe affairs of even your trtoet intimate friend sroib sows from a hckino cough take pyny pectoral it will cure yoa quick ly no matter how bad tbe cold endorsed by thousands of canadians sold throughout the land manufactured by tbe proprlotora of porry davis painkiller dont contmdlat people even through yonre euro you are right tirr japs did it thoy supply us with the menthol oontainod in that wonderful d l menthol phater which relieves in stantly backache headache neuralgia rheumatism and aaiotioa manufactured by the davis la wren oo co limited dont underrato atithin beoouse you limehou5e mtaa katie boott ia spendink a week at the home of her c later mrs mcdouald at acton mrs kannwid of sbelburue u vfsitinr at mrs john moored mr alex and miss kennedy of dryden are at home on a visit a brand new daughter oime ti tbe homo of mr and mrs robert ltuo lust week the follow n k motiou was pinaud at lit meeting of eaqueeing council moej by mr bt hiker neconded by mr near that the treasurer be autborid t pay mrp proct r tho sum of 95 aha being itnubo to provide for horself thirf paying fn full to january 1st 1100 i -i-i- xi the ache will stop if you tnlto itoitmani ilcadnche 1ouderi ihe urt powder seldom fulls tho second nciet 1 ornny lilud of lieaducuo from any onnfio lonl- tlcly iiarmicba dluagroeablo oircts neer follow the iturent qulclcost beat hcadacho remedy over preparod h0ffmans headache powders are sold in 10 envalopw and 15c bozca by drafglaui cvcrjrwtipre tha uorlsu drtif co bridvebarr oat imiiiinai taras 3ntot liiicfc but twas tact judgement and nerve that secured to us 697 yards or halifax and fancy tweeds at a wonderfully low cost we have them in browns fawns greys and blues zoc ouc and 03c a yard will give you the best value you ever bought in tweeds that is if you come to the lion for them wool6ns ht the frajsk dowlbr oo wool blankets we have made a name for ourselves in this line lcciube we have always ignored the cheap rashy poods offered by the trade nnd have had our own goods made specially for our own irade hence it is that when you come to use and wash our blankets you find they are honestly made and serviceable we arc hav ing a big blanket sale this week seo our window flannels the samo miy be said of flannels manufacturers vied with eich other in getting up cheap looking goods that when you came to wash them shrink and discolor till the people in disgust gae up using them to a great extent to remedy this we have flannels made for our own trade that wont shrink nor discolor in the washing and they hac been a great success all who use them once will have no other we also offer tuo special lines in check tweed skirtings and all wool serge dress goods that are much better than ordinary this wil be a big week in woolens at the frank dowler oo guelph s greatest store fltiv jkbvtrtistmtnts boy wanted onb aoauatomod to h organ and willing to make lilmbolf aonortlly useful apply to dit mckejaoue aoton property for sale a number of farms and village property for oalo ou easy torma apply to wm hembtkeet aoton money to loan phivate tuudh on nm mortfiago or ood farm proporty at jx apply to j i moiinod solicitor georgotown lor sale two double brick cottages on young stroot aoton with all conveuioucos a cood jnvoatmont as tbey bring lu t10 a mouth apply to j ii aiatthcwb oi jas fiubtdrook acton toronto wanted tjmitmeits boobor otbor intlubtrloun porsotih of fair oducfttlon to wboiu f0 00 a moritli would bo an inducement i could aleo engato a low ladlon at tbolr own bomus t h linscott brantford our optician has a diploma from the canadian optical college of toronto and is thoroughly abreast of the times in fitting the eye with proper glasses teaming a b mr matthews baa loosod bis farm tlio tx undersigned is now open for orders for all kinds of teaming orders left at tbo post otuco or at my bouso will receive prompt attontlon ohab deolut aoton oct 2nd 1609 agents dreyfus tbo prlbonor of dovll b island full story of tbe moat romarkablo military trial and scandal oftfbo age dig book woll ulustratod soils on bight baap for canvauors dkadleygaerdtson co limited brantford agents t6 f ight of life tbo now tobtamont ox jlaf plained and tbo llvea of tbo apostlos two books in one endorsed by all clorgjmen bonanza for oanvassera agonts taking orders from tbroo fourths calls made if you want a share in tbia gold mine hustle bradley g arhetbon co llmltod brantford established in guelph 51 years savage co opticihns nov 2mi ebtadligtlep wanted bitlght men ana women who aro not too prond to work and would liko to tuako home money daring tbo nozt three months handling tho wonderful light of lire 1 00 a day sure some make twice that expotionco or capital unnecessary bradley garret80n co llmltod brantford agents our christmas books are ready from fifty cent up four books explained lu odd erospoctqb ona is famous men and grout renta of tbo nineteenth contary great battles great men great inventions and dla covorloa progress of nations every groat event of tbeoentary if yon have a slow soiling book or engaged in otbor agency business you lose money to continue hero is tho best oppor tanity for making money you ever had big profit easy time new plan get onr offer suro bradleygaiutetson co limited brantford ontario wanted agents la overy diatrlct od tho continent to tako orders for blah gredo canadian grown nnrsery stock and ueda largost and most oomplts asaortment in the trade fast- anlllng s s sa england markets laat weak the bids of american bayera have bean too low to permit of profitable ablpmenta eo far bat there is reason to believe if tbe npward trend of valaea oontinaea that some bnainesa for export will soon be- done bradiirucn success the cbief editorial topio in the american ilonlhhj review of unleun for november ib the war in sontb africa in the progress of the world tbe editor rives a foil exposition of tbe british and boer sidea of the qnarrel respectively tbe subject ia aleo treated in tho department of current history in caricature and mr stead contributes a obaracter aketoh of ihe man of the month in sooth africa ceoil bbodea the decision of tbe new ontario gov ernment to appoint a oommlaaion of jndgea to investigate tba west elgin eleotion case and to prosecute those re ported for oorropt praotioes in the by- elections will meet with very general approval it ia safe to say howevsr that if conservative workers sre hit pretty hard by the decisions of tba commission the opposition press will be disposed to find fanlt notwithstanding their argent de- demande for investigation quelph mercury tbe btatlstieal year book of canada for tbe year 1800 haa jast beer issued it is a volume bristling with facts and agates relating to the bnainesa of canada there is a short history of canada the physical features of the dominion era summarised the constitution and government ot tbe country are set forth and there are articles on treaties the land segalatlona oarrent events and byeeleotlons the atatistical portion of lbs boo deals oat figures relating to tba progress of the dominion the work done by the com pilers baa been arduous and thorough tbe day is not far diatsnt says sn exchange when canada will be compelled to maintain a small standing army in order to maintain her place among nation and be the right arm of oolonial support to ths british empire na8saqawbya farmers are bnsy taking np tbelr turnip crop whioh ia a vary fair one for thia year mr emerson anderson moved from knatehboll to fera on monday he haa aeoured a situation in tbe brlok works tberer dr alfred husband vs of nstsaagawsya left for mew york last week where be baa not a aituation fn his profession we wish him anoaeaa in bis new field threshing is aboot over for another season mr samuel c agnew of knatohbull bats commenoed bisohopper again mr jlurb beid of eremoea baa been engaged aa taaofaer of school section mo 0 naaiagaweya for next year duties to commence at mew yeara quarterly sacramental asrvioes of the methodist obqrota for the massagaweya oiroolt will be held in tbe ebenraer ohnreh on sunday morning next at 1080 oolook bev dr scanlan pastor will oonduot tbe servloe mr wm barton of eequeelne baa been engaged as tesoher for sobool eeotloo mo 0 nssaegawsya for 1000 dalies to oommenoo on 1st jsnasry tbe thirtyfourth annual convention held in gait last week war a moat fcutrno- tive inspiring and gratifying aucceas the attendance was large there being about 800 registered delegates with an attendance at the evening sessions of 1200 or 1300 the programme waa helpful timely and interesting the reports of the executive committee the general secretary and treaaurer were encouraging and breathed the spirit of advancement in the important work undertaken the addressee and conferences were invariably of a obaracter replete with practical suggestions improved motboda and plans for better and mere aggressive work in tbe future in the presence of mr b f jacobs ths father of the international sunday school lesson system and of mr marion law rence the able international fild worker there was an inspiration which all workers appreciated their aplendid addressee were crowded with good tbinga and teachen and officers generslly were enooarsged to abetter more sggreasive and mors folly consecrated service it wss a great privilege to saltend tbe claaa for lesson study oooductcd by mr jacobs on thursday morning a 6 80 oclock five hundred active sooday school workers attended and they felt it to be a benedlotlon to be there a feature of the convention wast the tbe presence of saoh large numbers of professional and bnalneas men all eeuneat workers anxious to beoome better qualified for servloe in this important section of tbe mssters vineyard from toronto alone there were four prominent lawyers who took aotlve part in the proceedings the convention did itself honor in elect ing aa hi president for tbe oarrent year dr w t harrison of eeene who will make a worthy aaooeasor lo mr thomas hoqilllooddy whose execntive ability at tbe convention was universally admired the sunday sobool workers and oltisene generally of gait beaded by hon james young an expresident of the associsttlon and bev dr dickson pastor of the ohtnrch where thesssalons where held rendered the delegates a most oordlal reception the hospitality enjoyed was of ths very heartiest character every delegate being made to feel perfectly at home tbe preoariohb state of my health i was compelled to resign my position after tho second attaok and return to my home ut maxvills while there a friend advised me to try dr williams fink pills and i began naing them in marab 1809 i bavn used only a dozen boxeb and am once more enjoying perfeot health i feel that i am perfectly well and can cheerfully aay that i attribute my present sthte of health to the effects produced by dr williams fink fills mra bryan has also used tbe pills and baa been benefitted very muob there by dont posseaa it tbore are oaeea of consumption ao far advanced that bickles ant connamptive syrup will not care but nono eo bad that it will oot give relief for ooauba colds and all affect on a of tho throat lungs and chest it is a specific wbiob has never been known to fail it promotes a free and eaay ezpeo torn tion thereby removing the phlegm and givea the diseased parts a ohnoe to lieal d e macdonald bro golden lion guelph 1843 grand trunk svi railway system the great auction sale route dont express a positive opinion unless yon perfeotly understand what you are talking about aiteb a c01d diuve a teaspoon of painkiller mixed with a glass of hot water and sugar will be found a better atitnnlant than whiskey avoid sabatitntes there is bat ona painkiller ferry davis sco and 6o0 tttf8da 7th november bae of stock implements and sundries the property of james matthews aoton sale at 1 oolook sharp term a 95 and twelve months wm hemstreet auctioneer to chicago denver dont oonolade that yon have never bud any opportunities in your life dont repeat gossip even if it does interest a crowd catarrhozone guaranteed care for catarrh catarrh- ozone ozonated air aare is guaranteed by ths makers to oare tbe most ohronio osbs of catarrh of tbe nose or throat it cores by inhalation no danger no nik caftarrboeone when inhaled ia volatile enough to reach the minutest cells of the langsand bronohlal tabes where it attacks tbe disease at its foundation it carea bfokuse it cannot fail to reach tbe right spot frloe 91 o0 at all druggists or direct by mall on receipt ot price bend 103 in stamps to n o poison a go manofg chemists kingston ont for sample and testimonials piaster wegatassttt that these plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other put up only in 25c tin boxes and lioo yardrocs the latter allows you to cut ths plaster any si every family should have one resdy for an emer gency bavliauwhttceca luntid hostital ifewar of imitation si louis omaha lob anroles ban diego ban francisco and points in california arizona new mexico colorado aud other faciflc coast foints if yoa are contemplating a trip for health pleasure or nusinoss to tbe land of bunshino fruit and flowers through tickets to all foreign points for desdrlptivo ttuldra timo tables era apply to agoots o t 11 bystom h s holmes agent aoton m o dickson dlst passr agt toronto interesting war maps spey8ide obo john a barber m p p haa been eleoted a director of the cyclone grato bar co of toronto aweddlnjt in high social elreles is oneof the events annouooed to materialise here next wednesday an enthnslaatio branch of helton bl- torioal sooitjr waa formed on monday evening preaident robertson and fito- retary coatee of hilton were present and delivered interesting addresses major grans lbs president of helton sunday school assocatlon arrived borne from gait last friday where he had been attending the provincial convention he speaks in the highest terms of the spro- oeedinos and the splendid addressee de livered hiss jessie alexander will appear in town early in december under the eioa- pioes ot the epworlb league dont believe that everybody else in tbe world la happier than you a bono for our volunteers hilltary and patriotic poetry ia very popular at present a taking poem on our first psge ia entitled when the beglment came baok and we iflve below a poem which appeared in tbe fitsb fuses in may 18s6 when the volunteers were about to return after subduing the north west rebellion thia aeleotlon was banded in the other day by mrs jennie b cameron who had preserved the paper daring the interval of fonrteen yeara milton a number from thia vlolnlty attended the indnctlon services at the v f ohnroh on tuesday afternoon ths stamford presbytery of tba united presbyterian ohnreh met in tbe maosewood ohnroh at 1 oclock p m for ths purpose of installing bev alexander p gillespie b a as pastor of tbs manaewood oonrrefatloo bev o m pllsr of walton preavebed and delivered tbe charge to the newlyinstalled pator bev a g klnft d d of gait offered the installation prayer and addressed tbs oomtregstioa the manse- wood congregation are mush pleased at having a milled pastor agsln bev end mrs george bichardson sand mr bobert cosies enjoyed tbe various sessions of the provincial sunday sotaool convention at gall laat week mr f h deacon is taking a course at stanley barraoka toronto the deer bontere left tble week for moekoka the anniversary of ihe opening of q raise church will be held on thuraday the ltvtb and sunday the loib of november co thursday 18th there will be divine servloe beginning et 780 pm when the bev lr lengtrv beetor of st lukava ohnroh toronto will preach tbs largest shipment of hogs tbat bas probably ever been made at one tints from milton was mde ltsl week bv paliereeu bras when over 400 were shipped cor whlob nearly 8000 oaab waa paid theres a bappy time coming when tbe boys come borne theres a glorious day coming when the boya oome borne we will end tble dreadful story of this treason dark and gory in a sou burst of glory when lb boys oome bomo the day will sam brighter when the boya come home for onr hearts will be lighter when the boya oomo home wives and eweatbearts will prua them id tbelr arms will caress them and pray for ood to bleu them when tbe boya oome home tba thinned ranks will be proudest when tbe boya oome borne and their obeer will ring tbe loudest when the boya oome home tbe fall ranks will be shattered and the bright arma will be batters and tbe battlaatandard tatterod when tbe boys oome home tbelr bayonets may be rutty wban tbe boya oome home and tbelr uniforms dusty when tbe boys oome borne but all shall see tbo traot of battles royal grace in tba brown aud bearded face whon tbe boys oome home onr love aball so to meettbsm whan the boy oome horns to bleas them and to gnat than when tbe boya oome home and the fame of their endeavor time and obanga aball not dissever from the empires bear forevar wban tbs boya oome boms to thoroughly understand the war situation a map ol the war diatriot is necessary the family jferaldantl heelly star of montreal are aa always to the fore and thia week present every reader of that great paper with a beautifully colored map of south afrloa epeolally prepared vtfth all neoesaary explanations thia generons act of the family fferad and weelly star cost it publishers no are told thousands of dollar bnt it is aare to be appreciated it oertainly payb to be on the subscription list of the family herald and wetuy slar we see the family herald and weelly star will isaue to its ubsoribere another rasp of reconstructed africa a comparison of the two will be interesting aa ebowing what great britain will have gained by the war the uptodate tailoring store in thanking our friends for their patron age for past seasons we beg to announce that our stock for fall and winter is now complete and in anticipation of a larger business and also a great advance in british and foreign goods wo placed our import orders early that we might give our friends the benefit of the advance which has taken place we have the production of the besl mills and the latest novelties in designs in suitings pantln8 overcoatings call and see ohr goods to show them dropped dead the man with heart trouble never knows when his time may come when he leaves home for work lie tuny ncvei jctumjalivc henmydxop4eadonthel it is a puq fit and workmanship guaranteed cooper akins mill st acton we are sole agents in aoton for the cole bratect behwarp andbienhelm setflet whlob does not fade or change its oolor in two years wear or money refunded street in bis pulpit in his office over hfa work bench heart disease is no respecter of person the christian min ister is liable the smite as anyone else rev c i mundell writes i miltcred from that drrailfitl tired fefutttt and weakness and in ifloi i font my lteitult nil i went to one of the lteit iloctorh in the tether ftate and lie mild i had heart ntouinch ik cr nnd kidney trouble if in t rent men t did me no good 1 tried- different klndi of patent medicine but ths d a l emalilon benefits roott those hsrlng ling troubles with lendenoy lo hemorrhage a faw bottle t iken rega- lrly make a wonlerfa1 improvement made by davis a lawrence co limited hiit trentment did me no good klndi of patent medicine but got wprae all the time if i walked np 1111 or little ft it seemed an thctiirh my lienrt would jump out i lied almost given tin nil hope nnd iymoneywaaallroneiwaritvcarceiyallctoinnke living finally i wror- i wrote ir pierce anil follow tore a bottle of jjr pierce flolden medical discovery and bottle of hu pleasant pellets this was h year ago and imvv i am happy to that i am in the enjoy mint of perfect health d f inytienlth that i iv slncen tpr pierce this was h year ago and now i am happy to any 1 peyfcci v- nt ici irilftlityttodaiidthentolpr pi i would not do without your pellets am so gtnd f inytienlth that i cannot any too i flint return my sincere thanks to al- id then to tr pierce for pinch hhhftrtd dollar too no fr month do not think i am cxtiffffcrntlng my ntate- nt is true ami if any doubt it they can write to rtnegrove ohio where i live and if any aicut is true aiwl if any douli rgrove ohio where should think this an assumed name and that such a man as c mnnhfll does not exist they may look in the minute of providence associa tion or in the baptist year hook in the list of rldera and they will and my name constipation nnd biliousness are radi cally cured by dr pierces pellets dontpki l lto sbb geo stovels 8tock of boots and shoes suitable for all classes prloes reasonable stovel tf as a splendid line of school childrens shoes ladles street shoes misses walking shoes mens working boots mens drets shoes mens soots and leggings for tan nery wear full line of rubbers for tall wear all excellent vai us stovel does all kinds of custom work and guar- antees his own work stovel makes n syeclaltv of repairing stovel has a line of boya strong moots which he is clearing out at 50c per pair at agnbws old stand next to melvins barber shop mill st acton hamiltons tavorite shopping place klwmys winning ne7 fri6nds its very noticeable here tbe way in which each seasons business persists in surpassing that of the previous year eacb season we sell more dresses more hats more jackets more everything than we did the year before theres really nothing very remarkable about this it simply shows that each seasons customers are thoroughly satisfied with what they buy here and tell their friends so then their friends become our friends too the friends of this store are an exceptionally well satisfied lot of people are you one of them colored dress goods swc specials colored cashmere trench made colored japanese silks nice bright yarn dyed allwool 44 inches finish 23 inches wide complete wide in nay myrtle and brown range of shades special at 35c regular value 40c for 25c taney striped razmer sitks in a same quality and width in red large variety of stylish colorings shade regular 40c value for 30c very pretty for waists special fine colored cashmere allwool value 50c french made yarn dyed in card- very special line of black peau de nal green brown purple blue j sole for dresses fine bright finish grey and fawn special at 50c s guaranteed quality worth much repps all wool 42 inches wide in more than the price we ask name- navy myrtle brown fawn and s ly ioo grey 50c cheviot suitings in blue green spectmla in towels brown and grey 5 inches wide c crcam huck towel l8 6 h l i i ivn in w with m d either white or red 11 wool in brown green and i border ioc fawn 50c cream hues towels pure ilnen size ao x 40 inches red or plain white bihcjs dress qoods i border fringed also some wilh 1 f t- n 1 plain hem and others neatly hem- qiute a largo lot of fancy black s stitched nc dress goods in venetian dlngon- fim bleached hack linen fowefs als figured poplins and russell i x frlngedi 0 cord allwool 44 inches wide s white borders good quality worth regular value 50c for 40c i ascfor aoc cheviot serges new stylish finish heavy winter weight 45 inches 20c wkttpperetfas for zoo wide nil wool ariety of qualities ranging from 60c down to 35c 5 si lot ol i wrapperettes large bhstei crepons bright mohair variety of stripes checks and fancy finish various pretty patterns 44 patterns for waists childrens inches wide 75 wm wrappers good reliable j qualities regular value 15c for ioc 8end for 8amples- we are always glad to send samples and prices on application and we pre pay tho charfes to any railway station in ontario on all mall orders amounting to 95 or o or thomas c watkins free correspondence in any jatitfatvgo thosa eosltloas ftra money makers and territory ahould 0 secured at one tor the season by all hustler looking tor a good thing onr alary or com minion offers interest to anyone not earning 1000 00 per year get in communication with oar nearest offloe an opportunity to represont a wollflitablishodbeuse ability more impor tant than experience iltlke brothers company y international muraerlos chloatfojll montreal que boobester n four palais ot valuable property in acton for sale the following property belonging to mr patrick kklly now ol buffalo in offered for aale at low prices and eaay terms pabori 1 tbat floe brick residence and two lota on tbe corner of obnroh and guolph btreeth contains 8 rooms nard and soft water splendid orobud ond good sarden panose s good building lot 60 x 132 on qnelph street next to alex ratmuawa now residence upon wbiob is a yonng orchard paiiokl atho store and dwelling on mill street oeonpied by unrney bros who carry on a general business is in splendid location central and convenient paucbx 4 three good building lots at the corner of youogatid mill btreets a splendid site for a man ufactqrlng establishment owing to its proximity to o t r depot for terms and particulars enquire at the offlco 1 w h denny young st acton ng-6t-eaat- cor hugh a on st hamilton thorps elevator c t r station rockwood now open for the season highest prices paid for oats peas barley wheat rye etc also on hand for sale floor feed flaxseed oilcake oatmeal cornmeal sulphur cattle salts eto horse and cattle hides sheepskins guv wanted ceo j thorp v auolph xlmlr and raokyro s h bve mid them mam tu our monqr loj and t wo will end you free your choice of the clld said sacll sunas u shown in cats on being nry handiomcly engraved bwid ring 1 he otter 4ton gem ring consisting of two atishriim duunonda and a brtllhuit fnoch red ruby thu pertum la th best over pbtctd heron th public it destroys all obnoxious odors and givea th breath that tvagrantaiid delicious wmtness only obtalmble by kwar we r making this ofler for th tmrpoi ofta trodudng our goods to tho public it bshti t n t we r making this ofter for th tmrpos i trcduclng our goods to tho public it b i purely bualncsa tranaacllon and not t wy pbuanthrapic spirit on oar part r universal perfume co locquhg mssieers aimftbe tokmn 1 ci bshtsta isrocaptsdby uni1bsgrved anotion batb op farm stock implements eto the undersigned baa received instructions from james matthews aoton to sell by pnblio auction at his farm at acton on- tuesday 7th november at one oolook sharp the following hobsis 1 working mare ft years old 1 uire years old driver a beauty 1 pair porcnoroa edits matched by old rival cirrus ljersey oowdus to calve in fob 1 jerssy and durham now due to calvo in march 1 holateln and durham oow duo to ealveln feb a eovra anppoaed to be in calf 1 fresh milker a grade eowa in call 1 ayrshire heifer in calf 1 jersey bull s years old ollslble for pedlgna 1 jersey heifer a years old 1 st y 14 verting pioa 1 brood beranhlre sow and b pica 0 weaka old a brood aowa berkahlre 8 ark shire ahoats pocltbt about 40 hens imrumatrr 4o 1 patterson binder 1 pt terson mower 1 wlsmer drill 1 lumbar wacou wide tires 1 lumbar wagon nearly new 1 lumbar wagon single 1 heavy cart ana harnote 1 9 seated democrat 1 tot bumy 1 oid rtei 1 i bstjatetebs 1 rfr bob sloghs light euttere t pfcwa 3 new s pair iron barrowsi 1 cultivator 1 hand power cutting box 1 band cutting box ilner nearly new 1 agr funaoe i plattoi irjkinv 1 what it represents when you sit for a photograph you want the likeness to represent you properly when you alt to as we want the work to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none but the best photo graphs and for onr sake as well aa yours we are sura lo give you lifelike satisfac tory photographs h rktcsimslie photo rrtist rcton dont be rude to your inferiors in soolal position dont jeer at anybodys religions belief pulhi cafe boat haamres aloi platform stono a mtu heavy team harness horse knitting naonue cost mr lteoib knltttac ssl5slj matrtinlhenry sj hhloaalng shotgun nd ssstl fotnpe mover mko ss8i ihorlog machine 1 hsy rack 1 broad axe leoalatore fs ekjp m bas leaaod lil isgakjvs msfssls auaumeof five dollar 0tr amount twoho lo1ko jotal nol b wu bbh8tbbbt auotlouoor c0hl order yoar coal now from j c hill coal dealer firstclass coal of all sizes required delivered promptly ai reason able prices stoves ranges pipes pipe varnisli stovo boards coal scuttles etc rcton jchill

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