Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 ubad oppioje hamilton ont capital all paid up 1494000 reserve fund 1000000 total assets 131 03000 j turn13ull cashier savings department one dollar or more reoelved interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in n written order with the pass book security the government returns show that depositors in this bank hao 01 er five million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair rates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch rbtablhubd ovzn twentt tkju16 j p bell agent the ne at home mostly of a local character and every item interesting lt qxtan jfm xtss thubsdat n0vembek 63 1b09 little local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week to the meteors here is a little poem aome of oar citizens fait like bingink after sitting up a couple of nights ubt week to boo the promised meteors without suocbbb twinkle twlnklo llttlo star wont you tell mo whore you are i havo oat up very late wtvtohing for you sad to suto twinkle twlnklo little a tar wont you tell mo if yon aro qon to shoot your ahowen ot llgbt for if not 111 sleep tonight muddy roads may now be expected renewal subscriptions for 1000 are rolling id twelfth month deoember commences next friday november thus far has been easy on the coal bins tbe auction sales are pretty welt over for this season jessie alexander in knox ohurob deoember 14th extra copies of the fuee plkss ready for mailing throe cents mr george storey is building an addition to hie house on main street the belfry of tbe new baptist ghuroh should bd supplied with a silverytoned ohurob bell saturday november ibth 1890 will be remembered as a bright warm indian bummerlike day mr john llnaaell has bold big farm to mr john barnes georgetown and will shortly mova to acton the distant city paper is invariably paid for in advance by aubsoribors why not the local home paper mr w g gamble has rented bis farm to mr edward cleaves who will work it iu oonnection with his own did you eee tbe big meteoric shower as a reward for your watching uat wednesday and thursday nights aoton hookeyists have expressed their willingness to join hookey league water loo chronicle now who bad tho right to aay so two hundred and twentyseven appli cations were recently received by the arthur poblio tobool board tj fill three vacancies j mr b t arnold purobaaed last thursday four brick dwellings on young street from james flratbrook at a reas onable figure mr james p whitney m p p and hon dr montagus will attend tbe young conservatives banquet at gurlph next wednesday evening mr james matthew haa scoured tho patent papers for his newl invented rein holder and is now ready to pat the new device on the market mr david mills who is about to move on a faro on the seventh line has sold bia property at the corner of agnes and frederick streets to mr wen oook for 6c0 evangelist b crittenden of tara is oonduotlog 1060181 services io tbe briok churoh this week the meetings are well attended and keen in tares i is being a ohange was mads this week id the arrival of tho evening trains the train golog eait s now doe at aoton at 6 24 ten miootea later than formerly and tbe train goidg west is due at 704 eleven minutes earlier more post office room is badly needed here mr d henderson m p laid to tbefaxxpnxss the other evening wbib endeavoring to wedge himself through an almost impassable crowd that proposed pew 5000 government post office building woald be greatly welcomed here wouldnt it a constable who oame ts town recent ly from a neighboring town on official business got rolling drnnk while in the discharge ol his duty thla la unlike oar georgetown constabulary whose motto is sobriety and righteousness georgetown herald name please name the town and the officer ool w allan kindly sent to the pass pass a on batnrday a oopy of the natal ercttry published at durban south afrloa on october 18th it is a highly creditable well printed weekly of thitty- a pages and being published near tbs at at of war is of especial interest at this time to canadian readers generally 5 i to ma deaf a rioh lady cured of her tries and noises in the head by dr pbolsona artlfloal bar drums has sent o0o to bla institute so that deaf people nabls to procure the ear drums may ts them free apply to department k b tbe institute 760 bight avenue new yor p b a two stts ot team barnsss and two sett f slogu harness yetto sold at cost pnmastooms within sight days ii yoo want ibem j h matthews wat oh tor bonm x is iii a the publlo is advised to keep on tbe look out for the dominion 91 bills that bear a picture of lady duffer id a number of forgeries of this series are in circulation in tbe country and can eailly be distinguished by tbe fact that the right eye of lady d offer in is not shown in the bad bills oqo of tbeie spurious bills was taken in last week at the g t r tioktt office guelph chrlatmaa fat stock show announcement ia made in our advertis ing columns ot the eighteenth annual christmas fat stook show to be held in gaelph on the otb 7lh and 8th deoember loading buyers have signified their inten tion of being present and christmas stock will no doubt be in demand the railways give single fares for the return trip a cordial invitation accepted from tbe hamilton spectator we dip the following the official board of zion tabernacld met last evonlog and extended to the paator rev t albert moore a unanimous invitation to remain for the conference year beginning july 10o0 several of tbe board spoke of tbe deepening of the bpiritual work in the congregation the iiia reused attsudanao at the sunday services tbe increased iot9rest in the class meeting and a general feeling of revival through tbe whole congregation due in a large measure to tbe untiring zeal and energy of the paator mr moore in accepting the invitation bo cordially given said that he bad given himself to tbe work and woald do all in bis power to forward gods ou3e and for tbe advancement of his kingdom in zion tabernacle jkev mr mnapheraon at arthur the arthur correspondent of the guelph jufircury refers to the recent visit of rev mr maopheraon as folio wb rev hugh a maopherson of acton delivered a splendid addresa at the meeting of tbe womans foreign missionary society in the presbyterian churoh the rev gentleman la wellknown in arthur having lived bera with bis parents when a boy his fattier mr archibald maopherson yvas prlnolpal of our pabllo sohool for several years after which he and his family returned to gait where he died mr maopherson is a fluent and eloquent speaker with a splendid physique tbe audieooe was delighted in listening to bis interrestlng remarks during his address in a few patbstio words he referred to arthur as the plaoe of bis conversion and tbe oburoh where he was then speaking was the place where ha first saw spiritual light he was pleased that be waa per mitted to apeak in tbe old ohoroh inatead of tbe beautiful new edifice now nearly oompleted we hope mr maopherson will be at the opening of tbe new oburoh early in deoember ha will be sore of a warm welcome whenever be visits arthur mrs maopheraon accompanied him improvements at acton flooring mllla the lease of acton flouring milts held by mr james clark having expired messrs oheyne cheyne have leased the property for a term of years to meters humphreys fe hawk of lang in peter- bo ro county tbe mill is now undergoing extanalve repairs a new automatic high speed waterous engine baa been put in giving the mill an increased oapaolty and tbe stratford mill building co are overhaul ing the mill machinery generally and patting in their latest improved universal bolting system tbe ohopplng maohinery is also being rearranged and hereafter all chopping will be done with stones whether tbe mill la running by steam or water tbeae improvements will make the mill a first class one in every respeot and second to none of its capacity in the country it ia expeoted tbe improvements will be oom pleted and the mill commence operations under the management of the new firm about the middle of deoember mr hawk and mr humphreys are both praotloal millers and have had large experience in tbe business both grinding and mer chant milling will be carried on and the mill will be worked to its full oapaolty tbe firm haa already large orders offered them with tbe improvements and tbe inoreaaed capacity the mill will no doubt do a muoh larger business and attraot trade from an increased radius messrs humphreys and hawk will remove their families to acton at onoe mr clark is negotiating for a well known and pros perous waterpower mill his removal from aoton will be keenly regretted he has proven himself a good and useful citizen and has not shirked the duties of citizenship which our people have been pleased to plaoe upon bim with confidence his family alio ia highly esteemed and has made many ainoere friends during their residence here teaching staff all reenqaqbd thepupllo sohool departments to be undisturbed for 1 goo tbe board ot trustees of aoton publlo school met in tbe council chamber mon day evening at 8 80 al tbe members were present h bwaokhamer chairman presiding tbe committee on finauoe presented tbe sixth repott and recommended pay ment of accounts aa follows duiili wood 3 90 hp moore oboquo book 2 s15 olobo and mall adv for toaohor 1 sb moved by george hynds aeoonded by alex a seoord that the report of the finanoe committee just read be adopted carried tbe matter of the reengagement ot the teaching staff for tbe enauiug year was considered moved by george hynds ueoonded by robert holmes that the report of tho inspector regarding tho standing of tie different department of our school bo re ceived and that the present atff of teaobera be engaged at same salaries for 1000 as follows thoa t moore prlnolpal mlta c mopoli sod dopt miss e joid mofhall urd dopt mist it f feattaeretono 4th doit miei bllsa h mcqueen gtii dopt carried upon motion the board adjourned at 0 80 oclock coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlouaother personal notes 600 00 3x100 275 00 273 00 250 00 mlaa jessie alexander will visit acton the ladies aid of knox chnroh with commendable enterprise ha e made an engagement wilb mias jessie alexander the popular and tilented elocutionist for a dramatio recital in knox church on thursday evening 11th deoember miss alexander faas made a moat snoaeesful tour of great britain and the united states and haa joat commenced a season tour of canada on this oscaaion bbe will be assisted by the oboir of the churoh and others mr mtaea leotnre on doors tbe lecture by rev j w rae toronto junction io knox oburoh laat friday evening waa listened to by a larger audience than usually turns out to hear a lecture it was given under the auspices of the christian endeavor society the choir sang with acceptance several anthems during the eveolng rev h a maopher son oooupled tbs oh air in his intro ductory remarks rev mr rae spoke of the pleasure it always gave him to oome back to bis old charge and said be when yon dont wish ms to oome dont ask me for i am always too anxious to oome to refuse an invitation the leotors upon the peoullar topla announced was unique in character it was full of infor mation rioh in illustration eloquent at many periods and apt and pointed in the splendid moral and spiritual lesions it laogbt the opening sentence was in all tbs created work of man their is nothing more commonplace nor is their anything more significant than the door the history ot the door iti hinges key look jamb frame ac were followed in detail from the day of its in trod notion as a hang ing curtain at the tent entrance to tbe elaborate revolving door now in uss in numbers of tbe olty shops reference was made to little and big doors high and low doors broad and narrow doors doors denes and doors transparent doors that cant be opened and doors that are never shut doors very tight and doors that wont fit at all thsre were stone doors and wooden doors brass gold allver iron copper ivory and paper doors sliding doors and swinging doors some revolve sod sdtne are hang boms doors are off their hinges some have but one hinge aome open up ward some downward there aro ohurob doori horns doors bank doors and peni tentiary doors in closing ho said let us have opsn doors to stand before every yootb offering free ednoatlon opportunities tolearu useful trades and to gtvs every cue of tbem spiritual uplift tbe benign band of god himself through jeaua christ provides a wide open door of sslvatfon for all a cordial vote of thanks was moved by rev w brysrs and mr john mo- donald at ths close to curb a cold in one day take laxative brontb qafalria tabuu al drageuts nf and the money if it ffuli to ears vo a wqrovsaaiitaatunlaoneaejiboa porial in tbe methodist cburob friday evening 1st deoember tbe five teachers of the acton publio school have been reengaged for next year tbo farmers the oarpentere and other outside workers have had very favorable weather this fall mr j p seoord has purchased a block of 45000 shares in tbe kaleo slocan developement co a rich property adjoin ing the mokenzie mann mines orillia time mr wm 8 hall of hornby is about to sell bis farm and other property and remove to california mr hall is a native of halton and the removal of himself and family is generally regretted mr william wallace baa sold the orangeville advertiser to messrs j f dodda and kenneth moeay mr d mills haa purobaaed the timber on 25 aorea from mr michael lamb and intends outting tt off this coming winter there wsb an amusing fifty yard foot race between a married and a biugle glovo cutter at the park saturday aftor- noon the single man won and was successful again when matched against a fleet footed single man on monday wbile experimenting with a toy cannon in company with a number of other boys at the park on saturday after noon master willie taylor had tbe flesh and nail of tbe first joint of bis right thumb painfully laoeratod a perm a to re explosion did it t p smith eye specialist will be in aoton on thursday december 7tb one day only rooms at agcewe hotel if you have any defeat in your eyesight h will pay to call and boo him examina tion free call early or you oan make appointments at a t browns drug store the are more exoelleot features in the sun than will be found in any other weekly bystanders comment candid editorial discussion of public questions uptodate agricultural matter and farmers market report send post card to the san office toronto for a sample copy and be con vinced mlas s l bob ram juts teacher of mueia in havergal college toronto haa taken rooms in aoton and is prepared to give thorough instruction iu both vocal and inttrumantal muaio piano or organ miss sohrara is an eipenenoed and suooesiful treaober and ber pnpila here will no doubt make satisfactory progress tuo fasa fobbs luvltea all its readers to con trlbuto to this column k you or your friends aro going away on a holiday trip or if you have friends visiting yon drop a card to tbo fobs pnsaa mr louis gnrofskey of toronto was in town on saturday mr aud mrs john haawloy ot uara- fraxk visited acton friends this week mr and mrs johu erwin of george town vibited aoton relatives this week mr and mrs g h medley spent sunday with mr and mri thomas bing ham of erin mr george modougall euo has been in tho klondyke the past two years returned home last week mr john kenney sr returned last week from a pleasant two weeks viait with his danghter in brampton mr aud mrb heine ot newmarket vibited their daughter mrs brown willow ttreec during the week mr alex a seoord visited his sister at hamilton during the week she is very ill and has been taken to ttae hospital mrs john miobie wbo spent a couple of weeks very pleasantly witta her slnter-in- law mrs cbaa symons at corry hall returned homo on monday mr william mophail arrived home from the north weat last thursday he enjoyed hi three months id manitoba very muoh and it ia within the possibilities thst he may settle there messrs henry bauer and wm gonld arrived home from the rainy river district on saturday tbey have many interesting reminisoenoea of their three months experience on ttae mann and moeensie construction woraca on the new ontario and rainy river r r there during their stay they were well treated were served with exoelleut board and have many good things to say of mr a r mann tbe construction superintendent several others of tbe aoton contingent are expeoted home this week ohjss l nellbs guelph the big bookstore wall paper window shades room mouldings j d 7vt druggist our agent in acton will attend to your wants and show prices ht hotoe fatmcait cj4tctaii aitt fiptt ttie colatafaf titviuc it pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts the noted tea store and china palace j a mccrea quelph gurney cfe co mill st acton for special values in fall underwear gloves and hesiery perfect fitting corsets in black grey and fawn special at 100 our blankets at 100 are leaders new wrapperette cloths in newest pat terns special at 10c try a package of our social tea special at 25c lb gurn8y si co rsrrkrkra crewsons corners tbe road on tbe west aide of tbo railway has been greatly improved by being graded and gravelled messrs r niokcll and geo miobie had the aoutraot the ravival meetings oonduoted by rav mr holden and evangelist orittendon are being held in the slloam methodist churoh this week mr h molean a knox ohurob student and a formnr school teacher at school no 8 erin delivered an eloquent sermon in tbe methodist gburob here lat sabbath morning the truiteea of lome sohool have re engaged miss l momoroby as teacher of ths school for 1000 and have given her an advance over her former silary mr w williams and councillor murray of acton spent sunday ajl the home of mr j murray mr and mrs james rsmahaw mr a ramahaw and miss l ratnahaw spent sunday with friends in lowville during his stay in tbeae parts mr crittenden made hie home at mount pleasant tbe home of mr jaa moore mr myles campbell of fort erie is visiting at mr jas gambles nassaqawbya it is our dnty ta record tho death of holtby fletoher third son of mr john fletcher of darby villa on tuesday evening nov laib at the age of twenty tneoaoie of his dsath was appendiottis hetookalokon sunday 5th lust and on thursday olb three doctors performed a snaoesrifol operation but inflammation set la from which be died the funeral took plaoe on friday 17tib to ebenesar ceme tery a large concourse of rrlatives and jrlsnds followed tbs romalos to the oeme- tery rev dr soanlan condnctsd the burial service tbs pill bearers wers messrs wm ademsoir jas eaitet brook elwood wilson wm dyr and alfred hnsband tho farm of ths lata rpbt darby of darbyville waa sold on saturday list t mr david oox or knetahtmll for 19200 dr and mrs it h wiiiod of armads michigan are visiting relatives and friende in natiagaweya and erin a party of sportmien of knatobboll had a bush hunt at mr john bells plaoe on monday mssarr james anderton of eden mills levi eliley of brook villi and oharlea hoi top of evert on returned home last week from a deer hunt witb a deer eaob sick headache positively cured by these little pill they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea draws ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongas tain in the side torpid 1xver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small phi small dose 8mall price substitution the fraud of tho dtvy see you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills everton e l ooogdon it horns fabvtaa floiahtid his snmmcrs work in nasssftaweya the soholir ol this notion gathered aiin laat week after two wseka absence to be taught by mlaa moklnraon cousin ot mr f mokinnon oar teaohor until he 1 able to raaoia bia work tbe annual bible society meeting was held io tbe disciple ohurob on thursday evening the lecture by re f a cassidy ot guelph at bethel ohurob tbeteamealing at ospringe and the sohool entertainment at rookwood all took plaoe on friday evening tste congratulate ourselves aiuiuiuiuiuiuiuwiiiuiutuii4 uwuuuuwwmuu because in the face of such weather conditions as weve recently had our sales of ladies astraehan jackets fur lined capes caperines storm collars huffs boas and gauntlets have beaten all previous records the variety and quality of our showing coupled with our nottobe equaled low prices decided so many ladies to buy early we still have a splendid selection and cordially invite you to see it d je macdonald fc bro th6 lion gu6lph h co l1mehouse joseph qarvin ia a young msn who uvea at limehonae and works at anton he is a stranger to toronto and waa here on a visit for a day or two las week on monday afternoon be wished to go home and got on a queen and dundus street oar to go to parkdale elation at dandaa btrett tbe oar of coarse left 3aeen street and bye and bye mr oarvln found himself at tbe bridgea this car goaa to the parkdale station doesnt it i nld be to a frllow paaaenger the toiler laughed and eaid no and then in a reply to a question he told oarvln to walk rigbt down the tracks its tho beat way qarvin saw others walking on ths traok ao he started in too ths others were railway ooni tables and he was gathered in and that night ha slept in ths cells folios magistrate denison on tnesdsy morning beard the story and remandsrd him until oalled on for aenteaoe toronto star oeorobtown the publio school board 1 advertising for twentyrlve oords of wood tbe school board is a msmber of tbs agricultural society and pay a dollar for a ticket tbs teaohing staff haa been reengaged for 1000 as follows t r bsrngsy 1600 miss prin 1400 miss evana 1375 mlas a rysn 1260 miss mokty 1340 tbe reorganlaed curling clnb bss a membership of thirty miss jsssfe alexander elooutlonltl haa been engaged by tbe pworfci league for the 11th december rev mr saunders will spessk at a social st acton on friday lat deoember tbs georgetown deer healers bsgged nine deer on their moskoka expedition a couple of profeselonsl gentlemen from acton wsra interested auditors al ons of our town ohurohes on sunday craning ths remains of miss mooomvillr sister of mrs james curtis wbo dlevd on sunday evening were taken to traflr for burial on tuesday tbs aad news reaohed town ibia weak of the death laat thursday vary suddenly in tilsoffloe at 8k ignaot mlob otoharles o oavanagh sditor of lbs netct mr oavanagb want to 81 igoaoe from qsow- town about 18 years ago bis wife miss emma seavsns lata of brampscttand son ot 30 yeara and a daughter ot 9 years aurvlvs biro ho was universally eeleenj- ed in his adopted city on tbe mlchigsn peninsula hosiery every mother is concerned at this time of the year about stockings for her boys and girls she requires something warm and good to wear of a correct hape and comfortable to the wearer we ruve such goods as these in worsteds in heavy and extra heavy qualities and something extra nice for girls and ladies wear in a beautiful fine merino wool ribbed hose suitable to the most tender feet and very warm at no advanced prices either notwithstanding that the yarn has advanced over 59 per cent since we bought these goods we have made a special study of this branch of our business and we can thus give you better results than you can get any other way 1 ii i h i m iii iii overcoats mens boys youths we have all kinds the comfortable ulster with a deep collar or the uptodate gentlemans coat made of beaver or cheviot pea jackets and reefers in frieze pilot cloth and beaver a complete range to choose from correct shades and well guaranteed workmanship give us a look and you will be surprised at the values offered 1mmm11iiiiiiii1i1i1ih ladies jackets a feature of onr jacket trade is that e ere constantly adding something to our stock the latest novelties are to be found here ms they come out a fresh shipment of new jacketa expected this week ii 1 1 h li h1 see them wrmiy fur jackets capes etc at bkrgkin prices on friday next nov 17th we commence a weeks selling at specially cut prices of ladies fur jackets fur capes fur lined capes fur caperines and collarettes our buyer has been among the fur manufacturers the evidence of his hard bargaining will be seen in fhe extraor dinary values in the following price list run jackets ladles best quality slxctrxc sxal jsckets 24 in regular 84500 sale price 832 50 27 in regular 5000 sale price 37 00 30 in regular 55 00 sale price 843 00 bokbaren jackets best quality and everyone guaranteed in 27 30 36 and 40 inches regular 40 00 and 50 00 jackets your choice 835 00 co on j a ckets best quality 845 00 run capes australian bear corded silk lining regu lar 915 00 sale price 81000 choice astraehan 7 inch collar regular 830 00 sale price 823 00 rur lined capes 30 in capes cloth with squirrel lining possum collar and trimming regular 82000 sale price 812 00 30 in cloth cardinal 1 black tqirrel lining thlbet trimmings regular 830 00 sale price 820 00 full length opera cloak mouflloon faced quilted silk lining regular 817 00 sale price 810 00 long fur lined black cloth cloaks juirrel lined and possum trimmed regu- ar 830 00 sale price 820 00 electric seal caperenes regular 81200 sale price 89 00 storm collarettes imitation sable deep collar regular 84 50 wle price 82 75 every garment in the above list is sold under our guar antee for perfect wear e r bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyndham st guelph direct from factory just in ladies and childrens wool and cash mere hose boys heavy hose fit for school mens i hose very heavy red black and grey yarn also a large stock of mens and ladies underwear e fresh christies biscuits 0 f goodbve co henderson co lehving hcton as we have been asked so often to wait for o few days we have decided to extend the time to ist december but there shall be decidedly no further allowance all accounts must be paid before that date or put up with the consequences groc6ri6s honey drip syrup 30c gal worth 70c 5 lb3 ginger snaps 25c very best american coal oil aoc- gal granulated sugar 20 lbs for ti 00 6 bars ivory soap for 25c boots knd shoes childrens stockings and rubbers combined 50c worth 1 00 ladles stockings and rubbers combined 15 worth si 75 ladles low shoes sizes 3 to 4 ti 00 worth 81 75 ladles fine kid button shoes sizes 3 and 3l 81 00 worth 81 75 2 prs ladles imported kid size 3 8175 worth 83 mens fine lace boots j d kings box calf 8250 worth 84 mens long boots 82 25 worth 88 00 mens gaite s dongola 81 75 worth 82 75 a firstclass heavy horse 6 year old for sale cheap sultablo for road or farming will go at a srerifice as we are leaving symon bros cor mill and main sts acton danger signals do your eyes blur at times do they hurt alter reading have you frequent headaches are the muscles around your eyes drawing wrinkles and crows feet th6y rrb nhturbs dhng9r signkls by consulting our optical depart ment we can help you eyes tested free of charge established in cuelph 5 years jf einietiers savage co ja htc h to 7 k6 rs 0 just received a nice lot of childrens slippers all sizes from 20c up also childrens slippers with a picture of santa claus on them something new mens bobbers and socks from 125 up mens fine rubbers at us ual prices long foots ready made and made to order mr stovel is very busy but still able to attend to all orders repairing a special ty ceo stovel mill st acton what it represents when you sit for a photograph you want the likeness to repiesent you properly when you alt to us we want the work to represent us properly our imprint is seen on none but the best photo- otraphsp and for our sake as well as yours we are sure to give you lifelike satisfac tory photographs h rhwshhjfl photo rrtist hcton f

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