Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 ubas office hamilton ont capital all paid up 1 404000 reserve fund 91 000000 total assets 9 i 3 1 63000 j turnbull cashier savings department one dollar or more reoelved interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the puss book security the government returns show that depositors in this bank have over the million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money lodned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair sates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch ebtadlioued ovbn twbntt rsabs j p bell agent the news at home mostly of a looal character and every item interesting thursday november 3 1899 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week november grain is oomlng in more freely now delays are dangerous advertise now obristmas will be bere seven weeks from next monday the past week bas given quite a mixture of weather tbe annual convention of the w 0 t 0 ia in aeeaion in guelph halloween is over and the jaok-o- lanterns arepot away again tbe extensions to the street lighting aervioe are being made this week tbe publio library board will meet tomorrow evening at 780 oolook quick returns made rioh merabanu bnt the merohants most advertise a new engine ia about to he installed in the flour mill by mesbrs cbeyne bros a number of stonethrowing lids may get into trouble if the practice is contlnned have you beard to daya news of tbe war is a eurrent query these mornings now that ita november you may call it indian summer and not offend the old time propheti a defeotive fuse out off tbe lights in knox churoh during the aervioe bncday evening for a few minotea rev h a maopberaon is invited to address a meeting of tbe w f m s in arthur on tuesday nov 7tb messrs symon brothera are offering their stock at bargain pricea intending shortly to remove to the northwest the second of tbe aeries of sermons on the epistle to the hebrews will be given in knox oburoh next sabbath evening by tbe paator new aubioribera are being daily enrolled tbe fnzx foesb gives good valne for tbe ioveatment of 9100 two copies for j176 merohants i yon bave found fall and winter advertising profitable in tbe paat write your advertisement now for next weeks fbex phehs at the last meeting of tbe township oonnoil the followlog acoonnt was paaied colin mitchell material and trimming for pair of pants for john henry 74o officer graham informs tbe fsxx puss that the cost of actons granolithio walks was eleven oents per square foot instead of twelve as stated last week all tbe oldfashioned weather signs are said to iodioata a mild winter bnt mean while theres no barm in buntiog ap tbe one whioh has shut the door i on it rev r- j molntyre of toronto formerly of the ever ton ciroull will preaoh the communion sermon at tbe briok oburob siloam next snnday at 1080 oclock mr john frank jiaa rented the farm of mr john walter near acton mr walter will retire from farming and ooonpy the briok residence recently pnrobaicd on park avenue a number of acton laoroese admirers went to brampton on monday to ses the match between beaverton and wiarton the former won and are now dubbed the no 2 champions tbe address to tbe methodist sunday school last sunday afternoon by mr ii g jackson editor of the newmarket era who is superintendent of the methodist b s in tbat town was uiuoh appreciated mr g o olark has returned from columbus ohio with his trailing stallion mooormao which bas had eoch a phe nomenal record the past six weeks mooormao took high rank in bis class and earned big purses for bis owner s tbe annual meeting of tbe guelph fresbytsrlal missionary boolsty will bs fd in knox oburoh next thursday at 8 p lira goldie of gntlpb will deliver an address a cordial invitation to be pre sent is extended to all tbe ladles of the other denominations the parry sonnd star entered upon its twentysixth year of publication last wsek tbe star is a very worthy represen tative of tbe enterprising parry bound diitriot bro ireland twenty years of editorial management bas been a period of steady and aggressive progress ons or tbs biggest newspaper com bination offers avsr mads in oanada is lbs offer of ths weekly aw toronto combined with theowncy herald of montreal includ ing tbe prsmlom plolnres for 1185 a sllll bigger offer is thst of ths suit combin ed with ibis paper for 1110 address orders for tbs ban oombined with tbe family hernia to ths sum printing com pany limited toronto to ib pura rloh lady oured of bar deafness and noises in tbs head by dr nicholsons artlfloal ear drams has sent 1000 to bis instltnts so that deal people noable to procure the bar drams may ban thsm free apply o dspartmsnt k b tbs institute 780 eight asanas new tort u s a halloweens annual carnival the vigilance of the comtablea and tbe brilliance of tbe electrlo light did not hinder the uaaal fool pranks entailing hard work heavy lifting noisome odors and damage tofpropeity and tbe prankaters call it fun sheep killed by dots ownerless dog continue to be a mensoe to the farmers hooks at last meeting of efrjueaiog gounoll tbe following was paesod moved by mr stalker scoonded by mr near that tbe treasurer bs authorised to pay the following amounts being in eaoh oase twotbirda value of bbeep killed by dogs the owners thereof being unknown graham lawaon three sheep 814 00 paul kennedy 8 bheep 2000 john watson two sheep and ono lamb 91000 an eminent preacher the methodist congregation bere is 10 be favored next sunday the oocasion of the missionary anniversary with sermons by rev jamea henderson d d tbe assoc iate missionary secretary dr henderson is one of the most eloquent divines in the ohuroh and being in general demand engagements mnbt be made from one to two yeara in advanoe to secure blm dr henderson will no doubt be welcomed by very largo congregations on this his first visit to aotou jvetr sabbath sohool pablioatlona the suooess of the fresbyterlarj sabbath sohool publications daring the past year has justified the undertaking of two new illustrated pspers samplea of whloh we have just reoelved the reguialf issue begins with 1900 and it the first two nnmbere now on our table are a fair epeoimen tbe publications are bare to succeed rev r douglas fraser confed eration life building toronto is editor and business manager the papers are published under the authority of the general assembly presbyterian cbnroh in canada jzojnanoe at hespeler the wrecking of tbe scotsman on tbe ooast of bella isle on tbe morning of sep tember 22nd was tbe means of oreatlng a romanoa among the passengers on the steamora were henry swartz a german bound for united slates and edith davis a young english lady en route for hes peler ont during the terrible scenes whloh tollowed the wreoklog of tbe boat swartz saved miea davis life twioe at tbe risk of loeiog bib own instead of going on to the states tbe gallant german accom panied miu davis to hespeler and last saturday tbe life which he twioe saved tip by the bonds at holy wedlock united to bis until death dotb part a a october weddlati the foes pnxss extends congratulations to mr and mr thomas brook aktos upon their marriage on monday evening miss october honor roll standing of the studious pupils in aoton publio sohool held the monthly examinations were last week with tbe following result vinst dblantment olaia v liottie moore 248 bennle walloon 289 mabel mooro 200 clssi iv mabel soper 272 ettie mo- douald 20s ernest wiuon 211 class iv lnt florence poper 2g8 mary goodeve 248 ida laird 242 clash iv jun wm taylor 248 jennie miquein 280 myrtle matthews 227 t t mooue marka possible 800 teaoher skcoid pklmlllulm sodiorhi florence murray 800 jennie smith 800 harold nioklin 800 ena pearson 280 philip hclmos 270 junior 111 ruby clark 800 myrtle cook 283 dan ritohie 275 c mcpmil marks poasable 800 toacher turnit dkimutmknt sr ii myrtle soper 188 myrile soper myrtle d1iii1 187 ethel thomas 1c8 marks poeaiblo 200 jr ii vlnoeut goodeve 224 clara moore 219 alex moqueen 219 maggie forbes 217 marka possible 225 e j mcpiuil toaoher fourth oeraimtent senior part ii emma tovell 188 freeman culeman 152 eber williams 161 junior part ii bessie jobneon 185 willis ltwsop 170 hilda abraham 170 leonard worden 170 battle arnold 1c8 fart i jennie dunn 105 lorena allan 100 john welsford 159 albert mills 1g0 r f fkatiisnstone markb pcasible 200 toaoher fifth nxpautsient seniors ada eastwood 193 james dann 180 marie kennedy 186 marks possible 200 intermediates amy speight 198 fred molaogblan 189 ida graham 185 ethel burgees 185 marks possible 200 juniors arlof dills 98 blaine mcdonald 90 arthur kenney 90 harry bell 83 marke possible 100 e h mcqueen teaoher council proceedings grant to help the craaoents through their seasons expenses ed carried ma t m w t h tfaefohuw p wan p we the members of tlio orescent laaroese olnb do respectfully pray and petition tbe counoll f or a grant of 90 00 eaid money to be applied to defraying itandlng ozpensea of bald elub j b matthews j d mokkb prealdeut secretary moved by john clarke seconded by j a murray that tbiscounoil grant theenm of 92000 to the oresaent laorosse olnb of aoton and that cheque for that amoant be given to their aearetiry mr j d moeee carried council adjourned at 880 oolook the wedding took plaoe at the home of the brides parents mr and mrs edward mat thews mill street tbe ceremony being per formed by rev j a molaohlan m a in thepresenoe of a considerable gathering of frienda of the oontracting parties miss nellie sister of the bride ailed as brides- maind and mr cbas akens merchant tailor supported his brother tbe groom tbe many bridal tokens received were handsome and valuable for a year or two the bride has resided in berlin the many friends of ths young oonple will be glad to know tbat they will make ibeir home in aoton tlio jtorne rifle repreaented tbe 20th lome rifles will be repre sented in tbe canadian contingent which is going to the transvaal sergt r j cunningham of no 4 co oampbellvillo has gone with the contingent he bas been taking a oourse of instruction at tla royal school of infantry toronto he ia a son of the late wm cunningham of mansewood esqaeilng and isayoangman of floe physique and a smart soldier he enlisted as a private the officers of halton battalion and a number ot friends mads up a purse of 985 wbloh was pre sented to blm on his departure sergt cunninghams comrades of the lome rifles wish him bon voyage and hope for bis aafa return when tbe trsnsvaal be- oomes part of tbe british empire other halton boys offered their services bathe is the only representative that went to sonth africa sergt w j moore aoton went to toronto was examined and aooepted the only opening for him at tbe time however was in one of the quebec companies under a frenobcanadian captain and this he would not aocept charles ramahaw son ol robert bam- bhaw of milton and a native of acton mode application for a position on ths hos staff bnt ths vaoano we filled lieot storey and w f dewar also milton boys spplled for positions on tbs contingent will be a great contention the annual convention of helton sunday sohool association to bs held in knox oharcb aoton on thursday and friday let and 2nd of february next promises to be ons of the finest banday school gather ings the oonnty has ever seen in addition to papers and addreises by looal workers a number of prominent workers oataido ths county bave been secured tbsss include dr w t harrison president and mr alfred day seoretary of the provincial bonday school association rev j w roe toronto janotion and an experienced primary teacher from a neighboring oity in addition to those the exeontive of the oonnty commissioned ons ot their number to inteview mr marion lawrenee of toledo ohio the international field worker at the provincial convention at gait last week he is to be in ontario early in the year and there ia every probability that he also will have a place on the programme this good fortune will be appreciated by all banday school workers ot ths oonnty tor mr lawrence is one of tbs brightest and molt largely exper ienced sunday sohool workers on tba cont inent and is rarely heard outside the stats and provlnoial conventions ths conven tion will be devoted largely to normal and primary work bat other phases of sunday sobool interests will also be discus sed ths people of aoton will oordlally weloome ths countys sunday sohool workers and extend tbe heartiest hospital ity daring tbelr slay twenty pur cbnt below j h hamilton of bs old reliable marble and granite works goelpb announces that he will continue to plaoe he best olasses ot granite and marble monuments lombe etc al prloes guar anteed to be twenty per cent below others no agent to receive commissions expenses allowed o and f cotr daslph to purchasers to oubb a cold in one day take laxative bromo qulnlos tablets al draaaista rsfana tbe niouev lilt fella to ear smth w droves sifinatan la on each box counoll met on monday evening at eight oolook all tbe members were prebent reeve pearson in the cbair the committee on finanoe presented their twentytbird report recommending payment of acooonnts ab follows john watson 81 b l poles a31 00 b w ohlibclm te co coal sis 83 j b peanou supplies 7 96 670 81 moved by j a murray seconded by i franois tbat the twentythird report of the finance committee as read be adopt- batch of bio bridoe bills bequeslnir council passes aooounta for norval bridge and other matters at the list mretiog of esqueaing council tbe followlog bills were ordered to be paid joseph e bate for svono for new bridge at norval uxo 00 jobn d blaokwell balance for balld log abatmenta of norval bridge 306 03 hugh ooddlogham tilling approach at west end of norval bridge 130 00 john ouoclngham filling approaoh at east end of norval bridge 100 00 esqueslngasrloulturalboclotyenint co 00 bobert mousater repaira on paper mill bui 21 00 benry bayers putting gravol on 2nd line and speyaide aide road co 00 toronto lime oo limited 30 bis fortlsnd eement 78 oo toronto lime oo limited fit ble ontario eement fl1 0 charles j btarret hauling tile and putting oulvert on orossroad lot 07 eon 11 filling approaches to culvert lot 90 10th line 4 00 afokensle brocnlllngholein onlvert with stones lots 10 and 11 4th con 75 john bnme work done on hu on orossroad lots loand 11 and eon la 50 j u bnls 140 feet road plank 1 51 j l bale 00 loads sand at floc por per load for norval bridge 33 40 3 zj bale teaming ooment for norval bridge 7 co willlambassellpin repairing colvsrt 1 30 john mophsrson com norval repairing oulvert gbinguaeonsy paying a like snm 1 00 john bproat supplying 01 ft road plank to patbmasters at 913 0 in blobard bhortlll for so yds gravel per order ira hilts p m bobert login p m filling gravel jobn wheeler oom llmeboais healing plonk and fixing brldgo lots a and xs stb line john thompson 1 day filling gravel per order alex waldle bobert thompson gravel supplied on lit line james ralnsr par order h l boss p m 1 day filling gravel q h kennedy serrloee aa olark in j 00 1 co 1 00 000 0 00 600 connection with court of appeal as certified to by oonnty judge 19 18 g h kennedy olerk two days saleotiog jurors for year 1809 bobert stewart beeve two days selecting jurora for year 1800 nell gillies assessortwodays select ing jurors for year 1800 david afeqolre aerving notloes for court of appeal as certified to by county judge 12 70 david afoqnlre constable fees at tending oonrt of appeal 150 joseph b bate balance of oontraot supplying stone tor norval bridge 10 00 james glark repairing onlvert on 7th line lot 24 100 moved by mr near aeoinded by mr stalker that this oonnoil do now adjourn to meet on lbs 27th day of november next carried crbw8on8 corners farmers are taking op their inrnipe if the weather keeps fine tbe majority will flolih ibis week tbe crop is not of so good a quality aa nsnal tbe uaorament of the lords supper will be administered in the brick oburoh next uabbalh consequently there will be no asrvioo in the methodist churoh bere mrs r brown sr and mrs l mc millan visited friends in glrnwllllama and vioinity list wsek mrs b watkins who bas been visiting friends in gall returned horns last week miss r nloksll who bos been visiting friends in toronto for tbs past month returned home on saturday miss l bemsbaw ililted frlsnda in guelph last week coming and going visitors to and prom aoton and varlousother personal notes tbo fnxs pbejhb invitee all its readers to eon tribute to this column if you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you bave frlonda visiting ynu drop a eard to the faxa flieas mrs neil molutoah visited friends at fergus last week mr george stovel visited friends in guelph over sundsy mies martha noble of toronto visited aolon friends latt week mrb itoi of toronto is waiting mrs edgar thomas mill street mrs robert kannawin of bbflburoe visited friends bere this week mr james molam visited bis brother samol at georgetown on monday dr m foreter of falmeriton visited hie son dr f j r foreter last week mrs rev j broley of elora was the gaebt during the week of aoton friends mr and mrs l g jackeon of the newmarket era were guebtb at moorecrolt thia week mies winnie molaohlan waa so far recovered aa to be able to attend sunday sohool laet snnday mrs gardinera soninlaw liect young ot toronto went to sooth afrloa with tbe canadian contingent mrs josepu cross of esquesing is spending a few weeks at the home of her brother mr wm brown mr goorge vinoent is able to be about again and hopes to resume bis plaoe al the canada glove worka shortly mr john maophersoo of toronto was tbo guest of his brother rev h a maopberaon at tbe manie this week misses msggie h matthews and phemie laing attended the provincial sunday school convention at gilt last week mrs george laweon of beilln was in town this week attending the wedding of her life long friend mieo maggie d matthewa mrs charles taylor jr and babe of toronto returned to the city on monday after spending a ooople of weeks at ths home of mr ohailestajlir ar mr jobephbobertb returned lait week from the rainy river dlstriot he did well during hia 90 days stay bat saya the country is too rainy for oomfoit mr edward matthews and family have returned from berlin and settled in their old homo on mill street citizens generally will welcome their retarn to aoton rev w farqaharson m a for tbe past eigbt years pastor of tbo clauds presbyter ian oirauit has aooepted a call to dnrbam and served his connection with claude on sunday 22nd october rev amos tovell a native of eramosa has been appointed to the paetorate of zion disoiples cbnroh gpelph he was formerly at elyria ohio mrs tovell ia a chhs l n6llbs guelph the big bookstore well paper window shades room mouldings j d 7vseke druggist our agent in acton will attend to your wants and show prices direct imp why can we sell so cheap efecause we buy direct from the manufacturer save the middlemans profit and give you the benefit we passed through the customs last week two crates of dinner and toilet ware you are cordially invited to call and examine the same pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts an open letter to the gentlemen dear sir can you tell us any reason why we should not have the pleasure of j a mccrea guelph- fancy- goods cold weather is upon us again with its long evenings and tancywork is again taking its place bultenburg will be more in demand than ever we have a large selection of patterns as well as the different sizes in braids and threads wools are being added all the time and just now are ia great demand ladies and childrens slippersoles in all the different sizes space will only permit to tell very httle of what we have in stock cf goodeve co catering for your requirements in fine tailormade clothing for our part we do not know a single one why we should not but we could assign ever so many why we should we possess every facility for the production of madetoorder clothing in the best styes most reliable materials and at the lowest price that it is possible to produce nice clothing for our cutter is one of acknowledged ability out workers are the very best and our range of materials perhaps the largest in the city to choose from the connection of this department with our general business enables us to make up at a smaller cost than the ordinary merchant tailor can we have no hesita tion in saying that our prices average fully ten to twenty per cent less for goods of equal merit in every respect we believe it would be to your advantage to see how well we can serve you we ask as a favor that you take a look through our stock of materials get our prices and if you think well favor us with your order which will have most careful atten tion many of the best dressed gentlemen of guelph get their clothing here and we should be glad to add to our numerous customers most respectfully e r bollert fe 25 and 27 wyndham st guelph co daughter or iobtmaster blaok noon wood editor pan ton who has been on an extended visit to frioudo in tbe western states returned home thursday evening greatly benfitted by bis trip which be eava bai been a most enjoyable one milton reformer rev r b cook is about lo remove from bis residence op fairview avenne to bit oottage on bower avenue he built tbe former home 42 yearn ago and with the exception of six or seven yearn spent in tbe ministry at oataido points it has heen tbe family residence ever since sick h positively cured try these little plus they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowst ness bad taste in the month coated tongns pain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small phi small doao small price substitution tbo fraud of the dny sec you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills evebton in oar oorrespoadenoa two weeks sgo the word mrs shoold have read mr motavish whose death waa referred to mr j benson snd mr leach of lome park spent a few days here last week in hnntio miss forester attended the marriage of miss may morrison to mr ftlker all of goelpb laet wednesday rev mr casildy offiolated in tbe prossnoe of about thirty roest at the raldenoe ol lbs brides father r morrison esq mrs benry orlndell and daughter of aoton spent thareday last with her alaterinlsw mrs wm uvert our sobool teaoher mr p moklonon nas taken to si josephs hospital friday with diphtheria oonseqaently ibsre is no sobool hsre this week mr obss horlop left tuesday for two weeks hunting in muskoka there will be no preaoblog aervioe in tbs mstbodiat ohuroh neat sunday on aooonnt of quarterly aervioe at the bethel appoint ment our boys sailed monday splendid woather and at vast throng aivs thai corps a mag nificent sandoff qusnso oot 80 in splendid weather and the pressnoe of an immense throng otoorled by ths local rsglmenti ths canadian donllogeol paraded today aod went aboard tbs bardinlan whloh will this afternoon sail for booth afrloa friends of ths departing soldiers oams from sll ovsr the country and thousands of visitors wsrs hats incloding nearly all ths members of tbe ottawa government and many officers the sendoff was most enlhualastlo tbs blare of bands and booming of guns adding a martial flavor to ths oheers of the crowd ths voysgs will ooonpy about a month leaving acton we beg to notify all persons owing us that all accounts must be paid before 20th november an not being paid will be placed in court for collection so please attend to it immediately to save yourselves and us trouble b7yrghins as space w ill not permit we quote only a few of our bargains new arrivals in jackets our stock is now ery complete we are selling a lot of jackets but are constantly receiving the new est ideas in the mantle world prices the lowest nnd fits the best dress goeds 6 pair ladies dongola button boots size 3 regular 9i 60 for 8100 6 pair ladles kid gaiter and lace boo is size 3 regular 82 00 for 8125 3 pair ladles chocolate lace imperial kid j d kings size 3 3j 8350 for 9165 8 pair ladies turned sole low shoe j d kings size j 4 5 81 co for 75c 12 pr mens lace size 6 ranging in price from 5 1 60 to g2 25 for 8110 20 lbs granulated sugar 8100 american coal oil 20c per gal 6 cakes sunlight soap or rjchards pure for 25c 4 pkgs corn starch for 35c 4 cans peas corn or tomatoes for 25c honey drip syrup 30c per gal xxx white wine vinegar 25c per gal remefmber these prices are decidedly cash sy2vndn bros cor mill and main sts aoton ir gburney cfe co mill st acton for special values in fall underwear sieves and hester perfect fitting corsets in black grey and fawn special at 100 ourblanketsat i oo-are-leadern- new wrapperette cloths in newest pat terns special at 10c try a package of our social tea special at 25c lb gurnsy st co a stylish shoe for gents at 150 these shoes are made from two kinds of leather one very fine dongola the other a fine smooth leather large white eyelets solid insoles sample in show window imeillsi the shoe man guelph 8 stores for ladles suits we fiave tweeds homespuns and poplins in the newest colorings new goods con- tantly arriving mourning goods a specialty millinery just placed in stock today a shipment of new sailors rough nders lam crowns vilking hats and trimmings henderson co mill st aoton r e nelson merchant tailor and gents furnisher gu9lph correct evening attire means that your garments should not only be cut in the very latest and most fashionable styles but that they should be perfect in their fit and tailoring generally none but an artistic and first class tailor can give you swell st1e and exquisite fit and finish and our reputation in this line is unquestion able our prices are reasonable our fab rics exclusive and our tailoring superb the very newest and uptodate hats shirts glovet and neckwer it doesnt happen very often thht vow cenr k chhnce like this manufacturers sam pies of wool carpets lengths 1 yd lace curtains in y lengths curtain muslins in yd- lengths they wont be here lon but while they are take your choice of them at less than wholesale- cost d e macdonald cfe bro golden lion guelph agents for unrepresented dlrtriou good pay to good men secvkjc your district tor tbe comma sxasoit no w freight and express paid the pfuiiam nukseuy co growing a complete line of nuraery stock includ ing many new varieties of hnrdy roses ornamental shrubs and trees all slock guaranteed free from san jose scale we hold government certifi cate of inspection covering oar btoak write for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto copper mining stocks for several months shrewd investors have been putting their money into the shares of copper mines this is true not only ol men with inrco amounts of money at their disposal but also applies to those who nave made a atudy of investments with a iuw to securing a large return for small investments as high aa three and four hundred per cant has la our knowledge already been realised on some of these investments the ameri cans were the first to make a specialty of copper stocks they knew what they were doing for tbe reason is not far to seek every copper mine in the world is at present taxed to ita utmost limit to meet the growing demand for copper for electrical purposes the reserve stores of copper are being depleted until it pays no longer to use copper in some eastern countries as a coin copper has gone up in price from 9 to 18 cents the supply of copper from the mines of the world today is only about 8 percent of the consumption tht is the reason why finaciera have their engineers searching the four quarters of tlio globe for copper mines and that ia the reasdn the aharea in promising copper companies sure so easily picked up by investors if you bave any money to invest we would ask you to consider the shares of the superior sold coffer company limitld this company owna and operates somo valuable native copper properties we are in a position to offer you a special opportunity in this slock which as an investmcni should give you a profit of at least 100 per oent in six months send for prospectus and particulars occasionally we havean opportunity of giving our if you are clients a special offer on some stocks and we have this opportunity now interested write to us at once these shares are sold in largo or small blocks to suit all if you want lo buy or sell buyers we deal in all legltmate mining shores on commission write us currie klteley 332 vongb st toronto

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