Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1899, p. 4

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ta i how is this t perhaps sleepless nights caused ft or grief or sick ness or perhaps it was care- no matter what the cause you cannot vlsh to look old at thirty gray hair is starved nalr the hair bulbs have been deprived of proper food or proper nerve force increases the circulation in tho scalp gives more power to the nerves supplies miss ing elements to the hair bulbs used according to direc tions gray hair begins to show color in a few days soon it has all the softness and richness of youth and the color of early life returns would you like our book on the hair we will gladly send it to you write ami if you do not obtain oil the benefits you expected from the vigor write the doctor about it he may be able to suggest something of value to you address dr j c ayer co lowell mass sijlv jutort fttt fss thubsday novembeb 9 1899 fffrerfjontuj jfolhs lost tbs su wboro ha the summer gone bho was just here a minute ago with rosea end alleles to whisper bar praises and every ono loved bor so i bos anyone seen bor about she must have gone off in the night i and ehe took tbe best flowers and the happloat hours and eskodno ones loavo or her flight have yon notlcod ber steps in tho grass tbe garden looks rod whoro she went by tho stdo of tbe hodge tborofi a goldonrod edgo and tho rosevinos are withered and bont dont you foar sbo is sorry she wont it booms but a mlnuto since may i im scarooly half through what i wanted to do if she only bad waited a day i do yon think ehe will ever come hack f i shall watch every day at tbe gato for tho robins and elovor baying over and over i know she will come if i wait i rmaldm decided on his future a amall boy friend of mine who lives out rtolevoland park bab deoided on his fatarft profession at the age of 4 he has the inter rogation mania in a peculiarly aggravated form and after tbe firafe million or- two qnestioua in tbe day his mother in self defense begins to answer i dont know just tho other day the child had an uasaauy violent attiok of question askings and be tired of hearing ber inevitable response well be said i know what ill be when i grow up ill be eo 1 on tell my utile boy things bo wants to know ill be a undoater how hack do you weigh thinness is wasting waiting is tear ing down ticotts emulsion builds np it never makes waste it will give yon rich blood and bring back your weight the might of ignoranoe often disoonnts that of the tratb wormb oannot remain when div lows pleasant worm syrnp is used it if deah to theee parasites and by 1 tsvoatbartio aotlon promptly ezpela them will not harm tbe most delicate ohild prioe 35 oents a barber says a mans whiskers are always oat down in his youth hagyarda yellow oil oarea apraios braises sores wounds oats frostbites ohilblains stings of insects barns eoalds contusions oto prloe 25o tbo trae love knot is said iofie tbe top knot of a womana bapplneaa you oannot be happy with oorni then do not delay in getting a bottle of hollo- ways corn ours it remover all kinds of oorna without pain failure with it is unknown hope is a bnbble the unsuccessful man blows and blows until it bursts sprained arm miss mary ovingtoo jasper out says my mother got bet arm ipiaipod badly and nothing she tried helped hbe a bottle ol hagyarda yellow oil though cared the arm in a few days some people are equally as disagreeable aa the troth there are three conditions wheiuthe blood is poor when more flesh is needed when there is weakness of the throat or lungs there is one cure that is scotts emulsion it contains the best cod- liver oil emulsified or di- gested and combined with the hypophosphitctj- and glycerine it promises more prompt relief and more last ing benefit in these cases than can be obtained from the use of any other remedy joe and iloo all druggbu 1cott bowmb catmbu toronto oucht to make a qood wipe a young oouplo in a laucaehire vllliko had been oouitiug lor several yoars tbo young man one day said to tbe woman pall i oanna marry ihee hows that asked she ive changed my mind said he well ill tell yea what well do said aho if tho folk know its thee aa has given me np i ahnnabe ablo to get another ohap but if they think that ivo riven you np then i can get another obap go wellbave the banns published and whon tbo wedding day oomesthe parson will say to thee wilt thba have this woman to be thy wedded wife and lha muht say i will and when he aays to me wilt thou bavo this man to be thy wedded husband 1 will aay 1 wiuna tbe day oame and wben the minister aaid wilt tbon have tbis woman to be thy wedded wife tbo man answered iwlll then the parson said to the woman wilt tbon have this man to be tby wedded buaband and sbo said i will why said the young man furiously you said yon would say i winna i know that said the younij woman but ive obanged my mind since doyou feel tired when you bear a man complaining of that tired feeling you may be ears that he spends more of hlb day talking and lonnglng than working baid a wellknown pbyaialan a trnlybard worker never buffers from this disease for euoh it la it arises from not working off by either mental or manual exeroiaeor work the anperfluous energy given to every man this energy it left turns itself bo to speak to forming poisonous juloea which bap tbe vitality vjubt aa a thoroughly trained athlete waits with certainty bis aeoond wiod so every really hardworking bnaineaa man knows that be does bis best work after he has bhaken off that tired feeling in fact yon will find that a really hard worker never oomplaina of it after be hab passed his twenty fifth or twentyseventh year because bebas then trained this energy to do its proper work thai is keep his mind and body fresh and vigorous thedl emulsion the d ft l emulsion it tlwibestbjfi most palatable preparation ef coduterouaststtlnfwahtha mostdallcacs itotrnyfihfi tho d ft l emulsion is pmerlbed by tha leadlnc physicians sf the d l emulsion is a marvehoiis flesh producer and win rlvs you sn sppcutc soc l per bettls desnreyougetl davis at iwrbncs 4hageauiaa co limited uoahsal ii l l i ii i it is always our inospaoilies that irritate us getting over heated and catching cold often bring on cramps and oolio of the worst kind a few doses of dr fowlers eitraot of wild strawberry give relief from tbe pain and qulokly euro tbe worst oaeeb nothing dwarfs a man so muob aa petty pleasures tain ceased first day mrs mary odell 362 dunn ave toronto aays she used milburns bhen- matio pills for a severe attack of bbeumatism and she got relief from pain after taking the remedy for one day the man who fears pleasure is of finer atoff than the man who hates it agony of eczema couldnt sleep at night with the torture eczema or salt rheum as it is often called is one of the most agonizing of skin diseases nothing but torture during the day and two fold torture at night but theres a remedy permanently cures the worst kind of eczema relieves the itching burning and smarting and soon leaves the skin smooth and healthy it is burdock blood bitters mrs welch greenbank ont tried it and here is what she says bbb cured me of eczema three years ago and i have had no return of it since i was so bad that i could not sleep at night with it being told of bbb i tried it and two bottles madenperfectandpermanentcure there is nothing good in a man bat bia young feelings and bia old thoughts tbey are carefully prepared pills whloh dissipate themselves in the stomach oannot be sipected to have muoh effeot npon the intestines and to overoome oos- tlveness the medicine administered mnst infloenoe tbe aotlon of these canala farameleea vegetable pills are bo made nnder the supervision of experts that tbe subalauoe in tbem intended to operate on the inteitinea are retarded in aotlon until they pass through the stomaoh to the bowels the sntifat dootor lives on lbs fat of tbe land fata after eating mrs p waltera dlrleton ont made this statement after suffering for five years with pain and distress after eating i started to use lsialtver pills three boxes made a oomplata oure from the way tblnga are now tending ik looks aa if tbe next big combination to em bark in business would be a trust of anti trusters when baby had soald head- when mother had salt rheum whan father had pllsia drraghews ointment gave tbe qulokest relief and surest on re these are gams of troth pioked from testimony wbloh is given every day to this greatest ef healers it has never been matched in ouralive qualities in any and every kind of skin dlseaaeatcnma tetter skin eruptions blind bleeding itoblng or ulcerating piles scalds barns old sores etc ets and ita 85 osnti a box bolt by a t brown those who love always have no leisure to pity themselves or to be unhappy tlmteitmmnk tm satmt iicms what is paines celery compound it means life health strength and freedom from disease paiooa ctlery compound bo popular with the people in the one remedy that can be trusted to make a person well it stops tbe drain on the norvoan system diapele tbo harmful bumora from the blood and inoreasea itn vrlumo and its no urlah tag oapoity itu ability to relievo those ttlcneuts that aeena to be peculiarly the miofortune ol women is overwhelmingly proved by the many tcbtimonialb from worn on in the highest standing in the oommuuiliee where thoy live itb regulating power does away with disheartened aud oastdawn feelings tbo aggravated oaueea of disordered hver and kidney menial depression byeteria and kindred troubles are recog nized and dealt with by painee ctlory compound in a radical and aoieotino manner that embodies the raoal advanoed medical ideas of this utter part of tho century paines celery compound strengthens the etomaoh when it is irritable and in clined to indigestion and prevents dyspep sia it relieves palpitation of the heart that remilta from irregultr nerve snprly to tlmt vital organ and putb new life into the entire norvous nyftem persons in eoutid health are uctooutinu- ully reminded of their heart etomaoh or liver by diatroea of theae organs when- ever ungoor or pain alt ok tbe body there sb no question as to the urgent need of strengthen ids tho health by fainev celery compound women in trying oooopationb not only hounowivea bat buleaworaen teaobera bookkeepers and others penned np for lontj hours behind desks and counters will find their health and etrengib greatly improved by tbo ubp of painoe celery compound a soundly nourished nervous system and a riob pure blood supply brought about by paines celery compound aro tho best bulwark sgaiust suoh dibeaies of debility and impoverishment at rheumatism neuralati headache and sleeplessness thib groat invigorator in addition to curing these diseases builds up the system and provents the disease from gaining a lodgraeut in the body when one hears it confidently deolared by bo many well known and roprorentatlve men and women every whoro that pttines celery compound positively and perma nently onreb diseases that at first glance seem so remote from eaah other as ohronio comtipatlon hysteria and nervouunesn inquiry into theso dtairaaea show that their common origin is a rundown exhausted nervous syetom and vitiated btood and paines cilery compound builds up tho one aqd pariflss and strengthens tbe otbit troth without peace is turbulent- and peaoo without troth is seoare fcjubtioe- heart staqoers heres confession of intense heart suffering and weakness that made ufa one long dreadful nlbhtmare dr asnaws cure for the heart was the saving atsnt mr thomas cooke 260 johnson st kingston writes this of himnolf and bow dr agonws cure for the heart helped him i have used id all six bottles of this great heart remedy and it bas completely oared roe of heart weakness from whloh i buffered severely for years prior to using u tho slightest exertion or excitoment woald prodaoe severe palpitation and nervous deprettsion today i am as btrong as ever and without ooe symptom of heart disease a word to tbe wise sbonld not be spoken by a fool bolls and firuplca miss agues buwman piny station ont writes i have been a batterer from boila and pimples on my neok and face for many years after takldg two bottles of bnrdook blood bitters they all disappeared and have never returned fame fa a fast express that many men are too lazy to oatob one laialiver pill every dight for thirty days makes a complete cure of bilioubnesa and constipation trial is jnst 25 cents to be oured it booms that a man who never goeb in debt never makes anything oqo0owo ooooo aqtjickcure for coughs and o0ld5 pyny pectoral the canadian bcmedy tor all throatmidlunq affections xsufe bottles 25 ni davis lawrence co umited props fury davis pain killer new york montreal tawatjs it seems odd that a gad pipe always leaks on the inside of the metre blokles anticonsamptlve syrap ttands at the head of the list for all diseases of tho throat and langs it acts like magio in breaking np a cold a cough is soon sub dued tlgbtnesb of tho cheat la relieved even the worst case of consumption is relieved while in recent cases it my be aaid never to fail it is a medicine prepared from tbe active principles of tho virtues of several medioinal herbs andean be depended npon for pulmonary complaints no man can hide his gait wben he walks philpotts release sciatica rheumatism a double compound in the realm of pain torture but south american rheumatic cure drives it out and never misses a few weeks ago while on a baeinesa trip to north bay i was seized with a severe atta rheumatism hearing of tlyontleytal affected by south merioan rheumatic cine iptoou bottle and inside of three days all the pain bad left me and when i had taken one bottle i was oomsletely cured i think it the greatest of remedies and shall be pleased to communicate with any person wishing more particulars of my oase edw fhllpott cannlngton ont bold by a t brown jj njtjtjljtjtjll ftjtjljljxriu can be procured from the most reliable dealers only the best value in the trade shoreys heavy jblack worsted cheviot imp ulsters price 875 this perhaps shoreys garment made to qrcbr not to fit would be 1700 clothing well lined well made and exceedingly stylish by a tailor though not made to order but made to fit and every thread is guaranteed jmnnnfisw n nnjrjxnjuijxrutririnjviajinjulnrutrinriruuinrlnxlrinjij a brilliant and beautiful chicago bonlp- tresb has married a portrait painter this ia oertalnty an nslr of art and heart there never was and never will ba a nnliversal panaoea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh 1b heir the vory nature of many ontatives being enoh that were the gorme of nther and differently boated diseases rooted in the system of the patient what would relieve one ill in tnrn would aggravate the othor we have however in qninine wine when obtained in a aonnd unadulterated state a remedy for many and grinvoob ills by itb krodual jndioionb n the frailest systomb are led into oon- valeacenoe and strength by the inflaonoe whloh qninine exerts on natares own restoratives it relieves the drooping bpirlta of those with whom a ohronio state of morbid despondent and lask of internet in life is a disease and by tranqnillzlng the nerves disposes to sonnd and refresh lng sleep impartb vigor to the aotlon of tbe blood whioh being stimulated ooarsea throughout the velnb strengthening the healthy animal functions of tho ayatem thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening tbe frame and giving life to the digestive organs wbioh naturally demand inoreaeod bubbtanae result im proved appetite korthrop a lyman of toronto havo given to the publio their quinine wine at the naual rate and goaged by tho opinion of bolentiats thia wino approaohea nearest perfection of any tho market a1i drngglata boii it if money ooold only lndnae peoplo to bo good what a jolly world this would be always ol hmd lainlfiher 1 thukisi9kird of pmm 6fc 1 aohi ihtfrmal or external j the upward tendenoy of the price of beet makes it easy to believe that the oow aotually did jump over the moon tell the deaf mr j f kobok druggist feith writes a customer of mine having been oured of deafness by the use of dr thomas eoleotrlooit wrota to ireland telling hit friends there of the enre in ooneequence i received an order to tend half a dozen by express to wexford irelind this week each man is a hero and an oracle to somebody carpenters kidneys carpentering in not an ensy trado the constant ronching up and down the lifting and stooping over aro all severe strains on tho kidneys no wonder a carponter exolaimod recently that every timo he drovo a nnil it seemed nti though ho was piercing bis own book he uses doans kidney pills now on tbo first sign of bnckncho and li ablo to follow his trado with comfort and profit i hava had kidney and nrlnanr trouble for mora than three yoara with severe pnlnlnthetmall of mr back and in both sides i eoold not stoop tfithont brent difflcoltyand i had severe neuralgia pnlnlnhothtomplm seelm tho advert senwnt of poans kidney ihlls x irotaboa thy liavebtten me qnlck relief rentovitig tht pain from the back and sides and banishlm tha nenrnlitle pains froni my head tho nrlnary dlffleulty is now entirely one i feel fresh and tiorous in the mornings and am muoh stronger in every way since takini these pills clabxwce b bkeds carpenter mai builder trenton oat oar words and aotiont to be fair mast be timely dr lows worm syrnp is a safe sure and reliable worm expeller acts equally well on children or adults be sore yon get lows every ultimate faot is only the first of now series the evening of life oomes bearing its own lamp pale people have their blood enriched their heart strengthened and their cheeks rosy by using milburns heart and nerve plus insnfsolent quantity or poor quality of the blood is one of the evil results that usually follow any derangement of the hoart if the heart becomes weakened in any way it cannot pump the blood to tho langa as it should there to bo purified and lm pregnated with the lifegiving oxygen as a result the blood deteriorates it iosos its nourish ing vitalizing lienlthcivlnp qual ities tho faco bo- comes palo thin and waxon tho lipa bloodlcas tho hands and feet eold thore is vreak- xiesb tlrodness shortneasof breath and palpitation when those buffering from thin or watery blood start taking milburns heart and nerve pills they are assured of a cure every dose acta on tho heart ltsolf causing it to beat atrong steady and regular every dose too introduces into the blood those vital elements necessary to make it rich and red boon the pale chock takes on the rosy hne of health there is strength instead of weaknoaa energy and activity take the plnee of tiredness and lassitude miss m skullloti so tamer street ottawa ont sayn i waa greatly troublod with my hoart together with extreme nervousness for many years these complnlnls brought about groat weakness and feeling of tiredness my blood was of poor quality 80 muoh so that i bcentne pale and languid milburns ttenrt and nerve pills oured me after all elao failed they built up my system enriched my blood strengthened my nerves and restored me to irtajtb let a man keep thjjawany law and his way will beslrewn with satiafaotion simply wond are the results of dr von stans pineapple tablets in all disorders of the stomaoh no one need now endure the tortures of indigeation and dyspepsia within reaph of all is an nnfailing remedy wbioh enablea a person to get the full benefit of the food eaten tbe pineapple liberally yields a component known as vegetable papain a produot second only to tbe human digestive seoretiona in ila power of digesting food introduced into the human ayatem it la simply incomparable aa a natural aid to the digestive apparatue dr von stans pineapple tablets are mainly composed of this grand fruit jnloo tbey oure indigea tion and dyspepsia positively they are eaten aa candy and give instant relief box of 60 tablets 85 oents bold by a t brown castoria for infants and childreu iniltit wzu itsa svtrr mips truth la aa impossible to be soiled by any outward touch as the sunbeam a small pill bat powerful they that judge of tho powera of a pill by ita size wool 1 consider parmelees vegetable pills to be lacking it is a little wonder among pill wbal it lacka in size it makes op in potenoy the remedleewbioh it oarrlos are put up in these small doses beoauae ibay are ao powerful tbat only amall doaea are required the full strength of tbs extracts is scoured in this form and do their work thoroughly somo womens love is limited to the size of a mans pooketbook and her ability to baodle tbe oentenlb engliab spavin liniment removes a hard soft or oallonaad lumps and blem ishes from borsss blood spavin garbs splints ring bone sweeny stifles sprains bore and swollen throat coughs lo save s0 by the use of one bottle warranted the most wonderful blemish oure ever known bold by a t brow n the things that are really for thee grav itate to thsa milburns sterling headaohe powders oure the worst beadaohe in from ave to twenty minntes and leave no had after effects ooe powder 00 h powdera xoo 10 powdera 25o a drop of water baa the properties oftne- ea but oanno t exhibit a storm x db woods norway pine syrup cures coughs and golds mrs aloizo ii xliurhur f roc port n8 nays i hud a bovora uttuck of grippe and bad cough with givit difftotilty in breathing after taking two bottles of dr woods norway pino byrup i waa com pletely cured laxauver work while you sleep without a grip or gripe curing sick headache dyspepsia and constipation and make you feel better in the morning branirfcord stklwindmills maple leaf gba1n gbindeb john mcqufien agent fqr the above has changed his wnre- aooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen frost a wood binders and mowers two sizes ror anv iower no i has ioinch rever sible burrs 8lnch single burrs both have ballbearing burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and last with least powe always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use coold shapely tcmfuir co limited brantford ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs n my absence mr john t elliott whe resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen that the facsimile signature op promote3thgestioncheetrul- iiessandnestcontalns neither opnjutmorphine nor mineral mot narcotic xttsafadasambezpoxmit fmrti smi- f- wmvtftw a perfect remedy for constipa tion sour stotoachdiarrhoea worms convulsions fevwish- ness and loss of sleep tac simile sig of new york is on the wrapper of eveey i bgrriif of oasteria is pit p in sasxlss lettlss only it is sat sola la balk dont allow anrose to sail foa asrthhur slsa an tee plsa or promise that it jut aa nod aad u1 aaswsr arerr pir- w 8 that ytm jrt oabtoeia agents wanted for unrepresented dlstriots good pay to good men secure your 1strict tor tbe coming season now freight and express paid the feliiam nurseuy co growing a complete line of nursery stock includ ing many new varieties of hardy rose3 ornamental shrubs and trees all stock guaranteed free from san jose scale we hold government certifi cate of inspection covering onr stook write for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem- ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other f uncra supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speight co rcton ms it mil vtlh um bmw of mm johnton sworton afp toronto ont about stationery are you out of invoices letter heads enve lopes or the jilce we require what time and prices are consistent with the best workmanship and often require less of both than the most care less printer thbrcton ahbb prbss h p moore proprietor uuanu tbiiml uahway ooinu w1rt mall la 02 am kinross q 25 pm moll 7 10 pm aoino kabt express 0 06 ir express 10 00 am mali 6 uptn uixod 10 08 lim 8imday trains oolnr west 10 03 s m going bast 0 a in 0 it p m timh ov gloflma uxilb going woet 0 40 am and 0 so pm going east 10 t am and 5 go pm tblo time tablo wont mto effect on bundoy juno sgtb 1bu9 phe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert nobles flour feed store at acton also mill feed and chop ped grain of all kinds we want delivered atacton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price in cash r noble oxford oxford stoves and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaces tho imperial oxtord range is the 2etd- la cook stove maybe seen at any time at pannabealcers mill st tbe otxord base burner is t2to loading coal stovo pipes scuttles shovels stove furniture at low prices g a pannabecker mill street aoton the tjptodate tailoring store ia thanking our friends for their patron age for past seasons we beg to announce that our stock for fall and winter is now complete and in anticipation of a larger business and also a great advance fn british and foreign goads wo placed our import orders early that we might give our friends the benefit of the advance which has taken place we have the production of the best mills and the latest novelties in designs in suitings pantlnys ovrcoatlngs call and see our goods it is a pleasure to sbow them fit and workmanship guaranteed cooper akins mill st acton we are sole agenta in aoton for the cele brated bollwarp and blenheim serge which does not fade or ohange its color in two years wear or money refunded imhilwhifilmilhill onr fee returned if we fll any one ending ketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of mme how to obtain patent aent upon request patent secured through ub advertised for sale at our expense 1 pateuta taken out through us receive special notice without charge in tub patent recobd an illustrated and widely circulated journal consulted by manufacturer and investors send for sample copy puck address victor j kvah8 co parent attorneys fans building wahinqton o c yriuorotirlntomtinr books invent ort helpt and how you rxo awintcd sondnsrrotighaketofi or model of your invention or improvement and wo will tell you free our opinion aa to whether it la probably patentable wo mnka a fmoclauy st plications rojootod in other bonds hlgnost reference furntahed atasuon bcabiok patktft solioitorfi ft xxpkrt8 otrtl a mechanical knirtnrers arsdastcs of th fplytcohnlo btthool nf snslikrcilun bichelora in applied bclenoni ijivbi xrnlreriity mmber fsvunttaw afboclntlon amnioan water workt aaaodatlon nw enulnnil wntrr worki aiioc p q soitojron aitwlntlon auoo llcmhcr can boeuty or civil knuliicir flfioebj lpe b10qmohtftrai- cait 60 years thaoe marks dmion covbiahtiva anm ennlrii a ikotoh anil deaerimlmwh uoiustriethrmnadantud h r snt f re oldest ajrenoy foi istanu taken throoab l spaeioi totte wltbont o sctentific a handiionielr tllantratajd cnutlon of any selenuflfl rt four wonihs f v co stidrtl

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