Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1899, p. 1

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1 tt 4 volume xxv no iil acton ontakio thubsday novemh3su 3 1890 price three cents iib cton xtt press is pdslibued every thursday morning at the froo froassteam printing ollicc viill stiieet acton ont tanas or sdubobiption ono dollar per year strictly in advauoo all subscriptions disoon- tluuodwhou tha mine for whioh thoy bavo boon paid baa oxpirod tlio dato to which overy subscription la paid la donotod ou the address label adtbhtiqino rates tranhlout advertise ments 10 oonta jior nonpareil lino for flrfit in sertion 3 oouta por lino for oaoh subsequent insertion contract iutkb tho following table dhows our rates for tbo insertion of advertisements for speainod periods fine bpaok 1 vn 0 mo a mo luo oooo 8300 9000 800 33 00 20 00 19 00 am 9000 1900 700 900 700 300 aw 100 advertisements with oat epocihe directions mil be inserted till forbid ana charged aaoord- ngly transient advertisements must be paid n advanco advertisements will bo changed once each month if doslred for changes oftenor than enoe a month tho composition mast bo paid for at regnlai rates changes tor oontraot advertisements mas do none offloo by noon on tnosdays accounts payable monthly h p moore editor and proprlotor business qircrtorp medical tohn m macdonald m d c m buccebbob to j f uren m d o m onloe and residence corner mill frodorlolc reetsaoton offloo hours to 9 pm b to 10 30 am 1 to 2 pm and r 1 j r forster boccebhon to dr a b elliott lato resident physician and surgoon to vic toria hospital for slok chlldron toronto owtiob mill street lately ocoupied by dr lliott d r dryden etb ein thuoat and kobe mcleans block douglas st noar p o guelph ffice houna 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm bundats 10 am to 1 pm dental l bennett ld8 dentist s obonabtown ohtaxuo jcoghlan ddslds dentist wouk oabefdlly doke pbicks modehate office over browns dnua btohk hodnseveiiy dat fhou 0 to 6 ju bell ddb ld6 dkhtibt bnookvmlb uomoa oiulduatei of toronto univeusitt work made satisfactory frlaoa moderate viaitxnq dayb monday afternoon camp- ellvlllotueaday acton oluco clarks hotel friday uockwood m olean mclean barristers solicitors notaries convoyancers 50 private funds to loan office town hall acton wti a mclean jno a mclean a j mackinnon bibnisten bolicitod contetancbd on ice mill streot in matthews block upstairs jb moleod lutustkn bonciron and commission eb ron takino affadavits main stroot ooorgotown conveyancing donu and money loaned on first uaortgsgo on farm property at tj r j monabb clerk fourth division court county of hal- on convoyancor agont fire and life asauranoe ileal estato agent monoy to loan etc office porrym an sblook aoton ont hflscellanko us h enry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention eta prepares applications for the canadian amer- leaoandeuropoanpatont offices and for the itoglstratlon of trade marks bend for pam phlet thirtytwo years experience f iranois ntjnan bookbinder wyndham st quolph ontario over yjnuamsbtore account books of all kinds made to order erlodioals of every description carefully bound ulln7neaclviii promptly done m arriage licenses n p mooxte jfthufd or maamiax ihcembbs prltatoofdoe mo witnesses required issued at roildonne in tho evening free press offloo acton w m hemstbekt lioaneld auotioz for tb oonnttaa ot wellington and halton ordoralaflatthopnlb pukbb offloe aoton or tmrrildm6inaotodwiu be promptly at- wudetl to taruia ltoasouabls alio money to loan on the moat tarorable ami and at tbo lowest ratoa ot internet in nmiot 1000 and pwarde- bubsobidbp stock capital eiuoki the well1hqton mutuau fibb insurance company kstablljibed 1840 head oiboe ottblph ont inburanob on oaab and uutaal plan any oomrauulcetiona forwarded to my aadreie lioi vb or tolopuouo s3 will be promptly tended to j0jn tayl0b ag0i1 onelpb acton saw mills and wood y jpk2wbs broinzn uasofactobbb amp dxalsb jx zamhor itatb abtngte wood xto all kinds of wood in stock and promptly dellvorod to any part of the town at reasonadlo prices hardwood and blabs out stove length always on band tolopbvono oommualoation wanted aqbnts in overy dlitrlet on tbe continent to take orderi for blab grade oanadlan grown nunorr btoolc and bawu lroat and mort complete aaiortmont in the trade fa jolllnn epoclaluo enporb aamplee nrnlahed tree corroipondenoe in any unoabe tbeee povltlou aremoney makere and territory ebpnld baaeenred at onoe tor the seaion by all huitlere looung tor a good thing oar eafary or oom inualon oberi i lamraat m anyone not erntnjr loocjoo per year uet in oonimonioatlon with onrneareet offloe an opportunity to breaent wluitabllihoj bouie ability more impor tant than einerlenoe lukb bbotrena ooufant luterqalioualmanerioa obloago tu montreal qu c ltocbeetor n y blotting papers stamp albums scrap books cash records and pocket blank books ig supply of office stationery days bookstore cuelph day sells cheap waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods waters bros wyndham btreet new store guelph w barber bros paper makers j georgetown m ontario book colorsd phpers john rbarber oxford oxford stoves and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaces the imperial oxford range is the lead ing cook stove may be seen at any time at jpannnbeckors mill st the oixord base burner is the loading coal stove pipes scuttles shovels stove furniture at low prices c a pannabecker mill street aoton 1831 1900 country centleman agricultural newspaper and adk rtkdly tob leading agricultural jour nal ofthe world every department written by epeolallite the hlgheit authorities in their reeneotive llnea ho other paper pretenda to compete witb it in qaallfloationiof editorial itaff olrea the agrionltnral hews with a degree of fallneia and completeness oot eron attempted by otbere beat reviews of the grope beat market reports beat account of meetings beat everything inii8eensabijc to all country residents who wish to keep tjp t the times single bubsoripuon 2 two subscriptions 350 four subscriptions 46 bpeoial inducements to bai8ers ot larqer qlxjb8 13- write for particulars on this point club agents wantsd everywhere your months trial trip tar so eents specimen oopibs will be mailed free on request it will pay any body interested in anv way in country lite to send for them address tbe publishers luther tucker son albany n y mall and bofllnebs praotloe is tbe most interesting and pra- ttoal oourae of study la bookkeepldg and aooonntldg for boys and girls leaving pablla and illgh bobools bhorlhand and typewriting speo- lal faelllttes individual tuition no classes formed parents are invited to investigate fall term will com mon oe uonday aug as qublph business college and shorthand institute j bbabp prlnolpal wanted several bright and honest persons to represent ns as managers in this and elose by eountles salary 000 a ysar and expense straight bonskflde no more no less salary position permanent our references any bank in any town it is mainly offloe work oond noted at home heferenoo hnolos sslfaddrettwd stampsd envelope the dominion company dept 8 chleaflo -the- traders bank of canada capital authorized 1 000000 capital paid up 700000 guelph branch wo are now issulua monoy ordora payable at par at any branch of chartorod hank in canada excepting tho yukon district at tho following ratos uudor 310 9 cents 810 to 620 10 cents 330 to euo 13 coots 330 to m 1 contb hiqhebt ouritbnt rate op interest fiald on sums deposited of 91 and upwards ntorott allowod from dato of do pool t to dato of withdrawal and paid or compounded half ysarly advances niado to responsible farmers on their own names a tho lowest curron ratos no charge made for collecting salos notos if payable in quolph a gonoral banking bualnoss trauoactod a 3pit jones manager otlry we have just opened shipments from three great english manufactories tobte cutl6ry pogketcotlsry chrizbrs rkzors some of the nicest goods we have ever received some of the mpst useful artic les to be had for wedding presents or gener al use the carvers are simply the best vvehaeever had our prices are al ways right john m bond co cuelph motto satisfaction hardware aoton machine and eepair shops henry obindeli proprlotor are well oquipped with all tho machinery nocossary tooxouuto all repairs to machin ery and agricultural implomeatfl and to do all kinds of stoamfltttnr horseshooing and general blooksmlthtng woodwork repairs poriormod n a satisfactory manner wo can ropnir any maohlno or implement of any mako saw umminfl and filing done acton- livery bus line the nndorslgned rebpectfallysolioltsthopatron ago of tho public and informs thorn that well equipped and stylish rigs oan al ways be secured at his stables a comfortable bns meets trains botwoen 9 am and 816 pm careful attention given to every order tho wants of commercial travel lers folly mot john williams pnornieton coml order youv coal how from j c hill coal dealer firstclass coal of all sizes required delivered promptly at reason able prices stoves ranges pipes pipe varnish stove boards coal scuttles etc hcton j c hhl rphe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert nobles flour sl feed store at acton also mill feed and chop ped grain of all kinds we want delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price in cash r noble the uptodate tailoring store in thanking our friends for their pairon- ago for past seasons wc beg to announce that our stock for fall and winter is now complete and in anticipation of a larger business and also a gtaat advance in british and foreign goods vro placed our import orders early that we might give our iriends the benefit of the advance which has taken place we have tho production of the best mills and tho latest novelties in dosigns in suitinga- pantlnps overcoatlnga call and see our goods it is a pleasure o show them fit and workmanship guaranteed cooper akins mill 8t acton we are sole agents in aoton for the oele brated beuwirp and blenheim serge which does not fade or change iu oolor in two yearn wear or money refunded rudyard kiplings new poem tut j1hkjnt minded neooan when jouvo shouted rule britannia whon youvo nung god bavo tho queen when youvo lalshod kllllnjt kruger with your mouth- will you kindly drop a shilling in my llttlo tambourine for agontlomsn in kharki ordored south hbs au absout ailndod hotrgar and his weak- nobjob sre great- hut wo and paul must take him as we find him ii o is out on activo sorvlco wiping something off a blato and hes left a lit o llttlo things bobind him dukoe soucooks sou sou of a hundrod kings- fifty thousand hone and foot going to table bay i each ot em doing his countrys work and whos to look after their things tosa the hat for your credits sake end- pay i pay i pay i tlero aro girls ho married secret asking no permission to por he know ho would not get it if he did thero it gas and coals and vlttles and tho bouseront falling due and its mora than rattier likely theres a kid thoro aro girls he walked with casual theyll be sorry now hes gone for an absontmlnded beggar they will find him but it aint the tlma for sermons with tho winter coming ou wo must help the girl that tommys loft bohlnd him i cooks bon dukss son son of a belted earl- son of a lainbotb publican its all the eamo today t each of cm doing bis countrys work and whos to look after the girl fass tbe hat for your credits sake and payl pay t pay i there aro families by thousands far too proud to bog or spoak and theyll pat tbolr sticks and bedding up the spout aud theyll live ou half o nothing paid em punctual ouco a week cause tbo man that earned tho wage is ordored out hes an absentminded beggar but he hoard his country oil and his reguont didnt need to bend to and him ho obuokod bin job aud jolnod it so tho job boforo us all la to holp tho homo that tommys left bohlud him dukos jobcooks job gardener barouet groom mowb of palace cr papershop tboros someone gone away i eaob of cm doing his countrys work and whos to look aftor tbe room pass tho hat for your crodlts sako and pay i pay i pay i lot us manage so as later wo can look him in tho face aud toll him what hed vory muoh profor that whilo he savod the emplro his employer saved bis place and bis mats thats you and me looked out for bor bos an abbonttulndod beggar and bo may forgot it all but we do not want bis kiddles to remind him that wo sent era to tbe workhouse while tbolr dsddy hammered paul so well help the homes our tommys loft bobind him i cooks homo dukes homo home of a millionaire fifty thousand horse and foot going to table bay 1 eaob of am doing his countrys work aud what have you got to spore pass tho hat for your credits sake and pay i payl payl rudyard kipling tuoillubtiutbdlokdon nbwb accompanies the poom with pictures of tommy atkins as tbo absontmluded beggar jack as cooks bon princo christian of bobleswlg as son of a hundrod kings lord edward oeoil sou of a bolted earl lord charles cavendishben tlnck a dukes son and tho writer of tbe poom mr rudyard kipling steud yamiib luamng jjov7 mary paid the mortgage iiv fiunx uaird john burgess had been out all day hiring men for tbe woods be and hie two younger brothers hugh and peur had resolved to go in aflsin on a small scale anyway farm produce wii low id tba market in fact it was almoat impossible to sell at any prioe the pork bay oats butter and other things that were really not needed on tbeiarm the burgess boys had lumbered the winter before bul they hadnt done very well there had been too mnoh snow lo the winter and too little rain in tbe prior tbey bad got their drives ont and their lumber to market bat when they got their survoy bills and came to settle ap at the big co a d try store tbey werent certain whether they had made money or a debt but there is a kind of fascination about lumbering aud the woods bo the bargeis boys as fall drew on began to prepare for another winters operations notwithstand ing tbeir former seasons questionable ancoess of the brothers john was the sldeit bat he was only twentyeight the whole family consisted of the mother the three sons and two daughters binoe the death of alexander burgs his wife and family had worked bard and thsy had succeeded fairly well tbe boys were steady not a rover among them and when they bad worked out they bad alwaya come home and brought their wages with them they had improved the farm some and had worked ap the neighbors said from oxen to horses the efforts of the boys had been supplemented by those of tbe girls mary who was next in age to john had by weavlog and suoh like been a constant contributor to the fand wblob sometimes more so onetimes less went each year to lebten the mortgage that had been con tracted daring the fathers long siokness this debt onoe a thousand now stood at a hundred dollars bat it bad been that for almost two years all were anxious to have it paid but it was to mary that thoughts concerning il came oftenest we mast do oar best to clear it off next year she said often to john for it bothers mother mary bad often done her best to devise some means by which she herself oould pay the debt or make it a fiood deal less anyway as she heard john and hugh talk on the nigbt in qaeition it occurred to her that her opportunity had come john as stated had been out all day engaging men fur tbe winters operation well want be said to hugh about nine besides ourselves ive got seven all vre want now is a boy to drive the one- horse an a oook ive been lookln all day fof a cook an i oant find anyone bat laogln an hes wnutin big wagta- bfggern we can give langinn a good oook an i spose knows it hugh said bat be went on bow mnab is he askin why hes wantiu 820 twentysix dollars 1 tin high isnt it let me see 20 a month for say six months and a half why thutd be let me see for six mouths and a half tbatd be but hugh wasnt good at even bimple mentsl work and went for a peucil that would be just ftlqo mary said look ing up from her knitting then laying down her work and speaking earnestly she added and v do it for just sco ubb i tha hundred dollars would clear tbe farm of debt she knew you i go to tho wooda to oook oamo from both brothers at once hugh tnrning in amazement from the shelf where he was seeking in vain for the penoll by tbe aid of which he was to make some mathematical calculation yes i go to the woods to oook i have cooked for twelve men before now and can do it again not in the woode mary you know not in tbe woods john began with a eigni0- oent shake of his head no i guess not added feter the youngeht of the brothers with a free open laugh id like to bee yon in the oamp sutin round on tbe deacon seat liatenin to ttories and songs an tbe camp aback foil o smoke this rsoy p iota re raised a laugh in which all joined hnt mary the color pulsed np to her oheeks abd she fixed her eyes on bor mother i could go mother niuely she said thoy woullnt act that way if i was there aud then see what woold be saved to the boys they would surely be able to pay off the mortgage then and if tbey couldnt it would save from adding to it which would be jutt ae good tbe mention of the mortgage checked at onoe the flow of mirth that peters picture of mary in a camp had etirted its true mary john said at length it would be nice to save what wo could but we could never tblnk of seeing you in a camp with a orew of men we know wbat its like if john burgess ever felt proud of hie sister it was then ab ho looked aorobb the table to where she sat lie had often heard it remarked by others she was good look ing bnt he bad never fully realized the truth ot tho remark till now tbe crimson on her oheek that had uome with tbe laugh the quiver on her lip and tbe approach to a tear in her deep dear eye bhowed her in a new light add then what bob had vol unteered to do 1 that had moved him most ho felt ashamed h1b slater was more earnest in the etruggle for freedom than he ws bhe moat be ho dropped bis head to his haude that be had clasped on tbe tablo before bim he aat for some time while the othee talked then he got np lit the barn lamp and went to the stable as be came in again bo overheard mary saying i am going mother whether john and hagh want me or not you and sue can do ell thats to be done hero when jobn entered he fonnd all bad gono to bed bnt bis mother and sister the three talked for some time then john took the candle that bad been lighted for him and went npetairs it took mary a fall week to convince her mother and brothers that there would be nothing out of place in ber going to tbe woods to oook the fact tbat langin still held to his nnnsnslly high rate aud that john after banting a week could get no other oook made it somewhat easier for mary to succeed in bringing the others members of to her way of thinking anyway it wae definitely arranged tbat she should go tbe annonnoement of the arrangement caused considerable biir in tbe neighbor hood both men and women were unani mous at first in saying the report was false a women to go to the woods 1 when how evar the report was finally confirmed there were many especially of the men who shook their beads knowingly bnt maintained a bilence tbat meant we know but she doesnt one man who spoke said two dayeu do bor now youll see while another remarked it was a ahame for john bargees to allow his bister to go to the woods lumber camps are as a role rough it often happens tbat here the riffraff ot tho country and what is far worse that of tbe town meet now and then an old soldier or sailor drifts into a oamp frequently a considerable portion of tho orew aro un married men sometimes past middle ago who work tbe winter in the wooda and spend tbe summer and their winters pay in drink and dissipation at earne of the low hotels and dens in the cities and towns in oraws made np of snob men as these there is generilly considerable profanity and vulgarity bat of course all orews aro not alike nor are all nearly ao bad as that described above yet it is rare very rare that a orew of even twelve men is found in a oamp where there are not at least two or three who are equally as bad aa the worst mary from the first threw off all false modesty acting not in the least timid nor on the other hand overfree she simply acted the judicious womanly woman she was tbat seemed the talisman whioh secured bar ears from all vulgarity oven in surroundings that bad always been synony mous with what was worst in that respeot bo it was not the presence of the men tbat gave mary concern it was their absence bbe dreaded the long lonely days as the fall advanced tho men took their dinners with them and she was often left alone from daylight till dark bears she knew were corn moo in tbe woods near the aarop for she overbearc some remarks to tbat effect whiob however were not intended for her but she kept her fears to her belt anyway she bad no real grounds for fear until one afternoon near the flratof decem ber it was alwaya marys custom to olfrab to ber emill elevated berth in a remote oorner of the camp and take a short sleep in the afternoons she had jastgot com fortably settled one day when she heard a goawgnawlog at the moosehlde hinges of tbe low oamp door she lifted a small screen tbat hang from above and she saw tbe door shake bhe bad booked tbe chain ot the door as usual and bad frit quite seo ore tbat tbe hinges might be gnawed away bud not occurred to her not till she was qnite sore it was being done mary bad looked and wished for a good snow storm then if what she had heard tho men say was trae the bears would den but no snow had come mary thought of this as she listened to the gnawing and notioed the shaking ot tbe little oamp door by and by the door went down mary drew qalokly back expecting some giant animal to spring ak onoe iuto tbe oamp she beard nothing for eome time bat the beating of ber heart and tbe pulsing or blood in her veins bbe lifted the ourtaln and peeped out there was nothing to be seen at first but as bhe looked a blaok snuffing nose appeared then a long pointed head and finally a great brown body it was a bear and be was coming in mary involuntarily drew back and set tled etill lower in her berth dtill however keeping an eye on her strange nnweloomed visitor she was sure she oould not be seen tbo bear stood tor some time with his paws on the log that served for door step no sniffed tho air just as high as he oould reach then ou every side finally he drew himself in he went at onoe to ward the btove he was not as large ae mary bad at first taken him to be but be was large enough the bear shulued among tbe pots and pane and finally diaoovered a batch of doughnuts that had lately been made having finished these be turned his attention to a barrel in whioh there was a small quantity of pork the barrel was bnt a few feet from tbe berth where mury oroaohed as the bear blood up to look into this his eyes were almost on a level with hers the pork was embedded in tbe bait at the bottom ot tbe barrel in his efforts to obtain it tbe bear upset the barrel whioh rolled almott to tbe edte of marys berth after recovering from bis sadden surprise tbe animal cantiooely stepped in to enjoy bis prize mary again peeped over just beyond the mouth of the barrel that was down toward ber feet she conld see part of tbe beats short tail the other end of the barrel she oould tonoh with ber outstretched arm it ocoured to mary of a bndden that she had an excellent opportunity for making an attempt to confine her visitor to rather small quarters she was almost sure she oould tip tbe barrel np and ueoura tbe bear under it anyway ehe wonld not have to expose herself in the leaat to make tbe attempt she rebolved to try she gripped firmly the ohimb of tbe barrel with with her fingers then witb a quick violent jerk bbe stood the barrel on end but she bad brought herself to a silting position and was outside the curtain the tbooght flashed through ber mind tbat tbe bear had escaped through tbe door but bbe boon learned the trntb the barrel was swaying the bear wae underneath bhe pressed down firmly with both bands but a moment taught her tbat moro than this wsb necebbary almost bafore sho was aware of the peril she was potting herself in she had drawn herself oat of tbe berth and seated herself firmly on tbe bottom ot the upturned barrel tbe entrapped boar made some efforts to free himself but finally became quiet the narrowness of hia quarters gave him little or no ohanoo to use his strength by and by mary heard him munching at the meat in the barrel the tboaght that he was content brought some feeling ot content ment to her but lat the captive got more restleas he saratohed snorted vio lently threw himself about and blew his hot breath through the bunghole more than once marys uneaby obair swayed and r6okod but she olung with her hands to tbe aide of tbe beith and hill kept herarlf firmly seated how she wished for dark and the return ot the men i how she strained her ea for tbe welcome tinkle of the bell a ot the horaeej how bhe shuddered sb she beard the strong steady gnawing of the bear at the bungbole of the barrel i finally a eonnd came she was sure ehe heard hello what doeu this mean i in tbe further end ot tbe yard tbe men had oangbt eight of the profit rate door a deep hoarse growl broke from the barrel beneath and at that instant jobn and two of tho men appeared at the door in a burst of exuberant joy at her enre doliverance mary bprang from the barrel and toward the door she did not speak bnt pointed wildly to ber former seat the next moment mary was quivering in johns arms and big dave johnson who bad taken in the aituatidh at once was plant ing his 200ponnd body where mary bad managed to btay tho greater part ot that long awfnl afternoon the next time the bear showed hia nose at the bungholo be received a blow tbat stunned him mary was kept outside until the bear was killed bbe hadnt fainted but a weakness had come over her when the great nervous strain under whiob ehe had been for almost three honre was relaxed the en lor didn t come to ber cheeks again for over an hoar when it did she smiled faintly and said to john im sure i couldnt have kept him under anoth er ten minutes if some of you hadnt come if mary had been reapeoted in tbe oamp before after the performance witb the bear sho was almost worshipped she was not only modest aud good she was brave ho is a low man indeed who will not restrain even his tongue in the presence of these virtues especially when displayed by a woman bo from fall to spring mary persisted in staying tbe winter ont not a word viae uttered that would offend the most delicate feminine ear marya presenoo shamed the rough men of the orew into virtue ive told you before dave said near spring to another of tbe orow if a woman was right shed be used right no matter where she was when the burgess boys settled op that mummer tbey had just six hundred dollars oloar of all expenses they paid off the mortgage paid mary the same wages tbey would have bad fi pay langin pi as ftlrt tbe sum realizad for the bear sho deserves credit for it all john said to his mother one night for it she hadnt goneand worked tbe way sho did we wouldnt have worked so hard nor doue half so well when the maples turn to gold this is tbe title of the design of wbat is doubtless tbe handsomest and most artistio cover psge over ibsaed in oanada i3unohos ot maple leaves of summer and autumn hues amongst whioh are mixed embossed gold coins surrounding a ploture representing the spirit ot tho rain and the title toronto saturday niyhca cbrleimap 1899 more boautiful bymbch of can adas prosperity oouh not be oxpreabed the book itself contains sixtyfour pages profusely illustrated by leading attibts aitiatioally printed and containing etories by the most popular canadian writers besides bkttjbes and short descriptive par agraphs among tho autbora who contribute ttoriea to this number aro grant allen panllue jobnbon bleaadell cameron mrs yeigh oapt jack craw ford e e steppard joe t clark philips thompson and many others tbe main piotorial supplement is a copy in its original colors of that ciisbio of animal painting by bosa bonbeor entitled the horse fair tbe purchase of this ploture for 955500 by cornelius vanderbilt iti its presentation to the new york metro politan msienm ot art and tbe recent death of bosa bonhenr and mr vanderbilt all lend interest to everyone who has ever seen or heard of the great picture even the brush marks made by tho great artist are faithfully reproduced by embossing and nowhere lo an art store could tho picture bo bought for five timeb the prioe of this superb christmas number and its fonr other supplementary plates borne ot the stories are very funny and all of them very good and the illustrations are by howard sam hunter carl aureus w qoode innes kilvert gordon and obal- lener everyone should feel sufficient interest in the gieat enterprise shown by tbe publishers to order tbia collection of good things at tho nearest news agents or from one of the boy canvassers tbe pub lishers are the sheppard publishing co limited saturday uight building tor onto and the price ia fifty conta per oopy the brave pilot many years ago a steamboat was mak ing her way through the bparkling waters of lake erie abont ten mitee from tho shore a bailor named john maynard was at tbo wheel ho was a true chrietian and was oftsn called honest john maynard tbe captain came up form his cabin and noticed a erooko comiog out of the hold he quickly ordered a sailor to go down to bee what was the matter and waa soou informed that the cargo ot tho vessel was on fire he remained cool and formed lines of passengers and sailors to pass buckets of water to quench the flames after they bad worked a little while it seemed sb if the flames were subdued bat soon they burst out again the oaptiin resolved to ron the vessel ashore and gave the order to john maynard who stood at tbo stern while the passengers crowded about the bow the flames and smoke oame from tbe middle part of tbe vessel bo maynard conld not be seen by the others tbe sailors were sawing plank to lash the women on and many of the men threw off their ooats so they oould more easily aave their uvea by swimming at last the shore was near and the captain in a loud voice asked john maynard if he could hold on five minutes longer i will try sir wab the reply he did try tbe flames oame nearer and the smoke almost suffocated him bis hair wab singed and be was tortured by tbe intense beat still he held the wheel firmly till the vessel strnok the shore the passengers and sailors immediately jump ed- overboard from the bow and swam ashore or were picked op by boat that oame to their rescue all were saved but the brave pilot who was never seen again whether he fell overboard or into tbe flames uo one oould ull he died doing bis duty and was as great a hero as ever lived miohigan mirror the secret explained marghetita arlina hamnr the well known traveller and author called when in china upon tho wife or rather tbo wives of a great mandarin hor visit par took of the natnro of a fostival so novel was tho experience to tbo obineae women whose lives are passed almost entirely within the walls of their yamen they were shocked by her shoes and especially by the fact that ber feet were not con lined by bindings finally one of them said through tho interpreter you oau walk and run just as well as a man why oertainly can you ride a pony juet ab well a a man of course then you must be aa atrong aa roost men yes i think i am you wouldnt let a man beat you not even yoar husband would you not at all the chinese woman pausod laughed and then said now i understand why for eigners never take more than one wife thoy aro afraid to saturday evening pott soldier andcourtier looking for the love birds we tried to keep the railway carriage to ourselves from liverpool to london wrote an american bride at busby tho iiuard opened the door and in spits of freds soowli lifted a small girl into our compartment making a lot ot apologies about having no plaoe else to put ber she was a real little towhead english girl of about seven and she sat down on the edge ot the seal and stared about her what is the mattsr mids victoria said fred i dont seo the birds said the small girl plaintively birds what birds asked fred when i oame from my other train your guard said to my guard shove ber in aloug wit the love birds where are they lord kitchener of khartum ia a strait- forward soldier but he does not soorn the art ot turning a compliment gracefully it has long been said of bim that be la proof agaloat all femiolne charms and when he waited upon her majesty at windsor the queen was ourloua enough to pot a pointed question ia it true my lord sho asked that you have uever yet oared for women yet yoar majesty replied the sirdar qnite trae with ono exception ah said the queen and who in sho the sirdar bowed your majesty said he hadnt been there in the office of one of the hotels the other day a man spit a great desl of tobacco juice around and bad a great deal to say about his voyage to 15 u rope last year he used many oaths made himself disagreeably familiar to all and finally stepped on a little mans coma and bluntly asked did yon ever go to europe no sir i never did was tho reply i have had all i ooold do to stay at homo and learn manners i there was lots of silence around there after that in knows juat why i sulfur iobh 1 canuoktiow i only know my iathur wills it so- ho loads in paths 1 cannot undofbtund but 011 tho way i know is wiauly planned my lifu in only initio that i may nso tho gifts ho 1 on do tli mo as ho may choose and if lu lovo eonio boon ho doth rocoll i know tbat unto illui bolongotb all r 1 am hib child and i can barely trust ho iovcb mo and i know that ho is just withlu his lovo i can securely rost asaurcd that what ho dooa for mo 1b best presbyterian journal the doctors differed when i was attending modical college said a new orleans phyaioian our professor of materia medioa and general practice told us one day that he had a remarkable case which he proposed tu exhibit next morning in olinio i bavo persuaded tho man to allow you to examine bim in tbo interost ot soience he baid and you eaob will mako an independent diagnosis in writing next day the patient appeared he wsb a strapping big fellow and without preface he peeled off hie clothes and took his place on the table we examined him in squadb thumplug bis ohoet listening to hie lungs fooling hia puhe taking his temporature and doing everything else we oouli think of i soon discovered valvnur diseaee of the heart in an advanced age but said nothing according to the rule and eat up nearly oil night writing my diagnosis when the oil profesuor took his place on the platform at lecture hour hie desk wab heaped high with our written reports woll gentlemen he said blandly i find here 40 diagnoses each doaoribing a different disease i consider tbo varities of your discoveries aa very remarkable especially here ho paused and deliberately polialied his eyeglasses ospccislly gentle men aa there was uotbiog wjiatover tho matter with tho patient the bilence that ensued was bo thiok that that you could bavo cut it with an ax kissing bug flew away it waa night and tha bilvery raja of tbe moon silting through the woodbine loaves diacloeed to tbo view of a close observer an indiatioot mabb thut might bo most any thing possibly a young man and a young woman intho nammoak ou a piazza it was a beautiful calm serene night when tho loaves in the trees barely rustled ever and anon however there came from tbatblury maes a sound that broke tbe btillness it was a peculiar indescribable sound eimiliar lo that emittsd whan two bheets of etioky fly paper are tarn apart suddenly from a becoud etory window above oame a urge deep voice that was easily tout of the owner of the promises for heavens bake maud wbat aro you doing down on the pizza was tho query whioh awoko the echo en of tho uight and startled lhat eamo inert mass into immedi ate aotiou for a second all was once mora fctill and then came a swett mufilod voice in reply im trying ti catch one ot those kisbing bugs papa it eaid if tbo bumed thing dont know enough to go home before tbia time of tho night it ought to be caught wait till i get a club and 1 11 bo down to help you growled the same bbso profundo and a aound of hurried movement floated down from above in less than half a second a well developed bnp with straw bat in hand and coat taiu flying behind waa doing a fast sprint down the fitreet and another valu able specimen was lost to aoionuo tom was therk an amusing inoident is told by tbe custodian of the publia library of an up the river town it seems that a young lady patron was very anxioua lo read f hopkinson smithd tom grogan but was unfortunate iu always finding it out tbe hbrariau finally promised to notify her by telephone next time the book waa returned it oamo one day and the librarian promptly rang up tbo young lady tom grogan is here and you must coma down right away just as soon sb you oan it happened tbat tho young ladys father answered tbe telephone and not being np in notion indignantly replied tom grogan 1 whos tom grogan 7 and what haa he to do with my daughter if any young man wauts to sea her let him eome ap to the bouse the librarian bent a hearty laugh ovor tbe wire and rang off detroit free presa a popularity that in creases with mighty strides diamond dyes first in all points that make perfection notwithstanding tho faot tlmt imitations and crudo package dyes und soapgrease dyea aro before tho public seeking recogni tion tho famo and popularity ot tbe diamond dyoa tncreuao with mighty strides those who have tho miufortuno to try any of the inferior dyes sold by some dealers know wtll how dcoapuvo they prove tho users are utterly disheartened aud disappointed their work with these common dyes show muddy and dull colors and anger is kindled boaunso valuable gar ments and materials are spoiled the diamond dyes simple and oasy to use have a standard ot excellence that no others can approach they givo true uniform and honest results when used in tho mansion or cottage blight clear and brilliant colors are always obwiuud on all wool all cotton or mixed goods when the plain direollons are followed do not bs deceived by any deuler when hu off era you something just sb good an tho diamond dyes there are uo other dyes in tbo world that oan equal tho dia mond no other that can so successfully make old things now the doctors dont believe m advertising its unprofessional oti know but let one of em tlo up a soro thumb for george smith and iheyll climb seven pdre ot stairs to have n repjrter jut mention it you know

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