Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 16, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton chaster granted 1872 headoffioe hamilton ont capital all paid up 1 404000 reserve fund 1 000000 total assets 131 63000 j tuknbull cashier sayings department one dollar or more reaelved interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book the news at home mostly of a local charaoter every item interesting security that iivc the government returns shu deposilors in this bank have ova million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy pair kates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch ebtaulibued oven twenty ykjuuu j p bell agent ijs ctojt fxtt press thuk8day november 10 1890 little local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or eare of free press reporters this week enjoyable moonlight nigbta thiaweek abonc an inoh of bdow fell last fridayv nigtal stum ahovtli were brought into reqaiaitiqn again on btsnrday goelpb baa a hundred owners o dogs who have not provided taga or them there are a number of oases of small pox in tbe counties of essex and kent kev j w rae will leotute on doors in knox ohnroh tomorrow even ing the burl ington gazette haa improved its office plant by introduction of a power press mr john kennedy churoh street is nnder treatment for a severe oaae of blood poiioning a meeting of tbe pablio sohool board is called or on monday evening next at 880 oclock rthe lsst regular meeting of tbe oounty ooildoil or 18119 will be held on tuesday november 28th rev father feeny haa bad the front o tbe paraonage property on john street neatly boulevarded lord minto baa boen iovitcd to guelph christmas fat stock show to be held on thursday 7th december there baa been considerable 8tar- gazeing the paat two nightj tbe meteoric dlapuy ie blamed or it the grain market aontinnea somewhat dull tbe prices here yesterday were wheat g5c oatb 24 to 25o rye 60c barley sg to 88c peaa 56o meaara w d friok w stark a j mckinnou and r g campbell attended a apeoial meeting of milton chapter a f a- m on taeaday evening it wonld be a good idea or the streets and walks committee to have all adverts waterbonrsev and drainb on tbe atreets pot id good order beore frost aets in the ladlee aid society of the methodist choroh will bold a aooial on friday evening let deoember an excel lent programme is under preparation mr wm ebbage baa favored thefjtsb faxes with interesting anaconda mon tana papers illustrating tbe return of the montana soldiers from the pnilllpiuea tbs fsaa paksb stands on its merits as a local family newspaper and guaran tees clean healthy tone and attractive typography 10c to january one dollar to 1901 mr b t arnold pnrohased tbe double dwelling on main street from the estate of the late archibald campbell a tbo aale last saturday the price paid was 700 the georgetown herald has entered upon ita tbirtyflftb volume and tbe milton reformer its fifteenth both are interest ing wellconducted local papers vend a oredit to tbe county of halton although there have been several names suggested during the past few days as likely candidates for tbe mayoralty next year it is pretty well understood major nelson will not receive any opposition for the second term guelph mercury advertising of tbs right kind in good medium pays we believe the fair paxia to be a good medium and would like to see the nanftof every business man in in this section represented in its advertis ing columns rates famished on appji- tion rev mr macpherson returned on monday from tbe services held in connec tion with kramosa first ohnroh anni versary the servioes were well attended the sooil on monday night was a decided enccess mr macpherson delivered part of his lectors on the muslo of life io an nnmannerly souffle at the door of tbe post office the other evening bar j k godden m a who was passing had his apeotecles knocked off and broken it was no doubt an accident but those re- sponsible for this shcnld certainly have bad the manliness to apologias and make good the damage sustained to the duia rich lady cured of ber deafness and noises in tbe head by dr nicholsons arlldoal ear drams has sent 1000 to bis institute eo that deaf people anable to prooure tbe ear drama may have them free apply to department k b the institute 780 eight avenue new tork tj 8 a leav ac harness far robes blankets whips etc at first oosi for the nexl iwsntyone days i have sold my business to mr cameron of bolton and bavs to reduoe my elook to half the present amount by ths first of deoember so anyono wanting a barneas robe or anything in tbs stock will have a ohanoe of baying it st cost nhtw be first of dsoember 1m0 the obanes o a lifetime to bay harness at sojab flitrss m i wl offer j h mirrntws feature on doora rev j w rae of toronto junction will dollver a lecture on doors in knox ohnrob on friday night of this week the moro mention of tbe name of mr rae will lnaure a large attendauoe theadmis sion is 1g and 10 oente kttox church ce aunlvcraery the rev a j mann of first oburob eramoaa preaobed in knox oharoh lest sabbath lu the eveniug the membera of tbo c e society occupied the front pews and woro addrebsed by mr mann who took for ills subject go forward mr mann will ulwuya bo welcomed to actou his aermoua und tho daet with the leader of oboir mr a t mann were delightful jvonjjjtjiiiou on friday december aattd tbe municipal nominations this year will bo held on friday december 22nd tbo etatutcb provide that when the last monday in december u ohristmab day the nominationa for the offloea of membera of tbo rauuioipal council fihall tike plaoe ou tho proceeding friday tbo eleation will however be held on the first monday iu january as usual tbia year new yeais day 4 clou extending westward w p campbell tbe builder haa changed his mind about leaving aoton and wil aontinue to aopply the town with more new dwellings as ia well known be haa alroady built between twonty aod thirty houses hero all of wbiob are occu pied ho has now pnrohased some three acreb of land aultable for building lots from adam cook on mount campbell and ia dividing it into lota a new dwelling haa already boen commenced on tbe lot at the corner of brook street and ylotoria avenue knox church w f if s tbe annual meeting of the womens foreign missionary sooiety was beld in knox chnroh last thursday afternoon it was largely attended not only by its own members but slao by members of the missionary sooleties of other ohurobea in town who bad been cordially invited tbe address by mrs goldie ol guelph was very interesting and helpful and went to show how muoh tbe women are capable of doing when they become fully seized with the importance of the work tbe ofdoers for tbe coming year wore eleoted a duet by misses mcciore and watklne waa muob enjoyed the meeting was preaided over by mcrs c s smith and mra h js meopheraou a bauonboyaprowen0 the st paul minn pioneer preti give parlioolara of the remarkable resorts from a burning building on commercial street in that oity recently in which mr martin moffat eon of chriatopber moffat acton figured prominently an incendiary fire occurred in a bouse occnpled by a father and mother and aeven bmall ohildren and the wifes mother eightyeight years old the father succeeded in rescuing four of tbe ohildreo and mr moffat and a neighbor got ont tbo other three when the ory went up that the old lady who was helpless waa still in the bouse mr moffat bravely dashed through the flames into the falling building and carried the woman out to a plaoe of eafety safely returned from the old land mr wm 0 cameron and his daughter misb lillian arrived home from their trip to great britain and tbo continent last wednesday evening tbe trip was a very enjoyable one excepting perhaps the the return voyage whloh mr cameron says was the roughest he has ever experi enced in ten tripa across tbe atlantic miss cameron stood the journey well however end wss one of the very few passengers not troubled with aeasickuess daring hie trip mr cameron visited lon don liverpool edinburgh aberdeen paris stockholm lncerne add numerous smaller olties tbo exoitement and anxi ety over the war iu the tranavaal waa very apparent in all parts of the old land bnt il waa not to be compared with tbe exoitement manifested in the populous centres of england and scotland over tbe results of tbe recent yacbt races from day to day mr cameron saw a number of the transports fitting ont for soulb africa and the steamship he bailed over in the bavarian was held by the british author ities for this service interesting natural blatory meeting tbe all and winter series of nature studies opened very auspiciously in the baptist church last friday eveniug key w b moalplne b a the pastor intro duced the subject by what he called the humbler creation and spoke of the utility beauty and wonderoua ooostractiop of many insect etc in this clue in teresting pspera relative to tbe subject followed the mosquito by miss sher man georgetown waa read by miss wsrren mr moalplne read an essay on aphides or green diss tbs ccwa which the ants milk by dr frank watson georgetown mr b d warren read a paper on spiders and moths written by mr h goodenow he alto gave a des cription of wasps nest building illustrating ths first paper makers mr moalplne read another paper on iioousta and grasshoppers and miss giindell one on abiding cities or arcbiteotare of ants by miss barnes the oboir sang three bumblebees and the pastor sang a solo the cricket on ibe heart a hearty vote of thanks waa moved by bev t b forbes and mr fred eastwood tho name of our town actons name is simply aoton not aoton west it was so christened by a public meeting ol citizens away back in vhi when elevated to ths distinction of pos- seslug a poet office aoton is the name in all municipal records and this is the government name found in official post offloe and court lists aoton west was not thought of until long after the grand trunk railway was built through hire and because freight occasionally went east to acton vale quo for tbsir own con venience the railway people inserted aoton west in their lime tables etc aoton is distinctive tbere is no other plaoe of tbe earns name in ibe dominion and our citiiuns are jealous for their tlms honored title boms people srroosoosly address their letters aoton west there is no booh poet office a canvasser with a new map of ths province was in town this week his new map shows aoton west on ths g t b and baa a second point marked for acton a mile or a mile add a half away from ths railway this is an injustice to oar town inismaoh ss ibe railway rune directly through tbs towb with tbs post office and bnaiossa section wllhln a quarter of a mile front the station this error makes a very neatly executed map vary objectionable io acton people wbo actons advan tages to be fairly represented rowdyism to curb a gold in onb day m take ixamvs broaao qnlntntab1ts 41 drnsblsu refund the nidnayll it falls to enrol sbo j w droves alamatorvle on sash box to tbe editor of the fnk pimsa dun sin it ia wltb a deep sense of regret that i fuel myself called upon to write these few lines for publication 1 do s with some reticence but present oir- oumstanoes oall or it the oonduoton tho btreetb at uight of many of our young townsmen of either the boy or what may bo called the ooming man ia open to aevere oriticlem surely we are not going bnak to the old daya of rioting drunkenness and rowdy ism when it was aoiroely safe or a lady to be aloue ou the streets after night without being subject to some insult but yet when we oall in question the rowdy unmanly oonduct of many young moo cither at tbo oorcora of eonio of tbo streets or at tho post office st uight we haro reason to think tho old days have returned that a ladys presence only calls for abisa a spit or a word of vulgarity or iuault aud that those posing themselves as gentle men may find to their dismay that they are only esteemed aa loafers how muob better if young men only realized inore tbe sanctity of borne life the good moral influence they bad when under parents control sho that tho aotlona of a gentleman are euoh ab can never be oalled in question whether tbeae aotiens are entirely owing to tbe rowdy nature of bomo young men or to a laok of proper vigilance on tho part of tbo keepers of ibe peace is a question that cannot be answered hero but not only was i myaelt the butt of aome of tbia rowdyism tbo other evening at the poat office when the offending party had not the manlinoss to apologize bat i have been told by a certain lady that ou roturu- ing borne some nights from the offioe she basbad to even wipe off tobacoo spit from her dreba 1 think buoh oondact as this in a pnblia department and wbore ladlee congregate deserves not only the severest reproof but calls or more asreul vigilnae on he part of the authorities and more prompt aotion of the law and here i would also give a word of advice to christian parents in this town if you really love yonr children and have an interest in tbeir fatare moral and spiritual welfare keep them off the btreetb at night wbero they are a perfect trial to the pnblib or else let our authorities by all meana institute tbe rigid law of tho carfew bell 1 am yours truly si albans parsonage j k uodiikn nov 18th 1899 coming and going visitors to and from adton and varlousotherperaonal notes the municipal council the power house lot and water privilege are paid for coo nail mot on monday eveniog io regular beeoion membori all preaent except councillor frtoola reeve pearson in tbe chair tbe committee on finance presented their twentyfirst report and recommended payment of accounts as follows ii w oblsbolm a co oar coal 38 d mllli teaming ooal 23 76 a etopbenson repairs ib 05 beardtnore ileltlor co repairs 10 so james clark cylinder oil o 8 00 w ferryman labor 7 to jobn harvey freight and oxponbot 7 49 it bingham labor 5 87 w campbell gravel 3 co j h mattliowa nundrio 3 85 j arthurs labor a 60 bell telephone co tolophonlng 75 1j1 59 moved by j a murray seconded by james clark that the twentyfirst report of the committee on fioanoo jaat read be adopted carried moved by jobn clarke seconded by tames clark tbat the reeve and treasurer be and are bereby authorized to pay w a storey the sum of eiht hundred dollar as soon as deed is made satisfactory to our solicitor being amount of purchase price of land purchased for erection of eleotrio plant carried moved by james clark seconded by j a murray that the reeve be paid the usual grant of twenty dollars to cover amount dispensed for charity carried arrangements were considered for the erection of an oil and supply house for the electrlo plant council adjourned at nine oclock the anthrax case appealed notice of appeal has been served by de fendants in the case of campbell vs aoton tanning co tried at the late assizes at guelph in whioh the plaintiff was awarded by the jury 91000 and eaoh of her two infant children 1500 together with the costs of ail the appeal will be heard in january milton tbe anniversary services in knox church on sunday were highly interesting and suooessfnl with rev j o bheaver of hamilton on banday aod rev william patterson of toronto monday night tbe congregation was favored with a very strong team the minto onrliug olub has been re organized for the ooming season with a strong member ship and able officiary the shoe faotory is rnahed with orders aod experlenoed operatives are hard to get mrs e featheratoue formerly of tra falgar hau moved into town and is living in the residence formerly occupied by the late exmayor mith milton w o t u is till agitating for the ooatinuanoe of the carfew bell county treasurer jas menzies is giadually recovering from his recent illness georgetown judge hamilton has decided that con stable harley is entitled to the 12500 reward offered by feel council for tbe arrest of mike traoey jr for horse stealing tbe anniversary servioes in the meth odist choroh lact bon day and monday evenings were very interetting and suooess fol rev d a moir b d of wslkerton was cordially welcomed by many friends his ministrations were highly appreciated miss e lillian powell of toronto sang with muoh acoeptinoe tbe womans auxiliary of st georges oburob bold a bale of work in tbe town bait tuesday and wednesday tle paper mill safe was blown up on friday evening 3rd inst and mooo secured the salt of appleyard v the corporation of georgetown was tried by judge ham ilton last week mr appleyard asked for 100 damages for laok of water on bis farm daring tbs dry spell he was granted iso and oosts to thosk about to marry young men or old men who intend to mirrywill be pleased to learn that the new marriage act is made quite simple by applying to h p moore issuer of marriage liotnstf at the fkbk pbxsb ofnoe call a few days before ths ceremony and bavs the matter explained private offloe all business etriolly private and confidential 1 1 cmldsnoe la evenings sick positively cured irythes ijttle pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsl ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid tjver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose small price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get cartels ask for carters i insist and demand carters little liver fills crewsons corners but tow peoplo srs abls to appraalats good thing antil after they lose it ths hard frosts of the psst few days havs stopped fall ploughing and other farm operations mr thoa ingram auctioneer oondaoted a very aucoebsfoi clearing sals for mr h molsnghlin on friday last mr m crawson will be vary thankful to tbe person who visited bis hencoop on saturday night nov 4th and left a floe kid stove if he will call and leave ths mate of it with him or hb oan bavs the glove by calling for it the next tlms a person having a tenderness for ohloken vielts ths hencoops in this nslshborbood he will leave not only his glove bnt bis band mrs jobn bennett sr is seriously ill mr jas gamble lott a valuable heifer by it atraylog on tho railroad last week mesars bobt wansborough geo oaon aid oh gamble are ths delegates appointed from this plaoa to attsnd ths wellington county sunday sohool con vention to be btld in rookwood presby terian church on december 6lh and oih tbs revivsl servioes being held in ths methodist choroh by rev mr golden sod evangellt orlldon of tara ar being well attended and already great good is being accompli bed mrs geo wills sod miss maggls wilds of aoton visited friends bare last week mr snd mrs b orlppa spent sunday with friends in qoslph dr a delonr of st catharines spent a day or so last week st mr geo oanns mr and mrs wm sayarsof eaqoeetog spent sunday at mr a gibbons mr and mrs k mokianon of saolt 8t marls mich vtsltsd st lbs horns of mr r gibbons last week tbo fusk vnbab invites all its readers to oon trlbuto to this column if you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if yon have friends vlsitlug yon drop a card to tbe fnsa piikss mr bert mason of meadowvale visited relatives here this week mr c k- mooano of tbe toronto world ivai bomeovor budday miaaea jennio and mabel edmiaton are visiting friends in guelph tbib week mr junes coleman ia now io winnipeg and expeota to dpend the winter tuore mr and mrs frank mcmillan and misa jessie nicklin tiiited frienda at erin tbia week councillor and mrs wriggleswottb of ashgrove vibitd aoton friends lest thursday mr and mrs robert hyde of bpring- ueldontliegredit were visiting friends here this week mra c 8 smith was a guott at the hendersonmoieod wedding at george town hat week mr f w roes of toronto spent a couple of days tbib week with hie friends mr and mra thomas mill st mrs c malaohlan spent a onoplo of weeks with ftiends in toronto and mr molaohlan was in tho city over sunday mies christie of guelph and misa dempboy of st thomas were guests at the home of d henderson nl v this week misa s souram of toronto who ia forming a olaaa in inetrumental mudio here bab boen a guest at mooreoroft this week very rev father keough p p of paris vicargeneral of the diooeao of hamilton was a goeat of rev father feeuy last week mr w a storey left libt satnrday on a trip to gloveraville and jobnatowu n y he was aocompanied by mr fred h storey dr f f mercer who went ont to prinoe albert n yv t from aoton two years ago has now settled at santa rita new mexico mr john s coleman returned from hia visit to the north west last week he is quite favorably impressed with the country misa minnie hulraoa waa home from nerval over saturday and sunday she haa been reengaged for another year in her school there mr w kennedy foreman of the graven- hurst banner who had been visiting at tho old home io esqueslng oalled on the fiikb pnxas last week mr john walter and family have re moved to town from their farm and are now oomfortably settled in tbeir briok rebidsnoo on park ave mr tbomas 3 edmiston haa left ghater and gone f arlher west he is now ranching at wibbait n w t where hla brother robert is in missionary work mr f w galbralth of the guelph mercury ia rapidly recovering hia former strength and vigor he was able to vleit the offloe onoe during the week and expects shortly to be at his post again we are pleased to be able to slate- tbat mr joseph lssby who underwent a serious opsration at st josephs hospital goelpb aome three weeks ago is rapidly oonvaleso- ing and expeots in another week to be able to return home wtloomo news has reached tbe friends here of mra dr payne jr obieago who baa been aerioualy affeoted from an internal growth for aome time she la now rapidly recovering and hopes io a few weeks to be able to visit her old home here chks l n9lles guelph the big bookstore well paper window shades room mouldings j d 7v druggist our agent in acton will attend to your wants and show prices special sals of wh friday and satur it pays to buy at bqllerts it pays to buy at bollcrts 50 doz heavy while cups only 35c per doz loo doz heavy white cups and saucers 60c per doz 20 only 4 piece toilet sets 81 00 jo doz tea plates 50c per doz 50 doz iireakfast plates 75c per doz 20 doz dinner plates 75c per doz 500 hlue and white japanese china tei pots with drainer gc each special bargains in dinner sets the noted tea store and china palace j a mccrea qtjelph our young ladies will take much pleasure in showing the best of the new styles in jackets they combine tiid choicest of new shapes the new corded and striped effects and the applique velvet designs which are prominent features of the best of the new styles rour dollhrs will give you the choice of a splendid lot and at prices between that and tsijaenty dollhrs youll get values and styles that will agreeably surprise you astrachan jackets and fur lined capes are a specialty with us weve jackets to suit all figures at prices to suit all purses d e macdonald fe bro golden lion guelph sy b general merchants as it is drawing very near the 20th of november we notify all those who have not paid their accounts thnt our leaving acton is no hoax and that all accounts must be paid before that date or put up with the consequences grocsries honey drip syrup 30c gal worth 70c 5 lbs ginger snaps 25c very best american coal oil 20c- gal granulated sugar 20 lbs for si 00 6 bars ivory soap for 25c boots and shoes childrens stockings and rubbers combined 50c worth 100 ladies stockings and rubbers combined 915 worth i 75 ladles low shoes sizes 3 to 4 9 100 worth 175 ladies fine kid button shoes sizes 3 and 3 j 8100 worth 9175 2 prs ladies imported kid size 3 8175 worth 83 00 mens fine lace boots j d kings box calf 8250 worth 8400 mens long boots 8225 worth 8800 mens gaitejfdodgola 8175 worfh 8275 a firstclass heavy horse 6 year old for sale cheap suitable for road or farming will go at a srerifice as we are leaving cor mill and main sts acton henderson co hosiery every mother is concerned at this time of the year about stockings for her boys and girls she requires something warm and good to wear of a correct shape and comfortable to the wearer we hrive such goods as these in worsteds in heavy nnd extra heavy qualities and something extra nice for girls and ladies wear ia a beautiful fine merino wool ribbed hose suitable to the most tender feet and very warm at no advanced prices either notwithstanding that the yarn haa advanced over 50 per cent since we bought these goods we have made a special study of this branch of our business and we can thus give you better results than you can get any other way i i i i 1 h iw 1 i i i overcoats mens boys youths we have all kinds the comfortable ulsier with a deep collar or the uptodale gentlemans coat made of beaver or cheviot pea jackets and reefers in frieze pilot cloth and beaver a complete range to choose from correct shades and well guaranteed workmanship give us a look and you will be surprised at the values offered 1 i ii i i ii 1 1 ll hill i 1 ladies jackets a feature of our jacket trade is hat we ore constantly adding something to our stock the latest novelties are to he found hertas they come out a fresh shipment of new jackets expected this week 11 111111 11 i 1 i ii 111 1 111 tm see them 4ftwia0 dr6ss goods week this week witnesses the greatest activity in dress goods our buyer has been absent interviewing wholesale people with too many dress goods and the result is a surprise even to ourselves such values we have never seen in all our business experience vvc have divided the entire purchase into two lots as follows 15 cents this lot includes goods 40 inches wide in lovely twotoned mixtures plaid effects tweeds fancy weaves satin brocades not one of them worth less than 35c per yard 35 cunts this is a grand line of half a dozen different malic ol stylish uptodate colorings and designs including home spuns victoria suitings fancy weaves all regular 50c to 75c we cleared the entire line at less than half price and are selling them on the same basis see our big window full of sample display we have also opened another entire new line of homespun skirting in newest eftects e r bollert fe co 25 and 27wyiuuiam st guelph i gurrtey fe co mill st acton for special values in fall underwear glqyes and hosiery perfect fitting corsets in black grey and fawn special at 100 our blankets at 100 are leaders new wrapperette cloths in newest pat terns special at 10c try a package of our social tea special at 25c lb curney st co danger signals do your eyes blur at times do they hurt alter reading have you frequent headaches are the muscles around your eyes drawing wrinkles and crows feet 4 th6y hhbnhtures drng6r signztis by consulting our optical depart ment we can help you eyes tested free of charge e savage8cco jesuzeiiers 3a o crockery another crate consisting of dinner sets wash bowls white bowls jugs cuspidors soap dishes glass ware lamp shades frames and other goods also labrador herrings cfcoodeveco henderson co copper mining stocks for several months shrewd investors havs been putting their money into ilio shares of copper mines this is true not only ol men with inrge amounts of money at their disposal but also applies to those who nave made a study of investments with a view to scouring a large return for small investments as high as threeand four hundred per cent has to our knowledge already been realized on somo of these investments the amoii cans were the first to make a specialty of copper stocks they know what they were doing for the reason is not far to seek every copper mine in tho world is at present taxed to its utmost limit to meet the growing demand for copper for electrical purposes the reserve stores of copper are being depleted until it pays no longer to use copper in some eastern countries as a coin copper bas gone up in price from 9 to itj cents th supply of copper from the mines of the world today is on ly about eo pe oent of the consumption that is tbe reason why finaciera have theirjengijierssettrchinglho four quarters of the globe for copper mines and that is the reason the shares in promising copper ccm panics are so easily pickedhpby investurs if you have any money to invest we would ask you to consider the shares of the superior gold copper company limiteu this company owns and operates some valuable native copper properties wc arc in a position to offer you s special opportunity in this stock which as an investment should give you a profit of st least 10q per oent in s months send for prospectus and particulars occasionally we have an opportunity of giving our clients a special oner on some stocks and we have this opportunity now if you are interested write to us at once these shares are sold in large or small blocks to suit nil buyers we deal in all legitmate mining shares on commission if you want to buy or sell wriu currie kitel6y 82vongb sttoronto

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