Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1899, p. 4

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ffljous nes do you get up with a headache 13 there a bad tasto in oir mouth then you have a poor appetite end a veck c 30 tion you cro frcqucn- dizzy clways fscl dull tzi drowsy vou lcve co j hands and feet you c but little benedt from your food you havo no ambition to work and the sharp pains of netiralgla dart through your body what is the causo of oil this trouble constipated bowels will give you pronjt relief and certain cure it jl your blood pure if you have neglected your case a long time you had better take fljcfs 8f mmfflti alst it will remove oil impurities that have been accumulating in your blood and will greatly ctrengthen your nerves wrttm tho doctor there inny bo sometli ng fllxrot yoar cji 70a o not qnlto under stand writ tbo doctor freelj t fell nlra bow 70a aro sntterlpx too will promptly twelve tho best iwolebuadvloe address sp j o ayer lmd man if fre jtcioit jfeee ftas thursday november 3 1809 uje donna folks never i nevor otter a word ol slang nevr ehot tho door with a bang never say onoo that you don t oaro norer exaggerate never swear never loao yonr temper mnob never a glata of liquor toucb never wlokedly play too spy nover oh 1 never tell a he never yoar pirenta disobey never at nlgbt negleot to pray in a powder mill tho danger bnlldlniii of a powder mill are tuommlves ao constructed that not a nail head or iron in any shapo il exposed ami tho roofs are made slight so as lo 8 easy vont to explosion tho garments of the workers aro poobollebb eo that thoy oannot carry knives or matohes or indoed anything and aro mado of non inflammable material even the buttons must not be roetil no one is allowed to go about with tronsora turned op at tho bottom beoante grltiscolleoteain that way and the morest hard speok of foreign matter in a charge of gunpowder is fraught with danger the odtranoos to danger baimlngs are proleoted by boards plaoed edgeways so that when the door is opsn nothing in the shape of dirt can work in this alio servdtftm a cheok to any ono who might thoughtlessly proceed to enter withoot having first removed his boots and put on tho overalls that ore kept jost inside tho door doors are made to open outward ao as to enable them to escape the more readily and on the approach of a thunder storm the works are stopped and the oper atives ropair to the different watoh houses eoattered over the 800 aores covered by these extensive works every week the maoblnery is inspected and the reports as to its condition are printed and bud in the ease of danger buildioge needing to bo repaired it most first be washed out berore a hammer or other iron tool ia admitted to it when arilnoial light is required aa when working at nlgbt or in doll weather the lights are kept outside being pltoed on tbe window edges in the case of the worka magazine whioh is snrrounded with water no light of any kind is ever permitted near it these are only a few of the precautions against aoomsots at the works they are bofiloient however to sbow bow lively mnst bs the sense of dauger men in powder booses uioally have an arranged plan of escape in their minds and at tbe least unexpected noise bare not berimed to plunge into the oanal the future of copper why he was in prison an old whitewaaber stood before tbe court as a witness the lawyer for the defendant tried to oonfuse bim yon are james miller yes are you the james miller who wa sentenced nnder mitigating cironmetanoes for robbery 1 no are yon perhaps tbe miller who was sentenced to two years imprisonment for theft then i am not that miller either were you ever in prison 1 yes twloe haw long the first time one afternoon one afternoon and tbe second time 7 you meet make a truthful statement for you are a sworn witness if yon ware in prison for ao abort a time what did yon do i whitewashed a oell for a lawyer who oheated hla olienta she lawyer did not aak any more oaeatione on that subject dont put salt on the walk8 tbe following taken from an eiobange will be useful to citizens of aoton as well aa of many other towns it is a faet not generally understood that silt destroys a cement walk in shorter time than any thing else known the nit eats into oement and deotroya the original surface leaving it rough and uneven it is claimed by those in a position to know that this is responsible for the poor oondlllon of a number of walks reeldeots sometimes sprinkle salt on them in winter to thaw the loe in tbe spring they find the sur face eaten away and blame the men wbo laid be walk fine sand will answer the purpose as well and leave the walk unimpaired the youths companion for ieoo electrical engineers are at present very much exerolaed over tbe future of the copper supply of tho world experiments are being oooduoted with a view of finding some metal ussuitableforeleo r ojlpurposes but so far nothing has been discovered that can replace copper in th meantime the price of copper has gone up and investors who have bought sbsres in oopper mines are making big profits the impetus tbe gold mining industry bas received in canada sfaonld soon be reflected in oopper mining recent disooveriea of oopper on the north shore of lake superior and tbe georgian bar are very promising and there is no resson wby canada shonld not soon rank aa a big oopper producing oountry tbe superior goli a oopper co ltd isopenlngnpsome valnableoopper properties on lake superior with a show ing it la said equal to the calumet heola that has paid over sixty millions in dividends messrs carrie kilrley brokers toronto are making a speaisl offering of shares in thia company and will send any information aaked for a womans nerve nlnetenthsor her bodily ailments can be traced to nerve dis orders and bad dlarestlon 9outh amarloamaelnalds diges tion and strengthens the nerves mibs anolo patterson of backville n b wrlteb indigestion aod weak norvea were tlio bugboara ot my lifo for years i tried doctors and proprietary mediolneb 1 11 i completely loht heart being in dnced by a friend to try south amerioau nervino after taking one bottle i was greatly nlieved three bottlei effeoted a complete ouro i can recommend it bb a vsluablo remedy and believe it to bo the beat nerve and btomoh tonio in tbe world sold by a t brown shallow water and shallow people mutt keep muddy if tbey would appear deop mllbuma sterling headache powders cure the worst headache in from five to twenty minatei and leave no bad after effeotb one powder 5o 8 powders 100 10 powders flao you oome too 1tte said a dyinsi man to olcry i usually wait til after the funeral answered glory very valuable remedy in all aifectionf of the throat or lungsj large bottles 25c davis lawrence c9 limited l prop s of perry davis pain killer hfsfl snansnansffspsftspscaoaosftscscaoaftaflssr jsv aalaaasalfcsfcssnssaai pynypeetoral a quick curb fpu coughs and colds i when prbgenuer coaches barn op tbey all beoomo emoktog oari dr low s worm by rap is a safe euro and reliable worm expellor acts equally well an children or adults be bare yoa rtt low missive that you may not miotako tws3 msm- ffhting e fires itird lid ho plucky firemen lo 1 tut in tul h ntu of u outlier 1 tslrjn tittup cute in rig cold in id sttuuung their bucks hard to hn q strong well kidney u under hitch conditions hints wby fliomun policemen nnd othors who 010 exposed to tln tiontlur aro bo often troubled with v iuk limio books and with urinary troublqs doans kidney pills t v liilng hundreds of such to health mi johu hobliibon chief of tho flr di liitmcnt diosden onfc nays 1 li 101 to tit king these pills i had kid- no v tumble whioh onuaed sovoro pain in tho k n ill of my back and in both sides i litul a tired fooling and novor seemed to ho able to get vented however i com menced tho ubo of donns kidnoy pills and af tor taking throe botos am eonqplotoly enred i havo now no bolciulie or urinary trouble and jh tired feeling is com pletely gone in fact i am well and btrong a man met quarue ou lifes road why i thoaubt we had a way a been ta retber he tamed look nt his companion whom be bad thought oonrage bat now saw wat ignorance the presidents story a slave to chronlo catarrh fok k years remedies failed spec ialists palled dr aflrnews catarrhal powder simplest of all cured him veoktarians chaffed d t sample president of samplua installment company washington fa writea for years i was uluiotcd with chromo catarrh flemodiei and treatment by specialists only gape rap temporary relief unil i was indqped to nae pr audowb ctarrhtl powder it baa proved the one good thing in my oaso in almost an instant after i had made the first application i had relief aod a li tli per avoranoe la its aae entirely rid me of this offensive milady i would bs tud to personally reoommsnd it lo any and every body bold by a t drown the good health promised by palnes celery compound nothing vague or indefinite about results there ia nothing indefinite about the kind of rood health that is promised by palnes celery oomponnd and that is so trodgly vouched for by letters that oome from oar best people fainei celery oomt poond among other blsuings gives firmer and stronger nerves perfect circulation complete digestion clear complexion sweeter fftesjh and more regalar bodily functions these blessings are always secured by fames celery compoond when other remedies fall a ii is foolish and criminal to negleot dally aches pains and the unmistakable sym- tomi of aaogerons diieasei when it is well known that a few bottles of palnes celery oomponnd will completely banish every trouble and give a oondlllon of health that guarantees a long and happy life every man or woman whose nervous strength is overtaxed or whose life is a busy one and foil of mental worries will soon feel the invigorating and vitalising effects of one or two bottles of natures healthgiver and see his or her health improve after the first dose of ibis greatest of all remedies a little qreen the regolar isioe of the youth com panion for october 10th is the annual announcement number and oon tains a full illustrated prospectus of the contribu tors and contributions already engaged for 1900 tbe list of writers embraces many of americas most famous sold it ra and sailors while statesmen scholars travellers and gifted storywriters of both sides of the aua w tho companion pages daring tbe new year new subscribers who send their subscrip tions now will receive free this years november and december ifaoes from tbe time of subscription the oo d it the watertown times says that lbs spectacle of a horse graving in a front yard while a goose kept him from straying by holding the halter did not attraot aa much as it would if the goose had not been a tailors goose weighing about twenty pounds is the baby too thin does he increase too slow ly in weight are you in constant fear he will hejll3 then gifiim more flesh give him more power to resist disease he certainly needs a fatforming food scotts emulsion is just that food it will make the baby plump increase the weight bring color to the cheeks and prosperity to the whole body thin children take to it as naturally as they do to their milk er and f t00 all dragglita gcott bowne chtmtft toronto mr jo al joined what on earth are you trying to do t mrs jqatjoined i was rsading about cooking by electricity so i hung the chops on the electric hell and ive been pushing the button for half ao hour but it doteat seem to work when fbe came to die a yoaog jfirl quart oued as what qie foau 1 hardest t leave behind her replied tbe ftlture signals ot danger have jou lost yonr appetite have you a coated tongue f have yon an unpleasant taste in tho mouth does your head aahe and have yoa dlzzl ness if bo your btoiqioh is out of order and yoa need modiotne qat ion do no like roedioine he tbuj prefers sickness 3 medio no mast buffer liqt qoder he ciraumbtnoes tbe wise man woull procure a box of pttrmmeee vegetable pills and speedily get bimaolf lo health and strive to keep eo a powerful lung healing romody that cares the worst kinds of coughs and colds of young or old moro promptly and effect uitffy than any other mod c no prioe 25o tittxaltvep pills euro constipa tion aud dyspepsia do not ffplpe price e6c i amount to nothing said a email btone as it rolled from its pltoe in a dam that night a town was flooded english bpavin liniment removes a hard soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses blood bpavin curbs splfdts ring bone sweeny stifles sprains sore and swollen throat cougbb etc save 950 by be ubo of one bottlo warranted tho most wonderful blemish oure ever known sold by a t brown why aaked love of a ooqaette did you shot the door on me that you might wish to enter sbs replied as ono who does not eat ration meat himself and boll ova a that tnauy of his fellow countrymen eat a great deul too muoh 1 have a goo 1 decl of sympathy with vegetanau principles novortheloaq i novor bear a vegetarian bpoak or read a vegetarian pampblot withuui comiu to ttio conolubion that your out and out vego tarian must bo a bit cruxljiv at a meeting in loudon the other week a hre lolgtat huut wuluco announced that not content with abjuring flah tleah and fowl aha had aldo abstained from cbceee beoaube in its preparation rennet waa used and this was mads from tho storaaoh of a oalf which had beou killed it does not seem to have oocurred to tbe good ldy that she migbt just as well have abstained from weariog boots and shoea or kid gloves or ualng any other leather goods on the ground that they are made from the eltmb of animate whioh have been killed lon don truth no doubt of it pol loom an who bungod up your oyo that way irishman moihe o lffei ty pol teem a ri was there an ojn witness irishman indade there was policeman who was it irishman moibe o lffnrty polioemao i mcau wsb thoro any one olse preseut irishman indade thoro was polioemau wbo irishman meolf bedad a strangenotice a btgu whioh was productive of muoh dldonsoion was read by tbo patrons of a small laundry ohiblishtneut m an lnpliah oountry town it was printed in iaro lettird ou a ptepfj of brown paper and pinned on the door of the shop it ran thus 1 closed on account of sic knees till next monday or possibly wednesday i am not expected to live shall bo nnable to deliver goods for at lintt a week in any case a man built himself a house witliont doors and then ooropl lined that ho had no vieitora qne laxa liver pill every night for thirty days makes a complete ouro of bilionsness and jqpstipaijou that ib jdbt 25 cents to be cored when a woman getb the house cleaned her teeth fixed and a new gown she feels ready to enjoy tbe severest sort of a winter 1l emulsion comcmption aa ab pubaski fvmaa srjwood dbbixttt tbe beswots f lalaartlel are aasaa aaaavmi br tbo aid of tho d l bmolilon i havo eottoartdota backlog couab which had troubled 5 fef eyor a year and hato gained conslder- abljln wla t h wing ham ebhentth- soc ail 1 par botuo davis ft lawrence co t imltavl moktrxu cune all your pairs with painkiller a udlolno cheat in lualf simple 8fe and qulok cur for orftswsqiariihqtacouohs ool0s rheumatism keuraloia 20 and bo oont bottleo beware of imitations- g suy only the qenumeg pkrry davi8 hat is t castoria for infanta and ohildieu the smart man of tbs world ara those who paflho shodlders of other men to tho wheel help yoar oblldrea to erow stroog and robatt by ooonteraotlng anylhlnr that oansea illbsallb ons rrtat oauio of disease in oblldren la worms remove tbtm with mother q raves worm extermi nator it nsvsr fails lo taking a strangera iotelteotaal measure it la not neosssary to give him yoar own dimensions 2y8pep81a curb lis and wloomod by the most dalloate stomach la dr von stans plnsiappls tablet let tbe worst dyapsptlo eat a pineapple a day for six months and so greatly would bl hesm improve bs woold look and sal ilka a jftw parson tbs reason la plain the jfceapplo holds a gsneron supply of vegetable pepsin erbloh neit to the joloes of tbs atomaob is tbs grestsst digestive known vary few peopl oan obtain tbe daily pineapple bnt ereryono oan get dr von stans pineapple tablets whioh are mainly oompoeed of this preolons froll jaloe they are eaten as oaodr are aa harmless aa rips frnlt and always giro satisfaction tbey oore ell digestive troubles box of 00 tablet 85 oentf bod by brown tthtcsffmlta tm pat1wt amord tw weak faint feelings serious conditions that muburns heart and nerve pills can readily cure one of tho indications of serious heart trouble is the sensation of woaknoss or faintnosfl that oomes on at times sometimes it is simply a dizzy feeling that passes off or it may bo o state of un consciousness with hands and feet cold iiu and eonntenauce fm ibe ghastly pnlo thee symp toms indlonto a woakenod hoart thoy aro unmis- taknblo evidonces of tho englno of ii fo breaking down now thoros only one reliable romody for restoring strength and vitality 0 weakened hearto and relieving all the jibtrcmhing symptoms it is muburn8 hoart nnd norvo pills tho cose of mrs a stratton frederlo- ton nb amply proves this here la her statement i buffered very much from on im- povoristied condition of tho blood coupled with extromo norrousndss a dusy pen- sation on arising qniokly or coming down talis often troubled mo and my breath raa so short that i could not wnlk up dtaire the least exertion caused my art to flutter and palpitate vlolontly and i bumutlunjb felt a b se itlon on going to sleep i doctored bock nnd forth for ray weak ness hut i got no relief from any medicine until i tried muburns heart nnd nerve pills and i oan say that they helpod me 7onderfnlly sometimes my face and urns would swell and puff bnt all these troubles speodily yielded to tbo restoring ntluenoes of mlltmras heart and norvo ills and i am now strong and well i aid not use thorn long until f rogained the ilossing of boilthful refreshing sleep and it will alwavs be a pleasure to mo to rec 3mmnnd them to othors hagyirds yellow oil oares sprains bruises pores wonnds ooti frostbites obllblaint stings of insect burns aoalds contusions eto price 9so many a low priced dog wears s high priced oollar tbe combination typically is seen among many human beings how llwih pp ton weigh r thinnebs is wastldg wasting is tears log down bootts emnlaion builds up it never makes waste it will give you rich blood apd bring back your weight to worship a mitn is a great in i it ike too muoh love aote like a bpoonfol ot honey when the psute craves pickles the most popular pu tbe pill is tbe most popular of all forms qi mrdipine and of pills the most popular are parmelees vegetable pill because they do what it is asserted they can do and are not put forward on any fictitious claims to excellence tbey are oompaot and port able they are easily taken they do not nauseate nor rrjp and they glvo relief in the most stubborn oaaew though not slwavs called upon to coi domn ourselves it is always safe to suspect ourselves there never was and nevor will b3 a nnllversal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh ib heir tbe very nature of many cutatlvoh boing enoh that were tbe germs of other and differently boated diseases rooted in thp system of thp patient what tponld relieve one ill in turn would aggravate tpo other wp have however in qninjpe wiue wbep obtained lp a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judioiona u the frailest systems are led into con valescenoe and strength by tbo influence whioh qninine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping bplrits of those wltb whom a chronic stato of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life is a disease and by tranquilizing the nerves dippoepi to sound and rofresh ing sleep imparts vigor to tho action of tbe blood whioh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening tbe healthy animal functions of tbe system thereby making aotlvlty a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to tho digestive organs which naturally demand increased s a bstanoe result lm proved appetite northrop a lymaa of toronto have given to the public their quinine wine at the usual rate and guaged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any tho market all druggists eel it he fchat is not open for oqnviation is not qualified for discusafon the man whojligbts his mother oannot be expected to be over indulgent to bis wife chilled kidneys refuse to work fora i gn matters colleot and disease followe south amerloan kldneyecure re- lleveo in six hours a remedy that bas ihtforoiosl test that south amerloan kidney gore has had a remedy which has met esses of kidney disease whoso victims were at deaths door and has led them bonk to perfect health a remedy compounded for the kidneys alone a liquid specific a remedy that bas testimony piled on testimony given un solicited by those who have been oared must be a remedy of wonderfol merit south american kidney oure heals brjgbta disease diabetes dropsy gravel stone in the bladder inflammation it can be your life preserver bold by a t brown a woman found a book in it ahe read wisdom one morning the book waa gone love had stolen it i am wiser now said tbe woman banishes blemishes there is no ther remedy equal to b b b for making the blood pure rich and red and the skin clear and smooth heres proof from bertha j tpzer north esk nb i have had pimples en my face for three years and about fwq yearq ago i fook an attack pf nervousness i 9t s9 i could ngf sleep an4 lost my appetjto bnd was veiy weak rnd miserable 1 was taking different kinds of medicines but seemed to bo getting worse a friend advised me to try burdock blood bitters i did so taking in all four bottles as a result i sleep well have a good uppetite my face is freu from pmplpj my skin clear and my health s in every way perfect we most always think onr opinions are right always skepticism this is unhappily an age of skeptlolsm bat tbera is one point upon whioh peraons acquainted with the subjeot sores namely that vr thomas eckctrio oil is medicine which oan be reliod upon to aare a oongh rempve pain heal sorea of various kindb and beneflt any inflamed portion of the body to whioh it ib applied castorla is dr samuel pitchers prescription for infkuats mid children it contains neither opium morphine nor other natcotic substance it is a harmless substitute lor paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of mothers castorla destroys worms and nllays foverlslmess castorla prevents vomiting sour curd cures diarrhoea and wind colic castorla relieves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency castorla assimilates tho food regulates the stomach nnd bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castorla is tbo childrens panacea tho mothers friend castoria castorla is nn excellent medicine for children mo tli gib have repeatedly told nic of its good effect upon their children xu g c oboood lowell man castoria castorla is so yrell adopted to children thnt i recommend it as superior to any pre- ucripuoti knowjn to me h a aftcubr m d brooklyn jv y the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper thi cahfu ooalmtiv tt mtiwfsfcv tihnrr wkwvohw city caluilioneauidrm4 it torn with the nam otyoar neareal upm ofllce and wo will ah p yon thli violin with outfit by exprtauv aufcjwt to ttarnlntlun k numltsujourtpnaatlhmauht if you sod it auuetlris reptoswotltjand fmuraly mtucbbrjr ymy th- it oor apodal prlota mnd swl thu u hdait flnlabta jh btradlnrlua inout tloun oolond highly douatml pownrfui aweet in tono qorapleto with una jmii johnston uofarlant jbqx afp toronto oat maple leaf grain gbinders two sizes for any ower no i has xolnch rever sible burrs 8 inch single burr john mcquebn agenl for the above has changed his wire- ooms to building on w smith s property john street where miy be seen most wood binders and mowers both have ball bearing burr p 1 a tes relief springs and shake feed grind fine and last with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use coold8hapelytmuirco limited brentford 0 and a eompleto line of farm implements and all kinds of hepairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen the best is the cheapest iflm woven wire fenoinq the ontario wire fencing co l piflton ontario mcmullens poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their fencings are the best prices low hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if thoy fail you write the manufacturers at picton the b greening 5flire co 66nebrl h7t7tilton hho hcbnts ilffomtrbjpjl sold also by canidlan hardware jobbers gapid tvisbed to sharpen his arrows ho got jealousy to help him i iii l l ii ism u some clothing is made to or der not made to fit shoreys clothing is made to fit not made to order every garment guaranteed i sold only by tbe best dealers experienced undertakers by dealing with us you ara assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we qny pharge for embalming m exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other f uncra supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speiqht co hcton 4uano tjttlmi kallway floinu eabt goinu m ttt mall in 02 u in isxiiruie j 25 p in mall 7 15 p u i xirt bh lxi recti mull mixed j uqd io 60 n m 10 oj tu buuday irnliib goinn west 10 02 a m going lnat0 jo a in 0 14 p m tilik of clobinq mailu going wopt 0 40 a m and 0 co p in qoiug east 10 25 a in utid j 50 p m tbla tinlo table want into i fleet on eunduv juno 20th 18tw t acton- livery bus line tho undorfllgnotl roapectfully nollolta tbo patron ago of tbo public and informs tbom tfiat well equipped and stylish riga oan al ways be seourod athtobtablob a comfortablo bus moots trains between sam and 618 no carof ul attention glvon toovory order tbo wants of commercial travel lerfl fully mot john williams pnopnieton alma lhdi6s college opens tor nineteenth year september 7th parents are reminded that the best condi tions for the mental monl and social train ing of their daughters are to be found in a residential school like alma college st thomas ont for full information address rev ri warner prin st thoma3 ont everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every luesday thursday and siturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man l comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oall and she our new lines w williams mill st patents guaranteed our fee returned if we fait any oue ko11dr sketch and description of any invention wilt firomptly receive our opinion free concerning tie patentability of umt bow to obtalu n patent tent upon request patenta secured through us advertised for sale at our expense patcuts token out through us receive tpeciat notice without charge in tub patent brcord an illustrated and widely circulated journal consulted by manufacturers and investors scud for sample copy free address victor j evans a co pmtent attorneys evans building washington d c p ood engraving p i imnaffloammhi itanuoq too aw oor opinion as lo nliothor it is prabablr notontnblo wo nrnko a noclnitjr of applications rojoctod in other hands hlgnostroforonoos fnrntihod tusxon a hasxoh malmt 80uoxtobs tt jxflut cttil mmhanleal fnalnrrrf graduates of th poljrtootiolo bahool kuslnmitrtv itachblonln applied solraof ijitoi unlvrrtlly humbert psuqt tw amqclatton amfttoau water warkl juamutlun uiiw bnalnd water worht anno fftoatjmroni atmcltloq ak- meniwkjaa nmsu nt vol un m n monthm oak towffiea- amabami a qafaal7asoatuul lnvftnuont pro bo years ixphribnoe mis dmona wj cofrfltoht c m connanlca tasssavfiwam mrast elr jtnis 93 n newsdasjom

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