Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 16, 1899, p. 1

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tfan jttu 4 volume xxv no acton ontario thursday november 16 1899 price three citnts ib pdbwbned every thursday morning at toe free presbstcam printing oflice mill street acton ont thumb op buiiuciuption ouo dollar por year strictly id ad van oo all biibaorlntioub discou- tlnuod whou tho time for which thoy bavo boon paid boa oxnirod the dato to wblob every ubsoriptlou 1b paid la denoted on tbe address label advkhtihinq hateb translont advortlso- incuta 10 cents por nouparoil lino for first in sertion il oontg por lino for oaob subsequent insertion gontiuot ratiib tho fallowing tablo shows our ratoa for tbo iubortlon of advortibomonts for ipoolflod periods pine space 1 yh 8 wo 8 mo imo 060 00 1635 00 89 00 3000 20 00 1 13 00 0 00 360 2000 1300 700 a oo 700 800 qs0 100 advertlsemonta without spoolflo directions trill bo idbertod till forbid and ohargod acoord- ngly transient advertisements must bo paid a advance advortlsomonts will bo obangod onoo each raontb if dosired for ohangos oftoner than enoe a month tho composition must ba paid for at regulai rates ohangob for contraotadvortiaomontb mm do n tbo offloo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hfmoore editor and froprlotor vttsinm fflirertorp tohn m macdonald m d c m successor to j f uren m d o m ouloo and realdonoo corner mill ft frederick rootaaoton offloo hourb h to 10 30 am 1 to 3 pm and to 9 pm txr f j r forster sdccubbor to dh a s elliott lato rosldont physician and surgoon to vic toria hospital for blok children toronto ofvioe mill btroot lately ooouplod by dr lliott tr dryden eye ean tnnoat and nobe alcloans blook douglas st noar f o guelph racn hotrns 10 m to l pm and 3 to 6 pm bdkdatb 10 am to 1 pm dentaz l bennett ldb dentist qbonqbtown ontario j coghlan ddsld s dentist woilk caukfuliy done pbioeb hodbiiate orvicb ovan browns dntm btohk houbb evert day phowo to 6 j mbell dds lds dentist bnooetille uonob ghaduatb 07 tobonto univensitt work made satiafaotory frices moderate viaitina days monday afternoon camp- ellvlllo tuoaday acton oibco clarks hotel friday hockwood m olean mclean barristers solicitors notaries gonvoyancers o frivatofundstoloan offloo town hall acton wm a molxak jno a mclean a j mackinnon baiuustkb bolioltoll convktahcett ovuoe mill street ic matthews blook upatalrs jl mcleod uanxustkn tjouoiroa and commission bb vob tak1no appadavitb i main btroet georgotdwn conveyancing donu and money loaned on first mortgage on farm property atsj r j mcnabb ulork fourth division court county of hal- on convoyanoer agent fire and ldfoaaauranoe ileal estate agent money to loan oto orricb- ferryman a blook aoton ont mzscsllanxo us h enry grist ottawa canada solioitor of patent for invention oto freoarea applications for tho canadian amor- lcan7afcienropoatt fatont otuoos aadfor the band for pom- thirtytwo years experience uogistratlon of trado matka pblet f ibanoib nunan bookbinder wvndbam st gnolpb ontario over william a store account books of all kinds made to order oriodiaala of every description carefully bound ullncnoativittki promptly done m jtriage licenses h f moose p junttkn or minmaoh licenses private offloa no witneeses required issuod at tetfdpnaa in tho ovehlog free press offloe acton w ii hembtbeet ilioshsbi acoiiohuck rat thsoonntln of wenington and ualton ordu0l0flttbfbbb pobbb offlo aoton or tniyreldnmtnaitoii wi1h0 promptly t- auded o terolg lieivonfcblft alio money to lon oa tbamoitfatonbla umind at lb iowit rate of lateral jn of boo and pwards budscbidud s c iajooo the wbuunoton mutual f1be insurance company eitabluhed 1840 hood offloo anblph ont in8ukance on ch nd mutual plan any oouitnunloitlon forwardod to my addtoas loa 893 or telopboilo c6 will be promptly tended to johh taylor agent acton saw mills and wood yards jhwbs brown if anuvactuiuen akd dkaitbl in ta tabor tmth shinties wood bto all klnda of wood in atoota and promptly deliverod to any part of tho town at reasonable prioee hardwood and amm oat atova length always on hand tolephone communication i wanted wv 8ksb2 gswonuraery block end b6d gj moit oomplete amortment in tbe trada faat- muloi speolalueii eoperb lamplea fornlehed innrtnn in anv lannnage tbea rybonld illlioitlen fookimfor ood tnmg unr alary or eom- ufio offer lntorwtito anyone not earning alo0oro per year uot in oommanloatlon its jovnarot ofboe an opportunity to roiiroaent awelfstawubeci bouio ability more impor- tant tban exporlonoe lcka bbotbbbb commnt inurnatlonalnnreerlm onloago i montreal qno booheiter n tl blotting papers stamp albums scrap books cash records and pocket blank books big supply of office stationery days bookstore cuelph day sells cheap waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods waters bros wzndham street new store guelph rphe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert nobles flour feed store at acton also mill feed and chop ped grain of all kinds we want delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price in cash r noble oxford oxford stoves and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaces the imperial oxford range la the lead- lag coojc store may be seen at any time at paaaabookersy mill st the otxord base burner is tie leading co lj u c pipes scuttles shovels stove furniture at low prices a pannabecker mill street aoton tjwjkindjmoffleji there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goqds sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices qaxil akd beboub new lines w williams mill bt mall and business fraotloe i the most interesting and prao- tloal oourae of study in bookkeeping and acoonntlng for boy and girls leaving pobllo and high bobools shortband and typewritlna peo- lal faollltles indlrldnal tuition no olaesea formed parents are invited to investigate fall term will eom- menoo u onday aug 98 oublph business college and shorthand institute 1 bhabp prlnolpal l ufa wanted several bright and honest parsons to represent us as managers in this and close by oonntlaa balary agoo a year and expanse htralnht bonande no more no lass salary position permanent oar refarenoes any bank in any town it is malntv offloe work conducted at home beference moelosa selfaddressed stamped envelope tbe dominion company dept3 onloago traders rank of canada capltnl authorized 1 000000 capital paid up 700000 guelph branch we are now iobuidr monoy orders payable at paravaiiy branch or chartered hauk in canada oxoeptlng tbo yukon dlutriot at tbo following rates uudordlo sconta 910 to 820 10 cento 90 to 930 lacoiita 30 to 850 14 conta highest current hate of interest fiaid on buiub dopobltod of 81 and upwards qtorottallowod from dato of dopoalt to dato of withdrawal and paid or couipoundod half yearly advances made to rospoubiblo farm ere on tholr own naniob a tbo lowoot curron ratoa nocbargo mado for collecting ualoa notes if payable in quelpb a gonoral banking business transacted a fjt jones manager jjoetrn canada my iand we have just opened shipments from three great english manufactories tkble cutl6ry pock6t cutlbry ckh1tbrs rhzors some of the nicest goods we have ever received some of the most useful artic les to be had for wedding presents or gener al use the carvers are simply the best vehaveever had our prices are al ways right john m bond co cublph motlo satisfaction hardware speight brady manufacturers of uynamos electric motors water motors gasoline and gas elfomes brass iron castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont s thoro may be other ollmoa mora bright witblu a southern tons somo fairor land aoroas the sea where boauty baa her throne hut thou art fairest unto mo bocaubo thou art my own canada my ladd moro fertile holds and amplor plains iu other realms may bo aud grander streams than thobo which bear thy waters to tbo sea but yot groat handiwork of god thourt lotellostto mo canada my land idoro glorious records may adorn tho annals of tbe past than those wblob tell the rlso and grewth of thy dominion yast but i am proudost of tbo land in wblob my lot is oast canada my land names more illustrious may form another pooplaa boast than those which sblne like beaaonlights oer thee from coast to coast but land of momorablo names i honor theo tho most canada my land beneath tby green or snowelad sod my fathors asbes he thou hast my all to theo im bound by ovory doarest tie for thoo ill gladly live for theo i cheerfully would dlo ik m atackeracjicr in montreal tvitnem stkd 3fanulg juaittg spoiled by ffice 1vt wife va e acton livery bus line tho undorelgnod raspoctfnlly solicits tho patron age of tho public and informs them that well equipped and stylish bigs can al ways be secured at his stables a comfortable bus moots trains betwoon 0 am and 818 pm caret 01 attention given toevoryordor the wants of commercial travel lers fully mot john williams pnofmkton everton and eden mlllst the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed tec for sale chopping- every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop main 8treet planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor hanafacturor of sash doors framoa mouldlugd in all styles drxssino matching and moulding to ordor on short notice veil assortoil stock on hand at prices tosa the times john cameron proprietor the tjptodate tailoring store in thanking our friends for their patron age for past seasons we beg to announce that our stock for tall and winter is now complete and in anticipation of a larger business and also a great advance in british and foreign goods wo placed our import orders early that we might give our friends the benefit of the advance which has taken place we have tho production of the best mills and the latest novelties in designs in suitings -pantlna- overcoatings- call and see our goods it is a pleasure o show them fit and workmanship guaranteed cooper 8l akins mill st acton we are lole agentain aoton for the cele brated bellwarp and blenheim serge wbioh does not fade or ohange its color in two yean wear or money refunded ahe dont think id orter sheriff hearing the an familiar high pitched piping voice mrs oharlea peered through the panels of tbe japanese aoreen that concealed her desk and chair in the bay window alcove of her husbands offloe and saw a tall lean sunburned yonng man with one brawny ehonlder braced awkward ly againet the casing of tbe outer door ai be looked down in aweatook admiration at the lawyer whose pen was rapidly filling in tbe various counts of oompliint in a writ ah 1 how is that she eays id better etiok to farmin she says i bbsll lose more in the long ran than i shell make but anybody hadnt always orter be oo the make bed they 7 and tbero has to be sheriff certainly and the oltizens of a ooanty should oheerfully serve their tnrn in filling the offloeb prescribed by law there should be no vulgar aorambla for offloe nor a shrinking of responsibility jea so i mubt remember that to tell mari it may reoonolle ber to havin me gone some er tbe time your legitimate duties will not often take you from the farm and i fancy you are too well settled to be led astray by bad company or to go idling about to magnify your office wasl i guess not ive alios stook ter hum pretty close and i dont know as i bball liko bheriffin at all youll her ter tell me what ter do i dont know no more bow to sarve a writ than that lettle stump tail dog over there do the little animal recognizing the word dog wagged his short tail and the young farmer laugh log a little gave hia attention as the mau ot law unfolded the document explained it and gave explicit directions to tho newly madeoffiaer who ie be 7 came from a voioe in the alcovo as soon as the door was closed stephen staples was tbe reply you know his farm over in staples hollow where we called for a drink ot milk onoe when we were drivtog his wifs is one of the old fashioned homespun kind a staple of the community you told ber that day and ber voioe sounds like distant thunder jes so laoghed squire oharles id oomical imitation of bis olient and tbe matter was dropped for that time at intervals the sheriff came to the offloe or tho lawyer mentioned seeing him here and there steve staples oani be doing much farming he would say im afraid a poor sheriff is spoiling a good farmer staples has a new suit j hardly knew him when i met him in the oity today he evidently enjoys his little journeys in the world next it waa staples is wearing tan colored shoes and later at oonrt time staples is sporting a high hat and a cane he strikes an atttitode like judge coleman and the uninitiated might take him for a member of the legal profession i wonder what bis wife think of it remarked mrs charles tho question was answered by that good woman in person several months uter she oame into the office with her husband early one midsummer morning they both looked neat and businesslike in gingbam and denim bat it was staples who piped exonsingly come in s burry didnt fix up the clothes he wore before be took up btjeriffln are good enough to wear when he rides with me said his wife in low heavy ground tones they are as good as he can afford aud beet ot all they are paid for the things he had to mortgage the farm to buy i dont take no stock in my self i dont has it come to that asked squire charles in surprise jes so piped staples ill tell yon how twss weve come to get tbe papers made whoareyoq going to mortgage it to asked tbe lawyer to gain time for he would not or the world have bad bis wife mlas hearing the story oh mrs staples here shes got money 1 yes ive got money but he wont get it to sheriff around on unless i have security that is all proper said the man of kw oh heres my wife youd be pleased to meet mrs staples again my dear nowlet as bear about these- per- plexufe waal twas this way said tbe farmer wbo hid left his ohalr and braced his shoulder against tho door frame id tbe old way where ho could look down upon tbe desk all along there seemed to be a good many things to call me away from home he made up arranla put in his wife in her low heavy voioe waal 1 didnt go no more than tbe other fellers i was getting acquainted with all roundabout i didnt wan ter be different from thorn youd always been different from em in the way that you had owned your farm an had money in tbe bank an euld tor bum an minded yonr own business while they was a hvin on their wits or their credit well i noverd hed my flinn as you might bay an whou i wont aaherifun i got acquainted an thero ain t no gettin away from it i did buy now clothes an a new bat an a new hobs an a buggy an all the fixlns tbe flxins was a gold watob an oh ain an a gold ring jett as truo as you live an kid gloves drivin gloves bo called em an he drlv iu em uo doubt fur he rid an he rid oarryin tluin filers he had got in with around ho went off with em to a politics convention a jear ago an left tbe bay all down a rain blow up i told him i fflt iu my bono a that twas aomin an it rained an it rained an when be got home the hay waa spiled he got it in but twas mubty an the critters wouldnt est it an cum winter bo bed ter buy bay he was so ashamed be wouldnt buy it aroand hum fer never before since the lord set em apart into familtea did a staples ever buy bay bo he drove twelve miles to tbe city an got baled bay an brought it hum in ther night an bid it in tho haymow an fed it out to the oowa in the barn waal come spring there wbb dunnin letters aomin in every day for not only hed he spent all he had laid by in tbe bank but hed got trotted besides after awhile a oity man he owed for hia blaak beetle winged tailcoat an bia big silk bat come dunnin an said bed tike up with a cow for family use an what did bo do but np an sell him betty the best cow in the barn 1 i tell you that struck me spunky but i didnt say notbin or not so very rauoh didnt say very muoh echoed poor staples bracing bis shoulder anew twant nothing but keraheriff kersberiff kersheriff from morning till night waal you oame near being kereherifled yourself when that man oame after you that driv off bet to pay for a buzz beetle tailed ooat razor toed yaller shoes a cane an a ping bat why be even had his linen he called it dono up at a laundry i he did make rapid progress langhed tho lawyer progrssb 1 i thought eo when them men oame an said bet had got ta-ber-oo- losis i said i didnt know what kind of tubers they had been given her she hadnt had notbin on tbe farm but potatoes an carrots an they agreed with her well enough then ho said wo muat have the herd inoculated an i eaid wod all been vaccinated an i guessed that would do for tho cows an all so we jawod till staples dressed up an bitched up an drove off with them day an night he was gone for two or three weeks an i thought i should hev a- wont orazy farm work so florin oh betty adyin an i said bbe should be brought home so they loaded her on to a drag an brought her baok one night an put ber on some olean straw in the sheep shed bo the other oritters shouldnt ketch it i went out to see her an didnt believe in any ot their newfanglod talk shes pizened or else shes aswallowed some thing i said an they kept op their talk about proseautin us for eellin a oow that hadnt been tested an i said wed been a- testin ber milk an cream for yeare bat all the talk didnt bave the cow sho died then i set up that she should be out oped an one o tbe men said as pompous as a big diollonary very well well bave a pobt mortem examination my good woman i paid i didnt feel jest then as if i was anybodys very good woman but i wanted that oow out open pobt mortem or rail mortem it didnt matter which to me she never was unruly an one ot the men said kinder laugbin wo will proceed with the autoapy an 1 eaid i dint aaro what kind of topiiy they proceeded with she was black enough to be a topay or a dinab i knew what they meant but i didnt mean to lot tbem know it so they went od with tbo examination an what do yon think they found but a piece of baled bay wire a foot long that poor old cr liter starvin on baled hay had hanked down an swallowed that wire an it had tangeled around au punched tbrongh her internal maohinery tryin to digest itself tilt it had twisted poor old bettya heart all np eo it couldnt best no longer well then they aannot prosecute you for keeping an infected herd no but tbe sooiety for tbs prevention of cruelty to animals might for keep in milk cows on iron wire but now tbey threaten to proseoutj for damages and veterinarles an experts au so on so now if you will make the papers given me a deed of the farm ill give him money to pay up an settle op all these ker eberiffln bills but this has got to end it but your sherriff fees eaid the lawyer will they not bilp to pay part of the expenses fees i echoed the woman contemp tuously and the man added humbly as the lawyer took up his pen i never have bad but one oase that writ yon instructed me about yon know- and i haint never got no pay for sarvin that but there cant nobody eay i haint dressed up an lived up to the dignity of tbe office that little btub tailed dog is join the lime growled tho woman hes got a ribbon lied round his neok and the auditors laughed till the little dog barked in sympathy and stephen staples piped jes sol jea sol springfield mass lit publican surprised the congregation faith for a sixpence two hiih folks went ti church alone it was only around the corner from their home and ihoir mamma kuew they would be cafe duriug the long sermon they got tired and the older one supposing that tbe rojea held good iu oh u ran hd her sinter np in front of the pulpit and said please may we go home now muoh surprised the clergyman gaasd at them over bis spectacles then he understood and said certainly my ohlldren and tho two toddled out while tbe congregation smiled good imitation fan ote aged five waa visiting in the country and seeing a lot of sheep and lata be for tbe first time she exclaimed oh mamma just look at the cute little winba and theyre suoh good imitations too tbey squeak just like my toy lamb and bave got tnq same kind of hair on modesty in your discourse will give a lustre to truth and an excuse to yonr error i waa walkingalong the streets of london one cold and wet night with a desponding friend trying to obeer him aud longing to see a spark of hope kindled in his heart in our walk we arrived at victoria station while talking together a litile child stepped forward and said any lights sir no topsy i replied i dont want any 1 dont smoke o but pleaao air do buy a box she persisted in a ploading tone no no run away topsy i continued i have no use for lights but still she persisted at last seeing her earnestness 1 asked her what she did all day and at what time she was going home for it was then nearly half past teu oolook o she replied i go to school iu tbe day and after four oolook i come out here but why do not your father and mother take oare of you i asked father has run away and mother is ill in bed and what do qu come out here for i come ont hero and stay till i have taken sixpence but you dont alwaya tako sixpouce do you yeo i do bir but yon wont get sixpence touigbt yes i shall sir well how much bave you now she seemed inclined not to let me know but i eaid come topsy you must tell me all abont it so half afraid sue drew some coppers from a pocket in her cotton dress and counted out threepencehalf penny well now you will never gtt sixpence tonight i said o yeb sir she answered i shall i always take home bixpence now topsy tell me what makes you so sore of getting bixpence for some time bhe would not answer but after a little prebding she said be- oause before i oome out i kneel down by mothers bed and say the lords prayer and mother says our pather will help roe to get sixpence and be alwaya does o but i thought you said your father had run away dont you know sir sho aimply aeked that we have a father in heaven yes but you dont mean to say he bearb aboqt a bjxpencu yes he does sir and he will send me bixpence well if i were to give you twopenoe- bakpenny what wool you do why air i bhould run home to mother beoauae my father had given me all x asked for it is needleaa to say that tbe twopgnoe- halfpenny was speedily produced and suitably acknowledged by tho little one who merrily tripped home i turned to my friend who all this time bad stood by without saying a word our glances met and my only remark was there h you have got your lesson we forthwith separated i to my bachelor chambers he to be led into hope and brightness by tbe faith of a little ohild john sbrimpton in the christian sousa qive9alesson in organ grinding an indians glass waggon the osages as a people are tbe riobest on earth from the interest on tbe money which tbe united states government bor rowed from them as a nation and from tho rental of their grass lands the ossges men women and obildren colleot about eighty dollars eaoh every three months tbe osages therefore are very fond of large families and it it to the material interest of every indian to have as many children as poa bible in this oase eaoh uew child does not represent another mouth to feed but another source ot income the father on pay day collects from tbe government paymaster tbe money oomlog to his family and this often amounts to a considerable sum the indian has never fully realized tbe value of money it comes too easily when he gets his funds he goes around and pays bis debts for he is always given credit by traders and he settles bis accounts be cause be will shortly need oredit again until pay day comes around onoe more with the money be has left he boys any thing that takes bis fanoy and sometimes he makes remarkable and ludicrous pur chases an osage wbo had missed pay day nntil be had accumulated riches be yond his motif avaricious dreams went to coffey ville in southern kansas one day with bia pockets bulging with money he bhopped around in tbe stores buying every thing be fancied until he had accumulated a larger load than his pony coo id carry he was wandering alodg the street won dering how he would transport it to his home when be saw a large blaok wagon with glass sides standing in front of a store he looked st it wistfully for some time examined the horses and harness and wagged bis bead in an appreciative way the undertaker for a joko named a prico the indian went into his pookets counted ont the money mounted the box of the hearse and drove away before the undertaker could remonftrate a6d now mr indian comes to town in style with his sqnaw beside him on the seat and the inside of the hearse full ot very lively little pappooaes who look out through tbe glass aides of their strange carriage the hearse altfo does service whon the ludian comes to town with a load of wheat which looks very ulce through the gltss sides kansas oity star introduced to ruskin mr kuskin was taking a morning walk not long ago near brantwood whon ho saw a woman seated on a oampstool making a sketch ot the house and with a courteous graoe which is intensely his own he ad- dresbod her inquiring her reason for choosing tho house in questlou for ber subject it is the house of the famous john lluskin she frankly answered have yon met buskin f she was asked no indeed she replied it i had 1 would have deemed it one of tbe greatest privileges of my life then madam if yon ears to follow me i will show hjm to you in a twinkling the stool and easel were paoked np and the artist followed the gnide to her surprise and gratification be led her np to the house entering bade his guest to follow whiob she readily did on inarched tbe stranger into the drawing- room then placing hia baok to the fire place a familiar attitude he exclaimed to the amsaement of his companion now what do on think of ruakin t debiie not to live long but lite well john philip soubsbas an intenbo dialike for the mutilation of his musical composi tions to bear coo of his marches pltyed oat of tone or time not only sets bis teeth on edge but provokeb bis auger boond bis power of resistance not long ago he came down from his borne iu yonkers on the hudson to new york city and in front of the grand central etition bo heard an organ grinder playing tbe washington poat march he was turning the wheel with the utmost slowness and extreme frregolarity it sounded like a funeral nurob souea stood it as long as be could and then rushed across the atroet and exclaim ed thats not tbe way to play that dont do it any more its awful how should i play said the grinder impassively faster faater ah yes this way let me show you and he took tbe crank into his hands and and turned it with so muoh spirit aud vigor that be soon had a crowd around him thank you sir replied tho organibt bowing profoundly tbo next day souea camo to towu on tho same train aud found the same organ grindor in tho aame plaao playing the washington poat march jubt as ho bad beod taught tho day before but with muoh greater bucceaa murmuriog aud evidently awettnken spectators were dozens deep oiroledaroond the muaioiau souaa forced his way to the front to see the causa ot tho exoiteraent he found it on the organ was a largo oanvai sign reading the washington poat marob composed by john philip souea pltyed by a pupil of sonsa mr so una has not given any moro musio lebeona to b t range ra painfully slow the women of cleveland as a general thing are painfully slow in getting on and off tbe atreet oars ebpeoially off said an intelligent motor condnotor the other day they seem to iobs all their agility as boon as tbey pot foot on a car step thoy pull themselves op as it they were hoisting tonb and they let themselves down the eame way of course when they get off tbey invariably turn their faces toward the rear of tbe car thus insuring a bard full if tbe motor should happen to start i dont mean the elderly udlea of all agea and its no use to say step lively pleaae to tbo m theyre bound to take their time it the heavens fell it couldnt hurry some of tbem i bad an amoaing experience with one of tbeaeaggravatingly slow ladies the other day 1 was collecting fares on a crowded platform when tbe bell rang i signaled the motorraan and a moment liter leaned out to see if the pabbnnger bad alighted all i saw was a rather tout middle aged woman on tbe lower step with hor baok to the ourb and a hand grabping eaqh hand rail i jumped down aud ran to her and putting my hand under one arm lifted her haatily into the oar aud epringing up after her rang tho bell as i looked at the stout woman i uaw that her face was crimson and that she was b oow ling at me in a rnoet dreadful manner young man she screeched what do you mean by yonr rnffidly oonduct 11 bofbanly conbuct maam i echoed i dont understand you maam she almost exploded what do yon mean bhe cried by throwing ma baok into this car whon i waa trying to get off yod see she was bo slow that i hadnt been able to tell which way she was going the best christmas qift op all in ohoobing a christmas gift for a friend what oan afford more present or lasting pleasure than a subscription lo the youui companion tbe dtligbt with which it is welcomed on chmtmae morning is re newed every week in the year theoharm of it is dieoloaed ktte by little as the months run their course thero ii no houbebold in which it will not prove an inspiration those who wiah to present a years subscription to a friend may also hae the beautiful new companion calendar for 1000 sent with it this calendar is a reproduction in twilve color printings of three exquisite designs by a eolebrated american artist a member of the ameri can watercolor sooiety in addition to thib all tbe laauea of the companion for the remaining weeks of 1800 are sent from the time subscription is receivec for the new volume illustrated announcement number oon- tainiug a full prospectus of the volume for 1900 sent free to any address the youths companion 203 columbus avenue boston mass dont want drunkards it is evident in many ways that managers of largo monejed iutoresta aud capitalists are taking np the temperance queston practically in demandiug total abitlnenoe of all responaiblo persona who handle property business manager responsible clerks partners and persona occupying plaoesot trust aretexarded with increasing anxiety parlioolorly if tkatfeare clubmen aud aro bnown to be users of spratis the first qualification ot an aspirant fo good position 1b what are his hal he a total abstainer often inferior scours good positions beoauae tbey abstainers while men brilliant capable talented who are moderate drinkers fail necessary precaution what a fine jocking htilet boyj ex claimed tho good tiatured woman to bar traveling acquaintance how old is bs youre not oounectsd with the railroad are you t asked the suspiolous mother certainly not not in any oapaolty whatever v no well just wait until theconduotor gtt i out of bearing and 1 11 u it you free tho remainder of 16d0 to all new sub scribe ra to the fhbb pjucsb for tl 00 ou cao have the paper sent to your frlonda from now outl the end of 1000 do not miss this oh a nee the aoton furk press h p moobb publisher tm5y saw havo you hoard of tho terrible family thoy and tho dreadful venomous thiugo thoy say why hsu tho gossip mid or tho buu if you traou it back youll lltid bcrun in that wrotohod iioiiboof thoy a numerous family ho i am told aud its bonoaloglcnl trou iu old for over hlnco adam and uvo boguu to build up tho curiouu raau of mat lias ox 1b tod tbo uoubo of thoy uobbii niouyoro aud sirondora of lios horrid nooiilo whom all despise i and lot tho boat nt ua now mid thou itopoat queer talcs about womou aud mtm andauoto tlio houbo of thoy thoy uvo lika lords and novor labor k a tlioys ouo taak is to watch his uolgbbor and toll bin buslucss and private affairs to tlio world at largo they aro so wore of taros tbonu folks in tho house of they it is wholly uboiosb to follow a thoy with a whip or a juu for ho slips away and into hia bouso wboro yon cannot qo itls looked and bolted and guarded bo this horrible homo of thoy though you cannot got in yot thoy ket out and ariruad their vlltaiuous talos about of al tho rascals uudor tbo buu who havo oome to punlshmont novor one llolouged to tbo houio of tboy eila wheeler wilcox an essay on poetry hero is a georgia boyu aompouitiou on poetry a poem iu a thing wluoh ban chymes at tho last end a poem a ho bus feet but home poem dont btunii titcudy on em poete mostly hue lout hair because times are hard and its cheaper to l3t it grow poets used to live in u garpenton a crust of bread when the baker would crodit em now tbey live on tho groufid floor where they can eaoapa eaby when the bailiff la after era my father ayti poetry makes the world better but my mother eays it aint the kind he wrjtu poet have a monument when they die aa peoplu want to weigh em down boh tbey cant come back atlanta constitution theold ladys obituary 1 want you to writs tun uu obituary on the old lady utnd tho rural subscriber to the editor sorry to loar of your inst well im not biokin ttgin providence 1 oh of gourde well how old waa she sho never did tll of a rutiriug disposition was she no bir aho waa mightily iu evidence at all times i well my frieud whatou earth am i to nay oh jtiht any that sho wuz took away by providence an providence knows its bueineaa i w c t u officers queiru nov 2 the delegates to the provincial womanii christian temperance union ihia morning elected their officers with ono exception all tho old officers were reoleoted tbey aro president mre may it tiiornley loudon vico-preai- dent mrs jennie caver quit corres ponding secretary mrs mary wiley richmond hill uncording secretary mrs gordon wright loudon treasurer mifla jennie macarthur cornwall mra alice saonby the previous recording secretary was unable to bcrve for another year and mrs wright was elected in ber place the boer war mr b b bigger toronto editor of the canadian journal of fabrici baa published in pamphekt form his urticlea on tho boer war its causes and its interest to canadians with a qlobaary ot cape dutch and kaffir terms which are running through the canadian magazine price 10 cents mr biggar lived iu south africa for eorno yoare and ho ia therefore fully competent to supply the exact information needed ti aatiefy the curiosity of all canadians at thie important and eventful timo no basis of argreement your church lam informed said tho man wbo was in search of information takes oaro of ita freachorh when thoy be come too old for active service it does replied tho man who had tho iuformation to give out at what ago in it usually considered they ought to go on the retired list it is hard to tell thero is frequently a difference of tlmty years bttweeu the esiimtttoof tho congregation and that of tho proa oher her gentle hint this room he bald is rather oloae thats not all thats chip she roturned somewhat pointedly then he recalled thtt bhe had brought up the subject of ice cream aoda thrco times in tho 1tbt then minutts and he had failsd to respond au beonno a man chicago poat the claim is a one false crude materials can never produce perfect work wool c tbo claim in mmlo by tlio manufacturers of crudtly proparel piokao dyes and dyos composed of aoap greato mixed with a small amount of ciloiing mm tor that those dyos will color cotton and wool goods with thosamodye pnoh a claim is tolas and deooptivo animal and vegotabte flbrca audi as and cotton muet ouch have a spocial ring agent in order to meet thia ulty the manufactures of diamond havo prepared apcoiul dyes for all goods and special dyas for all cotton ooltod and wool or mixod materials oh of these diamond dyos gives hand- and artiatio colors suitable for the various seaaontt diamond- dyea are the only dyes in tbe world that fully meet the demands of homo dyeing the color all kinds of materials aud give colors and ehades equal to those produced by european professional dyerfl aud in he mojority of cases the diamond dyes are faster and more lasting cb cal exports who have made repeat are of tho ouo opinion that one nsssvillf of diamond dyes will iqui power three of any other 2ff avoid imitation jtfwv grrase mixtures thej9flasbalawnafat4irlals i and are dangerou

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