Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1899, p. 3

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ihe bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 head oprxojb hamilton ont capital all paid up reserve fuhd total assets j tuunbull cashier sayings department one dollar or more received interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book security the government returns show that depositors in this bank have oer five million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair rates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited the news at home mobtly of a local character and every item interacting ceorcetown branch estahubiied ovkb twsntt tbabs j p bell asrent ij jutoit jm press thursday november 0 1899 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week mnuioipal pohtioa quiet yet expeoc winter weather now oouooil meeting next monday evening several new families have moved to town daring the week il was a year last saturday since the election on the eteotrio light bylaw it it reported that 8000 lioeneed aports- men have gorjo north ahnntng the pabt ten dayi mr j h matthewi offers hie very oomforlable and oonvement residence on bower avenue for sale bbelbnrne will vote on the question of the pnrohase of an eleotrio light plant for that village at the oost of so 000 on the 21th loit the scntlntl of imoknow came to hand lut week enlarged and improved bra ryan baa been at the bead for twenty- one years and has earned sucoesi mr joseph roberts who was blaok- smith al qrindells maohlne shop for a year baa parohased the blaoksmitbing business at the f oar oorners eramosa road the exterior of the new baptist oharoh is now oompleted exceptiforthfl painting and tinsmitbing work the spire has considerably improved the appearance of tha adifloe the yonng people of the baptist charon will hold their first nature study meetorto morrow evening the sabjeai will be inseoi life the pnblio are cordially invited a shunting engine in the g t r yard rnn over mr arob monabbs fine black dane nigger monday afternoon catl ing off his lilnd legs he was a great favorate with children rev father haley of mocton in renewing bis subscription last week said i enjoy the interesting and spioy oolauioa of thbfass fiusss very muoh in this northern oonntry and wish von every success we received this week from mr j p seoord of orillia 1 00 for the fnxx pbess for 1900 he says iremialn good time for i would not like to miss even a single copy mr beoord sends kindest regards to all olj frisnds in aoton the executors of the estate of the late archibald campbell will offer for sale by publio naetiod next saturday 11th inst at noon at agnews hotel the double roogh- oaat dwelling on main street next to presbyterian obnroh william hemttreet aaoiioneer the annual meetiug of the womans foreign missionary society in knox church tbls afternoon at three oolook promises to be an oooaslon of much ioterest in addition to the ladies of knox oharoh a number from the other congregations in town will acoepl tha kind invitation to be present theplaoaingof lhaelectrio lights in the centreolths roadway on bower avenne baa given maob greater effloisnoy to the light there tha trees on the avenue interfered ooniiderably experience always teaches and we have a council anxious to learn and to introduoe improvements for the general good the wtcklg sim of toronto la a clsan paper sensational reports of mnrder trials and all similar matter is religiously exoladsd from its columns there is not a lint la u thai mar not be read by any member of the family at tha same time no paper gives a more complete summary of events or so great a volume of interesting information the renfrew mercury in referring to milton estimate ol materials and labor in laying ounens walks bint that oar ooanty town father did not use sofflolent oement for a good job and that no provision was made for the drainage of the walks aoton walk are 111 drained and the ooal of the work was ho per square foot against 10 8 co the oost of miltons twenty percent below j h hamilton of the old reliable marble and granite works quelph announcea thai be will continue to place be beat classes o granite and marble monuments tombs etc al prices guar anteed to be twenty per oent below others n agent to reoelve commissions expenses allowed o and frorr quelph to purchasers ho man can reaoh the height of true greatness who lives in an atmosphere of patty and ignoble thoughts leav ac huness far robes blankets whips eto at ural ooal for tba nsxl iwantyoua days i have sold my business to mr cemsron of boton and have to reduce royslook ti tth ihe ptettnt amount by lhsjrt or december wl anyous wanting a behwtvrob or anything in the etook will be vo a chance of buying it al oost untl rivo ot daotwrjwo th onhcswaf a hfttlmo to bay harnestat snob flgnjcsfai i v111 offer 1 h mattbiwb aoton 1 4ql kaox chnreh c j anniveranry 1 000000 the anniversary ot knot obnroh y p 131 03000 s 0 e will be held next sabbath rev a j mann of first obnroh eramosa will preaoh morning and evening rev h a maopherson goes to eramosa to preaoh speolsl sermons relative t9 the anniveraary of rev mr manns indnotlon well satire prodis with foil the fiiee phebs baa been pleased to wrloome a number of new names on our aub- subaoriptlon lists the paat few weeks bat we desire to iaorease the number we are very anxioue to add at least 300 additional names tafors the dawn of 10c0 ami the proprietor is willing to make a oo-oper- ativo effort any subscriber who will obtain a new name and forward 917 will bo oreditod tor bis own and the new eubicription for 1000 and the balance of 1600 will be sent free here leyour chance toget haltona popular family paper at a very low figure borons examplo emulated all the western towns are discarding the wooden sidewalk and putting in pave ment walks producing an uptodate bnsi- neaa effeat the small town of aoton with a population of about 1600 has already put down 700 feet ot walk bix feet wide at a coat of 12o per equare foot gnelph and gait have granolithio pavementa on the prinoipal street milton is putting down some this year at 10 85 cents per equare foot newmarket era the ooat at aoton bhonld read llo per square foot the fiikb fitesb blandered in stating the oost to the era fleealnf the farmers there seems to be no end to the schemes of amaubore swindlers to piok up a living from the farming community the latest plan reported la t call on a farmer plead poverty and request a feed of oats for their horse whlah is rarely refused when the donation ie safely atowed away on the waggon another farmer is called on and the same old story told when the bags are filled the awindlors drive to the nearest town and sell out alter loadiog op with liquid refreshment they start to hunt for fresh viotims let the farmere be on the lookout for these vagranta wedded flora mr henry mellon of aoton formerly of sbiloh was married at elora to mias mary jaokaon of salem on wednesday oct 25th the nnptnal knot waa tied by rev father cosgrove ot elora miss aggie mellon acted a bridesmaid while mr thoa brennan supported the groom aftir the marriage the gneats returned to the residence of the brides brotherinlaw mr matthew brown where the young people tripped the llghtfantastlofor several hours mr and mrs mellon will reside in acton in the fulnre their many friends will join in wishing them a long and happy married life gnelph herald the county model school the standing during ootober was de termined by olasa work written examina tions and ability to govern and teaoh marka obtainable 1050 e tjrwln dickenson 842 harold holmes 827 ethel ohiabolm 778 emma norton 776 lottie xnsk 702 margaret moqoeen 760 nellie springer 767 edith monlton 789 andrew artbura 780 hattie cook 007 agnea wooding 692 gertrude dayfoot 179 john manaon 667 actons utbt very satisfactory councillor barber of georgetown visited aoton 000 evening a week or so ago to investigate the qualities ot our electrlo lighting system at the last meeting of georgetown oonnoil when the subject ef eleotrio lighting was under diiousalon he expressed himself ss follows i recently paid a visit to aoton and made an examination of the system then my first impression was not favorable but upon more minute examination 1 found it very aatisfactory ha also said he considered that georgetown waa not getting value for the money paid for lighting and he believed that an effort should at least be made to have the preaent lighting more eatistactory a visitors impressions of acton the editor of the newmarket era makes the following references to his visit here though acton is not a large town it la wonderfully progressive since our last visit the corporation baa pnt in an efficient eleotrio light aervioe and we are more than ever convinced that inoandesoenl light give better satisfaction than aro light for the street there are something ilk 65 or 70 light on the streets s3 candle power and on the main alreet tbey are suspended in the oentre of the street 60 yards apart producing a very pretty effect aoton ha also put down 700 feet of granolithio walk and so well plessed are the citizens that they intend to more than doable the length next year acton la a stirring little plus employing about 600 people in the tanning and glove industries the editor and wife bad the pleaanre of spending several day aa gueats of mr h p moore and hi estimable family whose residence and grounds are an object lesson of artlatlo beauty and must exert an elevating inflaenoe on the community a worthy olrlsen to remove general regret is fsll at the decision o mr joho h matthews to remove from aoton daring the week he has told hi harness bnsines to mr arch cameron from bolton and purohaaed a business in shelbnrne for nsarly twelve years mr matthews ha been a worthy citlsen of acton ha baa eondooted an exosllent business and ha bean popular with hi customers he left his fathers business in erin snd settled in acton in november 1687 during hi slay bore prosperity has attended him a svldenoed in his large bnsines and hie very comfortable and attractive home on bowsr arsons because of bis worth the honor ot his fellowoltizen have been mated oat to him he ha occupied a seat at the municipal ooaooil and also on ths board ol health daring the season jnsl olossd al consider able inoonvanlenee to himself he managed tha creeoent laoroass team was thtlr fleld- captlan and merehalled them through the fieroe oonteat engaged in to successive vlotoriee and the ohsmpioushlp of tba frovinoe mr matthews ha also proven herself an esteemed and useful oltlnn ae a worker in knox onurob ladles atd and aa an officer in the home oirole society shs will be moon missed mr matthews and family leavs for their new home the first of december tba best wjehes of the community will follow ibem bis success or mr camerou of bolton oomsw wsll recommended aa a man of mean and energetic bualnese sxpsrlenoe qreat sermons last sunday by rev dr henderson of toronto on the oooaslon of the mleeion- ary anniversary to ouhe a coldin qnb day tata iasamvsl bmne qalnuvtulets al pmssrtet among the moat able and eloquent eer mons ever preuohed in the methodist churob aoton wero thobe of rev james henderson d d associate general mis sionary secretary of the oburob last bun- day dr henderson is admittedly one of the ablest preaohera of the methodist churob and tboae who bad the pleasure of hearing him last sunday were greatly gratified found a new interest in the great missionary movement and were inspired to better troer seriiue b ohristian work ers in the f oture the aubjeat of the morning service was is man worth saving and was based upon the text matt xvi 26 what ahall a man give in exchange for his soul 1 dr henderson advanoed four reaaon why man ie worth all the effort put forth for his salvation 1 because there are elemeute ot the divlno in man aa ptol emy one of the early astronomers recog nized the earth to be the immovable centre of the universe around which the sun moon and stare performed their daily revolutions eo too mau7 modern theolo gian displaced jeans christ by recogniz ing man as the immovable oentre aronnd which everything revolvee dr fairbouro on the other hand thought that two little was made ot man all troth is of god the troths of astronomy botany obemis- try eto are as muoh the truth of god as the holy sariptures the truth ot botany eto cannot bave a soul bat tbe trathb of gods word are able to make men wise unto salvation man aspires after truth and the preaohor enoouraned his audience to search for troth and to do o even at the risk of sometimes mabldg blunders 2 man ia worth saving because be must live forever some object to tbia tesching saying while i fail the throbbing of pbysioal life and power i have no evidenoe of immortslity why do they so objeot beoaube they are liviug down in the base ment or lower part of thoir natures a singer la ooneoioua ot vooal power when he begins to ing the paioter knows he possesses artistio power when he begins to paiut so when the soul is fully oonee- orated to god and lives in complete aub- misaioo to the diviue will there will be eetiefactory avideuoe of an immortal nature men do not make a 5000 ton trip hammer for the purpose of oraobi og uuta a oorlias engine waa not designed to ruu a damping oart a dew drop is far less valuable than tbe morning atar because it 000 vaniahes away while the star will oontinue to fiaah lta beama of light over land and sea tbe soul is of infinite value for it will outlast the earth and outshine the un s man is worth saving because he oan repeat the thoughts of god there is no want of harmony between reason and revelation human reason is adapted to divine revelation as ths eye is to the light a the telescope to the stars which it reveals revelation is the telescope by which god brings spriitnal and eternal realities within the soope ot human reason a man is worth saving becaoae he reflecta gods feelinga love ought to to be more emphasised than it is we should cultivkte and develop all ths brighter and better feelings of our nature man depravity la an evidence of the wonderful capabilities with whioh god has endowed him he may obey or disobey bless or curse god do not teach your ohild that she is a born lnner teaoh your boy that ho is born a thief or a liar andbe will begin to steal and lie in cloaing the preaober by apt and toochlog illuatrationa gleaned from pcr- onsl experlenoee appealed to hia bearers to do tbeir best to resoue souls from tha darkness of heathenism by sending them the gospel light the sobjeot ot the evening dlaoourse waa go and dealt with objections to going and reasons for going dr hendersoa baaed his remarka on the word go mark xvi 16 in a masterly disccurse ibe doctors met many of the objtsotlou urged againat cbrlstlsn missions 1st objection the heathen will be saved anyway by sending the gosepl to the obriatless millions it is urged we only inorease their reaponsiblllty suoh reasoning applied to the christian world would slop all progress for education in all it branches would only tend to locreabo pereooal re ponaibjlity a vivid pioture waa sketched showing tbe suffering and misery endnred by the human race in the foreground he painted the horrible and revolting con dition of tbe heathen world today 2nd objection christianity it is urged is only one of the many religions ot tbe world by contrasting the world ae it was when jesus christ came without orphan ages asylums stc etc with it improved oonditlons physically morally iotelleot- ually and spiritually the doctor proved thai the christian religion is the hope of thewotld 8rd objection at the present rate it will take 60000 year to evangelize the world tbe doctor believes ths world will be evangelised before tbe middle of the 20th century tbe church has tbe mean and ihe maobinery for tbe accomplishment of the work th objection it is a mistake to think that ths gospel is the only eaving fore in the world while the world owe muoh to greek culture yet it never has and never can save ihe soul david was placed in contrast with homer paul with plato and jesus christ with socrates if obristanlty were overthrown liberty would be dragged from it lofty oltadsl society oorropted and in fanticide would be esteemed a virtue slh objection fanaticiam sensational ism the result of christian missions methodism need a tremendoo axtb- quako of the right kind of sensationalism paul acoomplisbsd greater victories for god than apollo and luther than erasmus becaoae they were full of intense fervor only men with heart on fir can win victories today we talk of fiction a as if 11 war f aot and of faot a if il wero fiction there i no suoh thing a wssled enthuslssm gordon wa slain and buried among ths tba rains ot khartoum but bis soul goes marching on tba charge of tha light brigade was not wasted energy it line in history and will be a sonroe ot inspiration to multitudes of men in tba oonflict of life tbe offering ol the day ware liberal and notwithstanding ihe 1000 twentieth century fund offering of a month ago are about ten per oent in advance ot last year to tus dxj a rich lady cured of ber deafness and noises in the head by dr nicholsons aninual bar drums has sent 1000 to hie iiislliule satbal deaf people npabla to prooara the ear drums may have them free apply to department k- b the iualiiute 780 klglil avenue- no york tj 8 a coming and going visitors to and prom aoton and varlousother personal notes tho fbb fncfla invltea ill lti tmdort to con tribute to tula column if you or your friend- tun going away on v holiday trip or if you hava frloddivliltlngyoti drop a card to tbe fuss piues mr thomas cameron who waa very iii ub week ia able to be a boat again meiers william ard robert perrymao returned from bueiel mao last week mn e h ajrms ot toronto spank a few days this week with acton friends mr aud mrs alex maithowa were rueila tbia week at the parent home on willow street mrs rqv j a moltoblan attended tbe w 0 x j convention at gnelph last week miss e dlh atkinson of milton has been spendlug a few weeks with friends in eaquebinr mrs f d momilun of aoton in visit ing her sister mrs 0 f button erin advocate mr a t brown has been confined to his roots with a severe attaok of grip during the past week fc the ladies aid society of tbe method ist oharoh will hold social on friday evening lbt december mr horace cook returned from tha north west wat week he has not deoided to take up land there yet mrs jao clark of aoton formerly of of this place waa renewing old aooqualut anoes dunog the week ern advocate mr w watkins guelph recently elected vioeprealdenl of the young liberal club spent day or two this week st his home here mr georgo enox who has been living in aoton tbe past six months left yesterday to take a situation on ths toronto street railway mr john l kribbd arrived here last week from portige l prairie he is quite taken with tbe north wast and goes back again this week mies agtjio glover mr and mrs warden and ernest warden of aoton spent a few days visiting mr john robinson during the week erin adoocaxe a few days after her return from chicago mrs alex secord sprained her right ankle badly after a month of tedious nursing she in able to be about agiu kov h a maopherson went to arthur on taesday to address the w f m 3 this was his boyhood horns aud the visit was consequently much enjoyed messrs edward and a e nicklio and mrs alex h brown and mr rlohard brown weot to aberfoyl on monday to attend tbe fnneral of tbe late richard nioklin mr alex mamillan of toronto has been the gueat this week of aid james curk he is now comfortably settled in the new oity hall in his office as aoooantant for the city con noil mr c w xroughton returned from toronto last week after spending three months undergoing treatment at the hospital he is at work again at the acton tanning gos works the ssle of stock and implements for jamss matthews oonduoted by aaotioneer hemstreet on taesday was one of the most sdcoebsfnl sales of tbe kind hell in ibis section the present fsll mayor pan ton editor of tbe milton champion evidently believes in enjoying life to tbe foil he returned tbe end of october from a six weeks visit through the westarn 8ttee and left again ust week for a fortnights jeer bunting in muakoka mr 0 v stafford of st thomas spent a week with friends in actoo and violnity during the past year mr stafford hss occupied a position in the erie mills in that oity of whioh mr h w price formerly of toltona mills here la the manager mr and mrs d henderson m p mr and mrs john henderion dr and mrs mckearue and messrs cbarlea milton gordon and thomas henderson were in georgetown yesterday attending tbe marriage of mr h b henderson and mias jessie moleod chrs 1- neilbs guelph the big bookstore well paper window shades room mouldings j d 7u druggist our agent in acton will attend to your wants and show prices two favorites with the public almera ceylon tea 25o 40c and 50c a lb mocreas favorite blend of coffee 40c per lb something new in toilet sets see samqle in window it pays to buy at bollcrts it pays to buy at bollcrts j a mccrea quelph h co hosiery sick h positively cured try these ijtue fills tbey also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dlulness nausea dromt ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongaa rain in the side torpid ltver they regulate tbe bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose small prloc substitution the fraud ot tho day see you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills death of mrs a b brown pmther on saturday alter a ion and painful ulna dsatta ended tbs mthrlng of air biebard nlokllo abarfoyh at tbs old ag of 88 year mr nlokllo earns to canada from staffordshire eng with his parent id 181q ha waa than a child about a year old and learned to walk on tha ship dick a tbsy were oomlng aoross tha atlantic the family firs settled on tha bay ot quints but snbaeqantly nsar elora when the niouids swan mallbewa moons and laabys resided in the asm neighbor hood and afterward acttled in a group st aoton mr rlohard nioklin waus to aberfoyle and there with prospsroo sur roundings spent tbe remainder of hi day an estssmsd christian man mr edward nioklin and lira elisabeth tbortall who isal prawns waiting bars art th only urwlng brother and slater of deoeaaed out of a family of fourteen auction sale every mother is concerned at this time of the year about stockings for her boys and girls she requires something warm apd good to wear of a correct shape and comfortable to the wearer we have such goods as these in worsteds in heavy and extra heavy qualities and something extra nice for girls and ladies wear in a beautiful fine merino wool ribbed hose suitable to the most tender feet and ery warm al no advanced prices either notwithstanding that the yarn has advanced over 50 per cent since we bought these goods we have made a special study of this branch of our business and we can thus give you better results thanyou can get any other way f 1 i 11 lllll ml i i1m overcoats mens boys youths we have all kinds the comfortable ulster with a deep collar or the up to date gentlemans coat made of beaver or cheviot pea jackets and reefers in frieze pilot cloth and beaver a complete range to choose from correct shides and well guaranteed workmanship give us a look and you will be surprised at the values offered h hm h m i i i i h ii mm money refunded most stores oblige their customers more or less by taking back goods but most of them haggle about it and make it unpleasant some stores positively refuse to take anything back they are as smooth as oil in selling but rough with dissatis fied buyers especially with strangers if a merchant big or little puts obstacles in the way of your proper freedom in this respect his goods are not so good as they look in the store or he is to close to be safe the use of this thought is to keep yoju from parting with money where you cant get it back again if you want it the system of selling every article at a small profit but of a thor oughly reliable quality is a ruling principle of this firm we give satisfaction because we get it thats why were able to guarantee our goods to be exactly as represented e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyndham st guelph ladies jackets a feature of our jacket trade is that ue tire constantly adding something to our stock the latest novelties are to be found here as they come out a fresh shipment of new jackets expected this week mmllm 1 1 mm see imaem 1bdbwsjb henderson co mens rubber solid shoes gi1zb thb7ut 7t th1pcu you uiili likb th9w we are closing out a line at half price 250 reguhr price 500 color dark tan leather lined goodyear welt w a marsh maker also a line of mens black enamel lace shoes good year welts heavy sole a good shoe for wet weather it sheds the water price 200 w a marsh maker rubb9rs rubb6rs we have a heavy stock our ladies special light weight rubber 40c neilel the shoe man guelph 8 stores crockery another crate consisting of dinner sets wash bowls white bowls j cuspidors soap dishes glass ware lamp shades frames and other goods also labrador herrings cf coodevedt co tdksday la nov sals ol stook and implumoots tha property of howard fries lt 87 don s bsqnsslng bala at 1 oclock term 1000 snd twals months fill par cant oil fdr cash woo btmsjrstt xt jal nelson merchant tailor am gents furnisher cu6lph correct evening attire means that your garments should not only be cut in ihe very latest and most fashionable styles but that they should be perfect in their fit and tailoring generally none but an artlatic and first claaa tailor can give you swell alle and exquisite fit and finish and our reputation in this line ia unquestion able our prices are reasonable our fab rics exclusive and onr tailoring superb the very newest and uptodate hats shirts glovet and neckwer copper mining stocks for several months shrewd investors have been putting their money into ihe shares of copper mines this is true not only of men withlarge amounts of money at their disposal but also applies tothose who have made a study of imclmems with a iew to securing a largereturn for small investments as high as three and four hund pev c has to our knowledge already been realized on some of thfse investments the amerl cans were thf first to make a specially of copper stocks they knew what they were doing for the reason is not far to seek fery copper mine in the world is at present taxed lo its utmost limit to meet the growing demand for copper for electrical purposes the reserve stores of copper are being depleted until it pays no longer to use copper in some eastern countries as a coin copper has gone up in price from 9 to 18 cents the supply of copper from the mines of the world today is only about 80 per cent of the conscimption thrit is the reason why finaciers have iheir engineers searching the four quarters of the globe for copper mines and that is the reason the shares in promising copper cempanies are so easily picked up by investors if you have any money to invest we would ask you to consider the shares of the superior gold copper company limited this company owns and operates some valuable native copper properties wo are in a position to oiler you a special opportunity in this stock which as an investment should give you a profit of at least 100 per oent in six mont send for prospectus and particulars occasionally we have an opportunity of giving our clients a special offer on some stocks and we have this opportunity now if you ire interested write to us at once these shares are sold in lirgc or small blocks to suit all buyers we deal in all legitmate mining shares on commission if you want lo buy or sell write us currie gfc kitel9y 82 y0nge st toronto gcumey co mill st acton for special values in fall underwear gleves and hesiers perfect fitting corsets in black grey and fawn special at 100 our blankets at 100 are leaders new wrapperette cloths in newest pat terns special at ioc try a package of our social tea special at 25c lb gurn6y si co c-m-ksak- it doesnt happen very often thht vow cerr rc chhnce like this manufacturers samples of vv00i carpets in r lengths lace curtains in if yd lengths curtain muslins jy lengths they wont be here ion but while they are take your choice of them a less than wholesale cost d e macdonald fe bro golden lion quelph leaving acton we beg to notify all persons owing us that all accounts must be paid before 20th november an not being paid will be placed in court for collection so please attend to it immediately to save yourselves and us trouble bhrgkins as space will not permit we quote only a few of our bargains 6 pair ladies dongola button boots sixe 3 regular f s 60 for i 00 6 pair ladles kid gaiter and lace bools size 3 regular a 00 for 1 25 3 pair ladles chocolate lace imperial kid j d kings site 3 3i 3 50 for it 65 8 pair ladies turned sole low shoe j d kings size 4 41 5 ll6o for 751 is pr mens lace size 6 ranging in price from li 60 to 3 23 for ji 10 so lbs granulated sugar i 00 american coal oil joe per gal 6 cakes sunlight soap or kjchard a pure for 25c 4 pkga corn atnrch for 25c 4 cans peas corn or tomatoes for 25c honey drip syrup 300 per gal xxx white wine vincgnr 25c per gnl remember these prices are decidedly cash symon bros cor mill and main sts aoton

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