Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 16, 1899, p. 4

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fwh- every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable every coueh congests the lining membrane of your lungs cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way put the pans at rest and give them a chance to heal you will need some help to do this and you will find it in iyers cherry pectoral prom the first dose the quiet and rest begin the tickling in thchroat ceases tbvrspasm weak- ensthb cough disap- jjews do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay dr ayefs cherry pec toral plaster shooll be overthe lungs of every per son troubled with a cough write to the doctor froly all tho particular la toot cue tell ui what your cxprfbe bu been with our cherry rectenl tovt trill rontvq a prompt reply without adilxeiscn j o at wtpm thubsdaykovembiib 16 1809 she damtn jollta do xt ad theres b cuts uttlo lad with iolly blaok oyob who moota me aaan night with a imllo thau throwing- off caro i turn young once asaln and arrive to amuso liim a wbllo lta aomo triok that a new or some atory maybe that makoa bim laugh boarty and then hla bis obubby faoe bo turns upward to mlno and say to mo do it aden we romp in the bras when the summer bun eblnoa wo play where tho bntterfllea awoll he call me hla borate and drives mo about though i dont bohavo very well the worso i act up tho mora laughing dooa ho- lll turn a big aummonot then bo 11 cry whoa 1 whoa and whip mo a bit then say to mo do it adou tho winter days soe htm as frolicsome still bu play yard each room of oar home 1 11 find htm at night with bil faoe to tbo pauo just waltln for papa to oonao i enur tho hall bos caught up for a bias with a rldo to tho colling awna then as soon as ho tonchos the floor ho looks up and says to uio do it adon l envoi tho years how tboy oomol ttao years how tbey go our babies will soon be onr nton and well bavo grown old yet 1 vonturo we 11 love tho echoes of do it aden joel it clemenlt every period ot life baa lu peooiiar prejudices who ever saw old age that did not applaad tbo past and condemn the present time far from it katie does your teacher ever have yon read in ndaon no maam she bab as read in tenny son the eln of pride is the sin of sins in which all snbseqnent biqbj are inoladed as in their term they are but the nnioldiog of this one sprained arm mibb mary ovlngton jasper ont says my mother got her arm sprained badly and nothing she tried helped her a bottle ot hagyarda yellow oil though cared tbe arm rwev few days no pleasure la comparable to the ttand- ing on the vantage gronod of troth getting over heated and oatohing oold often bring on oramps arid oollo of the worst kind a few dose of dr fowlers eitraot ot wild strawberry give relief from tbe pain and quickly core the worst oases in obaraoter in manners in style in all things the supreme excellence is slmpltolty english spavin liniment removes a hard soft or calloused xnrnps and blem ishes from horses blood spavin oorbs splints king bone sweeny btldes sprains bore and swollen throat coughs eto save 50 by the nae of one bottle warranted tbe most wonderful blemish on re ever known sold by atbrown tbe reverence of mans self is next to religion the obiefeat bridle ot all vices one trial of mother qraves worm exterminator will convince yon that it has no erjasl as a worm medlolne buy a bottle and see it it does not please yon it is the guilt not tbe aoafzold that con stitutes ths shame probably no single drug is employed in nervous dis eases with effects so mark edly beneficial as those of codliver oil these are the words of an eminent medical teacher another says the hy- pophosphites are generally acknowledged as valuable nerve tonics both these remedies are combined in scotts emul sion therefore take it for nervousness neuralgia sciatica insomnia and brain exhaustion oc and itos all drosabu icott bowne chtmbu toronto huoh oot c tho liberal choloe of south well ington for the house of commons at tho liberal ooinentlnli in oiiilpti on wtdnesday let novunlnr mr lluuli gutbrio narrmler oukuii ohnii n lo represent tho ruliirt or south wo ln t i as a candidate for tin huss of commit in the next gonial diction mr guthrie wsa born aud ralecl i his boyal ony and is llie tlrot oiieluh hoy lo reoeivo from any pulilioul party nomina tion for parliamentary honors for bomh wellington mr guthrie was born on tho 18th of august 1800 and tho 1 1 loit km of mr donald gothrlt q o exm v who por many years was tho liberal representative of una riding in the houso of commons and tho ontario leglrlituro ho wai educated in guelph pissing throniili iho public schools and the crllrksta institute from which he matncumld to toronto university the can troops canada to b kept w poated on board tho sardinian troopship whioli carried our boys waa a apeoial oorrespond ent of the family herald and weekly star ot montreal folly equipped for bis work he carried a oompleto photographic outfit he will be mounted and will have a mount edorderly ou the field the family herald correspondents sole duty will be to keep lha family herald in touch with tbe troops on the field ot aotioo he ounoi tbg neoessary permit duly signed by hon dr borden minister of militia and instruct ions cabled specially from the war ofboe by tho secretary of war that will enable bim to furnish the family herald with news canadians will know to be reliable a preachers nerve kaiser pleased with a boys tenacity the german kaiser had tbo ctber day a onrlone adventure with one of his numer ous godchildren every seventh boy in the bbqie family if the parents are in hamble cironmbtacoes is named after and educated at the expense of the kaiser on tbe kaisers arrival at kemolieid one of obese godchildren was depot to otter bim a bonquet the small boy however at the last minute utterly retailed to part with tbe flowers the kaiser however only laughed and patted bim on the head and said yes when a german once lays hands on anything he does not readily give it up and he ordered fifty marks to be given to tbe obstinate youngster a dreaded disease in november thousands are suffering maines celery compound gives prompt belief and cures per manently thonidcu o people die lo november ol rhenraatiem id tbe vaet majority of oaeea carelessness ignorance and a lack ot medical skill send tbe sufferer a to tbe grave it can be honestly and fearlessly asserted that in ninetynine onsen oat ot overy hundred painea celery compound would have baniabed the diseaie and lived lite the original oause of rheumatism as of so many other diseases la a laok of nerve force with thla weakness ot the nervous system there is a derangement ot the di gestive organs the food stays too long in the stomach it tarna sour and tbe resulting acid enters the blood tjie viotlm then takes oold aod the acid cannot be expelled from tbe system by ordinary means soon the joint swell and then there is inflammation and great suffering painea oelery compound used promptly and regularly quickly eipele all tbe deadly acid from tbe body the pains are ban iabed muscles and joints that have become contracted and stiffened sooq become limber and regain their power and the patient walks with ease and comfort no other medlotne can do such marvel lous work for those afflicted with rheuma tism and sciatica painea celery com pound is trnely your friend and life renewer it is a medicine reoommended by the ablest physicians for tho banishment and cure of a disease that has snoh fatal resolti in the variable aatamn months govern your passions or otherwise thty will govern you pynypeetoral a quick cure for coughs and colds very valuable rtnudy in all sifffttkirm of tbe throat or lungs urge botrks25c davis avlawkbncb co timlud l p besse palekiller j the dlvoroe judge playa into the hands of the aeoondhand future dealer bolls and pimples miss agnes bowman piny station out writes i baveheen a safferer from bolls and pimples on my nook and faoe for many years after taking two bottles of burdock blood bitters tbey all disappeared and have never returned everything oomes to the man who waits but its different with aomewomen worms cannot remain when dr lows plessant worm syrup is nsed it is death to these parasites and by i ts cathartlo aotioo promptly expela them will not harm the most delicate obild price 25 oenls to dream is to have faith and faith ia atrengtb whether in the individual or id the nation tain ceased first day mm mary odell 302 donn ave toronto says i 8he used milburna rbea- matio pills for a severe attack of bheumattsm and abe got relief from palo after taking the remedy for one day a atubborn mind oondnoes as little to wisdom or even lo knowledge aa a atubborn temper tobapplneas try it it would be a gross injustice to confound that standard healing agent dr thomas electrjo oil with ihe ordinary nngnants lotions and salve they are oftentimes inflammatory and astringent this oil is on ths oonlrary eminently cool ing and soothing when applied externally to relieve pain and powerfully remedial when swallowed will break under tho strain or indl koqttonherqb tho tahtlmony of tho proaohor and hla wife backsliders from good health reclaimed by the power of ttio1 croat amerloan niirvlne ltov v h lurkir l iolirbnoiuti sue i whbiolll aflliulud with imtllux- inn and utrvoui prostration ami my wife wa a 1 run tluwu and hiiflorinr tnuuh from gmieral riubility and wo hotutllv j mi hands 111 klvitlij testimony tl tho gruat ro iil and ourotwo powers uf south annrioun nerv i no bpluutlil roulls fill wol the taking ot tho flrit bt u mid a fow bultles hvo cured ud both aud wo ohtlrfully reoora- iniud it to our f low jnffrirs f i i by a t 0n a pruveib u tho wlaloro of miny anil thu wtt ol oue pain after filling mra p w alicru pirlclon out mftdp thid tiitmuit after buffirliir lor five jiarh with piiin and dlttreat after entink started to mo lixiliver pills lhree boiee rpodo a porrilito pro if aeoaualily wore happtucih haaalq would bo happier than in m but human felicity s lodged in tin koui net iu the flobh one laialiver p ii every nlrht foe thirty days makes a oomrlito ouro of bilionaness and constipation that it just 25 cents to bo oured he that tukoi truth for hla guido aud duty for bl ob tly skfey troet to goig provideooo to lead him aright the crow of croup it strikes torror to a mothers heart to have her child wako up at night with a croupy cough child can scarcely apeak can hardly breatho beems to bo choking thcro is no tune for delay apply hot poultices to tho throat and upper part of tlio clicb and rive di woods norway pino syrup nothing liko it foo giving prompt idiot will bavo a child when nothing else will mrs wm young fromo ont bays one year ago our little boy had a bovoro attack ot inflammation of the lungs and croup which loft a had wlieejjo in his chest we woro odviecd to uao dr woods norway pino syrnp which wo did and it cured him complotoly now we always keep this remedy in the houso as it oxcols all others for tho bovftreet kindsof coughs or colds laxa- liver fills am tlie raoat per fect remedy known for the ourc of con- tiiatiou dyspepsia biliousness and siok heivdaohe do not gripa or sicken ho that known himeelf knows others and he that is ignorant of himself could not write a very profound looters on other mens heads there is danger in neglooting a oold many who died of consumption dated their trouble from exposure followed by a oold wbioh bettled on their longs and in a short time they were boyond tho skill of the beat physician had thoy used biokles anti- consamptivo syrup before it was to late their lives would bavo been b pared this medicine has no equal for oaring coughs colds and alt affeotiona of the throat and langa no trao and permanent tame can be found exoept in labours wbioh promote tbe happiness of mankind t emmion s xl ms comnmrtion ana f tmrfr diseabbh xjrwyw srittihu or blood nsuuutv the beaebu of thu article are moat nuuiircst by the aid of the d ft l emulsion i have cotten rid of a backing cough which had troubled tna for over a year and nave gained consider ably in weight t h wingham ce montreal boc and 91 par dottle davis lawrence co limited iiohtaiat every parting is a form ot death aa every reunion is a type of heaven bad heart dizzy head life was a living death but dr asnowe cure for the heart relieved in thirty minutes i waa bo troubled with hesrt disease that i could not stand on a ohalr without growing dizzy going op stairs or being suddenly startled brought on violent pal pitation and bii location had pains about tbe heart tried many remedies and physiolans without relief i took two bottles ot dr agnews cure for tho heart and although two years ago i have not felt tho slighest rttarn of tho trouble i think it the greatest ot remedies mrs w it collyor 82 faoitlo avenue tor onto sold by a t brown he who gives bimaelf airs of importance exhibits the credential of impotence weak faint feelings serious conditions that hllburns heart and nerve fills can beaduy cure one of tho indications of sorlons heart trouble is the sensation of weakness or falntncds that comes on at times somotlmob it is simply a dizzy feeling that passes off or it may be a state of un consciousness with hands and feet cold and countenance ghastly pnlo these symp toms indicate a weakened heart thoy ftro uumis- tokablo evldoncch of tho cngino of llfo breaking down now theroe only one reliable remedy for restoring strength and vitality to wankenod hearts and relieving all the dbtrcmhlng syrnptoroh it is mllburas honrt antf nervo pillo tho ense of mrs a stratton froderlo- ton nb amply proves this here la her statement i buffo rod very mnch from an im poverished condition of tho blood coupled willi dxtromo iiorvousnoss a cllzny non- bntio on arising quickly or coming down tnirsv often troubled mo and my breath was m short thnt i could not walk up stairs tho least oxortlon caubod thy hoove to flutter and palpitate violently nun i sometimes folt a smothering bon- satlon on going to bleep i doctored back nml forth for my woak- ness but i got no relief from any modiolus until i tried mllburns heart and nervo pills and i oan nay that thoy helped mo 7ondorfully sometimes my foe and arms would swell and puff but all thogo troubles speedily yleldod to the restoring influences of mllburns heart and nerve pius and i am now strong and woll i did not use thom long until i regained the blessing of healthful refreshing sleep and it will always be a ploamiro to me to reosmmondthem to others the necessary magazine the bestinformed men and women in the world use the american monthly review of reviews to keep well informed and call it the necessary and indispensable magazine in the busy rush of today ammhous men and women must lnow about the important questona of the month and not only this they want to i now about then at the right time when the whole country is puzzled over tho gigantic combination of trunta a wellinformed article ia printed in the american monthly giving the facts and its editor dscussea the theory h3ii the dreyl affair is in everyones mouth the best atory of dreyfus and the great case comes out in this magazine every menth in the progress of the world dr albert shaw gives a comprehensive picture of the worlda history during the pre vious thirty days in the departments the valuable articles nrd books that b ve been published durin3 the past month are reviewed and quotca fro- so that the readers of the american monthly can pet tas g ol ie n in every issue neaily a hundred pictures are printed includ ig t e portraits of tie men czd v omen v ho are mal mg the history r d month to t- ihroughly well informed helps any man or woman in his or her work a subscription to the american monthly review op reviews tcprtvta an investment for the best kind of prcst as well as enertalscnt one sjbaenber has just written count mo a life subscriber and whn you snd re a tamber beyond the 1 nut of my subscription ad scr- n- renewal i en rue cons 2cr it a lotlcc of my dith trice 25 csats per nu nber 2 50 a year a sample copy vi t ct 01 r2cept oltcn ccz3 stamps the review of reviews c0hpany 13 astor place nov york he who prorogues the honesty of today till tcmorrow will probably prorcguo his to morrow to eternity sooner die than suffer is the painracked rheumatics wall south american rheu matic cure nlmbles the swollen stiff joints gives new life new hope cures permanently j h garret of liverpool n s says i waa a great bufjerer for yeare from acute rheumatism was enable to walk or pot my feet undes me i tried every thing reoommended and was treated by bebt physicians but relief was in vain i was reoommended to try south american rhenmatio oure i prooared a bottle when half ot it was taken i bad great reliet a few bottles oured me i claim to day itia tbe only remedy that will ouro rbeumatiam sold by a t brown friendship must be gomothlug else than society for mntual improvement indeed it muet only be that by the way and to some extent unconsciously ftqtoar3btobga cure all v0ur pains with painkiller a medicine cheat in itself simple safe and quick cure for oramps diarrhoea coughs colds rheumatism neuralgia 2b and bo oent bottles beware of imitations buy only the oenuine perry davis the seeds of repontineo are sown in yonth by pleasure and the bar vet t is reaped in ave by pain what docaltmcan it means rich bliod strong nerves and sound digestion it means prosperity and growth to tho young it means good color mental vigor thats what scott a emul- blon means philosophy when buperfloially studied excites doubt when thoroughly explored it diapeh it mllburns sterling headaohe powders care the worst headaoho in from five to twenty minutec and leave no lad after effects one powder 5o h powders 10c 10 powders 25o i find this world a very pretty jlaoe obarlea lamb hagyarda yellow od ourea sprains brniaeb sore wounds out frostbites chilblains stings of insect burna scalds oontnsions eto price 2oo they are never alone that are aocompan ied with noble iboughti castoria for infants and children the greatest ccurae is lp be ftt preseou- tion not to answer vhcu you aro reviled and when a wrong is done ou to forglvo tbero never waa and never will bs a unliveraal panacea in one remedy for all ilia to which flesh is heir the very naturo ot many cutatlvtm boin suqu that were the germs of other and differently wealed diboaues rooted in tho bybtom of the patient what would relievo ono ill in turn would aggravate tbe other wo have however in quinine wine wben obtained in a sound unadulterated stato a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judicious u the frailest systems are od mto con valescence and btreugth by tbo induonco whioh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relievos tbe drooping bpirita of those with whom a chrouio stato of morbid despondence and laok of interest in life is a diaoaso and by tranqmlizing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sloop imparts vigor to tho action of tbe blood which being stimulated courses throughout tbe veins strengthening the healthy animal funotions of the system thereby making activity a neoebsary result strengthening tbe frame and giving life to tho digeativo orgaqs whioh naturally demand incroasod substance result im proved appetito northrop lyman of toronto havo given to tho public- their qninino wine at tho usual rate and guagod by tho opinion of scientists thlb wino approaches nearest perfection of any the market all druqgistb sell it be aooh a man live such a life that if overy man were suob as you and every life like yours tho earth would bo gods para dibo dr lowe worm syrup is a aafo sure and r el 1 abb worm expeller acti equally well on chlldron or adult bo euro you get lowa pleasure muet first bavo tho warrant that it is without sin then tho measure that it ia without excea3 yluflav llutut dlytffak w even in war moral power la to physical as three partb out of four how to cleanse tbe by item par melees vegetable pilla are the reanlt ot aoicntlflu study of the effect ot estreats of oertatn roots and herbs upon the digestive organs their use has demonstrated in many instances that they regelate tbe aotioo of the liver and tbe kidneys purity the blood and carry off all morbid accumula tions from tbe system they are easy to take and their aotlon is mild and beneficial beltwill is so ardent and aotive that it will break a world to pieces to mako a norldto sit on pineapple essence in the shape of dr von stans pineapple tablets is curing stomach ailments of every kind the pineapple has a valuablo constituent known as vegetable pepsin a wonderful digester of food test ibis by mixing equals parts of plneapplo and boot and agitating at a tomparature of 103 farhen- hslt when in due time the meat will be entirely dlgeaied this rare juice is tbo principal ingredient in dr von slans pineapple tablet and anyone at any time can enjoy tbe henliug virtues of the ripe fruit by their use you eat them like oaody tbev are very palatable harm less as pure milk they afford instant relief in all oases of indigestion and ds- pflpsia tbelr right use will ouro all ttomsoh troubles and establish sound hoatth box of sixty tablets for 3y qent bold by a t brown how long wo live not years bnt actions tell 2h to p1tekt 800 idm may be secured by oar aid addrwa the patent record baltimore md bb banishes blemishes there is no other remedy equal to b b b for making the blood pure rich and red and the skin clear and smooth heres proof from bertha j tozer north esk nb i havo had pimples on my faco for three years and about two years ago i took an attack of nervousness i ijot so bad i could not sleep and lost my appetite and was vciy weak and miserable i was taking different kinds of medicines but seemed to be getting worse a friend advised me to try burdock blood bitters i did so taking in all four bottles as a result i sleep well have a good appetite my face is free from pimples my skin clear and my health s in every way perfect there aro few defoots in onr nataro bo glaring as not to be veiled from observation by politeness and rood breeding not a nauseating pi the eicipiont ot a pill is tbo bnbstanoe wbioh onfoldb tbo ingredients and makes nrr tho pill mass that ot parmeleoa vegetable pill is so compounded as to preecrvo their moisture and thoy oan be carried into any latit ado without impairing their strength many pills in order to koep them from alheridg aro rolled in powders whioh provo nanaoat iug to tho tiate parraoloea vogetablo pils aro so preparod that they are agreeable to the most dolloate of all human actions pride seldomet obtaius its end for aiming at bouour and reputltlon it reaps contempt aud derision fighting the fires hard life tho plucky ftromon loud out in all mtitn if wunthor lohiiifr ttltcp ciiutniifr cold and stiuluiug- their bueka hni d to m e htrmir v oil kulnoja 1 uli 1 inch omlltions t ati why tin nun policemen hud othors vhi nro uxpoflua to tho wonthi r uro so often troubled with avouk ltuno backs und w ith uflnary troubles doans kidney pills rro helping hundreds of such to health mi john kobluhon chief of the fire cjipnilmmt diumum ont says pilar to tnklnh these pills i had kid ney tioulilo ulich cnusod liovoro pntn in tho tmmll of my book nnd in both sldos i had ml rod foubiff ami never seemed to ho able to get rustud however i com lnonced the una of dontis kidnoy pills and after taking thfeo bo ton nm complotoly cured i huvonownobmknhq or urinary trouble nnd tho tlrod foe i iug is com plotoly gone in fact i am well and btrong j vn rururuuuirtnjtjtjmri can be procured from the most reliable dealers only the best value in the trade shoreys heavy black worsted cheviot ulsters price 875 this garment made to order by a tailor though pcihips not to fit would be sitoo shoreys clothing well lined well made urn exceedingly stylish not made to order but rhiui made to fit and e cry thread is guaranteed unjtruuuuijinrinrutjumjutjtrixinjirinruuirijtrir agents wanted for unrepresented districts good pay to good men secure your district for tbe comino season jvow freight and express paid the pelham nurseuy co growing a complete line of nursery stock includ ing many new varieties of hardy rosea ornamental shrubs and trees all stock guaranteed freo from san jose scale we hold government certifi cate of inspection covering onr stook write for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered i j j a speight co kcton out lmtmtmtmwiitmtu with u nanwi atyvar iui outfit by otprstuhj to ixwihuuno iu- umu swfcwsj rtnawibln4 anunlr ualttmcuxr mtui- urn niutaftlrnnlrtrt wsbltwllwlu motlrt ttollll wwitlyjilbsia pownful tn low oojonxte with tint ratrtkn tad naltv a otaulna mwiuur dmler taodc johnston a uofarfano box afp toronto ont w twjwttswt tvtatrtknw krpun t u pnoo bay olrect trca iu m at4thj df tmtiy about stationery arc you out of invoices letter heads enve- lopet or the like we require what time and prices arc consistent with the best workmanship and often require less of both than the most care less printer ths hcton prbb press h p moore proprietor itm tin mi imimiay hllmj ui kt kull 1 2 n 111 lxpiu h j p tn v 1 p in lxii mnll tdlho t aft vxi n hh r v n n i xt riih 10 ro a in mull f 14pm ulxl l 1 hiiuday iriilim loin wi ht- 10 ou o m cioiuk i tuit0 l it in 11 p in tim ol lortlni maiih goliif wot j 40 u nt mid 1 r j tn oolii kuat 10 it a in nitrl r r y in thin timo tnlilu went into ilttct on buiidnv juno jiulilftw aoton machine and repair shops iibnuyoilinoelti xrophotor a hi wtill equipped with all tho machinery jv uoccbbiiry to oxneuto all rontilrn to in rich in try and fturlcultnral iinpleinonth ami to do all kinds of n team futliitf liorso uhoeltibandconcral blaokamlthlrik woodwork ropalrh turiornitid u a aatlflfaotory manner wo can repair any machine or linplomont of any mako haw ummink aud tiluu done coal order your coal now from j c hill coal dealer tirst class coal of all sizes required delk ercd promptly nt reason able prices stoves ranges pipes iipc varnish stove doixds coal scuitles etc kcton- j c hill w barber bros paper makers georgetown ontario book tsinis color6d pkpers john r barber 1831 t 1900 country gentleman the only agricultural newspaper and admitedly the leading agricultural jour nal of the world bighoat authorities id tbelr rospactlvo uncb no o tli or paper protonda to competo with it lo qualtncatloob of editorial itatt oivos tbo agricultural news with a dogma of fullnesb and complotcooaa not otoq attorn p tod by otbors bebt reviews of tbe crops boat market reports beet acoounta of meotlnga best evory thing indispensable to all country residents who w1b1i to keep txp t the times single subscription 2 two subscriptions 3 50 pour subscriptions 6 speoiax inducements to raisers of larger oltjbs 13 writ for particulars on tbla polut club agents wanted everywhere four months trial trip for 50 coats specimen copies will bo mailed froo on roqnett it will pay any body interested in any nay in country ufa to land for them address tho publishers luther tucker son albany ny patents guaranteed our fee returned if we fall any one sending sketch and description of any invention will fironiptly receive our opinion free concerning he patentability of same how to obtain i patent sent upon request patents secured through us advcrllhcd for bale at our expense 1 patents taken out through us receive special notice without charge in lim patent record an illustrated and widely circulated journal consulted by manufacturers aud inventors send for sample copy free address victor j cvan8 4 co patent attorneys evana building washington d v y iryoy wan r iis vvood engraving uniii photo engraving jil hmf tonfs aman torontoohi patents i promptly secured j writo for our intoroatlnir hooka inventj orb help and howiou pro swindled 1 send ub a rough sketch or model of your indention or lmproomont nnd wa will tell 1 you freo our opinion m to whether ft is 1 probably pnlcnuuo m o mnko a upcclnur 1 5 applications rttfo td in othor hands ulguust roforoncos f urulkhcd bsaxuon uarzon patent botvtoitobs a stxtkbtsl cuh meelianldnl pnhlnrars ornrluatct of th rolytochnlo hchool nf fnulnrrilnu unchelort nl appllod sclrnort ijivai unlvcniliy wontmnfl patent law avtoclniinn airtftlcan water workll auoclntton n w bnulnnd water works a t q buivnyors aoitulioii aatoo mcmmr c tkkclty of civil in inurs offtdea mqhtmral outl offiota irtiahtjs acirv shihqtohdbti 50 y ears j expcriknoh track mas deviate copvniqh anyone sendlns skelnh and fltss quloklr ascertain nir opinion frooj ititontvnn laprobsblf nntentatila fi tlons atrletlr onnodontul ilnntlbook ent f roe olrlost agener tor secnritvlbri 1atanu taken throush munn jbskl ipeetal notice without obanc in tfisj y scientific hmu a hanrtsomelr ulnttratm mak sniuiton of anr seleiittdq tawrnal v nmrmontlcfl sotdbyallnov qaoldrfunyllgw 1 tbt urshlngtoi

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