Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1899, p. 2

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iunrouaa in naaaegawoya on tuesday m november holtby flelober ion of john motutior lag a 80 years harried buller n ready the movempnt for the belief of lndysmlth to be made in a day or two motiuciairrmotivibiiin guolph on wed nuatlay loth november by llov 11 j m glaeaford j motasgart v b to catherine daughter 01 arob motavlab bn- cavkionat at ignace mlob oo tburedey 30th november otiarlee o oevansgb editor or tho st iguaco tiawe formerly agenl of the j uj h w 11 ii at georgetown aged yonra hiuordyki at tbo rcaldonoo of tbo hrldobrotber mr john a howson toronto junction on thursday lolbnovymber by llov w j padr jamoe u hill of torooto to mr w a mofadyon ofqiemle mjt 3utott fm was thtjrbday november 23 1909 notes and comments experim union the annual meetlnsr to be held at the o ac aueldh etn 7th 6th deo the prloos paid to formers for wheat at manitoba country points aro lower dow at 63o to 66j in sympathy with the decline id oataide marketb the deliveries of wheat have inoreasoa lately the quality of the wheat in generally dry and bard brinff much above the average of labt year bradstrcct s the october statement of the dominion ohartered banks shows an inorease in the note oiroolation for the month of 98000000 and an inorease over october last year of 97000000 publio deposits increased 91500000 balances due from foreign oonntnes decreased 918000000 end trade loans increased 95800000 a b mcoallnm of faliley a leading barrister of brnce oonnty haa been ap pointed judge of the new distriot of manitonlln island he will have hi horns on the island mr mooallnm visited aoton daring the last provincial general eleolion and spoke here in the interest of air john b barber m f p five million dollars is the inorease in the amount of the capital o canadian banks which the year 1800 will witness for the first time since the organisation period of batiks has an inorease been fonnd nooee aary the faot is a most important one and is strikingly indioatlve of the growth and expansion of bosinesn in the dominion and the general prosperity of the oonntry the term africander frequently appeara in the sooth african news of the day it means a oolonitt born in africa and implies that the colonist must be of european descent born of european or pare afrioander parentage there are dutch africanders english africander and ger man freooh and portuguese and belgian africanders judge armour has no sympathy with boycotts bis lordship at the assizes in london on monday where a number of cases arising ont of the london street oar atrike are to be heard took occasion to express his sentiments regarding this modern weapon of indastrial warfare he dnoanced boyooting aa mean and coward ly besides being a punishable mlademesnor nnder the law blr wifred lander has been giving some good advice to the younger generation of the town of st lin where be was born be plying to a complimentary address from the students there sir wilfred speaking ol a rood eduoation said there is an other matter to which i would draw your attention it is not a reprosoh x desire to make those who have the advantage of a college ednoation often think that when they have left college their ednoation is complete that is a great mistake the more a man learns the more he finds how little he knows instruction mnnt be con tinued by reading if i have any advice to offer yon it is to read bead what 7 you may ask i reply read the papers i ahonld prefer to reaommend nsef nl books but at least you should read the papers whether conservative or liberal and in form yourselves of the current history of yonr oonntry and times canadas bi joint stock co oanada may rightly claim the largest joint stook company in the world every snbeoriber to the family herald and weekly star of montreal may be said to be a shareholder as out of his investment of one dollar a preoentage more than bank interest is set aside to be spent absolutely on improvements the subscribers thereby reaplug the benefit through this unique plan the publishers have this year seen the way to increase the family herald and weelly star to 31 pages 1m oolamns eaob issue and to send eaob subscriber two beautiful pictures battle of alma and fassy willows the investment of one dollar for the family herald is the kind tnatpays enormous dividends milton a hocksy club has been organized with landlord mcqlbbon of the wallace hones as president the onrling dob will pay the rink managers 9100 for tbe mason five nights each week messrs george and neil patterson have bought out tba butchering business of g e bonsflsld dont forgst tbe oonesrt in aid of the milton band on friday evening december 8th the programme will be of tbe high- class order tbe bohool board is paying 94 00 per oord for its supply of green hardwood nonresident pupils pay 910 per term at tbe public school with 9100 extra for tbe langnage oourse tbe deer hunters brought borne fourteen deer with them mr w s hall hornby who with his family intends removing to badlands cat in a few weeks has sold his farm in esqueslng to mr john wrigglesworth of lbs same township for 95000 it is a good farm and contains 100 acres befarmer oen white holding his own lohdoh nov 33 while there have been rumors of important eogagomonta at ladysmitb and other points dorlog the past week these lank offlolal confirmation at tho war office tho litest despatches from ladysmitb report that all is well and the garrison can bold its own indefinitely an official message whloh reached the natal government from ladysmitb re port all well tbore on the kjth the main boer army is apparently marohlng south under commandant jonbeit with the object of meeting general olery a wo gram from the postt war correspondent ssyb that the british pickets wore in touch with the boers at mool biver station yse- terday and that shots were exohanged t1ik two divisions neam t nkady general bnler continues to guard very carefully all foots relating to the military situation in lower natal it is plain bow ever that general oloury will have by the end of the week ready to advance for tho relief of ladysmitb a foroe of 17000 or 19000 troops including a naval brigade and the battalions which were on tbe ground before the reinforcements began to arrive at durban these will include thrco bri gades of tbe first beoond and third divis ions and the 2nd somersetshire light infantry whloh left oape town yestsrday both general olery and majorgeneral hildyard bave been connected with the staff college and are considered among tbe beat taotitiana of tbe british army they are great favorites with lord wolaeley and understand the minutest details of military taolios and strategy the khsbkitly nivision while the campaign in natal is kept a mystery so much light is thrown upon the movement toward eimberly that the troops are expeoted to reaoh that seotioo very soon general lord methuen has two brigades inoluding tbe guards regiment of lanoers several batteries a naval contingent and apparently the highland brigade under wanohops will join dim making a body of nearly 15000 men sceptics assert however that the censor would not allow press despatches to go throngh if kimberley were the real destination of the column and prediot that it will oooupy both banks of the orange biver eastward and draw off the dutch troops from cape colony tuncinxo ox ladyblinn tbe investment of ladyamith by tbe boers baa avidently failed but tbe re- sources ol boer oraft have not been ex bauated and both general white and general clery need to be on guard against being entrapped at the last moment when the anion of their foroes only requires oautlon but patience this was tbe under tone of tbe talk of the war office and military staff and the hope was expressed that general white would remain quiet and general clery not allow himself to be hurried bb1tisu occur nmuwpoobt capetown nov 81 tbe british troops occupied naauwpoorl naauwpoort ia the branoh line of de aar 60 miles from de aar and oonneots tho midland with tbe western system ol railways the latter road runs north to eimberly and mistaking it is anncunoed from naanwpctt that tbe boers are repairing the bridges previously destroyed by them this stcoording to the cape timet is because the boer invasion of oape colony was against orders tbe authority asserts that no defence of bloemfontein is in tended hoeb amd bbitibii prisoners united stites consnl genersl btowe who has jusl visited tbe boer prisoners on board the penelope at bimonstown is interesting himself to secure good treat ment for the prisoners at pretoria aod has authorized mr macrum united btates consul there to honor the requests of british officers who are prisoners at pre toria to tbe extent of 1500 and generally to do his best in their behalf president eruger however refuses to allow the american consul at pretoria to aot as agent for tho british government in regard to the british prisoners okn oatacbe addbb8eb h1b mem cape town monday nov 31 general gataore commanding the british oolumn assembling at qneenstown oape colony told tbe troops there today that the regulars should watch and learn from lbs irregulars who were acquainted with the oonntry and the habits of the boers once the forward movement should be begun there oould be no question of stopping it and he asked all to do their best adding i will never ask yon to do any thing i am not willing to do myself nuxctzd thk boeb uxtx1iat1w donnas nov 21 the natal wttntiu says tbe german farmers in the grey- town distriot have rejected the boer ultimatum to swear allegiance or to quit their farm and have defied the boers to oust them from their homesteads kidney disease the result is oftin a life of pain and misery the programme in to hand for tho next annual meetdu ot tho ouwrio aiirlculiur al nnd experimental uuion whioh n tn be held at the art outturn college gutlpta starting wednesday evening december oil ttud cloning friday afternoon do oember 8ih darirtg the past year 00 operative experi ment wero conducted by the uuion in agriculture horlioulture ecouomio bot any and soil mouturo the agricultural experiment with fertuhaira folder aropa roote potatoes rao8jtiijaqr uqdolgvum were oond noted on it 085 plate whloh were btiuated on 8486 farms aud the horti cultural exporimenta with bmtll roite were more numeroua in 1800 than in any pre vious year the nummary reaulitj of fcheae practical experiment will be presented at the annual met ting and hbooh prove ol great bervioe to all tbosu who are engiged in practioal agriculture the speakers who have been engaged to address he me are goo t powell new york state hon john dry den hon obas prury prol w rjbertaon prof o g jaine john i hobaon nolaon moo- teith m p p g 0 oreelmad b b a cto as the college was established in 1874 the quaker gentuiy anniversary of the of the instlotion w bo celebrated to a special way at the union meeting a good opportunity will ba afforded those in atteudanae at the union meeting to visit the guelph fat stook show whloh ia to be held on the 6tb 7th and 8th of december tbe offloers of the union and of tbe qollege nnite in cordially inciting all persons inlprested fu tbe advancement of agrlonltare to be present at the on sioub of the experimental unioo meeting the trip to gnelph and retarn oan be secured on tbe rail way a in ontario for a one way fare on the oertifloato plan all enquiries rorartitog railway rates programmes eto should bo sent to c a kavitz seoretary agricultural college gnelpb ontario flr william dawson dead the distinguished scientist passed away early sunday morning montreal nov 20 sir william daw son 1b dead after an illness of more than a years duration tbe former prlnoipal of magill university passed away ahoitly beforp three oclock yesterday morning surround ed by nearly all the members of bis family to hia immsdiate relatives and friends bis death web not unexpected but to tbe general publio whioh had not been appris ed of the serious tarn his illness had taken daring the past week the newj of bib demise oame aa a great surprise bir william had been in failing health for a long time owing to his advanced age but he managed to maintain bis inteljeo tual vigor until almost the very last the youths companions new calendar the youth companion oajondar for 1000 is unique in form and beautiful in design the oval centerpiece in high colors and enolosed in a border of flowers represent a dream of summer and is supported on either side by sn admirably executed figure pieoe in delioate tints the whole is delightful in sentiment and in general effect larger than any of the companions previous calendars it is equally acceptable as a work of art as an ornament to the home it wilt take a pre eminent place tbe calendar is published exclusively by the companion it cannot be obtained elsewhere it will be given to all new subscribers for 1000 wbo will also receive in addition to tbe fiftytwo ihsubs of the new volume all the issues for tbe remain fng weeks of 1809 free from the time of subscription illustrated aunounoemen number containing a full prospectus of the volume for 1000 wilt he sent free to any address the youtffa companion 203 oolnmbos avenue boston mass mr david c rowel i of horton n s was an intense sufferer and despaired of finding a cure telle the story of his release tho acadian wolmllo n h recently a reportir of tho acadian was told of another of tbotte triumphs of dr williams piuk pills which are becoming very common in this vicinity the for tunate individual is mr david growell a highly respected resident of horlonvplt below lit his experience in substance as he gave it to us about two years ago for tho tint time in my life i began to re allze tolly what iii health menu the brut symptom wan a feeling of overpowor ing drowsiness whioh crept over me at times often i wonld be at work in the fitid when tbe drowsiness would solas me and i would find that it required the exercise of all my will power to keep awake iu a short time i was attacked by sharp pleroing pains whioh bhot through the lower part of my back at first this did pat trouble me very much during tho day but at uight the puin became almost unendurable and ofteu i woull not ilise my eyes throughout the whole night graduvly a nausea and a loathing for food developed sometimes i would ait down to a meal with a keen appetite but after a moutbfulor no had passed my lps sickness and vomjtmg would fclow 1 beoamo greatly reduoed in fldbh and in a thor time was but a wreok of my former be if the doctor stud the troqble was kidney disease but bis treatment did not btlp me my mother who was something of a nurse urged me to try dr williams pink pills and at laet to satisfy her mare than from hopes of being oared i took up thfir use after taking one box i seemed better and i resolved to try another gefore the seoond box was uted my condition was improved beyond gainsay and i felt suro the pills were responsible for it i took two more boxos and before they were all used the pain to my back had wholly dis appeared my appetite had returned aod i felt like a new man for the sum of t wo doliarb i cured myself of a painful disease there oan not be the least doubt but that dr williams fink pills was tbe sole oanse of my recovery and i consider them bo best medicine in existence sold by ell dealers in medicine o sent post paid at 60o a box or elx boxes for 92 60 by addressing the dr williams medioine co brockville ont refuse all substitutes in france for tbe privilege of wearing mens trousers the french government charges women a tax of about 2 a piusicia is not always at hand guard yourself against sudden oougha and colds by keeping a bottle of pain killer in tbe house avoid substitutes thero in but one painkjllor perry davis 2oo and goo tiops4mptt of oafiptakh oan vouch the efflcaoy of that peerless eough remedy pynypeotoral it cures a cold very quickly 25o of all druggists manu factored by tbe proprietors of perry davis painkiller when a person is lying down his heart makes ten etrokes leas per minute than when he is in an nprigbt position dr lows worm syrup is a bafe sure and reliable worm expeller acta equally well on children or adults be sure you get lowe to those about to marry young men or old men who intend to marry will be pleased to learn that the new marriage aot is made quite blmple by applying to h p moore issuer of marrisge license at the free pttksp office gall a few da beforo the ceremony and have the fetter explained private office all penainess btriotly private and confidential 1 1 residence in evenings d l moody stricken heart trouble attacked the great evangelist in kansas city our boys will get a show col alymersaysthey will be sent to the front after putt in in some drill britains ooal fields still cover en area of 6400 square miles canadas coal fields cover over twelve times that ares to cure catarrh and stay cared yon mast ass the most uptodate sod most approved method of treatment this oan only be had in oaurrhosons which cures by inhalation and la sore to reaoh tbe right spot treatments requiring tbe use of sprays doaobes snuffs ointments are a thing of tbe psvst and the medicated sir treatment sapsroedss them all there is no danger or lisk in using oatrrhoson det for aty exolaslvsly is all it u both plssisol and efftotlw to employ hftah w ottawa nov 21 col hon matthew aylmer adjutant general who is still suffering from the oooidenl to hia foot gives tbe following views of the transvaal war he ssys i was in england when tba intelligence was received of canadas intention to send ont a contingent and tbe snnoanoement caused great delight it materially tended to show tbe reality of greater britain those who attended the qaeens jubilee however needed no stronger evidence of oolonisl loyalty and anlty in tbe empires interest in eng land it was thought that tbe boers could be wiped ont in a few weeks bnt after recent develops ments i think they bave changed their tune the oonntry is qolte large and foil of rocky fastnesses and almost impervious poem to my mind st less 100000 men will be required to bring tbe isane to a saoossfot termination do yoa think tho canadian contingent will be called on to fight that is what theyve gone out for but it will be some time before they are ready they will need a months systematic drill and prsctloo in rifle shooting before being called into action that story about tbs contingent being kansas city mo nov fio dwigbt l moody the evangelist who has been preaohlng here to thousands nightly io convention hull was strlokeu with heart trouble to day bis engagement here was ont short and to night he is en routs for his home at northfielj mass in the aare of dr schanffler of this city snd mr c m vinlng teller of the union rational bank his aasa is pronounced very crit loal twenty pur cent below 3 h hamilton of tho od reliable marble and granite works guelph announces that ho will continue to plaoe he best classes of granite and marble monuments tomb eto at prices guar anteed to be twenty per eeut below others no agent to reoelvo oommiseions expenses allowed o and frotr guelph to urobaiera death of ladv salisbury the wife of the british premier succumbs to paralysis alter lengthened suffering london nov 20 lady salisbury wife of the premier wbo suffered a second stroke of paralysis in july last died today she was a daughter of the late hon sir edward hall aldersona baron of tbs court of exchequer and was married to the marquis of salisbury in 1857 byeelections on dec 12 ontario cabinet counoll on tues day afternoon decided upon the dates nominations for tbe provincial bye elec tions will be held on deo 5 and voting a week later on the 12tb this was decided at a meeting of the ontario cabinet tues day afternoon bye elections will be held in south ontario east elgin north watrloo and west elgin in any eats or irritable throat fetid breath bronobltls catarrh and asthma for sals at all druggists or by mall pries 9100 for trial outfit send loo in stamps ton o poison a co box 600 kingston ont hagyards yellow oil otires spralne braises sorei wounds onti frostbites obllslains sllogsof insects barns scolds oontasiocs etc prloeufio bosb oon tinned col aylmsr tbe war office if it over entertained suoh an ides woold never glva it onl if yoa wtnt on year knees for snob information yoa woold nsver get it from the war offlo theres surely nothing in suoh a rumor tba men will probably spend tbs first month in capo town in disciplinary and other drill the salary of a captain of a trans atlantlo liner is 1000 a year the wages of tbs men a i 6s per month erin jos walker has rented the agricultural hall and will run tbo skating rink this season mrs william wilion had the misfortune to fall and fracture her wrist a couple of weeks ago mr david ssndford of jackson mlob was in town this week it is over thirty years alnoe mr sandford left erin sod be finds msny obanges mr w travis eldest son of mr travis of this plaoe and supervisor of tbs asylum at orillls spent a day or so nat week at the old boms the new elevator at the cpu station is quite a boon to tbe farmers snd is wsll patronlfied it was bniu for about 1 1200 and a five years leasehold will pay for it literary notes the december number of the delineator is called the ynletlde number and with its innumerable illustrations is certainly one of the most artistic magazines ever sent out aside from being the leading fashion publication it contains muob oholoe literary matter from tbe pens of wellknown authors the boaaehold and social discussions are ably dealt with and are of real worth subscription prloe of the delineator 9100 a year single copies 15 oents order from the local agent for batterlok patterns or address the delin eator pablisblng co of toronto limited 88 riohmond street west toronto ont rockwood a meeting of the blbls soalety was held in tbs methodist church on wednesday even in 1 nov 23th rev b osrrather of toronto delivered the annual address a very large attendance was prsssnt and a satisfactory matting wsa held we understand that the commencement oonorrt of tbe public bohool will take plaoe on friday evening december 1st j think of s woman being sick and auf- fcring- six years when she might have been well all that time think of her talcing the treatment of four doctors and getting nk better think of the sain she en ured of the usclessnesb of ftour doctors juim her 1 1 f e in those six long dreary miserable years think of the distress of a refined modest woman during the unclean examinations and treatment of four different doctor who each and all failed to give her any comfurt think of all this and then think that he was finally cured completely wholly per manenth cured right in the privacy of licr home without the abhorrent examuin tionn and local treatment so uniformly insisted upon by home pliyslciantf cutl just as she might have been alx yearn be fore these are simply the facta in the cane of mrs m b wallace of muenater cook co texas who writes i had been agrent sufferer from female wesk ness i tried four doctors and none did me nuy good i surered six yearn but at last i round relief i followed your advice and took four bottles of golden frfedlcal discovery and tight of the favorite prescription i now fed like a ntw wvjw4h x have fnlucd eighteen pouud dr pierces favorite prescription is a medicine made for just one purpose to cure disorders or diseases of tue feminine organism it in the only preparation of its kind introduced by a regularly graduated physlcan skilled special in t in the dis eases of women whose thirty vears of suc cessful practice are r guarantee of health to all sufferers who consult him every woman rany write fully and con fidentially to di r v pierce buffalo n y and may be sure that her ense will receive careful conscientious confi dential consideration and that the heat medical ndvlce in the world will be given to her absolutely frtt in addition to this free advice dr pierce a 0 m b crs ttte bestawllrheumano nhsr piaster made isuifem evhplasttninenmara lfleba2 rous price wo c ayuiuracrrurcfts more oases of consumption appear among needle makers and file makers than auy other olasbes of laborer tue d l euuibionof god limh oil will build you up will in ik 1 you fat aud healthy espooiully benefluml to those who are all run down mktiofiioiured by the davis a liwruuco o ltl hiram s maxim tho itivut tor 1ms given up hia amonoin birthright for a british naturalisation aertitlaito the weight of tbo hivieit lute evur known was ft 000 ponnl tina clydesdale wad exhibited in mew york iu 1880 the uimatio statmibnt thu d l men thol plaster is doing a ureal dtol 10 allevivtj neuruluft and iheumutibm ia bacd upon fuotn the d l plublor never fails t soothe and quiokly cure manufactured by tho davis fc lawrence co ltd eureka harness oil la the best rservatlvs of new leather and ths best renovator of old leather it oils softens black ens ana protects use eureka harness oil oa tom bast harness yonr eld hov- assbamyoiuoarrtatopndtby will not only look better but wear loaitr mdeverrwheralncans all sum from half pint to live xallona haa hf nmui oa cow uiu thtlnql com i wqt t p smith 8dientifiq eye 8f i oiaust irmluntfl now yurie rhlluleplin and toronto optical colleges call early and avail yourself of his valuable services as this is a rtrc opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested free of chaige no guess work but a scientific certainty difti cult cases accurately fitted ali work gua1mmi ed 4 niurfhhflpviue faqyaosv will be at agnews hotel acton onb dat oniy thtjrsday 7th december patents i promptly secured i writoforourlntorostlnfl books imcnt ors holp and how you aro swindled sond ua a rough slcaton or model of your ln cntion or improvement and wo will tell you troq our opinion as to whether it is probably potentablo mo make n specialty highest roferoncos t urnlahod xabion tc mabion patent solicitors experts olrll a mechanical fnrlneers grnduatea of the folytocbnlo school of 1- nslneerlne llacholora in applied sclcocna laval university mcmbcre patent iaw aoaoclntloo american water viorfaa association mew knulnnd water worka alloc p q- batveyora aeiorlntlon assoc alcmber con bocluty of cltll knglncrro nrnsrs i y0rk lift bl do montreal 0k 1 atuhtio builoiho washinotoh 0 0 it as per lent irtthe enjoyi curiou live e tupil aaninati the the total no condition to warning to pan k ichook of baltimore the pupils uereexamincdby ordinarily used and theresulls resting and suggestive 90s i pu re found o haur suf defective liool lath unsafe dren v not lo be of normal risior but the percentage of defec reasedwlkh trie age of the rccomrmds yearlyex- vealssr of the wpils eyesight percentage nnrly onefifthof mberjivwed found to be hi i work at all isa school authorities the right house establish ld 1843 t hamilton s tavorite shopping place bargains in carpets and floorcloths our methods of storekeeplng require that odd lots and lines of which the assortment has become bioken shall do cleared out at onco thats the why of this special reduction sale that s now going on in our carpet department remember llie quantities are limited so youd better be prompt one lot of english brussels carpet short pieces mostly but largo enough to cover a room large ariety of patterns splendid qualities formerly 9i 25 and 9i 35 per yard now 85c another lot of carpet remnants consisting of brussels tapestry s wiltons and velvets in lengths ranging from 14 yards to 10 or 12 yards selling at less thin half price for instance were 9z 00 yard now goc were 81 85 yard now 80c were 81 50 yard now 70c were 81 35 yard now 60c were 81 00 yard now 50c were 90c yard now ioc scotch linoleums and oilcloths in a large variety of patterns light and dark shadings formerly 60c per square yard reduced to 50c scotch linoleums and oilcloths better qualities quite an extensive assortment of good patterns in various styles formerly 75c per square yard reduced to 60c ladies jackets u you need a new jacket you can t do better than come direct to this store you ii find larger varie ties here and better values because all our garments are the right house kind that means ihorougly reliable in material and workman ship one special lot of ladies black and colored jackets in thelargerslzes some in beaver and others frieze and boucle selling at reduced prices to clear were 87 and 810 now 84 00 were 5 and 86 now 83 50 were 85 reduced to 82 50 were 84 reduced to 82 00 double breasted black frieze jackets flat collars square front 12 large pearl buttons all sizes special at 84 75 double breasted black bouc e jackets flat collar nicely stitched block horn buttons a stylish and well made coat special at 85 75 new wrapperettes just received 20 patterns of new wrapperettes in a choice selection of handsome designs in various colorings special at 13c shopping by mall we are always glad to send samples and prices on application and we pre pay the charges to any railway station in ontario on all mall orders amounting to 85 or over thomas c watkins klng 8t east cor hughson 8t hamilton it ixtas a qreat day saturday at early morning there were men waiting to see the suits we advertised all day long and up to nine oclock saturday night we were on the jump making the greatest days selling of cloth the frank dowler co has ever seen and the reason why is that the goods were better and the prices lower than ordinary 850 for a suit worth 1500 or 1600 is so far above ordinary value that none are so poor in judgment as not to recognize the value come t week all who want clothing well do the very best foryou this will be grocery week look out for our prices and other movements in this department come and visit us and we will do you good this department is carried on the same as all the other departments controlled by the frank dowler co a good honest square business easy to be understooda dollars worth for a dollar none of the petty tricks of trade are ever resorted to by this firm we are above it you who are above hunting after bonuses and struggling to get your moneys worth come here where all is square and above board the frank dowler co cuelphs greatest store john mcqueen acton all over the counlpv it shows grestnegli- gence and ignorance on the part of parents where the responsibility reskja k flftl placeandwherc periodical exan nations bf thepupils eyesight by school author- itleswlll place it nt last philadelphia inquirer prin6le the jeweller practical optician guelph twas wot luck but twas tact judgement and nerve that secured to us 697 yards or halifax and fancy tweeds at a wonderfully low cost we have them in browns fawns greys and blues zuc ollc and 03 agent for rxostdt woods binder movyera xto and ooold sbaplby a muir s windmills and qrmin qriodera and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to tho wants of customers warerooms john st john mcqueen r c a yard will give you the best value you ever bought in tweeds that is if you come to the lion for them d b macdonald brt golden lion guelph wamthd flavenl bright and liotioitpanniii to represent ui ua mtuiftiiara in mil ant oloso by eououu salary 000 a year and ipnm btrajom bonafldo uo more no lest hlary poaluon pttmaoeoi onrrnforoaom any bank in way town it la mainly offloe work conducted at boms refarenoo unclose self addrewed will send a paper bound copy of hlit rrcnt ioorpajre bonk the common thanae med ical adviser to any one who will send v one cent etamptmo pay cost of cutti and at boms hefarenoo hnoloss self addrewed umjvdbu 9t jmj 1 fluillnv french cfothblndtng urupa jtawjenops the dominion company j g3 y toronto just in new line of writing tablets large and smou note ruled and slain heavy and light weights smooth and rough finish the latest styles in papelries invifahan hole papers etc something new in crinkled titbue papers watered silk hflsots bultablo for malting christmas noveltlos a t brown p 8 leavo your order now for ohriitmaa papers 4 have sbld them mum tu our tnooey ioand we will knd you free yonr choice of the solid cold hliela bljis as ihowntocuu on being a very handsomely enpaved hand a t ring i be other a 3ston gem ring conslttlng of 1 two austrian diamonds and a htulunt french f t red ruby this perfume is the best ever placed 1 i before the public it destroy all obnoxious j t odors and gives lbs braub that fragrant and f i delicious sweetness only obtainable by snal j i wears making this offer for thejmirpoje of h j trodadng our goods to tbe public it being t i purely baslneai traiuactioo and not prompted by i any philaothxopio spirit on our part universal perfume co toeomttgckambf adlmust t0r0m7v grand trunk t the great routs to chicago si lonls omaha denvor los aogslss san dlasjo han jtra and points in california arizona new mexico colorado and oafaar faolflo ooasl points if yoa an contemplating a trip for health pleaatulp or buelnees to the land of basahloe frnlt and flowers throosri tickets io ajl foreign points for deeeri ptlte unldee time tables eio apply to agents o t b system h s holmes agent aoton modiok80n diat fusr- agt toronto j solid gold 85 beat gold fill 180 oyra gold fill 100 best glasses 100 we naranleo port sot satisfaction globe optical co sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont aatharlnd canital 800000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for no months when payments cease tfio 00 aid in maturity value sxoo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j monabb agent aoton jheto ver miss s l schram lats or havsnaii cokiieab tonomto la prepared to elve thorough inetruouon in both vocal aod instrumental muslo pleno or orgau terms roabonablo and maoo an upon application at tbo homo of te ulsaea raldh auoea bt aoton or at nn h b fltee pbebs offigb property for sale anum0fil of lamia and village property for aaloon eaay tcttne apply to vm rlembtileet aoton wanted ahubtlino man or firm to roiiresont tho uorlln mutual tiro inauranco co capital 500 000 lu aoton addreks the manager uorlln oat wanted farmers fionsor otbor iadubtrious poraons of fair education to wbom stooo a moutu would bo an inducement i could also cngago fow ladloa at tbclr own liomoi t h linscott brantford agents dltuyfus tbo prisoner of devils island full btory ol tho most remarkable military trial andbcandl of tho ago big book well llluatratcd sails on sight snap for cantaaaetb bradley garret80h co limited brautford please nohce as ibavosold out my business and am tear ins aoton a11 aooouuta must b settlod by the fine of december any not paid it that dato will bo placed in othor bands lor collection j h matthews aoton nov 4tb 1899 agents l1qrt of ltifo tbo now testament ox plained and tho llvos of tbo apostles two books in one endorsed by all clergymen bonanza for oauvaasors aconta taking ordora from throo fourths calls made if you want a share in thla gold mine hubtlo bradley q ahltetson co limited brautford wanted bright men and woraon wbo are not too proud to work and would llko to make norno money during the noxt tbree months handling tbo wondorfol light of life 63 00 a day euro aomo znako twice that eipoilonco or capital unnecessary bradley gajtrutson co limited brantford residence for sale bower ave aoton owing to my removal from acton i doalro to soil my nouso and loton bower avenao it is a aoven roomed frame bouso newly sheeted neatly painted in excellent ropalr ulcelv papored soft water cistern nratvclaaa cellar and card on with splondld fruit traes it is situated in one of the most desirable real dential sections in aoton for torms and par honiara apply at ouco to j h matthews acton notice to tax payers i am authorised by the council to state tbat this year tbero will bo no extentlon of time for tbe payment of taxes for tbe proaont year all taxes must be paid on or beforo friday 1st decern bor 1899 b d graham collector agents our ghrlbtmas books are ready from fifty oonta up four books explained iu ono erotpeotus one is famous men and great iventa of tbe nineteenth century groat battle great men great invention and dis ooveries progress of nations every great event of the centnry if yon have a slow belling book or engaged in otber asoncy business you lose money to continue hero it the beat oppor tunity for making money you ever bad dig profit easy time new plan get our offer suro dradleygajtretbon oo limited brantford ontario farm for sale in e the uudoralgnod offers for sale life farm lot 94 con 5 eaquosing comprlslnff 160 acres mora or less on tbo tartu a good stone bouse barn a and outbuildings running stream aud excellent print water eonveyod by pipe to house and barn orobard about 10o acres under cultivation and 20 acres of mixed timber fences in good condition and tbo whole in good state of cultivation lou than a mile from lltnebouse post offlqo and less tbau tbree miles from acton for farther particulars enqolro of wm homstrotil aoton or on tbe premises from thomas bomeitville proprietor iour parcels ot valuable prope in acton f sal t bolonslng to mr patbiok icffmv now of buffalo 1 offpred for sale at low prlooa and eaay terms e 1that lino brick realdeno and two lots on tbe ooraor of oburob and quolph streets contains 8 rooma hard and sott water splendid orchard ond good pardon pibottl soooa bonding lot soxlm on qnelpb street nest to aloi bamahava new realdenoo npon whloh is a voang orobard piboai 8th storo and dwelling on mill street ooonpied by uoraoy bros who earry on a general business ia in splendid location central end convenient paaoar 4three good building lota et the corner of young and hill streets a splendid site for a manulatnrlngoaubllshmont owing to its proximity to o t k depot for terms and particulars enquire at the ofbco w h denny young bl aoton thorp a elevator c t r station rockwood now open for the season highest prices paid foe oats peas barley wheat rye eto also on hand for sale flour peed flaxaeod oiloake oatmeal oommeal sulphur cattle salts eto hon and oattle hides sheepskins eto wanted ceoa j thorp quolph xlmint and xeokmod 8m ithfieldof canada the eighteenth annual christmas fat stock shew victoria rink in the city of guelph on wednesday thursday amd friday deoember 6th 7th 8th 1890 leading boyera bare elgnldod their intention to be present those hating ohriatmae atock to dispose of should oomo to quelpb single lutea on all railways pucliaae a single fare ticket to gnelpb end aak the tlokotagenc to giro you a btandard railroad certificate prlae hate on application to jab millait john mccohktndalb proaldent socmtary earn an orchard ip sjlanls trees on twonoevwtll em aannallx aa 6elo1 dallam and cot ion iwthnti imlefwosttasoanwnelililiois llliamiedoet oo moelreal oae bechaater m y ibioanv ma i00treessz00 arhnrla rr ale itoatnaa owioftllewea fromralibltb caterplsut

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