Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxv no 22 acton ontario thursday november 30 1890 price three cents 3pji ctoit jfr flrsss is ronububd every thursday morning at the free prebs steam printing oillco mill stitbet aoton ont tznus of budboiiiption ouo dollar per year trlotlylu advance all subscriptions discon tinued whou tho tlino for which tlioy havo boon paid boa expired tbo date to which ovary ubsorljitiou is paid 1b denoted on tbo address label advbntiaino rates transiont advortiso- mouts 10 oonts por nonparoil line for first in sertion 3 conta per lluo for eaoh subsequont insertion oontiuot iutks tho following tblo shows our rates for tbo insertion of advor tie onion to for spooiflod poriods christmhs goods the bflou 1 yll 10 ho 3 mo luo 800 00 3500 2000 eoo t u500 2000 13 00 a so 82000 1900 700 900 700 fl60 100 advertlaomontb without speolqo directions will be inserted till forbid and charged acaord- ngly transient advertisements must bo paid n advance advertisements will bo changed onoe oaoh month if dosired por ohangei oftener than onoe a month the composition most be paid for at regulai rates changes for contract advertisements mus do n the office by noon on tuesdays r accounts payblo monthly h p moore editor and proprl oto he store is lull of picture books toy books fine christmas books bibles toys dolls nnd fancy goods for the christmas trade buy now and get the pick of the stock and at extra low pricos call and examine our stock we can suit you in style quality and price goods arc scarce and going up in price and at christmas prices will be higher now is the time to buy and tho bebt value in town is at days bookstore cuelph day sells cheap ttsituss jbiwtorp medical tohn m macdonald m d c m bucoebbob to j f uren m d o m otnco and residence cornor mill frederick roots aoton offlco hours b to jo 30 a m 1 to 2 pm and to opm i 1tr f j r forster succebson to dr a b elliott late roslaout physloian and surgeon to vio- torla hospital for sick children toronto office mill street lately occupied by dr iliott ttvr dryden ens eab taaoit and nosh mcleans block douglas st near f o ouelph fviob hours 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm l bennett iids dentist j ofioboetown ontabio jcoghlan ddsl ds dentist woak oadbfdlly done prices moderate offioe oveh buownb dnua btoeb hocus evetty dat pbom 0 to 6 jm bell dds lds dkhtibt bnookvxlibi honob qnaduate of toaonto unitensity work made satisfactory prices modorate visiting days monday afternoon camp- ellvlllo tuosday aoton office clarks ho to friday hock wood m clean mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers it a private funds to loan office town ball aoton wu a mclean jno a molkah a j mackinnon baiuuteb soliczton conveyanckh ofiice mill stroet in matthews block upstairs jb mcleod baiuustbn b0licir0band commibbion eb von taxxxo atfajdavitb main stroet georgetown conveyanolng donn and money loaned on first mortgage on farm property at r j monabb tjlerk fourth division court county of hal- on conveyancer agent fire and life assurance teal estate agont money to loan etc office ferry mans block aoton ont miscsllamso us h enry grist ottawa canada solloltor of patents for invontlon oto prepares applications for tbo canadian amor- lean odjcuxoppaniatentoyiooa and for the uegutration of trade marks bond for pam phlet thirtytwo years oxporionco f ibanoib nunan bookdindkb wyndbam st quoliih ontario ovorwllllanibbtoro account hooka o all kinds mad to ordor orlodlcalb of ovary doborlptlonoarefaliybouna ulinrnbftlvl promptly done m aekuoe hobnses 11 r mooae limttkb o miurixn tiloskuio prnw office no vltnessss roqulxoa issued at roildenoo in tuo ovonius froopresa office aoton w m hkmstbekt idcssoip aooziohem or tho comities of wellington and halton otdsnlmlmtliopiuni pbkss offloa aoton or tmyrotldonoo in aoton will do promptly at- jiadod to vorulb unas onablo alto money to loan on tbo moat favorable sums and at tbo lowest rato of interest in snmsof moand pwards 80moibh btooji oapital 19s000 the wellington mutual fire insurance company eatabllshod 1840 head offloo ouelph oht inbohan0e on cah and mutual plan any aomtnuuloatloua forwarded to my addroas hoi 903 or toleplioae os will bo promptly tandoo to john taxi0b ajont auelpb acton saw mills and wood yards jyr7utbs brointr luhuracninrn axd dbtutn ift tuaher hath shintie wood sto all klnda of wood la took and promptly dollvered to any park of tbo town at reasonable prlofla hardwood andla6s ool atove lensth alwaya tolepbono communication wanted nnnraery btoek and rwodi largeat and sotlnplelaaaortinent in the irady pmjj smna apeolaltloii anperb aamplm farnubed kietoorfevpondeoo in any lanromo tbejj ujtlilooa monioneymaketaand urrltarrabpuld etmuredtono or tba aaaaon by all iuioer lswn5 ls a sood thing onr aafary or oonv inlatlon offera tlntorott to anyone not wrnlna s mi00 mr y ear jet in communication will jnvneerse 0s00 an opportunity lo reprewnt s wdksbl home ability mow imper- tank than exporlonoo luke bbothbb8 o0hpant internauonalnoiieiim chloago iii montreal qmi bocueiter n y waters bros pictures waters bros frames waters bros artists goods waters bros wyhpham strbet guelph new store speight brady manufacturers of dynamos s electric motors water motors oasolnie anv oas engines brass a iron castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont acton- livery bus line the undorslgnod rospoo tfnlly solicits thopatron ago of the puhlia and inform them that well equipped and stylish rigs oan al ways be scoured at his stables a comfortable bus moots train a botwoen 9 am and 618 pm carof ul attention given to every order tho wants of commercial travel lers fully met john williams pnopiueton main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor alannfaoturor of baah doora framea monldluga in all stylea drbssnro matcmna saot moulding to order on abort notioe well assorted atook on band at prlcoa to an tbo tlmoa john cameron proprietor 1831 seventieth year the 1900 country centleman agricultural newspaper and aph1tbdlt tub leading agricultural jour nal of the world every denartmont written by bpqoiallata tho hlgnoat authorities in tbalr reapeotlve llnea no other paper protonda to oompete with it in qqbllfleatloqb of editorial iuit glvea tho agricultural news with a degree of fcllneaa and oompletoneaa not even attempted by otbera beit revlewa of the drops- beet market reports beat aoaounta of meeting best everything indispbnbabltt to all country residents wno wiau to keep tjp to the times slnglo 8ubsorlptloxi 92 two subioriptioni 360 four subsorlptlona 96 special inducements to raisers of larger olubs et write for particular on tbii point club agonta wantad evorywhero four monom trinl trip ajr so oents sfboimbn copies will bo mailed free on requeat it will pay any body interested in any way in country life to aena for them address the publishers luther tucker son albany n y r mall and bnataasa praotloe la the molt interesting and praa- tloal ooorss of study in bookkeeping sod aooountlng for boya and glrla leaving pnbllo and high sobools shorthand and typewriting speo lsl facilities individual tuluonno olassm formed farant are invited to investigate pall urm will oom msnoe monday ang 9b oublph business college and shorthand institute 3 bhabp principal wanted several bright and bonmt persons to represent ill as mauaaen in this and eo by eountlm salary 9000 a yr and skpshsm btralgbt bonaflds no mor do lass salary position permanent our rat rauoes any bank in any town ii u mkiuly offlos work conducted air boms reference knelote sa1f tamped envelope tbo dominion ooinpany dept 3 chicago traders bank of canada capital authorized- capital paid up 000000 700000 cuelph branch wo are now issuing money orders payable at par at any bran oh of chartered bank in canada oicopting tho yukon district at tho following rates uudor 910 8 conta 10 to 30 10 oents 630 to j0 lj conts 30 to 60 14 conta niqhebt oohrent rate of inteuest paid on sums doposltod of 41 and upwards lnteroit allowed from dato of doposlt to dato of withdrawal and paid or cotupoundod half yearly advances made to responsible farm ore on their own names a tho lowostourron ratoa ko charge mado for collecting salos notes if payable in guelph a general banking business transacted a f h jonep manager if it rained dollars it wouldnt make any difference where christmas goods were bought but it dont and so we want you to know that we will be the nearest imitation to it this season our christmas goods silverware cutlery razors lamps tea kettles skates sweepers are now in and first come first selec tion you will save dollars by coming 10 john m bond co cublph motto satisfaction hardware cohl order your coal now from j c hill coaj dealer firstclass coal of all sizes required delivered promptly at reason able prices stoves ranges pipes pipe varnish stove boards coal scuttles etc kcton j o hil-i- everton and eden mills the place lo go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop oxford oxford stoves and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaces tiie imperial oxford jrungo is the ioaot- inz cook stove mmy be seen at any time mt pmnnabeolcors mill st the otrord ssso burner is the leading coal store pipes scuttles shovels stove furniture at low prices c a pannabecker mill street aoton there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oalxi and see our new lines w williams mill st 0trg k7 rico a3 cousin john cousin john ho built a tnanilou lieabethan iu its style crocfaot trlmmlns round tho corners bard wood doors all done in ilo lortora haugiu iu tbo doorways dldoos pasted on tbo wall 1 color schomos arunnlu riot la tho settle room an hall wont to too 1m on a visit felt like i wuc in a droaui not a hoatln stovo er wood box all tbo bouse iv ue hot by a team pipes aloadln from tho basement gladiators in uaoh room carnotb draggod by llttlo go cart uover saw oui ubo a broom i parlor mantel piled with brloabaa injuu mattin on the stairs hiroglyphios worked lu yaller on the satin- covorod chairs water fassois in tba kitchen hot er cold you took your choloo telopbono in handy waltin of you liked to try your voloo vloctrio lights blazed every evenln till the moon itiolf soomed wan no moro use let cracker ma tones jest a flip would turn om on breakfast showed up late an tired lunob came on at eleven oclock dinner shook tbo band of twilight glvln my old nerves a shook btayodaweok an saw the olty i cousin johu was awful kind but i come away rojolcin home woe suited to my mind i thought the old brown houso looked ulcer than itovor did afore mary sowln by the winder itovor barkln at the door bllppod rlgbt hack into the traces all tho wbeols rolled smoothly round loetrio blaso bod been too glarin lamps are bettor ill bo bound brlchracs mokes a feller weary puroat water lives in wells common chairs 11 do fur armors satin oouoh 11 do for swells i noon time oilers finds mo roady for a dinner not a lunob i an steam beat you cant compare it with a fire you oan punch hlokry wood a craoklln gayly stovo a glowin chorrv red i warmth an peace an drowsy 00m fort stealin up from foot to head fall is sllppln into winter never mind its storms an chills pack tho iron pump in sawdust we shant run no plumbers bills eat an drink an read tho papers let the world go brawlln on i happiness is my twin slater im en rlob as cousln john 1 jly emma efigltaton in midland monthly ithd sfemilg suobing ppow fr how n fji that lrotfe is icer proved lind r i he silent btirs tookod down through a dear still night apoa a host of aleeping men the brigade had ad vanced by forced m arches and now uy two miles of the dervish camp tomorrows dawn wonld boe tho aibaolt two officers etood together talking in low whispers for it was of the utmost importance that tho enemy sbonld be taken by surprise and the orders as to silence were striot buck up old ohap youll come through allrifiht and if not what does itamoudt to youve got no women folk to bother about no thank heaven it is in times like this that one 1b glad never to have married like poor haroonrt why poor v 1 was thinking of his wife i bhould not care to be tied to an ugly woman my self thais all rot hamilton retorted the other i dont believe it matters a row of pina bo long of course ai ihef isnt repul sive or underbred think bo yea the most unlikely women iome- timeb atiraot most well old ohap im precious thankful ive no tbodgbti of woman to bother me tonight i shall try for a lead tomorrow even if i have got the route weve a good obnce of being first into the zareba we will give you a raee for it anyhow but wed bettor try and get a sleep for this awfol heat takes it out of a fellow the two went to their separate postb and as be lay sleepless the thoughts same to hamilton that it was somewhat lone some to tbinkthat no womans eyes would fill at the news of his dsatb and he looked upward at the stars above him wondering where his sonl would be to morrow the shadow of death uy opon him as at times it does upon the bravest soldier he would fight none the worse for it in the morning tho son had risen in the previous short half hoar of dawn the tbflanlt had been delivered the dervish forces had been driven from their i n trench menti and now the black grinning gippys were fratemizlug aod triumphing with their laughing and chaffing white com rades backward across the half mile of plain the surgeons were busy away to the southward could be beard the sounds of pursuit as the british officers chased the flying baara a 1wh horpltal at the front is not a plousant tltor neither oao it be described iu ctld buck aud white war correspon dents aa readers of the dailies have no doubt noticed judiciously avoid more tbao the moreut mention of saoh places there were some ghastly cases and both surgeons and astlstanis had been worked hard but the pressure was over and at last there was time to attend to the wounds which were not deadly nov hamilton lets see said surgeon major murphy approaoblng an officer who lay motionless on a stretcher who had bo lain half an hour at leaat the doctor looked his patient over gavto a low whistle and iwokoned to one of the order lies who at that moment turned his head look see dawkios heres a bad oase j he mutt go back to the hospital bad as that doctor asked the mo tionless man faintly tis so now you keep quiet lieutenant hamilton had been totally blinded by the ei plosion of a shell in an earthwork as well in front ha waa leading hts company he was bens to the rear to hospital and sister may was given charge of him hospital alsters do not cease lo be wom en wheu they take up their work sinter may was just as snsoeptile to love as though she had been a silly young thing of 18 though in fact she was ten yeais older and he pity being akin to lone the the recipient nf pity rune a double rink her voloo was soft and musical her touch was bootblng her care of him boomed flrtt motherly then sisterly and then bo it was by easy btages they drifted into that strange altraotion which tho world oalle jove t and her one fear was that some day he might see again the burgeon said it waa just possible aud was advising a consulta tion with the worldfamed professor augenwirte of glaefralb she prayed against that possibility for in her own eyes aho waa plain nay ugly past redemption yet though she uoold not reulize it her too large mouth and prominont toeth her irregular nose and all the fancied imperfec tions of her faoe mattered little for her large gray eyes ware aoft and full of ani mation her ekln was like velvet her figure and carriage perfect bat womanlike she oonld only dwell upon hor faoial defects and was full of apprehension lest some day his sight should be restored and boeing her features he should lohth her her oouain kate a aister onrae chaffed her nnmeroif ally now may i thought yon bad long ago eanrifled your life to nursing and tho first- good looking young lieutenant he will always want nureing kate bhe faltered in excuse ah i but shppobe dr hagerty is right and his eight oomes baok he wont want any nuralog then sieter may did not anewer a week later hamilton left the hospital for graetrath full ot hope the night previous to his departure they came to an indefinite under btauding and though she would not give an unqualified answer to his pleadings she had not tho heart to stop him altogether in reokleaanesb ahe allowed herself to drink in the uweeti of passionate words they wonld at any rate be a lifelong remembranoe even though on his return he bhould cabt her off the operation was flucoesafol beyond bis hopes and in a few weeks be was rushing back to his love eyea shaded it is true but with the certainty that in a short time bis eight would be fully restored i want to see mioa jobnetone he aald to the orderly of the hospital at the edtrarioe miss jobnatone sir which why the nurse yee eir but theres two of them welt er sbeb very good looking i didnt know there werewo oh yea air theres two but i know the one you mean now and be was shown into tho reception room gentleman wants me who oan it then the door opened he started for ward my love be whisporod i knew you were beautiful i have come back to claim you sister kto drow back startled for the moment ahe oould not imagine wbo thia man with the shade over his eyes oould be in that moment he had drawn her to him and was wildly pourinf out hie love in that moment alio the door opened aod sister may looking in saw all she faltered and stepped baok the beat ing of ber heart choking her for the min ute stop air 1 said kate regaining her senses you most be mr hamilton yes he aubwered amazed releasing her this frivolous little voice was not that ot his iqve this overfrizzed hair these shallow eyea wero not beautiful at the second glance what bad he done are yea not miss johnstone yob kate johnstone kate and is your bibtar cousin is she not here yes said kate with a bmite here ill briog her why may you there i aho whispered on finding her at the threebold and won dering if she had seen or heard here is mr hamilton come no ueverl i will nover see him 1 ahe panted between her heart beats nonbenbe i ho baa come baok on purpose for 50a and hia eyes are all right yea and he expects to see a pretty girl like you retorted may bittorly look here may dont be a fool i go in he is waiting but hamilton bad already grown impa tient the door opened and ho saw them both here ahe is eaid kite ah 1 be said are you may jobnetone my dear nurse he asked hla voioe full of tender ness and love yes ahe whispered kate had disappeared they wero alone my darling i have come for you he bald but you oan bee now she looked op recklessly and thoir eyas met yes thank god i can see my love 1 then she anrreqdered hersolf glove land herald that baby stay one boy in very hard luck wheu tho new boy got into the aohool room ho was of coarse postered with numerous u0ktiona by the othor scholars aa to hiu name hid parouta profession the amount of his pocket money and various other roal tera about whioh boys are ourious whos your family dootor asked a big lad aint got none i was the prompt if ungrammaiioal reply how jolly responded the questioner why you dont have no medioine to take dont i waa the sarcastic reply thats all yon kuow why my father ia a homeopath mother an allopath my bister maggies joined the ladies ambo- lanoe oorps grandfather believes in massage grandmother goes in for every quaok medioine thats advertised my unole 8andy a horse doctor and with a pathetic sigh they all ot them experi ment on me that boy got the sympathy ho desired uncertainty of the horse horce owner suppose the motor of yonr automobile gives oat when you are halfway between two towns what thsn 7 horteteaa carriage owner well i would not be any worse off than if i were half way between two towns with a horse and boggy and the horse should die thoro watt a baby in tbo railway car the other day it was not an unubuul child but it had a decidedly bright face and protty ways tor tho first few miles ebe waa very quiet and her bluo eyea looked around in woudermenl for evidently it was tho little ones flrtt rido on tbo care then ebe bocamo need to tho roar and rumble the baby proclivities asserted thomselves and ahe began to play with hor fathers mufluaho at first the father and mother were tho only parties interested but soon a young lady in an adjacent seat nudged her escort and directed hie attention to tbo laughing ohild ho looked up remarked that it waa a pretty biby and tried to look unaonoernod but it was noticed that hia eyea wandered baok to the spot occupied by tho happy family and be commenced to smile the baby pulled the hair of an old lady in front wbo turned around aavagely and glared at the father with a look that plainly said nuisances should be left at home bab eha caught eight of the laughing eyes of the baby and wheu bhe turned baok aho beamed pleased about something several otbera had become interested in tho child by this time buai- neas men and young clerks old ladies and girls aud when the baby hands grasped the largo bilk bat of her father and pi a eel it on her own head it made suoh a aomioal picture that an old goutleman acrosb the way unable to restrain himself buret out into a loud guffaw and then looked eneop- iebly out the window as if ashamed to bo caught doing buoh an unmanly thing before another live minutes he way playing peekaboo aoroba the aula with the baby and every one was envying blm the ubiquitous young man ever on the move paeaed through and was at a loss to account for the frowns of every body he had failed to notice the baby the brake- man looked in from bis post on the plat form and smiled the paper boy found no custom till he had spoken to the baby and jingled his pocket of change for her edification the couductor 0 aught the fever and cbuoked the little one under the ohin while the old gen tie mj aisle forgot to pass up bin ticket bo inter ested waa be playing peekalboo the old lady in front relaxed and diving into her retioule unearthed a brilliant red pippin and presented it bashfully to the little one who in response put ber chubby arms around the donors neok and presaec hor rosy llttlo mouth to the old ladys oheek it brought back a flood of remembrances to that withered heart and a handkerchief was been to brush first this way and then that ae it to catch a fulling tear the train sped on and pulled into the station where the baby with its parents was to leave the car a look of regret came over every face tbe old gentleman asked if he couldnt kisa it juat once the old lady returned tho caress she had received and the baby moved toward the door shaking a byby over the bhoolder ot her papa to whioh every one responded including tbe newsboy who emphasized his farewell with a wave of hie hat the passengers rushed to the side where the baby got off and watched till she turned out ot eight at the other end of the station shaking bybya all tbe time then they lapsed into silence they miased that baby and not one of them would be un willing to acknowledge it tbe little ones presence bad let a rift ot sunshine into overy heart warm or oold in that car a joke on the jokeh in public there are few better places in which to atudy the good and bad points of mankind than a public conveyance i always resent it when i see a young and healthy girl ait while an aged man or woman stands and have a thrill ot delight when i aee a woman with a baby in her arms enter and half a dozen men rifle to give her a aeat and to tbe honor ot mankind be it said that this ie tho rule not the exception among men of all olanaeb the day laborer aa well as tbe thoroughbred gentlemen doea honor to motherhood a few weeks ago a email boy of three years ot age was in a borne oar with his mother ae there were many soata to spare tbe little fellow was allowed to kneel on the end aeat in the forward part of the car whore through the front window he oould watoh the driver and horses suddenly his view waa cut off by a man wbo jumping upon the front platform etood with his broad baok t3 tbe car window perhaps the intensity of tho ohllds gaze apoa tho objections back made the man turn glancing in he saw tbe eager face cloae to tbe glass he waa a plain man but as ha stepped to tbe other side of the ilitfunu the kindly smlld that lighted his face mado it lovely mamma cried the delighted baby that gentleman moved so i could aee tbo horses i im sure he mast have a little boy of hia own in public and in private the world ovor it fa the unselfish fellow feeliur that makes us wonderoasly kind harpers bazar a trick with apples the landscape gardener has bo long and bo persistently improved upon nature that now the fruit grower thinka he has a right to try any person suya tho golden penny who wants n supply of apples bear ing hia family orest has only to send an illustration of it to certain growora at montreuil france and ho will duly receive tbe fruit tbe following season the desired end is obtainod by growing tho applee in papor bags which are slipped on when tbe fruit is about the aize of a walnut being thus sheltered from the sun tho apples do not color as they swell and when foil grown still remain green or yellow as soon aa they roaoh their maximum aize tho bags whioh cover them are replaced by others on the aide of whioh the desired crest or coat of arms has been ont out like a stenoil the tun oan now penetrate to that part of the apple exposed and redden it thoroughly so that when the bag is again withdrawn the device is seen atanding out in red upon tbo green surface to obtain tho opposite result that 1b a green device on a red ground tbo second bag is not a nod but the pattern is cut out iu paper and stnok on to the fruit the son ooloring the exposed parts but leaving green the oreat or other device whioh the paper forms many parisian fruiters have reoenily exposed for sale applca with the arma ot russia printed upon them others have them with monogram christian names arrowpleraed hearts and other tender detloea a transatlantic liner had stiamed more than a day from new york a long tbin man was leaning over the rail oontempla tiug the surging watorb not far away waa a group of indies and gentlemen suddenly the long tbin man ehowed sigua of excitement didnt i see a man strug gling in the water there v he exclaimed the other passengers crowded about and gazed in the dirootion indicated but oould boo nothing presently however they heard a pitiful ory help 1 help save mo help i in an instant ail was oonvmoiion tbo shoot was raised man overboard tho cry ttilt oarno from the waters help 1 tho captain oamo and listened then he ordered the ship put about and a boat lowered tho long thin man niuob ox- oitod pointed to tbe place where ho uaid he bad seen the drowning man the boat pulled rapidly away and tbe groat steam ship plowed herself elonly baok to the place cveryone one on board knew that the trip was a teut of speed between this steamer and a steamer of a rival line every minute was preaious a record was being madtt tbe owners of tbe bhip bad ordered tho captain to lose not a minute but in a chase of life and death all other considerations are put aside the sailurs in the small boat found no man in the water however nor was there any one mibsmg from the ship at last it was decided that some poor btowaway had fallen overboard in an attempt to es cape from his place of hiding and the steamer prooeeded on her way the paesengerb were shocked and bad and the captuln was rondered rather glnm by the loss of more than an hour but the long tbin man seemed very gay under the circumstances one would have said that the drowning of this poor fellow bad pleased him tbe fact was he had perpetrated what he called the greatest joke on the captain and passengers and ho waa too much elated to keep it to himself before long he had confessed to two or three pasaengera that bo was a professional ventrlloquibt and had counterfeited the call of a drowning man tbeso pasaengera told others and soon the atory waa known all over the ship the long tbin man regarded himself bb the hero of the hour but about this time tbo oaptain oame to him and told blm bow much had been at stake on tbe trip and for that matter it always costs a considerable amount to stop a great staambbip at sea and start it again just as it doea to atop and btart a railway tntin the captain thought that taking the two elements of loss into account the sum of several thousand dollars would about represent tbe amount that the ventriloquiit owed the steamship company tho ventriloquist stood aghast but you cant make me pay damages for a joke he said perhaps not answered tho oaptiin and perhaps wo oan at any rata we can try i shall deem it ray duty to have you arrested as soon ai wo reach liver pool and thou you will have an opportunity to answer in court any demand for ilnanoial restitution from that time tho voyage hsdno pleasures for tho lon thin mad he waa in a ttato of great alarm the pae sengerb grinned significantly when he pasbed for the captains remarks to him had been overheard he spent moat of his time in his room and did not favor the pasbbongera with any more feats of ven triloquism just for fun a pennsylvania dootor wbo usb a de- oided vein of humor in bis makeup tolls this story 1 had an irish women for a patient many years bald the doctor god rebt her boui 1 she is now dead i onoe pulled her through a lingering attack of typhoid taking hor temperature from time to time by having ber hold a ther mometer under her tongno when ahe bad nearly re 00 ve red i called one day and without further testing her temperature left a simple prescription and started on my way homoward about three miles from her house i was overtaken by her son on horseback mother ia worse baid be oome right baok back i went doo- thor said the old lady reproaohfutly why didnt ye give mo tho jigger undther my my tongue that did me more good than all the real of yer trash 1 it was in a remote county in which bioyolea are rarely seen a wheelman approached a toll gate where a sign warned him lhat vehicles were oharged twopence and pedcbtraine a halfpenny each being a man of frugal habits the rider dismounted and bupporting hib wheel upon hia baok tendered tho telt- koeper a pedestrians fee twopouoo said tho keeper sternly why so replied the artful dodger am i not a foot passenger t naw was the answer youre a oart 1 a storyof professor blackie it 1b bald lhat profeaaor buckie oltao told this anecdote on himself tho gonial old professor used to form a very pictur esque featuro of tho edinburgh streets ho wab a wiry old patriarch with hauduomo features aud hair falling in ringlets about his shoulders no one who saw him could possibly forget blm oue day ho waa ac costed by a veiy dirty little bootblick with this sbino your boots sir the pro fessor was unprtsaud by the filthines of the boy a faoe i dont want a ahino my lad baid he bat it youll go and wash your face ill give you sixpence a riobt sir waa the lada roply then he went over to a neighboring fountain aud made hts ablutions re turning ho held out hii hand for tho money f well my lad said tho proaeabor you have earned your sixpence here it is i dinna want it returned tho boy with a lordly air ye on koop it and get yer hair out cost of u s army the cost of the united statos army at the present time ia estimated nt 500000 a day tbe treasury department will have to do some financiering to keep income and expenditure within reach ot oaoh other and congress will no doubt be called upon to increase tbe revenue as soon as it as sembles the revenue for the daial year of 18001000 has been thus far 9u000000 or 919000000 less than tbe expenditure vndin siaiii oudurs out hlio tmut from hur moorings and uvor tliu harboi bur an tlm moon wub elowly rising hhutftdodfroi bight afar aurt wh imcl i luanjiu lailvaa my twinkling ovu tar nono know u port h hailed tor nor whither hur lrui would ho hor futuro courbu wu nbroudud in blleuou aud niyntury bbo was sailing undor uoalm oraurn to bo oponod out at sea bo souls out off from moorings go drifting into tbo night uarkuobs before and around thorn with scarco a filiinnipr of light they are acting under soaled ordora and sailing by faith not flight kuophig iho lluo of duty through good and evil roport they shaurloo tbo storms out safoly lio tho pastmgo long or short for tho ship that carries ooda otdoru bhall anchor at luat it port a noisy box like ohildren savages in all parts of the world are poboesbod of eternal curiosity mr h cayleywebster a well known english traveller glvea an umubing in stance of this trait among tbe natives of new guinea one day a piano arrived for hie excel lency the governor and soma natives were told to carry the strungo looking case from tbe beach lo tho homo aftsr going a few yards one stumbled causing ouo end of the orate to ttrike the ground and over on the alert for strange notsos thoir ears were immediately pressed against it and they libtened uutil the ting of the wires had died away agtxin alter yard or two a similar miahup occurred again many oars wero listening to the eound bo foreign to them uoiila native rather more knowing than the rett with a hcavo raised the whole oase a few inohoa from the ground and let it go the noise whioh isbued from the inaide bad by this time worked them up to such a frenzy thst they ouo uud all seized upon the case rolled it over and ovor and danced with joy at the ttrange bounds whioh came forth and it was not until this odd performance bad boeu repeated many times that the eye of an official was attraoted by the ehouta and yells of tbe natives not howuver before much damage bad been done and many of the btrings brokeu where children marry the further south one goes the earlier one flndd mttrriagen tnko place a census was ttkenlitly in aleru and it was found that tho jonugcut arab married man was 12 yours old and that there were very many boys who wore married at 13 aud 11 whilouomo at lb bad sovoral wives thero ia a youthful algerian widow of 15 and a divorced buabaud ot the same age girli aro still moro precocious and aro sometimes married when ouly 11 yeare old though 12 is tho more nnual age thoro are 180 widows of 15 and 117g divorces ot tho bimo ago a motherly cat qomo years ugo tho ufention of a family in ohio was attllod to a brood of yoong ohiokeno by a cat who beemed to devote ber time and attention to them thoy wore regukrly fed by tho mutress of the bouse tbe cat frequently purred to thorn and they came at her oall and followed ber aa closely as cblokous follow the mother hen they lodged logtther in a woodshed adjaoent to tho houso for about thrco months but in the early spring the chickens being wtll fledged abandoned their winter quarters and flew into the higher branches of a fruit treo to roost the oat purred and mewed aud seemed maoh disgusted at their change ot lodgings but soon accepted tbe situation and climbed to tho treetop and roosted with tho chiokenb thebaptists and prohibition the american baptist homo missionary sooiety when in session at san francisco a few weeks ago adoptad the following whoroas tho liquor traffic is an unmitigat ed evil and aterrible menace to all oar social civil aud religious institutions and whereas iti toul suppretuion would prove a benediction to tho homo tho st up and the ohnroh of christ thcreforo be it resolved lhat we nrgo our entire con stituency nnt only to favor but unito in all legitimate means to effect the over- throw of this nefarious business and the destruction ot the saloon as a power in the body polttio be it farther resolved that we express our hearty approval of tho law of congress prohibit ing tbe bale of liquor in the army canteen and we protest against tho nullifying act of tbo attornoygeneral of the united states beware of false and decep tive promises made by manufacturers of imitation dyes beware of dta prepared fur homo use that promise tj wash and djo goods at oue operation tho sonp in eiioli djeu may do a triflo or demising but the coloring work will bu a lut uud flecidtil failure bowaro of dyen that claim todyo all wool and oottou goods wth oontoniu of one paok- age thla ia a chemical impossibility the operator will ot cuurao git a color something muddy clouded and streaked that will arouse iudlguation and anger because of disappointment and loss of materials diamond dyes give fast brilliant and porfeot colors but thby do not promise to oleanse or wash soiled garments or mater ials a wabhing machine may do good washing but it cannot pretsnd to do the ironing as well diamond dyes prepare apodal dyes for all wool goods and for rotlon aud union goods and guarantee perfect work when dircotlons are followed if you desire to color all wool oods ask for diamond dyes for wool it you havo oottou or mixed goods to dye ask for diamond dyes tot cotton and mixed goods crude imitation dyes and soap greaao mixtures oan novor cope with those groat chemical trlumphb diamond dyes flow many persona know fully your motives or roaaons fur doing a thing then givo charity for do you kuow tbe reasons or motives ot many others

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